Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Islamic State Thinks 'Big': Next Target - Jordan and Israel?

The Islamic State Thinks 'Big': Next Target - Jordan and Israel?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014 |  Elizabeth Blade  ISRAEL TODAY
The Middle East has a serious problem, and it isn’t the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Though one wouldn’t know it by the skewed focus of international media and diplomatic attention, the crisis of the Islamic State dwarfs even the most serious bouts of Israeli-Arab violence.
Over the past several months, the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS), a Sunni Muslim group rejected by Al Qaeda as being too extreme, has not only managed to gain control over much of Iraq and Syria, but has fulfilled the long-held dream of many Sunnis by establishing a "caliphate" that demands the allegiance of all faithful Muslims.
But the Islamic State’s notorious leader, Abu Baker Al-Baghdadi, is not content with the territory he already rules. Al-Baghdadi is thinking big, and has vowed to forcibly spread Islam to the four corners of the world. Iraq was only the first target among many, and the swift defeat of the US-trained and equipped Iraqi military provided the Islamists a major morale boost.
Abdul Alhasan (name changed for security reasons), a member of the Iraqi parliament, explained the easy conquest of key Iraqi cities by pointing a blaming finger at his nation’s unpopular government. 
“We poured billions of dollars into military equipment and training, but these fanatics managed to deal us a severe blow. This would not have been possible if the government listened to the will of its people,” said the politician, insisting that Iraq needs to grant greater autonomy to its diverse group of minorities and abandon the American idea of an overbearing central government.
Instead, Baghdad has strongly suppressed calls for greater regional autonomy, sparking violent clashes and dangerous shifts in allegiances. This has only made the Islamic State’s job easier, with some factions preferring the caliphate to their own government. It would appear that a unified Iraq’s days are numbered.
And while Alhassan and others remain optimistic that Iraq still has a fighting chance, the Islamic State is already moving on to new targets in its assaults on Jordanian border towns. The goal is clear: topple Jordan’s monarch and annex the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom in a march that inevitably leads to Israel.
In a face-to-face showdown, Jordan’s well-trained military and substantial regional and international backing should be too much for the Islamic State to overcome. The real threat is the Islamic State gaining supporters within Jordan. “Mass demonstrations in support of the Islamic State have already taken place in the Jordanian city of Maan,” notes Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert on Islam at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University.
Kedar stresses that many Palestinian and Syrian refugees residing in the Kingdom are angry over the way Jordanian authorities handle their miserable living conditions, "forcing thousands to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State, which they view as a solution to their problems."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been monitoring the developments closely, vowed to help Jordan in curbing the rising threat. "Israel realizes that one day we may all wake up to find the Islamic State on our borders," says Kedar. "The real danger is that Palestinians in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and even inside Israel proper may support the Islamic State, shattering Israel's security."
According to the pundit, it might be in Israel’s interests to tackle this threat militarily before it has a chance to gain a foothold West of the Jordan River. While such a decision hasn’t been taken yet, rumors are that Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the US have established an operations center in Amman with the aim of developing plans to defeat the Islamic State.
The Islamic State has asserted that its present focus is dealing with apostate Muslim countries, but there is no doubt the jihadist horde is inching ever closer to the Jewish state.

UPDATE: In fact, the Islamic State has already reached Gaza, the West Bank and Israel proper. In the upcoming issue of Israel Today Magazine, we interview an Islamic State member active in the Gaza Strip.
The October 2014 issue of Israel Today will be provided free of charge to all our daily newsletter subscribers. If you haven’t already, click here to sign up today.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NFL Reportedly Tells Redskins Quarterback Robert Griffin III to Remove Jesus Shirt

NFL Reportedly Tells Redskins Quarterback Robert Griffin III to Remove Jesus Shirt

Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was told to remove his "Know Jesus, Know Peace" t-shirt before a press conference, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Reporter Michael Phillips posted on Twitter that Tony McGee, a NFL uniform inspector made Griffin turn the shirt inside out because it wasn't a Nike product.
NFL bylaws bar players from wear clothing that sends a personal message on game days.
"Throughout the period on game-day that a player is visible to the stadium and television audience (including in pre-game warm-ups, in the bench area, and during post-game interviews in the locker room or on the field), players are prohibited from wearing, displaying, or otherwise conveying personal messages either in writing or illustration, unless such message has been approved in advance by the League office," NFL bylaws state (Section 4, Article 8).
However other players, like Redskins linebacker Ryan Kerrigan, wore t-shirts with other brands without incident. Kerrigan's t-shirt displayed a logo for Five Four Clothing.
CSN-Washington reports the Redskins denied they forced Griffin to flip his shirt and that he did so to avoid a possible fine.

Molly Williams/MorningStar - "All My Days" worship

Love For His People Note: As members of MorningStar Fellowship in Fort Mill, SC, we will truly miss the worship leading of Molly Williams, as she heads to California this September 2014 to serve with Jesus Culture. 

Thank you Molly!!!! We will miss you!!!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People

God's Time of Preparation and Purpose by Kathi Pelton

God's Time of Preparation and Purpose 

by Kathi Pelton

Identity Network

I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing the words: "The old and the new are merging as one." As I was waiting on the Lord the morning of August 17th I heard him speak these words:
A Personal Word for God's People
"My people have entered into a time of great purpose and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green pastures in the days to come.
Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root, causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored."
A Corporate Word for Lands and Nations
The Lord says, "I am revealing and restoring ancient gates at this time.  These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates. Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My end time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of time and the time of their opening is near. 
I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places that will be storehouses for My people at this time.
The ancient and the now are merging as one in this hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times I am establishing peace and bringing forth peacemakers and peacekeepers. In the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain."
The Lord says, "Even now I am recruiting those who are willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil one, they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their obedience to My voice. Faith's assurance will be their strength."
The Coming Harvest: A Word for the Body
A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both small and large. Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:
"I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones."
Submitted in love.
Kathi Pelton

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"The Month For the Pomegranate: The Fullness of Seeds Maturing" Chuck D. Pierce

"The Month For the Pomegranate: 
The Fullness of Seeds Maturing"

Chuck D. Pierce
Corinth, TX

This is the month for the pomegranate. That is the fruit that matures at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is a heavenly fruit that represents the fullness of seeds maturingThe pomegranate represents overcoming, healing, and success. I declare that every seed that you have planted in the past year, 5774-2014, “The Year of the Door,” will give access into new places.

Prophetic Word of the Lord:

"I have put a SHOUT within My People! The SHOUT of the Lord dwells deep within your inward parts! Shout! My blast through you will cause your enemies to perish! Do not hold back! Loose that shout! By the breath of My nostrils, your enemies will be consumed. Be anointed with the fragrance of the pomegranate. Blow healing into your atmosphere! There is a power of overcoming and a success waiting for you through your door and in your new field.

"The roaring of the enemy is like a lion waiting to see whom he will devour. The voice of the fierce lion is resounding and the teeth of the young lions are gnashing and attempting to find prey to tear. The old lions are perishing for lack of prey! The stout lions are being scattered abroad, searching for victims. The old lions from your past have been rising up and trying to devour you! Old lions which have been guarding the field and its territory!

"This is a day for them to perish and let go of your field so My transfer of authority can begin. The old lions are the old fears, old insecurities, old wounds, and old traumas that have been keeping you out of your field in past seasons. Decree that they must let go of the field so your field will be a new field to harvest for the future. Strong lions have captured and marked the field in past seasons. They have built a lair and created a stronghold.

"Now, you go into the field! You re-mark the boundaries so they become MY boundaries! You declare that 'My God is now entering my field. The boundaries are marked for the future!'"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Discerning the Progressive Applications of Your Prophetic Revelations

How has the fruition of your prophetic word progressively come to pass? (Flickr/mark sebastian )

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
If you've kept record of your prophetic words over the years, you've probably noticed that at least some of these revelations played out a little differently—or maybe a lot differently—than you expected. You also may be experiencing what I call the progressive application of your prophetic revelation.
In other words, when you received the prophetic word you applied it to your life or ministry in the best way you knew how at the time. That application wasn't wrong, but it may not have been the fullness of God's prophetic intent. Often, it takes years for a prophetic word to realize its full manifestation. You take steps toward it as the prophetic revelation unfolds.
I've experienced this a number of times in the last decade alone. You could look at it as God connecting the dots of your prophetic destiny, but it runs deeper than that. When you experience progressive application of a prophetic revelation, you're essentially growing into the prophetic word. At first you didn't have the capacity to walk in the completeness of what the Lord was saying, so you entered into a training ground that allowed you to apply the principles of the prophetic word on a smaller scale.
The Ezra Revelation
One of the best examples I can offer from my personal life is what I now affectionately refer to as the "Ezra revelation." In Ezra 4 we discover the work on the house of God in Jerusalem ceased after much resistance and opposition. After some time, the restoration of the temple resumed with prophets playing a key role.
"Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. So Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak rose up and began to build the house of God which is in Jerusalem; and the prophets of God were with them, helping them" (Ezra 5:1-2).
When I saw this Scripture, the Lord spoke to my heart about the role of prophetic ministry in building—or rebuilding, as it were—God's house. I was convinced the application was a weekly meeting with the prophets in our congregation during which we could pray and seek the Lord for prophetic strategies about building the local church. That wasn't wrong, but 10 years later I see the prophetic revelation God was pouring into my heart was about more than one local church—it has to do with an awakening in America.
The Ezekiel Revelation
Another strong example of revisiting the application of your prophetic words is what I affectionately refer to as the "Ezekiel revelation." I was on a difficult missions trip in Latin America when the Lord directed me to Ezekiel 3 and then to Ezekiel 33. Ezekiel 3 is when God called Ezekiel to be watchman and gave him a mandate:
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul" (Ezek. 3:17-19).
A similar command is found in Ezekiel 33:7-9. When I read these verses the fear of the Lord struck my heart. I knew that I needed to be faithful to step out and share the prophetic warnings I was receiving during that season of my ministry, even though nobody really wanted to hear them. I had no understanding at the time that I would pen a Watchman on the Wall column that would sound the alarm in the nations of the Earth.
We Know in Part
Here's the lesson—and it's an important one for every believer whether you move in prophetic ministry, receive personal prophecy in a prayer line, or just hear the still small voice of God for yourself: We know in part and we prophesy in part (see 1 Cor. 13:9-12). We see through a glass darkly (1 Cor. 13:12). Revelation is progressive, and prophetic words can unfold over time with deeper application.
Record the prophetic words, dreams and visions you receive and seek to put the truth within them into practice today. But don't stop there. Refer back to your journals over time, and you may see clearly how the Lord has shifted dynamics to bring you into a deeper application of that prophetic revelation.
Overall, move with the Holy Spirit at the level you are now and always expect Him to take you deeper than where you are. God is able to "do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Eph. 3:20). Instead of limiting the application of your prophetic words, remain open to new revelations that will take you deeper into His will.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Your Daily Prophetic Word - Jeremy Lopez- 9-16-14

Your Daily Prophetic Word - Jeremy Lopez- 9-16-14

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Scottish Jews wary of independence

Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence

In opposing secession, Jews cite anti-Israel statements by the Scottish government, historic links to the UK and economic risks

 September 16, 2014  THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

Pro-union supporters, opposing Scottish independence from the United Kingdom wave flags during a rally in Trafalgar Square in London on September 15, 2014. (photo credit: AFP PHOTO/CYRIL VILLEMAIN)

GLASGOW (JTA) — Bright blue signs scream “Yes” while red ones urge “No, thanks” in the streets of Scotland’s largest city just days before a vote on whether to secede from the United Kingdom.

But at Frank Angell’s house, his windows are empty and his yard is bare. A former local council candidate for the Scottish National Party, the main political movement behind the independence push, Angell is a vocal supporter of the Yes campaign, attending rallies and touting the economic potential of an independent Scotland.

But in his local Jewish community, Angell is one of only a handful of supporters of independence.

Most of the affiliated Scottish Jewish community appears to want to remain part of the United Kingdom — among them Angell’s wife, Elaine. Hence the lack of signage on their lawn.

“The SNP has a history of pro-Palestinian support,” Elaine Angell said. “[UK Prime Minister] David Cameron is very strong. He’s pro-Israel. He’s always been pro-Israel.”

Britain’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, makes a statement to the media on the killing of British aid worker David Haines in Downing Street, central London, Sunday Sept. 14, 2014. (Photo credit: AP/PA, John Stillwell)

On Thursday, Scotland will vote on whether to become an independent country or continue more than three centuries of union with England. The campaign has proved a divisive one here, with recent polls showing the country nearly split evenly on the secession question.

Supporters of independence believe that Scotland would be better able to allocate resources to the local population as a separate country while leaving a smaller military footprint than the United Kingdom. Opponents argue that the country is better served by the UK’s greater global influence and worry about the financial and political uncertainties of independence.

“It’s historical, cultural, but also practical, economical,” Angell told JTA. “The way the economy has gone in Britain has been to pander to a very rich minority and allow a lot of tax avoidance. I also object to the money being spent on nuclear weapons because I’m anti-nuclear.”

Many Scottish Jews say they are wary of secession, citing anti-Israel statements by the Scottish government, historic and family links to the United Kingdom, and the potential economic risks of independence.

“The Jews in Scotland have been well received,” said Malcolm Livingstone, chairman of the Glasgow Jewish Community Trust. “It’s only in recent times that extreme Palestinian groups have upset that. The Scottish Parliament has shown serious signs of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish attitudes.”

Scotland’s 2011 census counted fewer than 6,000 Jews — about 0.1 percent of the population — most of them living in and around the industrial metropolis of Glasgow. Including unaffiliated Jews, the total could be more like 10,000, according to the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities director, Ephraim Borowski.

The community hasn’t been polled and Borowski’s group has no official position on the referendum. But he says official condemnations of Israel during the war in Gaza this summer may have pushed some Jews to oppose independence.

During the war, the Scottish government released eight statements criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza. On August 5, it called for an arms embargo against Israel to protest civilian deaths in Gaza. Glasgow’s City Hall flew the Palestinian flag for a day in August.

“I do know of people who have said explicitly that they intended to vote yes and now intend to vote no, and that’s connected with the much more explicit obsession with Israel and the Mideast,” Borowski told JTA.

The anti-Israel resolutions in Scotland have come alongside a spike in anti-Semitism here. More than 35 anti-Semitic acts occurred in July and August, according to Borowski’s group, compared to 14 in all of 2013. While the Scottish National Party, which is leading the independence charge, has condemned anti-Semitism, some Jews worry that nationalist feeling has encouraged it.

“Nationalism in Europe has not done well with the Jews,” Livingstone said. “I’m not suggesting for a minute that the SNP is like the nationalist parties in Germany, but within nationalist politics there’s always an element that tends to blame minorities for things that go wrong.”

Angell told JTA he has never encountered any anti-Israel sentiment at party conferences. Last month, Scotland’s second-ranking government official, the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon, wrote Angell a letter saying an independent Scotland would support a two-state solution and oppose boycotts of Israel.

“The foreign policy of an independent Scotland has yet to be written, but I know from the membership of our party that our attitude toward every nation and every group is a positive one,” said Vincent Waters, the SNP city councillor for Giffnock, a heavily Jewish Glasgow suburb. “We don’t have countries or ethnic populations that we favor one over the other.”

With a population of approximately 5.3 million, Scottish foreign policy isn’t likely to have a big impact on Israel. But Ben Freeman, 27, who grew up in Glasgow and founded an anti-discrimination nonprofit, says his country should support Israel as a matter of principle.

“It does matter because it’s our country,” Freeman said. “I don’t want to be part of a country that’s anti-Israel. I don’t want to be part of a country that’s anti-Semitic.”

Some Scottish Jews says they feel more of a connection to Britain as a whole than to Scotland. Unlike Scottish families who can trace their lines back to the country’s ancient clans, many Jews came here in a wave of immigration from Eastern Europe only a century ago, 200 years after England and Scotland formed a political union in 1707.

“Perhaps being a fourth-generation immigrant I have a different attitude toward being Scottish. None of my family was here in 1707,” Joel Conn said. “There’s a lot more that makes us British than makes us Scottish.”

A child plays with a pro-independence ‘Yes’ flag on the streets of Aberdeen in Scotland, on September 15, 2014, ahead of the referendum on Scotland’s independence. (photo credit: AFP PHOTO/BEN STANSALL)

Jews who support independence cite parallels between the Jewish and Scottish stories. Scottish nationalists have desired independence since the earliest rebellions against English rule in the 1200s, much as Jews longed for Zion over centuries of living in exile. And like Judaism, Scotland’s Presbyterian ethos historically encouraged education and literacy.

Joe Goldblatt, a native Texan who moved to Scotland six years ago and gained citizenship in July, was passing out fliers supporting independence last week in Edinburgh. Approaching a mother with a baby in a stroller, Goldblatt offered a pin to the “wee bairn,” or little kid.

“What’s the basis for all Jewish thought? Freedom,” said Goldblatt, a professor at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. “It surprises me when my fellow Jews want to be shackled to the old political tissue, as if they’re saying, ‘The pharaoh has been pretty good so far. Let’s not rock the boat.’ ”

Scotland’s Jewish population is declining as young people move to cities with larger Jewish communities in London, Manchester or Tel Aviv. Between 2001 and 2011, the community’s numbers declined nearly 10 percent.

But though many Jews oppose independence, Freeman doesn’t think a yes vote will cause a mass Jewish exodus.

“Those who will leave will leave and those who will stay will stay,” Freeman said. “I’m leaving in two years, but I want the best for the country of my birth, and I feel the country of my birth should not be independent.”

Read more: Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence | The Times of Israel
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"Prepare For Sudden Impact" Doug Addison

Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
The Elijah List

Get ready for a sudden impact with destiny. God is moving in a greater way in your life throughout September and October. This is a time of promotion and expansion. Things God has stored up for you are being released now and the end result will be greater authority!

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

The Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashanah, falls on September 24–26 this year. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is October 3–4 and is considered one of the most holy Jewish holidays. Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, God still operates on the Jewish calendar.

Historically, Jewish people believe that God examines our lives during the time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to see if we are ready for spiritual advancement or promotion to a new level of maturity. Whether you are aware of it or not, this is a time that you are able to hear God more clearly and gain direction.

God spoke to me that we will see a breakthrough during this time of September 24 through October 4.

What should we expect? Here are a few things to expect to happen over the next few months and into the new year:

• Greater authority in prayer and with your words.

• Reconciliation of broken relationships and restoration of hope.

• Continuing rediscovery of lost inheritances and prophetic promises.

• Shocking turnarounds, as we brace for sudden impact!

Realignment that Will Bring New Assessments: Expect to see movement, job changes and physical moves in some cases. God is realigning you for your new assignment coming. This does not mean that you have to move but you will see God's movement in your life.

Prophetic Sign: Arthur Burt Dies

I wrote in my August 22nd blog that I have been having dreams where people who possess callings and mantles from God will begin to die. Arthur Burt was a revivalist in the U.K. and was given a powerful prophetic word from God in 1934 entitled: "And There Shall Be No Ebb."

Arthur died August 28, 2014 at 102 years old. Bob Jones had prophesied that Arthur would see his 1934 prophecy come to pass in his lifetime. This is the year of the release of Arthur Burt's life-long prophetic word and Bob Jones' word of one billion people coming into the Kingdom. Both of these great men went back to Heaven this year. (Photo via Arthur Burt)

The prophetic sign in Arthur's death: he died at age 102 on 8/28. Psalm 102 is the cry to God to see Him move again. But 102:28 is a prophetic word for what is coming.

"The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you." Psalm 102:28 NIV

 "And there shall be no ebb" – 1934 prophetic word from Arthur Burt:
"It shall come as a breath...
And the breath shall bring the wind...
And the wind shall bring the rain.
And there shall be floods and floods and floods...
And torrents and torrents and torrents.
Souls shall be saved like falling leaves from mighty oaks swept by a hurricane.
Arms and legs shall come down from Heaven...
And there shall be no ebb."
Just like Bob Jones' prophecy that one billion young people will come – it is our descendants. Jesus said in John 12:24 that a seed must die and fall to the ground in order to produce many seeds. Watch for new revival strategies to come. 

The Prophetic Word I Released in November 2012

When you release as many prophetic words as I do, the downside is that people don't remember them all. Here's one of the more powerful words I have ever released. I have been talking about it over and over for the past few years.

On November 7, 2012 I received a visitation from the Holy Spirit and was shown God's strategic plan that will unfold over the next four years (word posted November 19, 2012 on The Elijah List).

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 NIV

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

This is what the Lord says: "My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are not your thoughts. I am making a way and lining things up right now in this next season for a movement that is greater than any on earth. For I am calling the outcasts, the prodigals, the tattooed, pierced, the New Age, gay and lesbian and all the people and groups that have been rejected by My Church. I am calling them into My Kingdom and I will reveal myself to them."

As the 44th President is taking office for another four years (from 2012 until 2016) it will be a prophetic sign of the fulfillment of many prophetic promises happening right now including Isaiah 44:4

God is moving on people who have been wounded by Christianity and we will see the beginning of a new movement happen.

"For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams." Isaiah 44:3–4 NIV

We Are in Four Years of Repayment: The Lord spoke to me, "Over the next four years (through 2016) I am going to do things that will surprise many people on the earth and set up an amazing movement and gathering in Jerusalem in 2017."

Pride and Prejudice

God is going to raise up groups of unknown people to move in His power. Those who are not blinded with pride to think their doctrines and beliefs are the only way. God is moving on those who are not prejudiced against political parties, race, and people groups. God is resisting those who are blinded by spiritual and political pride.

Arthur Burt's prophetic words talked a lot about the fact that God has been trying to move on the earth but the Church is in so much pride of their own beliefs that there is no room for the "God of the unexpected".

The 29-year Connection

photo via pixabayIn a dream last month, I was taken back and shown the years 1929 and 1958. An angel showed me revelation that has been sealed away. 1929 was the crash of the Stock Market and the launch of the great depression. Then 29 years later in 1958 came an economic recession. 29 years later in 1987 the stock market crashed again! (Photo via Wikimedia)

29 years from 1987 will be 2016. God is releasing strategies right now for financial blessing. There is a blessing coming! The strategies for 2016 (part of the prophetic word I mentioned above) have been hidden but are now being revealed.

Also God is moving on 3 groups right now from 3 generations: Those born in 1929 and 1958 and those who are 29 years old this year or born in 1985. Both of these groups are going to experience a repayment and are carrying wisdom we need right now.

Ohio and Texas

I had a powerful dream that I was shown a map of the U.S. and the state of Ohio was placed at the most northern part of the state of Texas. In the dream I was flying out of Ohio that later became Texas and the two were joined as one.

Suddenly I was seeing an aerial view of the two states and Dallas (DFW) airport could be seen from outer space. God is taking things that you thought you had missed and bringing it back. God is doing something new in both of these states. Watch for unity to come and particularly something new in Dallas.
I realize this a long article, but I wanted to fit it all in. Revelation and wisdom is flowing from Heaven right now in the midst of times of turmoil and adversity. 

With all the uncertainty, it is time to stand firm and do not be afraid! Watch for a rain of reconciliation, a wave of healing and a wind of change.


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

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