Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"For Zion's sake I will not be silent..." (Is. 62:1) - ISRAEL365

For Zion's sake I will not be silent and for Jerusalem's sake I will not be still, until her righteousness emanates like bright light, and her salvation blazes like a torch.

ISAIAH (62:1)

לְמַעַן צִיּוֹן לֹא אֶחֱשֶׁה וּלְמַעַן יְרוּשָׁלִַם לֹא אֶשְׁקוֹט עַד יֵצֵא כַנֹּגַהּ צִדְקָהּ וִישׁוּעָתָהּ כְּלַפִּיד יִבְעָר

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ סב:א

l'-ma-an tzee-on lo e-khe-she u-l'-ma-an y'-ru-sha-la-yeem lo esh-kot ad yay-tzay kha-no-ga tzee-d'-ka vee-shu-a-ta k'-la-peed yeev-ar

Today's Israel Inspiration

Isaiah's stirring words take on incredible meaning in our generation, as the Land of Israel stands at the forefront of the world’s attention like never before. Efforts to vilify the Jewish State seem to expand every day across the globe, as does the growing movement of Biblical Zionists who stand with the nation of Israel as an expression of their commitment to God’s word.  As we seek to understand the clash of these two worldviews and look to make sense of the modern world’s obsession with Israel, the need to support Israel has never been stronger. Show your unequivocal support for Israel by buying Israeli products at the Israel365 Store.

Taking a Bullet for Jerusalem

In this powerful video you’ll hear of the Israeli desire for a united Jerusalem, including freedom to pray at the Temple Mount for all, and how one man’s life is threatened for trying to accomplish this lofty goal.

China and Israel Sharing Market Opportunities

One of Israel’s most influential business conferences, the 12th Go4Israel Conference, was held last week, and placed particular attention on China.

$50 Gift Certificate

Giving helps us to feel closer to the one we give to. We learn in the Bible about how the Jewish priests (the “kohanim”) would assist the people in bringing gifts of offerings so they could feel closer to God. Come closer today to a friend or loved one with a gift certificate from Israel.

Today's Israel Photo

This picture of sunrise in the Hula Valley, by Bar Artzi, reminds us of the blazing energy fueling the land of Israel.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Genesis 9:13 tells us that "My rainbow I have placed in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Myself and the earth."  After the flood, in Noah's time, the rainbow was a sign that God would not bring another flood and would protect the world.

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I love the land of Israel. I love receiving Israel365, keeping me in touch with the land and the Jewish people. Thank you Rabbi Tuly Weisz for the inspiration. Shalom

Dear Rabbi Weisz, I have a passion for Israel and Jerusalem.  I enjoy the uplifting messages and information. When reading the daily verses I focus my prayers towards God's people who are the “Apple of His Eyes”. Vattessa, Australia
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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A Season of Awakening: Inventions, Discoveries, Mysteries and Illnesses Shall Be Cured by Dr. Connie Williams

A Season of Awakening: Inventions, Discoveries, Mysteries and Illnesses Shall Be Cured by Dr. Connie Williams

Identity Network
Healings, Cures and Miracles
I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Beginning in 2012, there began an awakening in creation that will continue until 2019. For this is not the day of revival, this is the day of AWAKENING." I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Because it is the day of awakening for My people, there are those even in the world that would taste of an awakening.
"This is the day," says the Lord, "that there will be healings and cures and miracles for stuff that creation has been wrestling with for a hundred years.
"This is the season," says the Lord, "of the awakening, and this is the season where illnesses shall be cured."
I hear the word of the Lord concerning nursing, and things to do with nursing and care giving, and all. I hear the word of the Lord saying, "There's a new set of rules and regulations coming out about nursing and care giving that I have breathed on." Much of what has been was good but it has not been the highest. So God says, "Get ready for Me to speak to My people.
"This is the season," says the Lord, "where there will be an invention that goes into the bloodstream that corrects the innermost part of the physical body."
This period of time, this awakening, shall be the greatest pressing forward and advancement in technology, in medicine, and in issues with the blood and the blood system and the blood types. They're gonna learn how to separate the blood types and shift the blood types to bring a contrary blood in that will bring a natural healing to the physical body.
"This is the season," says the Lord, "that I will do brain surgery on My people and I shall awaken the pineal gland. I shall awaken that gland that everybody has wondered what it was there for. I shall awaken that in My people and they shall hear what the Spirit is saying.
Until 2019: Discovery After Discovery After Discovery
"They shall see the angels; they shall see My glory. What has been hidden in times past is about to be discovered and about to be made open." I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Until 2019: discovery after discovery after discovery; mystery after mystery after mystery. Uncovered. Uncovered. Uncovered."
I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Get ready for the medical field to explode, for this will be the season of inventions of cures. Get ready for major medical doctors to stand on the platform and say, 'We still believe in medicine, but we're going back to the holistic healing, back to the herbal remedies. We have lost the wisdom of the ages and we're going back.' You're going to see a combination of medicine and of holistic medicine."
I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Inventions until 2019," God said, "I'm gonna concentrate on My children." ADD, ADHD: from here to 2019, there will be revolutionary cures and balances brought to the children of creation that seem to be out of step with creation; but it's not them that are out of step, we are.
So I hear of the word of the Lord saying, "I shall quicken creation to come into balance with the children that are now here in creation. ADD, ADHD, all of these things - bipolar - all of these things that have afflicted the children."
So I hear the word of the Lord saying, "All of these things that are going on with the children...Once we bring them into where they are today, into reality, they will operate properly and can fellowship with creation. They're out of time and out of season, but they had to be born during this time in order to be this age for the coming awakening."
Mysteries in the Brain Are About to Be Uncovered
I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Mysteries in the brain are about to be uncovered. There's an invention coming that's gonna inject some things right into the brain, an injection into the brainstem, an injection into the frontal lobe, an injection straight into the brain that will cause paralyzed and lifeless limbs to begin to move."
I hear the word of the Lord saying, "New experiments and new ideas with the blood system that will cause blood to circulate in areas where it's not been circulating before and people will begin to get up and walk." I hear the word of the Lord saying, "This is the day of enlightening of the children of God, of the sons of God. This is the day for My wisdom and knowledge and understanding to come forth in them and this is the season for them to share that with the hurting creation."
So I hear the word of the Lord saying, "Get ready to hear that their muscles that have been dead, they're learning how to wake them up. Nerves that have been dead, they're learning how to wake them up. Pinpoints in the brain to wake up the legs; pinpoints in the brain to open the eyes. Get ready," says the Lord, "for the mind is about to be explored. Not just for creation but for My people.
"My people who are called by My name shall step up and know which area of the brain to affect, which area of the brain to stick, which area of the brain to push oxygen into or blood into, which area of the brain that is closed off and needs to be opened up. For this is the day," says the Lord, "that fullness of health is coming forth. For My sons who are called by My name, I can trust them with this knowledge. I can trust them with this understanding."
Wisdom to the Medical Field
Get ready for controversy in the medical field because you're going to see sons of God come forth in medicine. At first, they'll be attacked, and at first, they'll be ridiculed but God said that will quickly be over because the results and the percentages and the things that they're gonna prove will be so phenomenal that there will be no denying.
"Get ready," says the Lord, "for doctors and medical people and technicians and psychiatrists to come upon the secular TV and say, 'I asked God about it and this is what He said. The wisdom that I'm sharing with you did not come from me. The Teacher, the great Teacher, the Holy Ghost, He taught me this.'"
Get ready for them to be expounding on television and on the secular news about how God woke them up with healings and remedies and cures. "This is the season of great, great discovery," says the Lord.
Dr. Connie Williams
Connie Williams International

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

US Supreme Court to Rule on Jerusalem Passport Status

US Supreme Court to Rule on Jerusalem Passport Status

AP file photo
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Monday on the legality of listing Israel as the country of birth on U.S. passports of Israeli-born Jews holding dual citizenship.
Monday’s hearing involved a petition by 12-year-old Menachem Zivotofsky’s parents, who sued the State Department in 2003 for refusing to list Israel as the country of their Jerusalem-born son’s birth.
Menachem’s American-born parents, who immigrated to Israel after their first two sons were born, believe their first Israeli-born child should be recognized as such on his U.S. passport.
The same year he was born, former President George W. Bush signed legislation requiring the State Department to list Israel as the country of birth for these children. Seven years earlier, Congress had passed legislation recognizing a united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Though he signed the legislation, Bush refused to follow through on the law, saying it impinged on his authority to conduct the nation’s foreign affairs. That was also reason enough to postpone moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he said.
Since its rebirth as a modern nation-state in 1948, successive U.S. administrations have refused to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem. And since the Six Day War, Israelis refer to Jerusalem as the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish state, while the Palestinians want it redrawn as it was during the 19-year Jordanian occupation.
In 2009, a State Department official told CBN News “the U.S. government does not acknowledge the sovereignty of any state over Jerusalem.”
“The final political status of Jerusalem has been in dispute since 1948 as a result of the long-standing Arab-Israeli conflict,” the official said. “The U.S. government has pursued a policy of encouraging the parties to that conflict to settle all outstanding issues including the final status of Jerusalem through peaceful negotiations between the parties with the support of the broader international community.”
On Monday, nearly six years later, the State Department presented the same argument before the court, claiming the legislation impinges on the constitutional authority of the Executive Branch to decide “whether and on what terms to recognize a foreign sovereign.”
The Supreme Court is expected to announce its ruling in June 2015, just a few months before Menachem celebrates his Bar Mitzvah on his 13th birthday, which Jewish tradition views as his entry to adulthood. 

High Court Declines NY, Colo. Abortion Appeals

High Court Declines NY, Colo. Abortion Appeals

The Supreme Court is turning away two abortion-related appeals.

The first involves New York City's crisis pregnancy centers, required by law to disclose if a licensed medical provider works at the facility.

The centers argued the regulation violates free speech and is therefore unconstitutional under the First Amendment, but justices rejected their appeal.

The Supreme Court also declined to hear an appeal challenging the constitutionality of a Colorado law that prohibits people from obstructing the entry to abortion clinics.


“I was in the desert alone, lost. As far as the horizon, there was nothing in sight but sand. I felt the sand on my bare feet. Then I saw something extraordinary. In the midst of that barrenness, an immense wooden cross emerged from the earth, rising up with sand spilling from it back to earth.”

So begins a dream narrative posted by Bosnian Muslim teenager Emina Emlonic. A dream about Jesus.

It continues: “I felt then a spectator in my own dream, and the sight of the cross gave me neither fear nor joy. But I was a curious and began moving, almost floating, towards it, the most magnificent … thing I’d ever seen or imagined, and as I came closer to the cross, I suddenly saw a man walking toward me: a broad-shouldered, long-striding man, with a dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white robe.

“And just as suddenly I ceased to be a witness to my dream. I was in it, walking toward the man walking toward me. I knew him immediately. He was Jesus. Without knowing why, I fell to my knees. He stood over me and touched my face with his right hand.”

Posted at the Catholic Thing website, such accounts of encounters with Jesus through dreams and visions increasingly are being reported, according to Pastor Frank Costenbader, founder of Manifold Hope Ministries, publisher of the Isa Dreams website.

Isa is an Arabic name corresponding to Jesus that is found in the Quran.

“The number of Isa dreams has seemed to grow tremendously since 2000, and in 2005 it seems to have kicked into another gear,” Costenbader said. “There has been an explosion of testimonies on the Web in the past two years about people encountering Jesus in dreams and subsequently becoming followers of Jesus.”

A Saudi man said his dream started with a “horrible” scene.

“One night, while I was asleep, I had this horrible dream of me being taken into hell. And what I saw there brought me real fear, and these dreams kept coming to me almost every night. At this point I was really wondering as to why I should be seeing hell in this manner,” he wrote at Answering-Islam.

He said Jesus appeared to him and said: “Son, I am the way, the truth and the life. And if you would give your life to Me, and follow Me, I would save you from the hell that you have seen.

“This came as a surprise to me, for I did not know who this Jesus was. Of course, He is mentioned in the Quran and in the book Surah Mariam. He is stated as one of our prophets, but not as a savior who could save us from hell. So I started looking out for a Christian who could give me some advice about this Jesus I have seen.”

He said he had to reach out to an Egyptian Christian, because Christianity is “totally banned in Saudi Arabia and if a Christian is caught witnessing to a Muslim, [it is] almost sure that he would be beheaded.”
A Thai teenager named Fa reported on Muslims of Thailand she saw Jesus as she walked in a field.
An account of her experience includes: “She found herself in the open field. There was nothing much special in this scenery but she felt peace in her heart, the kind of peace that she has never felt before. It seemed like she has been in this field before and somehow, she knew what was going to happen next.
“And then suddenly there appeared before her a bright light. She didn’t get startled when she saw the figure. It was a man wearing a white robe that seemed to shine. There was so much of joy and love that flooded in her heart when she saw the figure. She immediately knew that Jesus was appearing to her. Then she woke up.”
Not just Muslims
Muslims are not the only ones reporting such remarkable encounters, as Costenbader also describes accounts by Hindus.
He said regardless of the background, a common characteristic of the dreams of Jesus is that they instill a sense of peace.
“That’s far different than the fear-filled system of Islam,” Costenbader said.
Christine Darg, author and co-host of the Jerusalem Channel television program “Exploits Ministry,” agrees it’s an increasingly common development.
“The phenomenon of Muslims coming to a living faith in Jesus is happening every day. This is part of the prophecy of the prophet Joel that in the last days God will pour out his spirit upon all people – sons and daughters will prophesy, young and old men will experience dreams and visions,” Darg said.
Darg, who is also author of the book “Miracles Among Muslims: The Jesus Visions,” says compiling a record of the visions is difficult because of how often it happens.
“There are so many! One former terrorist promised God he would die for him, Jesus spoke to him audibly and said, ‘I’m calling you not to die but to live for me!’ He was surprised,” Darg said.
“While all Christians, from a theological viewpoint, should be willing to lay down our lives for the Lord Jesus Christ who made atonement for us, nevertheless, this message of Jesus to the former terrorist is quite a refreshing reversal to the death-wish mantra of jihadists!” Darg said.
Darg noted some experts say at least a quarter of all Muslim-background believers have experienced some type of supernatural dream or vision about Jesus.
“When I share my faith with Muslims, I often ask them if they’ve had a dream or a vision about Jesus, and usually they answer positively,” she said.
In his research, Costenbader found accounts of “Isa dreams” are not new.
A dream in 1844 led to the conversion of an Indonesian named Paulus-Tosari, who helped begin the first modern movement of Muslims converting to Christ.
He said also that two Jesus visions in 1892 can be directly tied to the founder of the second Muslim movement to Christ in Ethiopia.
Author and Choices for Living President Jim Bramlett, who has lived in Saudi Arabia, believes that the phenomenon of Muslims experiencing visions and dreams of Jesus is definitely “supernatural.”
“They’re visions. They’re dreams. It’s a supernatural, sovereign act of God and it’s encouraging. It’s also happening more often than anyone knows,” Bramlett said.
Darg said simply talking about a dream or vision of Jesus opens the door for the Muslim convert to talk openly about the encounter.
“For a case in point, recently I was taking a tour group through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, and our guide had arranged for us to meet a Muslim cleric,” Darg said.
Soon it was time for questions and answers, and knowing that sheik was an expert on the mystical form of Islam, Sufism, Darg said she “felt he surely would have heard of some of his co-religionists who had experienced a dream about Jesus.”
“So I asked the sheik if he could share any examples with us. Suddenly, the man began to break down in tears. ‘I will tell you a secret. I myself have seen Jesus,’ he said, although he was speaking to my entire group,” Darg said.
Darg says the Sufi leader’s experience is typical.
“He related the most beautiful encounter that he had experienced with the risen Lord Jesus, and how the Lord had embraced him in a way that the sheik had become a believer and follower of Jesus without realizing that he was a Christian,” Darg said.
Costenbader said the number of encounters through dreams is incalculable, since he alone has documented stories from 29 countries.
“Nobody can get perfect statistics, but based on all our research, we believe that well over 1 million Jesus dreams and visions have occurred since the year 2000. This may be only 200 dreams each night among 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide.”
But he said “it is possible that as many as 5 percent of the worldwide Muslim population could have had such a dream – which would be up to 80 million dreamers.”
Darg pointed out many Muslims “do not readily relate these supernatural experiences out of fear of reprisals.”
She relates the story of a woman on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem who experienced dreams and visions about Jesus.
“She did not respond to him at first because of fear of what might happen to her if she became a follower of Jesus. Nevertheless, through an accident in her kitchen and a subsequent total healing of her injury by another night vision of Jesus, she received the strength to testify that Jesus is alive and that he had indeed healed her,” Darg said.
Costenbader cited Sura 4:89 of the Quran, which says conversions from Islam to Christianity are punishable by death.
They all had dreams
Costenbader said the dreams, in the words of one woman he interviewed, transform lives.
“When I interviewed one woman from Iran, she said that they had all had dreams,” Costenbader said.
The woman told him: “Would you put your life on the line for a proposition? We need something transformational, that’s what these dreams are.”
Darg’s book has examples of Jesus appearing to multiple people at the same time.
“My research, as far as I know, is the only book to emphasize this fascinating fact. It’s one thing when Jesus appears to an individual, which He did to me when I was a young girl. He healed me of a life-threatening illness in an open vision.
“But it’s another dimension altogether when Jesus appears to a group simultaneously. I have a whole chapter in my book about the Lord appearing to Muslim schoolboys in Arabia in a classroom during Ramadan,” Darg said.
Bramlett said the visions could be the result of prayers for Muslims, but he says God is the one who is doing the work.
“I believe He’s sovereignly pouring out His presence to the Muslim people. It’s a product of His grace. He sent His Son to die for them and He loves them. This is one of His ways of communicating His love to them,” Bramlett said.
While Bramlett believes Muslims’ prior perception of Jesus as a prophet could help them come to terms with the visions, another factor is responsible for Muslim conversions.
“I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit is at work, because Scripture says that no one can say Jesus is Lord apart from the Holy Spirit. So it’s His work,” Bramlett said.
Bramlett also notes an important attitude shift that he believes is necessary. He says the details of the stories should help Americans understand God’s desire to see the Arab people embrace Christianity.
“They themselves are God’s creation. Jesus wants to reach out to those precious souls,” Bramlett said.
Bramlett said a major hindrance for Muslims is their belief system.
“Their religious system is satanic. It’s possible that Allah may be the devil himself. Think of it; the Quran tells them to kill those who won’t convert,” Bramlett said. “However, we should want to see them saved. They’re God’s creation, and they all need to be redeemed. Jesus intentionally died to save them, too.”