Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Expectations - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” Col. 3:2-4 NASU

Expectations come and go, rise and fall, and can be fulfilled or left hanging as we press forward. We experience different levels of expectations during our lifetime, as we seek to know the will of our Father, Who knows all and desires to see us walk in His way. Along that way, each of us will be given the opportunity to learn to trust in Him, expecting His promises and purposes to come about as He has said. Often that trust and faith in Him is tested, even as disappointments and setbacks occur.

In times past I have been told that my expectations were too high, that I need not hope as much as I did. Most often it was because I was looking at people to bring about a certain fulfillment in my dreams, rather than the Lord Himself. There had been opportunities to experience something different and new, but when circumstances or the people I looked to did not bring about the expected result I was hoping for, I had to guard my heart from disappointment and press hard into the Father’s heart for an answer. At times it was not easy. At times it seemed that I had gone as far as I would or could go, and really didn’t want to believe again for a better result. The temptation was to settle for things as they were, and be content with that. But we all know that that doesn’t bring fulfillment, does it?

After spending another time slowly re-reading the biblical story of Joseph and his expectations, and the resulting situations, I once again became encouraged to trust that the Lord does redeem our times and seasons. It is though in His time. Those pits and prisons are real. But also the release and triumph can be just as real. It becomes a matter of time for His plan to become reality for us.

As we hear or read of others who have gone before with their life stories, we realize that they too had to overcome the disappointments, the failures of oneself and others, the unfulfilled expectations that they had placed their hope in. They had to daily press on, to push forward, to contend for the prize set before them, in order to gain the higher ground. It was a battle, in an even great spiritual war.

In Isaiah 40:30-31 the Word says, “Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary, when they are walking they won’t get tired.” Complete Jewish Bible

Whether young or old, we must keep our hope in Adonai, our Savior, in order to renew our strength. When anticipated expectations do not come about as we had hoped, once again we must stand on the foundation He has laid. Once again we must experience His renewal, His uplifting of our wings, as we run the race set before us. Though we will become weary and tired, He will not fail us in our journey.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Now Think On This #164 - “Expectations” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (11.11.14) Tuesday at 8:30 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

A Tale of Two Condemnations

A Tale of Two Condemnations

Tuesday, November 11, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Following Monday’s deadly terror stabbings, Western leaders engaged in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process were quick to issue statements of condemnation, though their substance was disparate, and very telling as to whom Jerusalem could truly count on to understand its security needs.
First up was new European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, who expressed “concern” over the attacks, which she insisted was “further evidence” that the Palestinians now erupting in violence must be given their own state, lest the violence grow worse.
Starkly contrasting the European envoy, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird explicitly condemned not only Monday’s stabbings, but a string of deadly terror attacks over the past couple of weeks. He also laid the blame for the escalating violence not on the absence of a Palestinian state, but on Arab leaders who continue to incite against the Jews.
“Those leaders who regularly issue [statements of incitement] cannot plead ignorance when terrorist attacks like today’s occur,” said Baird. “On behalf of all Canadians, we stand with the people of Israel and offer our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims.”
The response of the Obama Administration fell somewhere in between these two examples.
“We strongly condemn the stabbing today in the West Bank, and we deeply regret the loss of life,” said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki some hours before the soldier wounded in the Tel Aviv stabbing succumbed to his wounds.
“It is absolutely critical that parties take every possible measure to protect civilians and de-escalate tensions,” she added.
PHOTO: The knife used in Monday’s stabbing attack in Judea, in which a young Jewish woman was killed and two others were wounded.
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Prophetic Night Vision Is Coming To You! by Wayne Sutton

Prophetic Night Vision Is Coming To You! 

by Wayne Sutton

Identity Network
Outward signs of the times often reflect to us the spiritual realities that are available for us in the body of Christ!  Those with eyes to see will soon walk into another level of prophetic awareness and bring revelation to the body that has yet to be revealed. 

As I prayed this morning I saw darkness that surrounded a single tree... darkness however that did not reflect evil, yet merely a sense of ignorance, a place and time and not knowing what was available. 

As I continued to pray and peer into the prophetic vision the Lord began to show me the prophetic reality that the body of Christ could walk in, as we recognize the need for the light of God, and hidden revelations we can partake of in this next season. 

I Will Pour Out My Spirit

During the last 100 years we have seen an outpouring of Holy Spirit, as well as the activation of many in the realm of the prophetic anointing.  People that are "no-names" are directing and guiding the future by faithfully speaking the word of the Lord and creating destiny in the world.  In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh - what a promise, a promise that is being revealed today.

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." Joel 2:28-29

In the last 100 years not only have we seen the outpouring and the prophetic flow increase, we look at what God is releasing in the world of vision in the natural. Not many decades ago the television was a black and white small screen with a poor quality picture and poor sound. A few decades before it was only an imagination, only a thought in someone's mind. 
In fact, what we take for granted today, many people had not even imagined or thought about....not even a thought of watching people and events through a box or a screen.  It is the same today with volumes of revelation and spiritual realities that God has yet to release to the body of Christ.

Visions and Awareness are Being Illuminated

In this time of prayer the Lord revealed to me that many great technologies and revelations would pour out as He allowed His light of revelation to dispel the darkness of ignorance. Today not only do we have high definition television, 3-D displays, movie theaters, tablets, and smart phones that stream "visions" to our life, there is more and more being released everyday. 

So it is with the prophetic realm today, for those who have eyes to see, the realms of vision and awareness are being illuminated today!  Your once "black and white" vision will become high definition and full spectrums of color! Your small "vision" or screen will become "bigger than life" full screen panoramic visions of prophetic revelation.  The crackling old speakers of sound are now louder, crisper, and truly surround sound of voices. The world has reflected in technology what the Lord is releasing in the spirit realm of man! 

Night Vision is Coming

The Lord showed me that night vision is coming to the body of Christ - to see and bring illumination to the dark areas that are here in our world, yet we have not yet seen. Again I did not see the darkness as evil, yet as places of ignorance. Ignorance is not a derogatory term, it simply states a lack of knowledge or understanding.  The "night vision" of the Lord will fall upon the people and bring sights this season that will bring inner and outer transformation. 

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." Proverbs 25:2

When the Lord imparts revelation it brings transformation - first to the person, and then to all that the person influences. This is your time, your season, to receive the anointing of prophetic night vision and see beyond what is before your eyes today! 

There is more to see my friend, and God is imparting the vision to see, the sound to hear, and the heart to discern.

Wayne Sutton

Monday, November 10, 2014

HONORING THE VETS - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

November 10th is the Marine Corps birthday. November 11th is Veterans Day. My intention is to honor and bless those who have served.

The pithy story reflected in the following slides is dramatic:


It goes against the grain of the long-term spin reported by the press. It pivots on the issue of freedom, which has always been a priority from God's perspective.

It demonstrates the incredible way that God remembers and redeems. In the age-old struggle between good and evil, it's a glimmer of the old radio commentator's "rest of the story."

The untold story of Vietnam provides us with assurance that not only does "God know," but that He doesn't forget and that He works all things together for good in our service and efforts in taking a stand for what is right.

Solomon told a story in Ecclesiastes of a poor wise man who saved his city against more powerful aggressors. Afterward, he was forgotten. There's something about taking a stand for what it is right, something about those who pay the cost to make a difference -- that is a challenge to those allured with the status quo.

Yet, God doesn't forget.

In my own case, when I returned to Vietnam a full generation after my second tour, I prepared myself for the spin that the Western media had promulgated. Instead, I found something very different.

In our first month back, I had more Vietnamese to thank me for my service, a generation prior, than I had had Americans to thank me in all the years since I had left. The Vietnamese, from both the North and South, have born the brunt of our departure and -- they know. They also have not forgotten.

While our definition of veterans targets those who have served in the military and especially those who have served in harm's way for the cause of freedom, there is a significant correlation between those serving the cause of freedom and the advancement of God's Kingdom. But perhaps I'm getting ahead of the message in the following few slides. Click on this link:


I pray it will be a blessing to you.

To my Marine friends, Happy Birthday. To all who have served, Carol and I salute you! Thank you for your service.

With His richest blessings,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Dr. Myles Munroe, Wife Killed in Plane Crash - CBN News

Dr. Myles Munroe, Wife Killed in Plane Crash

Bahamas Aviation investigators are searching for the cause of the deadly plane crash that killed prominent Pastor Myles Munroe, his wife Ruth, and seven others.
The crash happened Sunday afternoon as people were gathering in Grand Bahama for his ministry's Global Leadership Forum.
Aviation experts say the Lear 36 executive jet had departed from Nassau, the capital of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and crashed about 5 p.m. while attempting to land at the Bahamas International Airport. The jet exploded when it collided with a shipyard crane on its approach, local news outlets reported.
Painful sobs could be heard when church leaders broke the news Sunday to participants at the leadership summit.
Dr. Munroe was the senior pastor of Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship. He was also a best-selling author, an internationally renowned preacher, and a frequent guest on CBN's The 700 Club.
"Bahamas is where God lives and He visits America often," he once joked on The 700 Club.
Munroe and his wife, Ruth, had two children. Their Global Leadership conference was scheduled to begin Monday.
"On behalf of Myles Munroe International and ITWLA, we would like to inform you that the Global Leadership Forum will continue," a post on his ministry Facebook page read. "The Forum will be for two and a half days (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning). This is what Dr. Munroe would have wanted. Please keep his family and the ministry in prayers."

Iran: Time to Destroy Israel

Iran: Time to Destroy Israel

Sunday, November 09, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Just days after US President Barack Obama reportedly sent a letter to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei extolling America’s and Iran’s shared objectives in the Middle East, the Iranian leader on Saturday again called openly for the destruction of Israel.
“This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of #Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated,” Khamenei wrote on his official Twitter account. “The only means to confront a barbaric regime like #Israel is arming [the Palestinians],” he continued.
Former US presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he was astonished to learn that the Obama White House had even considered the possibility of working together with such a regime.
“I was frankly stunned that the president of the United States would write a letter of that nature and in effect, legitimize a nation and a leadership which is violating international norms and is threatening the world,” Romney told the inaugural conference of the Israeli American Council.
The secret letter that Obama is said to have sent Khamenei reportedly offered an American-Iranian partnership in combatting the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS), so long as Tehran agreed to a comprehensive deal regarding its defiant nuclear program by the end of the month.
Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Abbas Araqchi, said in remarks cited by Reuters over the weekend that his government was taking seriously the November 24 deadline, and was keen to conclude an agreement with world powers.
But it would appear Iran’s new willingness to negotiate has less to do with accepting global concerns, and more to do with Washington’s increasing flexibility regarding the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
“Iran and the US have come to terms that despite more than three decades of mistrust, it is now in their national interest to constructively negotiate and reach an agreement,” Ali Khoram, an adviser to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, told Asharq Al-Awsat. “Both sides seem to have recognized each other’s concerns and are ready for maximum flexibility.”
Araqchi likewise clarified that the agreement Iran is looking to reach will not bring and end to its enrichment of uranium or its nuclear program as a whole. “Iran’s [uranium] enrichment will continue. This issue has been agreed upon by both sides,” he told Iran’s Press TV, referring to more recent talks between Iran and the six world powers known as the P5+1.
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Europe: Divide Jerusalem; Netanyahu: Not a Chance

Europe: Divide Jerusalem; Netanyahu: Not a Chance

Sunday, November 09, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The European Union’s new foreign affairs chief, Federica Mogherini, visited the region over the weekend and insisted on the urgent need for a Palestinian state with the eastern half of Jerusalem as its capital.
“We need a Palestinian state - that is the ultimate goal and this is the position of all the European Union,” said Mogherini while in the Gaza Strip, adding later during her stop in Ramallah that “Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.”
Mogherini said that establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is a “global” objective, and that Israel is obstructing this important and worthy goal by continuing to allow Jews to live in areas claimed by the Palestinian Arabs, in particular on the eastern side of Jerusalem.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by once again stating that “Jerusalem is our capital and as such is not a settlement.”
Speaking to reporters ahead of his own meeting with Mogherini, Netanyahu stressed that “the neighborhoods in which we are living…and we’ve been building, have been there for close to 50 years… Everybody knows that in any peace arrangement they will remain part of Israel.”
Indeed, the issue of Jerusalem remains perhaps the largest stumbling block to international efforts to conclude a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. A firm majority of Israeli Jews insist that after millennia of longing for a return to Jerusalem, the city must never again be divided, while Palestinian leaders say they won’t accept any peace deal that doesn’t give them control of half the city, including the Old City and Temple Mount.
PHOTO: Netanyahu and Mogherini face off in Jerusalem
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Myles Munroe, Wife and Daughter Killed in Airplane Crash

Myles Munroe
Myles Munroe
Dr. Myles Munroe, internationally-known author, bible teacher, governmental consultant and leadership mentor, was one of nine passengers on a plane that crashed in Grand Bahama on Sunday afternoon, according to multiple news reports.
A Lear 36 executive jet left the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) for the Grand Bahama International Airport, the Department of Civil Aviation reports. The plane departed at 4:07 p.m. and carried nine people. The vessel crashed while making its landing approach, the Department of Civil Aviation said. 
News reports indicate his wife, Ruth, and daughter were also killed in the crash.
Myles Munroe's ministry was not immediately available for comment.
Stay tuned to Charisma News for an update to this story. And please keep his family in your prayers.