Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jewish Worshippers Massacred During Morning Prayers

Jewish Worshippers Massacred During Morning Prayers

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
The seething situation in Jerusalem took a turn for the worse early Tuesday morning when Palestinian Arab terrorists entered a local synagogue and attacked Jewish worshippers conducting traditional morning prayers.
Two Muslim assailants entered the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue complex in the religious Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Nof shortly after dawn armed with a pistol, knives and axes.
Four Israelis were killed and another nine were wounded, many of them seriously, during the bloody rampage. Eyewitnesses who survived the attack said the terrorists did not wear head covering, but were shouting “Allah Akbar” - “Allah is Greater” - as they shot and hacked at their Jewish victims.
Police forces responding to the scene engaged the terrorists in a brief gun battle before shooting both attackers dead.
The attack comes a day after escalating Arab Muslim riots over the death of an Arab bus driver, who was found hanged in the rear of his vehicle. An autopsy revealed no signs of foul play, and police ruled the case a suicide. That evidence notwithstanding, the driver’s family and Arabs across Jerusalem insisted Jewish “settlers” had murdered the man, and vowed revenge.
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Palestinians Celebrate Jerusalem Synagogue Slaughter

Palestinians Celebrate Jerusalem Synagogue Slaughter

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 |  Ryan Jones   ISRAEL TODAY
Palestinian Arabs in Gaza and elsewhere openly celebrated the massacre of Jewish worshippers at a synagogue in Jerusalem Tuesday morning.
Hamas hailed the attack as “revenge” for the death of an Arab bus driver in Jerusalem a day earlier, a death that was ultimately determined to be a suicide.
Hamas official Mushir al-Masri even managed to commission or otherwise obtain a grotesque political cartoon (left) praising the “heroic” synagogue attack, which he promptly posted on Twitter.
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Hamas’ sister organization, Islamic Jihad, said that it, too, “salutes the operation in Jerusalem which is a natural response to the crimes of the occupier.”
For his part, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas issued a statement firmly condemning the murder of Jewish worshippers in their place of prayer.
But Israeli officials suggested that Abbas was shedding crocodile tears, and insisted that it was ongoing anti-Jewish incitement in Abbas’ own state-controlled media that sets the stage for such atrocities.
“This is the direct result of the incitement led by Hamas and Abu Mazen [Abbas], incitement that the international community irresponsibly ignores,” read a statement issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman added, “It is incumbent upon the international community to condemn Abbas’ anti-Semitic remarks, which lead to massacres such as what has taken place this morning.”
Indeed, just last week, Palestinian Authority TV, which is directly controlled by the Abbas regime, aired a documentary on the history of the Palestinian leader’s Fatah movement in which the Jews were presented as a foreign contaminate that were put in this land by European powers that had grown tired of their problematic Jewish populations.
In a related development, it was reported that the perpetrators of Tuesday’s synagogue attack were relatives of one of the 1,027 terrorists Israel released in 2011 in exchange for abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
That revelation further bolstered arguments that the “goodwill gesture” of freeing jailed terrorists does absolutely nothing to soften Palestinian views of Israel or advance the cause of peace.
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Must Listen! Myles Munroe's Prophetic Warning Before Dying

Must Listen! Myles Munroe's Prophetic Warning Before Dying

The Christian community around the world is still reeling from the loss of well-known pastor and teacher Dr. Myles Munroe.
Munroe, his wife-and co-pastor Ruth Munroe, and seven others were killed when the private plane they were traveling in crashed near Grand Bahama International Airport, Nov.9.
Munroe founded and led the Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship.
In July 2014, just four months before his death, the prominent evangelical leader delivered a prophecy about people dying within the year and a shift in Christian leadership in the Bahamas.
Meanwhile, celebration services for Dr. Munroe and his wife will be held on Dec. 3. The official funeral service for the Munroes will be held on Dec. 4 at Bahamas Faith Ministries International Diplomat Center.

Watch here: Myles Munroe

Protester: 'Christ Is Our Lord' at Muslim Prayer Event

Protester: 'Christ Is Our Lord' 
at Muslim Prayer Event

The first Muslim prayer service ever hosted by the Washington National Cathedral was interrupted by a protester taking a stand for Christianity.

"Jesus Christ died on that cross over there. He is the reason why we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior," she announced in a loud but steady voice.

"We have built and allowed you here in mosques in this country. Why can't you worship in the mosques? Leave our churches alone," she continued.

The unidentified woman was led away by two men, but she reportedly continued protesting in another room.

Meanwhile, the director of liturgy for Washington National Cathedral, Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, greeted the Muslims as "brothers and sisters in the name of God...most gracious, most merciful."

"Welcome to Washington National Cathedral, a cathedral conceived by Episcopalians, aided by others and chartered by Congress to be a national cathedral, a house of prayer for all people," Campell said.

During the event, a Muslim man sang from the podium, "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar," a phrase which can be translated to mean "Allah is greatest" or "Allah is greater."

The controversial Muslim service was led Friday by South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool who helped plan the event.

"This is a dramatic moment in the world and in Muslim-Christian relations," Rasool said.

Muslims who attended the event said they were pleased with its symbolic nature.

"If we continue to do this, it really can have an impact across America in the way that we interact with our neighbors and just our communities," one Muslim woman said.

"This event of solidarity is just beautiful to be a part of. I see it as communication, as a sign, as a message from God Himself for the world," said Imam Talib Shareef, who leads The Nation's Mosque in Washington, D.C.

During the service, Rizwan Jaka of the controversial Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) called the National Cathedral a house of prayer for all people.

As CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck has reported, ISNA has ties to the radical Muslim Brotherhood. In 2007, federal prosecutors even named ISNA as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.

A woman named Inas Shabazz who attended the gathering said, "I think that if people read and have a better understanding that they will know that we are a peaceful people. You know... the Koran... Islam... Muslim... it all means peace and love. There's nothing terroristic about it."

But Islamic experts consulted by CBN News explain that the word "Islam" does not mean "peace" or "love." It actually means "submission" or "surrender."

The dean of Washington National Cathedral expressed his support of the event and its goal of reversing negative views of Muslims.

"I am distressed when extremist fundamentalist Christians get all the press attention in America and are seen as the public face of Christianity," the Very Rev. Gary R. Hall said. "So I can only imagine how distressed mainstream Muslims are that extremists and terrorists are seen as the public face of Islam."

Watch video: CBN News

Anti-Missionaries Warn Against New Testament Audio Player

Anti-Missionaries Warn Against New Testament Audio Player

Monday, November 17, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish anti-missionary group Yad L’Achim has published an urgent video to social media sites warning against a “dangerous Christian missionary audio player” currently being distributed in Israel.
Produced by MegaVoice, the pocket-sized audio player known as “Envoy” has access to a library of over 10,000 messages, as well as the New Testament, all of which is available in over 4,600 languages and dialects.
According to Yad L’Achim, a version of the device including a Hebrew-language recording of the New Testament is currently being distributed to Israeli soldiers.
Darrel Templeton, vice president of strategic partnerships for MegaVoice, told Israel Today that this negative exposure is likely to be a blessing in disguise.
“What they meant for evil, God can use for good,” said Templeton, recalling a hidden-camera reality show that featured “people just walking past a park bench. Then they put a sign on the bench that read, ‘Wet Paint - Do NOT touch.’ Well, you can imagine what happened. Many would slow down and look at the bench, and some would stick their finger out to see if the paint was still wet.”
In the same way, Templeton believes that Yad L’Achim’s urgent warning will draw in those who are curious, and create curiosity where it might not have existed.
“Where many would have just walked on past and not noticed the MegaVoice unit, now they will be curious, pick it up and begin listening. And those that were looking for the truth will now know what to look for,” he said.
Templeton confirmed that MegaVoice is distributing the audio players to Israeli soldiers, and praying for additional funding so that every soldier might receive an Envoy “loaded with hundreds of hours of interesting music, stories, testimonies, debates, audio books and God’s Word that they could listen to during the hours and hours of waiting, so they can hear and understand the Truth.”
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"Satan Is Attacking Many With Depression – That's About To End" by Al Thomas

"Satan Is Attacking Many With Depression 
– That's About To End"
Al Thomas, Hagerstown, MD
The Elijah List

Many Years Ago God Delivered Me From Depression and Worry

As a young man, I was living in California, and after a hard day at work and just returning from an evening Bible college class, I was greatly depressed. I wanted someone to talk to and share my heavy heart, but I met an empty house. At that time, a lot of pressures were weighing me down. My family life was in turmoil, my job frustrating, and all the while my stress level was increasing to an explosive point. My mind was confused and bewildered. All alone, I felt an urge to pray.

I went to my bedroom, fell to my knees, and cried out to God in desperation. After briefly praying, I was so emotionally exhausted I crawled up on the bed and fell fast asleep. After twenty minutes or so, I was awakened by a majestic voice that said, "ISAIAH 26:3." The voice was full of authority and love.

I grabbed my Bible and read the verse, "[I] wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on [Me]." As soon as I finished reading, an amazing thing happened: I felt as if hot oil was being poured on my head, going right through me. It seemed as if His peace claimed me and took up residence. (Photo via Flickr)

Proverbs 12:25 says, "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad." I had received a good word. Since then I have faced many trials and a few life-altering catastrophes. Pressures and problems still come, but I can honestly say I have rarely worried about anything since that time or experienced depression. I do not put my head in the sand when troubles come; I simply have a divine perspective about them and a great peace within. This was a manifestation of Jesus' promise of peace and it has abided.

Depression Is One of the Most Lethal Weapons the Enemy Uses

The world is in a perilous state. Fear of war, another terrorist attack, or any number of uncertainties abound. Many are facing health problems and financial woes. Others are facing despair because of family members who are not walking with Jesus or are simply in disunity. As long as we are on this earth, there will always be some kind of trouble facing us. Job 5:7 says,"Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward." No one (as long as they are breathing) is exempt.

Before despair wedges its way into your life, you must learn how to deal with it and overcome it. Yes, I said overcome it.

David said "Why art thou cast down, O my soul?" (Psalm 43:5). Don't be ashamed if you're depressed, but recognize that Jesus said we don't have to live with it (see John 16:33). Joy is your inheritance, not depression. Jesus said: "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full" (John 15:11). Depression robs you of energy and makes you think God is not pleased with you.

Stop Looking In the Rearview Mirror

This is often the root cause of depression. But it is the last place you should go – the past. There is nothing there but despair. Before all the "wringing of hands," the "sweating of the brow," and the "woe is me," talk to yourself and others and go to the Source: God Himself. You may say: "Come on, that's too simple; I've cried out time and time again, etc." Some say, "I did, He didn't say anything."

Here is the key: Then put your anchor down and start waiting. Read Hebrews 6:15-19. Also, remember what David said: "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed" (Psalm 9:9). Psalm 25:5 says"Lead me in Thy truth and teach me; for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day." (Photo via Freeimages)

People want an instant solution. Instead, God wants us to trust and be patient. Some don't like to hear that, but that is where maturity is manifested. The Hebrew word for "wait" means to "expect." He is waiting for you to wait on Him."For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock"(Psalm 27:5).

God is calling: "When thou saidst, 'Seek ye My face'; my heart said unto Thee, 'Thy face, Lord, will I seek'" (Psalm 27:8).

God has been described in many ways. One of my favorites is, "God is a huge guy with a big coat that has millions of pockets. Some are small and others larger," and if you get close enough, He will reach in one of those pockets and "give you something." 

God is an amazing Giver. God gave the Son. The Son gave the Spirit. The Spirit gives gifts. The Father is a contagious giver. Get close to Him. He has something for you, and it is always good. Be waiting, be expectant... joy is coming in place of depression.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

See God's View – No Room For Depression

Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time and bearing no fruit? Sometimes depression is a lack of proper focus. God is never depressed. Keith Green sang, "The view from here (earth) is nothing near to what it is for You."

The way God sees you and the way you see yourself must come into alignment. Why?Because how God views problems is different from how we do. (Photo via Pixabay)

Elijah thought he was the only prophet in the land. "...I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away" (1 Kings 19:10). Elijah was telling God false information – and not only once, but twice (see verse 14)! Elijah's problem? He didn't have all the facts.

Tip: Elijah wasn't alone (see verse 18). Neither are you. The enemy wants you to feel trapped and come up with a worldly solution to your problem rather than waiting for God. Remember King Saul? He didn't wait for the prophet (Samuel) to arrive for the sacrifice; instead he goes ahead (see 1 Samuel 13:9). He felt pressured, got nervous and... the devil fooled him. That foolishness cost him a kingdom (see verses 9-14).

Ask God to open your eyes. You're not surrounded, your enemies are (see 2 Kings 6:16-17). It's how you view things. Get God's perspective, He's got 20/20 spiritual vision (past, present, and future). He sees all, knows all, and never panics. When we have His perspective, joy rules our hearts. Peter said we would "be glad... with exceeding joy" (1 Peter 4:13). That word "exceeding" means "super abundant."

See God's Solution – Not Your Own

Too often we want to "figure things out" instead of waiting on God. David (Saul's replacement) wrote, "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD" (Psalm 27:14). God is not ignoring the seriousness of your dilemma, nor about to give you the usual shallow "Christianese" buzz words, expecting you to suddenly start jumping for joy. Yet, at the same time, God's answers are usually quite simple.

The greatest discoveries are those that reduce complex things into very simple things. Often, we start to imagine in our own minds how God is going to help us. Don't do this. You see, God is always going somewhere. Don't start going somewhere until you know for sure that is the direction God is going. Blessed is the man who finds out which way God is moving and then gets going in the same direction.

Sometimes Biblical trust has nothing to do with logic or circumstances. God's peace can come even though understanding escapes us (see Philippians 4:7). We are looking through a glass darkly (see 1 Corinthians 13:12). So don't let anyone rob you of God's "on-the-way" blessing. Firmly resist satan (see James 4:7), then listen for the sound (see Psalm 89:15).

Heaven is making a sound. Faith hears that sound. The train is coming around the corner, the whistle is blowing. I hear shaking and I see chains falling off of many (see Acts 16:26). If I were you, I'd start rejoicing by faith (see Philippians 4:4). You see, that Engineer is wearing a huge coat... and if you pay attention, you'll see all kinds of blessings fall out of His pockets and depression suddenly disappear.(Photo via Pixabay)

Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life

Al Thomas is a noted Bible teacher who travels mostly east of the Mississippi with a ministry of encouragement to the Body of Christ. He teaches heavenly truths with down-to-earth practicality and humor. Al and his wife Sherry publish a free teaching newsletter that reaches many homes each month. 

Al has pastored in California and Wisconsin and was mentored by evangelist Jim Spillman. Al and Sherry minister in churches of all denominations, and are known for the gift of faith to be in operation in their meetings. Al and Sherry move prophetically and see many healed in their meetings. They have four children and six grandchildren. They reside in central Maryland.

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A Powerful Prophetic Promise for the Weary - Jennifer LeClaire

Spiritual Power

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
If perception is reality, then a godly perspective of your trials and tribulations can deliver you from your worst enemy: your own unrenewed mind.
I can't tell you—and, in fact, I'd probably be embarrassed to admit—just how many times I've allowed the perspective of my unrenewed mind to dictate my thoughts, feelings and emotions in the midst of what I perceived as overwhelming pressure. I can't tell you how many times I didn't think I could take another step; how many times I felt like giving up, calling it quits, throwing in the towel—and moving to some remote tropical island where the devil was less likely to find me.
Then after completely discouraging myself (instead of doing what David did and encouraging myself in the Lord), I discover that the pressure isn't as pressing as my perception of reality made it out to be. I was foiled by the enemy that is my unrenewed mind. I took the bait—hook, line and sinker—by looking at the smoke and mirrors of circumstantial evidence through eyes weary from the spiritual battle. (Can I get a witness? Surely, I'm not the only one.)
Why We Need God's Perspective
Of course, later I realize that things weren't really as bad as they looked with my natural eyes. That's why I have asked the Lord over the years to teach me how to quit looking at things through my natural eyes and begin looking at them through eyes empowered by a mind that is set on the things of the Spirit. Paul put it like this: "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Rom. 8:5-6).
See, it's all a matter of renewing your mind to God's perspective. Yes, that means meditating on the Word of God, rolling over Scriptures in your mind that deal with areas in which you struggle (whether that's patience, anger, pride or some other carnally minded thing). But I've learned another secret: When we grow weary from well doing, we need to return to the secret place of the Most High. He never faints nor is weary—and He can give us the proper perspective on any trial we might be facing. Once we see things from the Creator's perspective, we'll tap into the Creator's joy—and the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength.
A Powerful Prophetic Promise
Here's the promise: "He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Is. 40:29-31).
The renewing of strength is an awesome promise. The guarantee of not growing weary and fainting ... I'll take that one, too. But I wanted to point your attention to the other part of this verse: "They shall mount up with wings like eagles." Eagles soar higher than any other bird. Indeed, the eagle lives in high altitudes. The eagle can see at least twice as far as a human. And eagles are symbolic of prophetic ministry.
When you want a prophetic perspective—God's perspective—on anything from your daily trials to your future decisions, wait on the Lord. Expect Him. Look for Him. Hope in Him. He will cause you to soar above the storms in your life like an eagle soars above the clouds in the sky. He will give you a prophetic perspective on your situation so you can see the proverbial forest instead of getting overwhelmed by the trees.
Now, it's still up to you to renew your mind to that prophetic perspective. Your unrenewed mind will work overtime to walk you around the same overwhelming mountain once again. After all, that's what the world trained it to do. It's up to you not to be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:2).
Once your mind is renewed, you'll have that peace that surpasses all understanding—and it will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Your perception will still be your reality, but your renewed mind will offer you God's perspective of the victory that is yours in Christ. Amen.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraftand The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating JezebelYou can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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