Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ohad's journey to life!

Ohad's journey to life!

Thursday, July 23, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Protective Edge changed the lives of many people. In the case of Sergeant Ohad Ben Yishai, his life turned upside down.
Ohad served in the Golani Brigade's elite Egoz unit. He and his unit's comrades were involved in a brutal battle in Gaza's Shuja’iyya neighbourhood, which later became known as the bloodiest battle with Hamas during Protective Edge, with Hamas. Thirteen soldiers lost their lives during the battle and many were injured. Ohad suffered a serious shrapnel wound of his head and was defined as the most seriously injured soldier during the operation. On his arrival at hospital his condition was so serious that the doctors did not think he would make it through the night.
After an unrelenting battle to stabilize Ohad, that lasted a few weeks, Ohad rewarded their efforts when he regained consciousness.
Ohad’s recovery process is far from over, but he has shown great progress. At the beginning he was not able to talk, lift his own head, not to mention walking or using his hands. In addition his memory was badly impaired. Ohad’s recovery journey resembles a baby's learning to walk and talk, it is like he was "born again". His speech and language therapist and physiotherapist are only a couple of the people standing by him, helping and encouraging him through this long and difficult process. However he wouldn’t have gotten this far without the love and support of his parents.
It is a known fact that to be accepted into an elite unit, more than physical fitness alone is needed. Having a tough and and ambitious character are essential personal traits are also needed. No doubt Ohad has the personal character and is made of the right material. He is a fighter and does not plan to surrender to his condition but is ready to fight for his life! Little by little he is making progress having started to talk and also starting to walk.
We have heard many stories about soldiers that are in the recovery process after suffering injuries during Protective Edge. They all have something in common and that is their will to live and do everything in their power to reach their goal.
These young men set examples for us, when you aim high and your faith is strong you can achieve anything you wish for!
This was a blog post from "Support Israeli Soldiers" from our "Support Israel" section. We appreciate every donation. In order to help the Land of Israel and her residents see "Support Israel".
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The Sleeping Lion in You Wakes Up - Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

The Sleeping Lion in You Wakes Up 

by Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

Identity Network

Many people are believing to see a move of the glory of God. But before the glory there will come a spirit of divine indignation and anger that will rise up in the people, God's people, for a purpose - to destroy the works of darkness. It's OK to have an indignation and anger with the enemy. Jesus did, didn't He?  

Jesus had so much compassion for honest sinners but He was angry with the Pharisees because they were pretenders. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of truth, He cannot enter into pretense because it's contrary to His nature.
When Jesus went to the temple He found some moneychangers there, taking advantage of the people. Well He took a whip to them. I think He probably yelled at them don't you?  I don't think He took that whip and said "shoo."  It's amazing the number of people who get healed when they are either laughing or angry at the devil.  
These prophets and intercessors are going to wake up to the wiles of the enemy and see what is happening and begin to discern the ways of the devil in a way we have not seen very much before.
They will see the places where the enemy has infiltrated the holy encampment of the Lord in a new way, and rise up and chase them away. I don't think you can be emotionally placid in a war. Mind you, holy laughter is also a warfare weapon. "God looks on His enemies and laughs, and has them in derision." Sometimes when the laugher comes on you it's because your spirit is picking up on a victory that's happening in the spirit realm. You may not see anything at the time, you may not hear anything in the natural, but your spirit man knows there are victories taking place in the spiritual realm.
Spirit will Arise in You
As God's temple is emptied of things that have been wrongly tolerated, so the spirit of the living God will arise in you and the glory will be manifested. Have you ever thought about the fact that we can have arthritis in our mind? We can have religious mindsets and be not pliable and open to learn things God is wanting us to know. Strong mindsets can keep us closed to new revelation.
"Arise and shine the light Is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you."
The glory of God has already been given to the church through Christ, the risen Lord, but it gets covered by other spiritual atmospheres and entities.  When "the Deliverer" arises in delivering power and the shadows flee away, then the glory starts to become visible. And the deliverer is arising in you.
Even as the mists appeared in the Azusa street meetings, the mists will manifest in our gatherings more and more. In the Azusa street meetings there would appear mists from the ground up to around three feet high. The children would play hide and seek in the mists
I recently wrote about Anthony, probably the greatest of the Desert Fathers. The Desert fathers in the 2nd and 3rd century lived in the caves of Egypt and saw themselves as gatekeepers of the nations and had many supernatural encounters with the Angels and also demonic forces. They had an extremely powerful level of discernment. This discernment is a powerful supernatural gift about to be released for the glory of God.
Awakening of the Saints
There has been a few messages on FB this last week talking about fasting from negative speaking. Negative words can open the door for negative things that you don't want in your life.
About 100 years ago it was quite normal for people to fast from speaking. I think sometimes that could be a good idea!!!  
As the enemy is evicted and the glory revealed so there will be a dramatic increase in healing and deliverance.  Miracles and healing by the hundreds, not the dozen, will sweep many souls into the kingdom.
"As a canon ball is fired from the canon so I will release a dynamic power even into the population and to the church. Even an explosion of miracles"
America has become weak in many ways but in a week God will awaken the saints of God and a roar will come.
A while ago I (Kathie) prayed for a lady in New Zealand who was quite timid and fearful because of abuse. She began to shout, quietly at first. It sounds strange to say that someone can shout quietly but I am sure you know what I mean.  Then she shouted louder and then she began to roar - first quietly and then LOUDLY.  She scared herself so she ran into another room. Then she realized the roar went with her!!!!
Let the Lion arise in you - dispel the darkness and the glory will be revealed in you and through you.
Kathie Walters and Dr. Theresa Phillips

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Heed the Words of Jeremiah ✡ "A Leafy Olive Tree"

The Lord called thy name a leafy olive tree, fair with goodly fruit; with the noise of a great tumult He hath kindled fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken

JEREMIAH (11.16)

זַיִת רַעֲנָן יְפֵה פְרִי תֹאַר קָרָא יְ-הוָה שְׁמֵךְ לְקוֹל הֲמוּלָּה גְדֹלָה הִצִּית אֵשׁ עָלֶיהָ וְרָעוּ דָּלִיּוֹתָיו

ירמיהו יא:טז

za-yit ra-a-nan y'-fay f'-ree to-ar ka-ra a-do-nai sh'-maykh l'-kol ha-mu-la g'-do-la hi-tzeet aysh a-le-ha v'-ra-u da-li-yo-tav

Jerusalem Inspiration

The first time the olive appears in the Bible is when Noah checks to see if the flood waters have receded. When the dove returns with an olive branch in its mouth, Noah knows that the water has receded sufficiently and life has begun anew (Genesis 8:11, 21). Pure olive oil was also used for the lighting of the golden lamp in the Temple, as well as to anoint priests and kings as part of their initiation. One lesson we can take from the olive is that just like an olive only yields oil when pressed, so too, when we are pressed between the millstones of life, our best selves emerge. It is often only when forced that we rise to the occasion to meet life’s challenges.  We now find ourselves in the days preceeding Tisha B'Av, the day when we commemorate the destruction of our holy Temple in Jerusalem.  History has taught us that Jeremiah's words ring true, and in the face of hardship, the Jewish people rise to the challenge.

Aliyah Under Fire

The inspiring words of greeting to over two hundred new Israeli citizens, who chose to move to Israel during last summer's war, are a true testament to the Jewish nation's ability to overcome any challenge.

Why Doesn't Iran Deal Include U.S. Hostage Release?

Four Americans are being held in Iran, at least three on what are considered to be trumped-up charges, and their families would like to know why US President Barack Obama has not done anything to get them out?

Jerusalem Washing Cup

We are now in the saddest period in the Jewish calendar, when we remember the destruction of the Holy Temples in Jerusalem. Bring a piece of Jerusalem into your home with this beautiful ritual washing cup featuring the Jerusalem skyline.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A sprawling olive tree by Yehoshua Halevi. The symbol of the olive tree was woven onto the flag of one of the tribes of Israel.  Do you know which one, and its significance? Send me your answer or post it on Facebook.

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Hello, good morning! Everything I have to say is: I love Israel and its people, from the bottom of my heart and pray, for the peace in Jerusalem every days and nights. A nice day for everybody there and a big hug! - Mauro Nunes Vieira
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel (Video - Part 1) - CBN The 700 Club

The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel
The 700 Club

Published on Jul 20, 2015
CBN’s new documentary The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel takes viewers on an journey through the 50 years that preceded the founding of the modern State of Israel. See history unfold through the eyes of some of Israel’s visionaries and founders ...

The Hope: Buying the Holy Land (Video - Part 2) - CBN 700 Club

Published on Jul 21, 2015
In the mid-nineteenth century, Palestine was marked by disease, poverty and despair. But that all changed when Jewish pioneers legally purchased, settled and developed the land of Israel.

Alveda King Calls Black Congressional Caucus to Carpet After Gruesome Planned Parenthood Videos

Alveda King Calls Black Congressional Caucus to Carpet After Gruesome Planned Parenthood Videos

Alveda King speaks out against Planned Parenthood.
Alveda King speaks out against Planned Parenthood. (Flickr)
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Dear Congressional Black Caucus (CBC),
I am writing to you regarding recent videos that have gone viral exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting and selling aborted babies' body parts.
If they or anyone else had been exposed for harvesting and selling animal body parts, there would be such an outrage from the left and right. But for some reason it seems to be OK to chop up the unborn babies and harvest their body parts.
The videos are shocking, yet still nary a word from the CBC.
CBC, I ask you: Are you so beholden to the abortion lobby that you are totally paralyzed and unable to garner the necessary will to denounce their behavior?
I thought surely this current gruesome behavior on the part of PPH would be the catalyst for change: Surely, now the CBC will yank their support of an industry that is involved in the illegal harvesting and selling of body parts of aborted babies. Yet we hear nothing. Your silence is deafening.
For the record, my Uncle Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-life. Even though his wife attended the awards ceremony where Planned Parenthood gave a plaque attributed to MLK, he didn't attend. MLK; my daddy, A.D. King; and their father, M.L. "Daddy" King were pro-life. Granddaddy even saved me and one of my children from abortion. Thank God he did.
Meanwhile, Sanger and her PPH Federation targeted and have sometimes paid black leaders—doctors, preachers, lawyers, teachers—with grants and scholarships to convince them to join her. Does this sound like love and compassion?
Attention, CBC (Congressional Black Caucus and Concerned Black Clergy). As a post-abortive mother, I know firsthand the pain abortion can bring. There is no agape love in abortion and trafficking baby body parts. They are hateful and violent deeds.
CBC, you cannot serve both God and money. You cannot serve both Planned Parenthood and your constituents. By serving Planned Parenthood, you are not only hating the other or despising the other, but your position is helping to kill our people.
CBC, it's not too late to put your constituents first, where they belong. Get involved—no, take the lead—in the investigations of Planned Parenthood. Take the lead in calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood. It's time to stand up for truth.
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Discover an Often Neglected Key to Understanding Israel's Land Promise

Discover an Often Neglected Key to Understanding Israel's Land Promise

The Torah still serves as the foundational holy text.
The Torah still serves as the foundational holy text. (Wikimedia Commons)
Standing With Israel
These days, many are uncertain as to how to interpret Israel's land promise in light of the New Covenant. Many are unsure of how to respond to the denial of many Christians that promise still exists.
Sadly, no lack of controversy surrounds the subject. Many important principles of Scripture interpretation come into play. One often neglected key can help.
First, a quick bit of background needs to be set. Scholars generally agree that the best interpreter of the Bible is the Bible. The Scriptures themselves teach us how to understand new and inspired revelation in light of earlier text.
The five books of Moses, known as the Pentateuch or Torah, serve as the foundational holy text. The Hebrew prophets and other writers built squarely on that foundation. Their newer writings amplified and applied God's Word, taking it to the next level of redemption history. Sometimes they described new covenants—like those God made through Abraham, Moses and David. Jeremiah described a profoundly new covenant in which God's Word would be engraved in human hearts.
Since the New Covenant is not the first of God's several covenants, how did the ancient writers of Scripture interpret newer covenants in light of earlier ones?
When new revelation was given to biblical authors, they never re-interpreted the pre-existing Word of God to accommodate their new revelation. Rather, new revelation was accepted as divine truth based on what had been previously acknowledged to be true
To qualify as holy canon, no new text could refute or replace the foundational meaning of earlier text. A critical test for judging the divine inspiration of any proposed new writing was its consistency with prior writings. If the proposed passage or scroll or covenant contradicted God's pre-established Word, it disqualified as Holy Scripture. In fact, any new covenant would be primarily interpreted in light of older covenants, never the other way around.
Yeshua and the New Covenant's Jewish authors would have been strongly influenced by this sacred principle. Therefore, when they give fresh meaning to an Old Covenant passage or principle, they build on or amplify, not abolish, the original contextual meaning of that passage or principle. (How many times have you read Scripture only to hear God speak deeper, fresh personal meaning to you each time?) Thus, the Messiah said He came to fulfill, not do away with, the Torah. He is not the terminator, but the perfection, completion and goal of all Hebrew Scripture.
By this principle, God's unconditional land promise to Abraham in Genesis 15, inherited by the Jewish people, still applies to them. Those promises have been amplified by the Mosaic covenant (law) and the prophets. By the New Covenant, they may also apply, on another level, to the metaphorical land of Christian hearts. Meanwhile, some Gentiles may also be called to live in Israel, just as some Gentile have always lived in the Promised Land.
Because the New Covenant was written in light of the Old, confusion results if we reverse that order and interpret the Old Covenant primarily in light of the New. Such an approach amounts to reading the Bible backwards. It almost guarantees the Scriptures will not be rightly understood.
Few of us would read a book by starting two-thirds into it, finish it and then pick up on page one. As an author, I wouldn't be too happy if that's how my writings were read! In this sober hour of history, God wants us to "rightly handle the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15). Don't you?
Sandra Teplinsky has been in the Messianic Jewish ministry since 1979. She is president of Light of Zion, an outreach to Israel and the church based in Southern California and Jerusalem. She is an ordained minister and prophetic conference speaker, and has written several books and articles about Israel and the church.
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COMMENTARY: Is Israel Just Our Good Luck Charm? - ISRAEL TODAY

COMMENTARY: Is Israel Just Our Good Luck Charm?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
Ask a Christian why he or she loves and supports Israel and the Jewish people and the response will most likely be, “Genesis 12:3: Those who bless Israel, shall be blessed, and those who curse Israel shall be cursed.” It has almost become our mantra.  
But is that the right answer? 
Because if our love is supposed to be unconditional, then blessing Israel to get blessed has strings attached. It’s a way to get blessed, not be a blessing. Or avoid getting cursed. It’s a bit self-serving.
The fact is, the way many of us are using Genesis 12:3 is close to fetishism. It’s like Israel has become our good luck charm. Our rabbit’s foot. Caress it and it will bless you. Disrespect it and it will curse you.
Is that how we are to understand God’s promise to Abraham? Are we missing something here? I believe so. Centuries of Replacement Theology has left us with an “us” and “them” mentality due to the Jews prolonged state of disbelief regarding Messiah. We may no longer accept that the Church has displaced the Jews as God’s chosen ones, but we still see the Church and the Jews as two separate people of God. We reveal that mindset when we look at Israel’s restoration and say things like, “well, if God kept His promises to them, then we know He’ll keep His promises to us.” As if God has two different sets of promises and destinies for His people. Do not ALL the promises of God “have their yea and amen” in Yeshua? (2 Cor. 1:20) 
So how then should believers, especially those not Jewish, treat Genesis 12:3?
If we look at the last part of the verse God spoke to Abraham, it says, “And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” That means all who are “in him,” that is in his seed, will be automatically blessed and be a blessing to others. But aren’t all New Covenant believers who are circumcised in heart “in him” - in Abraham’s chosen family? Absolutely.  “For if you belong to [Israel’s] Messiah you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.” (Gal. 3:29) And, “Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham.” (Gal. 3:7). And again, “You brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise” (Gal. 4:28). 
So if we are all included in the chosen line of Abraham’s family through faith in Yeshua, then we are already blessed, right? Right! “Those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer”(Galatians 3:9)
Our problem then is just plain unbelief. By all means we should bless the state of Israel and the Jews. But not to get something we already have! We should love and support them as family. Because that’s what families do. It is the nations who need to realize if they bless Israel (or us) they’ll get blessed. And warned if they curse Israel (or us), well, things will soon turn ugly for them. 
That’s just the way it is.
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