Thursday, August 13, 2015

"The Droughts of Summer" ✡ Summer Fun in Jerusalem

Praiseworthy is he whose transgression is forgiven... For day and night Your hand is heavy upon me; my freshness was transformed as in the droughts of summer, forever.

PSALMS (32:1,4)

אַשְׁרֵי נְשׂוּי פֶּשַׁע...כִּי יוֹמָם וָלַיְלָה תִּכְבַּד עָלַי יָדֶךָ נֶהְפַּךְ לְשַׁדִּי בְּחַרְבֹנֵי קַיִץסֶלָה

תהילים לב:א,ד

ash-ray n'-soy pe-sha ... kee yo-mam va-lai-la tikh-bad a-lai ya-de-kha ne-h'-pakh l'-sa-dee b'-khar-vo-nay kai-yitz se-la

Today's Israel Inspiration

The word 'ashrei,' fortunate, which begins today's Psalm, speaks of the fortunate person who veers away from sin and chooses the Godly path. The Psalmist uses a metaphor of a hot summer drought in the Land of Israel to describe how his strength was almost sapped because of his sins. Later on (verse 6), he describes repentance, symbolized by the refreshing waters of the rainy winter season. How true that the seasons can play a part in our frame of mind! During Israel's long and hot summer days, Meir Panim runs wonderful camps for underpriviledged kids, providing a safe and nurturing experience to renew and reenergize their spirits.

Summer in Jerusalem:
Must-See Water Show

Just outside the Old City walls, Jerusalem's Teddy Park offers an incredible water, light and music show. Visitors share what makes this attraction so special.

From a Prayer and a Miracle to Feeding Thousands

An incredible story of a couple who prayed twenty years for a child, and took upon themselves extra good deeds to open the doors of heavenly mercy.

Adina: My Design Sketchbook

Adina: My Design Sketchbook is a fun, empowering workbook for fashion designers of all ages who love modern AND modest fashion. It provides the skills to create real illustrations and designs. Using step-by-step tutorials, stickers, suggestions, and encouragement, Adina’s Designs inspire creativity and self-expression, without compromising on dignity and self-respect.

Today's Israel Photo

This great photo by Daniel Malkiel features Teddy Park's sound and light fountain at the foot of the Old City walls, across the street from Jaffa Gate. The park is named for past Jerusalem mayor, Teddy Kollek, obm, who was legendary for building up modern Jerusalem.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Janie Barnett of Warsaw, Illinois in honor of Pat Vickers. Toda raba!

“Thank You for Sharing So Much of Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Thank you for sharing so much of Israel. I pray for peace in Israel every night... God Bless and Save Israel.-John Rees

Shalom, I am Esther from Germany. I am pleased with the photos and news from Israel, especially Jerusalem. I love the Jewish people and Israel and pray daily for it. I was already very often in Israel and am right back there. Shabbat Shalom, Esther Kluge
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Spectacular Footage of Jerusalem by Drone ✡ "Remains of All the Nations"

And it shall come to pass, that every one that remains of all the nations that came against Jerusalem, shall go up, from year to year, to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.


וְהָיָה כָּל הַנּוֹתָר מִכָּל הַגּוֹיִם הַבָּאִים עַל יְרוּשָׁלִָם וְעָלוּ מִדֵּי שָׁנָה בְשָׁנָה לְהִשְׁתַּחֲו‍ֹת לְמֶלֶךְ יְ-הוָה צְבָאוֹת וְלָחֹג אֶת חַג הַסֻּכּוֹת

זְכַרְיָה יד:טז

v'-ha-ya kol ha-no-tar mi-kol ha-go-yim ha-ba-eem al y'-ru-sha-la-yim v'-a-lu mi-day sha-na v'-sha-na l'-hish-ta-kha-vot l'-me-lekh a-do-nai tz'-va-ot v'-la-khog et khag ha-su-kot

Today's Israel Inspiration

At the End of Days, the righteous nations who "remain" will make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem on Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, the festival when Israel offers universal sacrifices and prayers in the Temple on behalf of all of the nations of the world. The righteous nations will be recognized, after a war that will lead to the ultimate victory of good over evil. A new book gives a fascinating vision of how the political chaos in the world might lead to the fulfillment of End of Days prophecies.

Jerusalem From Above

This amazing footage was captured by a drone soaring above Jerusalem. Just fantastic, enjoy!

Inspired by the End of Days

Author Pinchas Winston begins his novel with the entire world pointing their guns toward tiny Israel. The War of Gog and Magog, as prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel, is about to take place.

Shivat Natural Date Soap

A great Israel company called “Shivat” ("Seven") makes divine natural products based on the biblical Seven Species. Every one of the seven species contains healthful nutrients that benefit the body and promote wellness. Bring the blessed species into your home with these fantastic soaps.

Today's Israel Photo

A gorgeous Jerusalem evening by Elad Matityahu.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

You got it! Yesterday's photo featured delicious sesame halva, being sold at the Halva Kingdom in Jerusalem's open market.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“I Forward it to Friends All Over Finland”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Shalom! Thank you very much for interesting, timely and clear writings, photos and videos. I forward it to friends from all over Finland. I am a Finnish friend of Israel. -Eija Lapinkataja

I love Israel365. I lived in California... I pray for Israel and peace. God Bless, Patricia Medina
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Why Christians Must Fight Boycotts Against Israel

Why Christians Must Fight Boycotts Against Israel

It isn't enough that many Muslims hate Jews and Israelis, but do Christians have to follow their lead?
It isn't enough that many Muslims hate Jews and Israelis, but do Christians have to follow their lead? (Reuters file photo)
Standing With Israel
Israel has faced many enemies in the past and faces even more today. Muslim terrorist armies such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the malevolent individuals within the Palestinian Authority are in the closest proximity.
The rapidly advancing ISIS and Caliphate forces and the expansion of Tehran and its goal of eliminating the Jewish State and all unbelievers has been moving towards active hostilities in their proxy wars. But the BDS activity has been perhaps as damaging as the violence because it attempts to harm Israel by causing financial harm to the nation of 8.2 million shekkels.
Boycotts are being staged in nations which have large Christian majorities and many are adopted by church denominations. Academic and professional groups adopt resolutions that use boycotts to support pro- Palestinian positions. The Palestinian Authority and other Muslim activists promote their position with a sophisticated social media campaign that utilizes outright lies, fraud and a willing media which follows any story that puts Israel in the worst light. The mainstream media has abandoned any semblance of balance, due diligence and fact checking to get attention from a gullible public.
The most distressing participants in this betrayal are the churches, colleges and even clergy. To be sure, a Christian element of compassion for downtrodden Palestinian refugees and residents of Gaza is admirable. However, fact-checking and research quickly will disclose the foundation for the circumstances of their condition.
Last year's Gaza war was an outright instance of aggression by Hamas using sophisticated tunnels to enter Israel. They used Iran-supplied and locally manufactured rockets fired from civilian villages, school and hospitals and placing combatants within villages.
Using human shields who were told to stay put as martyrs was openly admitted to by several spokesmen. In addition, BDS harms Israel's Muslim and Christian Arab citizens because the companies that are selected for boycotts  hire and employ them and their wages are much higher than any earned in the neighboring Muslim countries. Check the issues regarding Soda Stream and how this Israeli business has been a major factor in the economic lives of many non-Jewish citizens.
The partition into Israel and Jordan resulted in evacuations of Jews and Muslims both. The Muslim refugees became pawns in a merciless game of anti-Israel politics. Arab nations refused entry and kept up only meager support for these unfortunates. Israel welcomed back those would share the duties and laws of Israel citizenship. Today the coalition government of Hamas and Mahmoud Abbas' followers continues to conduct daily terrorist attacks in Israel. Last summer saw the use of cars, knives and kidnapping as weapons against victims as young as infants and as old as rabbis saying Morning Prayer.
Can Christians participate even passively in boycotts? Are we obliged to speak out against these anti-Semitic acts? The Holocaust of the 1940s was aided by the passivity of most churches in Germany and Europe. The writing of Pastor Bonhoeffer witness beyond his hero's grave to what a true follower is obliged to do.
Here are some direct and personal steps a Christian can follow to combat this modern day anti-Semitic aggression.
If your denomination is discussing Israel, Palestinian nationhood, the two-State solution or any issue that would involve BDS you can present a well-researched position paper documenting facts about these issues. Use dependable sources, and follow Biblical the rule of two independent and authoritative sources. Measure all against Scripture (the Berean process). Ask to participate in the discussion as an advocate for Israel and present your findings in a firm and confident manner. Call in others who share this viewpoint as additional witnesses and make your position known. The Biblical evidence for Israel, its borders as declared to Abraham, its primacy in Scripture from Abraham to Revelation, cannot be denied, changed or substituted. Should your position be rejected and the church vote to continue, you should declare your intention to withdraw from the church and d so publicly until that decision is nullified.
Academic groups are a similar case. Here you have an edge: finances. Colleges and universities draw much of their support from alumni gifts, bequests and planned giving. Usually student or alumni factions are involved in BDS movements. Today, many faculties in leading positions have taken a '60's and '70's radical series of positions. They have been able to influence students into positions that have carry out their agendas and these vulnerable individuals have fallen victim to many lies and intentional personal agendas of atheist, agnostic and anti-Semitic professors whose misuse their authority.
When a movement to boycott Israel makes news contact your college administration, the President or Chancellor and make know in writing your intention to postpone any intended annual gift, donation, planned giving or trust process etc., until the proposed BDS is cancelled. Also state that you are contacting other alumni via social media that they will do the same. Realistically money talks, most faculties are in very privileged positions and are out of touch when it is fundraising time. Seeing their jobs, research or tenure affected by their anti-Israel activities will move them more closely to objectivity. So far several US universities have voted down BDS moves for reasons that have "No money" written all over them.
Professional associations follow a similar track. Most depend on memberships and gifts, grants etc. BDS generates very bad PR. They get news coverage and a rising alternative media can focus attention on the group that MSNBC, NBC, CNN will not. Add social media and firestorm of criticism will ensue. Social media cannot be underestimated as a message carrier and influence when used properly. Affiliate audiences, peripheral audiences of similar groups can mobilize comments and actions that any administrators will not be able to manage. Social media page administration is a very time consuming duty and virality can put things beyond the energy required to put out the "fire." Presenting your position within protocols of the group, presenting evidence and acting promptly on your intent with withdraw support will make serious impression with savvy administrators and membership committees.
We have seen how the recent Orange situation had very immediate effects on how France deals with BDS threats. Direct, firm and unified actions led to apologies and a personal visit to mend fences from the Company's CEO. Israel's stature as the "Start-Up Nation" and its stature as a high-tech R&D leader had its effect right where it could hurt companies the hardest: being shut out of Israel's intellectually rich resources.
BDS is unbiblical, un-Christian and we are obliged to not be passive. We must witness and do this to prevent any anti-Semitic moves by our churches, colleges or corporations.
Tom Brennan has worked in quite a few professions. Born in Lynn, Massachusetts, he's worked as a museum curator, archivist and graphics curator, library administrator, small business owner, animal care worker, sheriff's deputy, rancher and farmer and author and researcher and NewsBlogger. He plans to volunteer for Sar-El next year and see Israel from the ground up. When he's not digging into news, he works with Arabian horses and other breeds in Boise, Idaho.
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New Video Reveals Baby Harvesters 'Take What They Wanted..."

New Video Reveals Baby Harvesters 'Take What They Wanted and the Mothers Don't Know'

Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

The second episode in a new documentary web series highlights a young woman's eyewitness narrative of the daily practice of fetal body parts harvesting in Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, describing tissue procurement, workers' coordination with abortion providers, the pressure placed on patients, and disregard for patient consent.
The "Human Capital" documentary web series, produced by The Center for Medical Progress, integrates expert interviews, eyewitness accounts, and real-life undercover interactions to explore various themes connected to Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted fetal tissue. Episode 1, "Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts," premiered last month. Episode 2, "Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site," launched this week.
The series follows the personal narrative of Holly O'Donnell, a former Blood and Tissue Procurement Technician for StemExpress, a start-up biotech company from northern California that partners with Planned Parenthood clinics to purchase their aborted fetus parts and resell them for scientific experimentation. As a procurement tech, O'Donnell's job was to identify pregnant patients matching the specifications of StemExpress customers and to harvest the fetal body parts from their abortions.
"It's not an option, it's a demand," StemExpress supervisors instructed O'Donnell about approaching pregnant women at Planned Parenthood for fetal tissue "donations." O'Donnell says the StemExpress techs working in Planned Parenthood clinics sometimes harvested fetal parts without obtaining consent from the patients: "If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted. And these mothers don't know. And there's no way they would know."
Federal laws on the procurement and use of human fetal tissue require that patients consent to the tissue donation subsequent to consenting to the abortion procedure (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
According to O'Donnell, Planned Parenthood gave StemExpress workers access to patient records and schedules so that the harvesting company could plan for the days when patient "supply" would be greatest. "They give you a sheet, and it's everybody for that day, who's coming in for an ultrasound, who's coming in for an abortion, medical or a late-term abortion," O'Donnell explains. Even patients just seeking a pregnancy test at Planned Parenthood were considered part of the supply: "Pregnancy tests are potential pregnancies, therefore potential specimens. So it's just taking advantage of the opportunities."
Project Lead David Daleiden notes, "Experiences like Holly O'Donnell's show that Planned Parenthood's abortion and baby parts business is not a safe place where vulnerable women can be cared for, but a harvesting ground for saleable human 'product.' Taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood's barbaric abortion business should be revoked immediately, and law enforcement and other elected officials must act decisively to determine the full extent of Planned Parenthood's offensive practices and hold them accountable to the law."
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Blog: The Dead Sea

Blog: The Dead Sea

Thursday, August 13, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
The Dead Sea, a unique gift of nature with healing minerals, serves as a natural oasis of wellness and a source of health and beauty.
The Dead Sea is known for its extremely salty and mineral-rich water. The minerals have a healing effect on skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.
The Hebrew name "Yam HaMelach" from the Old Testament means "Salt Sea".
The Dead Sea covers an area of approximately 900 square kilometers and is a terminal lake in a drainless Valley situated between Jordan and Israel.
The climate in the Dead Sea valley is sunny all year round with low humidity. The average temperature in summer is 39° C and in winter 20° C. The water temperature ranges between 19 and 31° C.
The Dead Sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water with a salinity of about 34.2% compared to the the salinity of the Mediterranean at about 3.8%.
The most commonly found minerals in the Dead Sea are anhydrous chlorides with a weight percentage basis of, calcium chloride (CaCl2) 14.4%, potassium chloride (KCl) 4.4%, magnesium chloride (MgCl2) 50.8% and sodium chloride (NaCl) 30.4%. In comparison, the salt in the water of most oceans and seas is approximately 85% sodium chloride. The concentration of sulfate ions (SO42−) is very low, and the concentration of bromide ions (Br−) is the highest of all waters on Earth. The waters also contain lose-degrading anaerobic bacteria resulting in its therapeutic properties.
In the last few decades the level of the Dead Sea has been dropping at the disturbing rate of approx. 1 meter per year. This tendency is as a result of reduced inflow to the Dead Sea from the Jordan River as a result of large-scale irrigation along the Jordan valley and generally low rainfall.
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Muslims Harass US Congressmen on Temple Mount

Muslims Harass US Congressmen on Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, Israel -- A delegation of U.S. congressmen got a taste of Muslim hospitality Tuesday during a visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.

From the moment they and their guide set foot on the site, they were harassed.

"We walked up there and were almost immediately approached by several men who started shouting," Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Pa., told the Jerusalem Post.

"We were tracked the entire time we were there and found these individuals surprisingly intolerant and belligerent," he said.

Intolerance and belligerence describes the welcome for all non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount these days. The site of the first and second Jewish Temples has become increasingly dangerous and unpleasant for Israelis as well.

Elizabeth Jenkins, wife of Rep. Evan Jenkins, R-W. Va., modestly dressed in a calf-length skirt and long sleeves, was the first target.

As the group began walking up to the Mount, a man started yelling that she needed to cover up more. Muslim women in burkas are paid to harass female visitors to the Temple Mount even when they're modestly dressed.

Israeli Police had to intervene to allow the group to continue.

Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., told the Post, "There was an effort to completely suppress not only any expression of religious conviction, but any articulation of historical reality."

When their tour guide pulled out a map of Israel, a cleaning man signaled another man who approached the guide and demanded to know if any of his material spoke of the (Jewish) Temple. You may not, he was told, refer to the area as the "Temple Mount." You must only call it the "Dome of the Rock."

From that point on, the guide was continually harassed by men representing the Wakf, the Islamic trust controlling the day-to-day administration of the site. When some of the Wakf representatives tried to take his maps and diagrams, the guide told them he wasn't doing anything illegal and would only stop if Israeli officers told him to.

"Our guide was very respectful, but very appropriately strong in his convictions," Jenkins recounted. "He was not confrontational, but handled it very appropriately."

But it didn't stop there. Police were again required to stave off a group of about 20 men who began shouting and interrupting the guide, who quietly assured them "the men running around with walkie-talkies are not the final authority."

"Despite the screaming and shouting and pointing of men with walkie-talkies, the police were able to exercise their authority and let us proceed comfortably," Jenkins said.

Nonetheless, a group of Muslim men followed them around for the rest of their visit.

As they left, they saw more Muslim men surround a group of Jewish visitors shouting at them, "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is greater).

The congressmen undoubtedly will never forget their experience on the Temple Mount.

Franks said he wished people were more aware that harassment of an historical site stems from "people who want to rewrite history."

After experiencing the situation firsthand, he added, "In general, when there is a lack of resolve in protecting religious freedoms, it emboldens those who have no compunction about suppressing it."

The congressmen are part of a group from the Israel Allies Foundation, which mobilizes political support for Israel based on Judeo-Christian values. The delegation came to learn firsthand why Israel opposes the Iranian nuclear deal.

Following Tuesday's visit to the Temple Mount, the congressmen met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and later with President Reuven Rivlin.

I See a Great Wave of Glory Hitting the Globe by Ryan LeStrange

I See a Great Wave of Glory 

Hitting the Globe 

by Ryan LeStrange

Identity Network
The hubs are arising! This is the word that has been burning in my spirit. The Lord is igniting the flames of revival fire in various regions of the earth.
I was in prayer seeking God about His plans for the nations when suddenly a vision erupted in my spirit. I saw light springing forth from various places in the world. As I looked I could see this all over the globe. I literally saw a network of lit up places all connected (it looked like some type of digital map).
I began to ask the Lord: what am I seeing? He spoke to me that these are global revival hubs. Each hub is a strategic place of outpouring. As the Lord continued to reveal to me His plans for revival centers and hubs He showed me that they would function differently than what I would typically perceive as a revival center.
The hubs are not only called to be places of revival and outpouring but also of equipping and advancing. Radical moves of the Spirit and hosting the presence of God are only part of the call of these emerging centers. These must also be places that teach, activate and equip the body of Christ for last days harvest and every member active!
Different Expressions of Revival
I see a great wave of glory coming upon the hubs! The hubs will carry different expressions of revival in this hour yet each is vital to the plans of the Father. We must be very cautious not to attempt to create a cookie-cutter pattern for the revival centers and hubs that are being established.
The revival hubs are called to embrace partnership between the apostolic and prophetic. The apostolic anointing is a building and governing anointing. The hubs carry a mandate for regional revival, equipping and activation! The prophetic anointing reveals.
In order for transformation to unfold and revival to be released there must be divine revelation. A hub is a place of continuing refreshing and outpouring. It is not just a place that enjoys a seasonal outpouring. This is an expression of the apostolic mandate to build places of presence and power! These are also places of prayer and intimacy.
"This is the discovery of a paradigm that will unleash a global harvest as my plans and purposes are fulfilled in the earth," says The Lord. "I'm building the foundation for revival and revival centers, it is not the work of man but the ordination of my Spirit."
The Father is placing men & women in particular places to dig deep wells of revival and refreshing for a region. He is establishing ministries that will serve as a HUB of revival in their territory. These HUBS are places of divine outpouring and awakening led by radical revivalists whose heart's cry is to see a great awakening. The agenda of the hour is not just building another ministry but to release the spiritual destiny of a region and host the presence of God in a way that brings radical transformation to the lives of people.
Here are 8 Characteristics of Revival Hubs:
  • Marked by hunger. It is the hungry that will press in and invite an outpouring in a region.
  • Digging wells that will not only bless the hub but also the region and beyond!
  • Will face opposition as the well gets deeper and the transforming presence of God grows in the hub.
  • Presence driven. The revival hubs and those who lead them place great emphasis and value upon the presence of God.
  • Prayer fueled. Prayer is key to birth and sustain revival.
  • Release the sounds of heaven. Revival HUBS are impacted by revival worship. God is birthing new sounds for a new move. There is no room for performance driven worship in these hubs. The worship that is coming forth draws people deeper into encounter.
  • Known for miracles & power. Revival hubs are places of supernatural power where bodies are healed, live changed and miracles released.
  • Places of fathering and equipping. The emerging move is an apostolic and prophetic driven revival. The hubs that God is raising up birth and establish spiritual sons and daughters. As the move of God continues, training is key to raise up a generation that releases the Kingdom.
Let me leave you with this Scripture: Isaiah 55:1, "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."
Ryan LeStrange

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