Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Bible is Alive in Israel ✡ "From the City of David"

And the fountain gate repaired Shallun the son of Colhozeh, the ruler of the district of Mizpah; he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, the bolts thereof, and the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of Shelah by the king's garden, even unto the stairs that go down from the city of David.


וְאֵת שַׁעַר הָעַיִן הֶחֱזִיק שַׁלּוּן בֶּן כָּל חֹזֶה שַׂר פֶּלֶךְ הַמִּצְפָּה הוּא יִבְנֶנּוּ וִיטַלְלֶנּוּ ויעמידו (וְיַעֲמִיד) דַּלְתֹתָיו מַנְעֻלָיו וּבְרִיחָיו וְאֵת חוֹמַת בְּרֵכַת הַשֶּׁלַח לְגַן הַמֶּלֶךְ וְעַד הַמַּעֲלוֹת הַיּוֹרְדוֹת מֵעִיר דָּוִיד

נחמיה ג:טו

v'-ayt sha-ar ha-a-yin he-khe-zeek sha-lun ben kol kho-ze sar pe-lekh ha-mitz-pa hu yiv-ne-nu vee-ta-l'-le-nu v'-ya-a-meed dal-to-tav man-u-lav uv-ree-khav v'-ayt kho-mat b'-ray-khat ha-she-lakh l'-gan ha-me-lekh v'-ad ha-ma-a-lot ha-yo-r'-dot may-eer da-veed

Jerusalem Inspiration

The most extraordinary site where one can feel the merging of biblical text with biblical archaeology is Jerusalem's City of David National Park. Although identified in the mid 19th century, many answers to biblical riddles still lay locked beneath its soil. Only recently, the Davidic palace foundations were discovered in a pre-existing Canaanite structure, illuminating the verse "David took the [Canaanite] stronghold of Zion; the same is the city of David" (II Samuel 5:7).  As one stands in this spot and gazes at the mountains in all directions, King David's words come to life: "As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about His people, from this time forth and for ever" (Psalms 125:2).  'Live' the Bible over and over again with the Israel Bible Subscription.

Where the Bible Comes to Life

The City of David, located south of the Temple Mount, is rich with archaeological treasures that map out the stories of the Bible and the Jewish kings.

Holy Book Burnings and a Clear Double Standard

As holy books are burnt by Arab arsonists in Gush Etzion, the silence of those that decry anti-arab graffitti, is deafening. Double standard?

Jerusalem Nano Bible Gentle Star of David Necklace

In the incredible Nano Bible, the spirit and technology of Israel have come together to produce the world’s smallest bible, printed onto a single 5mm x 5mm surface, and set into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can take the Bible with you wherever you go.

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

Today's photo by Rebecca Kowalsky shows the sprawling hills of a trail named 'derech ha'avot'.  Do you know the meaning of these Hebrew words?
Send me your answer or post it onFacebook.

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  Shalom, I enjoy receiving your emails.  I always endeavor to learn the Hebrew in your emails. I am from Columbus, Ohio USA. The pictures are beautiful; makes you feel that at least you've seen the things there, even if you haven't been there to visit physically. Shalom
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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 2)

 Jim & Lori Bakker

Watch here: Health Issues No One Is Talking About (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Dr Matt Stadnyk, Dr Sherrill Sellman, Frank Davis

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2928 | Aired on February 6, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Mideast on Fire: Jerusalem the Center of a Coming 'Perfect Storm' - Chris Mitchell CBN NEWS

Mideast on Fire: Jerusalem the Center of a Coming 'Perfect Storm'

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Since the dawn of what is known as the Arab Spring in 2011, the Middle East has gone through profound and historic changes, killing hundreds of thousands of people and forcing millions of others from their homes.
Some believe the region could be on the verge of regional war with global consequences.  
In just the past three years, the ISIS terror army conquered huge areas of Syria and Iraq, Iran struck a landmark nuclear deal with the rest of the world, Russia made its biggest military move into the Middle East in decades, and  two main rivals within Islam -- Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran -- appeared on the brink of war.
Israel's former national security advisor describes what is happening in the Middle East now as a "perfect storm."
He believes a series of events are converging that will create a situation far more dangerous than the individual events themselves. Sitting right in the center of the Middle East storm is the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.
In the Blink of an Eye
Middle East expert and best-selling author Joel Rosenberg told CBN News he believes this chaos portends a gloomy picture for the year ahead.
"The state of the Middle East is a catastrophe right now. The Middle East is on fire," Rosenberg said. "2016 is going to be a very dangerous year because you are watching the complete catastrophic failure of American foreign policy under President Obama."
"You're watching the Russians and the Iranians trying to rush into the vacuum of the American retreat," he continued. "You're watching the Islamic State on offense. You're seeing Iran being rewarded for its belligerent behavior and now has two ways to nuclear weapons."
"This is a disaster in the making," Rosenberg warned.

Some are convinced that one of those disasters in the making is the nuclear deal with Iran. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., calls it one of the worst diplomatic agreements in U.S. history.
"Even if Iran follows the deal to the letter, they're going to be a nuclear threshold state in a mere 10 or 15 years, which Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu says is a blink of an eye in the life of nations," Cotton explained. 

He said it could lead to a Middle East nuclear arms race and put the region on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.
"We are at risk of entering a second nuclear age and the loss of life, not in the tens, not in the thousands, not in even the hundreds of thousands -- but in the millions," Cotton warned.
"And that loss of life could include American life because Iran is also developing a ballistic missile program and they also have shown they are willing to kill Americans," he added.
Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
Another storm cloud on the horizon is the growing battle between Sunnis and Shiites, led by Saudi Arabia and Iran. The feud began to boil when the Saudis recently executed a top Shiite cleric.
Although Middle East analyst Michael Barak doesn't expect a direct war between two of the region's giants, proxy wars around the region could instensify.

"Executing this guy is meaning like a declaration of war against Iran," Barak said. "Actually, we are already witness to the clash between the Shia and Sunni in Yemen and Iraq and Syria. It will get worse, of course."
Enter the Russian Bear
Russia's actions have generated yet another storm cloud. When it entered the Syrian civil war, it formed an alliance with Iran.
That unprecedented coalition fuels a greater danger to Israel, according to Rosenberg.
"The alliance between Moscow and Tehran is a match made in hell," he said.
"And so what you have now the two countries are now operating in Syria supposedly against the Islamic State. But it puts them dangerously close to Israel," Rosenberg cautioned.
"And the United States under President Obama is just throwing up our hands and say, 'Well, whatever, why don't you guys take care of the problem?'" he said.
"We are ceding the Middle East over to Moscow and Tehran," he warned. "This has dangerous implications for the United States, for the world, and for Israel like we have not seen in generations."


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February 9, 2016          
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 By Shira Sorko-Ram 
0216 Top Britains Muslim Population

Left: St Mary’s Church on Cable Street in East London.
Right: Friday midday prayers outside a mosque in East London. (Photography: London Media)

       Few themes in the Bible are repeated more than this: When a nation turns their
back on God, that nation begins a downward spiral, heading finally to its destruction.

       It is not a comfortable subject to think about. And yet, the Lord tells us,
“Now when these things begin to happen, look up… because your redemption
draws near.”

       However, to ignore the subject of unrepentant nations falling into chaos is not,
I believe, an accurate read of the way God wants us to respond.

      After all, the entire Bible warns us to alert our wayward nations of coming judgment.
King Solomon understood this fundamental truth before he, too, turned from God,
and his nation suffered the same tragedies.

“When Thy people Israel are defeated before an enemy, because they have sinned against Thee, if they turn to Thee again and confess Thy name and pray…then hear Thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of Thy people Israel…" I Kings 8:33-34

A void has been created by Britain’s leaders, who themselves have been duped by pop stars, salacious TV series, brutal movies and the wild life of the uber-rich together with patronizing scholars and elites who have nothing but disdain for God. To fill that void, another god - Allah - is moving in. His law is Sharia. His goal is to conquer completely the British Isles.

The problem is not about different ethnic groups arriving to live in Britain. God created each ethnicity with lovingkindness. The problem is simply the West, whether it acknowledges it or not, is in a battle of civilizations. Put another way, Britain, if it continues its current path, will become an Islamic nation.


Demographics may take more than a generation to reveal irreversible changes. But demographics reliably foretell the future if things continue as they are. Look at these figures:

- Today there are 2,900,000 Muslims living in Britain, including Scotland and North Ireland - about 5% of the population. (
- The Muslim population is multiplying 75% every 10 years.
The demographic model widely reported in the mainstream press reveals:
- By 2021, Britain’s Muslim population will reach about 4,900,000.
- By 2031, 8,600,000
- By 2041 15,000,000
- By 2051, nearly 26,000,000 (

From the British non-Muslim population, its birthrate is 2.1 per female - below the replacement level.Ibid. In other words, the real numbers of non-Muslims will shrink.

It is estimated that in 2051 there will be a total of 77,000,000 British citizens. The respected Commentator newspaper concludes that “if immigration policies continue as they are…then the Muslim population projection of 26 million by the year 2051 can be rationally defended. (Ibid.)

So by the middle of this century, a third of the population will be Muslim. If the majority of non-Muslims are secular, without a personal Jesus-centered life, Britain will be rudderless in a very stormy sea.


There is no denial that Sharia law is already being practiced throughout Great Britain by Muslims; polygamy is common, and the Islamic culture pertaining to women and other religions is replacing British law in communities with a sizable Muslim population. As the Islamic religion increases, British believers will experience severe persecution, especially in freedom of speech and liberty to preach the Gospel.

Just as genuine Christians know that they have been redeemed by the precious Lamb of God, sent by the One True God, Jehovah, so are Muslims absolutely positive that Allah is the only true god, and Jesus is not the Son of God, nor did He die for anyone’s sins.

So here we have two divergent theologies. But the lethal conflict is this: Christians and Messianic Jews believe that our God has commanded us to bring the Good News of Eternal Life to the non-believers through our testimony, our love and our faith that God will prove Himself real to any and all who seek Him with all their hearts.

Muslims believe Allah is the only true god and he has commanded his followers to conquer the world, set up a Caliphate, force Christians and Jews and all “infidels” to convert or ultimately be slaughtered. These are the commandments of Mohammed.

As long as Muslims are a small minority, it is more difficult to perceive their ultimate goals. But today, across the world, those devout Muslims, whose greatest desire is to return to Mohammed’s seventh century original Islam, are experiencing an Islamic revival.


Today in Britain, the trend is already noticeable. In a blog written by Paul Wilkinson called “The Islamization of England, One Town at a Time,” he describes little towns like Whitley Bay, a resort in the Northeast of 10,000 souls. Despite being only 0.3% Muslim, Wilkinson describes the numerous “Indian” restaurants - a proper word for “Middle Eastern” and another half a dozen Muslim-owned fast food takeaways on the main drag. Passing by another small village, he came upon a large mosque that had just been built.

Or take larger cities like the Bradford area with somewhat more than half a million citizens. Here there are over 100,000 long-time immigrants from Pakistan. In their area the stores appear to be 100% owned by Muslims; children are heading to the numerous local madrassas to learn about strict Islam. The Pakistanis like to import imams from the mother country. You get the picture.

In the January and February 2015 Maoz Israel Report, I wrote a detailed summary of the plans that Islamic fundamentalists have to take over Western democratic countries. That, of course, includes Great Britain. Muslim journalists and media personages, professors, sports icons, literary personalities and artists - all help in increasing Islamic influence in democratic nations. One of their most important goals is to elect Muslim candidates into government.


Last summer, the UK’s first female Sharia judge said that the UK government has no right to prohibit Islamic polygamy.

According to The Times, some 100,000 Muslims in the UK are currently married under Sharia not recognized by UK law. Many of these marriages are polygamous.

Earlier this year a report found that Muslim women across Britain were systematically oppressed, abused and discriminated against by Sharia law courts that treated women as second-class citizens. The 40-page report by Baroness Cox, a leading human rights campaigner, found women were pressured by their communities to use Sharia courts rather than civil courts and were threatened and intimidated if they did not comply.

One woman said, “I feel betrayed by Britain. I came here to get away from this and the situation is worse here than in the country I escaped from.”


Spiritually speaking, humanist and atheistic activists are assisting the spread of Islam. By demanding that schools suspend teaching from a Christian point of view and by removing all Biblical signs and values from the public square, they leave an enormous void which Islam is more than happy to fill.

Baroness Butler-Sloss’s two-year commission involving leading religious leaders from all faiths has concluded that Britain is truly no longer Christian and recommends that public life should be systematically de-Christianized. (

As the children of Christian parents wander from the faith of their fathers, the younger generation of more secular Muslim parents are becoming much more devout. In short, most children of Christians have left the faith, while the children of Muslims are returning to theirs.

Outside of massive revival of the magnitude of George Whitfield, John Wesley, and others, the British Isles will be unrecognizable by 2051. Revival has swept the British people in the past. It can sweep the land again.


0216 - Britain Map

A Prophecy from David Noakes

“Nation of Britain, I have loved you with a love which has not ceased, despite the state of apostasy and degradation into which you have fallen. My anger toward those church leaders who have taught false things in my Name, and encouraged others to believe and act as they do, is intense and my judgment upon them will be severe. Yet I have compassion upon those who have been like sheep without Godly shepherds; and My heart still longs to exercise mercy upon a nation whose forefathers upheld my Name and took my Word to the ends of the earth; a nation whose belief in the truth of my Word framed Godly laws and inspired a culture of uprightness.

“Rather than rely on Me and my faithfulness to you, you chose, for worldly purposes, to join yourself to an institution [i.e. EU] which has denied my Name and refused to acknowledge Me in its councils. My fierce anger is upon that institution on account of its rebellion, its defiant rejection of Me and its hardness of heart towards my ancient people Israel.

“I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by Me for the sake of your Godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgment to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve. If you will separate yourself from her declared rejection of God, I will have mercy upon you and restore my hand of protection; and I will use you once again to bring light to many lost in the darkness which is now steadily increasing.

“Hear Me, O once Godly nation and respond to my call, or you also will come to ruin in that same judgment of destruction. This is not My will for you, but you must choose the course which you will take. I urge you to respond to Me and choose life under My hand of discipline and protection, rather than death in the disaster which is even now coming upon Europe.”

David Noakes ministers through the Issachar Ministries Trust. Given at a Ministry Leaders meeting November 2015. Printed with permission.

According to the Bible, prophecy is to be both desired and judged. (I Corinithians 14:39,29)
~ Editor.


0216 - Dwindling Flock
(Photo: LONDON MEDIA) Dwindling Flock: St Mary’s Cable Street in East London was built
to hold 1,000 People. Today, the Congregation numbers around 20.

By Clifford Denton

It’s official! Well, that is, according to the report released by former senior judge, Baroness Butler-Sloss. The thin end of the wedge is getting thicker...

Baroness Butler-Sloss’s two-year commission involving leading religious leaders from all faiths has concluded that Britain is no longer Christian and recommends that public life should be systematically de-Christianized.

Because of the rise of other faiths, including Islam, the report says that a “new settlement” is needed to give a public voice to those of all religious persuasions and none. This would gradually neutralize any Christian influence in our schools, taking overt Christian teaching from public school lessons and assemblies and challenging the existence of faith-based schools.

A case is also built for the reduction of the number of Church of England bishops in the House of Lords giving their places to a wide variety of input from other faiths and denominations.

There is also a recommendation for all national and civic events - including the next coronation - to be designed to reflect “the pluralist character of modern society.”


For some time, we at Prophecy Today have realized there is a ‘thin end of the wedge’ regarding subtle attacks on the Christian foundations of our society. All too quickly we are now down to the thicker part of the wedge that is being driven in by humanists and those with multi-faith persuasion.

Though this report does not have a direct impact on the laws of the UK, it clearly demonstrates how far we have gone during just one generation. There will be many who have no concern for our nation’s history and heritage who will draw strength from this report and the battle lines are being drawn for the defense of the Faith in our nation.

Of course, we ourselves have monitored with concern the declining numbers attending church and have noted the numbers of those of other religious persuasions increasing across the nation, but our use of the data must be quite different from that of Baroness Butler-Sloss’s committee.

In reality, Britain is not - and never was - a ‘Christian country’ in an absolute sense. The country has never been entirely full of born-again believers. Yet, when the leadership of the nation has upheld biblical truth and when our laws have been molded to conform to biblical precepts, Almighty God has protected and prospered us so that the world around has recognized us as, at heart, a Christian country.

The basis of our constitutional position, is the central tenet of the 1953 Coronation Oath: the Queen’s promise to “maintain the laws of God and true profession of the Gospel.” Thank God this promise and foundation stone remains in place during our Queen’s reign. Not only is this Her Majesty’s commitment, it is also the commitment of every member of the House of Commons and House of Lords, made through their own oath or affirmation entering office.

Though a baroness can lead a committee to seek to erode this away, it is in accordance with our constitutional principles and laws that they themselves - including the baroness - have made this commitment. That far we are a Christian country - a backsliding Christian country perhaps, but nevertheless committed to the God of the Bible by strong personal oaths.


It is often said that the UK has an unwritten constitution, which gives the impression that our position is vague and therefore, to some degree, subject to matters of opinion. This is not true when studied from the viewpoint of the Coronation Oath and the many centuries of development of laws and customs that brought us to today. Yet it can be treated as vague if one has a mind to do so and if the nation is led by those who choose to ignore the central principles that were passed on.

Concerned by this, a few years ago I set about writing around to see if I could pin down who is responsible for the checks and balances of maintaining our constitutional position. Starting with the Palace, I tried to ascertain how the Queen viewed her Oath and how she would seek to fulfil her vows especially when a new law came up that was against biblical principles. Many of her subjects have also urged her to lead the nation in prayer as did her father in the Second World War.


The answers I have received constantly refer questions back to the Government - most often to the Home Office. The Queen certainly takes her Oath seriously at a personal level but has assumed the role of a ‘Constitutional Monarch’ who defers to her ministers and signs without question whatever is passed into law through Parliament. Finding the Home Office non-committal, the next point of inquiry was to try to find the governmental office responsible for constitutional issues, with the question as to whether there is any department in the government that specifically tests government decisions for their conformity to the Coronation Oath. This is the reply I received in full:

Dear Dr. Denton,

Thank you for your letter of 17th
January 2010. We are the team responsible for Constitutional Policy and the relationship between Church and State, and have been asked to respond to your letter.

“The Government does not accept that The Queen has signed any Acts of Parliament which contradict the Coronation Oath. The Coronation Oath is a personal Oath, sworn by the Monarch during the Coronation, when she was asked ‘Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?’

There is no mechanism or particular office in place to assist Her Majesty in upholding her Coronation Oath, nor would it be appropriate for such a mechanism or office to exist. (my emphasis)

The conclusion is that responsibility for maintaining the Oath and defending the Faith has fallen into an imprecise place between Monarch and Government and, despite the Oaths and Affirmations made on entering governmental office, no-one is designated to protect our sworn status before God that Britain will seek to be a Christian country.


In reality, the only people who will be concerned for our Christian heritage are Christians. Baroness Butler-Sloss’s committee has opened an issue that will deepen even further in the coming days, raising many questions for Christians about faith in the public life of the nation. Should Christians still be defending the heritage that is being systematically attacked and dismantled, encouraging our national leaders to fulfill the solemn promise to God that was made on 2 June 1953? Or should we accept that the days of ‘Christian Britain’ are long over - and move on?

Should the Church fight for a voice and an influence in the public realm, or should we live quietly and seek to witness where we are placed? Should we defend the use of biblical laws and principles in civic life as what’s best for the wellbeing of the nation, when the nation has forsaken God himself?

In my view, answers to these questions depend on whether they are tackled during or after the reign of Queen Elizabeth. A call to repentance across the entire nation has clear context whilst the present Coronation Oath is in force. Now is the time for the rallying cry to sound out to return to our national commitment to the God of the Bible. It may be different when this reign ends. Nevertheless, whether before or after, it remains the responsibility of Christians to seek God for what he is doing and what, by implication, we should be doing. At all times this is the bottom line.


This issue will not go away. I would suggest that the Lord God himself will not let it be ignored. If the day comes when the foolish recommendations of Baroness Butler-Sloss’s Committee are adopted, then our decline as a nation will be under the Hand of God as much as our reaping the consequences of our foolishness. This is how critical the next few years will be at an escalating pace.

Permission kindly granted by the Rev. Dr. Clifford Hill, Editor in Chief of Prophecy 

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A New Wailing Wall - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

A New Wailing Wall

Tuesday, February 09, 2016 |  
The Israeli government after years of deliberation has granted permission for non-traditional Jews to pray as they see fit at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site. 
For a thousand years, Jews who prayed at what is known in Hebrew as the Kotel did so in a traditional manner, including gender separation. Since the 1980s, however, Reform and Conservative Jews have challenged the consensus by demanding recognition of their right to pray as they wish.
Small in number though they be, these non-traditionalists, most recognizable among them the Women of the Wall (pictured), finally convinced the Israeli government to allocate the southern portion of the Temple Mount's western retaining wall for their use.
That marked a bitter compromise for the Western Wall's chief rabbi, who called the new arrangement "the lesser of two evils." 
The rabbi stated that "ever since this marginal and tempestuous group of the Women of the Wall started its media campaign, the Western Wall has transformed from a unifying place to a wrestling arena. It will take years to amend the sacrilege this group has caused." 
This new arrangement, he continued, "is the result of legal constraints and fear of further escalation in this fight to break the walls of holiness. We must do whatever we can to leave this horrid affair behind us."
Reform Rabbi Uri Regev wasn't too happy, either. "We are talking about a painful compromise. While the Orthodox occupation of the traditional Western Wall continues, the liberal constituency will have to travel to Robinson Arch [the southern portion of the wall]," he complained.
The new area, called Azarat Yisrael, is to be located in the archeological garden at the southern foot of the Temple Mount. The future prayer plaza will be built around the archeological site and will have its own separate entrance. In other words, the Israeli government has effectively created a new holy site for non-traditional Jews that will be separated from the Western Wall.
Little wonder that even lenient rabbis like Haim Navon think that this is a clumsy and expensive arrangement that will solve nothing. He rightly warns that the clashes instigated by the non-Orthodox with the Chief Rabbinate are designed to impose a particular liberal worldview, which is why such confrontations won't end with the new prayer plaza, but will simply be refocused on other issues.
Navon also touches upon the issue of the of minority groups' right to impose their practices on the public space that can't be easily divided. 
The Western Wall, he argues, is a national symbol out of which no one has the right to cut a piece for himself. The Wall can't be equally divided, and demands for an egalitarian holy site can only result in egalitarian disputes where, in the name of minority rights, petitions to the Supreme Court may come to absurdities. Nothing of value can come when common sense gives way to the discourse of rights, he said.
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The Super Bowl Commercials That Drove Abortionists Absolutely Crazy - MATTHEW CLARK/ACLJ CHARISMA NEWS

The Super Bowl Commercials That Drove Abortionists Absolutely Crazy

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The Doritos Super Bowl commercial has the abortion industry absolutely losing its mind.
The commercial shows a baby in an ultrasound.
NARAL—the abortion industry's top lobbyists—immediately took to Twitter in outrage, fuming, "#NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses..." That "anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses" is called an ultrasound, which shows a baby human inside the womb.

Yet this wasn't the only commercial big abortion was flipping out about Sunday.
The NFL released a series of ads during the big game on that premise that "Data suggest 9 months after a Super bowl victory, winning cities see a rise in births." They are known as Super Bowl Babies.
NARAL again couldn't stand the idea of babies actually being born, tweeting, "Super Bowl Babies? Use protection, sports fans."

The abortion industry was actually going out of its mind about these fun Super Bowl commercials because they promoted the simple idea that life is precious and should be celebrated. I guess an idea can be a dangerous thing.

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