Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sharing Love From Sweden - "ARE THE POOR WELCOME IN THE CHURCH?" - Eva Haglund

by Eva Haglund, Sweden

Nowadays you can read about Christian conferences, which at times can cost a lot of money for one person to attend. If your family wants to go to the conference that would indeed be a lot of money to pay.

What happens then for those Christians who cannot afford to pay? They are then unable to go to any conference. Are not Christian conferences for the poor also?

I understand that it costs money to operate a church building. But to have people stopped at the door because they cannot afford to give? I know of such places. 

If people hear about meetings in that building, and they are not saved and yet try to visit, is it any wonder if they are also stopped at the door because they do not have money to give? Would they ever try to visit a Christian meeting again?

There are many Christians who do not have much money. While some Christians can afford to go on trips to many locations, there are others who cannot even afford to buy a book. Some of these hardly even have food. Yet are these sisters and brothers in the Lord still welcome in church? Are there people who are not saved, and poor, who are not welcome in the church?

A church congregation ought to be there for the poor in church also. In John 17:21 we read that love is a testimony to the world. If people in church are met by love it is a testimony. It is written, "that they all may be one, as You Father are in Me, and I in You that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."  Jesus says also in John 15:12, "This is My commandment that you love one another as I have loved you." We ought to do the same.

In Acts 2:46 we read that Christians "sold their possessions and goods, and divided them  among all, as anyone had need." I do not think we always have to sell all our possessions and divide them, but we see here the heart they had for sisters and brothers in the church who were poor. We see here the care for the poor, to help each other when there was a need. 

Many people are poor in the world and they need to feel welcomed in church. Jesus was generous. He also said, "Feed My sheep." In John 21:17 we are to show care in different ways. Jesus gave His Bread, which is His life. (John 6:51)

In Acts. 3:6 Peter said, "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." I do not think Peter had money here either, as he said, "silver and gold I do not have". But he gave what he had.

We understand that Jesus identified with the poor. He came into the world and was born in a stable. Even as a newborn He identified with the poor and homeless. He was not welcomed in the hostel. As in some places today, doors can also be closed.

If there are economic needs in church, these needs should be met in a way other than making people pay to go to a church gathering. In the Bible we see that the Christians collected as they could and helped the poor. In Luke 10 we read that the Samaritan reached out and helped a man who was wounded emotionally and physically, having no money to help himself. We are to do as this example was given to us.

The church needs to reach out and assist the poor. There needs to be a welcoming church for the poor. We are called to be Jesus' hands and feet on earth, and welcome the poor into our midst. Then we will be demonstrating the true love of Jesus to the world, as we welome the poor into our churches.

Little Things Shared In Love - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Little Things Shared In Love

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“…that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love…”
(Colossians 2:2, NASU)

Just before we were ready to start the conference, my friend and I took a white porcelain stature of a warrior angel, wrapped it in a gift box (as best we could as men), to give it to the ministry administrator. He was in charge of the facility we were renting for our upcoming conference. It was one way we were going to show thanks and appreciation for the effort he had given in helping us with all the details for our three day event held in his building. Remembering what he said still brings a smile to me, as he opened it, held it up, and proclaimed, “I want to thank all the little people who helped me make this possible.”

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe that is true. Each one offering a bit of themselves to the others, contributing to the greater good of all. As we make our way through life, often it is those little things along the way that encourage us to keep pressing on. The kind word said here, the helping hand given there, the unexpected but so needed support when it seems the road is just too steep to go another step.

The Lord Jesus speaks to us of being faithful in the very little things. When it is all said and done, our showing our faith, by saying that word of encouragement to the discouraged one, will be noted for eternity. Making the effort to visit the weak and lonely, unnoticed by anyone else, may be the one time you kept them living for another day with hope. Even sending a simple thank you card, or a text as today would be the case, can bless another when they need it the most.

Little things done for others along the way can fill up a bucket of love. And when that bucket is full, they too will overflow with more of the same for the next one.

Because the Messiah has first loved us, we can thus give to each other from that wealth of expressed love.

“We, though, are going to love — love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first.” (1 John 4:19, THE MESSAGE)

Little things you do today can make a world of difference in others needing a touch from the Lord in this hour. Look around. Find that one. And do even a little thing to bring a smile to their face. 

Amazing love shared will do your heart good too.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 02.20.16 - #245 –“Little Things” – Saturday at 8:00 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Share a little love! Thanks. Steve

Friday, February 19, 2016

Is RISEN the Faith Movie of the Year? Read Our Review Here! - FAITH DRIVEN CONSUMER

RISEN Review


Could this be the faith-friendly movie we’ve all been waiting for?

Take a moment and check out our Faith-Friendly Film Review of RISEN—which opens nationwide in theaters this Friday, February 19th.  
RISEN is a fast-paced, powerful movie with many stirring and realistic scenes that encourage viewers to examine the biblical truth claims about Jesus and His resurrection.

Read below to read the full review and find out how we rated RISEN.

As you know, we’ve developed a set of five specific criteria to measure the compatibility of entertainment products for Faith Driven Consumers like you and me.

Share this review with your family and friends.   

Faith Driven Consumer Also don't forget to check out what The Hollywood Reporter had to say about our review.
Overall Rating
Leans strongly toward a biblical worldview

Ranking Categories:
Overall Faith and/or Biblical Relevance5.0stars.png
Faith-compatible Depiction of Characters and Character Relationships4.5stars.png
Faith-compatible Depiction of Situations4.5stars.png
Family Viewing Suitability3.5stars.png
Entertainment Value4.5stars.png
view our criteria


Just in time for Easter, RISEN offers moviegoers a fast-paced, well-executed and thought-provoking examination of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus through the eyes of a high-ranking Roman soldier. Opening in theaters nationwide on February 19th, RISEN asks the hard questions and skillfully moves from the head to the heart in ways that will resonate with skeptics and believers alike.   
Produced by Affirm Films and distributed by Sony/Columbia Pictures, RISEN boasts an excellent screenplay by Kevin Reynolds (“Hatfields & McCoys,” THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO) and Paul Aiello—with Reynolds also serving as the film’s director. It features impressive sets and cinematography as well as a strong cast including Joseph Fiennes (HERCULES, LUTHER) as Clavius, Peter Firth (MI-5,AMISTAD) as Pontius Pilate, Tom Felton (BELLE, HARRY POTTER) as Lucius, Maria Botto (“Mad Dogs”) as Mary Magdalene, and Cliff Curtis (LAST KNIGHTS, THE PIANO) as Yeshua (Jesus).      

Overall Faith and/or Biblical Relevance

While much of the story line in RISEN is extra-biblical, it is nevertheless plausible and holds close to the biblical narrative in a creative and engaging way.  Moviegoers will relate on a personal level to the important philosophical questions about hope, purpose and worldview that are raised by several deep conversations between Clavius and Pilate—and they will be similarly challenged to come to their own conclusion about who Jesus was and is.    
In this sense, RISEN is a like a “who dunnit?” crime detective story in which Clavius plays the role of an investigator seeking the truth about what really happened to Jesus following His crucifixion. Even though he’s a non-believer, Clavius is committed to following the truth wherever it leads him—something all humans are called to do as well.    
In today’s postmodern culture characterized by skepticism, RISEN is a fresh and timely look at the biblical claims about Jesus.  The story is framed and advanced in ways that effectively respond to the doubts that non-believers have raised over the centuries to the narrative Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension—the most important event in human history. 

Faith-compatible Depiction of Characters and Character Relationships

From Jesus and His followers to the Roman occupiers and Jewish leaders of the day, RISEN presents a largely faith-compatible depiction of characters throughout. In a nice touch, Jesus is referred to by His Hebrew name, Yeshua, and his disciples are very loving and appealing—ultimately softening Clavius’ heart as he seeks to carry out his mission from Pilate to find Jesus’ body.
Here, as Clavius interrogates the disciples, each joyfully testifies as to WHO Jesus is—and points to His teachings centered in love.  They do not fear persecution or martyrdom and one tells Clavius, “If you knew Him, you would understand.” Their worldview is so radically different that they seem to speak in riddles and encourage Clavius to look into his heart in order to find this Jesus he is searching for.  
And although Mary Magdalene is depicted as being “of the street”—a popular, but not necessarily biblical understanding—she ultimately leads Clavius to the room where the disciples are hiding, allowing Clavius to see for himself the risen Yeshua.  

Faith-compatible Depiction of Situations

Although the RISEN story line picks up as the crucifixion of Jesus is winding down, the writers artfully weave miracles and other biblical events into the depiction of many scenes in ways that tell the fuller story of His life—and clearly point to His divinity. And from the opening scene in the Judean wilderness in which the stage is set, RISEN comes full-circle showing Clavius stepping out into a new life after being forever changed by his encounter with the risen Yeshua. 
Along the way, the historical and biblical context of Pilate working closely with Caiaphas and the Jewish leaders to quell unruly Jewish uprisings in this far-flung Roman province is front and center. There is a Masada-type battle scene with bloody hand-to-hand combat and the Jews are shown anxiously awaiting a prophesied messiah who they think will politically deliver them from Rome’s brutal rule.
While there are many scenes in RISEN that are not found in the Bible, each nevertheless moves the story forward as Clavius tries to make sense of what has happened to Jesus’ body. When he learns that many now claim to have seen the crucified Jesus alive, the stakes are raised and Clavius begins to pursue the truth—at great risk to himself personally and professionally. In one beautiful scene, Clavius witnesses the doubting disciple Thomas as he encounters the risen Yeshua—with holes in his hands, feet and side. And in another moving scene, Clavius opens up to Jesus and discovers that Jesus already knows the deepest yearnings of Clavius’ heart. 

Family Viewing Suitability

At 107 minutes in length, RISEN is rated PG-13 for biblical violence including some disturbing images.  Here, events associated with Jesus’ crucifixion may be difficult for both children and adults to see. Interestingly, the place of the crucifixion—Golgotha—is depicted in unusually narrow confines and the moment when the three crosses are brought down is jarring on multiple levels. 
Beyond this, there are scenes involving conversations between Clavius and Pilate in a hot-water spa featuring upper male nudity, including the suggestion of the pleasure of female company and a massage after a difficult day on the battlefield that some viewers may find unsuitable for children. 
On a positive note, Roman soldiers are humanized and shown to struggle with the brutality of their jobs and Clavius relents on breaking Jesus’ legs when he sees Mary crying—deciding to spear him instead as he unwittingly fulfills the biblical prophecy that none of the Messiah’s bones would be broken.

Entertainment Value

RISEN is a fast-paced, powerful movie with many stirring and realistic scenes that encourage viewers to examine the biblical truth claims about Jesus and His resurrection. The production values are high, the script is well-written and engaging, the direction is solid, and the cast uniformly strong. 
Although not directly biblical, RISEN offers a contextually accurate, real-world journey that reminds us that even the most unlikely person can be drawn to—and forever changed by—Jesus.  Because of this, RISEN is an excellent movie to share with non-believing friends and family members.  It poses tough questions that critics of the crucifixion have asked over the ages in ways that are fair and believable—all without being preachy.



YOU DON’T NEED TO BE NUMBER ONE! Stand beside another and hold their arms up in the cause…and God will send you those who will stand with you.

God did not call Joseph and Daniel or Esther to be the top of the mountain as a number one- but as the indispensable number two in support. Your place may be alongside a team that is collectively going to the top. If you insist on being a solo act when you are called to support someone else you are missing out on your highest calling. Maybe later God will give you your own assignment. Right now many of us are called to help another in their mission.

There is such a tangible battle going on for the soul of nations you can feel it. The book of Revelations says that there are demons released from the pit of hell to go forth to the nations. As the lust of man and the anger of man and the strife of man intensifies it puts a demand on the infernal regions and spirits are released.

The other side of this is true also. As God's people put a demand on the realm of heaven and hunger, press in and pray, heaven is released and angels break through and disrupt the works of darkness.

The status of Sheep or Goat cities, regions, nations will be determined by the people in those places and the intercessors assigned to those places.

What does it mean that one can put a thousand to flight? It means that one genuine saint hungering for God has more influence over the environment then 1000 people putting a demand on hell! What about two praying together? They cancel 10,000 people who are unconsciously conspiring with hell.

What about 2 or more coming together as a legislative assembly? A Micro church? Like Daniel and his 3 friends? Well now you have an entity that can move into even greater authority.

God wants to activate you – a new Davidic company.

Breakthrough is happening all over. There are already those in Hollywood that are making movies and developing actors. Its happening now.

There are those who are stepping into multiple millions and billions of dollars in new markets. Its happening now.

America's political landscape is getting shaken up…keep praying till God's choice emerges. When it does let us move AS ONE!

My encouragement to you is to watch the last Periscope I did and join in the soaking prayer and get your inner man conditioned to a new level of spiritual activity.


Lance Wallnau

Go here: Lance Wallnau website

How to Guard Your Heart From Bitterness by Lee Grady - IDENTITY NETWORK

How to Guard Your Heart From Bitterness by Lee Grady

Recently a friend of mine hurt me deeply. I felt betrayed and disrespected. I tried to pretend the insult was no big deal, but inside I was seething. I can always tell when resentment has invaded my life because I start obsessing about the pain. When I went to bed that evening, I literally felt sore. All I could think about was retaliation.

But just before falling asleep I mouthed a prayer. I meant what I said, even though my feelings begged me to retract the words. I prayed: "Lord, help me to forgive _____." Then, during the night I dreamed that I was enjoying a friendly conversation with this person. When I woke up, it felt as if we had really been talking!

It was a miracle. I realized the dream was God's way of softening my heart and taking out the offense. The Lord gave me the grace to forgive.

Ending Offenses

Perhaps you've been insulted, overlooked, stabbed in the back or mistreated - and now bitterness is poisoning your soul. Don't let it spread any further. You can nip your offense in the bud by following these guidelines:

  • Don't nurse your grudge. It feels good to our flesh when we replay an offense in our minds and then fantasize about hurting the other person. But if you star in and direct this dramatic movie in your head, you are going to be making sequels for months and years until bitterness makes you sick. Pull the plug on the whole production now.

  • Let go of all revenge. C.S. Lewis said: "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." No matter how a person offends you, be humble enough to recognize that you've probably done the same thing to someone else before. Quit sharpening your knives. You will be tempted to think about hurting the person, but remember that those knives are hurting you worse than anyone else.

  • Don't spread your bitterness. Sometimes you may need to vent to a close friend about what happened, but this isn't so you can ruin the reputation of the person who hurt you. If you share your pain with someone because you need advice, don't seek sympathy or go to those who have animosity toward the person who hurt you. That's like mixing toxic chemicals! Instead, go to mentors or friends who are mature enough to tell you the truth. You may feel mistreated, but the speck in your brother's eye may actually be a log in yours. A true friend will tell you that you are overreacting or being unreasonable.

  • Pray for good things to happen to the person who hurt you. Jesus urged His disciples to love and pray for their persecutors (Matt. 5:44). That's a foreign concept in this age when we unfriend people on Facebook just because they forgot to invite us to a party. Calm down, let go of your petty outrage and ask God to bless the person who offended you. Forgiving prayer will feel like a warm salve applied to your wound.

  • Reach out and expect to repair the relationship. Jesus places a high priority on reconciliation. He wants us to get along. If you are praying and you remember that someone has something against you, Jesus said, "First be reconciled to your brother" (Matt. 5:24). On the flip side, He said if someone has sinned against you, "go and reprove him" (Matt. 18:15).

In both cases Jesus commanded us to confront. And confrontation is never easy. We'd rather just avoid each other. We'd rather "bury our hatchets," pretending that our nasty attitude is gone just because it's well-hidden under our Sunday morning smiles. But true forgiveness is not burying a hatchet while we still hate a person inwardly; forgiveness requires us to surrender the hatchet to Jesus.

  • Ask for God's forgiving love to fill your heart. One of my favorite preachers, Corrie ten Boom, struggled to forgive the Nazis who beat her in the Ravensbrück prison camp. After the Germans surrendered, she met a former Nazi guard in the street, and he told her he had become a Christian. He reached out his hand and asked her for forgiveness. She couldn't look at him.

But then Corrie remembered Romans 5:5, which says, "The love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit." She realized that when we don't have the capacity to forgive, God gives us the love. Jesus changed Corrie's heart.

Corrie added: "God's love is stronger than my hatred and unforgiveness. That same moment I was free. I could say, 'Brother, give me your hand,' and I shook hands with him, and it was as if I could feel God's love streaming through my arms."

Jesus didn't promise a life without offenses. Hurt happens. But He provided the way to keep resentment from ruining our lives. As we enter this new year, make a conscious decision that you will embrace a life of miraculous forgiveness.

Lee Grady

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In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to “Return to Jewish Roots” By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Hundreds of Polish Christians and Jews march in solidarity with Israel in Warsaw. (Photo: Edward Ćwierz/ Facebook)

In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to “Return to Jewish Roots”

“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them.’” 
Psalms 126:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Last month, Breaking Israel News published a story about a pro-Israel rally in Warsaw, Poland. The ongoing story behind that rally is even more amazing, revealing a an inspirational story of how Polish Christians’ love for Israel grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust.
The story begins with Edward Ćwierz, who helped found the Cenacle Church of Kielce in south central Poland in 1992. He is also a senior pastor of their sister-church, the Cenacle Tent of David in Warsaw, which organized the “March of Support for Israel” on January 10th. The march, intended to show support in the face of rising European anti-Semitism, was well-attended, with hundreds of Christians coming from all over Poland to show their support for Israel.
Ćwierz told Breaking Israel News that such a gathering would have been unheard of ten years ago, making him optimistic about the changing relations between Jews and Christians in Poland.
“We have seen enormous positive changes over the last 25 years. We have a growing movement, especially in the communities of evangelical Christians, in the direction of a return to the Jewish roots of Christianity. It is a process, but its effects are visible,” he said.
Ćwierz became actively interested in Israel in 2003. He and some of his followers began to visit Israel on regular basis, not as tourists, but to pray for the Jewish Nation and to bless it. Ćwierz explained, “This was the time when we received a revelation that God still loves Israel and that His covenant with them is eternally alive. We also believe there are many promises to Israel that have yet to be fulfilled.”
Their church sees Israel as part of the Messianic process.”We are at a strategic moment in history,”  Ćwierz said. “God is restoring Israel, gathering it back to its land, setting the stage for the coming of the Messiah to Israel.”
Their connection with the Jewish people was further strengthened in 2007 when they began meeting with Israeli youth delegations. The meetings were inspired by a desire to confront the city of Kielce’s tragic history with the Jews. Before World War II, almost one-third of the 23,000 residents were Jewish. During the Holocaust, almost all of the Jews from Kielce died in the Treblinka death camp.
The Victory of Zionism in the Modern Age
After the war, about 200 Jews returned to Kielce to rebuild their lives. In July, 1946, a pogrom occurred in which 42 Jews were killed, sparking a migration of Jews from Poland. The March of the Living, a Holocaust educational program which brings Jewish people from all over the world to Poland, visits the city on its trips.
Meeting students on the March of the Living has had a profound effect on the pastor and his congregation. “Faced with young people at the cemetery, we feel the urge to say we are sorry for the pogroms and anti-Semitism, but we also feel a need to express our support and love for Israel,” he told Breaking Israel News.
In a strange twist of fate and a powerful fixing of an historic evil,  the friends they visit when they go to Israel are Holocaust survivors and their children.  “Meeting these people is always a big blessing for both sides,” Ćwierz said, “and our circle of friends is constantly growing.”
Much of Ćwierz’s connection to the Jews is driven and shaped by Poland’s history with the Jews. “God is giving our nation a second chance, a chance to stand with Israel better than we did in the past. We want to seize this historical opportunity to change ways of death into the ways of life,” he shared.
The miraculous coming together of Jews and Christians in Kielce is not without its detractors. Their pro-Israel rally, though successful, became a target for hatred. The church’s Facebook page and Youtube channel received so many anti-Semitic entries that they had to close down the comments.
This has not deterred them from moving forward. On 27th of February, the church will host a conference called “Israel and the Nations”.  Ćwierz also regularly teaches in churches all over Poland on the subject of Israel. In 2014, he published a book entitled “Poland-Israel, a Second Chance from God”.   July 3, 2016 is the 70th anniversary of the Kielce pogrom, and he is organizing a “March of Life for Israel” through the streets of the city, inviting his friends from Israel and Germany.
Ćwierz is quick to point out that guilt is not their primary motivation. Rather, the Bible is his group’s true source of love for Israel: “Our inspiration is not historical anti-Semitism. It is the love which God has for Israel, which we find in the Bible.
“We want to tell the truth about the past and express our support for Israel and to oppose all forms of contemporary anti-Semitism,” Ćwierz  said. “My dream is to see thousands of Poles express public support for Israel.”
He added, “May God bless you and your country with peace!”

RISEN Official Trailer - In Theaters Feb 2016

Official Trailer 
- In Theaters Feb 2016

RISEN: THE MOVIE. Rich Peluso Hollywood Producer glorifies Jesus Christ. Joseph Fiennes stars as Roman Centurion eyewitness of Christ's resurrection.

Published on Apr 30, 2015
Witness one of the most important events in human history through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Risen is a depiction of events surrounding Christ's missing body after his crucifixion.

Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content:

Cast: Tom Felton, Cliff Curtis, Joseph Fiennes