Monday, February 29, 2016


We're often told not to quit, but sometimes it's actually a good thing.

Two Words We're All Tempted to Say: I Quit

We're often told not to quit, but sometimes it's actually a good thing. (iStockPhoto)

Spirit-Led Woman

I quit everything. Nothing I was doing was what I really wanted to do, and it was killing me. I had to focus on loving and taking care of myself, or I wouldn't be around to do anything anymore.
I had started gaining weight again after having the monster fix of gastric bypass surgery. Most everyone who has the surgery loses weight at first. With less weight and more energy, I began my normal trend of doing everything anyone asked me to do.
No Time for Help
I sat on any board of directors of any organization who asked. I wrote articles for organizations, published their newsletters, helped promote events, led small groups, led various training events, helped with seminars, built a website, started blogging, served on church committees, ran a business and managed a family, which included doing laundry, grocery shopping, bill paying and fixing meals.
Nothing I was doing was bad. Everything I had my hand in was good, and I liked helping others. I just didn't have enough hands to do it all. When that happens to me, I turn to food to stave off the overwhelming burdens I feel.
About a year after surgery, I discovered I could eat sugar and other foods I couldn't before. Surgery did not fix the core reasons why I ate in the first place. I began eating all my old comfort foods again. Before I knew it, I was once again in the morbid obesity category.
"Enough is enough," I said. "I'm doing something about this."
Working on Me
I had to understand what my issues were such as, why do I keep running back to certain foods whenever I can? I needed help, but I had no time for help. Understanding that monumental truth helped me revise my to do list.
One at a time, I let go of the priorities everyone else had for me. I quit everything.
Then, I started working on me. I began going to a weight loss group. I started seeing a holistic doctor who helped me start various vitamins, minerals and natural hormone supplements. I saw an allergist and a chiropractor who both believe in wellness therapy. I got a trainer, and began seeing a physical therapist.
I exercised at least six days a week for an hour. I stopped eating sugar and flour and started eating protein, vegetables and fruits. I took life purpose coaching training, which also helped me understand myself more.
Most importantly, I allowed God to teach me what my core issues were, and how to walk through forgiving others, renouncing lies and hearing God's truth for my life. I allowed God to transform every part of me—body, soul and spirit.
I also evaluated the things I had been doing. Was there anything I had been doing which tugged at a deep part of me? Something I truly missed? What was the cry of my heart, the thing that made me tick?
Write the Vision
Among the entire list of things, the one I loved the most was blogging and writing. Years ago, I chose a life verse. This needs to be one that shouts at me every time I see it in Scripture or think about it.
Mine is: "Write the vision. Make it plain so those that read it may run with it" (Hab. 2:2). There it is. That's who I am. Everything else pales in comparison to that. If I have to choose one life action, that would be it.
It's not just about writing. It's about writing the things which matter in a way that will help people incorporate the truths into their lives. In order to do that, I have to be connected to the One who makes my one thing matter.
Vibrating With Life
Trusting God with my entire heart means not leaning on what I think, rationalize or understand, but surrendering completely to Him. When I do that, He will show me the next step.
God says surrendering to Him brings results that align with my ultimate goal of being whole, healthy and happy, living a life full to overflowing with His purposes.
That's what began to happen when I quit everything and concentrated on only doing what fit into His purpose for me.
I decided to love myself in the same way God loves me. I decided to listen to that still, small voice inside, and be the best me possible. I decided to run with the thing that makes me light up inside. In the process, I lost weight, but gained so much more.
Teresa Shields Parker is a wife, mother, business owner, life group leader, speaker and author of Sweet Freedom: Losing Weight and Keeping It Off With God's Help, Sweet Grace: How I Lost 250 Pounds and Stopped Trying to Earn God's Favor andSweet Grace Study Guide: Practical Steps to Lose Weight and Overcome Sugar Addiction. Get a free chapter of her memoir on her blog at Connect with her there or on her Facebook page.
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Cities Of Refuge: Why Are People Creating Hundreds Of Places Of Refuge All Over America? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Place Of Refuge - Public Domain

Posted: 28 Feb 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

All over the United States, cities of refuge are being created.  Now when I say “cities”, I don’t mean vast areas of land that can hold hundreds of thousands or millions of people.  Rather, I am talking about much smaller places of refuge that can accommodate dozens or hundreds of people.  In a few cases, I know of places of refuge that will be able to take in thousands of people, but that is about as big as they get. 

There are individuals all across America that have specifically felt called to build communities where large numbers of people will be able to gather when society totally collapses.  So why is this happening?  Why do so many people feel such an urgency to create cities of refuge that would presumably never be used if we don’t ever see full-blown societal breakdown?

In the headline, I claimed that hundreds of these “cities of refuge” are being created, but the truth is that it could easily be thousands.  I have personally talked to countless numbers of people that are like my wife and I and are planning to be able to take in members of their own extended families when things get really crazy.  But there are others that are taking things to an entirely different level.

I was recently contacted by a man in New York state that plans to convert a hotel and surrounding facilities into a place of refuge that could potentially accommodate hundreds of people for an extended period of time.  I know of a ranch in southern Idaho where the staff has been feverishly preparing to take in thousands of people when society starts completely falling apart.  And I have corresponded with so many others both inside the United States and outside the country that are creating these types of communities.

It has been estimated that there are three million preppers in America today.  But those that are creating these places of refuge are not just “prepping” for themselves.  Instead, they feel called to prepare a place of safety where others will be able to gather when times get really crazy.

Due to the wide reach of my articles, I have had a lot of people involved in these communities reach out to me over time.  Some have graciously let my wife and I know that there is a place for us if needed during a major emergency, and others have wanted for us to become personally involved in what they are doing.  I wish that I could get involved in all of them, but there is a limit to what any one of us can do.  But I always encourage people to keep pressing forward with their preparations, because without a doubt they will be needed someday.

In addition to what is happening inside the United States, there are others that have already left this country and are creating places of refuge abroad.  There are people that are doing this in South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.

And of course every “place of refuge” looks different.  As I mentioned above, some plan on transforming existing hotels or ranches into places of refuge.  Others plan to use open land to host large numbers of RVs or to construct vast tent cities.

But there are five big things that all places of refuge need to be thinking about…

1. Food – It is going to take vast quantitites of food to even feed dozens of people.  When you are talking about hundreds or thousands of people, the amount of food required for a place of refuge will be off the charts.

2. Water – None of us can live without water, and it has been estimated that the average American uses 80 to 100 gallons of water every single day.  Of course we would all use a lot less during an emergency situation, but if your “place of refuge” does not have easy access to water that could become a major problem very rapidly.

3. Shelter – It is nice to think that you are going to take in a lot of people, but where are all of them going to sleep?  Most people don’t think of mattresses or cots as “survival items”, but the truth is that they are going to be greatly in demand when things get crazy.

4. Power – If the electricity goes off and stays off for an extended period of time, what are you going to do?  How will people stay warm, how will you cook food, and how will your community function without any artificial light whatsoever?  Having an alternative source of power for your place of refuge is very important.

5. Security – If there was a full-blown collapse of society, any place that still has ample resources is automatically going to become a target.  So it is great if you have everything that your community will need, but if you have no way to protect it you can end up losing it all very quickly.

For even more tips on preparing for what is ahead, please see my recent article entitled “70 Tips That Will Help You Survive What Is Going To Happen To America“.

There are a lot of preppers out there that are only preparing for themselves and their immediate families, and anyone else that comes looking for assistance when things get really hard will end up looking down the barrel of a shotgun.

But there are so many others that feel called by God to prepare a place for large numbers of people to gather during the coming storm.  They are doing this by faith, because such places have never been needed before in modern American history.  Perhaps if you go all the way back to the Great Depression of the 1930s you could find large groups of people that needed somewhere to go, but since that time we have generally been regarded as the wealthiest and most prosperous nation on the entire planet.

Unfortunately, things are rapidly changing in this country.  Our economy is in the process of crumbling, there is evidence of social decay all around us, natural disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity, and World War 3 could erupt in the Middle East at any time.
If I am right, the time when these cities of refuge will be needed is not that far away. 

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are not preparing for what is ahead, and so most of them will be absolutely devastated by the great trials that are directly ahead of us.

Purim - the Jewish festival of redemption - Israel Today Staff

Purim - the Jewish festival of redemption

Monday, February 29, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Purim is the Jewish festival of redemption! The celebration of the failure of Haman's plot to annihilate the Jewish people. This year Purim will be celebrated on March 24th & 25th.
According to the Book of Esther, Haman, the royal vizier to the Persian King Ahasuerus, planned to kill all the Jews in the empire, but his plans were foiled by Mordechai and his adopted daughter, Queen Esther.
The heroes of the story are Esther, a beautiful young Jewish woman living in Persia, and her uncle Mordechai, who raised her as if she were his daughter. Esther was taken into the house of Ahasuerus, King of Persia. Esther found favor with King Ahasuerus' and he loved Esther more than his other women and made Esther his queen, but the king did not know that Esther was a Jew, because Mordechai told her not to reveal her identity.
The villain of the story is Haman, an arrogant, egotistical advisor to the king. Haman hated Mordechai because he refused to bow down to Haman, so Haman plotted to destroy the Jewish people. Haman told the king, "There is a certain people scattered among the peoples in all the provinces of your realm. Their laws are different from those of every other people's, and they do not observe the king's laws; therefore it is not befitting the king to tolerate them." Esther 3:8. The king gave the fate of the Jewish people to Haman, to do as he pleased with them. Haman planned to exterminate all of the Jews.
Mordechai persuaded Esther to speak to the king on behalf of the Jewish people. This was a dangerous thing for Esther to do, because anyone who came into the king's presence without being summoned could be put to death. Esther fasted for three days to prepare herself, then went to see the king, unsummopned!! He welcomed her. Later, she told him of Haman's plot against her people. The Jewish people were saved, and Haman and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows that had been prepared for Mordechai.
This day of deliverance became a day of feasting and rejoicing. Purim is celebrated by giving mutual gifts of food and drink (mishloach manot), giving charity to the poor (mattanot la-evyonim), and a celebratory meal (se'udat Purim). The scroll of Esther is read publicly (kriat ha-megillah). During the reading of the scroll of Esther at the mention of the name "Haman" a deafening noise erupts - noise makers, rattles and feet stomping are employed to drown out the name of evil. An additional blessing (al hannisim) is added to prayers and grace after meals on this day. Other customs include drinking wine, wearing of masks and costumes, and public celebration.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fantastic View of Mount Hermon ✡ "Like the Dew of Chermon" - ISRAEL365

Like the dew of Chermon, that cometh down upon the mountains of Tzion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for ever.

כְּטַל חֶרְמוֹן שֶׁיֹּרֵד עַל הַרְרֵי צִיּוֹן כִּי שָׁם צִוָּה י-הוָה אֶת הַבְּרָכָה חַיִּים עַד הָעוֹלָם

תהילים קל’’ג:ג

k-tal kher-mon she-yo-rayd al ha-r'-ray tzee-on kee sham tzi-va a-do-nai et
ha-b'-ra-kha khai-yim ad ha-o-lam

Jerusalem Inspiration

Our verse mentions dew טל / tal which is a common Biblical symbol of God’s bountiful blessings. Rain is another sign of God’s love for mankind - what is the difference between rain and dew? According to Jewish mysticism, while rain is a sign of God showering his abundant blessings upon us freely from above, dew which “rises” from below, is related to the divine blessings which are a result of our own efforts and achievements.  Both Tal and Talia are popular Hebrew girls name frequently given at the start as well as closing of Israel's rainy season.

Standing Ovation for this Israeli Journalist

We give journalist Caroline Glick two thumbs up for her perfect description of the Arab-Israeli conflict. She nails it!

DNA Studies Prove that Modern Day Jews are True Inheritors of the Land

There are those who claim that present day Jews are not the descendants of the original Hebrews. For those willing to listen to scientific proof, this claim has been entirely discredited by recent studies in genetics.

Elijah Kiddush Cup

This Elijah Cup is a wooden Kiddush Cup filled with wine for the Prophet Elijah during the Passover Seder. Yair Emanuel is a well known Israeli artist famous for his depictions of the Jerusalem's Old City. This cup features an impressive Jerusalem skyline image.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Ilan Rosen's photo of Mount Chermon, the highest summit in Israel. Because of its height, Chermon captures a great deal of precipitation in this dry part of the world and is covered by snow for most of the year - and is even home to an Israeli ski resort! The melted snow forms streams which flow into the Jordan River.

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Thank you for posting these beautifully inspiring photos.  I am praying for Israel during these trying times and I have complete confidence in the Almighty to deliver his people once again.  Blessings. Priscilla V. CA, USA

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The Subprime Auto Loan Meltdown Is Here - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Debt Loans Auto Loans - Public Domain

Posted: 24 Feb 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Uh oh – here we go again.  Do you remember the subprime mortgage meltdown during the last financial crisis?  Well, now a similar thing is happening with auto loans.  The auto industry has been doing better than many other areas of the economy in recent years, but this “mini-boom” was fueled in large part by customers with subprime credit. 

According to Equifax, an astounding 23.5 percent of all new auto loans were made to subprime borrowers in 2015.  At this point, there is a total of somewhere around $200 billion in subprime auto loans floating around out there, and many of these loans have been “repackaged” and sold to investors.  I know – all of this sounds a little too close for comfort to what happened with subprime mortgages the last time around.  We never seem to learn from our mistakes, and a lot of investors are going to end up paying the price.

Everything would be fine if the number of subprime borrowers not making their payments was extremely low.  And that was true for a while, but now delinquency rates and default rates are rising to levels that we haven’t seen since the last recession.  The following comes from Time Magazine
People, especially those with shaky credit, are having a tougher time than usual making their car payments.
According to Bloomberg, almost 5% of subprime car loans that were bundled into securities and sold to investors are delinquent, and the default rate is even higher than that. (Depending on who’s counting, delinquency is up to three or four months behind in payments; default is what happens after that). At just over 12% in January, the default rate jumped one entire percentage point in just a month. Both delinquency and default rates are now the highest they’ve been since 2010, when the ripple effects of the recession still weighed heavily on many Americans’ finances.
The chart below was posted by David Stockman, and it shows how the delinquency rate for subprime borrowers has hit the highest level since 2009.  In fact, we are not too far away from totally smashing through the previous highs that were set during the last crisis…

Subprime Auto Loans

It is quite foolish to try to sell expensive cars to people with bad credit.  This is especially true now that the economy is slowing down significantly in many areas.  But people are greedy and they are going to do what they are going to do.

The most disturbing thing to me is that many of these loans are being “repackaged” and sold off to investors as “solid investments”.  The following description of what has been happening comes from Wolf Richter
The business of “repackaging” these loans, including subprime and deep-subprime loans, into asset backed securities has also been booming. These ABS are structured with different tranches, so that the highest tranches – the last ones to absorb any losses – can be stamped with high credit ratings and offloaded to bond mutual funds designed for retail investors.
Deep-subprime borrowers are high-risk. Typically they have credit scores below 550. To make it worth everyone’s while, they get stuffed into loans often with interest rates above 20%. To make payments even remotely possible at these rates, terms are often stretched to 84 months. Borrowers are typically upside down in their vehicle: the negative equity of their trade-in, along with title, taxes, and license fees, and a hefty dealer profit are rolled into the loan. When the lender repossesses the vehicle, losses add up in a hurry.
It almost makes you want to tear your hair out.

This is exactly the kind of thing that caused so much chaos with subprime mortgages. When will we ever learn?

Meanwhile, we continue to get even more numbers that indicate that a substantial economic slowdown has already begun
We just got the clearest sign yet that something is wrong with the US economy.
Markit Economics’ monthly flash services purchasing manager’s index, a preliminary reading on the sector, fell into contraction for the first time in over two years.
The tentative February index was reported Wednesday at 49.8.
Statistic after statistic is telling us that a new recession is already here.  And of course some would argue that the last recession never actually ended.  According to John Williams of, the U.S. economy has continually been in contraction mode since 2005.
If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.  All over the world, “non-performing loans” are starting to become a major problem, and already some financial institutions are starting to get tighter with credit.

As credit conditions tighten up, this is going to cause economic activity to slow down even more.  And as economic activity slows down, it is going to become even harder for ordinary people to make their debt payments.

Deflationary forces are on the rise, and most global central banks are just about out of ammunition at this point.

Everyone knew that the global debt bubble could not keep expanding much faster than the overall rate of economic growth forever.

It was only a matter of time until the bubble burst.

Now we can see signs of crisis popping up all around us, and things are only going to get worse in the months ahead…

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) - In Honor of our 2 Millionth Viewer Today, This Damascus Jewish Woman Put on her Finest, 1865

Jeune fille juive de Damas en grande toilette.  A Jewish girl of
Damascus in her best outfit. (Paris, Musée d'Orsay)

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 27 Feb 2016

Sometime today, our 2 millionth visitor will open this site.  
Flash (2:32 PM EST)  All time history  2,000,014

Researching a recently digitized collection in France, we decided to celebrate and share one of the pictures we found this week. The photo was taken by French photographer Charles Lallemand in 1865 and can be found in the archives of the D'Orsay Museum in Paris.  The young woman welcomed us in her fanciest outfit, wearing on her feet elaborate platform shoes used in the hammam (Turkish baths). Some of the shoes at the time were inlaid with mother-of-pearl and silver.

This site has published features on early pictures of lost Jewish communities in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq.  We recently published 19th century pictures of other Jewish girls from the Middle East, including Syrian/Damascus Jewish girls, found by the British Library in an endangered Beirut collection of Bonfils photographs.

"Jewish girl from Syria"
(Bonfils, British Library)
"Jewish girl from Damascus"
(Bonfils, British Library)

Jewish home in Damascus (1901, Library of Congress)


Alignment is a key word for 2016.

Prophetic Word: Alignment Is Key for 2016

Alignment is a key word for 2016. (iStock photo )
 Just as last year we saw the wind come and separate, we believe this year will be a year for things to be connected and made secure.
The year 2016 is the Hebrew year of 5776. The two Hebrew letters associated with this number (76) are ayin and vav. The letter ayin gives us a picture of an eye, and vav gives us a picture of a peg, nail or hook. The year 2015 was a year of the whirlwind; things were turned upside down, shaken, moved and shifted! Many things were exposed and sifted.
There was a lot of divine sifting before the shifting! However, this is a year to secure some things, nail some things down. It is a time for the hook to connect things. There is an unfolding of kingdom partnerships for kingdom purposes.
A Time for Alignment, Expansion and a Year to Secure and Tie Things Down
Alignment is a key word this year! Alignment with others for kingdom exploits is critical. The who is every bit as important as the where and when.
It is also a time of expansion. As we think about the peg, we think about the tent; expand the peg and expand the tent. The Father is challenging us to dream radical, God-sized dreams and to pray bold prayers! There is a fresh wind blowing upon the revelation of faith. Faith sees and seizes. It is time to pray "Jabez" prayers again and to ask God to enlarge our territory. This is a time for the children of God to be brave. There will be personal stretching, expansion and promotion along with corporate stretching, moving into new territories and advancing.
It is a year to secure and tie things down. We see all of this mirrored in the natural in the U.S. political system as border security has become a huge debate. We are being urged to secure our borders, to create a physical barrier. This is a true, prophetic picture. It is time to secure the borders of our ministries, families and personal lives. What does that mean? And how do we secure our borders? We put Jesus front and center. We seek to honor and please Him above all else. We also kick the enemy out and use the blood of Jesus as an aggressive weapon.
We need strong prophetic preaching and teaching in this hour to expose the works of hell and to call the people of God back to their first love! I am reminded of the vision that Oral Roberts had of shaking in the last days. He said that the Lord told him there was a need for preachers with fire in their bellies! I say, raise up the Fire Carriers, Lord!
The Lord Must Build the House
We need to make our calling and elections sure (2 Pet. 1:10). This is a time to secure the foundation that our lives and ministries are built upon. All things that are not built on the sure foundation of Jesus will ultimately fail. We must be sure that our identity is found in Him and not in our giftings, talents or anointing. His house is built on the apostolic and prophetic foundation with Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). The Psalms tell us that unless the Lord builds the house, those who labor are laboring in vain (Ps. 127:1). Our labor must be about His house and for His kingdom. There is no room for self-promotion or self-exaltation.
"From him comes the cornerstone, and from him the tent peg. From him comes the bow for battle, and from him every ruler goes out, all these together. And they will be as mighty men, who trample down in the muddy streets in battle. They will fight because the Lord is with them, and He will put to shame those riding on horses" (Zechariah 10:4-5, MEV).
"For no one can lay another foundation than that which was laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 3:11, MEV).
"But the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone who calls on the name of Christ depart from iniquity'" (2 Tim. 2:19, MEV).
"See, I lay in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, firmly placed; he who believes shall not act hastily" (Is. 28:16, MEV).
"Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the entire building, tightly framed together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God through the Spirit" (Eph. 2:19-22, MEV).
"Except the LORD build the house, those who build labor in vain; except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain" (Ps. 127:1, MEV).
"It shall be, if you will listen to all that I command you and will walk in My ways and do what is right in My sight to keep My statutes and My commandments, as David My servant did, I will be with you and build you a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel to you" (1 Kin. 11:38, MEV).
Watch for those who have been secure only in themselves and sure of themselves. The people and ministries that are about self-promotion will be removed while others are set in their place.
Shebna was a servant who was trying to promote himself in the kingdom. He did this by building a tomb for himself like those of the kings in his day had. When one tries to promote himself, the act becomes dead works, and the only thing they are actually building is a tomb. Due to his self-promotion, Shebna "the peg that was fastened in a secure place" was removed from his position and another "peg" (Eliakim) was set in.
 "Thus says the Lord God of Hosts: 'Come, go to this treasurer, even to Shebna, who is over the royal household, and say: "What right do you have here? And whom do you have here that you have dug out for yourself a tomb here, as he who hews out for himself a tomb on high, and who cuts a habitation for himself in a rock?'" (Is. 22:15-16, MEV).
"I will fasten him as a nail in a firm place, and he shall become a glorious throne to his father's house" (Is. 22:23, MEV).
Watch for true prophetic voices to become even more secure of their position in Christ, causing a greater boldness to minister a more sure word of prophecy. They must remain in holiness and continue to be moved by the Holy Ghost, and not of themselves. They will carry a sure testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy.
"And we have a more reliable word of prophecy, which you would do well to follow, as to a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts" (2 Pet. 1:19, MEV).
"For no prophecy at any time was produced by the will of man, but holy men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God" (2 Pet. 1:21, MEV).
"The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple" (Ps. 19:7, MEV).
"And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said unto me, 'See that you not do that. I am fellow servant, and of your brothers who hold the testimony of Jesus: Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy'" (Rev. 19:10, MEV). 
Ryan LeStrange started in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father Dr. Norvel Hayes. Ryan and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries based in Bristol, Virginia, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries, he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival and moving in the power of God. Ryan can be seen weekly on his television program, Power 4 Today, airing around the world on GodTV. He is the founder and apostle of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, networking and fathering ministers around the world. Ryan has authored several books releasing an apostolic and prophetic perspective to the body of Christ. Please visit
Jason Armstrong is the founder of Remnant Fire Ministries based in Cleveland, Tennessee. Jason travels as a prophetic teacher, releasing kingdom strategies, prophetic insights and practical revelation to ignite individuals, families, churches and nations with a burning heart for God and His kingdom. Connect with Jason online at
For the original article, visit
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