Friday, March 4, 2016

Rabbi Curt Landry: "How Can I Pray for Israel In The Face of Constant Terrorism?" - The Elijah List

March 3, 2016

"How Can I Pray for Israel In The Face of Constant Terrorism?"by Curt Landry, Grove, OK

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzMore and more prophetic voices are saying we are in an increased time of prayer and intercession. God is calling us to fast and pray as He leads.
My friend Curt Landry offers some great prayer strategies that we can be praying for over Israel, God's beloved nation. These can be added to our prayer time as we pray over the nations as Curt shares:

Continue to pray for the Nations of the World to hear the warnings and immediately begin to rise-up and intervene as God continues to exposes the ultimate plans and intentions of those individuals, organizations, and nations who would come against not only the Nation of Israel, but also against the United States of America, and many other Nations of the World.

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"How Can I Pray for Israel In The Face of Constant Terrorism?"by Curt Landry, Grove, OK

Israeli citizens consistently live under the threat of terrorism. Just recently, a young mother of six, Dafna Meir, was brutally murdered in her own home by a sixteen-year-old Palestinian terrorist. It is unfortunate situations like this one that have many asking, "How can I pray for Israel in the face of constant terrorism?"

Meir, herself abandoned in childhood, grew up as a part of the Israeli foster care program. Consequently, while raising four children of their own, she and her husband chose to open their home to two children in foster care. Now these children's lives have been changed forever.

"The eulogy given by Meir's eldest daughter, Renana, who saw her mother being stabbed to death in their kitchen, pierced the hearts of everyone at the funeral.

'Mommy, my beautiful mother, my best friend,' she said through her tears. 'Do you see how many people care about you? You left an enormous void in all of our hearts. It is heartbreaking for me to know that you won't be there with me at the IDF induction center, at my wedding, in the delivery room. I didn't only lose a mother, I also lost my best friend.'" (See news source here.)

When we hear stories like this one it is incredibly difficult not to be angry. Recently we shared a blog post on how to deal with feelings of anger in the face of terrorism, and today we would like to speak with you about how to pray, as well.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."—Ephesians 6:12

Although it can be difficult to look past the egregious acts to see the spiritual elements of this fight, as Believers we must. The enemy is out to destroy not only the Jewish people themselves, but also the very ones he uses to bring violence against them. No one has ever been saved through hatred. It is only through love that we win.

These prayer strategies from One New Man United offer tips on how to pray for the nation of Israel during difficult times such as these.

Decree the Word of the Lord Over the Land and Her People...

Pray for the nation of Israel by speaking God's covenant promises over the land. Ask that the stony hearts of those who seek to do them harm be melted.

"Those who trust in the Lord
are like Mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
so the Lord surrounds His people
from this time forth and forever.

"For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest
on the land allotted to the righteous
prayer lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.
Do good, O Lord, to those who are good,
and to those who are upright in their hearts.

"As for such as turn aside to their crooked ways,
the Lord shall lead them away
with the workers of iniquity.
"Peace be upon Israel!" —Psalm 125

Pray for the Leaders of Israel...

Pray for God to continue to pour out His protection, wisdom, revelation, favor, strength and blessing upon Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the current members of the Knessett and the Israeli Security Council as they diligently stand for the truth, peace, security and sovereignty of the Nation of Israel.

"...He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him."—Daniel 2:21-22

Pray for the Israeli Security and Defense...

Continue to pray for God's wisdom, favor, insight and protection to rest upon the men and women in all departments of Israeli security and defense, as they diligently persevere to protect the citizens and borders of the Nation of Israel...

"For the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard."—Isaiah 52:12

Pray for the Nations of the World...

Continue to pray for the Nations of the World to hear the warnings and immediately begin to rise-up and intervene as God continues to exposes the ultimate plans and intentions of those individuals, organizations, and nations who would come against not only the Nation of Israel, but also against the United States of America, and many other Nations of the World.

"Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us."—Isaiah 8:10

Rabbi Curt Landry
Founder, Curt Landry Ministries

Curt Landry is the founder and CEO of Curt Landry Ministries, an apostle and founder of House of David Ministries, and the acting CEO of My Olive Tree and Dead Sea Moringa. Curt and Christie Landry travel extensively operating in the gifts of healing, signs and wonders, and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the One New Man. Curt is also active in raising support for Israel throughout the Evangelical community as he desires to be a bridge of unity and restoration between Israel and the Church.

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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Israel Behind the Lens: Photographer Matan Hirsch Presents His Israel [PHOTOS] By Matan Hirsch - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Jerusalem City of Lights (Photo: Matan Hirsch)

Israel Behind the Lens: Photographer Matan Hirsch Presents His Israel [PHOTOS]

“The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like young sheep.” Psalms 114:4 (The Israel Bible™)
Israel Behind the Lens is a special series highlighting some of Israel’s top photographers. Below, photographer Matan Hirsch shares his most memorable photos captured in Israel in 2015 and the story behind them.
Each year around May, Jews throughout Israel celebrate the holiday of Lag B’Omer by gathering around bonfires, singing songs, and roasting marshmallows. I took this photo on Lag B’Omer in 2015 near the Jerusalem forest.
Jerusalem Forest (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Jerusalem Forest (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
This photo is of a religious Jewish family walking the streets of Jerusalem. One of the most special things of the city is its unique architecture and the way religious people are everywhere side by side with other members of Israeli society.
Jerusalem Street (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Jerusalem Street (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
A few times in the winter, it snows in the Golan Heights, making the area even more beautiful than usual. On the day this photo was taken in February, my parents and I took a day off to go traveling.
Golan Heights (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Golan Heights (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
One of my favorite places in Israel is the beach. One sunny weekend, my good friend Sofy and I took a trip to the for a fun photoshoot.
Sofy's Hair (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Sofy’s Hair (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
A fun addition to the beautiful streets of Jerusalem, these umbrellas were put in the city center over the summer bringing with them some incredible colors.
Jerusalem Umbrella (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Jerusalem Umbrella (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
A cool, relaxing place in the north is the beautiful Sea of Galilee, the Kinneret. Every time I show this photo, people are in shock that it comes from Israel.
Sea of Galilee (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Sea of Galilee (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Israel’s southern desert, the Negev, extends for miles. With nothing but blue skies and open air, it’s impossible not to appreciate the beauty of Israel’s landscape.
The Negev Desert (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
The Negev Desert (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
While shooting a “Save the Date” photo for an amazing couple, we happened upon a beautiful field of Sunflowers. Having never been there before, I wanted this photo to remember that special place. This is one of my favorite photos.
Sunflowers (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Sunflowers (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
As a photographer, it’s always a challenge capturing people in the moment. One evening, my cousin and I went to Palmahim beach (near Rishon Lezion) for a photoshoot. Here she is in all her dancing glory!
Jumping in the Sunset (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Jumping in the Sunset (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
A classic activity for Israelis is hiking, traveling all over the country and enjoying the gifts of nature. Here is my sweet dog, Dvash (Hebrew for honey) having lots of fun as she splashes in one of Israel’s ponds. Just look how happy she is!
My Dog Playing in the Water (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
My Dog Playing in the Water (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
This building is a historic remnant built in the hills of Jerusalem. It currently stands among a deserted Arabic village at the entrance to Jerusalem. Buildings such as this one represent previous generations who merited to live in the Land of Israel, such as the privilege I have been granted today.
Lifta (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Lifta (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Every year in June, the Holy City of Jerusalem hosts what is known as the “Light Festival”. It’s always a treat to see the Old City in a new way, through the lens of other incredible artists.
Jerusalem City of Lights (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Jerusalem City of Lights (Photo: Matan Hirsch)
Matan Hirsch has loved photography ever since he received his first film camera back in 1996 at the age of nine. Only a few years ago, he bought his first professional camera. Although he graduated from Hebrew University with a B.A., photography has always been his passion. He then decided to turn what he loves into his profession. In 2014, he opened his own photography business.
Shortly after, he began using HDR, an effect which provides photos with more dynamic range. Matan uses this effect because he likes seeing his country in a new, creative way. Currently he works with Taglit Birthright groups who come to visit Israel learning about the country and her history.
Matan’s motto is: “The question is not what you are, but what you see”.
To see more of Matan’s work, or to purchase, click here.

Seek First the Kingdom of God - Rick Joyner

Rick Joyner, appearing on the Jim Bakker Show - March 2016

Watch here: Rick Joyner

Netanyahu: Israel Coming Back to Africa, Africa Coming Back to Israel By Jonathan Benedek - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the launch of the Knesset Caucus for Israel-Africa Relations on February 29, 2016. (Photo: Youtube Screenshot)

Netanyahu: Israel Coming Back to Africa, Africa Coming Back to Israel

“Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: they all are gathered together, and come to thee; thy sons come from far, and thy daughters are borne on the side.” Isaiah 60:4 (The Israel Bible™)
The Knesset launched its caucus for Israel-Africa relations on Monday, February 29, 2016. The effort to establish the caucus was initiated by Member of Knesset Avraham Naguisa (Likud), the only MK to immigrate to Israel from Ethiopia.
Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke at the caucus event with African ambassadors about the importance of a very close bilateral relationship between Israel and Africa.
“Israel is coming back to Africa, and Africa is coming back to Israel,” said Netanyahu. “It’s happening now because it’s so clear that this is good for Africa and it’s good for Israel.”
Netanyahu argued that Israel and Africa have shared interests and should therefore improve relations on that basis.
“I have no doubt whatsoever that today the interests of Africa and the interests of Israel cohere,” the prime minister contended. “They’re almost identical, and in some respects and in many respects they are identical.”
Netanyahu claimed that the mutual interests involve challenges and opportunities common to both Israel and Africa such as overcoming the forces of militant Islamic terrorism and seizing the technological opportunities of the future. Accordingly, he expressed his desire for Israel and Africa to act together in global organizations such as the UN.
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“What I’d like to see is the closeness of our relationship reflected also in the voting pattern of the African Union,” Netanyahu told the African ambassadors. “You should vote for the interests of your own countries and you should vote for the interests of Africa. I wish to see that reflected in our bilateral relationship and also in our multilateral relationship.”
The challenge of militant Islam, which Israel has faced for a number of years, has also become a recent phenomenon throughout Africa in the years following the Arab Spring in 2011. Netanyahu made it clear that Israel would provide support in combating Islamist terror groups.
“We understand the dangers of Al-Shabab,” Netanyahu said about the East African terrorist group. “We understand the dangers of the other militancies that threaten your countries in Africa and we are prepared to work with you to defeat them.”
Israel has helped Africa technologically in a number of sectors and in the agricultural sector in particular by introducing techniques such as drip irrigation, which is especially useful in arid climates.
Netanyahu added that Israel was in a unique position to help with cyber security.
“Israel is now a world power in cyber security and my policy is to make some of our experience available to our friends,” stressed the prime minister. “We consider you great friends.”
Netanyahu also committed to making frequent visits to Africa. He promised the ambassadors that “for too long you have come here and we have not come there, and we are going to change that.”

If You Don’t Warn The People, Their Blood Could Be On Your Hands - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Apocalyptic - Public Domain

Posted: 02 Mar 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Why are so few voices warning the people about what is coming?  We stand at the door of a period of distress that will be unlike anything that any of us have ever known before.  And even though the signs are all around us, very few individuals appear to be willing to stand up and sound the alarm.  Instead, there seems to be a large number of people that are quite eager to criticize the watchmen.  

Earlier today, I was having a conversation with a very prominent voice in the alternative media, and we were reflecting on this.  There are so many individuals out there that love to shoot arrows at those that are sounding the alarm, and yet they are doing so little to make a difference themselves.

It is easy to sit back on your sofa munching on potato chips as the world around you goes to hell, and it is easy to criticize those that have chosen to have the courage to stand up and warn the people.

But it is not easy to stand up and say the hard things that need to be said in a society that does not want to listen.

Yes, there are some watchmen out there that are doing a great job of proclaiming the warning message.  I have personally met a number of them, and I am proud to be their friends.

Unfortunately, they are few and far between.  Most people either don’t believe that we are on the precipice of disaster, they don’t care enough to warn others, or they are too busy criticizing those that are trying very hard to warn others.

And of course you don’t need a media platform to sound the alarm.  We all have family members that need to be warned about what is coming.  We all have friends that need to be warned about what is coming.  Each one of us is uniquely positioned to reach others that may not be able to be reached any other way.

In the end, we all have a choice to make.  If we sound the alarm and people choose not to listen, the responsibility for failing to act falls on them.

But if we know what is coming and we choose to do nothing to warn others, then we may end up being responsible for their blood.  This is a principle that we even seen in the Scriptures.  The following is what Ezekiel 33:1-6 says…
Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Son of man, speak to the children of your people and say to them: If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them and set him for their watchman, and he sees the sword come upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet yet did not take warning. His blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning delivers his soul. 
But if the watchman sees the sword come and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned and a sword comes and takes a person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity. But his blood I will require from the hand of the watchman.
Sadly, the few voices that are proclaiming the warning message in our society are being almost completely drowned out by everyone else.

Just look at our political leaders.  None of them are warning the American people about what is really coming.  Yes, they are warning that some bad things may happen if the wrong candidate gets elected, but all of them are promising that they can get this country completely turned around if they are elected.

Unfortunately, all of them are dead wrong.  None of them are going to be able to keep America from experiencing the great storm that is directly ahead of us.

The mainstream media is even worse.  According to the mainstream media, everything is great and things are only going to get even better in the years ahead.  Of course the mainstream media is owned and controlled by the global elite, and just six giant media corporations produce more than 90 percent of the news and entertainment that we all consume.

Perhaps most disappointing of all are the religious leaders.  You would think that if anyone should be “sounding the alarm” it would be them.  But instead, ministers all over this country have become absolutely terrified of offending anyone.  Church attendance has been declining for years, and most churches are desperate to do whatever they can to keep people coming back and putting money in the offering plate.

So many preachers know what is coming, and yet they have willingly chosen to be silent.  They know that disaster is coming to America, and yet they have decided not to warn the people.

Yes, there are some good churches out there, but in general the church in America has failed.  There is very little preaching about sin, repentance or the blood of Jesus anymore.  Rather, most of what is coming from the pulpits these days are just feel good messages that sound like they were directly ripped off from the self-help gurus.

Sometimes I get frustrated because I wish that I could do a better job of warning the people.  My articles are far from perfect, but I work very hard on them.  And nobody can accuse me of not trying to sound the alarm.  I have written more than a million words on The Economic Collapse Blog, and I have written more than a million words on End Of The American Dream.  In addition, soon my wife and I will be doing a television show, and we will be posting the videos up on YouTube for free.

I am just an ordinary guy that is trying to warn the people as loudly as I can from my little spot on the wall.  When I first started, my readership could have been measured with a microscope, but over time it has grown far beyond what I could have possibly ever imagined.

People know that they aren’t getting the truth from the “leaders” of our society, and so they are seeking out alternative sources of information.  Thankfully, the Internet has allowed ordinary people like myself and others to get the warning message out.

And of course the warning message is only part of my mission.  I also carry a message of hope, and that is going to be greatly needed in the days ahead.

As things completely fall apart during the years to come, millions are going to give in to depression and despair.  Those people are going to need to know that there is hope even in the midst of all the chaos and all the darkness.  My wife and I seek to live in a constant state of “shalom” (the Hebrew word for peace), and we believe that the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us.  

Yes, we are heading for times that are going to be more challenging than most people would ever dare to imagine, but there is no other time in human history that we would have rather been alive for.  We boldly look forward to the future, and we plan to bring light to a world that will be drowning in darkness.

This optimistic view of the future is going to be a central theme of my new book which should be coming out later this month.  The things that I am going to share about Bible prophecy, the book of Revelation and the challenging years ahead of us are going to really shake up a lot of people out there, and it will likely be one of the most controversial Christian books of 2016.

But once again, someone needs to stand up and say the hard things that need to be said.
I am sure that I will get some criticism for this article, but that is okay.  I just hope that I can inspire a few others to come up on the wall and help warn America (and the world) about what is rapidly approaching.

It doesn’t matter if your voice is big or small.

What matters is whether or not you are faithful with what you have been given.

Let us sound the alarm while we still can, because time is quickly running out.

Kenneth Copeland Says God is Rebirthing America - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland (YouTube)
Strang Report, by Steven Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
When I first met Kenneth Copeland in 1979 to interview him for a Charisma magazine story, his understanding of faith changed my life. Copeland believes faith is something a believer can use like a carpenter uses a tool. I've used that concept many times in the years since to believe God to build this media ministry, so it was good to reconnect with him at his beautiful ministry headquarters near Fort Worth, Texas.
In nearly 50 years of ministry, Copeland's aim has been to teach the church to walk in faith—or as his website elaborates, taking people from religion to reality, from milk to the meat of God's Word, becoming skillful in the Word of righteousness according to Hebrews 5:12-14.
In Texas, our conversation turned to the current political environment and the state of our nation. I know Copeland is concerned about America. We've been at some of the same leaders' meetings with political candidates, and he's had speakers at his conventions share about important political issues of the day. I was interested to hear what he had to say about where America stands now. This word should encourage the church.
At a time when many are saying America's best days are in the past and God is abandoning our country, Copeland is optimistic that God is "rebirthing America" and He has not abandoned us.  The reason, he says, is that America is the only nation founded by men who loved God. Israel was founded because God loved Abraham, but America was founded by men who loved God "for the purpose of loving me"—words Copeland says God spoke to his spirit.
"Do you think our Founding Fathers—George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and others—had any idea what this nation would look like in terms of its purpose and meaning?" he asked. "The answer is no. They had no frame of reference to know what was happening."
Copeland said the Lord told him the Christian community has no idea what God is doing to rebirth this nation. As he's prayed recently, Copeland has come to believe strongly that in spite of how things look, this is not the end of the United States. It's the end of what he calls a "Babylon system" trying to take over the country for the past 115 years. A Babylon system, as he explains it, is any system in which man tries to meet his needs without God. President Obama's actions are shining a light on this Babylonian system, and the church is waking up and rallying.
Copeland believes Christians must go back and confess the Word of God. This is one nation "under God," and we must get back to that, recalling the words of the late Smith Wigglesworth: "I am not moved by what I see. I am not moved by what I feel. I am only moved by what I believe."
When people talk about the economy and how bad things are, Copeland states flatly: "Who cares?" In 1 Peter 5:6-10, the Holy Spirit tells us to roll all your cares onto Him. It's one of God's marvelous promises.
What about this politician or that politician and how awful the state of our nation will become if they are elected? "Who cares?" Copeland says. "We roll that care over on the Lord. Mark 11: 22 says, 'Have faith in God.' No matter what, have faith in God! This nation belongs to God, and no one will take it down. People might say it's going down or it's God's judgment, but it's not going down."
Many of the bad things we see, such as the tragedies of 9/11, are the result of seedtime and harvest. Judgment is not until the end, and judgment is always brought by God for mercy. So what should Christians do? We vote and plant our ballot as a seed. Then we pray. God's choice will be elected.
Our culture tends to look at things from a secular point of view—without understanding or even considering the spiritual aspect. Since we are bombarded with that viewpoint in the media and with the people we interact with, it's easy to only look at things in the natural.
But remember, the most important aspect is the spiritual aspect. God has a plan and purpose that is higher than ours. So as the body of Christ, we must confess the Word, believe the Word and know that God is in control.
People who live by faith keep going. It may seem rough, but then haven't things always been rough? We keep going. We keep believing God. He's in control and He is not done with America.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter or Facebook.
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Doug Addison: "March Forward: Get Ready to Advance! - The Elijah List

Doug Addison: "March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!

The Elijah List  Mar 3, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an incredibly exciting time to be alive and watch the King and His Kingdom advance on this earth.

I love the season we are in. But you may notice we continue to have need to FIGHT and WIN the WARFARE AGAINST US.
God could defeat the enemy with the thought in His mind. But He loves to partner with us and He wants to teach us how to both WAR WITH GOD and have TRUST IN GOD at the same time.
Does the warfare confuse you? Check out this statement by Doug:
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan. But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.
Jump into the rest of this word to gain new strategies for this warfare!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to:

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This year, the month of March is going to be a turning point spiritually. On the last Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015), I heard God say that 24 weeks from that day there would be a big shifting happen. You can read more about it in my 2016 Prophetic Forecast. We are currently in a time of pruning and preparation. 
Why Am I Feeling Discouraged or Attacked?
So often it is common for things to look the opposite from what we thought would happen. We should not expect or make room for this in our lives, instead we need to take authority and battle it.
Over the past few weeks, several demons and witchcraft attacks assigned to harass us were revealed. We continue to break these things as they are being exposed.
I have been asked, "How is it possible for people in witchcraft to attack us when we are under the Blood of Jesus?"
This is a great question.
There are a few reasons. I sometimes get attacked even though I battle daily over myself and others.
We are in a time that evil is increasing and we as Christians need to be advancing in the anointing to overcome these things.
Most Christians are operating in older ways of doing spiritual warfare that worked 10 years ago, but they need to be updated to survive what is happening right now. When I talk about this with people, most of them argue with me, but I am seeing this firsthand in my life and ministry. 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior's Heart" via
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan.
But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
What Are Some New Ways to Battle?
• There is power in agreement. Find someone or even groups to pray (where two or more agree together it shall be done for them.)
• Make declarations. Take God's promises and the Bible and combine them into a powerful tool in prayer.
• Take communion. I take communion every day and pray.
• Position yourself. Try waking up at a different time. Right now I have to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. so that I can get enough sleep to get up at 4:00 a.m. every day because that seems to be the time for me to see and to battle.
How to Prepare for Advancement
First, get familiar with what God spoke to me about the season we are in. This will help you respond and get into sync with Heaven.
I recommend reading this blog post: Strategy for the Next 24 months. This is what God spoke to me on September 23, and it gives lots of prophetic insight into what is happening right now.
Another prophetic blog I would recommend reading is Doorway to Your Advancement, which has details on how to respond. 
(Photo by Donna Smallenberg"The Song of Deborah" via
We are entering into a season of God fulfilling many prophetic promises. This truly is an exciting time to be alive!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. 
Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
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