Saturday, March 5, 2016

'God's Not Dead' Executive Producer Urges Others to 'Step Out of the Boat' - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Shane Harper in God's Not Dead
Shane Harper in God's Not Dead (YouTube)

'God's Not Dead' Executive Producer Urges Others to 'Step Out of the Boat'

Strang Report, by Steven Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
You may never have heard of Troy Duhon, but you probably have heard of the movie God's Not Dead, which he bankrolled. Friday, he inspired me when he spoke at our Seminole County Prayer Breakfast locally, in which he challenged us to step out of the boat.
Troy is a successful businessman. His 23 car dealerships gross more than $1 billion a year. That's why he was able to write a check for a movie about an obscure book on apologetics called God's Not Dead by Dr. Rice Broocks. He had never made a movie, so it was risky. But he stepped outside the boat, and the rest is history. An estimated 50 million people worldwide have seen the movie, and it's become a movement with the sequel God's Not Dead 2 releasing April 1.
At the prayer breakfast, Troy told a moving story about his dad, formerly an alcoholic, who got saved when Troy was a teen and became a powerful Pentecostal preacher. In his later years, Troy and his dad became very close. His dad told him one day: "Son, if you keep your eyes on Jesus, you can walk on the water. If you turn around and look at His disciples, you'll sink."
Consider what stepping out of the boat meant for making a movie. First, it involved investing $1 million. Add to that the fact that Christian movies are often low quality and lose money. So it's very risky. However, this movie exceeded all expectations.
If you saw it, you know how good it was. It's been enormously successful. It grossed well over $100 million, making it perhaps the most successful independent movie of all time based on return on investment. You can watch the trailer here.  
The success of the movie is so great that it has actually turned into a movement. This is a big story and one we covered in next month's issue of Charisma magazine. But the movie would never have been made if a businessman with a heart for evangelism had not said yes to God and stepped out of the boat.
Because I had gotten to know Troy, he invited me to the set to watch the second movie being shot in Arkansas. You can read what I wrote about it last July. I got to meet the star, Melissa Joan Hart, and watch the classroom scene. Since then, I've been able to see the entire movie, which opens in a few days. To me, God's Not Dead 2 is as good or even better than the first. You can watch the powerful trailer hereand I urge you to go see it.
Troy's story is certainly amazing, if only for his success as a businessman and his participation in the movie. But there's another side to him. He's also a philanthropist.
Of his accomplishments and successes, Giving Hope Foundation holds the key to his heart. Troy's dad always told him that people will not care how many cars he sells, but God cares how many of His people he feeds. With that resonating in his head and heart, The Food Pantry of New Orleans was birthed. The Food Pantry is the flagship for the Giving Hope Foundation. Reading what Troy has done will inspire you to step out of the boat.
Giving Hope Foundation focuses on eight key areas of outreach/ministry. Those areas include: The Food Pantry of New Orleans, Hope for a Home, Hope House Orphanages, Giving Hope Retreat Center, Hope for Success, Hope Against Trafficking, Angola Re-Entry Program and Giving Hope Partnerships.
In under two years, The Food Pantry has supplied over 200,000 hot meals to senior citizens and impoverished families around the city of New Orleans. Nearly 850 free boxes of groceries are also given out monthly.
Through the adoption of their daughter, Annahstasia, Troy and Tracy Duhon saw the need for better living conditions in the overseas orphanages. Because they were unable to take these precious orphans home themselves, they decided to make a difference in the villages and communities these young children call home.
With the vision to build an orphanage on every inhabited continent, Hope House India was dedicated in 2014, Hope Honduras was dedicated in 2015, and Hope House Africa will be dedicated in 2016. Future Hope Houses are planned for Russia, Australia, South America and China. Hope for a Home reaches a similar need here in the United States. Every child needs a forever family, so Hope for a Home provides financial and emotional resources a family may need as they go through the adoption process.
"In partnership with the New Orleans Mission, Giving Hope Retreat Center provides a place of refuge, recovery and re-engagement for the homeless in our city," Troy says. "Giving Hope Retreat Center provides a community to learn and grow. We are assisting these formerly homeless in learning a trade (Culinary, Auto Mechanic, Landscape, etc.). In doing so, they also become active members of society. Giving Hope Retreat Center will also house a Women's Pavilion to reach battered and/or trafficked women. Hope Against Trafficking, a strategic campaign against human trafficking, is another targeted area for Giving Hope. Our goal is to bring awareness and develop strategic initiatives to meet the needs of individuals that have been a victim of trafficking. Hope for Success will help provide stylish business attire for these and other men and women to make an impression as they re-enter the workforce. Giving Hope also partners with the Angola Re-Entry Program, an already existing program set up for former inmates of Angola prison. The connection of the automotive industry has allowed Giving Hope to provide employment to the graduates of this program."
Because of the foundation of outreach that Troy and Tracy have built, Giving Hope Partnerships has resourced and inspired other businesses and businesspeople to reproduce this same spirit of outreach in their communities. From California to Nashville to Kansas City to Richmond, businesses are making a positive impact on the communities and Giving Hope to those in need.
I had the privilege of interviewing Troy for several podcasts of "The Strang Report." You can download them next week from the Charisma Podcast Network. I believe hearing his story will inspire you, as it inspired me, to step out of the boat.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter or Facebook.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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I Want It - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

I Want It

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life.”  (2 Corinthians 2:14-16, NASU)

Have you ever stopped and realized that when you see someone with something you don't have, one first instinct is to say, "I want it."

It could be anything, such as a new house (or one newer than what you have now), a better car, a more likable job, or just a day with no problems to contend with. I noticed myself “wanting it” when I was looking out an office lobby window at lunch time and saw several people on the sidewalk carrying orange plastic bags. They looked like they had been at a convention uptown. All carried the orange bag. My first thought was, "I want one."

Wow, another bag. As if I really needed one.

Is it just our human nature to want something that another has and we don't? I think so. Look at Jacob and Esau, for instance. It was during the time of the patriarchs when Jacob wanted Esau's birthright and he schemed, along with his mother, to get it. Or go back further in history’s timeline, to that Scripture telling of Cain and Abel. Cain wanted the Lord's approval for his crop sacrifice, which was not what the Lord was requiring. A blood sacrifice was needed to be acceptable, as Abel had provided with his lamb. (This was a foreshadow of the Messiah Jesus’, Yeshua HaMashiach’s, sacrificial blood poured out on the cross. The sacrifice God required could not be satisfied with something obtained from our own human efforts and toil, as was Cain's presentation. It had to be a blood sacrifice provided by the Lord Himself.)

Jacob and Cain each wanted what his brother had. They were jealous that the other possessed it, and thus wanted it for themselves.

Looking at it from the other side, as I work with co-workers who do not follow after the Lord, I find myself at times checking what I am presenting to them, as a believer in the Lord Jesus. Is my life's testimony something they would want for themselves? Do they see or sense His Holy Spirit in my life, and desire Him, even if they may not realize Who He is? 

Many days I think not. In my mind, sometimes my testimony is not what I would like it to be “on the job”. Those days when I struggle with life’s issues, my thought is that I am not portraying the “victorious” life that I believe we are to be sharing with others. (And yet even of those times I choose not to walk under the enemy’s condemnation because of it.) Those surrounding me may even realize that life as a believer on this earth isn’t a bed of roses, which some were led to believe it would be at that initial salvation experience. But we press on in the midst of our struggles, with His grace working within us always.

When I think my testimony isn’t the greatest, the Lord still encourages me. He reminds me of those people who have let me know, after I left a particularly place of employment, how my presence there had made a difference. They were watching me in my day to day activities, knowing what I stood for, and how I handled most situations. A seed had been planted in their heart and spirit. They knew there was something more than just the life they had. My prayer now for them is that another believer will water that seed, and it will blossom in due time.

As the dark gets darker, the light we have, the Holy Spirit shining within us, will be bright and illuminate more than we would imagine. Even as a single match lights up a pitch black room, so we will be that to others in these times we live in.

My prayer is that those ones around us will be saying to themselves at some point, “I want it. Whatever they got, I want it in my life.” And then may the Lord Jesus come and reveal Himself to them, having used us as part of His plan fulfilled. 

For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life.”

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 03.04.16 - #248 –“I Want It” – Friday at 6:00 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Franklin Graham Has Only Begun to Rebuke - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham Has Only Begun to Rebuke

Franklin Graham repeated his calls for America to turn to God in a Facebook post he made Friday. (Video Screenshot Image)

Friday afternoon, evangelist Franklin Graham's public rebuking of politicians continued when he called out Mitt Romney and the Republican Party establishment for the attacks on GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
"I'm 63 years old, and I've never seen anything like this," he said on Facebook. "This Republican presidential campaign has not only sunk to new lows, but the Republican establishment seems to be desperate to pick their own candidate."
Graham acknowledged there are "some good candidates running," but stuck with his decision not to endorse any one in particular. Instead, he said he would continue to call for "radical change" in the only way he knows it can come.
"I'm fed up with both the Republican and the Democratic parties. Both are corrupt—clearly broken—and need to be overhauled. They need radical change," he wrote. "Ultimately, the only way this nation can be turned around is for us to acknowledge God and call on His Name. God tells us in His Word, 'If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land' (2 Chronicles 7:14)."
In just 30 minutes, the post received more than 32,000 "likes."
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Confronting a Dangerous End-Time Mentality - Dr. Michael Brown

Confronting a Dangerous End-Time Mentality

I hear it all the time, and as quickly as I hear it, I reject it.
It is a paralyzing, destructive mentality, and it is unbiblical—plain and simple.
I’m talking about the mindset that says, “Jesus told us everything will get worse, so why bother trying to bring about change?”
Can you imagine what church history would like if Paul and Peter felt that way in the first century or if Wesley and Wilberforce felt that way in the 18th and 19th centuries?
Why fight against infanticide in the early church? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why fight against slavery in Great Britain and America? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why fight against apartheid in South Africa? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Why even oppose the Nazis? Jesus said things will only get worse.
Do you see how paralyzing this mentality can be?
In response to my video message challenging the Charlotte City Council to vote against an extreme, LGBT activist bill—it was dubbed “the bathroom bill”—someone posted this on my YouTube channel:
“I admire your spirit Dr Brown … but you know this is fighting the Hand of God. Can you possibly win? Can you possibly even HOPE to win? He said that these days will come. So how is it that you, a man who serves that same God, fights against Him? He says it WILL happen, and you try to STOP it. Is that not fighting against God? No. Instead, praise Him because His Word IS Truth, and preach ENDURANCE and LONG SUFFERING and HOPE. Those are better messages. Trying to stop the Word of God, however, … is futile.”
With all respect to the person who posted the comment, this is absolute rubbish.
Fighting the Hand of God? Fighting against God? Trying to stop the Word of God? Nonsense!
Oh yes, I fully affirm the need to “preach ENDURANCE and LONG SUFFERING and HOPE,” and those themes go hand and hand with our actions in Charlotte.
But the idea that we are fighting against the inevitable collapse of society in our day—even fighting against God—is an idea to be resisted and rejected.
If you don’t mind my asking, please tell me where Jesus said that from the year 2016 until His return, things will only get worse. Would you be kind enough to provide the chapter and verse?
You might reply, “In Matthew 24, Jesus predicted mass deception and mass apostasy,” but it appears you still miss the point.
Aside from asking which portions of Matthew 24 referred more directly to the events leading up to 70 A.D.—in other words, to events that took place almost 2,000 years ago—the obvious question is: How do you know that His words apply to today rather than to 100 years from today? Who gave you the insight that we were in the closing years of the era and that all we could expect was gloom and doom?
If Jonathan Edwards had believed this in the 1700s, he never would have called the churches together to pray for awakening.
The same could be said for every revival in history: If the believers in each generation thought that the apostasy and darkness and moral corruption they were witnessing indicated that Jesus was coming any minute and that positive change was impossible, they never would have sought God for revival and the world would be in massively worse shape today.
I came to faith in 1971 when Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth was all the rage, and we knew that any day now, Jesus was coming back. The signs of the times were all there!
I was 16 at that time. Next month, I turn 61. And Jesus still has not returned.
What makes you so sure that you have figured it all out and that we should simply capitulate and cave in? What makes you so sure that it’s time to throw in the towel and let the devil and the world take over? Is this even a remotely biblical mentality?
You might say, “But things have never been as bad as they are today.”
I suggest you study history more carefully before coming to that conclusion, but even if you’re right, that’s what other generations have said about their days as well, and the Lord moved mightily with great outpouring and harvest.
Who’s to say He hasn’t saved the best for last?
The fact is that a truly biblical mentality is a victorious, faith-filled, overcoming mentality, a mentality of hope and triumph and expectation.
Jesus is risen, and Jesus is Lord!
That’s all I need to know.
And Jesus told us that: 1) All authority is heaven and Earth is His; 2) in His name and authority, we are to go and make disciples of the nations; and 3) He is with us always, even to the end of the age (Matt. 28:18-20).
Where, then, is there room for discouragement? Where, then, is there room for a “throw in the towel” mentality?
And if we are successful in making disciples, won’t that mean that positive change will come?
The biblical mentality is expressed by John, who told us that “the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining” (1 John 2:8).
Or in the words of Paul, “The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us take off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Rom. 13:12).
That is how we must live, and that is the attitude we must have as we stand for what is right, regardless of how dire things look and regardless of cost or consequence.
And that means that, until our dying day—or until Jesus returns, whichever comes first—the salt must stay salty and the light must stay bright (Matt. 5:13-16).
How else could a disciple possibly live?
- See more at: Ask Dr. Brown

Friday, March 4, 2016

Help Document a Miracle ✡ "Better Unto You Than at Your Beginnings" - ISRAEL365

And I will multiply upon you man and beast
and they shall increase and be fruitful; and I will cause you to be inhabited after your former estate
and will do better unto you than at your beginnings;
and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

וְהִרְבֵּיתִי עֲלֵיכֶם אָדָם וּבְהֵמָה וְרָבוּ וּפָרוּ וְהוֹשַׁבְתִּי אֶתְכֶם כְּקַדְמוֹתֵיכֶם וְהֵיטִבֹתִי מֵרִאשֹׁתֵיכֶם וִידַעְתֶּם כִּי-אֲנִי יְ-הוָה

יחזקאל לו:יא

v'-hiir-bay-tee a-lay-khem a-dam u-v'-hay-ma v'-ra-vu u-fa-ru v'-ho-shav-tee et-khem k'-kad-mo-tay-khem v'-hay-tee-vo-tee may-ri-sho-tay-khem vee-da-tem kee a-nee a-do-nai

Shabbat Inspiration

The prophet Ezekiel offers the nation a message of hope. Despite the harsh punishment of exile, the people will return to the Land, and with that return the land will flourish and prosper exceeding its former glory.  We are living in these miraculous times! As this prophecy continues to unfold, the State of Israel exceeds our hopes and dreams as a flourishing country, breathtaking in beauty and central to the world in medicine and industry.  You can be part of a unique project to document this fantastic miracle  with the world’s first-ever photojournalistic book showing Israel’s development from desolation to cornucopia.  Side by side photographs will make the prophecy come alive as you see the dramatic changes and rebirth of the land in under 100 years.

Documenting a Miracle: Photographic Evidence of Divine Fulfillment

Researchers culled through thousands of photos from the late 1800's to 1940's, a period of time when the Land was desolate and under foreign rule. They went back back to those same locations, and photographed the resurgence of life in Israel as the Jewish nation. What they discovered was mind-boggling.

Behind the Scenes of Epic Book of Fulfilled Prophecies

Devout Christian Doug Hershey, founder of Ezra Adventures, a program which arranges epic trips to Israel, is on an even more compelling mission. Hershey is documenting, through magnificent photography, the prophet Ezekiel’s 2,600-year-old prophecies as they come to fruition today in Israel.

Star of David Necklace

The Star of David is a timeless symbol of the Jewish People. Mentioned in the bible as being the symbol of david, it now adorns the Israeli flag. The Israeli jewelry designer Ester Shahaf adds her personal artistic statement to the Star, in endless variations. This lovely Star of David necklace is crafted of .925 Sterling silver with Swarovski crystals, copper appliqués and delicate hand painting.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

The City of David, 'then and now'.  In under 100 years the State of Israel has brought miraculous rejuvenation to ancient sites!

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Thoroughly Enjoy This!”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send mean email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).

Thank you so much for all the valuable Scriptures and input. I thoroughly enjoy this, Elisabeth Syre

Peace be upon Jersusalem and Shalom, Rabbi!
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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The Messiah is Coming! - Aviel Schneider ISRAEL TODAY

The Messiah is Coming!

Friday, March 04, 2016 | Aviel Schneider

Orthodox media often talks about the coming of Messiah. In political developments and natural catastrophes, they see signs of His imminent approach.

The full article appears in the March 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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Click Here to sign up for our FREE daily email updates from ISRAEL TODAY.

Rick Joyner & Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin - Prophetic Perspectives

Rick Joyner & Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin - Prophetic Perspectives

Watch here: Rick Joyner & Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin - Prophetic Perspectives

General Boykin Answers
Rick Joyner
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Rick asks Lt. General (Ret) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin important questions regarding the times in which we live including "What is socialism?", and "What are some crucial issues for choosing our next president?" 

Rise of the Mahdi: The Antichrist Poised to Enter World Stage? - Paul Strand CBN News

Rise of the Mahdi: The Antichrist Poised to Enter World Stage?
CBN News Paul Strand

ATLANTA -- Some of the most violent Muslims are trying to bring their messiah into the world, popular Pastor Michael Youssef details in a new book.
But in the pages of The End Times & the Secret of the Mahdi, Youssef suggests the shocking surprise is that this figure will turn out to be the evil Antichrist described in the Bible.
Over the centuries, people have guessed incorrectly again and again that the Antichrist -- that ultra-violent world dictator -- was soon to appear.
Unprecedented Time in History
But Youssef, head of the global outreach ministry Leading the Way and founder of Atlanta's Church of the Apostles, believes only now are conditions set for the coming of that evil one.
His book details how what's going on in the world right now is leading straight toward those events prophesied in the Book of Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible.
"I came to the conclusion that we are coming into the period of time like we have never seen before in history," Youssef told CBN News in an exclusive interview.
Hailing from Cairo himself, Youssef said he deeply loves the Islamic people, but believes Islam is hurtling the world toward the dark days of the Antichrist, as the promotional video for his new book shows.
In it Youssef says of the Antichrist, "He will lull the world into believing in him, even worshipping him as their messiah. But he will end up abusing humanity like it's never been tormented before."
Watch the promotional video below.
The Mahdi Is the Antichrist
This biblical scholar's been researching Islam's beliefs in their end times' messiah alongside the Bible's revelations about the Antichrist. What he writes about is described exactly by his new book's subtitle: "Unlocking the Mystery of Revelation and the Antichrist."
His conclusion is stated in that same promotional video for the book: "Christians know him as the Antichrist. Sunni Muslims know him as the Muslim Christ. Shiite Muslims know him as the Mahdi."
Youssef quotes Muslim scholars in his book on what Islam preaches about their messiah.
"When their messiah comes, he's going to cover the whole world," Youssef said. "He's going to rule the world. And he's going to declare himself to be a Muslim. And he's going to turn on the Christians and the Jews."
"And we know, of course, the Bible said the Antichrist is going to come and he's going to turn on the Christians and the Jews," he noted.
Youssef laid out for CBN News other parallels he sees between the Mahdi and the Antichrist.
"He will call himself  'the man of peace.' That he's going to come at a time of chaos and confusion and people longing for somebody to guide them and lead them and bring them peace because they will be worn out," Youssef shared.
Both the Bible and Islam talk about this figure's seven-year global reign from Jerusalem and say this figure of peace will turn hyper-violent.
"He's going to begin to persecute people. He's going to demand their worship," Youssef said. "Same thing on the other side -- that he's going to kill everybody who does not worship him."
Ushering in the Mahdi
Youssef says some Shiites have actually been trying to bring about the prophesied time of the Mahdi, to make it happen themselves.
"He will appear when the world is in chaos and he will bring peace," Youssef explained. "So [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, the former president of Iran, basically wanted to stir up trouble and get the nuclear weapons so they could attack Israel and create an atmosphere of chaos, so to force their Mahdi -- or the 12th caliphate -- to show up."
And some of the most violent Sunnis are also trying to set off the end times.
"Particularly those who the Middle East people call Daish or ISIS or IS," the pastor stated. "They also have that concept that when chaos and bloodshed reign supreme -- and that's why they're shedding so much blood -- that their messiah will come."
So if Pastor Youssef's belief is correct that this Muslim messiah will be the Antichrist, it's the first time in history believers of a major religion have been actively working to bring him into the world and welcome him.
No Fear for Those in Christ
But Youssef insists Christians should not fear.
"The Lord said, 'When you see these signs, lift up your head, for the day of your redemption is drawing nigh.' And so, far from being afraid and worried and concerned, we should be rejoicing," Youssef said.
Many believe the Bible warns that the world will be deceived by Antichrist's global false religion, which at first will tolerate and bring all religions together.
In his book, Youssef writes about the already popular 'coexist' bumper sticker with the Islamic crescent forming its "C," the Jewish Star of David for "X," the witchcraft or pagan pentacle dotting the "I," the Taoist yin and yang symbol for "S" and the cross of Christ as the "T."
Churches Welcoming 'Chrislam'
Youssef also told CBN News about another way major religions are merging.
"There is something that is rampant among mainline denominations called Chrislam," Youssef stated.  
"And there are churches in Canada and the United States where they read from the Koran as well as the Bible. There are churches that have the Koran in the pews," he said.
But, he added, there's a way to be immune from false religion.
"If a person is a genuine believer in Jesus Christ, he will not be deceived," Youssef insisted. "The Holy Spirit is going to give us discernment that we will be able to tell the difference."
Christ Is the Only Way
And though they may be cursed as intolerant, Youssef preaches it's time for Christians to insist Christ is the only way, not just one more option.

"We don't hate anyone. We love everyone," he said. "But there's only one name under heaven by which men and women can be saved. And His name is Jesus."
What Youssef emphasizes when he broadcasts around the world from Leading the Way or preaches anywhere he goes is that Christians need not fear all those scary events in the Book of Revelation.
But, he said, they do have to go through that horrifying time of the Antichrist before they can get to the victorious return of Jesus Christ.
Watch here: CBN News