Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Are You Kidding Me? Chinese Exports Plunge 25.4 Percent Compared To Last Year - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Exports Declining - Public Domain

Posted: 08 Mar 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

We just got more evidence that global trade is absolutely imploding.  Chinese exports dropped 25.4 percent during the month of February compared to a year ago, and Chinese imports fell 13.8 percent compared to a year ago.  For Chinese exports, that was the worst decline that we have seen since 2009, and Chinese imports have now fallen for 16 months in a row on a year over year basis. 

The last time we saw numbers like this, we were in the depths of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  China accounts for more global trade than any other nation (including the United States), and so this is a major red flag.  Anyone that is saying that the global economy is in “good shape” is clearly not paying attention.

If someone would have told me a year ago that Chinese exports would be 25 percent lower next February, I would not have believed it.  This is not just a slowdown – this is a historic implosion.  The following comes from Zero Hedge
Things are not getting better in China as Exports crashed 25.4% YoY (the 3rd largest drop in history), almost double the 14.5% expectation and Imports tumbled 13.8%, the 16th month of YoY decline – the longest ever. Altogether this sent the trade surplus down to $32.6bn (missing expectations of $51bn) to 11-month lows.

Chinese Exports - Zero Hedge

So much for that whole “devalue yourself to export growth” idea…
I don’t know how anyone can possibly dismiss the importance of these numbers.  As you can see, this is not just a one month aberration.  Chinese trade numbers have been declining for months, and that decline appears to be accelerating.

Another very interesting piece of news that has come out in recent days regards the massive layoffs that are coming at state industries in China.  According to Reuters, five to six million Chinese workers are going to be losing their jobs during this transition…
China aims to lay off 5-6 million state workers over the next two to three years as part of efforts to curb industrial overcapacity and pollution, two reliable sources said, Beijing’s boldest retrenchment program in almost two decades.
China’s leadership, obsessed with maintaining stability and making sure redundancies do not lead to unrest, will spend nearly 150 billion yuan ($23 billion) to cover layoffs in just the coal and steel sectors in the next 2-3 years.

For years, the Chinese economic miracle has been fueling global economic growth, but now things are changing dramatically.

Another factor that we should discuss is the fact that the relationship between the United States and China is going downhill very rapidly.  This is something that I wrote about yesterday.  China has seized control of several very important islands in the South China Sea, and in response the Obama administration has been sailing military vessels past the islands in a threatening manner.  Most recently, Obama decided to have an aircraft carrier task force cruise past the islands, and this provoked a very angry response from the Chinese
The four-ship U.S. strike group that patrolled the disputed South China Sea was followed by Chinese warships, a show of force that prompted a hard-line response from China doubling down on its claim to nearly all of the resource-rich sea.  
China’s foreign minister said his country’s sovereignty claims are supported by history and made a veiled reference to the 5-day patrol by the Stennis Carrier Strike Group, as well as recent passes by China’s man-made islands by destroyers Lassen and Curtis Wilbur in recent months.
“The South China Sea has been subject to colonial invasion and illegal occupation and now some people are trying to stir up waves, while some others are showing off forces,” Wang Yi said, according to an Associated Press report, a day after the Stennis CSG departed the South China Sea.  “However, like the tide that comes and goes, none of these attempts will have any impact. History will prove who is merely the guest and who is the real host.”
Most Americans are not even paying attention to this dispute, but in China there is talk of war.  The Chinese are absolutely not going to back down, and it does not look like Obama is going to either.  Needless to say, a souring of the relationship between the largest economy on the planet and the second largest economy on the planet would not be a good thing for the global economy.

And of course China is far from the only country that is having economic problems. 

Yesterday, I discussed how Italy’s banking system is on the verge of completely collapse.  A few days before that I discussed the economic depression that has gripped much of South America.  A new global economic crisis has already begun, and just because the United States is feeling less pain than the rest of the world so far does not mean that everything is going to be okay.

There are huge red flags in Europe, Asia and South America right now.  In addition, our neighbor to the north (Canada) is experiencing a very significant slowdown.  The irrational optimists can continue to believe that the U.S. economy will somehow escape relatively unscathed if they would like, but that is not going to be what happens.

Just like virtually everyone else on the planet, we are heading into hard times too, and this is going to become a dominant theme in the presidential campaign as we move forward into the months ahead.

Queen Elizabeth's Faith Causes Her to Stand Against Abominable Sin - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Queen Elizabeth warned against legalized gay marriage.

Queen Elizabeth's Faith Causes Her to Stand Against Abominable Sin

Queen Elizabeth warned against legalized gay marriage. (Reuters)

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Queen Elizabeth II did not approve of gay-marriage legislation in the United Kingdom, according to a report.  
The Daily Mail reports the queen supported civil unions, but was opposed to defining same-sex couples' relationships as a marriage.  
The UK legalized gay marriage almost two years ago after a fierce debate, according to The Telegraph. 
"I can only advise and warn," the queen reportedly said. As queen, Elizabeth is the head of state, but she is unable to make and pass legislation.  
Queen Elizabeth detailed her faith in her new book, The Servant Queen and the King She Serves, which is due out in April.  
"So to have a monarch who talks openly about Jesus in a very relaxed and natural way, we find that a huge encouragement and hope that Christians across the country will take a leaf out of the queen's book and learn to talk about Jesus in a natural way with friends, relatives and colleagues so people can discover more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus," co-author Catherine Butcher, from HOPE, told
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Powerful New Series Reveals Truth of the Biblical Prophecy of Israel - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

daily israel update banner 2
The Hope,” a new series hosted by Gordon Robertson tells the story of the creation of the State of Israel, and examines a time period from early Jewish settlers of the 19th century to the Israeli declaration of statehood in 1948.

Why in the World Are IDF Soldiers Not Raping Anyone? - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Why in the World Are IDF Soldiers Not Raping Anyone?

Tuesday, March 08, 2016 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
In light of what is happening to non-Muslim women in the Islamic State, where a single captive Yazidi or Christian woman often becomes the sex slave of an entire ISIS platoon, the absence of war-related rapes among IDF soldiers is a source of frustration for Palestinians and their supporters. 
Two years ago, a young Israeli student at Hebrew University attempted to address this issue in her thesis. 
The student's conclusion was that IDF soldiers don't rape because they are racists. "It is impossible to rape someone who is not human," she wrote. This young woman's perverted determination was that "just as Serbians formed their identity by publicly gang-banging Bosnian women, Jewish men define their unique identity as non-rapists … rape and non-rape are two sides of the same coin."
Confusing the issue, some take the opposite approach. In a lecture to students at Oranim College a month ago, Israeli Arab teacher Naila Awad, who runs the organization "Women Against Violence," claimed that Israeli soldiers are sexually abusing Palestinian women. 
When asked where she had gotten this information, Awad insisted, without referring to any specific documentation, that "there are many studies that prove that IDF soldiers are sexually abusing and raping Palestinian women in the West Bank." In unprecedented disciplinary action, Awad was suspended following a loud student outcry.
Awad responded with a weird reference to the Bible. "During war," she said, "[Jewish] men can take women," implying that Jews are actually encouraged to rape the women of the enemy. This same argument surfaced about two weeks ago in "Days of Palestine," an online Palestine publication claiming to specialize in providing first-hand news.
The website regurgitated a 2012 article entitled "Israeli rabbi: Israeli soldiers can rape Palestinian women" by radical Israeli blogger Yossi Gurvitz, who himself had dug up some religious discussion that took place nine years earlier (so much for "first-hand news"). 
Days of Palestine then claimed that "Israeli Rabbi Col. Eyal Qarim of the Israeli Military Rabbinate had permitted Israeli Jewish soldiers to rape Palestinian women." 
The obvious question that should follow is, why then, despite this permission, are Israeli soldiers not raping anyone? Like the deranged Hebrew U. "scholar," detractors would probably answer that Palestinian women disgust the racist Israeli soldiers. Bizarre as it is, in this argument Palestinians are actually taking offense at their women being undesirable to the enemy. 
Either way, Israel is damned if it does, and damned if it doesn't.
Following Gurvitz's insidious allegations, a senior Military Rabbinate official issued a short response, which was promptly ignored by those perpetuating the notion that non-rape is rape. "Basic human morality," he said, to state the obvious, "as well as Torah, Halacha and army policy prohibit rape and denounce this vile phenomenon."
Awad's biblical reference deals with the rules of war concerning captive women (Deuteronomy 21:10-11). One does not have to be particularly bright to ascertain that the full passage, in complete contrast to the violence and degradation involved in rape, commands Israeli soldiers to show restraint and treat captive women with utter respect.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin with Rick Joyner (Part 2) - Prophetic Perspectives

General Boykin Answers - Part 2

Watch here: Gen. Jerry Boykin with Rick Joyner - Prophetic Perspectives

Rick Joyner and Jerry Boykin
General Boykin Answers - Part 2
Rick Joyner
Monday, March 7, 2016
Rick continues asking Lt. General (Ret) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin important questions like "Why is it important to protect our borders?”

A Prophetic Vision: The Holy Spirit Ember Attack - DAWN HILL CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Get in the line of God's brush fire.

Get in the line of God's bushfire. (iStock photo )

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
It is a vision I have seen numerous times during moments in prayer and worship—individuals and nations encased in fire and the breath of God blowing on each of them, fanning the flame to others.
Not long ago, during a time of worship, the Lord showed me a vision of people as glowing embers, burning coals with no visible flame. These embers were alive and yet underestimated because a raging fire appeared not to consume them. It is tempting to miss the potential of a fire hazard with remaining embers that simply refuse to die because we are looking for the flames.
In this vision, I saw people as burning embers and as the wind of God blew on them, the glow upon them burned brighter and hotter. I then saw flames spreading in the form of small embers blowing off of them and touching those around them, causing those touched to glow and to burn. The fire of the Holy Spirit was spreading from the embers. I started digging into the definition of the ember and, in the process, I found the term that defined what I had seen in the Spirit.
An ember is a glowing hot coal typically made from wood or coal that remains after a fire or even preceding a fire. Embers are able to rekindle a fire appearing to be extinguished, and because of this, they pose a fire hazard. They are said to hold intense heat and can even be as hot as the fire that created them.
Embers play a major role in forest fires, as these embers are typically leaves and such that are lightweight and easily carried by the wind. With the right conditions, these embers can be carried ahead of the fire by the wind, creating spot fires. A phenomenon known as an ember attack is seen during a bushfire, and this is where embers will bombard a house and kindle small fires in the wooden structure.
As soon as I read about the ember attack, I knew that this was what I had seen in the vision, a Holy Spirit ember attack bombarding the body of Christ and those in the path of the bushfire.
Acts 2:2-3 tells us that on the day of Pentecost, the sound of a mighty rushing wind from heaven filled the entire house where the 120 sat and divided tongues of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. It was the perfect atmosphere for a fire to spread on those in attendance, igniting a movement.
The all-consuming fire of God was the origin, and embers carried on the wind of God bombarded these habitations of the Holy Spirit, kindling fires within each of them that burned away the former to make room for the latter. They became burning ones, embers as hot as the fire that created them and hazardous to the kingdom of darkness.
But it didn't stop with them. As is the nature of fire, it spread to others, and multitudes were lit up for Christ.
I believe we are in an exciting time on the earth right now. There are opportunities all around us to release embers onto a world full of dead coals. Yes, there are much lawlessness and demonic activity abounding, but God is greater than all of that and He is up to something big in the midst of His people. There are spot fires bursting forth all across the globe.
Jesus is branding the hearts of those who will surrender to His will and He is intensifying the glow of those who will lay themselves on the altar of sacrifice. People are finding their place in His fiery gaze. When we press into the things of God, setting others ablaze around us will come naturally as it did for the church in Acts.
To some, it may appear that the fire in the bride has been snuffed out, but look closely and you will see a remnant of embers refusing to be extinguished by a watered down word. The dead coals of religion will never pose a fire hazard. The bride of Christ becomes the perfect flammable material when we are submerged in the anointing, submitted to the wind of God and positioned in the line of His fire.
God is blowing on His people. Fires are being kindled and furnaces of His glory are being stoked. His breath is blowing on embers that have continued to burn, but there is an intensification coming upon these embers to be even more alive and even more menacing to the powers of hell. The fire of God knows no compromise and neither should the body of Christ.
I see people fanning the flame to those around them as they press into the all-consuming fire. I hear the wind of God bellowing and I see embers of His fire blowing off of people, touching those in their path. I see the Meshachs, Shadrachs and Abednegos, those who cannot be consumed and killed by a natural fiery furnace because God's fire has already engulfed them. Those who will yield to the fire of God will be part of the ember attack that will usher in the next great move of God.
We are God's hot coals, His fiery stones on His holy mountain, and we were made to burn as hot as His fire. We were made to carry His fire on the wind as His breath blows over the Earth.
Do not be content in keeping the fire to yourself but get in the line of the bushfire God is releasing even now and give yourself over to being a part of the ember attack.
Dawn Hill is a Christ follower and a freelance writer. She writes a blog called Lovesick Scribe. For the original article, visit
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The Women Uncovering Ancient Jerusalem - CITY OF DAVID

The Women Uncovering Ancient Jerusalem

In honor of International Women’s Day, we came down to the City of David excavations, and among the antiquities, we discovered rare feminine strength.

Among the dozens of men working energetically to uncover the remnants of ancient Jerusalem, we met four special women who taught us a lesson in girl power. Because the labor is difficult, Sisyphean and physically demanding – excavation is primarily dominated by strongly built men.

Undaunted, Shiran, Tehilla, Ayala and Devora show up to work every morning to tackle the challenge. Meet the women behind the scenes who are uncovering ancient Jerusalem’s past!

“People are constantly asking me if I really dig, and I tell them that anyone can do it – man or woman, it doesn’t matter. Everyone has their own capabilities and can find their place in this type of work,” says Ayala Diamant (20), who works at the City of David excavations.

The women take part in the different stages of uncovering the antiquities: after the excavation, which is done using a pickaxe, the dirt that is cleared out and the various artifacts are removed. All of the excavation work is done by human hands without the assistance of mechanical tools.

After the archeological artifacts are removed from the dirt, the dirt itself is removed from the excavation area using a technique called a bucket chain. The full buckets are thrown from one excavator to the next until they are removed from the area. About 12 tons of dirt are sifted and removed every day!
“I remember when I discovered something gold during one of the excavations and it turned out to be a gold coin – that was exciting!” Devora Cohen (31) tells us. She immigrated to Israel from France and always dreamed of working at an archeological excavation site.

Work goes on in all types of weather, from the heat waves of the summer and the freezing days of winter. This may seem simple to those of us who are accustomed to working in an air-conditioned office, but try to imagine yourselves washing and sifting pottery shards in ice-cold water when the temperature outside is 6° Celsius. By the way, excavation work starts at 7 in the morning, so those who enjoy snoozing can only dream about it.

“It’s not a normal job, it’s not like working at a clothing store or as a waitress, like most of my friends do. It’s meaningful work,” says Tehilla Zamiri (23), a Jerusalem resident. “I think it’s cool that I am finding artifacts when I dig and that I’m the first person who has touched them in 2,000 years.”

Some see excavation as a life-long profession, “I always loved archaeology and was interested in the field from a young age. When I was little, the trips we took always were to historical sites,” explains Shiran Ever (25) from Efrat. “I studied Land of Israel studies in high school and during the week of excavation we did in ancient Tiberias, I understood that this is the track I want to pursue in my life. After high school, I took the psychometric exam and decided to continue pursuing archeology.”

Our meeting with the girls left a deep impression on us and as a gesture of encouragement to the City of David’s female excavators, we hosted a special photo shoot inspired by the famous poster, “We Can Do It!”
The poster was designed in 1943 by graphic designer G. Howard Millard to raise the morale of the women working during World War II. Over the years, the poster has become the symbol of feminine strength.

In 2016, the City of David’s female excavators have given new meaning to the phrase “We Can Do It.” Israeli Women Have Power! Lifting Ancient Jerusalem’s Opulent Past out of the Dust…

Joel C. Rosenberg Blog - ISIS planning “enormous and spectacular attacks,” UK anti-terror chief warns.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

ISIS planning “enormous and spectacular attacks,” UK anti-terror chief warns.

by joelcrosenberg
"Islamic State want to inflict an 'enormous and spectacular' terrorist atrocity on Britain and may have people trained to a paramilitary level to carry out attacks," reports The (UK) Guardian, based on comments by Britain's anti-terror chief.
"Mark Rowley, a Metropolitan police assistant commissioner, said terrorists still wanted to kill soldiers or the police and now posed a real danger of attacking western lifestyle targets," the Guardian reported. "Privately, counter-terrorism officials see no sign of ISIS’s internet propaganda campaign being thwarted by community and government efforts and believe the group still has the same ability to attract devotees."
  • Police have stepped up their planning for a marauding gun attack since the Paris attacks in November, in which concertgoers, diners and other revellers were killed.
  • Rowley, who leads on counter-terrorism for Scotland Yard, told a media briefing on Monday that the nature of the threat from ISIS, which he calls Daesh, was changing.
  • “In recent months we’ve seen a broadening of that, much more plans to attack western lifestyle. Going from that narrow focus on police and military as symbols of the state to something much broader. And you see a terrorist group which has big ambitions for enormous and spectacular attacks, not just the types that we’ve seen foiled to date.”
  • Previously, ISIS had been thought to be trying to incite individuals to stage small-scale attacks, possibly using knives or vehicles. It had been hoped that tougher laws had made the planning and execution of larger-scale “spectaculars” next to impossible.
  • But after the Paris attack and alleged plotting in Europe, Rowley and other counter-terrorism chiefs fear that Isis has the capability and intent to stage a mass-casualty attack in the west....
  • There were a record 339 arrests under counter-terrorism laws in 2015, 77% of which were British nationals, 14% were female and 13% were aged 20 and under....

joelcrosenberg | March 8, 2016 at 4:34 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Born again in Nazareth - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Last week, as part of our course for senior pastors, we had a week of intensive study in a hotel in Nazareth for two pastors' classes. And something rather wonderful happened.

Dr. Erez Soref had gone to the hotel to visit with the pastors, but while the classes were in progress, he and a few others were sitting out in lobby. Suddenly, an official-looking lady holding a planner and notebooks appeared, asking for him by name. Erez assumed that she would be from the hotel staff, perhaps needing him to settle a bill, but it turned out that she was a delegate from a different conference about tourism at the same hotel. She had passed by a room full of pastors all talking about God, and wanted to sit in the class and listen. 

She said she really wanted to know about God, so one of the pastors suggested that she should go and talk to Erez. So that's what she decided to do. In talking to her, Erez discovered that she was from a nominal Christian Arab family from the local area, and he began to share about God's love, His grace, and the peace that He gives, but she interrupted:

"Wait, but you're Jewish? How come you're talking to me about Jesus?" Then she reasoned, "But Jesus was Jewish wasn't he? So I guess it's OK!"

She knew a little about Jesus, but Erez asked if she would like to get to know Him personally, and she cried a little, and said yes, she would. She had beaten cancer three years ago, but and had recently undergone another round of chemotherapy, which had also been successful, and the cancer was now in remission. She said that God had preserved her, and now she wanted to know Him.

Erez invited her to pray to Jesus according to his invitation in Revelation3:20"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

She said to Erez, "You're Jewish, but are there any Arabs here that believe in Jesus?" Erez called one of the Arab pastors over to join them, who was able to share with her in Arabic, her heart language, about the Lord. He explained about the problem of sin, but she said that she didn't sin - that she was a very good person. When her parents had died, she raised her siblings, and had always tried to do her best. Erez asked, "But have you ever wanted something someone else has? Envy something?" Her eyes widened, "Does that count as sin?" Together they discussed the matter, and explained about what sin is, and the One who had the authority to forgive her sins. 

Soon she was ready to make a step of faith.

And so a Jewish Messianic believer, an Arab pastor, and the lady from Nazareth who wanted to come to Yeshua for forgiveness, all held hands as the Arab brother led her through a prayer to faith, from sin to repentance.
She sobbed as they encouraged her, and invited her to have lunch with them all. She sat with the group of Jewish and Arab pastors together, some of whom had churches right there in Nazareth, where she lives. She is now attending one of those churches, and has great hunger to grow in the Lord and to know Him. Please pray for our new sister from Nazareth as she starts out in her new life with Jesus, in His home town.