Monday, March 14, 2016

"I can't keep silent" - Cathy Hargett testimony (Highway To Zion & One New Man)

Shalom, Shalom, Dear Friends!

Today I was searching for a video to send to one of my friends and came across this one - it is me giving my testimony about Israel for an event that was held at Steele Creek Church in Charlotte, NC.  I was representing the Messianic group, One New Man, at Steele Creek. 

Just wanted to share my heart with you!  And especially want to share with you who are going up to Zion with us this year - particularly for first-timers! 

Click on the link below - it's a short vimeo - about five minutes.

 Watch here: Cathy Hargett testimony

Loving you in the Name of the One Called Faithful and True - Yeshua ha Mashiach!


Cathy Hargett
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.

Highway to Zion Assembly!
Friday, March 18, 2016
7-9:30 pm
Raintree Country Club
8600 Raintree Lane
Charlotte, NC 
Messianic Worship, Dance, Teaching,
Prayer, Times of refreshing and hearing from Elohim!
With Our Very Special Friend,
Scott Volk of Together for Israel

Scott Volk is Messianic Jew who came to faith in 1975. After graduating from North Central University in Minneapolis in 1988, Scott has served in various pastoral capacities in Arizona, Florida, and North Carolina. 

After more than 20 years in pastoral ministry, Scott founded Together For Israel, a non-profit ministry that exists to partner with the Church for the salvation of Israel (Rom 11:26).
Scott and his wife, Beth, have been married for over 25 years and have a heart to see
Jew and Gentile united as ‘one new man’ in the Messiah.

They have five children and reside in Charlotte, North Carolina.


I met Scott several years ago, and it has been such a blessing to get to know him.  He has such
a genuine love for people and such a caring heart, and he, like Abba, is zealous over Zion!
He is so transparent about his journey as he tells how he, as a Jewish believer in Messiah Yeshua,
only recently embraced the calling for Israel.  I was so mesmerized by his story of how the
Lord spoke to him after a visit to the Land.  He founded and directs Together for Israel. 
I so support and believe in what he is doing with Together for Israel.
Scott is an anointed messenger of Elohim!
Come hear for yourself on March 18th!
Hope to see you there!
Cathy Hargett, Director
Highway to Zion Ministries, Inc.
Hope you will join us this Friday night, 3/18!
Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai! (Matt. 23:39)
Love in Messiah Yeshua!
or for additional info -
For Info about Highway to Zion Ministries,
please visit our website at

Purim in Pictures, A Must See ✡ "That Is Esther" - ISRAEL365

And he had brought up Hadassah, that is Esther.


וַיְהִי אֹמֵן אֶת הֲדַסָּה הִיא אֶסְתֵּר

אסתר ב:ז

va-y'-hee o-mayn et ha-da-sa hee es-tayr

Jerusalem Inspiration

Esther is the name that comes to mind as the Jewish heroine of the Purim story, however, in the Megillah, we find that her given name is actually Hadassah. Why was Esther's name changed, and why has the second name gone down in fame throughout history? If we look at the meaning of the word Esther, we can see why.  Esther comes from the Hebrew root se-ter, סתר which means secret.  The miracle of Purim was intertwined with the hidden hand of God 'pulling the strings' throughout the story. Esther embodied the idea of hidden and revealed, how that which is evident to the naked eye does not always represent the full story. The Master of the World is the hidden force behind every salvation, and Esther merited the role in history to orchestrate that salvation.

Purim Animated!

Get ready for the holiday of Purim! This unique video tells the story of the Jewish salvation in pictures.

Survey Finds High Level of Support for Instating Religious Law in Israel

A new Pew study reveals strong social divisions between Israelis, uncovering some fascinating positions on intermarriage, separation of church – or in this case, synagogue – and state, and how Israel should deal with its Arab residents.

"Of Milk and Honey" - A workbook on Israel and the Bible

A delightful introductory learning aid about the Bible and the Land of Israel which includes modules like word games, fill in the blanks, crossword puzzles, map reading, stories and secret codes to decypher. Sketched images enhance the learning experience. This fun and educational workbook will expand one’s knowledge of the Bible and Judaism. Paperback, 52 pages

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Jerusalem hide and seek knows no age limit, by Aaron Hyman. Purim is the holiday that celebrates both the hidden and the revealed.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robert French of Sherman, Texas. Todah rabah!

“I am so impressed by your encouraging pictures of the Holy Land”

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  I enjoy my Jerusalem365 very much and look forward to the e-mail daily. -Carol, South Africa

Hello, I am Pastor Alex Mkula... I am so impressed by your encouraging pictures of the Holy Land.

Its been a blessing to receive photographs and stories from Israel. God bless Israel...Charles, Papua New Guinea
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Jeremy Lin (NBA Charlotte Hornets) Asks Fans to 'Pray for Global Christian Revival' - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Jeremy Lin asked his fans to pray for revival around the world.

Jeremy Lin (NBA Charlotte Hornets) Asks Fans to 'Pray for Global Christian Revival'

Jeremy Lin asked his fans to pray for revival around the world.

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Charlotte Hornets' Jeremy Lin asked fans to intercede for "global Christian revival" in his latest prayer request email.  
"Please pray for global Christian revival. Specific areas that I feel God has put on my heart are Asian-Americans in the U.S. who are lukewarm in their faith, the billions in China who don't know Christ and Taiwan/Hong Kong. I obviously care about many other places, but these are very near and dear to my heart!" Lin wrote.  
The Chinese government has been cracking down on Christian activity recently,amping up persecution against pastors who stand for faith. 
Evangelist Franklin Graham announced an international summit to defend the persecuted.  
"2015 was just reported in the media as the worst year for Christian persecution," Franklin Graham wrote on his Facebook page Wednesday. "More than twice as many Christians were killed for their faith than in the previous year—making it the worst in history since these statistics have been tracked." 
Graham met with Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church last year to discuss the plight of Christians around the world.  
Kirill even bridged 1,000-year rift between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches when he and Pope Francis came together to raise awareness of persecution.  
"Our gaze must firstly turn to those regions of the world where Christians are victims of persecution. In many countries of the Middle East and North Africa, whole families, villages and cities of our brothers and sisters in Christ are being completely exterminated," the two said in a joint statement.
But the two also believe, like Lin, that revival is possible. Kirill and Francis look to today's youth to bring about godly change. 
"Today, in a particular way, we address young Christians. You, young people, have the task of not hiding your talent in the ground (Matt 25:25), but of using all the abilities God has given you to confirm Christ's truth in the world, incarnating in your own lives the evangelical commandments of the love of God and of one's neighbor," according to the joint resolution.  
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Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Helpful Video on How to REALLY Boycott Israel with Hananya Naftali - Israel Today

A Helpful Video on How to REALLY Boycott Israel

Sunday, March 13, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Many people want to boycott Israel in service to the Palestinian cause, but don't quite know where to begin.
Our friend Hananya Naftali, a Messianic Jewish soldier in the Israeli army, has provided this helpful video guide to aid you in rooting out anything even remotely Israeli in your life.
For the sake of objectivity, Naftali also wanted to list Palestinian products and inventions, but couldn't find any.
Watch here: Really Boycott Israel?

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Don't miss PJTN's Highly Acclaimed "Focus On Israel" Programs

PJTN's Highly Acclaimed Focus On Israel Programs


Focus On Israel Programs
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Focus On Israel Programs 
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 Focus On Israel Programs
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Focus On Israel Programs
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Focus On Israel Programs



Focus On Israel Programs


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PJTN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PJTN was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel, utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel.
Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, Inc., P.O. Box 682711, Franklin, TN 37068