Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Israelis Happy That Obama's Almost Gone - Israel Today Staff

Israelis Happy That Obama's Almost Gone

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Everyone knows that the current Israeli and American governments don’t get along very well. And the Obama Administration’s hostility toward Jerusalem only seems to be increasing in its waning days.
The Obama White House has experienced “overwhelming frustration” in its dealings with the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said US Vice President Joe Biden last week.
Speaking at a gathering of the left-wing Jewish organization J-Street, Biden accused Netanyahu of “moving us and more importantly…moving Israel in the wrong direction.”
In survey results published this week, Israelis signaled that the feeling was mutual concerning President Barack Obama and his handling of American affairs.
Conducted on behalf of Israel’s Channel One News, the poll found that a solid 51 percent of Israelis believe that no matter who wins the upcoming US presidential election, the end result will be a positive change for the Jewish state.
Only 8 percent felt there was a chance US-Israel relations could get worse than they are under Obama.
A 39 percent plurality remain certain Democratic contender Hillary Clinton will win the White House, while 30 percent said real estate mogul Donald Trump will be the next American president.
More Israelis feel Clinton will be overall better for their nation, though a plurality acknowledges that Netanyahu will get along better on a personal level with Trump.
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Senate Pressures Obama to Do This for Israel - PATRICIA ZENGERLE/REUTERS CHARISMA NEWS

An Iron Dome launcher fires an interceptor rocket in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod.

Senate Pressures Obama to Do This for Israel

An Iron Dome launcher fires an interceptor rocket in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod. (Reuters)

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More than four-fifths of the U.S. Senate have signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to quickly reach an agreement on a new defense aid package for Israel worth more than the current $3 billion per year.
Eighty-three of the 100 senators signed the letter, led by Republican Lindsey Graham and Democrat Chris Coons. Senator Ted Cruz, a 2016 presidential candidate, was one of the 51 Republicans on board. The Senate's Democratic White House hopeful, Bernie Sanders, was not among the 32 Democrats.
"In light of Israel's dramatically rising defense challenges, we stand ready to support a substantially enhanced new long-term agreement to help provide Israel the resources it requires to defend itself and preserve its qualitative military edge," said the letter, which was seen by Reuters.
It did not provide a figure for the suggested aid. Israel wants $4 billion to $4.5 billion in aid in a new agreement to replace the current memorandum of understanding, or MOU, which expires in 2018. U.S. officials have given lower target figures of about $3.7 billion. They hope for a new agreement before Obama leaves office in January.
The funding is intended to boost Israel's military and allow it to maintain a technological advantage over its Arab neighbors.
The letter said the Senate also intends to consider increased U.S. funding for cooperative missile defense programs, similar to increases in the past several years.
Obama has asked for $150 million for such programs, but lawmakers are believed to be willing to send Israel hundreds of millions for programs like its Iron Dome air defense system and David's Sling medium- and long-range defense system. 
© 2016 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
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Israel: The Canary in the Mineshaft - SKIP ASH/ACLJ CHARISMA NEWS

Bus bomb

Emergency workers search the scene after a blast on a bus in Jerusalem April 18, 2016. (Ronen Zvulun)

Israel: The Canary in the Mineshaft

Standing With Israel
What happens in Israel sooner or later reaches the rest of us in the West. Israel is the canary in the mineshaft, serving as a warning to the rest of us that calamities are coming our way.
As an isolated outpost of Western civilization in a hostile neighborhood, Israel is the first target of Islamic terrorists, but don't be fooled—they're targeting us too.
Once again, Israeli civilians are targets of a concerted terror campaign by Palestinian terrorists. If you've been following the news lately, you'll have noticed that Israeli civilians are being attacked at random by knife-wielding Palestinians. There's also been a return to random attacks on pedestrians using vehicles as a weapon of choice, as well as the recent jihadi bus bombing in Jerusalem leaving over 20 more casualties to terror, and the discovery of yet another Palestinian terrorist tunnel dug under the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel.
The Palestinians' grievance this time? Same as always! The Israelis simply won't agree to commit national suicide by acceding to Palestinian demands to abandon Israel to the tender mercies of Palestinian thugs.
It has been aptly noted that the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. That is as true today as ever. Repeatedly, Israeli officials have been willing to make the difficult compromises to obtain peace only to be met by Palestinian intransigence—and worse.
During the last days of the Clinton administration, for example, Israel was willing to give the Palestinians 98 percent of what they demanded. That sounds like a pretty good deal under any circumstances. The Palestinian response? A resounding NO!
Despite Israel's going the second mile and more, the Palestinians demanded 100 percent or nothing. It seems Palestinians would rather starve than settle for part of a loaf—even the entire loaf, less one slice.
What type of leader rejects an agreement that gives him 98 percent of his demands? A leader who is not serious about peace! A leader who would rather continue the struggle than reach a solution. A leader who cannot handle the responsibilities that peace would require.
And what followed on the heels of the Palestinian rejection? A Palestinian uprising—called an intifada. Now, get this. The Palestinians are offered 98 percent of what they demand, and they not only reject such an offer, but Palestinian terrorists initiate widespread violence against Israel to punish them for not yielding the final 2 percent. So much for good faith negotiations between the parties.
It appears that we are once again on the verge of another uprising, another intifada. Palestinian leadership has given up on negotiations with Israel. Why? Because Israel will no longer simply yield and yield and yield again in the face of Palestinian stonewalling.
If the Palestinians are serious about peace, they can have it. No one wants peace more than the State of Israel, which has been on a war footing for almost its entire existence as a state. Israel has gone the extra mile to reach peace only to have its extremely generous offers thrown back in its face by Palestinian authorities.
Now is the time for the Palestinians to decide whether they want peace or not. Sadly, I'm betting that this will be one more in a long list of lost opportunities.
In the meantime, we urge you to stand with us and with Israel as we continue to fight for Israel at the U.N., in the international court of public opinion, and with this current administration, which appears to be on the precipice of betraying Israel publicly and dramatically by declining to veto a number of anti-Israel resolutions currently making their way to the U.N. Security Council. 
For the original article, visit aclj.com.
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Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: How did my visit with Jordan’s King Abdullah come about & what did I learn about this Sunni Arab ally? My interview with Fox News.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

How did my visit with Jordan’s King Abdullah come about & what did I learn about this Sunni Arab ally? My interview with Fox News.

by joelcrosenberg
(Jerusalem, Israel) -- On Sunday, I was interviewed on the Fox News Channel to discuss President Obama's latest trip to the Middle East, my recent visit to Jordan to meet with King Abdullah, the op-ed I wrote for the Jerusalem Post about that trip, and The First Hostage.
You can watch the video of the interview by clicking here. Also, here is a transcript of the conversation I had with Fox anchor Shannon Bream:
SHANNON BREAM: Germany is the last stop on President Obama's three-country tour. He began the week, of course, with a bit of a tense trip to Saudi Arabia, as that region faces numerous critical challenges.
Tucked in the midst of all the trouble is Jordan, where King Abdullah II is not only managing the influx of more than a million refugees, but also waging a constant battle against the threats from ISIS. There are growing questions about why the U.S. and -- in that region -- more Arab nations aren't stepping up to do more to help the man who has been viewed as our most faithful Sunni Arab ally.
Joel Rosenberg, best-selling author...met days ago with King Abdullah and came away with some key insights and joins us now live from Jerusalem. Welcome to you, Joel.
ROSENBERG: Great to be with you, Shannon. Shalom from Jerusalem.
BREAM: And listen, let me ask you -- you had an unbelievable amount of access, a special invitation from King Abdullah. Tell us a little bit about what you saw, and what kind of viewpoint it gives you now, on exactly what Jordan and that region is facing.
ROSENBERG: It was fascinating. King Abdullah in January was given a copy of my recent novel, The First Hostage, which is about ISIS -- the Islamic State -- trying to capture chemical weapons in Syria and launch an attack against the United States, Israel and Jordan, and even try to topple King Abdullah. A friend of his, an advisor to him, gave him the book, and he read it in just a few days. And rather than banning me from the kingdom, invited my wife and I on a five day visit. It was fascinating.
Look, King Abdullah is our most faithful Sunni Arab ally, and yet he faces enormous challenges. All of us in this region face the threat of ISIS, but Jordan, you know -- ISIS's roots run deep in Jordan. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the man who invented ISIS -- then called Al Qaeda in Iraq -- was from Jordan. So the king faces a huge challenge, but I think he is up for it. I spent time with him, having lunch with him, having dinner with him, meeting with many of his top generals. He's a Special Forces guy. He was the head of Special Forces in Jordan before he took the throne. But he needs more American, Arab and international help.
BREAM: Yeah, and we have such a delicate score of relationships across that region, as you know. You know about the visit to Saudi Arabia this week, the tensions that are there. We also have word this week that the U.S. has spent more than $8 million purchasing heavy water nuclear materials from Iran, and some people see a link there between the meetings with Saudi Arabia, the pressure regarding Iran, and now this new purchase at a time when a lot of people here still aren't sold on the overall nuke deal that we just made with them.
ROSENBERG: Yes, what is surprising almost every Sunni Arab leader in the region -- and certainly Israel, as well -- is why is the President of the United States tipping away from our historic allies -- Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf emirates, and again obviously Israel, as our most faithful ally in the entire region -- and tipping all this effort to help Iran? And not taking decisive measures to destroy ISIS once and for all? ISIS and a nuclear Iran pose existential threats to every leader, and every person, in this region, as well as to the United States. And yet the President keeps tipping -- when push comes to shove, he's going with Iran these days. This is a huge mistake. It bothers me. It bothers many in this region.
BREAM: Well, Joel, we thank you so much for giving us some insights. You've written an op-ed that gives even more about that amazing trip you had with the King. And you know how I feel about The First Hostage. I can understand why after reading it he would have invited you. It is a great read. People will be entertained, as they always are with your books, but they will learn a lot about what we're really facing, as well. Joel, thank you for joining us live from Jerusalem.
ROSENBERG: Thank you.
[NOTE: During the interview, Fox News I identified me several times as a "former advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu." While it's true that I worked as an aide to him in 2000, that was more than 15 years ago. I want viewers to be clear that I don't claim to speak for Mr. Netanyahu in any way. My views are wholly my own.]

joelcrosenberg | April 25, 2016 at 1:11 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-4AJ

"A Staff of an Almond Tree" ✡ Incredible Gog and Magog Prophecy Revealed - ISRAEL365

The word of God came to me saying, "What do you see Jeremiah?" And I said, "I see a staff of an almond tree."

וַיְהִי דְבַר יְ-הוָה אֵלַי לֵאמֹר מָה אַתָּה רֹאֶה יִרְמְיָהוּ וָאֹמַר מַקֵּל שָׁקֵד אֲנִי רֹאֶה

יִרְמְיָהוּ א:יא

va-y'-hee d'-var a-do-nai ay-lai lay-mor ma a-ta ro-e yir-m'-ya-hu va-o-mar ma-kaylsha-kayd a-nee ro-e

Today's Israel Inspiration

The almond tree is the first to blossom in springtime in the Land of Israel. In Scripture, it symbolizes quick action, as here the Almighty is informing Jeremiah that He will hasten to fulfill His prophecies (Jeremiah 1:12). Amazingly, in Hebrew the very word for "almond" - sha-KAYD - is similar to the word for "hasten" - sho-KAYD. "Hasten" to plant a tree this springtime in the Holy Land!

New Life in the Carmel Forest

The worst fire in Israel's history ravaged Israel's Carmel Forest region in December 2010. Hear the story of JNF's incredible work to rehabilitate the forest and beautify the Land of Israel once again.

Incredible Gog and Magog Prophecy in Ezekiel Foretold Obama Claim Against Israel

US President Barack Obama last month put the blame for failed Middle East peace on the economic success of the Jewish State, a claim foreseen by the sages of Torah as part of the Messianic process.

Nano Style Ten Commandments Pendant and Chain

This exquisite necklace displays the Ten Commandments with Hebrew letters and English writing, inscribed in 24 karat gold. The finely detailed miniature writing is legible and can be seen with the special magnifying glass which is included with purchase. The golden Ten Commandments are mounted on an Onyx gemstone and encircled in a 15 x 21 mm .925 sterling silver frame. Also included is an 18 inch (45 cm) .925 sterling silver necklace. It comes in a gift box and is a perfect and unique gift for any special occasion. Key ring magnifying glass included!

Today's Israel Photo

Sarah Tuttle-Singer's photo of almond blossoms in Rosh Pina. Almond trees have grown in Israel since Biblical times and were amongst the gifts sent by Jacob to Joseph in Egypt (Gen. 43:11).

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Deborah Causewell of Dallas, Texas. Todah rabah!

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Good morning - I look forward to Israel 365 every morning with great anticipation.  The pictures are wonderful, I have been to Israel once and long to return someday, and I am trying to learn Hebrew so it is great to practice along with your texts.  Thanks so much, love it, love it, love it. Keith
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Celebration of Passover 2016 - Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries MOSES JULIUS

One of the last Jewish Synagogues in The World in One of the Most Unexpected Places - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

One of the last Jewish Synagogues in The World in One of the Most Unexpected Places

Published: February 28, 2014  ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Lessons on Leadership: Moses, Passover and the Call of God. (Thoughts on Exodus 3 & 4.)


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Lessons on Leadership: Moses, Passover and the Call of God. (Thoughts on Exodus 3 & 4.)

by joelcrosenberg
In late March, as readers of this blog know, Lynn and I had the joy of visiting the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the invitation of King Abdullah II. On our second day, we went up to Mount Nebo. This was Lynn's first trip to Jordan, so what a special thing to do. But this was my seventh, and yet I had never gone up to the mountain where the Lord took Moses to show him the Promised Land.
Wow! What a view. It was a beautiful, clear, crisp Spring day. Lynn and I could see the entire range of the Jordan River Valley. We could see Jericho, and Bethlehem, and -- in the distance -- the Judean Hills, the eastern sides of the Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus, and the lights of the holy city of Jerusalem.
In the weeks that followed, I found myself thinking a great deal about Moses -- about the tremendous miracles the Lord accomplished through him, to be sure; about his great courage before Pharoah, the evil tyrant of the Middle East at that time; and about the powerful prophecies that Moses both proclaimed as God directed him, and those that he fulfilled, as well. At the same time, I also found myself reflecting on the sadness Moses must have felt at not being allowed by God to enter the Promised Land with his people, the nation of Israel. This was Moses' own fault. He had been unable to control his anger, and there were consequences, even for such a great Biblical leader.
Fortunately, of course, Moses eventually made it to Israel. In Matthew 17, we read the remarkable account of Moses standing on the Mount of Transfiguration, talking with the Lord Jesus Christ and the prophet Elijah. Amazing. Talk about an exciting first visit to the Holy Land!
That said, I also found myself meditating a great deal on the man Moses was when the Lord first called him to this important mission to set His people free. I began studying Exodus chapters three and four day after day, trying to understand God's call on Moses' life, and why Moses resisted it so intensely.
Last Friday night, Lynn and the boys and I gathered with dear Israeli friends and celebrated our second Passover here in the Land of Israel since moving to the Land in August 2014. Yet again, like every year, we spent an evening thinking about what God did to rescue and save His people. The following morning, I preached at a congregation not far from Tel Aviv. The message the Lord put on my heart came from Exodus three and four. Here are my sermon notes. Hope you find them helpful and take some time to answer the questions below. God bless you, and Happy Passover from Israel!
WHEN GOD CALLED MOSES: Lessons on Leadership from Exodus 3:1-22 and 4:1-17
Today, we think of Moses as a great hero of the faith, and the Passover story as his most dramatic accomplishment. That’s true. But let’s step back and see the man God called into His service.
To begin, please read Exodus 3:1-22 and 4:1-17 in full.
Then, let's look at a series of excuses Moses made, telling the Lord why he couldn't possibly respond to God's divine call.
1.) Moses asked God, “Who Am I?”
Exodus 3:11 – “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”
  • I am nothing.
  • I am no one special.
  • I have failed many times.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
2.) Then Moses asked God, “What Shall I Say?”
Exodus 3:13 – “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?”
  • I don’t know what to say.
  • I don’t know God well enough to speak for Him.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
3.) Then Moses asked God, “What if they won’t believe me?”
Exodus 4:1 – “What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say?”
  • No one is going to listen to me.
  • No one is going to believe me.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
4.) Then Moses told God, “I’m not eloquent.”
Exodus 4:10 – “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
  • I’m not a good public speaker.
  • I’m slow to form my words. (Note: it is widely believed that Moses stuttered.)
  • I get “tongue-tied.”
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses?
5.) Finally, Moses essentially told God, “No.”
Exodus 4:13 – “Please, Lord, now send the message by whomever You will.”
  • I’ve heard everything you’ve told me, but it doesn’t persuade me.
  • I don’t know what to say.
  • I don’t know how to say it.
  • I can’t do this,
  • I won’t do this.
  • I’m not the right person.
  • Find someone else.
How did God respond? Read here.
In Exodus 4:14, we read: "Then the anger of the Lord burned against Moses..."
Still, the Lord showed tremendous grace and mercy to Moses. He provided Aaron, the older brother of Moses (by three years), to assist Moses in this vital mission. And despite Moses' lack of faith -- his sinful obsession with his own flaws and faults rather than trusting in the Lord's love and power and greatness -- the Lord redeemed him and used him in spite of himself to save the nation of Israel and bring them out of terror and tyranny and into freedom.
God’s Grace
Have you ever stopped to consider that all of Moses' excuses were essentially true? He didn't really know the Lord well. He didn't know what to say? Pharoah didn't listen to him or believe him. And after forty years on the backside of the desert, tending sheep, thinking about his worst failure -- murdering an Egyptian and having to flee for his life -- perhaps it's no wonder Moses was not eloquent, and perhaps even someone who stuttered.
But have you also ever stopped to consider that maybe all of Moses' weaknesses and failures were precisely why the Lord chose him to be His servant and His spokesman? By choosing a weak and sinful and desperately self-conscious person, the Lord showed Himself great and powerful, loving and wise. This way the Lord -- not Moses -- could receive all the praise and glory and honor, because it wasn't possible for Moses to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt on his own. He wasn't capable. And he knew it.
What does the Bible say about the man that Moses eventually became?
  1. “Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)
  2. “Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, for all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all his land, and for all the mighty power and for all the great terror which Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.” (Deuteronomy 34:10-12)
  3. Moses was included in the “Faith Hall of Fame” in Hebrews chapter 11.
Questions For Us Today
I was deeply moved by these passages. They contain some tremendous lessons on leadership for all of us.
  1. What is God calling you to say?
  2. Where is God calling you to go?
  3. What excuses are you giving to the Lord?
  4. What promises has the Lord made in His Word to those who love Him and want to obey Him?
The Bible is clear: the Lord is calling you to serve Him and take His Word -- the special message of the Scriptures -- to people who need rescue and salvation, freedom and redemption. He is calling you and I to "go and make disciples of all nations" and to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth." Will we be faithful to this high calling? Or will we give God a list of excuses why we're the wrong people for the job?
May you study Moses carefully, and learn from the lessons he learned the hard way.
joelcrosenberg | April 25, 2016 at 12:09 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-4yZ