Sunday, November 6, 2016

Russia Tells US to Be More Like Israel - Israel Today

Russia Tells US to Be More Like Israel

Sunday, November 06, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Russian President Vladimir Putin last week encouraged the United States to look to Israel as an example of how terrorism should be fought.
Speaking at the Valdai International Discussion Club, Putin was critical of what he saw as America’s weak approach to combatting ISIS and other terror groups in the Middle East, an approach the Russian leader suggested had actually enabled the rise of such groups.
In particular, Putin said Washington’s politicized focus on civilian casualties - something Israel has had to contend with in its fight against Palestinian terror - was letting the terrorists get the upper hand.
“Let’s just leave everything as it is,” Putin sarcastically quipped. “Let’s leave Raqqa alone too. Our partners keep saying, ‘We need to take back Raqqa and eliminate the nest of terrorists there.’ But there are civilians in Raqqa. So, should we not fight the terrorists at all? And when they take hostages in towns, should we just leave them be?”
Putin said that Israel, which does go to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties, offers the only model for success.
“Israel never steps back, but always fights to the end, and this is how it survives,” noted Putin. “There is no alternative. We need to fight. If we keep retreating, we will always lose.”
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Former CIA Chief Certain Trump Will Mend Israel Ties - Israel Today

Former CIA Chief Certain Trump Will Mend Israel Ties

Sunday, November 06, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Former CIA Director James Woolsey is certain that if elected the next president of the United States this week, Donald Trump will improve damaged relations between his nation and Israel.
Woolsey, who is working as an advisor to Trump, was in Israel last week and told Army Radio that the Obama Administration’s “excessive hostility and criticism” had brought low the US-Israel relationship.
“A good deal of what was done needs to be changed,” he said.
Woolsey said he could not predict the outcome of Tuesday’s election, but seemed confident that either way, the situation for Israel would improve.
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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Amish in PA Seeking Drivers to Help Beat Hillary Clinton on Election Day - RUFUS SHINRA TRUMP CONSERVATIVE NEWS


Amish in PA Seeking Drivers to Help Beat Hillary Clinton on Election Day

Election day is rapidly approaching, and while Hillary Clinton seems busy defending states like Michigan that were already thought to be firmly locked up for her, Donald Trump is on the offensive in historically blue states that could very well end up in his corner.
This year’s election is likely to come down to a handful of swing states, and Donald Trump has a tight electoral path to victory, which is why voters in states like Pennsylvania are going to play a pivotal role in outcome of this race.
In a highly under reported story earlier this year, members of the Amish community were found to be quietly rallying behind Donald Trump and attending his events. There’s been little to no reporting in previous election years regarding Amish voters, as they typically do not vote in large numbers, but this year’s political issues have been particularly impactful in their communities. In fact, an Amish PAC is even seeking volunteers to help drive Amish voters to the polls on election day
From Amish PAC Plain Voters Project website:
Amish PAC needs volunteers to help drive Amish voters to the polls in Pennsylvania. In addition, if you have any Amish friends or neighbors and would like to give them a ride to the polls on Election Day, Amish PAC will provide you with a prepaid gas card.
The purpose of Amish PAC’s Plain Voter Project is to beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 by turning out a deeply conservative and often forgotten block of voters concentrated in two key swing states – the Amish.
Amish PAC has no use for internet and television advertising because the voters we’re targeting don’t use the internet or watch television. Therefore, Amish PAC’s ad blitz is two-pronged: Newspapers and Billboards. In addition, Amish PAC is building a large network of volunteers across Amish Country to assist in voter registration and flyer distribution.
This is the same Amish PAC that put up billboards for Donald Trump in Lancaster country, Pennsylvania, and encouraged communities to get involved.  In a rare showing of political involvement, Amish voters even showed up to support Trump during his rally in Lancaster County on October 1st.
Pennsylvania could be the key to victory for Trump, and if the state turns red on election night, then it’s a safe bet he has won this election.  It’s also worth noting that Amish voters would not be included in any election polls, since they don’t have telephones for the polling companies to call.

If you’re in Pennsylvania and would like to help Amish voters make it to the polls, you can visit the Amish PAC’s volunteer form here.

Former U.S. hostage in Iran was told to find his own way home - THE BULL ELEPHANT Catharine Trauernicht

Former U.S. hostage in Iran was told to find his own way home

Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini

Former U.S. hostage in Iran was told to find his own way home

The U.S government didn't help him. But Donald Trump and Franklin Graham did. Now, Saeed Abedini is returning the favor.

For three and a half years, Pastor Saeed Abedini was imprisoned in an Iranian jail before being released last January, in what some people believe was a hostage exchange for ransom money.

An Iranian-American and Muslim convert to Christianity, Pastor Abedini was imprisoned for his Christian faith and charged with subversion. His torture and suffering while in jail were known around the world, and an untold number of prayers were answered when news came of his release.

Saeed Abedini was one of three American hostages freed by Iran last January, only after a planeload of cash — $400 million in cash — landed close by on the tarmac where they were waiting to fly out of Iran.

When the freed men arrived in Germany, Saeed Abedini was told he would have to buy his own plane ticket back to the United States, despite the financial distress to his family after his imprisonment.

Think about that for a moment. Only a few hours earlier, the United States had transferred $400 million in cash to the Iranian government, but would not pay for Abedini to get home to his family…after three and a half years of tortured imprisonment!

It was Franklin Graham who arranged for a flight to take Pastor Abedini home, and it was Franklin Graham, along with Abedini’s parents, who greeted him when he arrived in the United States.

“They didn’t even intend on helping me get home. Without the kindness of friends like the Rev. Franklin Graham, I would have been stranded in Germany. In spite of all I had experienced, I felt completely dispensable.”

Another man stepped forward to help Pastor Abedini’s family during his imprisonment. Donald Trump met with his family and gave them $10,000. In a recent Facebook posting, Abedini spoke of his gratitude for Trump’s support:

I know [he] fought for me and called my name so many times. Hillary never called my name or met my family. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage.”

In another Facebook posting, Abedini expressed his belief that God is working through Donald Trump to accomplish His purposes. He wrote that, like each one of us, Donald Trump is “a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth. … We are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace. Redemption is God’s specialty.”

Pastor Abedini is trusting Donald Trump to lead our country. He also is trusting God “to finish and equip for the future what He has already started.”

Donald Trump: 'The Only People Brave Enough to Vote Out This Corrupt Establishment is You, the American People' - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Friday night, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's campaign rolled out its final TV ad ahead of Tuesday's general election, titled "Donald Trump's Argument for America."

The two-minute ad—four times longer than his typical ad—features the GOP nominee asking the American people for their vote by outlining his positive vision for America. His campaign said the ad, which has a $4 million buy and is running in the battleground states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Ohio, Michigan, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, and New Mexico, is his "closing argument" to the American voter.
Trump says:
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.
For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests, they partner with these people that don't have your good in mind.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.
It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. The only force strong enough to save our country is us.
The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American people.
I'm doing this for the people and the movement and we will take back this country for you and we will make America great again.
Campaign spokesman Jason Miller said the ad will run during national news and prime-time entertainment broadcasts, as well as during NFL and college football games, and this weekend's televised NASCAR events in Texas. His campaign logo is also appearing on the side of one of the cars racing in Sunday's Sprint Cup race.
"This is Mr. Trump's positive closing message to American voters, and it comes at a time when Secretary Clinton has abandoned any positive message of her own," Miller added. "We believe voters are looking to go in a new direction and Mr. Trump is ready to lead this change."
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Trump and Pence Send Video Messages to the Nation's Churches - CBN News

Trump and Pence Send Video Messages to the Nation's Churches
CBN News 11-05-2016

The Trump campaign is going all out to reach evangelicals by sending video messages from Donald Trump and his Vice-Presidential pick Mike Pence to churches across the nation for viewing on this Sunday, the last before the election on Nov. 7th.
Trump's 30-second taped message warns Christians that they are under attack in America and across the world and claims that his opponent Hillary Clinton will make the situation worse.

"This election will decide the future of life, liberty and faith in America. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for tax-payer funded abortion on demand, a vote for a liberal Supreme Court for the next generation, a vote for new attacks on religious liberty," he says in the message.
Trump pledged to protect life, liberty and faith.
In his video, Pence tells America's Christians to "bow the head and bend the knee" in prayer to God.

Pence starts the video assuring America's Christians that his faith always comes first.
"'I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican in that order," he says.  Pence says he joined running mate Donald Trump in the presidential race because "we stand at a turning point" when people of faith, lovers of liberty, and protectors of life must "step forward and heed the call to action."
He promised  American Christians that a Trump administration will protect what people of faith care about: life and the Constitution.
"President Donald Trump will appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold our Constitution and the rights of the unborn," Pence said. 
The vice-presidential nominee also vowed the Trump team will "free up the voices of faith" by repealing the Johnson Amendment.
"The Johnson Amendment has literally been on the books since the 1950s and it essentially threatens tax-exempt organizations and churches with losing their tax status if they speak out against important issues facing the nation from the pulpit," Pence explained.
Pence was also quick to remind viewers that America's strength "has come from communities of faith."
"It was the pulpits around America that spoke of the evils of slavery and brought an end to the scourge of slavery in America even through a great civil conflict," he said. "It was voices of faith and communities of faith that transformed our nation through the civil rights movement in our own lifetime and we're a better nation for it."
Though many Christians are still conflicted over who they should vote for just days before the election, Pence assures them the choice could not be clearer.
"People who cherish life, and people who cherish our liberties and people who cherish the great traditions that are enshrined in our Constitution should come together and support our agenda to make America great again," he urged.
Pence's last request is a simple one: pray.
"I'd like to encourage you to do one more thing, and that is to bow the head and bend the knee in the days that remain in this election. Pray for our country."

Watch both here: Trump and Pence Videos to Churches

Hacksaw Ridge: New Mel Gibson Film Honors WWII Hero Desmond Doss - CBN News Efrem Graham

Hacksaw Ridge: New Mel Gibson Film Honors WWII Hero Desmond Doss
CBN News Efrem Graham
"Hacksaw Ridge" hits theaters this weekend, marking Mel Gibson's return to film directing following a 10-year absence.
"It just spoke to my heart and I really dug the story, tear drops on page 94," said Gibson, describing how the script impacted him as he read it.
The film is based on the heroic true story of Desmond Doss. He was a man of faith who joined the military during World War II, but he refused to carry a weapon.
Doss managed to save 75 men from the battlefield, and he became the first conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor.
Actor Andrew Garfield plays the role of Doss in the film.

"Just discovering that this was a man that lived was a surprise, in its entirety," Garfield told CBN News "The way I see it and the way I think Mel framed it for us in the story is that you feel there is no choice. He doesn't actually have a choice in the matter. There is a calling."
Doss was a living story of love for God, country and his wife, Dorothy Schutte. That romance is also played out on the big screen.

"It is just an unconditional love between the two of them," explained Teresa Palmer, who plays Dorothy. "And I was so drawn to that because the love feels so pure and innocent and I think it is so different from some of the romances we see these days with our apps and Tinder and Twitter."
Actor Vince Vaughn, who plays Doss' superior officer, Sergeant Howell, described the men's evolving relationship.
"What I love about our relationship, which I think is different than any of the others, is that there is a sense of humor and a teasing that takes place, where you realize that there is no apology needed," Vaughn told CBN News. "We kind of got who each other was. And we are both kind of looking at each other in this odd way and enjoying each other."
"But there is something in the moment where he comes for me, without giving too much away, where we both kind of protect the other," he continued. "My philosophy does sort of save him and his philosophy does save me and there is a beauty in that ying and yang that come together."
Watch interview here: Hacksaw Ridge

Lance Wallnau Sees a Spiritual Dimension to This Election and Believes Trump's Breakout is Nothing Short of Miraculous - Steve Strang

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump—it's time to vote. (Reuters photos )
Lance Wallnau Sees a Spiritual Dimension to This Election and Believes Trump's Breakout is Nothing Short of Miraculous
Strang Report, with Steve Strang

Friday, November 4, 2016

I urge you to listen to my podcast with Lance Wallnau, who has great insight about what is happening spiritually. As I reported before, and as you can read in the October issue of Charisma, he was one of the first, and perhaps the first, to say that God was raising Donald Trump like he did Cyrus in Isaiah 45. He recently wrote a book called God's Chaos Candidate, which you can buy at Amazon, or on Kindle, in which he says that Trump is "God's wrecking ball" of political correctness.

Many Americans, both secular and Christian, have felt that America is going in the wrong direction. There seems to be a certain level of corruption in the entire system in both parties. Trump is the first politician to speak forcibly about this. With new revelations about the Clinton Foundation and "pay for play," many of the emails leaked from John Podesta, Clinton's campaign manager, revealed how the corrupt the system is.

Listen to the podcast with Lance in which we discuss how God is bringing the hidden things to light just a few days before the election and how the momentum seems to be turning in Donald Trump's favor. Lance believes that there is witchcraft involved, along with a "spirit of Jezebel," and that God is responding to the prayers of the people by letting this come to light.

In the podcast, I asked if there was so much corruption regarding "pay-for-play" when she was secretary of state, would she be able to do the same thing in the White House, or if she had the power to retaliate, as the Clintons have been known to do, against her political enemies?

Clearly, America is at a pivotal point. I believe that most believers and most of my readers are supporting Trump. They see that he is a strong leader even if he's not perfect and even as he's made mistake after mistake during the campaign—many of them due to his naivete as a first-time politician. That alone puts him in a unique position to clean up the system because he has not been part of the system and he is not beholden to anyone. He can, as he promises to cheering crowds, "drain the swamp," when it comes to this election.

I believe Trump will win. I believe that many people who may not like him, or would normally vote Democratic (no matter who's running) don't want the Clinton corruption in the White House. The "pundits" on the network news have been saying throughout the campaign that Hillary will win in a landslide. Now they are saying "the polls are tightening." I believe they will be surprised on election night when the American people overwhelmingly back Trump.

Please listen to the podcast. Lance is one of the most interesting people I've interviewed in a long time. Share the podcast and share this newsletter with your friends. Be sure to vote and also encourage everyone in your circle of influence to vote and to volunteer to drive people to polls if they need a ride. Do what you can to get out the message that God is giving us another chance to right the situation in America.

We know that no politician has all the answers. We know that the kingdom of God is not going to fly in on Air Force One, as a Christian leader was known to quip. But we also know God establishes leaders so that there could be righteousness in the land and so we can live quiet and peaceful lives.

There is only a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I personally see God's hand on this election. Although Trump would not have been my first choice—and I'll confess there are many things revealed about him in this campaign I don't personally approve of—I believe God has raised up Donald Trump.

I see that he is a strong leader. He values Christian counsel. He is standing for positions of righteousness—all things that we have spelled out before. Now it is time to exercise our rights as American citizens and vote. Let's also exercise our spiritual responsibility to pray, to pull down principalities and powers, and to believe God for a change in the direction of this nation.

Lance Wallnau: What God is saying during the 2016 presidential electionAs the last week of this year's presidential election comes to a close, a lot of controversy is being exposed. WikiLeaks, investigations and sex scandals, what could God be unraveling? Listen as Lance Wallnau explains how God is working this presidential election in Trump's favor.
Listen Now

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H.O.P.E. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”
(Proverbs 13:12 NASU)

We all want hope. We all need hope. Something beyond ourselves that we can count on, to come about when all else seems beyond our reach, beyond our ability to make it happen.

For the die-hard Cub fans, their hope was fulfilled in 2016 after 108 years of waiting. For the political minded, having their candidate win gives them another year to anticipate a better government coming to their community, state or nation.

For others, just knowing they have food to eat for tomorrow will get them through another day. That hope is a reality even for many in America, the land of great abundance and provision.

As I sat to pray this morning, I thought of hope, and was grateful that the Lord Jesus has given me some, which I count on now, and for future times ahead. As the Scripture states, it is a tree of life, the knowing in your “knower” that He will come through in the end.

Quietly waiting to hear Him, this acronym came to mind:


HEAVEN - our eternal hope. For those who believe that after this life ends, and who have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have a never-ending hope to be fulfilled. The Bible states that the dwelling of the King of kings and the Lord of lords will also be our home forever.

OPEN – having our prayers heard, which we cry out from the bottom of our heart to the Father above. An open heaven gives us confidence that we are on the right road, interceding for that which He has put in our hearts. His will to be done, according to His perfect plans and purposes.

PEOPLE – in all the nations. Everyone can experience the gift of salvation, the forgiveness of sins, the everlasting life found only in the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.

ENTER – with thanksgiving and praise. What a joy that will be! Coming into the very presence of the Almighty God, being with those who have gone before us; receiving our eternal reward for living a faithful life here on earth.

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14-15, NASU)

We have hope in that which is imperishable, which is eternal, because of the One who paid the price, the One who has gone before us, and now awaits us with open arms. As the things of this earth fade away, keeping our eyes on Him, the Faithful One, will give us hope that will never fail.

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3, NASU)

Keep hoping. You can count on Him.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

 P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, Hungary, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 11.05.16 - #267 –“H.O.P.E.” – Saturday 8:45 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve