Lance Wallnau Sees a Spiritual Dimension to This Election and Believes Trump's Breakout is Nothing Short of Miraculous |
I urge you to listen to my podcast with Lance Wallnau, who has great insight about what is happening spiritually. As I reported before, and as you can read in the October issue of Charisma, he was one of the first, and perhaps the first, to say that God was raising Donald Trump like he did Cyrus in Isaiah 45. He recently wrote a book called God's Chaos Candidate, which you can buy at Amazon, or on Kindle, in which he says that Trump is "God's wrecking ball" of political correctness.
Many Americans, both secular and Christian, have felt that America is going in the wrong direction. There seems to be a certain level of corruption in the entire system in both parties. Trump is the first politician to speak forcibly about this. With new revelations about the Clinton Foundation and "pay for play," many of the emails leaked from John Podesta, Clinton's campaign manager, revealed how the corrupt the system is.
Listen to the podcast with Lance in which we discuss how God is bringing the hidden things to light just a few days before the election and how the momentum seems to be turning in Donald Trump's favor. Lance believes that there is witchcraft involved, along with a "spirit of Jezebel," and that God is responding to the prayers of the people by letting this come to light.
In the podcast, I asked if there was so much corruption regarding "pay-for-play" when she was secretary of state, would she be able to do the same thing in the White House, or if she had the power to retaliate, as the Clintons have been known to do, against her political enemies?
Clearly, America is at a pivotal point. I believe that most believers and most of my readers are supporting Trump. They see that he is a strong leader even if he's not perfect and even as he's made mistake after mistake during the campaign—many of them due to his naivete as a first-time politician. That alone puts him in a unique position to clean up the system because he has not been part of the system and he is not beholden to anyone. He can, as he promises to cheering crowds, "drain the swamp," when it comes to this election.
I believe Trump will win. I believe that many people who may not like him, or would normally vote Democratic (no matter who's running) don't want the Clinton corruption in the White House. The "pundits" on the network news have been saying throughout the campaign that Hillary will win in a landslide. Now they are saying "the polls are tightening." I believe they will be surprised on election night when the American people overwhelmingly back Trump.
Please listen to the podcast. Lance is one of the most interesting people I've interviewed in a long time. Share the podcast and share this newsletter with your friends. Be sure to vote and also encourage everyone in your circle of influence to vote and to volunteer to drive people to polls if they need a ride. Do what you can to get out the message that God is giving us another chance to right the situation in America.
We know that no politician has all the answers. We know that the kingdom of God is not going to fly in on Air Force One, as a Christian leader was known to quip. But we also know God establishes leaders so that there could be righteousness in the land and so we can live quiet and peaceful lives.
There is only a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I personally see God's hand on this election. Although Trump would not have been my first choice—and I'll confess there are many things revealed about him in this campaign I don't personally approve of—I believe God has raised up Donald Trump.
I see that he is a strong leader. He values Christian counsel. He is standing for positions of righteousness—all things that we have spelled out before. Now it is time to exercise our rights as American citizens and vote. Let's also exercise our spiritual responsibility to pray, to pull down principalities and powers, and to believe God for a change in the direction of this nation.

Lance Wallnau: What God is saying during the 2016 presidential electionAs the last week of this year's presidential election comes to a close, a lot of controversy is being exposed. WikiLeaks, investigations and sex scandals, what could God be unraveling? Listen as Lance Wallnau explains how God is working this presidential election in Trump's favor. Listen Now
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA