Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Early Voting Results In Key Battleground States Appear To Favor Donald Trump - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 07 Nov 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

If you want Donald Trump to win the election, then you have got to be encouraged by what you are seeing so far.  Early voting has already been going on in a number of the most important battleground states, and up to this point the numbers seem to support the theory that Donald Trump is doing significantly better in key swing states than Mitt Romney did in 2012. 

As you will see below, the latest numbers released by Florida, North Carolina, Colorado and Arizona all have good news for the Trump campaign.  Without a doubt, I still have an ominous feeling about what is going to happen tomorrow night, but so far at least there are some encouraging signs.

Early voting has become extremely popular in Florida, and at this point close to half of all voters in the state have already cast their ballots.

Donald Trump cannot win the election without Florida’s 29 electoral votes, and so to say that this is a “must win” for the Trump campaign would be a massive understatement.
Fortunately, the Trump campaign appears to be doing much better in Florida than the Romney campaign did in 2012.  The following comes from Politico
Florida Democrats increased their lead over Republicans in casting pre-Election Day ballots to nearly 33,000 as of Sunday morning, but the sheer number of new voters and independents makes it tougher than ever for experts to say whether Hillary Clinton has a clear advantage over Donald Trump in the nation’s biggest battleground state.
Of the record 6.1 million in-person early votes and absentee ballots cast, Democrats have an advantage over Republicans of only 0.5 percentage points, with each party casting roughly 39 percent of the ballots. Though it’s a lead for Democrats, they’re not going to match their 3.7-percentage-point lead in early votes by Election Day they enjoyed in 2012. And Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida.
On Monday, updated numbers for Florida were released, and we found out that the Democrats had increased their lead to about 87,000 votes.  But Trump is still doing much better than Romney was at this stage.

And the Trump campaign also has to be happy about the fact that first-time voters account for 25 percent of all the votes cast so far.  Throughout this election cycle Trump has shown that he can bring out people that have never voted before, and so officials in the Trump campaign have to be smiling about this.

However, one sign of trouble for the Trump campaign is the fact that there has been a 100 percent increase in early voting by Hispanics in Florida compared to 2012, and this appears to be fueled by dislike for Trump.  The following comes from the Miami Herald
Through Saturday, 565,000 Hispanics had completed early in-person voting in Florida, a 100 percent increase over 2012, according to an analysis by Dan Smith, a University of Florida political science professor who tracks voting data.
Including absentee ballots, 911,000 Hispanics have voted — more than a third of whom did not vote in 2012. “We’re witnessing explosive early voting turnout of Hispanics — both those newly registered to vote as well as those who sat on the sidelines in 2012,” Smith said.
As discussed above, Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida, so the key for the Trump campaign will be to have the same kind of Election Day turnout that the Romney campaign had in 2012.

If Trump wins Florida, he will have a legitimate shot at winning the election, but if he loses the state it will be virtually impossible for him to make up those 29 electoral votes elsewhere on the map.

North Carolina
Another state that the Trump campaign desperately needs is North Carolina.  Mitt Romney won this state back in 2012, and according to the Drudge Report the Trump campaign is doing even better than the Romney campaign did during early voting…
Another dramatic turn of events is being reported out of North Carolina this afternoon: Donald Trump has jumped past all expectations in early voting!
In 2012, Romney hit Election Day down 447,000 votes, based on early ballots. He went on to win the state by 97,000 votes.
Now, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal, Trump opens Election Day down 305,000!
North Carolina is another of the key battleground states that is going to help decide the election.  While not as important as Florida, the truth is that Donald Trump pretty much has to have it to have a legitimate shot.

All along, most of the pundits have pretty much assumed that Hillary Clinton was going to win Colorado.

Unfortunately for her, the Denver Post is reporting that the number of Republicans that have voted so far exceeds the number of Democrats that have voted…
Republicans took the lead in early voting in Colorado at the end of the day Friday and held the advantage through the weekend despite robust Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts.
The latest early voting numbers released Monday morning show registered Republicans cast 652,380 ballots compared to 645,020 registered Democrats — a 7,360 vote GOP advantage. The breakdown looks like this: 35.2 percent Republican, 34.8 percent Democrat and 28.5 percent unaffiliated.
If Donald Trump could find a way to actually win Colorado, that would definitely lessen the pressure of having to win Nevada where he is not doing nearly as well so far.

The state of Arizona used to be considered “deep red” territory, but during this election cycle it has been considered a battleground state.

Fortunately for Trump the poll numbers in Arizona have shifted in his direction in recent days, and the early numbers coming out of the state look very good for him
The Republican lead in absentee ballots returned is 95,000. Bill Dunn, the party’s director of early and absentee voting, said Republicans lead with 36.5 percent of absentee ballots requested but have an even greater advantage in absentee ballots returned, at 40 percent of the total.
In the waning days of the campaign Donald Trump has been criss-crossing the country, and he continues to draw absolutely enormous crowds.  Conservative voters are far more enthusiastic about Trump than they were about Romney, but will it be enough?
The scene here in Sterling Heights, Michigan just before Trump’s next rally pic.twitter.com/1OxuTNeXuN
— Jill Colvin (@colvinj) November 7, 2016

Some Republican strategists are convinced that it will not be enough.  In fact, one of them told CNN that he believes that Hillary Clinton is going to win by “an electoral landslide”…
Hillary Clinton will win in an electoral landslide on Tuesday, but the political baggage she has accumulated over the past year-and-a-half will dissuade congressional Republicans from working with her administration, says longtime Republican political strategist John Weaver.
“I believe she’s going to win in an electoral landslide and be the most unpopular president in electoral history, which is quite the paradox,” Weaver told David Axelrod on “The Axe Files” podcast, produced by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and CNN.
And ultimately it could be the establishment Republicans and the “never-Trumpers” that make the difference and deliver the election to Hillary Clinton.  If you can believe it, some establishment Republicans are actually publicly announcing that they have voted for Hillary Clinton and are encouraging others to do the same.

If they can get just five percent of Republicans to follow them, they could completely alter the outcome of the election.  So let us hope that does not happen.

On a positive note, on Monday we learned that Hillary Clinton has canceled her celebratory fireworks for Tuesday night.  No reason was given for why the fireworks were canceled, but many are taking this as a sign that the Clinton campaign may not be as optimistic as they were previously.

In any event, we don’t have long to wait now until we find out who wins and who loses.
If you want Donald Trump to win, please go vote, because America may never be faced with this kind of a choice again.

I am absolutely convinced that this is a pivotal moment in American history, and on Tuesday night we find out what happens.

May God have mercy on the late, great United States of America.

Israel Says Palestinians to Blame for Lack of Water - Israel Today

Israel Says Palestinians to Blame for Lack of Water

Tuesday, November 08, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), has warned in a letter to the international community that the water supply in Gaza and the so-called “West Bank” will soon falter if the Palestinians continue to refuse to cooperate.
Since 2010, the Palestinian Authority has boycotted meetings of the Joint Water Committee set up under the Oslo Accords to ensure a safe water supply for all residents of this parched region.
Mordechai noted that “the Gaza Strip is almost entirely dependent on the pumping of groundwater, but due to over-pumping 96 percent of that water is unsuitable for drinking.”
Despite Israel’s efforts to improve the situation, Mordechai fears a crisis is now unavoidable. There is a plan, among others, in place to build a water pipeline from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, improving water supplies for Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians. But the so-called “Red-Dead Agreement” can not be implemented until the Palestinian Authority sign it, which they refuse to do.
According to General Mordechai, the water crisis is expected to hit next summer, barring a dramatic shift in the attitude of the Palestinian Authority.
“We will continue to promote cooperation and hope that our efforts will bear fruit,” Mordechai concluded his letter. “We call on the international community to support the renewal (of) cooperation and promoting water.”
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Monday, November 7, 2016

Grandson Jack...for his future and ours.

Grandson Jack

For his future
and ours.

What 'Acts of God' Are—And What They're Not - BECKY DVORAK CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Christians are susceptible to the worldly idea of 'acts of God.'
Christians are susceptible to the worldly idea of 'acts of God.' (Yosh Ginsu)

What 'Acts of God' Are—And What They're Not

Spirit-Led Woman
The SpiritLed Woman podcast is empowering women weekly to follow their purpose in Christ and boldly walk in faith. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Acts of God, what are they? We are accustomed to hearing the local newscaster declare a natural disaster as an act of God. But is it really? Is that an accurate forecast?
When society no longer believes that Satan exists or that hell is an actual place, then they would blame the Creator for these destructive events. When they say that there are many roads that lead to salvation then there is confusion about who God is. And therefore, humankind makes their own gods and anyone's description of the nature and character of their god is confused and accepted as the one, true God.
And sad to say, there are many Christians who do not study the Bible for themselves and do not know who God is or what His acts really are. So they blame the tragedy in life as God's will and turn bitter toward Him.
Is God responsible for tragedies? His Word tells us in John 10:10, "The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." The thief is Satan, and he comes to steal, to kill and to destroy us, and he causes tragedies to destroy us and our loved ones. I use John 10:10 to judge any situation that is before me. If the circumstance brings any form of destruction, then I know Satan is responsible. This verse helps to keep life simple, and truth also sets us free (John 8:32).
Jesus warns us in John 16:33, "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." He is forewarning us that in this fallen world we will pass through difficulties, but to be of good cheer. He's not making light of the situation, but instead reveals to us the safe place—in Him we will have peace.
In Luke 5:12-16, we read about a man that was full of a plague called leprosy. This plague was deadly, and incurable. And by the powers of faith, love and compassion, He cleansed the man and made Him whole again.
Today, there are many plagues in this world, especially as we are nearing closer to the return of Jesus. The enemy is fighting against humankind, lurking in every corner to bring destruction, but Jesus on the other hand, wills to make us whole by delivering us from plagues. Plagues are part of the curse, and Jesus delivered us from the effects of all forms of the curse, by transforming into the curse for us. Galatians 3:13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us—as it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.'"
In Luke 8:43-48, we read about a woman that had a problem that no one knew how to cure. She was bleeding for 12 years and was slowly dying. But with Him all things are possible, including cures for the human body when the medical field does not know what to do.
First John 3:8 tells us why Jesus came to this earth, "Whoever practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, that He might destroy the works of the devil." By His blood, Jesus dissolved the power of Satan and all of his evil ways over us.
Matthew 8:23-27 recalls the amazing testimony of how Jesus calms the wind and the waves. And He wills to do the same for us and through us, whether the storms are spiritual, emotional or physical. He gives to us His authority over Satan and all of his wicked works in Luke 10:19: "Look, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you."
A few acts of God we can see through these verses are:
  1. He is a life-giver and wills to give life to us in abundance.
  2. He is a peace-giver even during difficult times.
  3. He provides a safe place in Him during tribulations.
  4. He wills to cleanse us from modern-day plagues.
  5. He is able to cure the incurable.
  6. He dissolves the power of Satan over us by the power of His blood.
  7. He shares His authority with us over Satan and all of his wicked works.
Though the World and even some of God's people may falsely accuse God of being responsible for tragedies, sickness, disease, plagues and deadly weather, and call these tribulations "acts of God," we who choose to seek the truth of God's Word can see these accusations are false, and that in reality He is the giver of life, and gives life to us in abundance. 
Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author ofDARE to BelieveGreater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed.Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.
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Restoring a Friend to the Faith—Without Pushing Them Away From God - BOB FIFE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Build your friend's faith as they fight a war they can't fight alone.
Build your friend's faith as they fight a war they can't fight alone. (Karina Carvalho)

Restoring a Friend to the Faith—Without Pushing Them Away From God

Spirit-Led Woman
The SpiritLed Woman podcast is empowering women weekly to follow their purpose in Christ and boldly walk in faith. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.
People who fall back into the old patterns of their life before Christ often don't need to be told what they are doing. It is counterproductive to attempt to wring a confession from them, especially if they know that we know what has happened. When the Spirit is active in a sensitive heart, human pressuring can come across as gloating, which is counteractive to successful restoration.
Most of us have experienced a defensiveness and hardening of our hearts when someone else leans on us because of sinful behavior. It is entirely normal to attempt to justify ourselves if this happens. It is far better to just move forward. Confession, if necessary, will come out a bit at a time as they are restored spiritually. It's good to bear in mind that while confession to another person can be beneficial, it isn't always necessary in the process of restoration.
When we become aware that a brother or sister has lost a battle, we can be sure that they are already aware of it. Our job, then, is to encourage them, not to condemn then. Such condemnation (even if it is only implied) could cause them to lose hope and slip even further into temptation's grip. Gentle probing on things like Christian fellowship, prayer, Bible reading, listening to Christian music, and so on are good, but only if you're prepared to actually walk with the person on their path to spiritual health.
This is simply to say, we need to be prepared to make an investment in his or her life. Instead of laying out a list of steps to follow, suggest you would be willing to meet (at whatever frequency you can sustain) to pray together, to read together, and to hang out together. Note the key word is "together." Sin flourishes when we are spiritually isolated. The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace presents an impenetrable defense against the attacks of the evil one and the weakness of the flesh.
This is not to say that there is no place for confrontation. On occasion, I've said things like: "You're spiritually bankrupt. How can you think of living in this world—in this battle—when your soul is empty? You've drained your spiritual bank account and aren't doing anything to fill it." However, whenever I've said such a thing it has been with a ready offer to be personally involved in helping top up that proverbial spiritual bank account.
We all understand the importance of physical hygiene for our own health and to keep from repelling others. I sometimes draw a spiritual analogy. When we're generally keeping clean, a quick shower helps us stay fresh. Spiritually, reading a few verses to meditate on through the day will be enough. But if we've gotten into a really grimy job, we need some serious scrubbing. Spiritually speaking, sometimes it takes a long, luxurious bath in the Word of God to "deep down clean." It will depend on the depth of your relation and whether or not you can say things such as, "You need to practice some spiritual hygiene or you'll start to stink."
Keep in mind in all this that unless the Holy Spirit is already at work convicting of sin and drawing your friend back to God, you're in for a rough and potentially fruitless exercise. Sometimes a spouse or someone else will start pressing for change. This can sometimes be useful to trigger healthy spiritual motivation but, on its own, it's not enough. As you have your initial engagement, pray the Lord will give you insight about the timing of getting involved and the depth of your involvement. Then, be responsive yourself! Pushing at the wrong time can actually slow things down. Let the Holy Spirit direct you as you seek to restore one who has lost a spiritual battle.
One practical thing you can do for your friend is to help him or her establish some healthy boundaries in the process of "making no provision for the flesh." They might need to not travel alone, check in for spiritual support a couple of times a day, meet with you every so many days. Every case will be different but assuring your friend that you are walking alongside will make a tremendous difference in the process of restoration.
Remember to have fun together. When everything is serious and focused on the past failure, even though you're working together on recovering from it, people can get bogged down. So do something you like to do together, hike, watch sports, do a craft, play a game, anything to laugh together. Restoration is a key time to exercise the proverb: "a merry heart does good like medicine."
One last thing, be patient. Spiritual failure is the result of a process. Spiritual restoration needs to be one too. 
Bob Fife is an Ontario-businessman and has been out of the gay lifestyle for more than 20 years. Now reconnected with the church, he hopes his story points a way to grace and redemption. Today he devotes his time to mentoring men and women who are looking for alternative ways to deal with same-sex attraction. Fife's book, Out: One Christian's Experience of Leaving the Gay Community (Kregel Publications), is the story of his descent into homosexual practices and out again. Learn more atbobsexperience.com.
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Jentezen Franklin: This Will Be the Defining Election for America - CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photos)

Jentezen Franklin: This Will Be the Defining Election for America

What an extraordinary last few months of the 2016 election season we have all watched. Just when I think I've seen or heard it all, something else breaks and the flurry of media activity starts all over again. They say that this election season will go down as the most divisive in history. But for many, this will be the most defining election in modern history as two very different versions of America's future have been presented with no gray area between the polar opposite scenarios and directions. While there are millions who have locked in on a particular person running for president, there are millions more who have focused their attention, and their vote, not so much on the candidates but more so on the issues at stake. For example, when I see the candidates, I don't see so much this person or that person or their political parties. I look past the person and see the set of future Supreme Court justices each candidate will nominate. When viewed through that lens, it's easier to see what matters most when deciding how to cast my vote.
One such issue that is on the hearts and minds of so many voters, in every election cycle, is the tragic consequences of Roe v. Wade, which legalized the barbaric practice of abortion. Since its inception, this one landmark decision has not only legalized the death of over 54 million innocent babies, but has also destroyed the lives of millions of grieving and guilt-stricken women, unable to cope with what they have done.
The statistics associated with this tragic act read like a horror novel:
  • Over 54 million babies have been "legally" aborted since 1973.
  • Nearly half of all pregnancies are unintended, with 4 in 10 terminated by abortion.
  • In a recent year, over 1.06 million babies were aborted.
  • In 2014, 12 percent of all abortions in the US were by teenagers while most are in their 20s.
  • Twenty-seven percent of all abortions in the US are by women who declare as protestant or evangelical protestant.
  • Fifty-nine percent of all abortions in 2014 were by patients who had already experienced at least one previous birth.
  • One of the most common answers given for having an abortion were interference with work or school and an inability to care for the baby.
  • Ninety-one percent of all abortions happen up to the 13th week.
  • Thirty-four percent of all abortion providers perform abortions even at 20 weeks, and 16 percent will perform an abortion at 24 weeks.
In the third and final debate between the two presidential candidates the subject of abortion came up, leaving no margin for misunderstanding. The candidates proclaimed two entirely different views on this topic, but to my amazement, these two candidates took it one step further as the subject of late-term and partial birth abortion took center stage. When the horror and description of a partial-birth abortion was detailed in all its gory and horrific description, one candidate was horrified and in disbelief that one human could do this to another, while the opposing candidate stood firm in support and endorsement of this crime against humanity.
I remember praying, "My God, how far have we fallen?" Can the souls of 54 million babies crying out from their graves to their Creator go unnoticed by an all-knowing, all-present, just and righteous God? And when I see clearly that one candidate pledges to oppose this murderous act, while the other pledges to keep it legal and accessible with my tax dollars, I do not see the two individuals. What I see is one path that leads to destruction while the other path pledges to stand against it.
When it comes to the Supreme Court vacancies and abortion, my vote will always follow policy and value lines rather than party affiliations. I will always vote my values and my faith over personality and personal preference. A few days after the final debate, many made their views heard on social media. I was stirred deep inside, both with pride and affirmation, when I discovered that my own daughter, Caressa, had made a Facebook post that was so profound and well written:
A few months ago I listened to my baby's heartbeat at just 5 weeks old... he didn't look like a baby then, or have the obvious physical characteristics he does now but he was very much alive and just as human as he is now at 36 weeks ...
I am horrified, disturbed, and disgusted at the things that have come out the last few weeks... as a woman and Christian I personally find it inexcusable on every level.
With that being said, there are things that are a part of the foundation of my faith that I can't ignore 'The sanctity of life.' I think anyone who has had the opportunity to carry a child in their womb and experience the greatest miracle that God allows us to have on this earth would agree it is just that--- a miracle.
If this was the only reason why I have decided who to vote for, it's enough of a reason to me. I understand there are many other important issues facing our country today but I choose to vote on the most important one to me... my baby and his future.
I think any mother who has been used by God as a vessel to bring life into this world needs to protect and value life at every stage... whether the baby is in the womb or out of the womb.
In a subsequent post in response to my daughter's post, her friend, a labor and delivery nurse, stated the following:
Watching the debate, as a nurse who worked labor and delivery for many, many years, I feel the need to point out if a mother's life is in danger at any time after 24 weeks, let alone in the 9th month, the infant can be delivered via c-section to save the mother. The infant is given a chance at life. It does NOT need to be killed to save the mother. NEVER in the 9th month would that ever be a thought for most healthcare professionals. That's not healthcare. That's murder.
Christy Lee Parker
In 1994 Mother Teresa delivered a no-holds-barred pro-life speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in front of a sitting president and his wife. This is an excerpt from her speech:
But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.
Jesus gave even His life to love us. So the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion.
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.
Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan was there and later wrote:
Well, silence. Cool deep silence in the cool round cavern for just about 1.3 seconds. And then applause started on the right hand side of the room, and spread, and deepened, and now the room was swept with people applauding, and they would not stop for what I believe was five or six minutes. As they clapped they began to stand, in another wave from the right of the room to the center and the left.
But not everyone applauded. The president and first lady, seated within a few feet of Mother Teresa on the dais, were not applauding. Nor were the vice president and his wife. 
That president was Bill Clinton with his wife, current Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, sitting at his side. How prophetic were those words delivered by this humble messenger of God, and they ring as true today as they did years ago. These words still stand as a reminder today about just how important this single issue is in every election. While I do not and have not endorsed candidates or political parties, I can say with absolute certainty who I cannot vote for, and that is any candidate, in any race—federal or state—who stands for killing the unborn.
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Pastor Darrell Scott Says Donald Trump Could Become a 'Great President' - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA NEWS

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump (l) answers questions from pastor Darrell Scott at the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in September. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters )

Pastor Darrell Scott Says Donald Trump Could Become a 'Great President'

Pastor Darrell Scott knows Donald Trump up close and personal. On the eve of the election, he believes that the businessman-turned-presidential candidate will either win by a "nail biter" or by a "landslide." He believes that Donald Trump will not be just a good president, but a great president.
You have probably seen Pastor Scott either at the Republican National Convention, or appearing on national television. He is a very articulate spokesman for Christian values. I have come to admire him as a clear thinker, and the Lord is opening up incredible doors for him.  
He agreed to speak with me on the Charisma Podcast Network and told me that, behind the scenes, Donald Trump is very different from the public persona you often seen portrayed in the media. I found this to be true when I interviewed Donald Trump, although I do not know him well like Pastor Scott does.
I recorded a second podcast with Pastor Scott in which he gives insight into the turn of events since the Oct. 29 revelation by the FBI Director James Comey that he was reopening the probe into the email scandal for Hillary Clinton. In addition, WikiLeaks has released thousands of emails, many of which show that, behind the scenes, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are as corrupt as Donald Trump has said they are.
I invite you to listen to both of these podcasts. I found Pastor Scott to be one of the interesting people I have ever interviewed and I think that you will too.  
You know I've endorsed Donald Trump for president. I plan to go to New York on Tuesday to attend his "victory party" and I'll look forward to reporting on what happened on election night.  
Please make sure to vote and to encourage your family and friends to do the same. And by all means, pray God's will be done on what many are calling the most important election of our lifetime. 
Strang Report
Pastor Darrell Scott tells us what his friend Donald Trump is really like
Pastor Darrell Scott is very involved in Donald Trump's campaign. Find out from an insider what Donald Trump is really like. Is he really like the media portrays, find out now!
Strang Report
Pastor Darrell Scott says it's possible that Trump will win by a landslide and become America's greatest president
The FBI has re-opened the investigation on Hillary Clinton, is God's hand on this? Listen to Pastor Darrell Scott share his insights on how he believes Donald Trump will win this years presidential election.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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New Poll Shows 90% of Pro-Israel Evangelicals Support Trump - Staff Writer BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

New Poll Shows 90% of Pro-Israel Evangelicals Support Trump

“A man’s heart deviseth his way; but Hashem directeth his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (The Israel Bible™)
A poll by Israel365 has found that pro-Israel Evangelical Christian voters are maintaining their strong support for presidential candidate Donald Trump during the contentious US election.
In an email survey sent to 150,000 Israel365 daily newsletter subscribers, Israel365 asked readers which candidate he or she felt was better for Israel: Republican Donald Trump, or Democrat Hillary Clinton.
According to Shlomo Schreibman, Vice President of the Israel Media Network, which specializes in marketing to the pro-Israel Evangelical crowd, “These findings are very interesting because while we knew a majority of Evangelicals support Trump, we were surprised by the overwhelming 90 percent support for Donald Trump.”
The Israel365 poll was sent on three dates in batches of 50,000, with emails going out on September 27, September 30, and October 20; voting data was captured daily to observe trends. The majority of participants identified themselves as pro-Israel Evangelical Christians. A total of  6,897 people responded to the poll.
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A consistent average of 90 percent of those polled said they believed Trump was the better candidate for Israel, with 10 percent choosing Hillary Clinton. Support for Trump remained steady at around 90 percent throughout the three-week poll.
According to the New York Times, national polling average show a minor lead for Hillary of 45.3 percent, with 43 percent for Trump. Studies from the Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll have shown that the Evangelical community in general have been pro-Trump, but with inconsistent margins: Trump had a 12-point advantage over Hillary in July but went down to just a one-point difference in October. The Israel365 poll, however, shows massive and unshakable support of Trump among pro-Israel Evangelicals.
Response of lawyer Marc Zell, Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel party, said in response to the results, “These findings add up to the tremendous support Donald Trump is receiving from the Americans in Israel,” of which he believes over 80 percent support the Republican candidate.
“I have no doubt that the entire American society will want an honest and strong leader that will repair the system and will lead the US to a better future both on domestic and foreign issues and in particular the relationship with Israel and maintaining the common interests of the two countries.”

Jennifer LeClaire Tells the Media What's Really Going on With the Prophetic Swirl Over the Elections - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Jennifer LeClaire Tells the Media What's Really Going on With the Prophetic Swirl Over the Elections

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Call it the spiritualization of politics. I've never seen such a prophetic swirl over a presidential election. I was recently interviewed on TruNews, along with Franklin Graham and Native American Christian leaders discussing this trend.  
Listen in at the 1:19-minute mark and let me know what you think about all the prophetic voices releasing spiritual theories about the election. 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of awakeningtv.com, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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