Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Experiencing Holy Spirit Without Measure - J.D. KING CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Christians are longing and waiting for something that's already here.
Christians are longing and waiting for something that's already here. (Seth Doyle)

Experiencing Holy Spirit Without Measure

Spirit-Led WomanThe SpiritLed Woman podcast is empowering women weekly to follow their purpose in Christ and boldly walk in faith. Listen at

I've found a lot Christians are sincerely waiting for a season of greater glory. In the midst of dryness and lethargy, they desire greater access to the "supernatural." There's a deep longing for breakthrough. A day is being envisioned when healing, deliverance and vast spiritual empowerment will finally be available in the church.

The funny thing is that most don't realize that we're already living in a time of great breakthrough. Scripture firmly declares that, "He gives the Spirit without measure" (John 3:34).
The phrase "without measure" means there's no limit to the availability and scope of the Holy Spirit's power. It may seem unfathomable, but the present access to the "supernatural" is truly vast and unending. Despite what popular religion espouses, God isn't holding back from us.
If the Spirit has truly been given without measure, then there's an obligation to actively engage the world as responsible stewards. I'm sure you know God doesn't make it a practice to limit the advancement of His own work. So whenever there's a breakdown, it is undoubtedly due to us. Our tendency to waver in faith always brings tragic consequences.
I believe it is time for the saints to emerge. We must raise deflated hopes and help restore an expectation for good in the earth. Now more than ever it's time for us to press into glory.
What would happen if Christians weren't so risk adverse? Can you imagine a world where the sons and daughters of the living God weren't afraid to access marvelous inheritances? I certainly can. Though many would contest this, I believe the glorious day of the Spirit has already come. It is only waiting to be appropriated.

It's time for the Church to embrace a much greater destiny and calling. God is inviting us to venture out of the darkness and boldly express His wonder. He is positioning us to live like a people who truly have the Spirit without measure. 
J.D. Kingdirector of the World Revival Network and co-pastor at World Revival Church, is writing Regeneration: Healing in the History of ChristianityKing is a sought-after speaker, writer and author.
Draw closer to God. Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit every month as you read Charisma magazine. Sign up now to get Charisma for as low as $1 per issue.
Get to know the Holy Spirit and how to interact with Him on a daily basis. Learn to enter God's presence and hear His voice clearly for yourself! Go deeper in your faith with Life in the Spirit and change your life and destiny. Are you ready to start your journey?

Welcome to the Islamic States of America that Donald Trump just prevented - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

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“The common thread linking the major Islamic terrorist attacks that have recently occurred on our soil…is that they have involved immigrants or the children of immigrants. We should only admit into this country those that share our values and respect our people. We will be tough, and we will be even extreme. Casting the fight against radical Islamic terror as this generation's Cold War, he said it was long “overdue” to reestablish an “ideological screening test” like the one America used during that time. Just as we won the Cold War in part by exposing the evils of Communism and the virtues of free markets, so too must we take on the ideology of radical Islam." - Donald J. Trump
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The next 90 days are crucial - Lila Rose LIVE ACTION

Dear Reader,

Planned Parenthood was defeated last night. The American people have spoken, and the abortion corporation’s unprecedented $30 million campaign to elect a pro-abortion president and Congress lost at the polls.

When the abortion lobby pushed for unregulated abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and forcing taxpayers to pay for them, TOGETHER, WE PUSHED BACK.

And now, because of the pro-life pledges President-elect Donald Trump made during the campaign, we have an opportunity to significantly move the pro-life agenda forward.

But it’s critical that we act immediately to hold Mr. Trump to those pledges and that we convince Congress to go along with them. You know that all too often, politicians get elected and many of their promises get put on the back burner.

We need YOUR help to create a nationwide call to defund Planned Parenthood, appoint pro-life Supreme Court justices, and to counter the fierce resistance that will come from the abortion industry and its Washington and media allies. Will you make a contribution of $37, $62, $118, or $250 TODAY to help us rally the nation?

Live Action has new video releases coming this winter — and we need your help to make sure they are seen by as many people as possible, so we can increase the public outcry for the new Congress and president to defund Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

That’s why I’m asking you to donate $37, $62, $118, or $250 to help us get these new videos in front of the president, Congress, the media, and the American people so more hearts are changed and millions join the call to demand the end of taxpayer funding for abortionists. 

There’s a reason I have hope today. Over the past eight years, even with the most pro-abortion president in history to date, we’ve seen historic gains in the pro-life movement. We’ve used our media platforms to educate people with the truth about abortion, and it's shifting public opinion.

Starting today, we must work together to create a public groundswell that convinces our leaders in Washington that the time to put Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry out of business is now.

Election Day created an opportunity to stop the radical agenda of the abortion lobby and rebuild a nation that respects our most fundamental right -- the right to life.

Now is the time to make the greatest progress yet. But it will only happen when we work together. Please donate $37, $62, $118, or $250 TODAY to commit to ending abortion in our country. 

Thank you for all that you have done over the past year to help protect the lives of the most innocent among us. Together, we will finish the work we started, and we will eradicate the greatest human rights abuse of our time.

In the fight for life,
Lila Rose

 Lila Rose
 Live Action

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Mike Pence: 'We Need Jesus More Than Ever Right Now' - HELLOCHRISTIAN.COM

Mike Pence: 'We Need Jesus
More Than Ever Right Now'
Christians across the nation have voted, and the results are in. Donald Trump will be the
45th President of the United States. But just a few days ago his VP, Mike Pence, released
a new video, detailing his personal faith story.

Whilst Pence grew up in a Christian home, he says that it became personal when he gave
his life to Christ in college. "My faith became my own when I made a personal decision
to trust Jesus Christ in my freshman year in college. That night, my heart was literally
broken wide with gratitude and joy. When I came to realize that what happened on the
cross, in some small measure, happened for me."

Pence continues "the truth is that the strength of our nation has come out of our
communities of faith. Throughout our history, it has been the voices of faith that
have driven our nation to a more perfect union."

Pence then offers a call to prayer for the US. "I'd like you to encourage you to do
one more thing. And that is to bow the head and bend the knee in the days that remain
in this election. Pray for our country. Pray, not that God would be on our side, but that
we would be on his side."

"I truly do believe in my heart of heart, that what's been true for millennia is still true
today. That if his people, who are called by his name, will humble themselves and pray,
he will again do as he's always done, he'll hear from heaven, and he'll heal our land.
This one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

"All I know today is that I need Him more than ever. He is the center of my life, and
my family's life."

In, and for, such a time as this - Brian Schrauger JERUSALEM JOURNAL

In, and for, such a time as this

Brian Schrauger

I woke up this morning anxious to see the results of the US election.
President Trump.
What does it mean? For Israel, and the world, it means unpredictability. As global powers teeter on the edge of a massive war ready to ignite only miles from Jerusalem, the role that Trump will play is unknown.
As I wrote yesterday, the Kuznetzov Naval Group has just arrived near the coast of Syria, Turkey - and Israel. It includes Russia's best aircraft carrier, best battleships and best submarines. As I write these words, the envoy is engaging in a "major aeronautics exercise" just east of Crete.

One of Russia's apparent objectives is to heighten military operations in Syria with in order to defeat ISIS and secure Assad's government in Syria...

...and to do these things before Trump is sworn into office on 20 January 2017.
Will he make it into office before an explosive war begins? And if he does, will his policies make things better or worse?
In such a time as this, God knows. Indeed, he does. But the certainty that he knows is not a call to relax. Just the opposite.

Important portions of what God knows about our times are revealed in his Word. It is not a pretty picture. And it is not a summons to chill.
When Yeshua predicted the days in which we live, he warned about false messiahs, false prophets, global wars, natural disasters and persecution of God's family. We will even see, he said, the abomination of desolation ...standing in the holy place -- right here, in Jerusalem.
How then should we live in such a time as this?
According to Yeshua, we must be on the alert. Peter later wrote that being alert requires sobriety; that is, clear thinking.
This is exactly what the Jerusalem Journal is about: being on the alert with clear thinking as events unfold around us; and getting word out about those events to believers around the world - from Jerusalem.
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In, and for, such a time as this...


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New Assignments, the Next President & the Next Move of God - Doug Addison Identity Network

New Assignments, the Next President & the Next Move of God by Doug Addison

Identity Network

November is a time of restoration and revelation. The shaking many people are experiencing is designed by God to shake open things that have been previously sealed. Now is the time for the sealed to be revealed.

Have you been seeing the numbers 333?

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 NIV

Right now is the time in which God is revealing more to you for your new assignments coming from Heaven. Your Book of Life has been opened and this is a time of transition, as new angels are being assigned to help you. Do not focus on the storm or what things might look like in the natural realm.

Know that God is establishing you right now, and you will indeed make it through this time. Many are going to come out of this time in an entirely new place, new level, new authority, anointing and fire! Even though things are shaking, remember that God's Kingdom cannot be shaken!

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:28–29 NIV

The President of the United States

I wrote this word before Election Day in the United States. People have asked me if God has spoken to me about the next president.

Yes, I have had many encounters and have seen counsel meetings going on in Heaven for the past year. I did hear the name of the next President, but have not been released by God to talk about it publicly. God has been moving in all the candidates' lives trying to work through their character issues.

God spoke to me that the next President of the United States will need to go beyond political party lines. There is a move of God coming to the White House, and Washington, that will not make sense based on our current understanding of things.

So do not be discouraged if the candidate you voted for, or even heard God say would be President, did not happen. Trust God, as He is still in charge and has some amazing plans in place for the next few years.

More on the Days of Awe

My prophetic word for Rosh Hashanah, October 11, 2016, was very significant. If you have not read it, I encourage you to check it out on my blog. If you did see it, take a look again and forward it to people who need to be encouraged.

During the Jewish New Year, starting on Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur and even extending into the Feast of Tabernacles, God examines our lives for the purpose of promotions.

This past month, October 2–12, was the most spiritually active time in Heaven I have ever seen. It extended this year through October 23, the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

It was 22 days of the most powerful encounters in Heaven I have had in my life. At the same time, it was the highest warfare I have ever had in my life! The Books of Heaven were opened over all of us. But this year, it was a rare occurrence for this to be done by the highest level of court in Heaven. I had several experiences in which I saw and heard the Daniel 7 Ancient of Days court sessions taking place.

"As I looked, 'thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat … The court was seated, and the books were opened.'" Daniel 7:9-10 NIV

The Father was rendering decisions and judgments for those who have been called to be a part of this next move of God and revival. The enemy has retaliated against what God is releasing from Heaven. This is why we have seen strange weather patterns, storms, fires, floods and earthquakes. There have been high levels of unrest on the Earth because of this battle happening in the heavenly realm right now.

"As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom." Daniel 7:21-22 NIV

Get Ready to Possess the Kingdom

God has pronounced judgments and decrees in our favor. He is releasing plans and strategies for us to take hold of the new season and possess the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. New forerunners are being commissioned and will start coming on the scene soon to prepare us for the next amazing move of God.

God is getting things ready for a new revival geared towards those who have been rejected or wounded by Christians. Things are beginning now and lining things up for two moves of God. The first will be to refresh and awaken the Church. Many will judge this new move as not being from God.

The second move of God is coming later in 2017, it will be a true revival to the people way outside of the church. These are the Ezekiel 34 weak sheep who have been pushed away, forgotten and rejected.

A New Sound and Language from Heaven

This new sound and language is similar to that of the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 when a new sound, fire and language came from Heaven.

Something new is coming that is going to suddenly awaken those on drugs, tattooed and pierced and LGBT; the lost and forgotten people are going to suddenly have an Ezekiel 37, dry bones, come alive experience. I have been seeing and prophesying this for the past 5 years.

Bullet Train Arrived

In the midst of some very heavy trials and storms in my life, the Lord did some things suddenly. On October 19, while praying, I had a vision of a bullet train arriving. The Lord announced that those who are ready for the ride of their life to get aboard. Things are already starting to accelerate as we are moving into a time of seeing sudden changes and sudden advancement.

"'Yes indeed, it won't be long now.' God's Decree. 'Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.'" Amos 9:13 MSG

This is happening right now. Things are now going to move way more quickly to restore you into a new place. God is equipping us with new weapons for our spiritual warfare. He is releasing new gifts and anointing that are updated from the old, and much more effective.

How to Respond

Cry out to God to open revelation and restoration in your life. Do not get distracted by the confusion and rumors of bad things coming. Position yourself right now for your breakthrough. Be encouraged as God has not forgotten you, and has plans for us that might not make sense yet.


Doug Addison


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God Bless America and Israel - Aviel Schneider

God Bless America and Israel

Wednesday, November 09, 2016 |  Aviel Schneider
Republican Donald Trump has won the election and will be America’s 45th president. In Israel, as in the other countries, the political drama in the US was followed closely. From the Israeli perspective, many believed the 70-year-old Trump was better for their nation’s interests than Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
In the eyes of most Israelis, Clinton is a female version of current US President Barack Obama. She represents nothing new in terms of US policy, and most especially in terms of foreign policy in the Middle East. And according to the Israeli and Arab media, naive US policy in this region bears much of the blame for the current turmoil.
Israeli government ministers, who were forbidden by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to comment publicly on the election, quietly feared that Clinton would only exacerbate the Middle East’s problems, to Israel’s detriment. At the same time, Trump is a big questions mark, and there is some risk in his taking the helm.
But it was precisely for this reason that many of my colleagues in the Israeli media, local politicians and experts felt that it was better to venture a gamble with Trump and hope for a new foreign policy for the Middle East.
Yesterday’s spectacle in America was very reminiscent of our last national election in Israel. The media predicted Netanyahu would lose, and drove that message home at every opportunity, only to see the incumbent prime minister soar to an easy victory. In both cases, the mainstream media was either badly misinformed or was deliberately trying to influence the election results.
Either way, all we can say today is “God bless America and Israel!”
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