Sunday, June 4, 2017

Why It's Important to Take Our Kids Out of Public School - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Public schools are becoming perilous for students with a Christian worldview. (Getty Images )

Why It's Important to Take Our Kids Out of Public School

When I grew up, homeschooling was almost unheard of. At first it was controversial; now it's becoming more mainstream. The state of Florida, where I live, actually encourages parents to homeschool and provides all kinds of taxpayer-funded resources to help.
As our culture is becoming increasingly secular and as prayer has been taken out of public school and so on, public schools have changed from being fairly neutral to Christianity (as they were when I attended) to being downright hostile. Not only is the worldview definitely not Christian, but in many places, public educators are actually pushing the gay agenda. What's a Christian parent to do?
E. Ray Moore of Columbia, South Carolina, has the answer. Since the early 1980s, he's been leading the Exodus Mandate, calling on parents to make an exodus from what he calls the "government school." He encourages parents either to put their kids in private Christian school or to homeschool them.
This call is beginning to attract attention. Recently, Dr. James Dobson interviewed Moore on his "Family Talk" radio program, which gave Moore's ministry a huge amount of credibility. It's a very interesting interview that you can listen to here.
This week, I caught up with Moore, whom I originally got to know through the Trump for President campaign, to talk to him about his interview with Dr. Dobson and why he believes it is so important to educate our children with Christian values. That's an extremely difficult proposition for parents of children in public schools, which pull their kids in the opposite direction.
Below, you can click on our podcast and listen to us discuss our own experiences. We also explore today's trends in public education as well as those of private Christian schools and homeschools.
I applaud Ray Moore for the leadership he is giving. I urge you to get involved and to check his website at
Do you agree with him? Please leave your comments and share this with friends whom you believe would be interested. 

British Muslims reveal their plan for the UK in plain English for the world to see - Israel Video Network

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British Muslims reveal their plan for the UK in plain English for the world to see


Six people were killed and more than 40 others were hospitalized after a series of terror attacks struck on and around London Bridge late Saturday night. The horror began around 10 p.m. local time when a white van veered off the road and barreled into pedestrians on London Bridge. Three men jumped out of the van with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police and witnesses said. The London Ambulance Service said 48 people were treated in five hospitals across the city. London The service said that 80 medics responded to the scene. London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Sunday that some of the injured were in “critical” condition.
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Shocking footage of London on high alert.
He didn't know what to answer once he learned the facts!
Today's Islamization feature -1000 Muslims outside the Syrian embassy call for a global caliphate and the BBC is silent.
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The Counterfeit Spirit - Morris Ruddick SIGN Global Initiatives Foundation

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation, SIGN

[Strategy Report] Understanding the Times

Building Community Builders

The Counterfeit Spirit

By Morris Ruddick on Jun 04, 2017 01:38 am

THE COUNTERFEIT SPIRIT The religious spirit has plagued the thrust of God’s people from the beginning. Since the first century church, its counterfeit antics have perverted the household of faith’s quest for more of God. Its modus operandi is subtle, seductive and entangling. At its root is the perversion, the misapplication of the glory and […]

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Mary’s Marathon Walk - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Mary’s Marathon Walk

Sunday, June 04, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
At this time of Shavuot (also known as Pentecost), when we celebrate the giving of the Law through Moses 50 days after the exodus from Egypt, and its ultimate fulfillment in Yeshua (Jesus), consider how a young Welsh girl inspired a global explosion of God’s word.
In the year 1800, 15-year-old Mary Jones completed a marathon walk over the mountains to purchase a Bible, which was to become her most treasured possession.
A weaver’s daughter from a poor community, Mary lost her father to asthma when she was very young and was living with her mother in the tiny hamlet of Llanfihangel-y-pennant (near Dolgellau) in the shadow of the Idris mountain on the edge of Snowdonia.
Bibles were hard to come by in those days, especially copies in the Welsh language. Mary became a Christian, aged eight, through attending her village chapel and subsequently saved up for six long years – carrying out various errands like sewing garments and selling eggs – before she finally had enough to buy her own copy of the Scriptures.
So she set off barefoot on a 26-mile trek over mountain tracks to the town of Bala, where she knocked on the door of Rev Thomas Charles, who was so profoundly moved and inspired by her efforts that he and others were determined to make the Bible available to everyone at an affordable price – not only in Welsh, but in every tongue.
This led to the founding within just four years of the British and Foreign Bible Society (now known simply as the Bible Society), which has since published millions of Bibles in hundreds of languages, and has branches all over the world including Israel (on Jaffa Road, Jerusalem and Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv), from whence God’s word had first been proclaimed.
Mary’s epic journey has thus helped to bring God’s light – and salvation – to every corner of the globe, and has given new meaning to the ancient Scripture: “Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119.105)
Who knows but that the eternal fruit of Mary’s marathon may have partly contributed to what the Book of Revelation describes as “a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” (Revelation 7.9)
Historical records indicate that the village where Mary grew up was strongly influenced by the 18th century Methodist revival. Bala had certainly been experiencing fresh heavenly fire in the years immediately preceding her extraordinary shopping expedition.
With the immense popularity of marathon running today, many will be familiar with the distance Mary walked, equal to that covered in ancient Greece by the herald who ran all the way to Athens to announce victory at the Battle of Marathon.
But Mary’s feat would be hard to beat, because it was to bring good news of the victory of Jesus over death and sin, and revolutionise the lives of millions down the ages.
In a generation when parents drive their children to school, perhaps less than a mile away, perhaps it’s time to re-educate our kids about what really matters in life? Teaching the precepts of God is not only good for the soul, but health for the body (Proverbs 3.7f).
The Bible says “physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” And it adds that we should “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…” In addressing the need for self-discipline, St Paul challenges: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” Perhaps Mary was urged on by Paul’s motto: “…forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 4.8, Hebrews 12.1f, 1 Corinthians 9.24, Philippians 3.13f)
Bible Society is now helping to raise the profile of Mary’s story, and made an excellent start in 2014 with the opening of Mary Jones World at Llanycil, just a mile to the west of Bala, alongside the beautiful lake of the same name. A disused church has been renovated (even with underfloor heating) and now houses a superb state-of-the-art exhibition enabling visitors to spend several hours discovering more about the Bible as well as engaging with an inspiring story that shook the world.
At Shavuot we remember how Jesus came to fulfil the Law (Matthew 5.17) and how it came to be written, not just on tablets of stone, but on the hearts of those who believed as they were endued with power from on high (Acts 1.8, Luke 24.49, Acts 2.4, 2 Corinthians 3.3, Ezekiel 36.26).
My personal Pentecost took place on April 3rd 1980. I spoke in tongues with some difficulty, but I have no doubt that I was endued with power from on high as I received an emboldening to share my faith as never before.
Chapels can be seen almost everywhere you look in Wales – sadly many have been turned to other uses such as homes and shops, but they remain signs of several significant revivals over recent centuries which have shaken the world, and for which Christians on all continents can be truly thankful.
Do it again, Lord! Send your fire on our newly-restored altars of sacrifice as we honour, worship and proclaim your name among the nations. (See 1 Kings 18.16-40)
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Joni Ames: "Revival: Get Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime!" - THE ELIJAH LIST Jun 4, 2017

Joni Ames: "Revival: Get Ready for the 
of a Lifetime!"


Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This article from Joni Ames is full of prophetic nuggets for everyone. And let me just say...we are ALL called to SPREAD THE GOSPEL.
As we approach the summer months, this is a very timely word for the Church Body as Joni shares this from her opening paragraph:
Recently the Ringling Bros. Circus announced that it will soon shut down. I got excited in my spirit because the Lord had showed me years ago that those tents would be used for revivals in the coming days. Many souls would come in and the revival would contain a restoration of healing like what happened with Oral Roberts and other great healing ministries of days gone by, but yet a new thing – a massive and great new revival. Signs, wonders, and miracles for a new generation that hasn't yet seen such things. I called several revivalist friends and told them to call and see how those tents may be obtained. We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime!
I will close and echo that...We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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Recently the Ringling Bros. Circus announced that it will soon shut down. I got excited in my spirit because the Lord had showed me years ago that those tents would be used for revivals in the coming days. Many souls would come in and the revival would contain a restoration of healing like what happened with Oral Roberts and other great healing ministries of days gone by, but yet a new thing – a massive and great new revival. Signs, wonders, and miracles for a new generation that hasn't yet seen such things. I called several revivalist friends and told them to call and see how those tents may be obtained. We are about take part in the greatest adventure of our lifetime!
"May God revive (bring back to life) all the creativity that He put in you as He revives and brings back to life your heart, mind, and spirit. What an adventure you have ahead of you as that happens!"
The word revive means "to restore life, consciousness, or strength." It can also mean to "return something to its former state." The Church often cries out for revival, but what is really wanted? I believe what's wanted is for the Church to be revived and restored to holiness and to God as Father; to be revived and restored to the purpose, call and destiny that He called the Church to walk in – before time even began.
Restored to Our First Love
When you think back to the time when you were first saved, it often brings memories of excitement, vigor, joy, and great hope. Sometimes throughout the years, the "shine" of that time can begin to get dull. Years of hope deferred can make the heart sick. The value of attending church, being involved, and enjoying yourself in doing that can even become like drudgery.
What would restore to you that feeling of first love that you had back when you were originally saved? 
Can we have it (or even greater joy) now that we are walking in greater fullness as a Christian? Very often, just as in a natural relationship, expectations unfulfilled can cause you to lose heart.
Yet, there is a reality of what God has done in your life that goes beyond feelings. Being revived in one's inner man goes far beyond hype and laughter. As you mature, a stable "knowing" of God's goodness in your spirit takes over. There is a seriousness that comes into play as a more mature Christian that has a level-headed understanding of His love, grace, and mercy. 
It's understanding that life is about growing up and learning to "hold on" even when you don't feel like it. It's not about just enjoying the hype of having something new and "exciting" going on. It's about an eternal adventure yet ahead.
Reviving the "Basics"
Perhaps the greatest revival the world needs right now is a dose of true common sense, a good work ethic, the ability to "be only strong and very courageous" and press on even if they don't "feel like it." Maybe even a dose of good manners. The Word of God commands to be only strong and very courageous (see Deuteronomy 31:6 and Joshua 1:9). It says that overcomers will inherit the Kingdom (see Revelation 21:7). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
I've also witnessed what I call "a sloppy grace teaching" out there that tries to say that God understands people are human and what Jesus did on the Cross covers all sin for all time. So even if we sin again, it's covered, so go do it. In other words, what Jesus did bought us the grace to sin. However, the Word of God clearly denies that. It tells us that when we willfully continue to sin, we trample the Blood of Jesus (see Romans 7). Additionally with that type of attitude, a person can heal, prophesy, and cast out demons in Jesus' name, but still end up having Jesus Himself say, "...I never knew you. Away from Me you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:23)
All of that said, the revival we need might need to begin with a revival of mindsets, a revival of proper teaching of God's Word, and a revival of healthy mentality.
Spreading the Gospel Over All the Earth
Lately, there is so much time spent on cell phones and iPads. The good news is that the Bible is still the best-selling book on the planet! Did you know that? It is said the Bible is one of the popular phone apps college students are downloading as well. Praise God! Now let's teach them how to access what they need to know in it. As well as how to spread that Good News to others.
The computer age has made it such that the Great Commission allows each and every person the opportunity to spread the Gospel to all ends of the earth. Anyone who wants to can get online and begin to do a blog, newsletter, or website to spread the Word of God and start revival.
God said His Gospel will be spread to the entire earth before Jesus returns, and the internet is truly one of the "nets" that He is using to catch fish, bring revival and reel in the harvest.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
You don't have to have a PhD, ordination, or anything else. Just know Jesus, and there you go! If God could use a little rundown storefront on Azusa Street, know that He can and will use you and your testimony and the internet to catch many fish.
Use Your Creative and Artistic Gifts
He will even use your artistic gifts. As you get out there and show others what God gives you, it will spur on other skilled artisans to come forth in the beauty of the skill He has placed within them as well. Post your songs, dances, paintings, drawings, photos of pottery, designs of clothing, hair styles, or whatever skilled artistry God has given to you. Use it, along with your testimony, to reach those of like-mind and skill. You are the one who can reach, with authority, the ones in the category that you also occupy.
"I believe what's wanted is for the Church to be revived and restored to holiness and to God as Father; to be revived and restored to the purpose, call and destiny that He called the Church to walk in – before time even began."
Don't get me wrong, we can all reach everyone, but there is nothing like hearing from or seeing someone who has either been through a "similar situation as you" or has a similar mindset or skill as you. Use it for the Lord! This is how we empower one another to overcome! The Bible says we overcome satan by the Blood of the Lamb and word of our testimonies (see Revelation 12:11).
So you see, even if you have felt different or strange, you were born to be "different" so that you could reach others who are also "different." It's part of your gifting. You were not born to hide. Like Dr. Seuss says, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" As you "stand out" you will do outstanding things in the Kingdom and bring in many.
May God revive (bring back to life) all the creativity that He put in you as He revives and brings back to life your heart, mind, and spirit. What an adventure you have ahead of you as that happens!
Make the Church Great Again
Much has been said about Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America great again." Well, the way to make America great again is to make the Church in America great again. Revive it. Restore it. Breathe life into it. Bring it back to being a living, breathing, full functioning organ again.
One way to make the Church in America great again is to bring the Holy Bible back into it instead of political correctness. Unashamedly preach and teach it and let people know what sin is and how to defend one's self against it, as well as how to get out of its snare if entrapped in it. Holiness isn't a religious-spirited thing. Holy is the first name of Holy Spirit(Photo via Flickr)
If we want revival and restoration, we must have an understanding of what is profane and what is holy. There must be a restoration of the plumb-line of holiness so that we know what our proper boundary lines are. No blurry lines. Clear Blood of Jesus lines.
Jesus died to save and protect us from sin. He didn't die and get raised again to raise sin up as an example of who and what we should be or follow. May God truly revive and bring back to life a holy and spotless Church for a holy and spotless Bride to be joined to Her King.
Get ready! We are about to witness and be a part of the greatest adventure of our lifetime! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Love and blessings,
Joni Ames
The Ministry of Joni Faith Ames 

Joni Ames is an itinerant prophetic minister, writer, teacher, encourager, mentor, mother and grandma. Joni has taught in churches of many varied denominations including: conferences, government offices, Christian businesses, Women's Aglow groups, Full Gospel Businessmen groups, house groups, prisons, and wherever the Lord leads. Joni believes that the Lord wants to encourage and activate the Laborers as we continue to move into the harvest and does share specific types of teachings (activating others in personal prophetic ministry, intercession, etc.). Joni believes that the job of the five-fold ministry is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry," (Eph. 4:11) and that "...the whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Eph. 4:16)
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