Monday, October 29, 2018

Help Us Support New Israeli Immigrants - Ariel Rudolph ISRAEL TODAY

Help Us Support New Israeli Immigrants

Monday, October 29, 2018 |  Ariel Rudolph  ISRAEL TODAY
Witness the realization of biblical prophecy - after having been scattered to the four corners of the world - Jews are returning to their homeland bringing traditions which they have preserved despite centuries of persecution.
Sometimes it is difficult for immigrants to adapt to modern Israeli culture and to overcome the cultural gap between the familiar traditions of home and the fast-paced Israel.
It also takes time to find a new job, to learn a new language, get used to the new culture and to integrate into Israeli society.
With a gift of love of only $27.50 you can help them settle in the Promised Land of Israel and to feel at home!
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Dr. Peter Wyn's 50th Year in Ministry - Honoring Our Friend & Pastor at Antioch International Church

Dr. Peter Wyn's 50th Year in Ministry 
- Honoring Our Friend & Pastor 
at Antioch International Church
Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018
Fort Mill, SC

What a delight it was to give due honor, with a lot of joy and downright fun mixed in, as we together celebrated the life and times (only the first 64 years, with 50 of them being in fulltime ministry) of our friend, husband, father, pastor, apostle, artist, author...Dr. Peter Wyns!

We love you Peter! You have passed the tests, endured the trials, shared the journey, and have now completed the "first leg" of your graced call on your life, in serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. 

Beginning as the young Jewish son, apprehended at the age 15, to give your life to serve the Living God of Israel - you have traveled the 45 nations on His list thus far; given the 6,000 sermons born out of your humble and courageous spirit; and hugged the multitudes of the down, the out, the up and the coming, and the many, many, many sons and daughters our loving Father has given to you to embrace, train, encourage and stand alongside.

What a legacy already, and the best is yet to come!

We love you, our eternal friend and comrade in the faith,

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, NC

P.S. Looking forward to the "Foursome" trip to Israel together, as we walk in the Lord's purpose's and plans for His Chosen Ones in the Promised Land!

  The General - Peter Wyns

 With a twinkle in his he looks at each one.

 Always blessing!

 "Each of you has a place and calling. Rise up and take it."

 "I love my friends."

Joy Wyns - dedicated, awesome wife for 43 years...and counting!
("GI Joy" as Peter lovingly calls her.)

 Lead Pastors Jesse and Liz Wyns Enns
Antioch International Church

 Oldest son Andrew Wyns (Father Drew!)

 Dr. Raul Molina, Miami, FL.

 Dr. Elizabeth Wyns Enns
(Daughter, pastor, preacher, teacher, worship leader...)

 Lead Pastor Jesse Enns
(Son-in-law, worship leader, administrator...with a tie on this night. WOW!)

 Jorge Parrot, CMM

 Peter Kumar

 Warren Marcus

 Some of the grandkids! (13 in all.)

 My good wife Laurie Martin & Peter

 Steve Martin and Peter - friends since 2001
when we served together at Derek Prince Ministries in Charlotte, NC.

Prayer for the family.

Prophetic Dream About Trump: This Is a Season of Cleanup - WANDA ALGER CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash)

Prophetic Dream About Trump: This Is a Season of Cleanup

One of our IFA intercessors sent this dream a few days ago, and we believe it is a call to pray for President Trump as he continues to confront corruption and evil intent in the high places of our government.
In the dream, this intercessor saw President Trump preparing to speak at an event and waiting inside the house of a woman who was downtrodden and poor. Parts of this house were being remodeled as it was in shambles. The room he sat in wasn't being fixed up and was horrible and dirty.
In the dream, this intercessor began to clean out the trash in a corner of the room when she found a "slipper"—a "houseshoe." It was torn from top to bottom and smelled awful. When she looked inside, there was flesh still in it and it looked as though someone had pulled their foot out, leaving their flesh behind. There were maggots crawling all over it.
"In disgust, I threw it down hurriedly, and it flipped toward the feet of the president. I ran over and got it and threw it outside and away from him. During this entire ordeal, President Trump was sitting alone in that room, reading a paper, and did not seem to be affected by any of this."
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We ask you to pray into this as the Holy Spirit reveals God's purposes. I would propose to you that the symbolism in the dream represents the "swamp" that Trump is trying to clean out. The "house" that he is waiting in refers to the underlying structures of the "swamp" (perhaps even more specifically the House of Representatives). The "flesh" found inside this "houseshoe" could represent those sin and flesh issues that have made this place of government corrupt, thus drawing evil forces ("maggots"). Those who have served in this place have left a stench that needs to be cleared out.
Of even greater concern is the fact that these "house slippers" tried to get on President Trump. I believe this is the focus of our prayers. We know a tactic of the enemy is to find a weakness or crack in someone's armor in order to attack and take hold. We must pray for President Trump to strengthen his own heart and soul in order to deflect any attempt of the enemy to take hold of him and cause him to slip in his walk. We must also pray that he becomes aware of these spiritual attacks and not dismiss them prematurely (in the dream, he was alone and totally unaware of what was happening). The fact that Trump was even willing to sit in this crumbling house is telling.
Realizing that this can all be subjective in nature, we ask that you simply pray into this and ask the Lord to reveal His purposes in this regard. We know President Trump needs prayer. We know that God is cleaning house and that enemy forces are seeking to devour and destroy us. I encourage you to use these Scriptures to lift up our president and those he works with in this season of clean-up:
  • Pray that President Trump would be aware of the enemy's schemes (Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Cor. 2:11, 11:3-4).
  • Pray that President Trump would put on the armor of God to withstand enemy attack (Eph. 6:10-20, 2 Pet. 1:2-4).
  • Pray that President Trump would not be swayed by flattering or deceitful schemes (2 Pet. 2:3, Rom. 16:17-18).
  • Pray for those around President Trump to rightly watch out for him and stand with him (Prov. 4:23, Matt. 26:39-41).
  • Pray for the Trump household that God's presence would overshadow relationships and family connections (Prov. 4:23, 1 Cor. 13:4-8, Col. 3:12-14).
  • Bless the Lord for the work He is doing in cleaning out corruption in high places (2 Chron. 19:7, Is. 61:8, Rom. 2:8-11).
Wanda Alger is a field correspondent with Intercessors for America. She ministers with her husband in Winchester, Virginia. Follow her blog at
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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims identified as brothers, husband and wife killed in 'unspeakable and hateful crime' - FOXNews

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims identified as brothers, husband and wife killed in 'unspeakable and hateful crime'

Law enforcement treating synagogue attack as hate crime

Authorities believe alleged gunman Robert Bowers acted alone and was driven by his hatred of Jews; David Lee Miller reports from Pittsburg on what more is being learned about the suspect.

The victims of the massacre at a synagogue in Pittsburgh included a grandfather, a husband and wife, and two brothers, officials and family members revealed as new details about the alleged gunman behind the deadly rampage were released Sunday.

The Tree of Live victims were identified as Joyce Fienberg, 75, of Oakland; Richard Gottfried, 65, of Ross Township; Rose Mallinger, 97, of Squirrel Hill; Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, of Edgewood; Cecil Rosenthal, 59, of Squirrel Hill; David Rosenthal, 54, of Squirrel Hill; Bernice Simon, 84, of Wilkinsburg; Sylvan Simon, 87, of Wilkinsburg; Daniel Stein, 71, of Squirrel Hill; Melvin Wax, 88, of Squirrel Hill; and Irving Younger, 69, of Mount Washington.

President Trump ordered flags at federal locations throughout the U.S. to be flown at half-staff in respect for the victims. In a proclamation, Trump declared: “I hereby order that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, October 31, 2018. I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same length of time at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.”

U.S. Attorney Scott Brady called the massacre an “unspeakable and hateful crime" during a news conference, adding that alleged gunman Robert Gregory Bowers made statements regarding genocide and his desire to kill Jewish people during the shooting rampage.

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: What to know

A gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing multiple people. Here’s what you need to know about the tragedy.

One of the first victims to be identified by family members was 71-year-old Dan Stein, who once served as the president of the New Light Congregation, which holds services at the Tree of Life Synagogue where the shooting took place.

“He was very active and he did everything,” Stein's nephew Steven Halle told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. “He was there every Saturday for services.”

Stein recently became a grandfather and was remembered as someone always willing to help others.

Daniel Stein, 71, was among those killed in the massacre. (Facebook)

“He was always willing to help anybody,” Halle told the paper. “He was somebody that everybody liked, very dry sense of humor and recently had a grandson who loved him.”


Cecil and David Rosenthal were brothers and both perished in the rampage, according to Allegheny County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Karl Williams. Bernice and Sylvan Simon were married and were also among the dead in the rampage, he added.

A friend of Melvin Wax told the Associated Press that the retired accountant was a "sweet, sweet guy," and a pillar of the New Light Congregation that rented space on the lower level of the synagogue.

"He was such a kind, kind person," Myron Snider, chairman of the congregation's cemetery committee, told the AP. "When my daughters were younger, they would go to him, and he would help them with their federal income tax every year. Never charged them.

Gideon Murphy places a flower at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

"He and I used to, at the end of services, try to tell a joke or two to each other. Most of the time they were clean jokes. Most of the time. I won't say all the time. But most of the time."

Snider said Wax, who was slightly hard of hearing, was a pillar of the congregation, filling just about every role except cantor.

"He went Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, when there were Sunday services," said Snider, a retired pharmacist. "If somebody didn't come that was supposed to lead services, he could lead the services and do everything. He knew how to do everything at the synagogue. He was really a very learned person."

The Tree of Life Congregation where a deadly shooting took place on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018, in the Squirrel Hill section of Pittsburgh. ((Andrew Stein/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via AP)

Jerry Rabinowitz, a 66-year-old personal physician, was known for his uplifting demeanor, according to former Allegheny County Deputy District Attorney Law Claus. In an email sent to his former coworkers on Sunday, Claus passed along his condolences to Rabinowitz's family, saying "he was truly a trusted confidant and healer."

The survivors included Daniel Leger, 70, a retired nurse and hospital chaplain who was in critical condition after undergoing surgery, his brother, Paul Leger, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Daniel Leger was scheduled to lead a service Saturday morning and sustained critical injuries to his chest, he said.

Daniel Leger was seriously injured in the shooting. (Facebook)

“I don’t think it really quite struck home," Paul Leger told the Tribune-Review. "This is something like on TV.”

Pittsburgh police said in an arrest affidavit made public early Sunday that Bowers killed eight men and three women in the Tree of Life Synagogue before a tactical police team tracked him down and shot him. Bowers was being treated for his injuries when he said Jews were "committing genocide to his people," and that he wanted them all to die.

Bowers walked into the synagogue during Sabbath services on Saturday morning armed with an AR-15 rifle and three handguns before opening fire, killing 11 people and wounding six. It was the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history, according to the leader of the Anti-Defamation League.


Police later traded gunfire with Bowers, who was shot multiple times but survived. Four police officers were among the wounded. Bowers faces 11 counts of criminal homicide, six counts of aggravated assault and 13 counts of ethnic intimidation in addition to federal counts that include weapons offenses and hate crime charges.

Media tents and vehicles line an intersection near the Tree of Life Synagogue, upper left, where a shooter opened fire Saturday, Oct. 27, 2018. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar))

Robert Jones, special agent in charge of the FBI's Pittsburgh office, said it may take up to a week to process the crime scene. Bowers has an initial appearance in federal court scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Monday.

"This was a large, complex crime scene and much work remains to be done," he said at a news conference. A search of Bowers' home in Baldwin has been conducted, but officials have not disclosed what was discovered inside. There is also nothing to indicate that Bowers had any accomplices, he added.

"We don’t know why he picked this synagogue," Jones said.

Police making rapid progress in Pittsburgh shooting

Former FBI special agent Maureen O’Connell weighs in.

The attack took place just before 10 a.m. in the residential neighborhood of Squirrel Hill, about 10 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh and the hub of Pittsburgh's Jewish community. Peter Hart, who has lived a few blocks from the synagogue for just over three decades, told Fox News on Saturday said it's "a very tight community," and the rampage was "a shock."

"It’s not that Pittsburgh has no crime, it’s not that, but among the safest neighborhoods is the neighborhood that this happened in," Hart told Fox News.

Fox News' Emilie Ikeda, Matt Leach and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

LoveMusic! - Ghost - MercyMe (music video)


October 28, 2018

Greetings LoveMusic! listeners. Back again after a few months on the road, on the job, on with life...

Today's song I hadn't heard until a year ago. I actually posted this originally exactly a year ago too, on 10.28.17. GHOST by MercyMe is quite timely, being many will soon celebrate a holiday filled with witchcraft, while at the same disguised as just fun and games. It isn't that at all. Many Christians have been deceived for many decades in regards to this.

My good wife Laurie and I were watching the recorded DOVE Awards in 2017 on the TBN TV channel, and MercyMe won Artist of the Year. I have liked their music and love for the Lord for a while, and have several of their CDs. They have been around 20 years. That I didn't know.

Earlier in the show, aired from Nashville, they sang their new song "Even If". I had never heard that one either, but I loved it! So I bought the MP3 to have the song on my playlist, but also to support them, as I often do with Christian artists. (If we want good ministry, we have to support them and others! Like Love For His People too, which I hope you will.)

As I listened back then to the downloaded album in the morning (at 3:00 am EDT), the last song was GHOST. My spirit rose inside of me. My heart got a little lighter. I hit the repeat button over and over again.

Maybe you will too.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Ghost - lyrics
There's a ghost
There's a ghost inside of me
Not like those drips in old bed sheets
Saying "trick or treat"
Oh, this ghost is different
Not one that leaves me scared to death
But one that puts my fear to rest
Oh, holiness keep haunting me
Oh, you're my hope, you're my peace
Ironic in a way
I'm no longer afraid
And the ghost is to blame
There's a ghost
There's a ghost inside of me
Not something from some campfire story
Where I'm terrified to sleep
This ghost is quite the opposite
He came just like a welcomed friend
And I was comforted
Oh, holiness keep haunting me
Oh, you're my hope, you're my peace
Ironic in a way
I'm no longer afraid
And the ghost is to blame
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid
No longer afraid
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Lead me through the darkness
Lead me through the unknown
Oh, lead me holy ghost
Songwriters: Mike Scheuchzer / David Arthur Garcia / Solomon Olds / Robby Shaffer / Nathan Cochran / Bart Marshall Millard / Barry Graul
Ghost lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group, Music Services, Inc

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Checks from the USA can be sent to:

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P.O. Box 414

Pineville, NC 28134

Published on YouTube Mar 31, 2017
This song is from MercyMe's new "Lifer" album.
John 3:8 New English Translation (NET Bible)
8 The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#5 of 5)

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#5 of 5)

Published on Oct 28, 2018
Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#5 of 5) Oct. 28, 2018 Sun 11:00 am Antioch International Church (Dr. Peter Wyns) in Fort Mill, SC. Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#4 of 5)

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#4 of 5)

Published on Oct 28, 2018

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#4 of 5) Oct. 28, 2018 Sun 11:00 am Antioch International Church (Dr. Peter Wyns) in Fort Mill, SC. Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#3 of 5)

Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#3 of 5)

Published on Oct 28, 2018
Lance Wallnau - America, Israel, Trump, Elections (#3 of 5) Oct. 28, 2018 Sun 11:00 am Antioch International Church (Dr. Peter Wyns) in Fort Mill, SC. Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.