Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt IDENTITY NETWORK

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt

Ebook PDF Download
By Adrian Beale & Adam F. Thompson
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Recurring Dreams

Why do we sometimes dream the same dream over and over? The main reason dreams reoccur is that we have not entered into the understanding of the message yet. So the same dream message continues to play over and over. Sometimes the characters change or the setting changes, but the overall message remains the same. Once we come into the understanding and we apply the wisdom and insight of the dream's meaning to our lives the dream will cease to replay. 

Oftentimes, through recurring dreams, God is trying to communicate something. When we finally understand what he is saying to us, the dream script will stop repeating itself. Our dreams will change when our behaviors change. We can have several different types of dreams but they all deal with the same underlying theme. A biblical example is Pharaoh's dream of the seven cows and seven ears of grain. (Genesis 41:1–7)


Why do we have nightmares, and how can we eliminate disturbing dreams? Nightmares are about things in our lives that we fear. We are not to be fearful or run from the enemy or difficulties but face them in God's power and boldness. Once we face and confront our fears they will stop haunting us. The people, places, and events in our dreams hold tremendous significance for understanding ourselves. Nightmares are simply messages from the deepest part of us to our consciousness calling for change. If unheeded, not only may we continue to suffer from the unpleasantness of a "bad" dream, but we run the risk of perpetuating negativity in our waking life.

Sometimes a nightmare can be a wakeup call from God. Oftentimes when we ignore what God is trying to speak to us through dreams, whether consciously or subconsciously we can experience nightmares. These terrors of the night get the point across in a graphic way, in order to make a lasting impression on us, so that we will remember the dream and dig into its meaning.

Universal Symbols

There are universal symbols such as the circle, which represents covenant, wholeness, or completeness. But sometimes only the dreamer knows the meanings of the symbols. So in order to accurately interpret dreams, the interpreter should ask questions to find out what personal significance a particular dream symbol holds for that person. Symbols can have totally different meanings to each dreamer. Although they are not as important as people in our dreams, animals can be of large significance as well and sometimes portray our emotional state. 

People are usually symbolic of our inner person. As light divides the colors of a prism so a dream will help divide the various parts of our personality. Dreams help us to rightly discern our true selves and to remove the mask that we wear to protect ourselves from our world. Dreams help us to learn to listen to God's voice through symbolic language. They enable us to cooperate with God's greater purpose and plan for our lives. Dreams help us to reach our untapped potential by bringing us into harmony with ourselves, God, and others. They enable us to get at the heart of the matter.

If we want God to speak to us through dreams and visions, he will. God is not a respecter of persons. Abraham, Jacob, Mary and Joseph, Peter, the Prophets, Gideon, Solomon, Daniel, Joseph, and heathen Kings were all lead by dreams and visions, so we are in good company. We must pursue God and learn the way he speaks through dream symbols and night parables. We should focus on and give attention to our personal dream language. Develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and he will give insight, revelation and the interpretation for not only our dreams but for the dreams of others as well.

Interpreting the Essence of a Dream's Theme

Identifying the essence or tone of a dream means we are determining the theme, main concept, or message that the dream brings to light.

To capture the essence of the dream, the dreamer should first record the main symbols of the dream removing the extraneous details, objects, and names but retaining the action of the dream. This should be done before the dream is evaluated by point of view or perspective. The theme or main concept of the dream will provide the focus of what or who the dream is about.

Each person has a unique dream vocabulary that has been assigned specific meanings depending on the dreamer's life experiences. Personal symbols in dreams are joined with surrounding details that give them life and dimension. While to some a candle symbolizes romance, ambiance, and beauty, to others it may symbolize their only source of warmth, poverty, and shame. Dogs are known as "man's best friend." This interpretation may apply to dog lovers but not to the person who was viciously mauled by an angry dog as a child. Animals are used in dreams to symbolize our good and bad character traits.

Children and babies often represent a new phase or beginning, immaturity, or childishness, innocence, purity, naivety, spiritual fruit, or something that is very dependent upon us for its well-being.

The dreams that God formulates to speak to us in our sleep are oftentimes very precise. They efficiently address multiple areas, layers, issues, and topics as they reveal concealed knowledge and hidden mysteries come to light through one short dream. It is not unusual for one dream to address both a personal concern and a universal meaning that can be applied to other situations. 

A dream can forewarn by predicting the future and enable the dreamer to prepare by removing health issues or character flaws or to solve a problem that is arising. We associate dream symbols with our personal experiences and the memories those experiences inspire. The symbols that appear in dreams evoke certain reactions or responses from the dreamer based on that person's individual makeup.

The dreamer will often ask more questions when the interpreter is only giving the essence of the dreams meaning. This technique will keep dialogue and communication flowing between the dreamer and the interpreter. There is an art to giving just enough to keep the person interested but not outlining each and every symbol by definition or rote memory. There must be a flow of the Spirit and not just head knowledge that is given in the interpretation of dreams.

To arrive at the essence or theme of a dream, remove all of the unnecessary information such as extraneous details, descriptions of things and places, and names. The theme is going to surround the action or focus of the dream that will lead to the understanding of the big picture.

The greatest power in the universe is love.

Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt

"Nothing I did before repelled people... except coming to Jesus!" - ONE FOR ISRAEL

There are a few shortcuts to becoming very unpopular. Choosing to follow Jesus is, in many places around the world, one of them. Even now in some Western countries, following Jesus is becoming more and more costly. But we know that our Messiah is worth everything.

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (Matthew 7:13-14)
Dr. Erez Soref, President
"I had a special hate for Christianity,
I thought they were all bigots"
Broadway actor takes the narrow way
Do All Religions Lead To God?

Isn’t it prideful of us to claim that there is only one way to God?
Don’t all paths lead to Him?

While we acknowledge the fact that there are ancient traditions and valuable studies regarding morality and integrity in every religion around the world, we believe that only through the Messiah who is promised to us in the biblical prophecies – that same Messiah whose life is described in the New Testament – can we truly know God.
It stands to reason that, if there is one God who has created one creation, He, Himself, will be the one to tell humanity what is that one way through which we can know and serve Him.
The Perfect Antidote To Bitterness

Like a gas leak, bitterness can be barely discernible at first – perhaps there’s the slight whiff of something not quite right – but if you’re not wide awake and alert, it can be fatal. It is dangerous, and a spiritually deadly trap to fall into. 

Bitterness can creep up on us (or in us) like a cancer that grows undetected… but mercifully, God has given us a surefire method to deal with it.

ONE FOR ISRAEL | Headquarters in Israel, North American Office: 1300 Glade Rd, Colleyville, TX 76034

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Administration Plans Big International Cuts Including Abortion Funding in Africa - CBN News David Brody

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Administration Plans Big International Cuts Including Abortion Funding in Africa
CBN News David Brody
A senior Trump administration official tells CBN News that the White House plans to cut abortion funding in West Africa as part of their goal to drastically cut America's international foreign aid around the world. 
Specifically, the blueprint would no longer provide 'voluntary family planning money' to the countries of Sierra Leone, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Benin. 
"The President himself has stated that there is a lot of fat in the foreign assistance we provide," according to the senior official. "While there are many great programs we support around the world, taxpayer dollars should not be spent on 'voluntary family planning' in Africa—which could include abortion. This administration is committed to cutting wasteful spending and protecting the unborn." 
The release of the specific international aid cuts is expected as early as Tuesday.
The moves are part of what is known as a "rescissions package," meaning the canceling of billions of unspent foreign assistance funds, which could total more than four billion dollars. Administration officials tell CBN News more than 100 countries overall will be targeted for international aid cuts. 
As for the 'voluntary family planning' funds, they are typically dispersed through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  The administration has discovered that some of those family planning funds used in West African nations actually evade or skirt around what is known as America's, 'Mexico City Policy,' which requires non-governmental organizations to agree not to "perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations." That is the reason the rescissions money specifically looks to get rid of funds going to those individual programs in West Africa.
Beyond family planning, White House officials are also looking to cut funding to many other programs including investing in Guatemalan agriculture technology, solar panels in Central Asia, crop diversity in Bangladesh, desert survival courses in Egypt and cuts to border security funds provided to more than a dozen countries including El Salvador.
Democrats in Congress and even some top Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)  are against the proposed cuts. White House officials believe they have the power to cancel the funds without approval from Congress. That's a point of contention moving forward.
The overall argument by senior officials inside the Trump administration is that many of these foreign aid programs that are targeted in the current rescissions package have had a history of waste and abuse and therefore the view that US tax dollar money is being used to fund corruption around the world. 
The competing view is that the money spent by America overseas is crucial for national security. Proponents of this approach say the funds help unstable countries become more self-sufficient, which in turn keeps them from becoming bad international actors, which would make the world a more dangerous place.

'The Creator of the Universe Will Not Allow Us to Be Driven from This Land': This Is Life on the Gaza Border - CBN News Julie Stahl

'The Creator of the Universe Will Not Allow Us to Be Driven from This Land': This Is Life on the Gaza Border
CBN News Julie Stahl
GAZA BORDER, Israel - Rockets, firebombs, and tunnels along the border. Those images are what most of the world know about the Gaza Strip.  But what’s it really like to live there? 
CBN’s Scott Ross met with Eliyahu McLean who lives and works in Israel along the border of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.  
McLean introduces visitors to this complicated situation by giving what he calls the “Gaza Border Reality Tour”.  He took Ross on the tour that provides a glimpse of the complexities of life from both sides of the border. 
Ross met with McLean at Moshav Yoshivia, where McLean lives with his wife and children. It’s just seven miles from the Gaza border, in the direct line of rocket fire.
“Three weeks ago on the Sabbath, I was just finishing prayers here and I just walked home at 10:00 am and we hear Red Alert, Tzeva Adom, from this siren, and as soon as we heard Red Alert in our houses we have to run to a safe room,” McLean explained.
Hamas launched some 700 rockets at southern Israel that weekend.  McLean said they have only 10-15 seconds to run to their safe rooms.
“Why do you choose to live in this sort of an environment, (and) with a family?” Ross asked.
“First of all, all of Israel is under rocket threat,” McLean answered. “Many Israelis have discovered that this part of the Holy Land is actually quality of life. A few rockets don’t scare us.  We have faith in God – that God is going to protect us and this is sovereign Israel. If we’re going to run from here, we might as well run from Tel Aviv. We might as well run from wherever we are in Israel. The word here is resilience.”
McLean took Ross to the synagogue where he prays, showed him the Torah scrolls and introduced him to the neighbors.  When the situation is tense, he said, they sing and dance.
Not far from there is a public overlook into the northern third of the Gaza Strip, and on beyond is the Mediterranean Sea.  From there, you can see Gaza City, a city of one million people.  There are two million people in all of Gaza.
“That is a lot of humanity,” McLean said.
“You see there’s a border fence here and you see Israeli army lookout posts and if you look slightly to the left you can see a mound of earth on the other side – you can see a Hamas lookout post.  By the way, wave to Hamas, as we’re looking at them they’re looking at us,” McLean told Ross. “The enemy is just that close.”
Standing along the international border, the Israeli town of Sderot is visible and just 45 miles up the coast is Israel’s second-largest city of Tel Aviv. It was also recently hit by rocket fire.
On the map of Gaza, McLean showed Ross the places where Israeli communities of Gush Katif were inside the Gaza Strip prior to the Disengagement.
“In 2005, then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon uprooted the 7,000 Israelis in about 23 communities,” McLean said.
“But the tragedy wasn’t just uprooting but they left behind all of the greenhouses that were top of the world and the Palestinians from Gaza who were working there, they could have maintained it but Hamas decided to destroy the greenhouses and use it as a launching pad to fire rockets. So, it’s a little bit of what you call shooting yourself in the foot,” he explained.
Hamas did the same thing with electricity. 
“One of the ironies is that in the 2014 Gaza war, Hamas was firing rockets that destroyed that power station, which in fact supplies over 30 percent of the electricity to the same people that they live among. Isn’t that ridiculous,” he said.
“Certain elements of the leadership don’t take into account the needs of the simple people (that) aren’t necessarily those involved in the conflict,” he added.
Last year, Gazans had only four hours of electricity each day during the summer, which also creates problems for Israel.
“Recently the Israeli government even allowed money from a government called Qatar to revive the power stations, so now there are 12 hours a day of electricity.
“Why is electricity important in Gaza? First of all, it’s very hard in the heat of the summer or the cold of the winter to have no heating or to have or air conditioning.  If there’s no electricity the water treatment plants like last year will start pouring untreated sewage into the Mediterranean,” he explained. 
Nearby in Ashkelon is one of Israel’s largest water desalination plants
“If untreated sewage from Gaza reaches there what would happen to our saltwater treatment plant? It’s pumping water from the Mediterranean,” he said.  The plant is meant to purify salt, not sewage, he added.  
Mclean says just fighting the terrorists isn’t enough.
“We have to be concerned about what’s happening. We can’t just throw away the key. You see the dilemma Israel has? These days, even Hamas as extreme radical Islamist as they are, comparatively are the moderates.  If we topple them who will replace them?” he asked.
“At the same time, (we have) to remember the people just on the other side. Israel says why should it be our responsibility? Egypt doesn’t want them; Syria doesn’t want them; and Jordan doesn’t want them. Nobody in the Arab world wants them. So in the end, Israel ends up with the responsibility.”
The most recent border attacks involve fire kites or balloons, with incendiary devices attached.  The idea is they’ll fly across the border and set fire to the agricultural fields and forests on the Israeli side.
“The unfortunate reality is that we’ve lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of agricultural produce.  We’ve had thousands and tens of thousands of acres of national parkland totally burned to the ground,” McLean said.
“Sometimes it’s in the form of balloons and you know it’s very hard to tell children, you see balloons in the sky, you want to run after it that there might be a warhead on the end of the balloon,” he said.
McLean said that he and others want to send kites back to Gaza with a message of peace. 
“We in Israel didn’t come to displace you from a country called Palestine.  We came back home to the Holy Land not to be in a constant war with our neighbors but to live in peace with our neighbors,” added.
“Good overcomes evil. Light overcomes darkness,” Ross commented.
The final stop on the Gaza Border Reality Tour was one of the fields burned by a kite or balloon just two weeks earlier.  Besides the agricultural losses, McLean said there’s a message.
“We’re (Palestinians) in essence going to burn what we can’t have for ourselves and also it’s a statement of desperation and that the people there are suffering under a leadership that’s squelching freedom on the other side of the border,” McLean said.
Despite all the attacks and challenges, McLean said he’s hopeful.
“Ultimately, out of the ashes comes another field. A new life comes out of the ashes,” he said. “A new spirit and that new spirit is the spirit of determination, a spirit of prayer, the spirit of hope in the midst of a campaign of fear. Peace and love will prevail.
McLean said he’s a religious Jew who prays for peace daily.
“The Creator of the universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will hear our prayer and not allow us to be driven from this land but to allow us to flourish in this land,” he said. “Our destiny is to live as neighbors, whether we like it or not we are neighbors.”

Monday, August 19, 2019

"Holy Spirit" - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Holy Spirit

“Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call." Acts 2:38-39, NKJV

Some know Him as the third Person of the Godhead, for He is. Others may know Him better as the Comforter, for He is that too. In fact, Jesus said that once He had ascended into heaven, He would send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. He did.
In some circles, He is known as Ruach HaKodesh, as so in the Hebrew language. (“Ruach” – Spirit, “Ha”- the, “Kodesh” – Holy.)
In the New American Standard version of the Bible, the Holy Spirit is spoken of 1,127 times. That may be surprising to many. Some think He quit His work on this planet after the first century. How sad is that? Especially if it was true.
We first read of Him in Genesis 1:2, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water.” (Complete Jewish Bible) 
Then a few verses later we read this in Gen 1:26-28, “Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” (NKJV) The Trinity in action, in the very beginning. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
King David knew of the Holy Spirit, as recorded in Psalm 51:10-12, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.” (NKJV)

Yeshua (Jesus) promised this in John 14:25-26, “I have told you these things while I am still with you. But the Counselor, the Ruach HaKodesh, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything; that is, he will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (Complete Jewish Bible)
Throughout the Gospels, in the Acts of the Apostles (Messengers) and the Epistles, written primarily by Jews, the Holy Spirit continued to interact with mankind. He never would leave nor forsake.
Paul, formerly known as Saul, a Jew, both before and after he became a believer, was among the first to persecute the new believers in Yeshua. He was fully committed to doing so, and did quite extensively until he literally saw the light. Later he wrote this in his writings, speaking of the Holy Spirit’s continuing action in his life, and that of Timothy’s, his disciple, many years after Pentecost (Shavuot in Hebrew).
In 2 Timothy 1:13-14, Paul wrote to his spiritual son, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.” (NKJV)
The dwelling of God’s Spirit continued throughout their lives.
Even Jude, in his short book, wrote in verses 20-21, “But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!” (THE MESSAGE)
Praying in the Holy Spirit was, and still is, a gift of the Holy Spirit. Some have long dismissed this to their own hurt, and thus lack spiritual power in their Christian walk today.
When Ruach HaKodesh fulfilled the promise of Yeshua (Jesus), in coming after Jesus’ ascension 50 days later on Pentecost (“Pente” - 50 in Greek) on the Lord’s Feast of Shavuot, He indeed empowered the previously fearful, carefully hidden away in the Upper Room. Those same 120 disciples (come with me to Israel and I will show you that location) were the ones who then changed the world through the mighty outworking of the Spirit in them.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a real thing. It is a much-needed experience in the life of the Church, the One New Man, to encounter the lies and deceit of the enemy we battle, and which the world glorifies. While satan the deceiver advances his agenda, it will be those walking, moving, and believing in the Almighty God, through the power of the Holy Spirit in them, who will be the ones putting up the fight to bring about the deliverance of souls, humans, for the Savior Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

By grace, I received the Holy Spirit’s baptism in my high school senior year, in 1973, even as a Roman Catholic. Since then, 46 years ago as of this writing, I have been praying in tongues, receiving prophetic words, seeing actual miracles of supernatural healing in “real” time, and knowing all the gifts of the Holy Spirit exist today. Because He does live and move daily in lives around the world, we are thus able to show what the world needs to know about and experience too.
If you walk with the Spirit of the Living God of Israel, Who energizes daily (for we all need Him), then great!
If not, then what are you waiting for? Ask. Seek. Knock. He will come. To you.
Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This. The sign-up form is on our ministry website: www.loveforhispeople.blogspot.com

You are welcome to help support the families in Israel that we do. Give now. Givelify.

Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

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Now Think On This #449 - in the year of our Lord 08.19.19 – “Holy Spirit” – Monday, 7:10 pm