Saturday, August 24, 2019

Carolyn Hyde - "My Rock & My Refuge", "Ata Nehedar" (You Are Glorious)- Highway To Zion Charlotte, NC

Carolyn Hyde - "My Rock & My Refuge", "Ata Nehedar" (You Are Glorious)

- Highway To Zion Charlotte, NC

 Published on Aug 24, 2019

Carolyn Hyde - "My Rock & My Refuge", Ata Nehedar (You Are Glorious)- Highway To Zion Charlotte, NC (#6 of 11) Aug, 23, 2019 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.


Watch all of the next videos in order. Click on each description.

Prophecy: 'God Is Restoring the Dignity of Prophets in Our Time' - JAMES W. GOLL CHARISMA NEWS

People are hungry for spiritual truth. (fotorech/
Prophecy: 'God Is Restoring the Dignity of Prophets in Our Time'
CHARISMA NEWS  Aug. 24, 2019
I was sitting on a plane, and I had about 20 text messages come through, each one a more important testimony or story than the last about how different friends had encountered actual prophets in our day who gave them prophetic words.
These words all had stories attached, and each prophet had brought different people into a place of great authority and connection in their sphere of society. Each one was a testimony of how the prophet had affected their life and how the outcome was forever different because of the word they had received.
I was so excited because it wasn't just spiritual encouragement. I heard them talking about different men and women whom God is raising up or has raised up as prophets and how prophets are alive and well in our time.
I then heard clearly in my spirit that God is restoring the dignity of prophets in our time.
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Who Are Prophets, Anyway?
Prophets in the Old Testament were the most sought-after people when anyone faced transition, crises or national purposes in Israel and beyond.
The prophets were the hosts of God's thoughts, and when people met with them, this omnipresent God made an appearance through His prophets in a way that proved that He cared very deeply about those who sought after Him.
In the New Testament, we see the prophets carry another equally important role—to help establish God's kingdom in all the world.
They were the ones who helped the rest of Christians navigate their revelation and prophetic journey.
The world is so hungry for the divine counsel of the Holy Spirit. When you meet with Him, what normally takes a year of counseling, an expensive business coach, a life coach or an educational process can happen in a moment.
Counterfeit Prophets
Think about the multi-billion-dollar industry of psychics, new age, mediums and the occult.
Why are they so present in society?
Because people are looking for spiritual guidance.
People are hungry for spiritual truth that they can apply to their pain, their careers, their identities.
This is such a counterfeit to the ministry of prophets, who bring a connection to God's original plans and intentions in real time through the Spirit of God. And He does it free through His prophets!
James W. Goll is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than 40 books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and makes his home in Franklin, Tennessee.
For the original article, visit
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Sh'ma Israel - Carolyn Hyde at the Highway To Zion assembly in Charlotte, NC Video #1 of 11

Sh'ma Israel - Carolyn Hyde at the Highway To Zion assembly in Charlotte, NC (1 of 11)

Watch all of the next videos in order. Click on each description.

 Published on Aug 24, 2019

Shema Israel - Carolyn Hyde at the Highway To Zion assembly in Charlotte, NC (1 of 11) Aug. 23, 2019 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.


Blow the shofar! Highway To Zion gathering in Charlotte, NC

Published on Aug 24, 2019

Blow the shofar! Highway To Zion gathering in Charlotte, NC Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Archaeologists Uncover Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem Just How Bible Describes It - CBN News Emily Jones

Courtesy: Dr. Shimon Gibson
Archaeologists Uncover Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem Just How Bible Describes It
CBN News Emily Jones
JERUSALEM, Israel - Academics are saying the Bible is trustworthy after discovering evidence of the 6th century Babylonian siege of Jerusalem as it is described in 2 Kings, Chapter 25.
Archaeologists from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, excavating on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, say they have found physical evidence of the Babylonian attack, including burnt material, arrowheads, carbonized wood, bronze, iron, jewelry, and broken pottery.
Dr. Shimon Gibson, co-director of the university's Mount Zion archaeological project, told CBN News the discoveries were "unexpected."
The Bible describes King Nebuchadnezzar's forces burning "every great house" down, including the house of the Lord – Solomon's Temple. The soldiers also took bronze pillars and vessels from the Temple and carried them back to Babylon while the children of Israel were thrown into exile.
"What we're finding are the results of that destruction," Gibson said, adding that Nebuchadnezzar was known as the "Destroyer of Nations" at the time.
The researchers also found a particularly rare piece of jewelry with unclear origins.
"It might have been an earring. It might have been a tassel, some kind of ornament. It's unclear at this point in time. It consists of a golden bell out of which extends this bunch of grapes made out of silver," Gibson said.
While he cannot say conclusively that the archaeologists stumbled upon the remnants of the Babylonian attack, Gibson said it "lines up very well" with the Bible.
In fact, Gibson believes the discoveries prove the Bible to be a reliable and historically accurate document.
"There have been over the past several decades a lot of discussion as to the veracity of the biblical account. Some would like to see it more as mythically based, maybe having a basis in history, but still largely a document that is not really to be relied upon," he explained.
"Our excavations prove that to not be the case."
Gibson said the archaeologists will return to Jerusalem next summer to excavate the site in its entirety.

Celebrating Yeshua & Shabbat, Carolyn Hyde (Israel), Cathy Hargett Highway To Zion

Celebrating Yeshua & Shabbat

Carolyn Hyde (Israel), Cathy Hargett
Highway To Zion assembly
Charlotte, NC
Aug. 23, 2019

Cathy Hargett (Highway To Zion), Carolyn Hyde (Israel)

  Curtis Loftin and our friends from Beit Yeshua in Lincolnton, NC

 Mary Smith, Vivian

 Celebrating Shabbat and communion


Carolyn Hyde (Israel)
- speaks of aliyah

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!!
Yeshua HaMashiach

Friday, August 23, 2019

A powerful we fight the battles we are in. Rachel Davis, Align

August 22, 2019  

Declarations as shared by my colleague, Rachel Davis

We bind political spirits and decree that they lose their ability to infiltrate the minds of God’s people and that discernment overtake their minds and God’s truth breaks through.

We speak death to religious mindsets and call to attention the darkness that is masking as light (in terms of justice, gun control, immigration) for they are pushing forth Satan’s agenda for America and not God’s.

We speak death to the mainstream media’s deceptive agenda and say their false narratives and plans are exposed for the socialist and communist plots that it is.

We decree protection over our President and release warring angels to accomplish this protection.  We decree that he will be re-elected and that God’s plans that he puts in place will grow and expand.  We say that America will have a great awakening to this move and repent.

We speak death to the LGBTQ agenda and decree that there are two genders and America’s children are protected from the evil plan to recreate the genders that God created.

We decree exposure of the Clinton’s and Obamas and say that there will be charges and convictions of treason.  We call forth into position the strong men and women who are not afraid to fight this fight,  We decree justice reigns in this nation.

We decree that our nation’s constitution will stay intact and that nothing can destroy it. We decree that the electoral college stays firm.

We clean out Congress of the Muslim and socialist agenda and decree that patriotism returns to our nation and government.

We declare protection over Trump supporters, conservatives and Christianity.  

We decree that God’s truth will invade this nation!


Dr. Peter Wyns concludes "Israel and the Church" 7 part series with "When the Glory Falls."

"When the Glory Falls."

Dr. Peter Wyns concludes "Israel and the Church" 7 part series 

Streamed live 12 hours ago

Dr. Peter Wyns concludes "Israel and the Church" 7 part series with "When the Glory Falls."