Thursday, September 26, 2013

Jerusalem March report from Israel Today & JERUSALEM-ON-THE-LINE

Christians part of huge Jerusalem March turnout

Thursday, September 26, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Over 60,000 people took part in the annual Jerusalem March held each year during the biblical festival of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. The turnout was nearly double the 32,000 that participated in the event last year.
Israelis from all over the country ascended to Jerusalem for the march, as did thousands of Evangelical Christians from all over the world.
The Christian delegations are always the most colorful part of the march, which winds through the streets of downtown Jerusalem, ending at the walls of the historic Old City.
Israelis are fascinated by the demonstration of support by the Christians, and announcers along the route of the march always make a point of singling out these foreign visitors both in order to express their thanks and to make fellow Israelis aware of what is happening.
For the Christians, participation in the march is a precursor to the fulfillment of Zechariah 14:16-21, which foretells a time when all those remaining from the nations will be required to "go up to Jerusalem" during Sukkot.
As a special gift during this special time, Israel Today is happy to offer a FREE Jerusalem Flag to anyone who makes a new subscription to our Digital Editon.

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News Update September 28th 2013
JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Rom 12:12
THE END OF A JOYFUL MONTH OF HOLIDAYS: The eight day festival that consists of Succot (Feast of Tabernacles) and Simchat Torah (rejoicing with the Torah) came to a conclusion Thursday night, bringing an end to the month long holiday season and starting the regular year. In Israel, a popular expression is "Acharei Hachagim" - lets' wait till after the holidays - as the entire country seems to put off whatever it can from Rosh Hashanah, (Jewish New Year) until the day after Simchat Torah. Succot marks the last of three yearly pilgrimage festivals to Jerusalem and the Holy Temple - preceded by Pesach and Shavuot. (INN)

CHRISTIANS PART OF HUGE JERUSALEM MARCH TURNOUT: Over 60,000 people took part in the annual Jerusalem March held each year during the biblical festival of Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. The turnout was nearly double the 32,000 that participated in the event last year. Israelis from all over the country ascended to Jerusalem for the march, as did thousands of Evangelical Christians from all over the world. The Christian delegations are always the most colorful part of the march, which winds through the streets of downtown Jerusalem, ending at the walls of the historic Old City. Israelis are fascinated by the demonstration of support by the Christians, and announcers along the route of the march always make a point of singling out these foreign visitors both in order to express their thanks and to make fellow Israelis aware of what is happening. For the Christians, participation in the march is a precursor to the fulfillment of Zechariah 14:16-21, which foretells a time when all those remaining from the nations will be required to "go up to Jerusalem" during Succot. (Israel Today) “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. Zech 14:16

Robert Stearns: Open Gates and the Power of Imagination

Robert Stearns:
Word of the Lord received on September 6, 2013, while in Sedona, AZ:

A Vision of Ancient Gates

I was caught up in the Spirit, and I was brought to a place with enormous Ancient Gates. The gates were covered over by debris and overrun by neglect.
The gates were enormous and were guarding access to a place of great authority and power. The question rose in my heart, "What can it be that these Gates guard and release?"

As I stood before the Gates, the wind of God began to blow upon them. Stronger and with increasing force, the breath of God began to blow away the debris that was covering the Gates.

As the Wind increased with greater force, I saw the name of the Gates that were written at the top of them. IMAGINATION was the name of these Ancient Gates.
As the breath of God breathed on them, all of a sudden, the word NATION became highlighted and glowing bright.

After a few moments, the word IMAGE began to glow with intensity, with even greater glory than the word NATION.
Finally, the full word, IMAGINATION was pulsing with a living light.

Creativity and the Power of Imagination

I heard the Spirit of The Lord say:
"Access to Creativity and the Power of Imagination, which is a gift from Me, has been in large measure locked up and withheld by the spirit of religion and earthly wisdom. The healing and blessing of Imagination, which I have created humanity with a great capacity for, has been locked up and minimized and perverted."

"But now," says The Lord, "I will open these Ancient Gates to My people. Two things will happen as these gates open. First, I will gather together My people as a Holy NATION unto Me. A global Holy Nation will gather together to the sound and light of Holy Imagination. Their peoplehood and unity and oneness will be restored as they think My thoughts and dream My dreams again."

"Second, I will release the authority for a restoration of the Image of God into the heart of humanity

For I, The Lord, have created humanity in My image, holy and pleasing to Me. As the anointing of Imagination is released with great impact now, the Image of My children will be healed. Places of great brokenness and pain will be restored in a moment as the glory of Holy Imagination is released."

The Lord is opening the Ancient Gates of the Power of Imagination. As this generation is flooded with this anointing, a Holy Nation will be called together, and the image of God will be restored where there has been pain and brokenness.

Robert Stearns
Executive Director, Eagles' Wings


Robert Stearns is widely recognized as a visionary leader, compelling communicator, gifted strategist, and influential bridge builder. He is the founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings, a global movement of churches, ministries, and leaders. A noted author, world-class musician, and highly sought after public speaker, his written works have been translated into 8 languages, his music is appreciated around the world, and he has ministered in over thirty nations while maintaining a distinct focus on Israel.

Stearns is the founder of the worldwide prayer initiative, The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is observed every year the first Sunday in October. Dr. Stearns and Dr. Jack Hayford serve together as co-chairmen of this massive prayer mobilization, representing a growing coalition of 1,200 major global leaders of influence in the Christian church focused upon prayer for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants. (
Word was shared from: Elijah List

Editor's Note: We had the joy of being a part of the worship team at Mahesh Chavda Ministries conferences in Charlotte, NC in the 1990's when Robert Stearns led worship. What an awesome time! And we tremendously appreciate Robert's heart and support of Israel and the Jewish people. Steve Martin

Western Wall prayer

May You hear the supplications of 

Your servant and of Your people Israel, 

which they shall pray in this place.


וְשָׁמַעְתָּ אֶל תַּחֲנוּנֵי עַבְדְּךָ וְעַמְּךָ

 יִשְׂרָאֵל אֲשֶׁר יִתְפַּלְלוּ

 אֶל הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה וְאַתָּה

 תִּשְׁמַע מִמְּקוֹם שִׁבְתְּךָ מִן הַשָּׁמַיִם וְשָׁמַעְתָּ וְסָלָחְתָּ

דברי הימים ב ו:כא

ve-sa-ma-TA el ta-kha-noo-NIE av-de-KHA ve-am-KHA
yees-ra-ALE ah-SHAREyeet-pa-le-LOO el ha-ma-KOME
ha-ZEH ve-ah-TA teesh-MA meem-KOME sheev-te-KHA meen
ha-sha-ma-YEEM ve-sha-ma-TA ve-sa-lakh-TA

Jerusalem Inspiration

There is a special character to the city of Jerusalem
which brings out the inner most prayers and supplications,
even from the most skeptical individuals. The transcending
power of praying together with thousands of other people
to the God of Israel at the Western Wall is a unique
experience that everyone should try and have at least
once in their lifetime.

Shofars blown at the start of the One New Man meeting, and the Ahava Love Band

Wane Daroux and Paul Miles (Lincolnton, NC area) blow the shofars at the beginning of the One New Man meeting, Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC (Steele Creek Church). Warren Marcus, a Messianic Jewish believer, has led the weekly Saturday, 6 pm meeting for several years.

One New Man is a gathering of Jews and Gentiles who love Yeshua (Jesus), want to learn of our Jewish roots, and who support Israel. This meeting took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Ahava Love Band, led by Steve and Laurie Martin, led Messianic worship.

(L-R) Wane Daroux, Laurie & Steve Martin

To watch the worship time, 
click here for the YouTube: 

Team members: Steve and Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Ron Bowen (drums), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Patty Paquette (keyboard and vocal), Tom Fahey (electric guitar).

Song selection included Paul Wilbur's: "Lord God of Abraham", "Where Does My Help Come From", "Let God Arise". and "Kadosh". We also sang the Vineyard song "We Will Dance" and one sung by Robert Stearns "Holy is the Lord." Also spontaneous songs "Beautiful Bride" and "Coming of the Lord."

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

"For the joy set before Him..." shared by Lydia Holly at the One New Man mtg.

Lydia Holly shares from Heb. 12-13. "For the joy set before Him..."

This was during the One New Man meeting, Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC (Steele Creek Church). Warren Marcus, a Messianic Jewish believer, has led the weekly Saturday, 6 pm meeting for several years.

This meeting took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Ahava Love Band, led by Steve and Laurie Martin, led Messianic worship.

One New Man is a gathering of Jews and Gentiles who love Yeshua (Jesus), want to learn of our Jewish roots, and who support Israel, 

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Ahava Love Band at One New Man mtg

Steve & Laurie Martin, Wane Daroux (bass), Ron Bowen (drums)

Ahava Love Band, at the One New Man meeting, Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC (Steele Creek Church). Warren Marcus, a Messianic Jewish believer, has led the weekly Saturday, 6 pm meeting for several years.

Warren Marcus

This meeting took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Ahava Love Band, led by Steve and Laurie Martin, led Messianic worship.

One New Man is a gathering of Jews and Gentiles who love Yeshua (Jesus), want to learn of our Jewish roots, and who support Israel, 

YouTube: Ahava Love Band


Patty Paquette

Tom Fahey

Wane Daroux singing Sh'ma Israel prayer

YouTube: Ahava Love Band

There are several more videos of the meeting found on this blog and our YouTube (loveforhispeopleinc). Search for "Ahava Love Band" and "One New Man". Filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Good morning! (Hebrew)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sh'ma Israel (Prayer) - sung by Wane Daroux

Wane Daroux of NC sings the Sh'ma Israel prayer, calling on the Lord at the beginning of the One New Man meeting, Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC (Steele Creek Church). Warren Marcus, a Messianic Jewish believer, has led the weekly Saturday, 6 pm meeting for several years.

This meeting took place during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Ahava Love Band, led by Steve and Laurie Martin, led Messianic worship.

One New Man is a gathering of Jews and Gentiles who love Yeshua (Jesus), want to learn of our Jewish roots, and who support Israel, 

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Jerusalem, the World and The King of the World

Epic Chronicles Of Hope: Judea

Teacher in Judea

Simchat Torah - sundown Sept. 25, 2013

Simchat Torah: Just You and Me

Simchat Torah: Just You and Me

Amidst all the dancing and revelry, we realize just how alone we are with God.

by Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld
Simchat Torah is given a curious description in Torah: “On the eighth day shall be a holy convocation to you… it is a holding back (atzeret)” (Leviticus 23:36). What in the world is a “holding back?”
The Midrash explains: God says to Israel, “I hold you back unto Me.” It is as a king who invites his children to a feast for a number of days. When it is time for them to depart, he says, “My sons, please remain with me one more day. Your departure is difficult for me.” We have just gone through a Rosh Hashanah, a Yom Kippur, and a Sukkot together. I have judged you, forgiven you, and shaded you in My protective Clouds. And I don’t want to let go of you so soon. Stay for just one more day.
Why do we celebrate the Torah on this day?
There is thus something very intimate about Simchat Torah. After celebrating so many other festive occasions, God asks for one last day – just us alone. No special activities – no shofar, no judgment, no sukkah, no lulav. Let’s put it all aside and spend one more today together – just Me and you. In fact, the earlier holidays related to all mankind: On the High Holidays God judges the entire world. On Sukkot we would bring Temple sacrifices for the well-being of all the nations. But not Simchat Torah. God asks for just a little quiet time together. No one else; just the two of us.
How do we celebrate our special day with God? By taking His special gift to the Jewish people – by holding and dancing with His Torah.
But why do we celebrate the Torah on this day? Didn’t we receive the Torah on the holiday of Shavuot – which commemorates the Revelation at Mount Sinai? Why the opposite end of the year?
The answer is that we lost the Torah we received on Shavuot. After the Revelation, Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days as God taught him the Torah he was to teach the nation. He descended the mountain only to find a fraction of the nation dancing around a Golden Calf – with most of the people indifferent to the tragic affair. Moses smashed the Tablets, annulling our first “marriage” with God. We had lost the Torah we had only so recently acquired; we had failed to live up to its ideals.
Moses spent the next 40 days beseeching God not to wipe out the nation utterly. He then spent another 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving the Second Tablets. He returned at last on Yom Kippur, when God forgave the nation entirely. This is the Torah we celebrate on Simchat Torah.
There are thus two dates in the Jewish calendar in which we celebrate the Torah – Shavuot and Simchat Torah. On Shavuot we celebrate the Torah we had but lost. Why celebrate what we lost? Because the awe-inspiring event of the Revelation at Sinai was one the world would never forget. God descended onto Mount Sinai in all His glory. The world, all of creation stood frozen before God’s overwhelming presence. And Israel was terrified, shaken to the core. We begged Moses to act as intermediary between God and us, “for who of all flesh hears the voice of the Living God speaking from the fire like us and lives?” (Deut. 5:23). It was an overawing experience, one which we as a nation as well as the world over would never forget.
Today many people celebrate Shavuot by staying up the night of the holiday studying Torah. Who can sleep the night before such an earth-shattering event? But not once on Shavuot do we ask ourselves if we are keeping the Torah God gave us. For the Torah of Mount Sinai is not the Torah we have today. The Revelation was the greatest national event which ever occurred to us, but it was one we not able to live up to.

A Personal Torah

By contrast, on Simchat Torah we do not celebrate our national receiving of the Torah; we celebrate our personal one. God gave us the Second Tablets because He deemed us worthy of receiving them. He had just forgiven us on Yom Kippur and decided to take us anew. And we celebrate by each of us holding close that Torah God entrusted us with and dancing with it. And likewise every single member of the synagogue is called up to the Torah for the reading of a section.
Dancing in a crowd is actually a very personal experience.
Anyone who has experienced dancing in a crowd knows that it is actually a very personal experience. In spite of vast numbers of people surrounding you, you feel very alone. You lose yourself within a great moving mass of people, unaware of the individuals within the group and your location within it.
When we dance on Simchat Torah we celebrate our very personal connection to the Torah. We at once feel ourselves a part of the great body of Israel, yet at the same time we feel very alone with our God. This is not only the Torah of the nation of Israel; it is my own Torah. And each of us holds the Torah and celebrates just what God’s wisdom means to him personally. For everyone has his or her own perspective on God’s Torah. Everyone has his story, how the Torah has touched his life and how he has become who he is today.
My grandfather’s family came to the United States from the Ukraine in the early 20th century. He was one of 11 children in a very traditional family. They settled in Philadelphia. In a story repeated literally 2 million times, the children were sent off to public school and became “Americanized,” losing most of their religious observances in the process.
All except for my grandfather. Nearly 100 years ago, a local rabbi convinced his father to send his son Abraham to yeshiva in New York. Arriving as a teenager on the original Armistice Day of 1918, he attended what would later become Yeshiva University. He went on to earn rabbinic ordination – as did his son and grandsons after him.
Every one of us has his personal story, how he came to be who he is today and what the Torah means to him. For the Torah is the possession of all of us. No one has the monopoly on God’s wisdom. It is wisdom we can all study and grow from – and recognize its personal message to us. For when we dance on Simchat Torah, we celebrate the fact that we have been cleansed on Yom Kippur. We celebrate that God has once again accepted us. And we celebrate that the Torah is once again ours.


Stand In Solidarity With Israel

    Christian Lawmakers Gather In Jerusalem To Stand In Solidarity With Israel

    Christian Zionism
    Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon addresses Christian lawmakers from around the world at the Israel Allies Foundation’s Jerusalem Chairman’s Conference. (Photo: Knesset Christian Allies Caucus/Facebook)
    Twenty-five members of parliaments and congresses from around the world gathered in Jerusalem to stand in solidarity with Israel. These lawmakers are the chairmen of Israel Allies Caucuses which represent hundreds of members of Congress and Parliament worldwide. Under the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), these caucuses coordinate international activity on Israel-related issues. Over the Sukkot festival, the participating lawmakers met with Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya’alon, Minister of Economy, Naftali Bennettand others.
    The 2013 Chairman’s Conference is the initiative of the Israel Allies Foundation and is co-sponsored by the World Jewish Congress and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. The Chairman’s Conference took place on September 22nd and 23rd, 2013 at the Mamilla Hotel in Jerusalem.
    The participants included members of Congress from the US, and members of Parliament from the European Union, Canada, the UK, Brazil, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Macedonia, Poland, South Africa, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Uruguay.
    During the two-day conference, the lawmakers discussed ways to strengthen Israel and specifically address the recent European boycott of Israeli products and academia in Judea and Samaria  and Jerusalem. Participants called this ban an act of discrimination and a move destructive to peace efforts. The delegation also toured Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and met with top Israeli government officials including: Minister Naftali Bennett and Minister Moshe Ya’alon.
    British MEP Roger Helmer exclaimed, “I was struck by how tiny the state of Israel is if you remove Judah and Samaria. They are an intrinsic part of Israel…This interest is beneficial not only to Israeli residents but to all other residents in that area as well.”
    IAF President, Rabbi Benny Elon said, “The arrival of more than 20 parliamentarians representing hundreds of pro-Israel Congressmen and Parliamentarians from around the world, presents a clear picture of massive international support for the Jewish State. This is a tremendous demonstration of strength. After meeting personally with these Parliamentarians, I am sure that their sympathy and support for Israel will translate into practical measures against the boycotts on Israel and its economy.”
    The planned EU ban on Israeli institutions in east Jerusalem and Judah and Samaria is both discrimination and destructive, and based on a prejudiced interpretation of the situation on the ground and of international law. I applaud the action taken by this international parliamentary body,” Alon added.
    US Rep. Doug Lamborn, who has also co-sponsored HB 2846, also known as the “Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel Act” said, “We urge the EU to halt these harmful directives which will only serve to harden positions and undermine peace talks currently underway.”
    Deputy Minister of Defense Danny Dannon lauded the esteemed group for their efforts, telling them, “I want to thank the Israel Allies Foundation, and you, the lawmakers, for standing with Israel and for what is right. I know it is not easy and that you are in the minority but you are doing the right thing.”

The Crack In The Liberty Bell - Bill Yount - The Prophetic Weekly Post

Bill Yount - The Prophetic Weekly Post
Posted: 24 Sep 2013

This morning I was revisited with a vision I had of our nation in 1996.

Out of nowhere, came a vision of the Liberty Bell. My attention was naturally drawn to the crack in the Bell. I felt in my spirit so grieved to feel how it seemed to signify such a deep fatal crack in the true liberty and freedom of our nation. Could that breach ever be repaired? Why wasn’t at least the physical defect of the Bell ever filled in with more metal? Would the Bell’s scar be prophetic, representing our nation’s fatal epitaph–unchangeable like the Grand Canyon engraved into Arizona. If only the crack was not there. I felt mesmerized by it. For the longest time my eyes could not move nor could my eyelids even blink.


Then suddenly as though in a twinkling of an eye, the brightest light pierced through that crack like a dam bursting. My head immediately turned away from the brightness emanating out of that crack. Instantly I had a knowing that this was the very Shekinah Glory of God.


Looking away from its brightness, I saw a large rope that was attached to the Bell. This rope was intertwined and braided. It seemed to be made out of the prayers and intercessions of God’s people. The Hand of the Lord began to reach down towards this rope to get a hold of it.

The Lord then spoke. “This Liberty Bell is going to ring again.” I then remembered the words inscribed on that Bell: Proclaim Liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof.” It was now a rhema word from God.

In the Spirit I had a knowing that the Liberty Bell would be heard again spiritually throughout Philadelphia and across the nation. And with the sound of Liberty, the Shekinah Glory of God would begin to rise up out of obscurity and be seen even in the gross dark places of our nation. Concerning this vision the Lord spoke, “Have My people forgotten that all things are possible?”

Tradition holds that the Bell cracked while it was being rung during a funeral service in memory of a Sheriff. Prophetically it will ring again for the life and the Glory of a King who still lives in our land.

Can you hear the bell ringing?


Bill Yount

Highway To Zion dance team - Hebrew song at One New Man - Feast of Taber...

The Highway To Zion dance team at the One New Man meeting Sept. 21, 2013, in Charlotte, NC. They dance to a song in Hebrew.

Warren Marcus leads the weekly Saturday night meeting at Steele Creek Church.

This meeting was held during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). The Ahava Love Band (Steve & Laurie Martin - lead vocals) led the Messianic worship time that followed.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Highway To Zion dance team - "Baruch Haba"- One New Man - Barry & Batya ...

The Highway To Zion dance team in the celebration during the Feast of Tabernacles at the One New Man mtg. (Warren Marcus - leader) - "Baruch Haba" (Barry & Batya Segal). Wane Daroux also sings and speaks during the song.

Video by Steve Martin - in support of Israel, through Love For His People, Inc.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ahava Love Band - One New Man - Messianic worship music

The Messianic worship team, Ahava Love Band, led praise and worship for the One New Man meeting during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). Sept. 21, 2013 in Charlotte, NC.

Team members: Steve and Laurie Martin (lead vocals), Ron Bowen (drums), Wane Daroux (bass guitar), Patty Paquette (keyboard and vocal), Tom Fahey (electric guitar).

Song selection included Paul Wilbur's: "Stand Up & Give Him The Praise", "Lord God of Abraham", "Where Does My Help Come From", "Let God Arise". and "Kadosh". We also sang the Vineyard song "We Will Dance" and one sung by Robert Stearns "Holy is the Lord."

Flag waving with Indira Persad!

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Charlie Daniels sings and plays his unaging fiddle in Jerusalem at ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles

Charlie Daniels singing "I'll Fly Away"

Fiddle in hand

Sing it Charlie!

PsalmPlace - For Psalmists - bless us with the Messianic music

PsalmPlace - For Psalmists: Upload your songs, create a page for yourself, and bless us with the Messianic music our King has written through you!ver loads of new Messianic music from independent artists. Many songs offered to you for free!

I have just signed up with PsalmPlace to release Beauty For Ashes, a song I wrote in 2012 after I returned from Nicaragua. 

This is an answer to prayer! It is sung in Spanish and English, and beautifully recorded by Joel Aloise and Tania Vejar (thank you!). 

Please check it out! Just click on the link, look for Psalmists and then look for my name under new psalmists. 

You can preview part of the song (in Spanish) for free, but to hear the last half (English) you are required to pay 99 cents. 

My hope is that you will be blessed in hearing The Word of The Lord sung over you!

Click below to access 
Lydia's song "Beauty for Ashes"
Only $0.99! (both English & Spanish)

Psalm Place - Lydia Holly
Click here: 

(Once on the home page,  you can also set up a free account, if  desired. Otherwise, you can go directly to Lydia's song through the "Go ahead...visit the Psalmists" section in the top right hand corner. Then search for "Lydia Holly" under "New Psalmists.)

Watch our new video for LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE!

Click here to watch our new video:

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has been produced by:

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 Ask for Ben Martin or Patrick Scully.