Robert Stearns:
I was caught up in the Spirit, and I was brought to a place with enormous Ancient Gates. The gates were covered over by debris and overrun by neglect.
The gates were enormous and were guarding access to a place of great authority and power. The question rose in my heart, "What can it be that these Gates guard and release?"
As the Wind increased with greater force, I saw the name of the Gates that were written at the top of them. IMAGINATION was the name of these Ancient Gates.
As the breath of God breathed on them, all of a sudden, the word NATION became highlighted and glowing bright.
After a few moments, the word IMAGE began to glow with intensity, with even greater glory than the word NATION.
Finally, the full word, IMAGINATION was pulsing with a living light.
Creativity and the Power of Imagination
I heard the Spirit of The Lord say:
"But now," says The Lord, "I will open these Ancient Gates to My people. Two things will happen as these gates open. First, I will gather together My people as a Holy NATION unto Me. A global Holy Nation will gather together to the sound and light of Holy Imagination. Their peoplehood and unity and oneness will be restored as they think My thoughts and dream My dreams again."
"Second, I will release the authority for a restoration of the Image of God into the heart of humanity.
For I, The Lord, have created humanity in My image, holy and pleasing to Me. As the anointing of Imagination is released with great impact now, the Image of My children will be healed. Places of great brokenness and pain will be restored in a moment as the glory of Holy Imagination is released."
The Lord is opening the Ancient Gates of the Power of Imagination. As this generation is flooded with this anointing, a Holy Nation will be called together, and the image of God will be restored where there has been pain and brokenness.
Robert Stearns
Executive Director, Eagles' Wings
Executive Director, Eagles' Wings
Robert Stearns is widely recognized as a visionary leader, compelling communicator, gifted strategist, and influential bridge builder. He is the founder and executive director of Eagles' Wings, a global movement of churches, ministries, and leaders. A noted author, world-class musician, and highly sought after public speaker, his written works have been translated into 8 languages, his music is appreciated around the world, and he has ministered in over thirty nations while maintaining a distinct focus on Israel.
Stearns is the founder of the worldwide prayer initiative, The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, which is observed every year the first Sunday in October. Dr. Stearns and Dr. Jack Hayford serve together as co-chairmen of this massive prayer mobilization, representing a growing coalition of 1,200 major global leaders of influence in the Christian church focused upon prayer for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants. (
Word was shared from: Elijah List
Editor's Note: We had the joy of being a part of the worship team at Mahesh Chavda Ministries conferences in Charlotte, NC in the 1990's when Robert Stearns led worship. What an awesome time! And we tremendously appreciate Robert's heart and support of Israel and the Jewish people. Steve Martin
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA