Tuesday, May 26, 2015

DID IT COUNT? - Morris E. Ruddick

Morris Ruddick


Note from Morris:
Today is a day of remembrance in America: to give honor and memory to those who served, to those who have sacrificed for the cause of freedom. SIGN is a part of Global Initiatives, a non-profit with its main thrust of equipping and mobilizing the brethren in lands where religious freedom is most challenged.  

God used my service as a US Marine in a Vietnamese unit during the Vietnam conflict to give me a special love for and rapport with the Vietnamese people, who are now the prime focus of our efforts with Global Initiatives.  

What the Lord is doing among these remarkable brethren today is extraordinary. Yet, there has been a cost, a high cost, not unlike the cost paid by those this day serves to honor and remember, who risked their all for the cause of freedom.  

For those who who either didn't understand or those who simply were never exposed to the realities of the Vietnam conflict, the question remains: did it count?  I pray that this testimony will stir you to pray regularly for our brethren in Vietnam and any other members of the household of faith where religious freedom is at risk.


(c) Morris E. Ruddick

Growing up in the sixties in South Vietnam was a struggle. Phuc (name changed) shares that he was almost always hungry. His first remembrance of not being hungry was after a meal served at his primary school by a group of Marines from the Danang air base. It was Christmas. The children were exposed to some very different, but tasty food they had never before experienced and there was plenty. Members from the Marine band played festive Christmas songs. The program for local kids was sponsored by Toys for Tots. Each left not only with their belly full and toys from the Marines, but the memory of the kindness of the Americans.

Not many years later, Phuc's village, known to be friendly to the Americans, came under attack from the VC. Five members of Phuc's family were killed in one night, including his mother and grandparents. With little to hope for, Phuc now a teen and his father, heard a radio message about the God of hope and His son Jesus. Phuc remembered the Christmas meal provided by the Marines years before. Despite their Buddhist background, Phuc and his dad began praying and believing the message of Jesus.

With 1975 and the change of governments, things became much worse. People were afraid. Many told things to the authorities in order to gain favor. Phuc was a young man now and began looking for others who believed as he did, to pray with them. Then his father disappeared. Like many others in those days, no one knew what happened to him. He never saw his father again.

Phuc read his Bible and prayed. It was his source of hope for the future. Even within the church, people would inform on one another, so finding people you could trust became a necessity of life. Phuc began meeting and praying regularly with trusted friends. Since he was a natural leader and was growing in his faith, soon other believers began looking to Phuc for spiritual answers.

As time progressed into the eighties, these were very hard times for the Vietnamese, as many lived according to the law of the jungle in order to survive. Many risked everything to escape, in their quest for freedom.

For believers, prayer made a difference. However, those meeting together for prayer had to be planned carefully, as authorities accused them of conspiring against the government. By now, Phuc was recognized as a pastor. As time progressed, these gatherings were happening all over and became the basis of what became known as the "house-church" movement. It spread across the entire land, not just in the newly occupied south, but across the north as well.

Authorities began questioning Phuc and accusing him of being CIA. With the inception of the 90s, Phuc's spiritual leadership was deemed a threat and he was arrested and put in a hard-labor prison.

Conditions were terrible. His day began before daybreak with the only provided meal, a watered-down bowl of rice gruel. Daylight hours were spent toiling in sweltering fields. Hunger, starvation and sickness were the mode. Prisoners, ravished by hunger, ate the bark off trees. Families slipped scraps of foods through chain-link fences in the middle of the night. Men died fighting over a piece of food.

Something happened to Phuc during those 31 months in the prison-work camp. His faith took him beyond himself. Despite the degrading humiliations and physical hardships, there came a wisdom, and with that, a fearlessness of what man could do to him.

At one point, certain camp authorities tried to break him. He was put in a cramped solitary confinement cell without food or light. His physical condition went from bad to critical. He was told he was dying, but that by signing the paper before him, he would be released that day. It was a statement renouncing his faith. His stubborn faith prevailed. He straightened up and looked his captors in the eye and told them: "I'll die before signing that paper."

When the camp commander learned of his plight he gave the command to take him out of solitary, saying "he is not a criminal." What Phuc also had no way of knowing was a humanitarian group was also working on his full release. It happened one week later. When released, he was given the option of going to the US. He chose to stay and help his people.

Since that time, he has become the founder of a network of house-churches that are located from the far north of Vietnam to deep into the Mekong Delta. Through his efforts, the poor are fed and orphanages are supported. He lives humbly, yet tirelessly in helping the poor and disadvantaged.

When I first met this man and he learned I had served twenty-five months in Vietnam as a US Marine in the sixties, he stood at attention, sharply saluted me and thanked me for my service to his nation.

In mid-1966, as an I-Corps grunt, I frequently heard the admonishment to give heed to "the hearts and minds of the people." Rules of engagement determined whether we could shoot back or not -- a tough standard when you're under fire. Yet, almost 50 years later that standard, along with the not-forgotten kindnesses from efforts like Toys for Tots is precisely what we're seeing transcend the years in the response of the Vietnamese to America.

In 1998, it took courage and it took leadership for Vietnam's Prime Minister Kiet to go before the people of Vietnam and tell them it was time to put the past behind them and invite the Americans back. From the north to the south of Vietnam, the Vietnamese people will tell you that everything began changing for the better, from the horrible conditions of that day, as word that the Americans were coming back spread across the land.

In the business world, it's what is referred to as value-added. It's the meal eaten by the hungry kid who years later became a pastor. It's the Toys for Tots Christmas program that will always be remembered by thousands. It is the integrity and discipline and honor that make the Marines what they are known for in combat that endures to establish who they are in the hearts and minds of the people, a generation later.

To answer the question "did it count?" Yeah! Without a doubt, you bet it did.
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

P.O. Box 370291
Denver, CO 80237 USA

SIGN is a part of Global Initiatives, a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 ministry 

'Fix It, Jesus' Emergency Prayer at Graduation Goes Viral

Christian Crawford

'Fix It, Jesus' Emergency Prayer at Graduation Goes Viral

A recent high school graduate in Alabama is the spotlight for his impromptu graduation ceremony prayer.
When Thursday night's Clay-Chalksville High School graduation ceremony was interrupted by a medical emergency, graduating senior Christian Crawford stepped up to the podium and asked everyone to join him in prayer, The Trussville Tribune reported.
"Everybody, can I have your attention real quick?" Crawford asked. "We don't know what's going on, but we will pray. We know that prayer is power, and that God is able. Let's pray," he said as he bowed his head.
"Father God, we thank you for this day, Lord. We pray right now that whatever is going on, you will fix it, God. We pray that you will heal it, God. We pray that you will redeem it, God. We pray that you will deliver it, God," he prayed. "Because we know that you are a God who knows how to make a way," he continued.
"And in the name of Jesus we declare and decree in the name of Jesus that whatever is going on shall be fixed because you are a God who is a fixer. You are a God who is a healer. Jehovah God, Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Shiloh. Fix it, Jesus. In Jesus' name, amen."
When Crawford finished praying, the crowd cheered and the graduation ceremony continued. The video, posted courtesy of The Trussville Tribune has gone viral.
"I'm glad the video has gotten this far," Crawford said. "But it's all to God be the glory. If God is not getting the glory, then this whole thing is in vain."
Crawford is the senior class president and wants a career in politics. He has been asked to present the opening prayer at the Alabama legislature next Wednesday. 

ISIS Rings Bound for 'Palestine' Confiscated by Israel

ISIS Rings Bound for 'Palestine' Confiscated by Israel

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli Customs agents earlier this month discovered 120 rings bearing ISIS slogans bound for a jewelry shop in the de facto Palestinian Authority capital of Ramallah.
Like all packages transiting via Ben Gurion Airport en route to the Palestinian Authority, this particular package from a seller in Turkey underwent strict security checks.
During the course of these checks, an Israeli agent well versed in Arabic noticed the now-famous ISIS slogans and immediately informed superiors.
Israeli Customs will destroy the merchandise, barring a successful appeal by the Palestinian buyer.
But that doesn’t lessen the concern over the fact that in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories, there is apparently a market for merchandise promoting the ISIS ideology.
“The thought that there are people who affiliate themselves with a murderous agenda like ISIS is simply shocking,” one Customs agent told Israel’s Ynet news portal. “A large number of rings mean that there are buyers. It’s scary and shocking to know that in the lands of the Palestinian Authority there are those who support that murderous organization.”
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

This Mama Helps 'Garbage Kids' Dream Big

This Mama Helps 'Garbage Kids' Dream Big

CAIRO, Egypt -- In recent years, Egyptian Christians and Muslims alike have suffered at the hands of Islamic extremists.

But the light of Christ shines in the lowliest of places. One Egyptian woman picked up her cross and left an affluent life to bring hope to impoverished children surrounded by garbage.

For the many Christians living in Cairo's garbage slums, the only life they know is garbage picking, sorting through tons of trash each day for recyclables.

"Many of them had a lot of discrimination and persecution in the rural areas," author Marty Makary explained. "And when they moved, migrated into the city, there was no place really to live except in the trash for many of them that were poor, mostly driven by the bad economy but in part by the discrimination for jobs."

"They decided to sift through the trash. It's the most efficient recycling operation in the world," he added.

And those who visit these Cairo neighborhoods will see garbage everywhere--in the streets, and even piled inside the homes of the Zabaleen, the garbage people.

Many children here do not attend school. They spend their days picking through the garbage to help their families earn a few dollars per day.

It's a hopeless existence, but one Christian's goal is to give them love today and a future tomorrow.

Mama Maggie, as she is known, hopes to give them a chance at life outside the slums.

Makary is the co-author of a new book about Mama Maggie's work called, Mama Maggie: The Untold Story of One Woman's Mission to Love the Forgotten Children of Egypt's Garbage Slums.

Makary traveled to Cairo to learn more about the ministry.

"Unlike Mother Teresa, who came from poverty and took a vow of poverty, Mama Maggie came from wealth. And during an encounter when she was a successful marketing executive, connected with a child in the garbage slums--a famous district of Cairo that has been mostly neglected," he said.

She found joy and happiness there and returned over time. She eventually gave up her marketing career and started a ministry called Stephen's Children.

"Many times when the kids are asked what do you want to do when you grow up, they've really never thought that far in advance. And some of the kids, can you believe, have never been called by their name by anyone," Makary said. "But no one has ever valued them and asked them that question."

One girl said she only dreamed of having a piece of tomato to eat. Another child said his dream came true at a Stephen's Children camp where he actually slept in a bed.

But dreaming big means learning a skill. Mama Maggie's ministry teaches the children a trade like shoe and clothing manufacturing--marketable skills for earning money and serving others, whether in the garbage slums, or elsewhere.

Makary said they're not talking about getting out of the garbage district.

"They're talking about serving the garbage district. And sure enough, a good number of the full time staff were kids in the ministry themselves, have graduated and want to give back," he explained. "I've met doctors in the clinics over there and they're working for almost no money."

Seven of the 21 Egyptian Christians killed by ISIS in Libya last February were helped by Mama Maggie's ministry.

"They were kids that she fed and taught and were part of the group. Two of them had become leaders in the ministry and they are now using that story to teach forgiveness in the Middle East. They're teaching the kids to break the cycle of revenge," Makary explained.

So, what impresses Makary the most about Mama Maggie? He said it's her humility.

"It is amazing to see that sort of genuine selflessness in a world where you so rarely see it," he told CBN News. "You know, when I came back, the thought of being upset at the cab driver, or frustrated with the bank ATM, or something like that, it just put everything in life in perspective."

A perspective of serving and helping, bringing hope and dignity to the most neglected places.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Cuba Lifts Bible Ban, Could Revival Follow?

Cuba Lifts Bible Ban, Could Revival Follow?

Cathedral in Havana, Cuba
Cathedral in Havana, Cuba (Flickr/Artur Staszewski)
Since 1969, the Castro regime has banned Bible distribution in Cuba. But now, under an experimental program in the island nation, the Communist government is lifting the ban, creating new avenues to feed millions hungry for the Word.
While organizations like Revival Fires and the American Bible Society are hard at work printing and distributing the Bibles to the Cuban people, many are wondering what might come from this drastic change in policies. Could the floodgates of spiritual blessing and revival be about to burst forth?
The path forward could be complicated, according to a prophetic word issued by the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders:
There is a call of revival in Cuba that is connected with Miami. The largest Hispanic group in Miami is Cuban. Fidel Castro exiled them and drove them out of Cuba over religious, political and economic issues. When he closed the borders, many escaped and have since become American citizens.

However, a deep wound is in their heart because Castro displaced them and removed their inheritance.

Now a new generation has arisen in Florida. However, this generation is indoctrinated by the wounds of the past generation and they have much bitterness toward Cuba.
Though the path to healing and redemption for those injured by Castro's injustices may be far from over, God is more than capable of working a miracle here. The fact that millions of Cubans will now have free access to Bibles for the first time in nearly 50 years is proof enough that He's already on the job.


Morris & Carol Ruddick

Having spent almost three decades working alongside some of the best from the advertising world, I know the fine line that can exist between the perception and the reality.

In a world wrought with information clutter, as God's representatives, we need to follow the standard upheld by Jesus: eschew hypocrisy and avoid the spin.

I spend prayerful time before the Lord both in preparing and during our venues. Then afterward, I prayerfully evaluate both the tactical and strategic results and implications from these "assignments."

In order not to allow these opportunities to take on a life of their own, or if I could express it this way, to avoid a spin that reduces God-opportunity into the precepts of men, I view each venue as a standalone assignment and a sacred trust.

The Pharisees had all the right foundations, but allowed what should have been God-opportunity to digress into a spin of a self-serving, self-promotional focus. In their zeal, human efforts bypassed the supernatural, blinding them in missing the forest for the trees.

That is why I consider it so important to prayerfully ponder the impact of these "assignments," to grasp the difference between the tactical and strategic.

The Realities and the Response
It reduces the spin and keeps the focus on the God-opportunity. Solomon said that a dead fly would make the perfumer's oil stink (Eccl 10:1) and that a little foolishness can be weightier than wisdom and honor: a strong word for those whose ambitions have convinced them that the end justifies the means.
"Unless the Lord builds a house, the builders labor in vain." Ps 127:1

For more than seven years, we've been exposed to the full range of the realities
underway in Vietnam: spiritually, economically and politically -- within the Vietnamese infrastructure, within the church in Vietnam and within those attempting to come alongside those emerging as the "true players" in what God is doing.

In a talk I gave not long after the doors had opened to us in Vietnam in early 2008, I framed the observation that God chooses the most unlikely candidates, to employ the most unlikely strategies, to bring about the most extraordinary results. Whether it has been the penetration of a society to redeem God's people during the time of Joseph, the leadership model to forge community unity through David or the Kingdom empowerment to conquer darkness through Jesus, this has been God's pattern. God uses the simple things to confound the wise.

It has always been and it remains: no-spin, righteous opportunity. Compromise, phoniness and self-promotion are dead flies in the ointment.
"Teach me Your ways O Lord and I will walk in Your truth. Unite my heart to fear Your name." Ps 86:11

The Big Picture
Vietnam is on the cusp of revival. Not in any way to disparage the importance of evangelization, but revival does not equate with evangelization efforts. True revival is nothing short of the sovereign outpouring of God's presence. I recall in the early 70s that the consciousness of God's presence was everywhere. Even non-believers acknowledged it. People were hungry for God. It was the result of the amassing of prayers of people tired of the traditions of men, who were fervently reaching out to God as the psalmist advises (above) in Ps 86:11.

With the exception of China, I know of no other place like Vietnam, where grass-roots prayer has manifested to such a level in this hour. The Vietnam house-church movement which began in the 1980s, for the most part, continues as a movement of prayer.

The Least Likely
Within that context, we've planted God's economy, often among some of the most unlikely. In one of our recent workshops, we ministered to a group of over a hundred, most of whom had come from pretty rough backgrounds on the streets. Among its members are ones who have been totally healed from the final stages of HIV. Yet now, set free as some of the most mobilized and sold-out of followers and leaders, they are zealously and strategically penetrating the darkness with new businesses and even a private Christian school.

Along those same lines, a key part of what we do is to mobilize community builders, ones who are committed to be blessed to be a blessing through their businesses and
enterprises. From the simplicity of these efforts, we're seeing fruit emerge. Because these efforts involve God's timing in this nation, we're seeing them dovetail with big-picture developments that only God could have orchestrated.

Other than being busted at immigration for bringing in a small plastic sword among the toys, Carol's work with the orphans exceeded expectations and her efforts resulted in being asked how soon she could return. Carol was a part of a Vietnamese team that brought in food and also ministered to the leaders in this remote, rural orphanage.

In all these efforts, not only are we seeing the most unlikely becoming the head and not the tail, but we are seeing change in the spiritual climate. Most importantly, our efforts have become aligned with the cusp of revival taking root from one end of this country to another.

We likewise have been pursuing efforts with venues in which brethren from one region of the nation are reaching out to others in other regions -- Vietnamese helping Vietnamese.

Heeding the spiritual realities faced by these brethren, we've targeted those who have
made prayer a lifestyle and building their communities as their goal. It's what the Apostle Paul referred to as "the principle (law) of Christ" in bearing one another's burdens.

The foundation has been firm and what is now emerging has bypassed not only our expectations, but even what is considered conventional wisdom within believing-circles. Again, it is God's most unlikely candidates, employing God's most unlikely strategies, to accomplish the most remarkable results.

Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers and role in making these efforts possible.

Gratefully in His service,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation
3838 South Wabash
Denver, CO 80237 USA

Global Initiatives is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mr. President, Giving Spiritual Counsel to Ministers Is Above Your Paygrade

Mr. President, Giving Spiritual Counsel to Ministers Is Above Your Paygrade

President Obama
Dr. Michael Brown asks who gave Obama the authority to lecture ministers. (Reuters)

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

Mr. President,
With due respect for your office and the tremendous responsibilities you face, I must take strong exception to comments you made at a recent evangelical-Catholic leadership summit.
Those comments were unhelpful, inaccurate, unbiblical and, sad to say, hypocritical.
During a panel discussion, you urged these leaders to spend less time on "divisive" issues like abortion and redefining marriage, putting more emphasis instead on dealing with poverty.
Speaking as a professing Christian, you said, "When it comes to what (you are) really going to the mat for, what's the defining issue, when you're talking in your congregations, what's the thing that is really going to capture the essence of who we are as Christians, or as Catholics, or what have you, [poverty] is oftentimes viewed as a 'nice to have' relative to an issue like abortion."
You also said, "I think it would be powerful for our faith-based organizations to speak out on [poverty] in a more forceful fashion," claiming that the redistribution of wealth is "vital to following what Jesus Christ, our Savior, talked about."
Mr. President, may I first ask who gave you the spiritual authority to give such strong counsel and even criticism to church leaders?
When you were first running for president and Pastor Rick Warren asked you when human life began, you responded by saying that to answer that question was "above my pay grade."
All the more then, it is above your pay grade to chide church leaders for standing up for human life, especially when they have ample reason to say that life begins at conception. And since you claim to be unsure of when human life begins, how can you advocate such an aggressive pro-abortion position? That's like saying, "Our intelligence sources are not sure if there are children in that schoolhouse, but since it may be used to store terrorist munitions, let's blow the place up."
Would you be so cavalier with the taking of innocent human life on the battlefield? How then can you be so cavalier with the taking of innocent human life in the mother's womb? And how can you criticize those who are contending for the preservation of innocent human life?
Your comments are also hypocritical in that you urge these spiritual leaders to de-emphasize "divisive" issues like abortion and redefining marriage, yet you commend other spiritual leaders who support abortion and same-sex "marriage."
As part of your second inauguration, you asked Bishop Eugene Robinson to offer a prayer, specifically because he was the first ordained gay Episcopal bishop. (I note that you also endorsed his book on same-sex relationships.) You had another minister pray at your inaugural ceremony, and he also prayed a pro-homosexual prayer.
How then can you criticize Catholic and evangelical leaders for standing firm on marriage—because it is "divisive"—while giving your very public platform to ministers who want to redefine it? How can you chastise those ministers who stand with the Scriptures and all of church history while applauding those who violate Scripture and cast off church history? And again I ask, since when is it the role of the president to fashion spiritual policy and interpret Scripture?
On a more fundamental level, how can you criticize these leaders for taking a stand on "divisive" issues when you would be the first to commend 19th-century Christian leaders who opposed slavery and 20th-century Christian leaders who opposed segregation?
Slavery was the most divisive issue our country had ever faced, costing hundreds of thousands of American lives during the Civil War and almost tearing our nation apart, yet you are absolutely right in standing with the Christian leaders who sought to free the slaves. And you are absolutely right to stand with the ministers who fought against segregation, despite the divisive nature of that issue.
Often, Christians must lead the way in taking stands that are divisive—Jesus Himself said that He came to bring a sword of division (see Matt. 10:34-37)—and to counsel these leaders not to emphasize critically important issues because they are divisive is to fly in the face of the Word of God.
Finally, sir, your comments were also off point in alleging first, that Jesus advocated redistribution of wealth (as opposed to compassionate and sacrificial care for the poor) and second, that Catholics and evangelicals spend far more time and energy opposing abortion and the redefining of marriage than they do helping the poor and the needy. The opposite, in fact, is overwhelmingly true, as has recently been demonstrated.
I continue to pray for you, sir, hoping against hope, that God would make you the greatest and most effective president in our history.
It's not too late for a change of heart.
Michael Brown is the author of 25 books, including Can You Be Gay and Christian? and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. 
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Prophetic Strategy: Praying Out the Prophecies Over Your State - Jennifer LeClaire

Arrow vision
"I had a vision of an arrow being put into a quiver." (Flickr)

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
Prophetic strategies are vital to seeing awakening manifest in this hour. Although I believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the foundation for transforming revival, there are specific strategies God will give to build on top of this foundation.
One of those strategies is praying out the prophecies over our states. That's what Florida intercessors started doing in April. The Lord gave this prophetic strategy to Linda Milligan, co-director of Key of David House of Prayer in Fort Myers, Florida, and she asked me to help lead the charge every Thursday night.
This is Scriptural. One way we fight the good fight of faith is to wield the Sword of the Spirit—and sometimes that means wielding the prophetic words of God: "This charge and admonition I commit in trust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with prophetic intimations which I formerly received concerning you, so that inspired and aided by them you may wage the good warfare ..." (1 Tim.1:18, AMP).
An Arrow in the Quiver
Toward the end of our first prayer call, I had a vision of an arrow being put into a quiver. The Lord told me that these prayer calls—these calls in which we pray out the many prophecies that have been declared over our state in the decades past—are an arrow in our quiver.
In other words, it's a new weapon for the season in which we find ourselves. This arrow in the quiver is a prophetic strategy that can be used to hit our prayer target. Our prayer target is awakening. We want to see Florida, widely known in the nation as the Forerunner State or the First Fruits State, fulfill its destiny.
That said, we recognize that these calls are not the end all. They are but one arrow in the quiver—one strategy that Lord has given us. But I believe it's a strategy that will lead to a tipping point to bring revivals in cities from the Panhandle all the way down to the Key West. And I believe it's a prophetic strategy that intercessors in other states can use to see their destinies come to pass.
God's Hands is on Our Hands
After the vision, the Holy Spirit took me to 2 Kings 13. Here we find the prophet Elisha sick with the illness from which he would eventually die. King Jehoash of Israel came down to meet him and the prophet gave him a prophetic strategy:
"Take bow and arrows. And he took bow and arrows. And he said to the king of Israel, 'Put your hand upon the bow.' And he put his hand upon it, and Elisha put his hands upon the king's hands. And he said, 'Open the window to the east.' And he opened it. Then Elisha said, 'Shoot. And he shot.' And he said, 'The Lord's arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Syria. For you shall smite the Syrians in Aphek till you have destroyed them'" (2 Kings 13:15-17).
When I read this Scripture, the Holy Spirit impressed on me that as we pray out the prophecies, His hands would literally be upon our hands. The Holy Spirit will labor with us to release the prayers. The angels of God will hearken to the voice of God's prophetic words to wage war in the heavenlies against the principalities and powers that are delaying the prophetic promises (see Psalm 103:20). This is powerful!
Strike the Ground!
That wasn't the end of Elisha's instructions to King Jehoash and it's not the end of this prophetic strategy, either. Let's review Elisha's next instruction to the king:
"Take the arrows. And he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, Strike on the ground. And he struck three times and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him and said, 'You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Syria until you had destroyed it. But now you shall strike Syria down only three times'" (2 Kings 13:18-19).
We're praying out the prophecies over our state but this is not a one-time prayer call. This is a strategy that brings victory through consistency. On the call I declared that we would not stop striking the ground but we would strike and strike and strike and strike and strike—and keep on striking until we see God's will manifest over our cities and in this state.
I believe this is a strategy for the body of Christ in this hour. Intercessors, I urge you to pray into this and see if God would have you implement a similar prayer call in your state and corporate prayer meetings in your city. General cries of repentance and prayers for awakening are important but God is breathing on this strategy to pray out the prophetic words over your cities, regions and states.
Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others. 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Shavuot: A Jewish Perspective on Pentecost

Shavuot: A Jewish Perspective on Pentecost

JERUSALEM, Israel -- This year, Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, begins as the weekly Sabbath ends on Saturday evening at sunset.

Understanding this many-faceted holiday from a Jewish perspective provides a fitting background to the Christian celebration of Pentecost, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which took place on the same day about 1,300 years later.

Shavuot falls exactly 50 days (seven Sabbaths) after the first day of Passover (Pesach); hence the name Pentecost, the Greek word for "50."

"Count 50 days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the Lord." (Lev. 23:16)

It's the second of the three biblical pilgrimage festivals, following Pesach -- the Feast of Unleavened Bread -- and before the fall festival of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. Many themes are interwoven in this holiday. Here's a few.

The Book of Ruth

In biblical times, Israelites countrywide traveled to Jerusalem to present an offering at the Temple on Mount Zion (Temple Mount). Also known as Hag Ha'hkatzir (Harvest Festival), Jews traditionally read the Book of Ruth, along with the Torah portion, which reminds them to share God's bountiful provision.

"When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field when you reap, nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger. I am the Lord your God." (Lev. 23:22).

The Book of Ruth tells the story of the Moabite woman who chose to return to Israel with her mother-in-law, Naomi.

"Entreat me not to leave you or turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go and wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God." (Ruth 1:16)

When the young widow goes out to glean, she finds herself in grain fields belonging to Naomi's close relative, Boaz, who becomes her husband. Ruth then gives birth to Jesse, the father of King David, placing her in the genealogy of Israel's Messiah.

First Fruits and Giving of the Torah

Israelites brought the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple, hence the name Hag ha'Bikkurim, the Festival of First Fruits. They likely brought some of the seven species with them -- olives, grapes, wheat, barley, figs, dates, and pomegranates -- those harvested in the spring after the winter rains.

Today, Israel produces these same fruits in abundance. On Shavuot, dairy products and fruit are traditional fare, celebrating the land flowing with milk and honey.

Shavuot is also called Hag Matan Torateinu (Festival of the Giving of the Torah), celebrating God's giving the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. It's traditional to stay up all night studying the Torah, the first five books of the Bible.

Another Outpouring

On Shavuot, nearly 2,000 years ago, 120 followers of Yeshua (Jesus) were waiting in an upper room in Jerusalem to be imbued with power from on high. They were told to tarry until it happened.

They may have prayed about the promise foretold by the prophet Joel, which Peter described.

"There came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty, rushing wind…when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:2-4)

The outpouring of God's Spirit produced quite a harvest -- about 3,000 people joined the 120 disciples to become "witnesses to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth."

And so it happened, just as the prophet foretold.

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh…And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:17a, 21)

Many would agree that such an outpouring is what today's world needs the most.

Youth Are Leaving Churches That Do This

Pentecostal Giant George O. Wood: Youth Are Leaving Churches That Do This

George O. Wood, right, made some bold declarations at Empowered21.
George O. Wood, right, made some bold declarations at Empowered21. (Empowered21/Facebook)
It's not that young adults are leaving churches, it's that they're abandoning denominations that are forsaking the authority of God's Word, George O. Wood says. 
"We (AG USA) have 3.1 million young people in the USA and 34 percent of them are under the age of 25," The Assemblies of God overseer said at Empowered 21. "... The young people that are moving away from traditional religious structures in the U.S. typically belong to churches which have abandoned a belief in the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness and centrality, and exclusiveness of Jesus Christ."
His comments reflect the same research that says the Presbyterian Church USA is dying on the vine after coming out in full support of gay marriage. 
According to Barna research, a quarter of 18-to-29-year-olds are practicing Christians. 
The migration of young adults away from the church is only a glimmer into how Christianity is on the decline nationally. 
However, young adults are seeking authenticity in their churches, and those that produce it reap the fruits. 
"I think churches thriving are those who say they want to take a more proactive role," says Barna's Vice President of Research Clint Jenkin. "Creative churches (can) establish themselves in their community, reach people because they are able to find certain ways to transcend disagreements. If churches are in position of arguing, then you're missing big piece of how you're going to build relationships with people."
Barna research shows that in order to engage young people in congregations, one must be totally transparent.
"More than one-third say their negative perceptions are a result of moral failures in church leadership (35 percent)," according to a Barna report. "And substantial majorities of millennials who don't go to church say they see Christians as judgmental (87 percent), hypocritical (85 percent), anti-homosexual (91 percent) and insensitive to others (70 percent)."
For Wood, though, it's about showing young adults that church is place where they can experience God, and showing them their value and roles within the church.

Israel's New Deputy FM: No Apologies for Our Policies

Israel's New Deputy FM: No Apologies for Our Policies

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israel owes no apologies for its polices in the land God gave to the Jewish people. That's the word from Israel's new deputy foreign minister.
Tzipi Hotovely delivered that message in a speech to the nation's diplomats on Thursday.
Hotovely, an Orthodox Jew, referenced the Bible frequently in her remarks.
At 36, Hotovely is among a young generation in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party who supports construction in Jewish towns and cities in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and opposes surrendering any of Israel's biblical heartland to the Palestinian Authority.
"We expect, as a matter of principle, the international community to recognize Israel's right to build homes for Jews in their homeland everywhere," she said.
Hotovely is currently the country's top full-time diplomat.

Standing With Israel - Joel Rosenberg (Watchmen on the Walls speech)

Joel Rosenberg - Watchmen on the Walls speech