Friday, May 12, 2017

Christians Tapping Into New-Age Lies as Great Falling-Away Continues - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Is Sister Christian sitting next to you in Sunday service a closet New Ager? Is your pastor tapping into to New Spirituality? Are you believing a New Thought lie? (Public Domain)

Christians Tapping Into New-Age Lies as Great Falling-Away Continues
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

Is Sister Christian sitting next to you in Sunday service a closet New Ager? Is your pastor tapping into new spirituality? Are you believing a new thought lie?
I was simply shocked to read the results of a new Barna study that shows only 17 percent of Christians who consider their faith important and attend church regularly actually have a biblical worldview. But I was decidedly dismayed by the subsequent revelations in the report.
In a nutshell, Barna found many Christians strongly agree with worldviews that compete with biblical teachings. In other words, many believers are believing flat out lies. Consider these startling stats about practicing Christians:
38 percent are sympathetic to some Muslim teachings
61 percent agree with ideas rooted in new spirituality
54 percent resonate with postmodernist views
36 percent accept ideas associated with Marxism
29 percent believe ideas based on secularism
Yes, really—and Millennials and Gen-Xers are the most likely to fall for these deceptions. Males are more likely to fall away than females. City-dwellers more apt to stumble into these lies than suburban or rural residents. And Americans of color are more likely than white Americans to buy into wrong beliefs.
The Great Falling-Away Is Underway
Paul wrote, "Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods, which God has created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth" (1 Tim. 4:1-3).
Some have indeed departed from the faith because they have engaged with deceiving spirits and embraced doctrines of demons. We've witnessed more than one man of God with a major ministry platform bow a knee to doctrines like universalism, deceiving and being deceived with this deadly heresy. Despite many in the church lifting their voice against heretical teachings, these deceived ministers hold fast to their demonic doctrine.
We've also watched famous pastors speak lies in hypocrisy—lies that left many hurt, wounded and disillusioned—and yet they remain adored and adorned in the megachurches that made their name great. Clearly, the conscience of some influential church leaders has already been seared with a hot iron (see 1 Tim. 4:2). Some have become the proverbial blind leading the blind.
And would you believe it? Some modern-day, Spirit-filled churches even reserve the right to tell you whom you can or can't marry (along with many other details of your personal life). I've known folks who have nervously gone to ask the pastor for permission to marry another congregant, hoping that their request wasn't denied and their love wasn't dashed. And this wasn't during the Shepherding Movement; this was recent.
Living Idolatrous Lifestyles
Paul wrote, "Know this: In the last days perilous times will come. Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, slanderers, unrestrained, fierce, despisers of those who are good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Turn away from such people" (2 Tim. 3:1-5).
Paul's laundry list of idolatrous ingrates is not particularly new, but the love of many has certainly grown colder. Many pastors ignore the homeless (and the widows and the orphans). All the while, they spend multiplied thousands on sermon props and video announcements that rival MTV so they can entertain an idolatrous generation on Sunday mornings.
Some pastors offer a 20-minute sermonette and afterwards neglect the opportunity to lay hands on the sick, get people filled with the Holy Spirit or otherwise open up the altar for believers seeking a touch from God. This form of godliness does not make room for God's power. Pleasure has taken its place.
Scratching Itchy Ears
Paul also warned, "For the time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but they will gather to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, having itching ears" (2 Tim. 4:3).
We see some of this among congregations even now. Beyond universalism, there's the prosperity gospel that only demonstrates one side of the cross. There's the grace message that perverts the gospel. These are fables. Billy Graham once filled stadiums with his bold preaching on subjects like hell and holiness. Today, seeker-friendly preachers fill stadiums to hear a motivational message followed by a call to give. Many modern believers may cringe if they had to endure a Billy Graham sermon on hell. Again, some deny the existence of hell.
So is the Great Falling-Away already underway? I believe so. And I pray. I pray that the Lord would count me faithful, that I would not be deceived in these last days and that I might be a pure vessel the Lord can use to sound the alarm. What about you? 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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There is Great Breakthrough Upon the Writers by Lana Vawser Identity Network

There is Great Breakthrough Upon the Writers by Lana Vawser 

May 12, 2017 Identity Network
There is major breakthrough upon the writers right now. Those of you who are writing manuscripts, the Lord is releasing winds of acceleration upon you and these manuscripts are going to be birthed faster than you could ever have imagined. 

I had a vision and I watched as the Lord released these winds of acceleration and His angelic hosts to minister to you, and cause these manuscripts to come forth faster than you could imagine. Anything that has been attempting to block this manuscript, any warfare, is falling to the wayside as the winds of acceleration fall upon you and the Lord continues to breathe upon His message in your manuscript. 

There is a greater ease that you will find as the anointing upon you to write is significantly increasing. There is a breakthrough anointing over you as you write to move past the hindrances and move into the final stages of birthing.
The Lord Showed Me the Destiny Room of Heaven Again
Yesterday, I released a word on the Destiny Room of heaven. As I pondered this word for the writers the Lord showed me the destiny room in heaven again. He showed me the encounters that are going to open up for the writers as He opens up and reveals the destiny room and for some in new ways. 

In a vision I saw the Lord taking many into this destiny room through visions, visitations and prophetic dreams and as He led them in, I saw big screens all around the walls of the room. As the writers went in one by one, He pressed play on a remote and a "trailer" began to play. It was a trailer for their manuscript, but this trailer was not how THEY saw their book, it was how HE saw their book. It showed His excitement, 

His vision that was so beautifully crafted and displayed within these manuscripts. It also showed what HE was going to do THROUGH the manuscripts.
I watched as the writers wept and wept, being shown a "glimpse" of His heart contained in their manuscript and the people that were going to be saved, healed, set free, delivered, encouraged and brought to life through their writings. I watched as the writers fell at His feet weeping and out of their mouth came the words "I praise you Jesus! I praise you! It's SO MUCH BIGGER than I imagined! It's SO MUCH BIGGER than I ever dreamed."
The Lord bent down and grabbed their hands and with tear filled eyes, full of joy, full of love, His face beaming with such delight and His eyes shouting how proud He was of them, He spoke: "THANK YOU for pressing through, THANK YOU for continuing to steward the message that I have given you and lean into Me to write all I asked you to. Through the fire, through the storm, through the darkness, you did not give up. 

You continued to remain faithful to the assignment I gave you in this writing. I am breathing My spirit upon this manuscript and many shall come to life, come to know Me, be set free, healed and delivered by My love and My Spirit. I am going to do MORE through this manuscript than you could ever imagine. Great joy shall fill your heart as you see what I am about to do. You will see the process has been all worth it."
This is Your Time
I then saw manuscripts laid out on tables in this room of destiny. They were perfectly placed in frames, and I noticed the words written all along the frames. The words were purity, humility, surrender, integrity. As I looked at them instantly the atmosphere was filled with the sense that these books were framed by the purity, humility, surrender and integrity of the writers. These manuscripts were written by writers who have kept the, "main thing, the main thing." They have stayed true to the message He gave them, and their eyes have been upon Him and such deep surrender and reliance on Him, worshiping Him all the way through the process.
I watched as Jesus walked along these tables and He had a scepter in His hand. He placed the tip of the scepter upon each manuscript and it came ALIVE with favor. As I looked at each manuscript I saw a quick glimpse of networks, doors and connections of favor that the Lord had drawn up with His hand.
He turned to each of the writers and He spoke, "Be at rest, be at peace with this manuscript. I have already decreed the exact strategic places, networks, doors that need to be opened and hands these manuscripts need to fall into. I have taken care of it all. Rest, trust Me. I am going to get My messages out far and wide. Great unprecedented, radical favor is being decreed over these manuscripts. Don't try and strive and make anything happen. What I am going to do with these manuscripts will leave you in awe of what I can do!"
"The process of these assignments I have given you with these manuscripts has increased your anointing to write. You will see an increase in revelation, clarity and insight upon you to hear Me and for further writing assignments. You have transitioned to a whole new level. 

Multiple births are upon many of you and the supernatural ease and anointing I am releasing will see you write even more books than you imagined. It may not make sense in the natural and for many of you look impossible, but through the empowerment of My Spirit, you will do what you thought you could not do. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit will be your testimony!"
"Writers, this is your time!"
Lana Vawser

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Michael Snyder Is Calling For An Army Of Pro-Trump Activists To Run For Office All Over America - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 11 May 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

It is really easy to sit back and complain about the direction of this country, but what America really needs at this hour are men and women that are willing to step into the fight to save our constitutional republic.  As I have said before, getting Donald Trump elected was the greatest miracle in U.S. political history, but he should not have to wage this battle alone.

Trump has very few friends in Congress at this point, and so it is absolutely critical that we get him some during the 2018 mid-term elections.  So I am calling for an army of pro-Trump activists to run for national, state and local offices all over America in 2018.  Donald Trump started this revolution, and now it is our job to continue it.

My father was in the U.S. Navy, and so sometimes I like to put things in military terms.  When an amphibious invasion is being conducted, it is the troops that hit the beach first that take the most fire.  To me, that is a perfect picture of what is happening to Donald Trump right now.  He has established a beachhead, and now the rest of us need to rush to shore to back him up.

If we are not willing to try, what is going to happen?  Our political system on the national, state and local levels will continue to be dominated by Democrats and “progressive Republicans”, and our once great nation will continue to fall apart all around us.

We need patriotic men and women to challenge every available seat in America in 2018.  Some of us will win and others will lose, but at least we will have given the American people a choice.

We are never going to have a true political revolution if we don’t at least try, and this election cycle represents a tremendous opportunity.  I really like how Rush Limbaugh made this point during one of his programs
Do you realize what a nothing burger the Democrat Party is? Do you realize the Democrat Party literally has nothing virtuous, positive, uplifting to run on? In all of this, the Democrat Party dares not ask people, “Hey, take a look at us. We got better ideas. Hey, take a look at us. We can fix this.” None of that. The only thing they’ve got is this insane, invisible, nonexistent, so-called connection between the Russians and our election. They have no ideas. They have no optimism. They have no leaders. They have no vision. They are ripe for being smoked for generations! This is the time to move in politically and wipe them out. …
Don’t misunderstand here, folks. I’m not saying the Democrats don’t pose a threat. I’m not… Look, two things here. The Democrats are in deep trouble, electorally. The Democrats are not running the left; the media is. And the media is clearly not inconsequential. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying that what’s happening here is obviously to everyone. I’m saying the Republican Party has a golden opportunity here to continue to hammer the nail into the coffin of the Democrat Party.
Our founders intended for us to have a constitutional republic with a limited central government, but the globalists have turned the federal government into an absolute monster.  We need to tame that monster and restore the constitutional republic that our founders originally designed.

The easy route would be to sit back and wait for someone else to do something.

But I have decided not to do that.

Earlier today, I announced on the Alex Jones Show that I am “strongly considering” running for Congress in 2018…

On Tuesday, U.S. Representative Raul Labrador announced that he will not seek another term because he plans to run for governor in Idaho.

Labrador represents the district in which my wife and I live, and when I heard this news I realized that this represents a truly unique opportunity.

Congressman Labrador has been doing a wonderful job, and if he had run again he would have won by a landslide.  But now that he is not running, there is no incumbent and the race is entirely wide open.

If I decide to run, and I am very strongly leaning in that direction, the key to the race will be to win the Republican primary.  Hillary Clinton got only 27.5 percent of the vote in Idaho last November, and Labrador won his last election by more than 120,000 votes.  So whoever wins the Republican primary will almost certainly win the general election.

Donald Trump has shown us that nothing is impossible in politics.  When he first declared his candidacy, liberal pundits literally laughed at him on the air because they thought his candidacy was such a joke.  But his bold message struck a chord with conservative voters all over the country, and now he is the president of the United States.

If he can do it, why can’t we?

If I run, I plan to continue the absolutely outstanding work that Congressman Labrador has been doing, and I plan to be a key ally for President Trump in Congress.  Right now Trump has very few friends in Congress, and that desperately needs to change.

In recent years, the House has lost some tremendous conservative voices.  I plan to continue the legacy of Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann and so many others that stood strong for conservative causes at a time when it was not always popular to do so.

But if I am going to do this, I am going to need lots of assistance.  If you have experience with campaigns on a state or local level, or if you just want to help out any way that you can, please feel free to drop me an email or contact me on Facebook.  I have never run for office before, and so I have a lot to learn, and I greatly value the advice and counsel of others.

Also, if there are other pro-Trump activists out there that plan on running in 2018, we should definitely connect.  If we all work to promote one another, we can create a giant groundswell of momentum which could sweep a whole bunch of pro-Trump activists into political positions all around the country.

For a long time I have been writing about the great problems that this nation is facing, and now I am trying to be part of the solution.

It has been said that life is like a coin.  You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once.

As for me and my house, we are going to spend our lives doing things that really matter.

Messiah's Mandate Monthly—May Edition - Ron Cantor and MMI Team

Passover Outreach | Israel turns 69 | Ron returns to Ukraine
Yeshua is alive and well in Tel Aviv! 
Messiah's Mandate Monthly is online! We have several great articles and updates. 
My Afikomen
Once again Tiferet Yeshua hosted a Passover Seder and we could barely fit everyone. [read newsletter]
Israel is 69
After 69 years, Israel is far outpacing her neighbors, many of whom are stuck in the stone age. [read newsletter]
Ron Returns to Odessa, Ukraine
The Messianic Jewish Bible Institute celebrates 20 years of training leaders for Jewish ministry.  [read newsletter]

Tiferet Yeshua is a lighthouse to Tel Aviv. We proclaim the good news of YeshuaIN HEBREW to Israelis. Please consider partnering with us so we can host monthly outreach concerts, as well as our upcoming Purim and Passover outreaches. Help us bring Israelis to Yeshua, see them discipled and then sent out with Yeshua's Message! And now you can help us EXPAND THE TENT. You donation will help is reach more Israelis, but enlarging our seating capacity from 150 to 300. 
Copyright © 2017 Messiah's Mandate, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Messiah's Mandate
PO Box 535788
Grand PrairieTX 75053

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Scientists Discover Irrefutable Evidence Tower of Babel Was Real - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

A rendering of the Tower of Babel. (Smithsonian)

Scientists Discover Irrefutable Evidence Tower of Babel Was Real

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Smithsonian scientists can now confirm the Tower of Babel was indeed real.
Archaeologists recently discovered a tablet detailing the rise—and fall—of the tower that birthed multiple languages.
"I thought as a kid, this was just folklore or legend," says Jeff Allen of the World Monument fund. "A lot of people still think of it in biblical terms as some kind of legend, but they don't really know that it actually existed." 
Just watch the video to see for yourself.
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click Here to draw closer to God!

It's MUSIC FRIDAY! on Love For Your People blog. Today's special love song - "You Carried Me" by United Pursuit


on Love For Your People blog. 

Today's special love song - "You Carried Me" by United Pursuit

Greetings all.

It seemed like every Friday, (or almost every Friday!) I would post a favorite song I love, or a new one someone told me about, and wanted to share with you. Well, this morning, May 12, 2017, when I again woke up at 2:00 am (jet lag from Israel trip), I felt the Lord speak to me to make it a regular day to share a special song He created through one of His own. 

So now I present "Music Friday!" on this, your favorite message blog Love For His People.

When I was in Jerusalem this past week, my friends Nissim and Hadassah Lerner were playing this song "You Carried Me" in their home. The spirit and love coming through the tune touched my spirit, and after asking the usual questions, I bought and downloaded the album on ITunes.

I had never heard of Will Reagan and United Pursuit, but they told me he and the group are right next door to me in Knoxville, TN! I have lived in the Charlotte, NC area for the past 23 years, and never heard of them.

So....listen to this heart-touching song, be blessed, and thank the Lord for His ongoing love for all people.

Shalom on "MUSIC FRIDAY!"

Steve Martin
Love For His People

P.S. Let me know what you think!

Published on Jan 19, 2017
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore

You Carried Me · Will Reagan · United Pursuit

Tell All My Friends

℗ 2017 United Pursuit Records

Released on: 2017-01-20

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

May 2017 Maoz Israel Report - Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram

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May 9, 2017 Follow Maoz Israel Ministries    Nl-new code Facebook icon  Nl-new code Instagram icon  Nl-new code Pintrest icon  Nl-new code Twitter icon  Nl-new code YouTube icon  
MIR-new-0514-grey separator
protest sign    How to Destroy the Struggling
    Arab Christian Community:
       By Shira Sorko-Ram

              So what would a Palestinian state next door to the
       Jewish state look like? This is one of the easiest of
       exercises for your Middle East experts! Simply take a
       look at Gaza. Read the article...

MIR-new-0514-grey separator
ethnic Christians   OUTREACH IN THE

            Arab evangelists with whom we partner are constantly
       working in Judea and Samaria to reach Palestinians
       with the Truth which will set them free.
            The gathering of this many Christians from different
       villages was a tremendous spiritual success.  They are
       begging for more "revival" meetings.  Nearly all of them
       signed cards with their names and addresses, asking
       for someone to visit their homes with the Gospel - the
       first step in discipleship. Read the article...

MIR-new-0514-grey separator
0517 - MIR email graphic   GOD'S PROMISES ARE
       By Liz Goldstein
            Ali comes from a well-known devout Muslim family
       in Jerusalem. All of Ali’s life he wanted to be a good,
       religious Muslim. He wanted to please Allah.
            When he was 11 years old he had a dream.  In his
       dream he saw a light surrounded by people singing.  A
       man stood in the middle of the circle, but he was so
       brightly illuminated Ali couldn't make out his face...
       Continue reading...
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HaDor Haba Banner

0517 - Next Generation Worship Camp 2    THIS IS WHAT
       By Rick Ridings and Bethany Rosenfeld

       "Next Generation" Youth Worship Camp
      Coming Up!
   Last year “Dor Haba” (Hebrew for “Next Generation”)
       brought together for the first time about 80 Jewish and
       Arab youth. 
Read the article...
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