America at a Cross-Roads
by Karla Shrake
May 22, 2014
Dear ones, it does not take a prophet to know that our beloved country is in great peril. Some of you have become informed of the truth of what is going on behind closed doors, and others of you may not be as aware. The purpose of this note to you is to let you know about Celebrate America DC - an event that will happen in our capitol July 1st through the 19th. Here are the links for this event and I strongly encourage you to take the time to check it out.
This is being headed up Rodney H. Browne and his church out of Tampa, Florida - their website is While I don't normally endorse other ministers and ministries through my notes to you, I do feel this is an especially important event for the future of our country. They have rented a large meeting hall directly across from the White House where they will be holding meetings mornings and night, with large numbers of Christians being sent out into the streets in the afternoons to evangelize. Senators and Congressman who are believers will be participating, and the DC Chaplain is very involved.
We MUST have the Holy Ghost and Fire
This ministry perhaps more than any other that I know of personally (except perhaps Reinhardt Bonke) carries a very heavy anointing of what John the Baptist referred to as "the Holy Ghost and fire". The one and only hope for America is to be visited by a Great Awakening of the Holy Spirit AND the holy fire of God. When the true fire of God falls from heaven upon a group of people, the fear of God falls with it bringing genuine repentance and change. The holy fire brings the cleansing and purging of the human heart, so let us cry out dear ones, for a visitation of holy fire to again fall and sweep across this great land as it did in the two Great Awakenings of past centuries.
Live Broadcasts through May 25th
In addition I wanted to inform you that Rev. Rodney H. Browne is broadcasting morning and evening meetings live from Tampa, FL through May 25th, at a Minister's conference where Ministers from many nations are attending to join in to pray for America during this critical time of crisis. I encourage to go to and click on their live video streaming.
Purity of Heart and Unity Essential
Two other reasons I am supporting this event and recommending that you pray for it is because their leaders preach and walk in purity of heart, and purity of living. They are blowing the whistle against the sloppy grace movement that is deceiving many in the Body of Christ, suggesting that believers can live ungodly lifestyles. In addition they are very well organized and backed by other churches in the DC and surrounding area and states, as they have been doing meetings since the first of the year to prepare and reach out to the Body of Christ to bring unity. They are inviting all to gather and unite to get on our knees for the country that we love....that we will not lose it before it is too late, for surely not only is the thief at the door, he has already broken through and infiltrated every area of our government and society.
A Call to Repentance

Prophetically I was shown 14 years ago that God wanted to bring America back, that He wanted to touch and renew the American church in particular. But it is conditional, the leaders in the Body of Christ must begin lifting up a standard of righteousness and leading prayer meetings of genuine heart-repentance for being luke-warm like the Laodician church. We cannot blame DC for the sad state of affairs in America, the responsibility falls upon leaders in the Body of Christ -- they are the ones who should be leading the Joel 2 mandate....of gathering the saints to fast, weep and repent between the porch and the altar. This and this alone will cause the shift that will save our country.
Godly Hope and The Power of God Critical
One additional reason I wanted to encourage you to view the brief videos listed in the links above - it will spark hope and faith in your heart that God is not finished with America yet. I pray it will touch and strengthen your heart as it has mine. We must stay connected with those who have true godly hope, faith and the dunamis power of God - and these folks have it. You may or may not be able to go to DC this summer to help them, but please at least cover them in serious prayer from now through the July event.
Beloved faith-warriors know that you are loved by heaven,
and you are much appreciated by your servant-sister
*Dear Davidic Warrior Prayer Family - you will find our prayer-decree listed out on my website: on the Davidic Warrior page. Thank you for those of you have joined me 'on the wall' to decree His word over ourselves, our families and one another. The power of His Word in your mouth and in unity with one another is divinely powerful and is accomplishing much and is helping to establish a firm foundation for the coming storms.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA