Theresa Phillips:
The Elijah List
"This band of warriors will be sought out by Me in dreams, visions, and supernatural encounters. Many will receive the mandate while in worship and in intimate prayer. The love for their nation will grow.
"Yes, dear America, I am cherishing you even now," says the Lord of Hosts. "I wept and broke when you despised your land, when you said I had cursed it, for I never cursed America; I love America! Remember, you are still ONE NATION UNDER GOD!
(Photo via Freeimages)
"Yes, My Church, I love you and I have not forsaken you; for I will build you up once again and give you the chance to tear down those spiritual Jericho walls that have been built by enemies of My Church.
Carefully And Lovingly I Have Kept Some Of My Warriors Hidden For THIS TIME
"Church, O Church, can you see it, the abundance of rain? I am renewing hope, I am renewing strength, and I am renewing vision! I am washing you from above. But I did not send disaster in the rain; I did NOT. Our common enemy is trying to disguise himself as ME. I say NO! It is not Me, for I LOVE YOU TO LIFE!
"Renewed Hope! Can you feel it, the expectation of the people?
Carefully and lovingly I have kept some of My warriors hidden for this time. My intercessors...hidden ones...are about to come home from faraway lands. Hidden inside even your own borders... The shores of America will be touched by ones who have held underground Churches in China, Korea, Baghdad, Syria, Russia, Vietnam, and Cuba.
(Photo via Pixabay)
Psalm 121:2 My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and earth.
"Receive these warriors, for they will tell their story and will encourage many. Many are in America now, waiting for the invitation from the pastor who is hungry for the nations."
Fresh Wind For The Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist
"On the fivefold I am pouring out a FRESH WIND!
"The apostle, who is praying to be sent, I will send you. For I am changing the guard to the nations. Yes, many will now be sent to the nations. This is my Joshua Generation...the younger and the elder going together AS ONE!
"Now to the teacher...I know you know you're called to teach, but...where are you? Where are you? First, I ask you to say out loud, 'Here am I, Lord, send me' (see Isaiah 6:8). Oh yes, I will send you into churches that need you and want you – large and small. Despise not the small! I've called many into houses of worship who did not go. This time I say go and your reward will be great," says the Lord of Lords. "The youth and the elder NEED the teacher. Feel that wind's Me sending you!
"Pastors, O pastors, how I weep for you even now. You have shouldered the burden for a long time. Many have grown weary and given up. Many are shut down. I am awakening you! I am touching you again. I'm breathing on you...awake, and arise and shine, for the Light has come and I am about to give you NEW PLANS to WIN, WIN, WIN souls for the Kingdom. Ha Ha! Fear not, for I am with you. Fear not."
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
"Unto My prophets, those who are known and those who are not, remember, good conquers evil. Never let momentum of the punishment of evildoers become your focus. Focus on the abundance of Life. I will desire to produce life – it is in your tongue. In your tongue!"
"Unto My prophets, those who are known and those who are not, remember, good conquers evil. Never let momentum of the punishment of evildoers become your focus. Focus on the abundance of Life. I will desire to produce life – it is in your tongue. In your tongue!"
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
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"For a long time you have endured so much, prophets; yes, I know. But you will see; you will see the mystery in your own life. No longer will it bother you, for I am healing many of you NOW!" says the Lord
"O evangelist! O evangelist, how you have driven to and fro... I am about to give you cities, villages, regions, states, sections, and nations – national exposure and international exposure. You are being refined even now. Get ready, all you in the fold, EVANGELIZE!
"Crusades will emerge all across the land, large and small, and I am in it! Hold your course and deter not from your mandate. If I called you to evangelize, why did you try to pastor? I'm setting it all in order," says Jesus, the Sent One.
"They Shall Fear And Tremble For All The Goodness And Prosperity That I Provide"
"For the word above is being sealed with the Word of GOD. Selah... First of all to the American Church, and second of all, to all MY Church in the nations, I love you."
I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me. Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise, and an honor before all nations of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I do to them; they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I provide for it.
(Photo via Pixabay)
"O Church, I Love you! I love you!"
My simple prayer after I received this word was:
O, Lord GOD, here am I, send even me... In Jesus' name, amen.
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
Chicago Prophetic Voice
Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory.
Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA