Under Construction
by Georgina Buchanan
Identity Network
A few days ago I was on my way to some appointments and though I had given myself ample time to get there, I ended up being late because I was detoured by road construction. Since I was alone in my car I was quite verbal about my irritation at the unexpected delay. After having gone several miles out of my way I was able to turn around and get back on the road I needed to be on. After finally getting to my destination I completed my appointments as planned.
Now, I am back in a long line of cars waiting to get back onto the same torn-up road so I can go home. Again, I am verbalizing my frustration when I hear a little laughter in my spirit. Then I heard, "you asked for it." I heard it again, "you asked for it." I knew it was the Holy Spirit who was speaking, so I replied, "I did not ask for this mess." Then I remembered just a couple of weeks earlier I had told my husband that the very road I was stuck on, needed to be repaired; and here I was in the middle of those repairs.
All the way home, I thought of that construction zone. The detours - the big orange road cones - the flashing yellow lights warning you not to run over the big orange road cones - and the policeman in the middle of the road telling you where NOT to go. All of that reminded me of what my life has looked like these past years - one great big construction zone.
But I Wanted it this Way
The Holy Spirit reminded me, I had asked for that as well. He reminded me of all the years I had sought after the Lord. The prayers I had prayed, not my will but Yours be done Lord. The hunger in my heart to be more like my heavenly Father. At the time I had no idea where those prayers were going to take me or what changes had to be made for those prayers to be accomplished. He reminded me of the time I told the Father, I wanted him to "bless me the way he had blessed Abraham." He answered me by saying, "I am lining you up, so I can bless you." I did not understand at the time what he meant, but I do now. It's not that I was out of line, but I needed to be made ready for INCREASE - for the MORE I was asking for.
So many of Father's children have been under construction in the past season. Some have had their lives completely torn up. Some have had to undergo a complete tear down. We have all seen what has to happen when the city makes improvements to the big sewer lines that run alongside the city streets.
- They first tear up the street, taking it down below the dirt line.
- Then they dig big holes to take out the old pipes.
- Then they cover the holes with those big steel plates and every time you drive over them they make a loud clanking sound.
I hate driving over those things. I'm always afraid they will cave in on me. All of these tear-downs have to be done for the improvements to be made. Sometimes these improvements can take several months if not years to complete and the detours created by these construction zones become a way of life.
Will it Ever Be Done?
I'm sure that for you, like me, it is difficult to understand that the tear-downs we go through are really improvements being made. When you want to go to "A," it's hard to understand why you have to go through "C" to get there. Why does it have to take so long when you just wanted a little more money in your pocket, or have a greater vision for ministry? Surely those prayers don't require our entire lives being torn apart. I have often told the Father, I promise never to ask for anything, or use my faith again if You will just put everything back the way it was. Fortunately, He does not listen to my complaints. He just keeps on making the improvements that need to be made.
The scripture says we go "from glory to glory" (2 Corinthians 3:18). From revelation to revelation. New wine cannot be put into old wine skins (Mark 2:22). All of the pain and suffering that the body of Christ has gone through in this past season has been to bring about the greater glory. The scripture says the latter rain will be greater-greater-greater than the former rains (Joel 2:23). We are now in the time of the latter rain. Though many are road weary and covered in dust, the unveiling of the "NEW YOU," and the "NEW ME," is about to take place. Right now only the Father knows what the finished product really looks like. We who have been unrecognizable in this past season will be reconstructed and covered in His glory.
His Work is Always Best
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthains 3:16-18 (NKJV)
The Father will proudly display His sons and daughters for the whole world to see. He will turn our sorrow into laughter. (Psalms 30:11) Though we have drank the drink of sorrow, eaten the bread of affliction we will rejoice in His goodness and be a reflection of His glory.
Though your destiny may seem a million miles away it is just a blink away. The tear-downs are almost done and the "NEW YOU" is being completed, and you sure look GREAT! Stand STILL and SEE the salvation of the Lord.
I bless you in the name of the Lord.
Georgina Buchanan
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA