Saturday, December 10, 2016

Prophecy: America Will Receive a New Apostolic Foundation - CHARISMA NEWS BOB ESCHLIMAN

Prophecy: America Will Receive a New Apostolic Foundation
BOB ESCHLIMAN  Dec. 9, 2016  charisma news
In a powerful word shared at The Elijah List on Friday, Stephen Powell of Lion of Light Ministries in South Carolina discussed finances, the economy and how the church needs to respond in this hour.
But he also shared a word about a new apostolic foundation that will be laid for the nations. Likening the U.S.' foundations to those of Solomon's reign in 1 Kin. 3:4, he spoke of the sacrifices many of the Founding Fathers made to ensure our nation's prosperity.
Those times, he wrote, are returning:
It's a matter of history that many of our Founding Fathers gave vast sums of their wealth away, giving into the cause of the revolution, sacrificially giving to establish the foundation of a new nation. Many of these fathers gave their lives for the love of something, which they received from God. They gave so much because of the hope that God gave them—that liberty and freedom might reign in this new world.
The Lord says, "I'm bringing together apostolic fathers again, not just in the church but in nation and state. They will break up the old foundations that offend and pour new strength into the Constitution, even into your foundation as a nation, to stand and trust God once again for our greatest days. This foundation will undoubtedly be built on truth. And not a convenient truth, but a tried truth, a proven truth, a loving truth," says the Lord.
"The people who pour it and the people who build it will be good for their word. For it will be a striking trait of this new apostolic company of government reformers. They will keep their word, even with grace to carry it through. There is rising a greater part with you, for the giving of the word, and the 'yes' and 'amen' that come with it.
"This will build impeccable character and rapport with the people. They will continue to be less touchable, even in many ways beyond previous reproaches that so weighed down previous teams. But in standing in truth, they will be strengthened by the God of truth, and they will effectively lay the foundation for America's new day, even pave the way for the greatest harvest with love, sweat and tears for this nation," says the Lord.
Click here to read the entire article at The Elijah List.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA