Cindy Jacobs: The Lord Says, 'It's Time for a Renewal of the Holy Spirit'
Inside us is the Holy Spirit, and if we will let Him rise up, He can break any yoke, anything that's coming against us.
We just have to learn to rise up in our spirit, and how do we do that? Well, we do it through quoting the Word, just quoting the Scripture. The Word of God is so powerful. I broke my foot and was really feeling bad, and the Lord just spoke to me, "Get up in the night and start quoting the Scripture on healing." I know to do that, but I needed to do it more. I have begun seeing a real turnaround since I've done that.
Somehow, we forget to fight. In the middle of everything that's going on, we get under it, but we forget to fight. We forget that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. That we have the authority to overcome anything, but we have to take the authority. We have to take it, we have to rise up and use the weapons that are not carnal, but mighty.
I just feel like God wants to remind us this day and the Lord says to you, "Look around you and see the things that you used to do, the things you used to know to do, but you do not do anymore. Look around you and recall the way you used to quote the Scripture, the way perhaps you used to worship."
The Lord says, "It's time for a renewal of the Holy Spirit. It's time for you to come into a renewing where you take the things you know to do and pick up the weapons that have been given to you by the Holy Spirit."
As I prophesied into this, the reason I started prophesying is this: I saw a table, we're sitting at this big conference table in our office, but I saw all kinds of tools, weapons of warfare on the table, but we weren't using them. We were crying out because we were being so attacked, and we were so upset that we were being so attacked, but we had weapons right there on the table.
Pick up your weapons, pick up your weapons and do what you know to do. If you will do this, I guarantee you will win. 
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 43 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985.
This article originally appeared at
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA