As featured in the February Maoz Israel Report "We are Caren and Klaas, and are blessed with one daughter and two sons. As longtime believers in Messiah Yeshua, we feel called to living in the Promised Land; Caren made aliya with her parents over twenty years ago and Klaas more than eleven years ago. We met while Klaas was visiting Israel through Athletes in Action from the Netherlands.
"When our eldest, Netaley, was ten months old, a huge brain tumor was discovered, which was removed a few days later during emergency surgery. God was with us every step of the way. Prof. Constantini, one of the top surgeons in this field worldwide, was available and willing to perform the operation. Netaley barely survived due to massive loss of blood and Prof. Constantini indicated afterwards this was one of the most difficult surgeries he had ever performed. We were told later that only he could have pulled it off.
"Due to complications, Netaley lost control over the right side of her body a few days after the surgery. Since then, she has received lots of physiotherapy to help her regain control over her right side. She has had many other treatments, including chemotherapy... Continue Reading...
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA