Showing posts with label King of Kings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King of Kings. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Death, Burial, Resurrection and Return of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ)

Yeshua HaMashiach
Jesus Christ

He came the first time... the Suffering Servant 
in Isaiah 53.

He rose from the dead 
after three days in the tomb.
The sacrificial Lamb of Passover 

He will return as the Messiah of Israel, 
for all to see.

King of kings
Lord of lords.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Blood moons...signs in the heavens...What Does It Mean?

Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ

Blood moons...signs in the heavens... 
What Does It Mean?

April 14, 2014

To those who know the times and the season we live in,

There have been many articles, books and TV interviews, from several known and not so known sources, on the "blood moons" events over the past year, that are to come. They have been said to be in the heavens in 2014 and 2015, during the Feasts of the Lord, beginning with Passover (Pesach) on April 15, 2014.

I personally appreciate all the attention given to these signs in the heavens, for they will come, as Jesus prophesied in Luke 21:25, "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves." NASB

Whichever position you believe, or have understanding about, the main thing is that you are looking to Jesus (Yeshua), the Savior (Messiah), for He is the One who must have our attention in these last days. We must trust in His prophetic words being fulfilled and Holy Spirit's guidance into all truth, as the days get closer to His return.

Keep looking up, with your eyes fixed on Him, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is coming back soon, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Lion of Judah will return as promised.

Be ready.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

He is coming back... the Lion of Judah!

Yeshua - the ONLY Name that saves.

I love Jesus, 
my Lord and Savior.
Redeemer of the nations,
And lover of my soul.

The ONE Who LOVES You too
So believe in HIM today.
Seek Him, as He will
Show you the way.

He IS the Passover Lamb,
Slain for the sins of the world;
The Sacrificed One,
The coming King of kings.

His Love is everlasting,
And worthy of all praise,
Keep your eyes on Jesus,
All through these last days.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Tide Is Turning - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

The Tide Is Turning
March 20, 2014
Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“In the west, people will respect the name of the Lord; in the east, they will glorify Him. For He will come like a raging flood tide driven by the breath of the Lord.” Isaiah 59:19, New Living Translation

“‘Hear the shouts, hear the triumph songs in the camp of the saved?" The hand of God has turned the tide!  The hand of God is raised in victory! The hand of God has turned the tide!"  Psalm 118:15-16 THE MESSAGE

I can sense it in my spirit. The tide is turning. The Lord God of Israel has said, “Enough is enough”, and He is turning the tide in the heavenly realm, and thus in the earth.

For decades the wicked have risen up, proclaiming their agenda, pushing their immoral acts, pressing down on the godly standards of the Judeo/Christian foundation. They have removed the stones of the righteous, replacing them with heretical lies and godless ways.

In my spirit I can hear the Lord say, “Now it is MY time. It is MY time to raise up the standard and show Myself strong. It is MY time to let the earth know that the King of kings and the Lord of lords is in full control. It is not the heathen. It is not the oppressor. It is not the tormentors who think they rule. MY Kingdom will be established, even as I have spoken in My Word, and recorded by My prophets, centuries ago.

It will be My Word that will set the course of the nations. Even as man and the rulers of the nations think that they are moving mountains, they are but hills in My sight, and they themselves will be moved.

I am raising up a generation of young people who will look to their fathers and mothers for godly direction, for wisdom in how to advance, for righteous counsel in what they are being called to do. It is I, the Living God of Israel, Who will establish My purposes, My plans.

Those who have laughed at My people and at My words will not stand. They will see the right hand of God move, and remove, and build up the righteous foundations again.

The tide is turning. Because I am the Creator of the oceans and the mountains, and because they serve Me, I will use them in the natural as a forerunner of what I am doing in the spiritual."

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #132  “The Tide Is Turning” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (03.20.14) Thursday at 5:30 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Thursday, March 6, 2014

J. Lee Grady - Jesus in Movies: Best (and Worst) Portrayals

Ten faces of Jesus in the movies.

The Envelope, Please: Best (and Worst) Portrayals 

of Jesus in Movies

Hollywood doesn’t always treat religion with respect, but Jesus still does pretty well at the box office when He’s the star. The new film Son of God raked in $26.5 million on opening weekend despite bad reviews. Some critics complained that the guy who played Jesus was too good-looking!
All the concern over actor Diogo Morgado’s hotness prompted two questions: Do we have any clue what Jesus really looked like, and has He ever been portrayed accurately on film? Those who insist that Jesus was not attractive usually quote the prophet Isaiah, who said of the Messiah, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Is. 53:2, NIV). But theologians argue that this was not saying Jesus was ugly—it simply means He was not a rich or powerful leader that people would naturally follow.
All we really know about Jesus’ appearance is that He was born of a Jewish mother and that He seemed to fit in well in Nazareth for most of His life. While Jews living in Israel tend to have olive-colored skin and darker hair, some Jews have lighter skin. And since Jesus didn’t take any selfies in the first century, it is left to our imagination whether He had a beard and long hair or if He had an athletic build because He was a carpenter’s son.
Filmmakers have tried to fill in these blanks for us, and the results have ranged from tasteful to laughable. Here are 10 of the most well-known portrayals of Jesus on film. If you don’t agree with my ranking, from best to worst, feel free to share your opinions.
1. Ben-Hur (1959). There was a time when Hollywood had so much respect for Christianity that it didn’t want to show Jesus’ face. That less-is-more approach worked in this blockbuster, which won the Oscar for best picture. I still get chills during the scene when Jesus gives Judah Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) a drink of water. You only see Jesus from the back, and He never says a word, but Ben-Hur’s life is marked forever by the two-minute encounter.
You can watch the scene here.
2. The Robe (1953). The same subtlety was used in this epic, which was nominated for best picture. Jesus is shown from a distance in two scenes; then during His crucifixion, we only see His legs and feet. The fictional plot tells what happened to a Roman military tribune (Richard Burton) who gambles for Jesus’ robe at the foot of the cross and then suffers from a guilty conscience until he becomes a Christian himself. The movie is way too melodramatic for today’s standards, but it still offers one of the best portrayals of Jesus.
3. Jesus (1979). Critics called this movie “dull” and “monotonous” because it attempted to faithfully recount the Gospel of Luke. But today it is the most-watched movie of all time. Campus Crusade for Christ, which funded its production, says 200 million people have come to faith after seeing it, and it is available in more than 1,000 languages. Remarkably, the guy who played Jesus, Brian Deacon, a Shakespearean actor from England, is a lapsed Catholic who does not describe himself as a Christian.
4. The Visual Bible: Matthew (1993). Few people saw American actor Bruce Marchiano play Jesus in this word-for-word version of the Gospel. The son of a Syrian mother and an Italian father, Marchiano was one of the most believable Messiahs—and his laughter and smiles made Jesus both human and approachable. He was featured on Charisma’s cover because of his talent.
5. The Passion of the Christ (2004). Producer Mel Gibson got in hot water for injecting anti-Semitism into his bloody retelling of Jesus’ crucifixion. Gibson reportedly warned the actor who played Jesus, Jim Caviezel, that taking on the role of Christ might hurt his movie career. But Caviezel’s portrayal remains one of the most memorable, as long as you don’t hide your eyes during the graphic whipping scene.
6. Son of God (2014). The star of this year’s film, Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado, was likely chosen because of his darker features. But mainstream critics have complained that he is way too attractive for the role. One columnist for The Daily Beastsaid Morgado “put the carnal in incarnate.” But to his credit, Morgado gives warmth and nice-guy accessibility to Jesus. He even seems friendly when He’s denouncing the Pharisees or overturning the merchants’ tables in the temple.
7. Jesus of Nazareth (1977). The actor who played Jesus in this classic six-hour TV miniseries chose a more stoic, somber approach. British actor Robert Powell reportedly ate only cheese for 12 days prior to the filming of the crucifixion scene so he would look gaunt. It is said that Powell tried not to blink whenever he was on screen—which gave Jesus an odd, otherworldly look.
8. The Nativity Story (2006). Jesus only appears in this film as an infant (played by a 29-day-old Italian baby) but I mention it because all the actors actually look like they are from Israel. Jesus’ father, Joseph, was played by Guatemalan actor Oscar Isaac, who starred in last year’s film Inside Llewyn Davis. The next time someone decides to cast Jesus, I hope they will consider Isaac—or at least someone with his coloring.
9. King of Kings (1961). This MGM epic was a hit when it came out, but critics threw eggs—partly because they thought the American actor who played Jesus, Jeffrey Hunter, looked too young. The movie was laughingly dubbed “I Was a Teenage Jesus” for that reason. His blue eyes and reddish hair should make me question who was responsible for casting this movie. (Trivia: Hunter also appeared in the original TV pilot episode of Star Trek.)
10. The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965). This was perhaps one of the oddest choices ever made in casting Jesus Christ. Actor Max von Sydow, who would later play the priest in The Exorcist, was from Sweden—giving us the most blue-eyed Jesus ever filmed. (The cast also included John Wayne as the Roman centurian!) I put this movie at the bottom of my list because even though we don’t know for sure what Jesus looked like, I’m positive He was not a Swedish blond.
So actors from Sweden, England, Portugal and the United States have played Jesus. Next time, when it is time for the casting call, I vote for an Israeli.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at@leegrady. His favorite movie of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), for which Gregory Peck won the Oscar for best actor. Lee’s favorite movie of 2013 was the Jackie Robinson biopic, 42.
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