Showing posts with label Pesach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pesach. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Come Dance With Me" - Messianic worship song with Joel Chernoff (LAMB) - (video and photos)

Yeshua HaMashiach
- The (Pesach) Passover Lamb

Uploaded on Nov 11, 2008
Messianic Worship by Joel Chernoff
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Joel Chernoff - 2011 
in Charlotte, NC area 
(photos by Steve Martin,
Love For His People)

Joel Chernoff, formerly of LAMB 
-Messianic singing group

Sacrifice Lamb - Joel Chernoff (LAMB Messianic) - live music video

Joel Chernoff - formerly of LAMB
sings "The Sacrifice Lamb"

Joel Chernoff, co-artist of LAMB. April 16, 2011 at Beit Shofarot in China Grove, NC (Rabbi Yossi Wentz). Dance led by Curtis Loftin of Beith Yeshua in Lincolnton, NC, (Video by Steve Martin, of Love For His People in Charlotte, NC)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Blood moons...signs in the heavens...What Does It Mean?

Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ

Blood moons...signs in the heavens... 
What Does It Mean?

April 14, 2014

To those who know the times and the season we live in,

There have been many articles, books and TV interviews, from several known and not so known sources, on the "blood moons" events over the past year, that are to come. They have been said to be in the heavens in 2014 and 2015, during the Feasts of the Lord, beginning with Passover (Pesach) on April 15, 2014.

I personally appreciate all the attention given to these signs in the heavens, for they will come, as Jesus prophesied in Luke 21:25, "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves." NASB

Whichever position you believe, or have understanding about, the main thing is that you are looking to Jesus (Yeshua), the Savior (Messiah), for He is the One who must have our attention in these last days. We must trust in His prophetic words being fulfilled and Holy Spirit's guidance into all truth, as the days get closer to His return.

Keep looking up, with your eyes fixed on Him, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is coming back soon, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The Lion of Judah will return as promised.

Be ready.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

He is coming back... the Lion of Judah!

Yeshua - the ONLY Name that saves.

I love Jesus, 
my Lord and Savior.
Redeemer of the nations,
And lover of my soul.

The ONE Who LOVES You too
So believe in HIM today.
Seek Him, as He will
Show you the way.

He IS the Passover Lamb,
Slain for the sins of the world;
The Sacrificed One,
The coming King of kings.

His Love is everlasting,
And worthy of all praise,
Keep your eyes on Jesus,
All through these last days.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Festival of Passover - Passover Seder for Christians

Introduction to a Christian Seder

Recovering Passover for Christians

Dennis Bratcher

The Festival of Passover

Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in Judaism, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and his creation of the Israelite people. Passover is actually composed of two festivals, The Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover (which is sometimes used to refer to the single day and sometimes to the entire span of both festivals).

The festival of Passover, known as Pesach, begins at sunset on the 14th of Nisan (usually in March or April) and marks the beginning of a seven day celebration that includes the Feast of Unleavened Bread. -1-  The focal point of Passover is a communal meal, called the Seder (which means "order," because of the fixed order of service), which is a time of rejoicing and celebration at the deliverance for the Hebrews that God accomplished in the exodus. 

Sometimes the meals during the entire period of Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread are referred to as Seder meals, called the first Seder, the Second Seder, etc., although usually only the first two nights are considered Seder meals.

Unlike the most Holy days of Christianity that are observed in Church, since the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70 Passover has been celebrated in the home with family and friends as they eat a meal together. It is customary to invite guests to share the Seder meal, especially newcomers to the community. 

The actual Seder meal in most Jewish homes is an elaborate feast, with food, games for the children, and plenty of time to tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt. It is not unusual for a Seder to last three to four hours.

The Seder involves everyone present since they all have a Haggadah (Heb: "telling," the printed order of service, reading, and songs) and are called to share in reading and singing the story. While the father or grandfather is usually the leader of the service, others have roles as well. 

The mother of the home lights the festival candles that signal the beginning of Passover, the youngest child asks the four questions, the children help eliminate all Chametz, leaven, from the house, search for the hidden Afikomen (a symbolic piece of Matzah, unleavened bread) and open the door for Elijah, the parents or the grandparents tell the story of the exodus, and various others are designated to read or lead certain portions of the service.

Passover is really more than a festival. It is an elaborate teaching experience, especially for the children, intended to call people to their identity as the People of God. By using all of the senses, the Passover Seder tells the story of God’s grace in history and calls the participants to experience and share in the story as their own story. 

Passover becomes more than simply a service or a time; it becomes a way to confess faith in the One who has acted in history, and for Jews expresses the hope that He will continue to act in bringing deliverance to all people everywhere.

For the complete website article, please follow the link below.

Source & a complete Guide: Passover Seder for Christians

Passover Haggadah 
Believers in the Messiah 

Passover Seder Haggadah for Messianic Believers: 

The Crossover Project - The Insider - April, 2014 - Passover/Pesach & March of Remembrance Houston

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the telling .....Hagaddah
Hagaddah....the telling of the story of Passover

As the Passover and Easter season draws near, as well as Holocaust Remembrance Day and the March of Remembrance 
(the yearly event that we pour our guts/kishkas into) we bless you during this momentous season of important storytelling....
As was commanded, we are to teach our children of His great deliverance, that "With a mighty hand did the Lord take us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." (Exodus 13:14). Our celebration of God's provision even amidst such hard times, demonstrates to us and our children that our G-d is not only a promise giver but also a promise keeper. 

May we and our sons and daughters rise up, not be silent, and walk boldly in Truth without fear and never shrink back from His calling, no matter how daunting the task may be.

Please remember to register for a march of remembrance near you so you can demonstrate to G-d and show those around you what is important and to never be silent in the face of unrighteousness.  Moses wasn't,  Jesus wasn't, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wasn't....and may the same be with you.  Anti-semitism and the spirit of Haman was alive and well not only during WW2, but also in Moses' and Jesus' day and it continues to persist to this day.  This irrational hatred is really against the G-d of Israel Himself.

click to visit March site
Come, bring your children and friends, and put feet to your faith outside the walls of your congregation the weekend after Passover and Easter, to honor and remember those who suffered, and those who helped their fellow man. 
"Tell your children about it, and your children to their children, and their children to another generation." 
(Joel 1:3)
Saturday, April 26, in BaytownBrenhamKingwoodWebster and on Sunday, April 27, at Godwin Park in Meyerland!

Mitch and I will be marching with March of Life in Hungary this year, but we return the night before our Houston marches...hope to see you there.

Chag Sameach
 Rozalie and Mitch, along with 
The Crossover Project Team

During this High Holy Day, please ask the L-rd what Passover offering He would have you give, and to which ministry or ministries. We are in need at this time and The Crossover Project is a 501(c)3

Moreover, we are commanded during this feast to "not appear before the LORD empty" (Deuteronomy 16:16). That commandment (and opportunity) is also found in Exodus 34:20-"And none shall appear before me empty."

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Visit our Kingwood Healing Room every Tuesday anytime between 7 and 9pm

Tel. 832.287.5057
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Unlocking Israel's Feasts - Sid Roth with Perry Stone on IT'S SUPERNATURAL!

Perry Stone unlocks the significance of the seven Biblical feasts and why the Fall feasts are important for you today. As the Kingdom age approaches, you need to know what Perry is saying.

In his book, The Prophetic Future Concealed in Israel's Festivals, Perry Stone reveals that, not only is the future concealed in the ancient past, it is also hidden in the seven feasts. Discover truths many Christians are unaware of, and explore how patterns, cycles, and types are used to reveal future events!

America and the Fullness of the Gentiles is Perry's teaching DVD in which he covers America's relationship with Israel and our final assignment for God's Kingdom. Perry clearly shows where America is headed.

Also included in this offer is a DVD of Perry's personal vision of the rapture entitled,Mysterious Events Surrounding the Catching Away of the Saints.

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Television Show
Sid Roth, a Jewish Believer in Jesus as the Messiah, is host of It's Supernatural!television program, which features guests who have had miraculous healings and supernatural encounters with God's power. 

Holy Week 2014 Includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday

This March 31, 2014 photo shows a glass of Taylor Fladgate 10-year-old Tawny Porto surrounded by milk chocolate Cadbury creme eggs Easter candy in Concord, N.H. (AP Photo/Matthew Mead)

Holy Week is a Christian holiday that takes place on the last week of lent, and one week before Easter. This year Holy Week falls on the week of April 13, 2014.

The holiday starts off with Palm Sunday (April 13), and includes Holy Thursday (April 17), Good Friday (April 18), and Holy Saturday (April 19). Holy Week does not include Easter Sunday which falls on April 20, 2014.

The Christian celebration of lent takes place 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays, and this year began on March 5, 2014 and will end on Thursday, April 17, 2014.

Specific rituals and traditions, as well as set dates for observing lent, vary across denominations, as the Eastern Orthodox churches begins on a Monday and does not celebrate Ash Wednesday.

Just like during lent, during Holy Week, Christians typically abstain from meat and dairy, alcohol, and follow a stricter moral code.

The following has been added by Steve Martin, 
Love For His People, Inc, Founder/President

Jesus (Yeshua) 
is alive

Friday, April 11, 2014

Egypt Demands Compensation for 10 Plagues - ISRAEL TODAY

Egypt Demands Compensation for 10 Plagues

Friday, April 11, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
“We demand that the State of Israel pay compensation for the ten plagues that our forefathers in Egypt suffered thousands of years ago as a result of the curses of the Jewish forefathers.” So wrote prominent Egyptian columnist Ahmad Al-Gamal shortly before the Jewish Passover, causing a great stir.
“What is written in the Torah is that Pharaoh discriminated against the children of Israel. What have we to do with it? We therefore need not suffer!” exclaimed Al-Gamal, drawing a clear difference between the Egyptian kingdom of the Pharaohs and Islamic Egypt of today. Islam accepts the biblical narrative as historical evidence.
The columnist suggested that the government in Cairo press charges against Israel: “The Jews caused the land to be stricken with locusts and all agriculture destroyed, turned the Nile red with blood so that one could drink its waters, sent darkness, frogs and killed the firstborn.”
Al-Gamal continued: “During 40 years of wandering in the desert, the Children of Israel enjoyed our goods, which they stole before abandoning us.” He also recommended that Egypt bring charges against France, Great Britain and Turkey for those nations’ historical conquests of Egypt.
The Egyptian column was picked up by the Israeli press, especially religious news outlets, which readily acknowledged all that Al-Gamal wrote as historical fact. Some Israeli columnists retorted that Egypt need first compensate Israel for keeping the Jewish forefathers as slaves and for killing all male Jewish babies in the generation prior to the Exodus.
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