Showing posts with label Promised Land. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promised Land. Show all posts

Friday, October 20, 2017

Incredible - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts, and I will tell of Your greatness.” (Psalm 145:6, NASU)

When I look into the star-filled night sky, I know one thing. God did it. Incredible.

When a Monarch butterfly glides across the tips of the park flowers, I know this. God did it.

When I consider the heartbeat of a newborn babe, being lovingly held tightly by his young mother, I am amazed at the beautiful creation of the Lord. He is Incredible.

And when I see prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes, having been written in the Bible over 2,000 years ago, that the Living God of Israel would return His chosen people the Jews, from all the nations, to their Promised Land after being exiled, I know I serve an incredible God. He is doing it as He promised. This too is most incredible.

“For on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, I, God, the Master, tell you that the entire people of Israel will worship me. I'll receive them there with open arms. I'll demand your best gifts and offerings, all your holy sacrifices.

What's more, I'll receive you as the best kind of offerings when I bring you back from all the lands and countries in which you've been scattered. I'll demonstrate in the eyes of the world that I am The Holy.

When I return you to the land of Israel, the land that I solemnly promised with upraised arm to give to your parents, you'll realize that I am God.” (Ezekiel 20:40-42, THE MESSAGE)

The Jews are going home. They are making aliyah (immigrating) from each and every nation on this planet, just as their God and mine promised He would have them do in fulfillment of His eternal Word. 

Yes, He is an Incredible God!

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Love For His People is doing our part to assist Jews in returning home. More to come later.

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Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This - in the Year of our Lord 10.20.17 - #324  – “Incredible” Friday, 6:05 am

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Killing of the Innocents - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Killing of the Innocents

Sunday, October 01, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
As the earth is ravaged by an unprecedented series of natural disasters, accompanied with threats of war and terror, world leaders have been presented with a heavenly vision.
In challenging the “fake history” of those who deny Jewish links with Israel’s holiest sites, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu has sounded a clarion call for the United Nations to acknowledge the divine authority of the world’s greatest book – the Bible.
Three times he referenced the Bible in a powerful speech to the UN in which he claimed that Israel’s right to exist and prosper as a nation rooted in God’s Word.
Referring to July’s declaration of Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs as a Palestinian World Heritage site, he said you won’t read the true facts of its history in the latest UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) report.
“But you can read about it in a somewhat weightier publication – it’s called the Bible,” he mocked, adding that it was “a great read”, that he read it every week, and that they could purchase it from Amazon.
How refreshing that at least one nation’s leader takes his stand on the Bible, though it is entirely appropriate as Bibi leads the people who gave it to us! As well as a sacred book written by divine authority, it is also an historical record which validates Israel’s claim to the Promised Land they now occupy.
But in making such a divine claim for the territory, Bibi must also seek to apply the Law – that is, the Lord’s teaching on ethical matters – to his domain.
He is right in saying that the words of the prophet Isaiah – that God called Israel to be a light to the nations – is being fulfilled as the tiny Jewish state becomes a rising power. But their call “to bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49.6) must mean more than hi-tech innovation and being good neighbours through their search-and-rescue teams sent to disaster areas and medics tending to wounded Syrians on their northern border, though we praise God for all that.
Israel is nevertheless rife with immorality – and I am thinking particularly about abortion, a killing of innocents that echoes previous turning points in Israel’s (and the world’s) history at the time of Moses and of Jesus. I appreciate that its practice in modern Israel is less prevalent than in most parts of the West, but some 650,000 children have nevertheless been denied life in a country that gave God’s law to the world, including the commandment ‘Thou shall not kill’.
In the UK, shockingly, nine million babies have been murdered in the 50 years since the passing of the Abortion Act, originally designed to prevent backstreet abortions and meant to apply only where a mother’s life was threatened. Now it is virtually a case of abortion on demand as further calls are made for relaxing the law. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists president Lesley Regan believes terminations should be the same as any other medical procedure, requiring consent from only one doctor, just as if they were having a bunion removed. But the fact that 650 doctors have signed a petition against it is very encouraging.
Paradoxically, the killing of innocents has accompanied the greatest rescues mankind has witnessed. Moses survived the edict of the Egyptian Pharaoh calling for the slaughter of all Hebrew babies to lead his people out of slavery to the Promised Land. Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, survived King Herod’s massacre of infants – ironically by fleeing with his family to Egypt in response to God’s warning – to bring salvation to the world through his sacrificial death on a Roman cross outside Jerusalem.
Moses also received the Law of God; now Jesus writes the Law on our hearts (Ezekiel 36.26, Jeremiah 31.33). Moses was hidden among the bulrushes of the Nile and became the saviour of his people; Jesus was raised in the backwaters of Nazareth but became the Saviour of the world as he brought true freedom to all who would trust in his redeeming blood (John 8.36).
My colleague, Clifford Denton, tells me of a conference held in Israel in 1996 at which Messianic leaders gathered to discuss the Jewish roots of Christianity. “Unknown to me until afterwards,” he said, “it turned out that the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) was voting on an abortion law at the very same time that we were discussing Torah (the Law of Moses). In fact the Knesset was struck by lightning at that very time.”
With innocents around the world being butchered as never before, the Messiah is about to be revealed to the nations. Jesus indicated that his coming again would be as in the days of Noah (Luke 17.26) when the world was full of violence (Genesis 6.13). Terrorism stalks the planet as unbelievable cruelty mars even supposedly enlightened societies while nuclear holocausts have become a distinct possibility, with both North Korea and Iran making ominous noises. And all this while nations reel under the ferocious effects of earthquakes and hurricanes – also spoken of as signs of the Messiah’s imminent return (Luke 21.25-28), especially when they follow in rapid succession and increasing severity, as on a woman with labour pains. (Matthew 24.8)
Of the three major Jewish feasts, Jesus has fulfilled both Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost). Many Bible commentators believe he will soon fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles (shortly to be celebrated throughout the Jewish world) when he returns to reign from Jerusalem. The One who protects his people, and provides for them, as he did in the wilderness so long ago, will finally bring in the harvest of those who believe in him as he comes to ‘tabernacle’ (or live/make his dwelling) among us. (See John 1.14)
The day is coming – very soon, it seems – when the killing of the innocents will give way to the glorious return of the Son of Man “coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21.27) to avenge every wrong as he passes judgment on a cruel world.
Israel – you are truly called to be a light to the nations, and indeed you have impressed so far with many marvellous inventions. But the brightest light is the fulfillment of the Law through Yeshua HaMashiach, who brings hope, not despair; and life, not death. 
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Friday, September 1, 2017

Seeing 11:11 or 1:11? A Deeper Look at the Number 11 - Doug Addison IDENTITY NETWORK

Seeing 11:11 or 1:11? A Deeper Look at the Number 11 by Doug Addison


Have you been seeing the number 11 often? I am seeing 1:11 and 11:11 on the clock all the time.
Eleven is the number of transition. As it is often said, the 11th hour comes right before the start of a new day.
But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. Deuteronomy 11:11 NIV
God's promise to Israel in Deuteronomy 11:11 was that when they finally made it to the Promised Land, they would transition into a season in which they were under God's continual blessing from the beginning of the year to the end.
Eleven is a very interesting number to study in the Bible. While we normally refer to it as a symbol of transition, 11 is also associated with revelation that will help transition us into something new and overdue.
A Closer Look at the Number 11
The first mention of 11 in the Bible is in Genesis 32:22, when Jacob takes his wives and 11 sons on a journey to return to the land of his inheritance. He originally left because his brother Esau was angry that Jacob had stolen his birthright. Jacob began running from his destiny because of fear.
On the night mentioned in verse 22 (11 doubled), an angel visited Jacob and they wrestled until dawn. It was at this point that Jacob received the revelation that he was to change his name to Israel and transition into his destiny with much more clarity and boldness.
The 11th Son
This took place when Jacob's wife Rachel had just given birth to their 11th son, Joseph, who grew up to be a prophetic dream interpreter. It was in Genesis 30:22 that Rachel conceived Joseph (again we see 11 x 2 = 22).
Joseph's major gifting was revelation and he was used to transition Israel into a new season of blessing during one of the biggest economic downturns on Earth.
In Genesis 31:11 Jacob is visited by an angel and is given revelation on how to prosper under his father-in-law Laban, who had been ripping him off. Jacob used this revelation to transition out of being robbed and into major prosperity and deeper maturity.
Interestingly, this took place while Rachel was pregnant with Joseph. It was Joseph who carried his father's prophetic gifting far more than his brothers.
Transition and Revelation
In Genesis 35:11 God speaks to Israel (Jacob) prior to his beloved wife Rachel dying during the birth of his 12th son, Benjamin. This was a time of both transition (losing a loved one) and also revelation: Jacob would continue to be fruitful and multiply. Benjamin carried his mother's anointing of being loved and favored by his father.
The number 11 occurs during the transition of leadership and spiritual inheritance from Esau to Jacob. It is mentioned during a time of revelation on how to gain wealth and to expand the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is also the number of Joseph, who was instrumental in using revelation to bring both transition and prosperity.
Watch for New Revelation
Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Luke 11:11 NIV
In Luke 11:11, Jesus releases new revelation that the Father is not mean or judgmental, as portrayed in the Old Testament. This is an example of transitional revelation.
Watch for God to provide deeper revelation about who He is and our calling to love the world.
Doug Addison

E-Book PDF Download
By Doug Addison
Price: $12.00
Sale! $9.99 
Click HERE to order.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Is Archaeology in Israel 'Apologetics in Action'? - BOUYANCY PUBLIC RELATIONS CHARISMA NEWS

Archaeology can support biblical history. (Wikimedia Commons)
Archaeologists continue to find even more documentation to validate the truth of the Old Testament, says author Peggy Consolver, who participated in an archeological dig in the Holy Land earlier this summer, further amplifying study for her Biblical history novels.
Consolver saw first-hand the progress that Associates for Biblical Research are making at a dig in Shiloh, the Old Testament site for the Tabernacle in the Promised Land.
"Archaeology is like 'apologetics in action,' "  Consolver declares, "making great strides in discoveries that support the truth of Old Testament accounts, and countering nay-sayers who doubt the historicity of the Bible."
"While traditional methods of digging and sifting by hand are still crucial, twenty-first century archaeology uses new technology that makes progress faster and adds to the excitement of this important work that enlarges our understanding of these ancient times," she adds.
She encourages churches and families making plans for fall programming and family studies to consider doing an Old Testament study of Joshua.
Consolver, author of the biblically-based novel Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer, wrote her book based on Joshua 9 and 10, and her writing and descriptions were impacted by her first experience in Israel on an archaeological dig in 2010.
In fact, the richly-researched book recently garnered an endorsement from the archaeologist who directed the dig in which she participated.
"Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Name tells the story of the Hebrews' arrival in Canaan from a new point of view," writes Dr. Bryant Wood, director of research, Associates for Biblical Research and 2010 dig director.
"A young Gibeonite shepherd's eyewitness account captures the tension in the ancient land of Canaan. Accurate descriptions of the terrain give the Bible student new insights into this historical event of the Late Bronze Age. The use of the archaeological artifact known as the Gezer Almanac adds credence to the timeline the author constructs," he adds.
Because there is so much scripture, history and data touched on in the book, Consolver created a study guide, called Digging Deeper Into HIStory:  A Study Guide for Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer. The 13-unit interactive study guide is especially useful for Bible study groups, Christian Schools and homeschoolers, and also offers links to additional resources, such as a YouTube video of crossing the flooded Jordan River in a kayak and another with instructions on how to make a slingshot.
Consolver's book tells the story of the mysterious Hebrew people from a fresh vantage point, that of the neighboring tribes in Canaan who watch in fear and awe as the Hebrews move toward their land, conquering all in their path.
In a book suitable for middle schoolers to adults, she weaves a deeply moving tale from the biblical account of the Hebrews' arrival in the Promised Land in Joshua 9 and 10. The story provides vignettes of life as Joshua and family experience the final year of the 40 years in the wilderness, but primarily tells the story through the eyes of a 12-year-old Gibeonite boy, Keshub. In the beginning, alone with his sheep, he practices thrusts and lunges against an unseen enemy with his wooden sword. In the end, Keshub saves the day with a real sword on the day the sun stood still.
Now working on a sequel to Shepherd, Potter, Spy—and the Star Namer (Eskie and the Battle for Salem anticipates a late 2018 release), the Dallas resident also recently completed her first picture book. Kacey's Question, a day in the life of two 5-year-olds, was inspired by the important question her daughter asked at age 5 that 25 years later, her daughter's son also asked. Kacey's Question will release in Jan. 2018.
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Monday, June 12, 2017

Another BIG Announcement from Love For His People...Northern Ireland - The James Clint Family Update

Jim Clint family in Northern Ireland

Another BIG Announcement from Love For His People!

Northern Ireland - The James Clint Family Update!

Last week we had the nice excitement about our readers/supporters getting a weekly message from Hadassah in Jerusalem (Hadassah's Message).

This week we received our first report, in this format, from Jim Clint, now back to their home base in Northern Ireland, after a few years helping Jews in Hungary make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel. Love For His People has been sending monthly support for a year now.

We are committed to continuing our $50 monthly support for them, and want to help even more. Jim will keep us all posted on a monthly basis.

We love you Lord and what Your people are doing to help the Chosen Ones get back to their Promised Land! Thanks Jim and family.

With our ongoing and committed love,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. You can help us help them help Hungarian Jews. Please see below, after you read this first update. Thanks!


On June 2nd 2017 we returned to Northern Ireland after four years serving the Lord in Hungary. Our service in Hungary was focused in helping needy Hungarian Jews make Aliyah to Israel. 

Here in Northern Ireland we'll continue raising support for needy Jewish people from Eastern Europe. 

Sadly antisemitism is rising again in Europe and across the world. As never before we feel the urgency to highlight the need for western Churches to support Jewish Aliyah. 

Keep us in prayer as we endeavor to encourage believers to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. 

As believers face difficulties for standing on God's word we can be sure of one thing, He will never leave or forsake us. 

Blessings in Yeshua. 

The James Clint family
Northern Ireland

Love For His People note: Please help us support this family as they minister to Jews seeking aliyah (immigration) to Israel. You can send your love gifts to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 21834

Or use our Love For His People - PayPal account (all major credit cards accepted even if you don't have a PayPal account) with the "Donate" button on the right hand column of our blog Love For His People.

History of the Jews in Hungary

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hungarian Jews
יהדות הונגריה
Magyar zsidók
Total population
( Hungary  Israel 152,023 (total estimated)
48,600 (core population, estimation) (2010)[1]
120,000 (estimated population) (2012)[2][3]
 Israel 32,023 (immigrants to Israel) (2010)[4]
10,965 (2011 census)[5])
Regions with significant populations
Part of a series on the
History of Hungary
Coat of arms of Hungary
Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary portal
Jews have a long history in the country now known as Hungary, with some records even predating the 895 AD Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin by over 600 years. Written sources prove that Jewish communities lived in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary and it is even assumed that several sections of the heterogeneous Hungarian tribes practiced Jewish religion. Jewish officials served the king during the reign of Andrew II. From the second part of the 13th century the general religious tolerance decreased and Hungary's policies became similar to the treatment of the Jewish population in Western Europe.
The Jews of Hungary were fairly well integrated into Hungarian society by the time of the First World War. By the early 20th century, the community had grown to constitute 5% of Hungary's total population and 23% of the population of the capital, Budapest. Jews became prominent in science, the arts and business.
Anti-Jewish policies grew more repressive in the interwar period as Hungary's leaders, who remained committed to regaining the lost territories of "Greater Hungary", chose to align themselves (albeit warily) with the governments of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy – the international actors most likely to stand behind Hungary's claims.[6]Starting in 1938, Hungary under Miklós Horthy passed a series of anti-Jewish measures in emulation of Germany's Nürnberg Laws. The vast majority of Jews who were deported were massacred in Kameniec-Podolsk (Kamianets-Podilskyi). In the massacres of Újvidék (Novi Sad) and villages nearby, 2,550–2,850 Serbs, 700–1,250 Jews and 60–130 others were murdered by the Hungarian Army and "Csendőrség" (Gendarmerie) in January 1942. A Jew living in the Hungarian countryside in March 1944 had a less than 10% chance of surviving the following 12 months.[citation needed] In Budapest, a Jew's chance of survival of the same 12 months was about 50%. Jews from the Hungarian provinces outside Budapest and its suburbs were rounded up. The first transports to Auschwitz began in early May 1944 and continued even as Soviet troops approached. During the last years of World War II, they suffered severely, with over 600,000 being killed (within Hungary's 1943 borders) between 1941 and 1945, mainly through deportation to Nazi German-run extermination camps.
The 2011 Hungary census data had 10,965 people (0.11%) who self-identified religious Jews, of whom 10,553 (96.2%) declared themselves as ethnic Hungarian.[5] Other media sources estimate an Hungarian population with Jewish ethnicity of around 48,200 (no methodology or data collection method is given for the estimate) [7] mostly concentrated in Budapest,.[8] The intermarriage rates for Hungarian Jews is around 60%.[citation needed] There are many active synagogues in Hungary, including the Dohány Street Synagogue, the largest synagogue in Europe and the second largest synagogue in the world after the Temple Emanu-El in New York City.[9

The Deportation of the Hungarian Jews

Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau, May 26,1944

It was not until May 1944, when the Hungarian Jews were deported, that Auschwitz-Birkenau became the site of the largest mass murder in modern history and the epicenter of the Final Solution. In 1942, there were 2.7 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, including 1.6 million at the Operation Reinhard camps, but only 200,000 Jews were gassed at Auschwitz that year in two old converted farm houses. This information is from the book "Auschwitz, a New History" by Laurence Rees, published in 2005.

Almost one half of all the Jews that were killed at Auschwitz were Hungarian Jews who were gassed within a period of 10 weeks in 1944. Up until the Spring of 1944, it had been the three Operation Reinhard camps at Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor, that were the main Nazi killing centers for the Jews, not Auschwitz.

The order to round up the Hungarian Jews and confine them in ghettos was signed by Lazlo Baky of the Royal Hungarian government on April 7, 1944. Jews in Hungary had been persecuted since 1092 when Jews were forbidden to marry Christians.

The deportation of the Hungarian Jews began on April 29, 1944 when a train load of Jews were sent to Birkenau on the orders of Adolf Eichmann, according to the book by Laurence Rees. According to The Holocaust Chronicle, a huge book published in 2002 by Louis Weber, the CEO of Publications International, Ltd., another train filled with Hungarian Jews left for Birkeanu on April 30, 1944; the two trains with a total of 3,800 Jews reached Birkenau on May 2, 1944. There were 486 men and 616 women selected to work; the remaining 2698 Jews were gassed upon arrival.

On May 8, 1944, former Commandant Rudolf Höss (Hoess) was brought back to Auschwitz-Birkenau to supervise the further deportation of the Hungarian Jews. The next day, Höss ordered the train tracks to be extended inside the Birkenau camp so that the Hungarian Jews could be brought as close as possible to the gas chambers.

According to Laurence Rees, in his book "Auschwitz, a New History," the first mass transport of Hungarian Jews left on May 15, 1944 and arrived at Birkenau on May 16, 1944. The mass transports consisted of 3,000 or more prisoners on each train.

In October 1940, Hungary had become allies with the Axis powers by joining the Tripartite Pact. Part of the deal was that Hungary would be allowed to take back northern Transylvania, a province that had been given to Romania after World War I. Hungarian soldiers participated in the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941.

On April 17, 1943, after Bulgaria, another ally of Germany, had refused to permit their Jews to be deported, Hitler met with Admiral Miklos Horthy, the Hungarian leader, in Salzburg and tried to persuade him to allow the Hungarian Jews to be "resettled" in Poland, according to Martin Gilbert in his book entitled "Never Again." Admiral Horthy rejected Hitler's plea and refused to deport the Hungarian Jews.

From the beginning of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis in 1933, until March 1944, Hungary was a relatively safe haven for the Jews and many Jews from Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland sought refuge within its borders. However, in 1938, Hungary had enacted laws similar to the laws in Nazi Germany, which discriminated against the Jews.

On September 3, 1943, Italy signed an armistice with the Allies and turned against Germany, their former ally. Horthy hoped to negotiate a similar deal with the Western allies to stop a Soviet invasion of Hungary.

"Sonderkommando Eichmann," a special group of SS soldiers under the command of Adolf Eichmann, was activated on March 10, 1944 for the purpose of deporting the Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz; the personnel in this Special Action Commando was assembled at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria and then sent to Hungary on March 19, 1944 during the celebration of Purim, a Jewish holiday.

Famous photo of Hungarian Jews walking to the gas chamber

On March 18, 1944, Hitler had a second meeting with Horthy at Schloss Klessheim, a castle near Salzburg in Austria. An agreement was reached in which Horthy promised to allow 100,000 Jews to be sent to the Greater German Reich to construct underground factories for the manufacture of fighter aircraft. These factories were to be located at Mauthausen, and at the eleven Kaufering subcamps of Dachau. The Jews were to be sent to Auschwitz, and then transferred to the camps in Germany and Austria.

When Horthy returned to Hungary, he found that Edmund Veesenmayer, an SS Brigadeführer, had been installed as the effective ruler of Hungary, responsible directly to the German Foreign Office and Hitler.

On March 19, 1944, the same day that Eichmann's Sonderkommando arrived, German troops occupied Hungary. The invasion of Hungary by the Soviet Union was imminent and Hitler suspected that Horthy was planning to change sides. As it became more and more likely that Germany would lose the war, its allies began to defect to the winning side. Romania switched to the Allied side on August 23, 1944.

After the formation of the Reich Central Security Office (RSHA) in 1939, Adolf Eichmann had been put in charge of section IV B4, the RSHA department that handled the deportation of the Jews. One of his first assignments was to work on the Nazi plan to send the European Jews to the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa. This plan was abandoned in 1940.

According to Rudolf Höss, the Commandant of Auschwitz, "Eichmann had concerned himself with the Jewish question since his youth and had an extensive knowledge of the literature on the subject. He lived for a long time in Palestine in order to learn more about the Zionists and the growing Jewish state."

In 1937, Eichmann had gone to the Middle East to research the possibility of mass Jewish emigration to Palestine. He had met with Feival Polkes, an agent of the Haganah, with whom he discussed the Zionist plan to create a Jewish state. According to testimony at his trial in 1961 in Jerusalem, Eichmann was denied entry into Palestine by the British, who were opposed to a Jewish state in Palestine, so the idea of deporting all the European Jews to Palestine was abandoned.

At the Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942, at which the Final Solution to the Jewish Question was planned, Eichmann had been assigned to organize the "transportation to the East" which was a euphemism for sending the European Jews to be killed at Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Hungarian Jewish children walk to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The next day after German forces took over Hungary, Adolf Eichmann arrived to oversee the process of deporting the Hungarian Jews. There were 725,000 Jews living in Hungary in 1944, including many who were previously residents of Romania, according to Laurence Rees, who wrote "Auschwitz, a New History."

The Jews in the villages and small towns were immediately rounded up and concentrated in ghettos. One of the ghettos was located in a brick factory in the city of Miskolc, Hungary, where 14,000 Jews were imprisoned while they waited to be transported to Birkeanu.

Magda Brown, who was born in Miskolc on June 11, 1927, said in a speech at a Synagogue in Morgan Hill, CA that her family was marched though the city to the Miskolc ghetto on her 17th birthday in 1944. From there, Magda was transported on a train to Birkenau, where she was immediately separated from her family.

After two months at Birkeanu, Magda was sent, along with 1,000 Hungrian women, to work in a munitions factory at Allendorf, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. In March 1945, the prisoners at Allendorf were evacuated and marched to the Buchenwald main camp; Magda escaped from the march and hid on a farm until she was rescued by American soldiers.

Vera Frank Federman is another Hungarian survivor who was sent to Auschwitz and then transferred a few weeks later to the Allendorf sub-camp of Buchenwald.

The following quote is from an article published on April 29, 2003 in The Daily, the newspaper of the University of Washington. Vera Frank is a graduate of UW.

On Federman's 20th birthday, June 27, 1944, she and her parents were herded onto one of the transports and spent the next three days traveling to Auschwitz.

"We arrived [at] Auschwitz, and they separated the men from the women, and my father went with the men, and my mother and I arrived in front of an S.S. officer," Federman said.

The officer ordered Federman and her mother in different directions, despite Federman's claim that she was only 13 years old. She never saw either of her parents again.

Federman stayed in Auschwitz for six or seven weeks, and saw her health and that of others rapidly deteriorate.

"Girls came down with scarlet fever, and my cousin, with whom I came, became ill with scarlet fever, but she was so lucky, because up to that time, [the Nazis] took [sick people] immediately, and took them to the gas chamber," she said.

After several weeks, Federman and her two friends, Vera and Zsuzsi, were marched in front of Dr. Josef Mengele, the camp's human-genetics researcher, so he could decide which women would be sent to other labor camps, and which would be killed. Federman and Vera were rejected, while Zsuzsi was chosen to go to a labor camp.

Zsuzsi insisted that her sister come with her, and after some questioning by Mengele about whether they were twins, he approved Vera. Federman tried to convince Mengele to approve her as well, but he rejected her again.

"I said, 'Oh, but I am very strong, I can work.' And a German officer standing next to him whispered, kind of a loud whisper, 'Lassen sie das kleine gehen' - 'Let the little one go,' and he let me go," she said.

The photo below shows Hungarian women who have been selected to work.

Hungarian women who have just arrived on a transport train

According to a book which she wrote, Holocaust survivor Eva Fahidi was 18 years old when, together with her family in the town of Debrecen, Hungary, she was herded into a cattle car headed to the Birkenau death camp. Her Mother and 11-year-old sister, Gilike, were instantly murdered. Her father bore the hard labour for a few weeks only.

Eva spent six weeks in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Then she was shipped with one thousand other women to Allendorf, a slave-labour sub-camp of BuchenwaldHere, the women had to work with harmful chemical agents, "without protective gloves or masks; we inhaled all the dangerous vapour and walked in saltpeter up to our knees," twelve hours a day, incredibly hard work, "but in comparison with a death camp it was a better option." Here, being able "to maintain a reasonable hygienic standard; in times of great need being able to help each other," dignified their lives and contributed to survival.

Hungarian women who have been selected to work at Auschwitz-Birkenau

The photo above shows Hungarian women walking into the women's section on the south side of the Birkenau camp after they have had a shower and a change of clothes. Behind them is a transport train and in the background on the left is one of the camp guards. The woman with dark hair in the center of the photo is Ella Hart Gutmann who is in the outside row facing inward. Next to her is Lida Hausler Leibovics; both women were from Uzhgorod. Their heads have been shaved in an attempt to control the lice that spreads typhus.

One of the Hungarian Jews who survived was Alice Lok Cahana, whose story was recounted by Laurence Rees in his book entitled "Auschwitz, a New History." Alice was 15 when she was registered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, but months later she was sent to the gas chamber in Krema V and told that she would be given new clothes after taking a shower. The purpose of the red brick Krema V building was deceptively disguised by red geraniums in window boxes, according to Alice. She was inside the gas chamber in Krema V when the revolt by the 
Sonderkommando unit in Krema IV began on October 7, 1944. This was the occasion when the Sonderkommando blew up the Krema IV gas chamber building with dynamite that had been sneaked into Birkenau by some of the women prisoners who worked in factories outside the camp.
Laurence Rees wrote:

But the revolt did save some lives. It must have been because of the chaos caused by the Sonderkommando in crematorium 4 that the SS guards emptied the gas chamber of crematorium 5 next door without killing Alice Lok Cahana and her group.

Eva Olsson is a Hungarian Jew who arrived at Birkenau on May 19, 1944; she was 18 years old. In a speech at St. Patrick's High School and St. Christopher Secondary School, as reported by Tara Hagan in The Observer, a Canadian newspaper, Olsson told about a Nazi official who came to her neighborhood in Hungary and began rounding up the Jews, telling them that they were going to be sent to Germany to work in a brick factory. Instead, they were sent to Birkenau. Out of 89 members of her family, Eva and her sister Fredel were the only survivors.

Olsson has spoken to over a million people since she started giving lectures about the Holocaust in 1995. In her talks, she tells about the gas chamber at Bergen-Belsen and about children being burned alive, five at a time, in the crematory ovens at Bergen-Belsen.

According to the article by Tara Hagan, Eva Olsson told the students that when the Jews arrived at Birkenau "People who didn't do what they were told were shot on the spot. If a mother was holding a baby, they shot the baby and the bullet would go through to the mother. You save a bullet that way."

Tara Hagan also wrote that, at the Birkenau camp, Olssen "recalled living on bread and black, watery soup that had tufts of human hair in it, bones and mice."

Eventually, Olsson was sent to work in a factory in Essen, Germany, then to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp. At Bergen-Belsen, Olsson was starving, covered in lice and sores and had a fever. She told the students that she "dampened a cloth with her own urine" in order to cool down. Others, she recalled, drank their urine.

Iby Knill was 18 and working as a resistance fighter in Hungary when she was arrested and eventually transported to the Birkenau death camp in June 1944, according to this news article by Virginia Mason, published on January 26, 2010.

Iby's story begins when she was a young girl growing up in her native Czechoslovakia; when the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938, she escaped over the border into Hungary but was arrested as an illegal immigrant.

"There were five of us, all girls and we made a pact to stay together as we walked through those gates and were greeted by the man we later learned was Dr Josef Mengele," she says of her arrival at Birkenau. "From that day on it became a test of survival." Miraculously, she adds, all five of them lived to witness the liberation from the Nazis in 1945. 

By 2010, Iby had started writing her story and was seeking a publisher for her manuscript, which is chillingly brutal in its frankness, according to Virginia Mason's article.

According to Iby Knill, "The shower unit and the gas chamber looked the same. They had been built that way, so we never knew if we were to be gassed or just showered."

In her lectures on the Holocaust, Iby describes the infamous Dr Mengele, whose experiments in the name of medical science earned him the nick name, Angel of Death. "We lined up and he would walk in front of us, picking out the weakest. Their fate was the gas chambers."

She talks of the cramped, inhuman conditions at Birkenau, the incredible hunger and thirst, and worst of all, the scraps of gray, latherless soap made from human ashes, and the constant fear of extermination in the gas chamber.

According to her story, Iby was able to leave the Birkenau death camp only by volunteering to go to the Lippstadt labour camp, a sub-camp of the Buchenwald concentration camp, where she worked in the hospital unit. On Easter Sunday, 1945, while on a death march to the main Buchenwald camp, she was freed by Allied Forces.

The following information about Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert is from an article by Ross Lydallin the London Evening Standard on January 26, 2010:
At the age of 14, Lily Ebert was taken from the Hungarian town of Bonybad to Birkenau in a packed cattle car, along with her mother, brother and three sisters. Lily was registered upon arrival in July 1944 and tattooed with the number A-10572, even though she was below the age of 15 and could have been sent directly to the gas chamber.

After about four months at Birkenau, Lily and her three sisters were transferred to an ammunition factory near Leipzig, Germany, which was a sub-camp of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

Source: Scrapbook Pages