Showing posts with label Replacement Theology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Replacement Theology. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

COMMENTARY: Should the Church Be Called “Spiritual Israel”? - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

COMMENTARY: Should the Church Be Called “Spiritual Israel”?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
I’d wager the overwhelming response to that question by Christians who love and support the State of Israel would be, “yes!” And if pressed to differentiate between a “spiritual Israel” and a “physical Israel,” I feel certain most would say the physical one is Jewish and the other is not. 
Such is the state of confusion that abounds in the body of Messiah today regarding this important issue. Because if that popular understanding is true then it robs the Jewish people of ever becoming spiritual Israel, the Messianic community of God. And it robs non-Jewish Christians, aka the “church,” of ever being revealed as the “wild olive branches” grafted into that very same Messianic community. Are not non-Jewish believers also physical beings promised an equal share in Israel’s inheritance through faith in Messiah? “For if you belong to Messiah, you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:29).
So let’s take a look at this spiritual/physical thing that I believe has been the root cause of so much confusion over the centuries. The Biblical passage that addresses the issue most directly is found in First Corinthians. It reads: “The spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven... And just as we have borne the image of the earthy (man), we will also bear the image of the heavenly (man) (1 Cor. 15:46-48).
What these verses teach is that the physical man and the spiritual man, like love and marriage, go together as a horse and carriage. From God’s point of view, we need both if we want to be part of the Israel of God. By necessity, the physical must come first. We must first be born of physical seed into this world. But then we must also be birthed again by a spiritual seed – i.e. God’s Spirit – to be counted among His chosen people. That can only happen when God through His mercy removes our sinful heart of flesh through faith in Yeshua and we receive “a new heart and a new spirit” (Ezek. 36:26). 
However, the church has traditionally separated God’s spiritually regenerated people – the “Christians” – from those deemed to be his physical people, the Jews. This is due to the influence of Greek philosophy on early Christian thought.  To the Greeks, physical earthly matter was evil, something to escape by severe bodily discipline or death. While the spiritual was the ideal state that we all hoped to attain in the afterlife. 
But the truth is the spiritual and the physical should be viewed simply as two progressive stages of human life on earth that is now possible, thanks to Yeshua’s sacrificial death. Before Messiah came we were all just carnal beings void of spiritual life due to Adam’s sin. But now that “earthy man,” whether born Jewish or German, has the potential of growing into the fullness of the “heavenly man,” who is Messiah. 
However, because we’ve been taught for so long that the physical and the spiritual are  incompatible realities, it is now distorting how Christians view our relationship to the Jewish State of Israel today.  
This teaching, which inspired Replacement Theology, erred when it pushed the legitimate fulfillment of Old Testament types and shadows in Messiah too far (a favorite tactic of the Enemy). It over-spiritualized the New Covenant. It taught that the Jews also were a type and shadow that had been replaced by Christians as God’s new chosen people.  And that the land promised to Abraham’s seed was just a metaphor for life in heaven – now identified as the Kingdom Of God. 
As more and more Christians have awakened to see God never rejected the Jewish people, nor abandoned His land promise, a great skepticism has arisen about all things said to have been fulfilled in Messiah. So that even those things that were truly fulfilled in Yeshua are being abandoned. And there is a rush to embrace many of the commandments of the Old Covenant as a way to retrieve the Hebraic roots of our faith. 
The Lord’s Supper, the New Covenant fulfillment of the Passover memorial, is being ignored in favor of the Jewish Seder meal. Our total spiritual rest in Yeshua has given way to resting again from manual labor on the Saturday Sabbath. And the understanding that the body of Messiah is now God’s new temple on earth is being replaced by a longing to see a third Jewish temple arise with animal sacrifice and a reinstitution of the Levitical priesthood. 
We need to clean out that corruptive piece of Greek leaven from our understanding and see the spiritual and physical are not mutually exclusive. But that both are required by God as He brings forth a new holy race on this earth, a new Adam. A place where our holy God can literally dwell in our midst by His Spirit through Messiah.
It’s true that right now only those in Messiah are experiencing this new abiding spiritual relationship with God. But unbelieving Judah’s time to receive her spiritual inheritance is rapidly approaching. When that happens there will be a corporate unveiling of “the one new man” (Eph. 2:15).  Both the physical Jew and physical non-Jew will graduate to become one people in the glorified body of Messiah. No longer to be thought of as two different kinds of Israels with different inheritances. But one Israel of God.
And then “all Israel will be saved” (Rom. 11:26) – both physically and spiritually.
Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples
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The Exodus - Not What You Thought - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

The Exodus - Not What You Thought

Tuesday, April 18, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel Today has reported numerous times regarding Christian Palestinians who claim to be the true Israel. In their case, the Palestinian Jesus is just an adaptation of the Arian-looking Jesus of the classic Christian iconography. 
Likewise, reclaiming the Hebrew Bible for the Muslim/Palestinian cause is nothing new. From its get go, Islam had its followers believe that Jews corrupted the Old Testament to the point of rendering it unholy. Hence, whatever's written in the Hebrew Bible can be retold in a way that fits Islam's creeds.
It is well known that in the eyes of Muslims, all the prophets of the Bible were Muslims. That Islam came into being some 3,000 years after Abraham makes no difference since, unlike the Jews, Abraham is forever a true believer – a Muslim. 
But even this Islamic version of "Replacement Theology" has its limits. For even Muslims will acknowledge that a real entity called the people of Israel not only exists, but to them the Land of Israel was given: "O my people [Israel]," reads the Quran, "enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back and become losers" (Sura 5:21).
So the Palestinian reimagining of the Bible is going a step further. It wasn't Jews who came out of Egypt as the "people of Israel," but rather Muslims. Back in 2012, Dr. Omar Ja'ara of Nablus' An-Najah University told Palestinian TV:
"We must make clear to the world that David in the Hebrew Bible is not connected to David in the Quran, Solomon in the Hebrew Bible is not connected to Solomon in the Quran, and neither is Saul or Joshua son of Nun [of the Bible].
"We have a great leader, Saul, [in the Quran] who defeated the nation of giants and killed Goliath. This is a great Muslim victory. The Muslims of the Children of Israel went out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses, and unfortunately, many researchers deny the Exodus of those oppressed people who were liberated by a great leader, like Moses the Muslim, the believing leader, the great Muslim, who was succeeded by Saul, the leader of these Muslims in liberating Palestine.
"This was the first Palestinian liberation through armed struggle to liberate Palestine from the nation of giants led by Goliath. This is our logic and this is our culture." 
(Translation from Palestinian Media Watch)
Those amused by this ridiculous revisionism forget that Muslims take it very seriously, and act upon it.
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Monday, January 9, 2017

"We will avoid many national catastrophes because of the proper honoring and care of Israel that our new president will see to." Johnny Enlow - HE ELIJAH LIST

"We will avoid many national catastrophes because of the proper honoring and care of Israel that our new president will see to."

Johnny Enlow  Jan. 6, 2017  THE ELIJAH LIST

Every year at about this time I am moved to a place of great hope as God shows me some of the things He will do in the coming year. This year the hope and the joy is almost uncontainable. 2016 was a year of the convergence of the ages with the Azusa Revival's 110th anniversary and our national presidential election being the highlights. I have written much about both of them, and it is important to note that one year builds on a previous year and important events and celebrations release greater events and celebrations.

Rosh Hashanah 2015 to Rosh Hashanah 2016 brought us the 70th year of Jubilee and this unprecedented year of Jubilee brought us God's choice of Donald Trump as President of the United States and Leader of the Free World. Trump at age 70 became elected President of this nation during the Hebraic year 5777. On inauguration day he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. Because the Electoral College changed some votes it allowed Trump to end up with exactly 77 more electoral votes. 7 is the prime number of God and is why there are 7 spirits of God.

Only if you are still out of tune spiritually (or motivated by an unnecessary fear) should this presidency still be a struggle for any of you. Outgoing president Barack Obama's legacy-tainting final acts against Israel are an immediate, major proof that the insertion of Trump as President was an urgent need for us and our nation. We will avoid many national catastrophes because of the proper honoring and care of Israel that our new president will see to. Let me talk about that before I get to the Reformation Glory Train.

The Shed Blood of Jesus in Israel

Israel may be tiny in the natural but it is absolutely huge in the matrix of the spirit world. Every global kingdom assignment begins with a proper reckoning of the preeminent place of Jerusalem and Israel. Every major, false doctrine starts with diminishing natural Israel and natural Jerusalem ("Replacement Theology" etc.). Every antichrist spirit running among the nations begins with antisemitism at its core. For clarity's sake, while it is not wrong to want Palestinians to be properly treated, any passion towards Israel giving up land or being furthermore diminished is influenced by an antichrist spirit, and that's whether you are a "Christian" or not.

Furthermore, it reveals a basic dishonoring of God and His clearly-stated intentions towards Israel and Jerusalem as established both in the Old and New Testaments. Jerusalem is listed 669 times in the Hebrew Bible and is also further related to as "the place that God will choose". 

We see the passion of the Psalmist where he says:
If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, If I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy. Psalm 137:5-6.

For those who would diminish Jerusalem to "Old Testament" importance, remember that this is the very location that Jesus Christ was crucified. I remember my first time in Jerusalem, being aware of the weight of the place where the God of the whole universe decided to allow His Blood to be shed for the salvation of the world. The very idea that God could shed His literal Blood in a literal place and that that literal place could then descend into being only incidentally relevant is beyond comprehension.

There is a reason Jerusalem and its destruction is the desire of every principality. Destruction of Jerusalem destroys the master plan, and it is the master plan of our God that will guarantee Jerusalem's future. There is also a guarantee that Jerusalem will ultimately be a place that reveals the salvation of God to the whole world—that guarantee is the spilled Blood of Jesus. You cannot understand the significance of the Blood of Jesus if you do not know how to also apply it to the geographical place He willingly shed it.

For more clarity, it is almost insanity to believe that the Blood of Jesus is powerful enough to give us access into Heaven despite our sins, and not believe it is powerful enough to spiritually secure the city and country where it was shed. 

Jesus does not return, nor does any great end-time objective take place without Jerusalem and Israel being central to it. 

To not know that is to be in deception and to remain almost willfully so. The Scripture is too clear on that and the Holy Spirit is too insistent on that. We will no longer get a "pass" on blindness to this reality. (Photo via Unsplash)

Besides the above passage let me quote out of Isaiah 62: For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, till her salvation shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. Is. 62:1

I have posted watchman on your walls, O Jerusalem: they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.Is. 62:6-7

Israel Betrayed But God Won't Be Played

It is still almost surreal the level of betrayal that the Obama administration exhibited in its instigation of the UN vote against Israel. The pressuring of nations such as Ukraine to vote against Israel, and the intentional adding of language that includes Jerusalem itself— essentially making it illegal for Israel to go to the Western Wall—and then the attempt to pretend to look passive in the process.

It is so great of an injustice that if this is the last political act of President Obama and of Secretary of State John Kerry it will mark them forever. In fact, the authority has been given to President Trump to allow President Obama to have a positive legacy or to remove any legacy. If President Obama does not retreat from his pride, and he only has days to do so, he will have his entire legacy wiped out. God can fix even our past mistakes as we humble ourselves before Him, but when we up the ante into treacherous pride, there is no happy ending. Pride goes before the fall.

Donald Trump as President will be the best friend to Israel that they have ever had. 

He will attempt to be fair to the Palestinians and try to negotiate a reasonable peace treaty, and the plight of the Palestinians is very important. However, Trump is a quick discerner of core intent and he will discover that those who represent the Palestinian people are driven by the unreasonable hatred of a demonic principality and have no real desire for peace or compromise.

President Trump will then expose their hypocrisy and severely turn on them. Because Trump has Jewish family and friends who do see things clearly in Israel, he will not be subject to the deception most world leaders fall under. No country on the earth has been more unfairly and unjustly treated by the nations over the last couple of decades than Israel, and there is a now a larger spiritual bill to pay. The nations that have unjustly judged Israel are presently under limited grace for terrorism and the ones that just voted against Israel have just caused another decrease in grace over their nations.

Nations of the World: Don't Mess With Israel!

This is an ongoing message to world leaders. Terrorism is now a "world problem" because the nations of the world have been unjust towards Israel in how they dealt with neighbors and citizens who wanted Israel destroyed. Now these nations have been flocking to Israel for insight and intelligence on how to defend themselves. Quite ironic. Yet the world's refusal to eliminate its antisemitic impulse is Pharaoh-like in its obstinance. Their recent UN vote reveals that.

Former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez publicly cursed Israel "from the depths of my intestines" and the next day began to feel intense intestinal pains that became a supremely rare cancer that took him out. In fact, 4 other South American leaders who shared Chavez's views developed cancer in the same year, yet no one learned the lesson but instead blamed "the CIA" for spraying them with something that caused cancer. Two of those Presidents are now out of office and facing prison. (Photo via Flickr)
While Israel remains, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Khaddafi and even Ahmadinejad (just to name a few) are either dead or gone. Ahmadinejad is attempting to come back (whether they know it or not), but if he does it will be to his final undoing. 

Bottom line, if you are reading this and have any authority or influence in the government of any nation don't get caught on the wrong end of the Israel equation. 

The ante has now been raised and the costs will now start to soar for the nations. It is not so much that God "judges" the nations as a vindictive God, it is that grace is lifted and when that happens the devil is only most willing to accommodate. Reaping what you sow is still a very bad judgment to receive.

This week I found a prophetic timetable I wrote out in 2004. In that timetable, I listed the years 2017, 2018, and 2019 as 3 years where Israel would face great challenges but would experience even greater breakthroughs. The Trump years will have the Israel story being central. God voted and put Trump in so that would be so.

Now for those of you who are in a nation exhibiting unjust behavior towards Israel, your intercessions do matter and will mitigate the lifting of grace over your nation, so be encouraged by that. At a minimum, you can step into Psalm 91 protection status as you become a minister of reconciliation on behalf of your nation.

For more of his report on America and other nations: "2017: The Ride of the Reformation Glory Train"

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Devastating, Lingering Effects of Replacement Theology in the Church - GRANT BERRY CHARISMA NEWS

The Holy Spirit is beckoning His church into a deeper place of intercession and strategy for the reconnection of the church and Israel.

The Devastating, Lingering Effects of Replacement Theology in the Church

Standing With Israel
We have just entered the next Jubilee period (50 years), and a prophetic shofar has sounded into the reformation of the church with three main foci: the restoration of the one new man between Jew and Gentile; the fullness of the five-fold ministry and the preparation of the bride for the Lord's return.
The next step is for the watchmen on the walls to fully catch this vision—to step into it with a faith that can move mountains and come into agreement with all that the Holy Spirit is wanting to do in the church to bring these directives to pass.
Art-One-New-ManI believe at this time and during these days that The Holy Spirit is beckoning His church into a deeper place of intercession and strategy to help bring these changes about; to plow the spiritual fields and break up the ground so that the transformation God is wanting for His body may begin to transpire among us.
This will ultimately require a change in church leadership to reconnect spiritually with Israel; to fully embrace the five-fold vision to equip the saints for the ministry and how we view and understand the prophetic office of intercession as well as the emergence of David's tent throughout the earth; to help mobilize God's church into a deeper place of worship, prayer and intercession; to broaden church government and our participation with these most crucial aspects of ministry and to help fuel and empower the kingdom of God on the earth, specifically with greater unity in the local church and the community its serves.
Below is a vision given from the Holy Spirit for us to comprehend and pray into to concerning one of these directives, which is at the very root of the restoration in The One New Man. Please read it prayerfully.
The Vision of a Piece of Fabric
In one of our watchmen meetings recently that is attended by 20-30 intercessors from 18 different churches in the Connecticut area, a unique vision was given to us by the Holy Spirit concerning the residual influences of replacement theology. The insight from the Lord is dramatic; and one that, if we are willing to accept it, will help us to understand what God is saying to us during this hour regarding The One New Man and how we need to pray to help change and prepare God's body for what is coming.
These are the notes that were written and sent out to the group the day after this meeting:
"After seeking the Lord about issues for us to pray on in The One New Man for last night, I have been particularly burdened recently, as I have been writing a new section in the book about the influences of replacement theology in the church. And not just the part of the church that still believes in this lie, but also how it is still affecting the part of the church that is moving towards Israel, in our thinking and our theology.
In this light, I shared it with the group, and after communion and a brief time of worship, the Holy Spirit led us into the greater depths of this issue. Several people in the group shared their hearts, and John confirmed this sense in his spirit. There was a focus on prayer and prophecy for Grant in this area, as he is writing the book, with much encouragement, but also specific direction and clarity. They are recorded.
There was a deeper understanding given by the Spirit of the depths of this lie and its affect on the church. And a root of jealousy was exposed.
The Spirit fell on Grant as the group was praying for him, who went into in a deep cry and weeping as he felt and experienced Joseph's heart, as his brothers sold him into slavery. The weeping was intense and continued for a while with a sense and connection to Joseph as the Jew and the brothers as the Gentile believers in the church and family of God. What a picture!
There were prayers offered for repentance in the body as the group felt this burden, and for the Lord to take us deeper into this issue. 
Susan Torregrossa had a significant vision, and her thoughts are below:
As Sheryl was talking, the Lord showed me a piece of fabric. I was reminded of a video I had seen regarding the shroud of Turin. I could see the fabric as a whole cloth at first, then I could see individual strands of thread in the fabric, and it became magnified. The Lord showed me that what seemed to the naked eye to be a homogeneous piece of cloth, but in fact it was made up of two different materials. He didn't specify what the materials were, but I will use the example of the shroud because I believe it is significant. It was found during inspection of the shroud that the original cloth was made up of linen, which comes from flax. In one corner where an expert repair had been made, cotton had been woven into the strands of the fabric. It was nearly imperceptible except under extreme magnification. The strands were slightly different colors and reacted differently to testing. 
Grant mentioned that he feels that while some churches have moved on past replacement theology, many are still being held back by the residue of its influences. I feel that what the Lord is showing me is that some of the old lies of replacement theology are still affecting the church, because they are the counterfeits of the truth and are interwoven into their fabric. They are imperceptible to the naked eye and can only be exposed through spiritual discernment.
 It reminded me of what my pastor always says about the leaven—once you mix the yeast into the dough, only God can identify and remove it supernaturally.
We need to ask the Lord to remove it, we need to ask Him to unravel the strands of the fabric to expose the counterfeit cotton portions and unravel them from the original linen.
I didn't mention this last night, but I believe that I was seeing the linen/cotton combination because the garment of a high priest was always made of pure linen, representing purity. Just as His priests we are called to wear the linen ephod, we are called to do the same, and so the linen represents this.
Here is a link to the video I referred to. When you watch it, you will see the close-up magnification of the strands—that is the detail of what the Lord was showing me last night. Down to the very fiber of the core of the church, I believe there are counterfeit ideas and beliefs, many that are so close to the truth that people feel that they are harmless and don't recognize them. But the Lord is saying that these things must be exposed, unraveled and removed from the truth, so His church can move forward unhindered. When you watch the video, you will see how easy it would have been for the scientists to overlook those cotton fibers if they had not been accidentally torn and exposed. 
That is what God wants to do now in the church. There may be a bit of collateral damage, but in the end there will be a course correction that is needed in the church for this time we are living in.
This is a significant vision from the Holy Spirit, to get us to understand that we must be willing to go deeper into the affects of this issue in all parts of the church. Not just to repent and renounce replacement theology but also to understand the depths of how much it has affected and influenced our thinking and theology in the church, in order that we can fully break off all of its influences to restore us into The One New Man between Jew and Gentile.
Hali had further insight on Susan's vision of the fabric, that when you wash this fabric with the two differing materials, one will come out cleansed better, and they will look different the more you clean them. The good fabric will be washed well, but the bad fabric will become wrinkled and shriveled, and it will shrink.
This is a picture, I believe, that as the Lord begins a deeper cleanse and healing in this area, more will be exposed and the counterfeit will be revealed. Let's continue to pray on this, please." 
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile, yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Monday, November 21, 2016

Israel vs. The World: It's a Lonely Position - BRIAN SANDERS CHARISMA NEWS

An IDF soldier and an Orthodox Jew pray at the Western Wall. (Courtesy of Brian Sanders )

Israel vs. The World: It's a Lonely Position

Standing With Israel
From the headline of this article, you would think it was a bout for the Super Heavyweight Championship of the World, or at least a made-for-TV special the whole planet would be tuning in to see.
On the contrary, it's more like a reality for this small nation comparable in size to New Jersey. From its earliest existence, Israel has constantly had to defend itself in a David-versus-Goliath-type battle for the simple right to exist.
One might think in our 21st-century world, the Jewish state would have been accepted by now, after decades of movements for national determination have swelled the ranks of nations to more than 200. 
Welcome to Israel's world.  
From the days of Moses to the War of Independence in 1948 to modern-day threats from Iran and Islamist movements to wipe Israel off the map, along with a hate campaign called the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, the headline of this article is all too real for Israel and its supporters. 
As if that weren't enough, UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization) recently moved to ignore the reality of Jewish history on the Temple Mount, holy to Jews and Christians around the world. It's almost unthinkable.
It is a place etched in Christian and Jewish history where Abraham offered Isaac up to God for a sacrifice and where Satan tempted Jesus. I know I wasn't the only one shaking my head in disbelief upon hearing it.
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared, "That's like saying the pyramids never belonged to the Egyptians and the Great Wall was never China's." I can only imagine the reaction of the religious leaders back in Jesus' day tearing their clothes over the blasphemy they just heard.
Preposterous, one might say. Nevertheless, this is standard practice at UNESCO and other bodies within the United Nations. It's been a common ideology of U.N. councils and committees for some time now concerning the stance toward Israel. 
Their actions are truly louder than their words.
As believers in Yeshua (Jesus), we cannot idly sit and be silent. Nor can the United States, Israel's greatest friend, as well as their other allies watch and do nothing. Now more than ever, Israel needs her "friends" to have her back.
Anti-Semitism is being re-birthed and branded in all kinds of forms these days. It's not a matter of what's next but how we can combat it together: 
  • If Christians would dismiss and denounce false teaching about replacement theology—the idea that the church has replaced Israel—it would build a closer bond with our Jewish brothers and sisters.  
  • Churches can also teach about the significance and importance of how Christians are truly grafted in (Romans 11) to the branch, Israel's Messiah.
  • This can potentially result in a major move of God that could truly benefit the church for blessing the apple of His eye. Nations, people and advocates would be blessed according to Genesis 12:3.
God's covenant with Israel is eternal, non-debatable and certainly unconditional. As believers, who wouldn't want to stand with that?   
Brian Sanders is the CEO and executive producer for the Why Stand With Israeldocumentary. For more info on the upcoming documentary and ways you can partner, go to Also check out the Why Stand With Israel Facebook page for weekly updates and news on the film's release date. For media bookings, email Brian at Brian is also the president and executive producer of HOPE Media, LLC, and an award-winning international broadcast-video producer/cinematographer after God's heart.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Saturday, July 9, 2016

A New Connection in Bless Israel Through Aliyah

Greetings friends.

This past week Love For His People received an email from Hungary, from someone we had not known before. They had found our website by searching for "those who love Israel". That would certainly include us!

Since that initial correspondence and what has followed (I share some below) we have decided to support their work monthly, in order to help Jews make aliyah (immigrate) to Israel. We too see the great need to assist those needing to return to the Land given to them by the Lord Almighty.

I hope this stirs something in your hear too.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

July 5, 2016
Budapest, Hungary

Shalom Steve and Laurie.

Firstly I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my Email. I came across your webpage on the internet by searching "those who love Israel"

My name is Jim Clint, I’m originally from Northern Ireland but have lived also in both Israel and Hungary. Along with my Hungarian born wife and three children we gave up everything in the Northern Ireland in July 2013 to dedicate our lives to helping Hungarian Jews make Aliyah (return) to Israel. Our children attend Jewish schools here in Budapest. My wife's late grandfather was a Romanian Jew.

Around 600,000 Hungarian Jews perished in Nazi death camps in 1944-45. Sadly antisemitism is growing again in Hungary at an alarming rate. In a recent article it stated that over 30% of Hungarians are anti-Semitic. The Hungarian Far Right (anti-Semitic) party "Jobbik" increased their percentage of the vote from 1% in 2006, to 21% in 2014. The rise of nationalism in Europe is increasing at a rapid pace, sadly it's the Jews of Europe who will once again be blamed for all of Europe's woes. We are certainly living in very interesting times. Please have a look at a web-page I set up to highlight the dangers facing the Jews of Hungary, especially the antisemitism page attached… Jewish Hungary The situation for the Jews of Hungary is steadily getting worse.

Jewish Hungary
Once again anti-Semitism has risen it's ugly head here in Hungary. Just over seventy years ago around 600,000 Hungarian speaking Jews perished in Nazi death camp...

View on jewish-hungary.weebly...
Preview by Yahoo
In order to carry out this work among Hungarian Jews we depend upon the financial support from individuals and groups. Without this support we would simply not be able to operate. If you know of any churches or groups who might consider supporting us please give them our contact details.

We help more needy Jewish people financially. This includes paying for the following: new Israeli passports, translation of documents from Hungarian to Hebrew, police checks, travel expenses to and from Jewish Agency meetings, family research documents, new suitcases and much more....

Please free to share our information with others who might be interested in helping, if you require more information about what we do, and the UK charity we represent I’d be glad to send it. The Jewish Agency in Budapest will confirm for you who I am.

All the very best and thank you for your time.

With every blessing in Yeshua

Jim Clint “Budapest Hungary 2016”

July 6, 2016
Budapest, Hungary

Shalom Steve. 

Dear brother we would be greatly blessed by whatever amount we receive. I have been writing to congregations and pro-Israel groups for a long time trying to raise awareness for Hungarian Aliyah. Sadly we receive very little response, still we know that Yeshua is able to provide for our needs. 

I was involved in Street Evangelism in Israel between 1993-99, I knew many Messianic leaders. I also worked in Kibbutzim in the Galilee in 1991. My wife's late grandfather was Jewish, from Satu Mare in Romania. Yeshua has given us fantastic connections in the Jewish community here in Hungary. We've been able to share Yeshua to Rabbis, teachers and many individuals. We have won the respect of the community here, working from the inside out because of our connections to the Jewish school. 

Thank you once again, blessings to Laurie and yourself, and also all the fellowship.

In Yeshua
Jim, Nauszika, Sara Rose, Naomi Ruth and Yonatan Israel CLINT

July 9, 2016

Hi Jim.

I worked for Derek Prince Ministries for 8 years, Mahesh Chavda Ministries for 14 and Vision for Israel (Barry & Batya Segal) for 5 years. Each had been to Budapest a few times, so I learned a little of the people there. I believe Faith Church is in Budapest. Always wanted to go with one of these, but I was the office manager/Director. In 2010 my wife and I started Love For His People, Inc. to specifically help the Jewish people in Israel. Now we can also help them get there!

That's amazing Steve. In Northern Ireland my wife and I used our store house for a collection point for Joseph Storehouse. After that Storehouse only picked up from England and Wales and not Ireland. Barry and Batya spoke at a small Messianic congregation I founded in Northern Ireland last year.

I have many of Derek Princes sermons saved from YouTube, he was a true friend of Israel.

The Faith Church in Budapest is pro-Israel but not pro-Aliyah, I tried to contact the Pastor Sandor Nemet a few times to make myself know but he never got back to me. I know two Messianic Jewish ladies who attended his meetings years ago but left. We have our own home bible studies here in Budapest. There's so much Replacement Theology in the "churches" here. The Far Right members are connected to both the Roman Catholic and Reformed groups in Hungary. There's no love for the Jewish people in either group.

It's a blessing brother that you can be part of helping Hungarian Jews home to Israel. You'll understand I'm sure how difficult it is to raise support for anything connected to the Jews. 
(Apart from Ezra we have only 5 donors who have supported us for the last three years, this includes our home fellowship of Shalom Messianic Congregation in Northern Ireland) . Brother you can see how blessed we are to have you on board, please do share our details with others.

I'll send you updates from time to time, because of confidentiality I'm not allowed to disclose the full names and photographs of Jewish people we help. This is what we promised the Jewish Agency here in Budapest. We have excellent relations with them.

I suppose you have heard about the troop buildups in Poland and Latvia! There could well be a conflict with Russia at some point, this will no doubt lead to problems for the Ukraine, Poland, Romania and Hungary. The European Union has been pumping money to improve the main west to east arterial routes in Eastern European countries. This I have heard is for easy troop and artillery movement in the event of a war with Russia. Europe is not prepared, it has a massive dept. Putin could easily take the Ukraine and the Baltic states.

In Israel they are gearing up to duel with Hezbollah again, this time Iran has moved some units close to the Golan Heights. Ezekiel 38 & 39 could well be played out soon, we'll see.

Blessings from Budapest,

Jim and Family