Showing posts with label Sharing Love From Sweden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharing Love From Sweden. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - COMFORT MY PEOPLE - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund from Sweden

Today many people suffer in the world. People can go through many difficult things and face traumas. People who have not suffered so much do not always understood people who need comfort and care. Sometimes people who have gone through sufferings understand people who suffer more because they have been there in the deep valley.

Many people need counseling and care today. Just a cup of coffee for anybody who hurts means much, or talking to someone who maybe has no friends and no money in any church. This is sometimes the reality. There is war and people flee for their lives and goes through traumas. People can face difficult things in family situations.

God says in Isaiah 40:1, "Comfort, comfort my people." Comfort is also shown by practical love to people - for instance to give food. Comfort is to give words from the Bible - words like honey or a balsam.

Words of encouragement and about God who loves gives hope - a God of hope. There are teenagers who have never felt loved at home by their parents or never had a father or mother. There are teenagers who have parents who are alcoholics. They really need comfort! 

Jesus says in John 19:26-27, "Mother, see your son" and "Son, see your mother."

Today there needs to be mothers and fathers in the Body of Christ and the old and young generation need more contact. Fellowship and friendship as we read about in Acts 2:46 and in John 14. I believe God wants to restore more in the Body of Christ. 

Church was not meant to be just a meeting on Sundays and an unpersonal club as it is sometimes. God wants in this late hour to restore more of real friendship where it needs in the Body. This is comfort to the people. 

I think comfort can be demonstrated in different ways. In the Bible, Scriptures of comfort can be spoken, buying flowers for anybody wounded. It can be to give food to a refugee who has wounds. It can be to sing a song for anybody. We are sent to set the captives free and heal the broken hearted. 

Counseling and gifts of the Spirit is not meant for them who have enough money but for everybody. The Gospel is also for the poor, not just for them with money. Counseling and prophetic words can many times be a comfort. Wounded people do not need to hear that money must be given to get counseling or a prophecy.

They maybe do not have food for their children. We read in Luke 10 about a man who was robbed and wounded physical but also had wounds inside. He did not have any money. The Good Samaritan showed compassion and care.

Economy must be solved in another way. I am not against sowing. It is good and needs but not to GET counseling or a prophecy.

Do we have to sow to get comforted in the Body?  No, I do not think so. Comfort in agape ought to be free. In 1 Cor 12 it is written about sharing different gifts with each other. There are Christian conferences today which cost money but there are Christians who cannot come. Is then one church for poor and one for those who have money? This thinking was what they had in Acts.2:45 when they thought about each other economically. They helped each other as needed. It was not selfishness.

To sing Christian songs and to worship is also a means to comfort others when they hear. A sermon can be comforting, and we need sermons which comfort. For instance, teaching about God's love for Israel and the Jews. People need to hear that we are to love them in a world of much anti-semitism. This is also to comfort My people - to stand for Israel and to pray for Israel and the Jewish people.

The Bible is full of comforting words. The God who said "comfort My people" is a God of comfort and when we read the Word we get much comfort. Many people in the world need to know His love today.

God showed the biggest love when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
It is comfort to read in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

We are always welcomed by Jesus and receive His comfort when we need it. His standing there with open arms is like the father who received the son who had been lost. (Luke 15:20) 

Open arms when we need comfort and to receive Jesus in our lives is comfort. 
We need our Comforter - Yeshua (Jesus).


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - THE DEEPEST LOVE by Eva Haglund


I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

Thank you for starting the ministry " Love For His People". This is good and means much! 

Thank you for blessing Israel and the Jewish people!

I read the blog every day. There are many good things you put there and write! You put beautiful pictures from nature. I like to read prophetical things. You put several things as are encouraging there also.

Please pray for me. I pray for you and Laurie! I want to listen to you singing some this evening at YouTube. I like it very much!



Sometimes people wonder if God loves them. There is no need to doubt that because God IS love and He made us because of love. 

His love is not based what we do but because He choose to love us. In John 3:16 is written that SO loved God the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have eternal love.

We cannot do anything to be more loved. We are already loved by God.
Salvation is not given because we are working to be perfect. We can just be saved by grace because Jesus died for us for our sins and you receive Jesus. 

Jesus, who was King in heaven, did not come as a hard leader. He came as a humble leader willing to serve as a servant. The purpose was not that He had to serve. He did it because He wanted to demonstrate His love. He showed us how to wash each other's feet. In the Body of Christ by showing care for each other much in friendship guided by God. 

Jesus preached with His life the heart of God - a heart full of love and compassion and who cares. Jesus showed much life. He did not just talk beautiful words but showed love.

In James is it written, "What does it profit, brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"

Jesus could have chosen to stay in heaven. It had been MUCH more comfortable. He did not have to come to the earth and suffer. But He CHOSE it because of His love.  Abba - our heavenly Daddy could have closed His eyes when we fell in sin.

Instead our Daddy did everything He could for us. His heart was crushed by His love to us and He wanted to do everything for us. The most precious He had was His son. He know there were no other way for people to get saved than to send His Son. He had pain in His heart when He had to see His Son suffer like His precious Lamb.

Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but Abba - our Daddy in heaven gave everything for us. It really showed a heart of a father - a daddy who loves. He loved us so much.

Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter Isaiah 53:7. He did not come to the earth to make a position. He did not come to be like a king in honor, ruling in a hard way.

He did not come to win honor. He did not choose to be popular and rich and people screaming on a scene when they saw Him. He came in humility like a servant can be or humble like a child depending on a parent.

In His love He chose to be badly treated if that was the cost to save and rescue others.

This was real love. Isaiah 53 showed the heart of the father. It is a beautiful scripture showing Jesus love to us. It gives us a picture of Jesus. I sometimes sing from this scripture because I think it is wonderful showing who Jesus really is, showing His love.

Who has suffered like Jesus? Many people suffer today.

The One who has suffered most is Jesus. Even before the cross He suffered very much. He was mocked as king of the Jews. He was mocked as prophet. His friends left Him and one betrayed Him just before the terrible suffering at the cross.

Jesus had so much agony in Gethsemane because He knew before that it was a terrible pain He had to suffer. That is why He had so much agony - the biggest agony but ANYWAY He chose to go this way of suffering.

 He was scourged and people put a red robe and a crown of thorns to show their hate. People people shouted "Crucify". This was a price a prophet can have to pay - sufferings and to be rejected.

Jesus  was a REAL prophet and God's Son. He payed the price. He was willing to suffer for truth and loves sake. Jesus chose to show love when it was very difficult.  He chose to suffer when it was necessary for the sheep.

It is written in 1 Cor 13 that "love does not seek it's own."

We can have suffered much but compared with Jesus sufferings it is just a glimpse because His suffering for us was so big. We do not understand how big it was.

He really was ready to suffer  because of His love.

The greatest love was shown at Calvary when Jesus had so much pain for us nailed at His hands and feet. The greatest suffering preached the greatest love anyone has showed.

Yeshua gave everything for us at the cross because He LOVES us so much!

The COST for the sheep was the CROSS -  His deepest love.

Eva Haglund


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sharing Love from Sweden - HUNGRY FOR GOD by Eva Haglund

Hungry for God

We need more of God.

In John.6:35 is written that Jesus is the Bread of life.  We need the heavenly Bread.

We need more of Jesus. We need to seek Him more. We also need the Word because Jesus is the Word. We  need to be hungry for it - to read it more. If we do not have Jesus we starve in the world because the Bible say He is the Bread. The Bread came to House of Bread - Bethlehem. The Bread came to the earth. In John.1.14 is written that the Word became flesh.

In nature we can see nestlings who open their mouth very big longing for food from a parent. We need to be hungry like this birds after food -after more of God.

Many people are starving today. They do not have usual food. Also many are starving if they do not have the Bread -Yeshua in the world. Like nestlings who are waiting for bread they need the heavenly Bread.

Christians need to learn to know God more and His Word more - to know God more - more of Him.

The enemy want us to think that we do not need more of God and to read His Word more, but we need more of Him and His Word! In Matt.5:3 we read, " Blessed are the poor in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I am thinking that this means that we shall be poor - thinking that we do not think we  have "anything" - what we have is not so much of God but we need more. In churches leaders sometimes there can have  attitudes - " see what we have"  and  "see what we have done. See how good we are." They boast about themselves. Their attitude is not humble when they ought to be.

Sometimes people want to have like a party when it is time for humility, crushed heart, tears before God and the church, to seek Him in prayer. I am not against parties but it is not always right time for it when the church needs to be humble and seek God.

We need to be humbly like children who has an attitude to a parent: " I need you."

To be poor I think is to think that I need more. I have not "got it." I need more of God. GOD  has got it.

To learn to know him is like to learn to know a big sea because he is so big. The Word is like a golden mine.

 It is like a big treasure. In Isaiah 45:3  we read, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places." God want us to get more of this treasures. We need to seek Him.

To learn to know God is not boring because He is love. To seek Him more is good for us. To read the Word build us up.

David says in Ps. 63:1 "O God, You are my God,early will I seek You. I thirst for You. My flesh longs for you. In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." Here we read about a hunger for more of God.

In Ps. 42:1 David says, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, oh God." Here we see again a longing for God.

I think God wants us to learn to know him more as a friend and to know more of the heavenly treasures.

It is good to learn to know his voice more and this needs time with God.

 We need to be like the nestlings.

"I am so hungry! I need food!"

In Isaiah 55:1 it is written, "Ho,Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. And you who have no money,Come buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk.

Without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good. And let your soul delight itself in abundance."

We need to be hungry for God.

We need Him!

Eva Haglund





Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "We Need Our Daily Bread" - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund 
from Stockholm, Sweden

We need usual food. We need usual bread. We also need spiritual food. We need the heavenly Bread.

Yeshua is Bread of life (John.6:35) We need Him. There were people in the Bible who just was interesting in usual food . They were not interested in the Bread of life -Yeshua, but He told them that they needed Him first. He is the Word. Then the Word is also the Bread of life, as bread to our souls.

It is written in John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." When Yeshua is the Word we need to read the Bible. We need the Bread - our daily Bread. The Bible is like a bread. We need to be hungry for it.

It is good to read the Word every day. We need it every day. God also can speak to us personal in the Bible. If we are in difficult situations we need Bible verses to stand on.When we read the Bible we learn of God more and it helps in our daily walk.

The Word ought to be precious like gold for us. It is like a golden mine or like a diamond - mine. It is like water in a desert.

There are churches where there is just words from human being but God's Word is not preached. That is not clean water as the Word is. We need words from heaven. The Word. It is a living water. It is alive. We need this living water for our souls. This well of water.

Yeshua is wonderful. He is love. 1 John.4:8. He is wonderful and He is the Word, which is also wonderful.

It is written in Ps.119: 105,  "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." A lamp gives light. It shows the way. We need Gods light in our path. We need to see.

In Ps.119: 48 we can read,  "My eyes are awake through the night watches, that I may meditate on your word."

We can see that David loved words from heaven - from God. He was singing in the Psalms to God. I think it is good to read the Word aloud also because then you hear the Word and it is good to hear it. I also think that you can sing from the Word. For instance, from the Psalms as David wrote.

To confess loud some things from the Word every day is good. As an example, "My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth." It is a help for your faith.

Hebrew 4:12 says, "For the Word is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged soul piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

The Word is strong. It is strong like a fire. It build us up.Then it is good to hear good sermons also and to read good christian books with teachings for instance.

We need the Word - our Bread.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "WORSHIP IS LIKE A PRECIOUS OIL FROM OUR HEARTS" by Eva Haglund


I believe that sometimes people do not understand the importance of worship. There are some who think it is just to save time in a meeting and are never interested to sing outside the church building. There are Christian leaders who do not understand it and some stop worship leaders after five minutes and say that is enough.

There are other leaders who understand some importance of it now, but hopefully will understand more later. People want to do things for Yeshua but sometimes do not understand the importance of the relationship with God. The relationship ought to be first. We need to be home too, and have time to seek God. We worship because that is having a relationship to God. It is giving your heart to Him. This is not a law but it is as between a bride and a bridegoom. As in Song of Solomon, anyone who loves you will want to express your love in words. You can use the song to express your love to Yeshua.

God wants our worship from our hearts. He loves us and He love to hear our voice singing worship to Him. In Song of Solomon 2:14 is written, "Let me hear your voice." He loves to hear us worship Him. We need worship in the church building but God lives in people's hearts. The ones who have received Yeshua are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we can sing in other places and at home. David was singing much outside with the sheep. It is written much about thanksgiving and to sing to God in the Bible.

In Ps.106 is written " Oh, gives thank to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endureth forever."

Sometimes we forget to thank God. It is good to remind each other about it. In Ps.100:4 we can read, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name."

Worship is important and it is good to give thanks to Yeshua. I think dance to God can be like worshiping Him with your body. In the Bible we can see that David danced to God. Miriam did also. Worship is important and it is good to give thanks to Yeshua. I think dance to God can be like worshiping Him with your body.

David and Miriam understood the importance of dance and did it from the hearts because they wanted to lift up God with dance and song. When we are in difficult circumstances we need worship. Sometimes we can be in very difficult circumstances and then we need to worship. To rejoice in the Lord is our strength. When we worship we become glad. We rejoice in Him.

I have noticed that when you dance to God that you become joyful. Worship and dance to God does not have to be done if we only feeling like it. You can feel sad or discouraged but it is good to worship when you do not feel well also. It is a sacrifice of praise. Instead of complaining, it is good to turn it and gives thanks to God. It is good to read about how much He suffered before the cross and at the cross - to read more of it to get more revelation about how much He suffered for us personally because of His love to us. 

Yeshua  faced the hate, rejection and the biggest suffering while nailed at the cross. He showed His love for us. You can worship thinking about that. He knows what suffering is and He suffered so much for me at the cross because He loves me. We can always praise Him for what He has done for us at the cross - His immense suffering for us. We can thank Him for His love for us. We can thank God for that He is good and that His mercy endureth forever.

In Acts. 16:25 we can read, "But at the midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them." In the prison I do not think it was nice. It was a hard place to be in. Their strength then was to worship. When they worshiped I think spiritual things happened.

When you lift up God with worship it is also spiritual war against darkness. We can read in verse Acts 16:26 that things happened as prisoners were released. When we worship it causes things to happens. In meetings the presence of God can come. We can also worship in our homes. It is nice when someone plays guitar for instance, in addition to singing in a home. I think unsaved can get saved by hearing worship.

I have heard about people who have been healed in worship and it is good for your soul to worship. Yeshua is wonderful and worthy our worship!

Worship can be like giving God roses from your heart to Him. It is also like worship when you give your life in His hand. Your life is as symbolic as a rose you keep in your hand and give to Him. One time I danced with a rose to symbolize this.

Worship is like a precious oil from our hearts to Yeshua. The woman at his feet was crushed by His love and wanted to give something from her heart. She gave Him precious oil.

Yeshua loves to hear our voices and love to hear us worshiping Him! He is wonderful and worthy all our praise!

Eva Haglund

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "Yeshua - the Passover Lamb" by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I liked the  poem you wrote on the blog! Thank you very much! I wish you a Happy Passover! 

The Passover Lamb
Isaiah 53

I think about Yeshua - the Passover Lamb. He gave everything for us like a lamb led to the slaughter. I think about our heavenly Daddy's deep love. His Son was like a precious Lamb for Him I think - a lamb without
faults and He laid down, as our loving Daddy, His precious Lamb at the altar for us. Our heavenly Daddy's heart was crushed for us and He wanted to do everything for us. The biggest love was to be willing to give His Son.

He know there is NO other Way to Open thé Way to heaven. Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but God gave everything for us. He gave the biggest present.

I think He had pain in His heart seeing Yeshua suffer so much but he did it for us. Yeshua loved His father and wanted to do His will. He loved us also so much and was ready to do everything for us. He had the good shepherds heart giving everything for the sheep.

I think in Gethsemane Yeshua had so much agony until blood because He knew that He would have to suffer so much because it was a terrible pain, but He chose to carry all sufferings- all pain because of His love to us.

Yeshua's heart was also crushed for us as our heavenly Daddy's was. God is really Love!

My favorite chapter is Isaiah 53 because it tells how wonderful Yeshua is. It shows how the Father- Daddy is also.

God is love.


Yeshua's blood was shed for us. His back was whipped full of stripes.

We can celebrate His death 
and resurrection now 
because He reigns in heaven. 
And Yeshua (Jesus) is coming back again as 
King of kings and 
Lord of lords.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - Eva Haglund "One in Christ"

Shalom Steve!

I send you many greetings from Sweden!

There has come some flowers in the early spring here and I and a friend went outside in the nature and took photos outside. Wonderful to be in the nature I think as God has created. The creator is wonderful!

I have been talking and thinking and would like to share some thoughts about to be one in Christ.





Paul did not count his "own works" -self -righteousness and titles. Paul is writing in the letter to the Philippians in verse 3:7 "that what things were gain to me I these I have counted loss for Christ, " and in verse 3:4, "though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If anyone think he has confidence in the flesh, I more so circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews, concerning the law a Pharisee."

He says in Phil. 3:8 "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ, and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith in Christ."

I am thinking that it can be a new time when God wants more to use whoever He wants. It has been a time when sometimes a church has been like one man but I think God wants it more to be like the Body standing together as one man, one Body.

We need each other much in friendship, as the "hand" needs the "foot" in a body and instead of any "superman" who sometimes people run after like an idol. Jesus is the Head and we all need each other, with the same value as we can see in 1 Cor.12.

I think Jesus wants people more to do things in teams also and that it is important with the thinking of unity - love in Body of Christ between churches without receiving wrong doctrines, but biblical.

Sometimes people in the Body of Christ are looked down on. People who are ill, old, unemployed, have less money  - people sometimes look down also among some Christians. Sometimes there are people who think they are above, with titles, or sometimes people who have more money look down at people who have no money. This is not from God.

It has to do with learning to know God and how He looks at people. Leah was blind and was bad treated but God did not like when she was bad treated . Leah was very precious for God and He saw her value.

In James 2 in the Bible it talks about a man who was poor come to a meeting, but was treated different. The Bible tell us not to do so.

In Gal.3:28 it is written that Jews and Greek are one in Christ and that men and women are one in Christ. The same value. I think God can use a child as much as a grown up but in a different way. We will be humble like the children. I think God many who are ill as much as he can use people who are not ill.

God does not look at our titles or own " works." He does not look down at old people who are looked down at sometimes. He did not choose David to be King because of how young he was.

Seal of King David in Jerusalem

He does not look as people sometimes look at titles or so. God looked to David's heart. He knew he loved God. He prepared him to be a king in showing care and love to the sheep.

He used him to go against Goliath - not because he was big in himself but because he knew who he was in God - that God could use him because GOD is big.

The boy who went against Goliath did not have any titles. The enemy was laughing at him but God used him mighty. He was willing and bold to go and did it because he loved his God. God can use old as much as young and there need be more contact with old and young. One of the strongest songs singing I have heard was when I heard a autistic boy sing a Christian song. I am thinking that it is a new time and that God will use whoever He wants and He will use children, too.

When Jesus was born the angels appeared in front of shepherds. They did not have any titles.They were simple shepherds. They had learned to show love to the sheep as David did.To show love and care is more worth than to have a title but do not have love for people.

David was a king later. He had a title but he did not have it to show but he had it because as he has learned to take care of the sheep and show love he was as a king to give.

Joseph suffered very much. He was also for a long time in prison. He learned to seek God in difficulties and because he had been in prison he knew what it was to be in prison and showed love to all people.

The first disciples Jesus went to were also fishermen. They did not have any titles but they have learned things on the sea. They were good to work together under difficult circumstances and be ready to work hard and working in a team, as friends together.

Jesus was a King in love - a King in love. He gave up his titles, honor, aboundness for us.

Eva Haglund


The title He got was criminal.
The royal crown He received was made of thorns.
The life in aboundness was His garments divided.

The palace He went to was the cross.

The honor He was shown was people turning away -
their faces in contempt and a suffering unto death.
He was willing to give up it all - because of love...

He did it for you!

Isaiah 53, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8.

Blessings and Shalom!
Eva Haglund

Friday, February 7, 2014

Eva Sharing Love from Sweden - "Hope For The Future"

Shalom! I send many greetings.

Here in Stockholm the snow melts just now. Maybee there will come more before the spring in about middle of March. I have been thinking and wrote like a biblestudy. Send it. Hope you like. Sent pictures, too. Will watch some soccer at TV with family.

Blessings Eva.

Stockholm by night.


We can be in very difficult circumstances but we must not be discouraged. The one who made us has a way out. We shall never give up. God loves us so much and sent his Son for us! He is a great God and nothing is impossible for him.

We can think our problems are big but we must remember that God made heaven and earth. Ps.121. He made all the planets and all the stars and the sun. Before him we are small like ants because he is so big and his ways are so much higher than ours. Would he not be able to help us? Who do we think God is? He is much greater than we understand. He could make seven earths if he would. He made the thunder and the storm as we can see his power in. God has power!

As the small bird under the wings of an parent can feel secure we can feel secure under Gods wings.

In Ps.46 we can read that " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT fear."

We will not fear if the earth be removed and and the mountains be carried into the sea we can read. I think that if this would happen God would God help us but also think about that it can feel like this that if the mountains are removed and the mountains carried into the sea but eaven if it feels like that God is faithful and stand for what he say. He is not a God who lies. I am also thinking about earthquakes here and about high waves as we can read in verse 4. His grace will not leave us as his children. He will protect us.

In Isaias.54:10 it is written that if the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed that God's kindness and covenant of peace shall not be removed.

I think about that the covenant of him as child of God will not be removed. The way is Jesus. Just in his name is salvation. He payed the price for us so that we could be clean by his blood. Jesus biggest present to us was when he gave his life for us. The greatest love.

If we go through much fire and water Isaias.43 his covenant of peace will not be removed and he has not forsaken us and can help us -eaven if it feels like the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed he has not left us and his covenant is there.If we belive in Jesus and what he done at the cross for us we are saved for eternity. We cannot come into heaven by ourselves because we were not perfect so God sent Jesus - like a lamb who was led to the slaughter Isaias.53:7.

In verse 53:6 we read that "All we like sheep have gone astray". It means we could not be saved by ourselves. But in 53:6 we read "And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all". It means in his name we do not have to be afraid of his return. In Jesus name we are saved - salvation is in his name.

Sometimes you hear that you cannot know when Jesus return. We do not know the day Jesus says in 34:36 but I think about Matt. 24:32-34. Jesus says in Matt.that when the branch has become tender and the leaves on the figtree puts forths leaves you know that summer is near. I believe that when the state of Israel was born 1948 I think Jesus talks about that the generation who see this will not die before Jesus comes back.

It is important to talk about Jesus return because it is not far away. In Jesus name we have salvation and hope.

Eva Haglund 
Feb. 5, 2014
fjällandskap havet                                                                                                
" I will my eyes up to the hills.
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord 
who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1
 Dölj meddelandehistorik

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "Under His Wings" (Psalm 91)

Stockholm, Sweden

It is written in Ps.91 that you, as a Christian, are under God´s wings.

Ps.91: 4. "He shall cover you with His feathers".  It means that a symbol for God can be a bird. When you think about God´s greatness and about the refuge, think for instance about an albatross because they have very big feathers. You are under big feathers and under real protection. 

When you think that you are under His wings I do not just think about protection but that under His wings you are close to God. Would He not take care of you, His “bird-child”? It is natural under His wings then that He will take care of you! It means under His wings I think also that you are loved and you are not left alone! It is written that "surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler." In Ps.91.3 it means then that a human being can have a symbol of a bird, too. 

In  Ps.91:5 we can read “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night” and other things you do not have to be afraid of. It means that you are under Gods wings in the night when it is dark in the home. And the “Bird” lives where you live because in Ps. 23:6  we can read  “I will dwell in the house forever,” I think then about forever. It means that we dwell with God know too! He lives with us where we live.   

To deliver you from the snare of the fowler can means different things. For instance, that you as a Christian are saved  and delivered from the snare of the fowler! I think also that Jesus was delivered from the snare of the fowler when He rose from the death. I am thinking that the enemy thought he destroyed Jesus at the cross because he did not understood love and then he did not understand that Jesus was hanging there by free will for us and  rose from the dead!

Some animals are ready to give their lives for the children. I saw a bear one time on TV fighting for the cub, ready to give her life for it.

One time many years ago I happened to come to near a swan. I saw that the mother was very angry when you came close. I noticed that she had her chicks with her. She really did all she could do in protecting them!  Then I think about God. He really is very eager to do everything for us – like  a good shepherd's heart! A good shepherd is willing to give his life for the sheep and  is “feeding  the sheep.” The good shepherd takes care of the sheep and a  swan  protects and helps her offspring! 
In Ps.91 I think to be under God's wings can also be as under the wings of a hen. Under the wings you feel secure. When you understand the safety in being under the wings you get peace about things you worry about. I am under God's wings.. As if to be under the wings of an eagle or a swan.

The albatross has very big wings and I like to think about that when I think about that picture;  when I  think about being under God`s wings. God is like a shelter.  Jesus is a refuge. You are under Gods`s wings.

Also as a lamb you can feel safe, secure and calm in the arms of a shepherd who loves and carries it and takes care of it. God does that also about protection. Jesus is our salvation . It is salvation in His name and about protection. As a mother or father wants to protect their children, Gods wants to protect His children.

In Ps.91 it is written in verse 14 that "because He has set His love upon me, therefore I will deliver him.. In the name of Jesus is protection. In Isaiah 43:1-2 you can read that if we go through water and fire we will not be burned. If we go through difficulties we will not go under and if there is lot of water around us we will not drown or not die in any fire.

To be in our heavenly Daddy's arms is like to be like a child in the arms of a father who loves his child deeply. God is a God full of love and in Rom. 8.15 we can read that God has not given us a spirit of fear. We can feel safe in His love. He sent the most precious gift He had to us, His Son, so that we could be saved and find salvation is in His name, Jesus.


Eva Heglund
To rest in Your arms
I cannot do it myself.
Like a baby in the arms of a parent
Take a deep breath and feel calm 
Knowing that He will take care of me.
I am in secure in His hands.
I cannot count how He will do it,
Just trust!
I cannot fall out of Daddy`s arms;
He will not let me fall.
My Daddy has a heart of gold.
There can be waves around me.
I can feel overwhelmed but
My Daddy takes care of me!
He is above the waves.

Albatross flying over the waves