Showing posts with label anointing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anointing. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bobby Conner: Purified, Prepared, and Predestined

Bobby Conner:
Purified, Prepared, and Predestined
The Elijah List

Bobby Conner
Days of Preparation

Beloved, we are in the midst of a great, divine acceleration in the Spirit. The Body of Christ is being prepared for a fresh, new day of God's plan. The Spirit of God is doing a new thing and we must be prepared to move with Him (see Isaiah 48:6-7). Although this process could take a long time to mature fully, God has been preparing us for this day for many years! 

We are moving into the destiny the Lord has prepared for us before the foundation of the world.

This is a season of preparation. 

The Spirit of Truth is dealing deeply with Believers, calling us to draw near to Christ Jesus Himself with a holiness and single-mindedness like we have never before experienced. The Lord's people are being groomed to encounter Him in the fiery cloud of His Presence, and God will be found by, and in, all who are seeking Him with their whole Deep Calls Unto Deep by Mike De Lorenzo heart (see Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Truly, "deep is calling unto deep" (see Psalm 42:7). This is not the time to remain half-hearted and shallow: Now is the time to launch out into the deep and cry out with the apostle Paul, "That I may know Him" (Philippians 3:10), to be conformed to His image and to carry His presence. The Bride is being prepared to experience true union with Christ, to know Him intimately in order to be like Him in every aspect of our being, in spirit, soul, and body.

Revelation of Purity

How is this transformation happening? The Spirit of Truth is highlighting purity and uprightness so we may all walk in true holiness and the fear of the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 7:1). 

This lifestyle is not legalism but purity produced by love and loyalty for Christ the King
Truly, the Body of Christ is no longer satisfied with knowing our Lord and Savior as a doctrine of our mental understanding. As the Lord responds to the hunger of His people, He is revealing the Person of Jesus in the inward parts of our spirit. What we've understood with our "head knowledge," we will begin to experience through spiritual revelation. And as the eyes of our heart become enlightened, our character and lifestyle will be transformed (see Ephesians 1:17-18). 

Integrity and honesty will become paramount. 

We will live each day in such a manner that greatly pleases the Lord (see Colossians 1:9-10).

Revelation of Strategies
Springs of Life Key by Lillis BoyerAs a result of this deeper consecration to the Lord, many will receive divine strategies for this pivotal season (see John 16:13). 

The Spirit of Truth is releasing revelatory insights for all who are willing to hear Him with a heart set to obey what He is requesting (see James 1:22). 

Prepare to see an acceleration of the advancing of God's plans and purposes. God will have a people of purity and power, who live, move, and have their being in the absolute authority of Christ.

Revelation of Destiny

Whether or not you feel you are fulfilling your destiny, you are being prepared by the King of kings for His good purposes. You were chosen by God and have been given a divine destiny in eternities past. Why? The Lord is calling you to partner with Him to shape the future of the Kingdom of God (see 2 Corinthians 6:1)! This seems almost too marvelous to be true, but it is the Word of God. Ephesians 2:10 explains:

"For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

What does it mean to be "HIS workmanship"? The Greek term translated workmanship ispoiema, from which we derive the English word poem. Indeed, we are God's poem, written in ages past to be a living testimony of His presence on earth (see Psalm 139:16-17). Without exception, every Believer has been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has ordained for us.

Revelation of Anointing

In Yeshua's Presence by Jennifer PageThe desperate cry of many Believers is: "Oh, Lord, let Your works appear unto Your people" (see Psalm 90:16-17). The good news is that God's anointing rests upon pure, upright followers of Jesus, and we will fulfill His purposes on earth. God has not only ordained good works for us, but He has also provided the grace we need to perform these works (see Philippians4:13). We all have "an unction to function." Each one of us is anointed to fulfill the purposes of God (see Acts 1:8).

As we move deeper into this season of sensitivity and revelatory enlightenment, we must never forget that our calling and destiny, our chief aim, is to abide in our Beloved Jesus Christ, fixing our eyes on Him and Him alone. 

Only in His light do we see light (see Psalm 36:9). Only in His presence do we obtain a happy, holy heart (see Psalm 16:11).

Leaders With Pure Hearts

These marks of maturity are being seen in many lives, but it is imperative that leaders set an even higher standard for the Body of Christ. Purity of heart and purity of motives are required if we are to behold the Lord (see Hebrews 12:14). 

Divinely appointed leaders are emerging who have a single heart's goal to establish the King in His Kingdom on earth.

Heart of Fire and Passion by Lillis BoyerThis purity of heart is an absolute requirement for every Believer and leader, because we are entering into a season of signs and wonders on a level never before experienced. But we must be on the alert: the supernatural will be displayed not only from the Holy Spirit but also from the dark side. 

Scripture warns that, in the last days, deception will be strong (see Matthew 24:24). Even though the enemy will attempt to deceive many, Christ Jesus will have for Himself a people prepared to do greater works (see John14:12).

This is not a time for any Believer or leader in the Body of Christ to be humdrum, expecting only what we have seen and experienced before. We have never been where we are going now (see Joshua 3:4). 

We all must prepare for what is ahead: The call to embrace the awe of Almighty God. A wonderful, reverential fear of the Lord is returning to the people of God, releasing the wisdom of God (see Psalm 111:10).

The hearts and lives of millions are going to be touched and transformed by the power of God during these days, as God's people return to a radical love for Christ.


Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries


Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! 

Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Doug Addison: Clarity is Coming! Some New Radical Positive Events Will Start Happening in March

Doug Addison:
Clarity is Coming! 
Some New Radical Positive Events 
Will Start Happening in March
The Elijah List

Doug AddisonExpect Things to Clear Up

If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month.

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Attacks of 2013 Become Authority

What were your struggles and how did the enemy attack you in 2013? Your attack in 2013 is the area of your new authority this year. In many cases, the enemy overplayed his hand against you and 2013 was about trying to get you to quit.

For those who stuck with it, God is giving new levels of authority and anointingBut there is a key to this new promotion this year: we must get rid of accusations against others.

God is releasing new anointing and authority to those who are humble and able to love others.

A key verse for this time is Matthew 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

God spoke to me that if you have anything against someone else, it is time to put it behind you. Especially if you are holding evidence saved to prove you are right. Let it go. 

It's time to trust God to fight your battles and let go of any grievances because they will disqualify you from promotions this year.

New Ideas and Inventions

Covenant Promise by Jennifer PageI had a prophetic dream this month that God is releasing from Heaven new strategies, ideas and inventions right now. 

I was standing next to an angel and suddenly a high-tech umbrella appeared in my hand that not only shielded me from the elements but also had a mist of refreshment falling down on the inside. The dream means that God's angels will shield us while bringing a creative, inventive spirit. 

When we are protected by God, new divine strategies and inventions create Kingdom finances even through tough times.

I also had several dreams of violent weather. God is saying do not worry about how things look but trust that God will open up opportunities to be blessed in any situation.

God gave Isaac a strategy to reap a hundred times during a terrible famine.

"Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him." Genesis 26:12

In every downturn there's always a way to reap. Ask God for eyes to see what you can do right now in your situation.

Super Bowl Score

Even though the Super Bowl was not that super this year, unless you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, the final score was intriguing to me. I felt it was significant and knew that again, like last year, it was not intended to say that God is judging.

Taking a look at the final score, Seahawks 43 to Broncos 8, God led me to some powerful verses packed in Isaiah 43 which many of us know. 

Here God brings comfort during rough times, forming us into people of godly character, able to lead others by following Holy Spirit into new things (Isaiah 43:1-2, 5-8 and 18-19).

Check out the verse corresponding to the final score, 43-8 to Isaiah 43:8: "Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." Isaiah 43:8 NIV

God is opening people's eyes and ears. People who have no idea about the power of His Spirit will be led by those called by God's name. Like the power of God's Spirit, who helped deaf Seahawks fullback, Derrick Coleman, who "stuck with it" and despite his disability, gained much new authority.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."Isaiah 43:18-19

God's challenge in the game of life is to take comfort during character-forming times. Your heart's re-shaping helps you and others show God's awesome goodness. Read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 43 because it is packed full of promises from God to pray into your life.

Get Rid of Judgment

When God does something new, quite often the previous movement is judgmental towards it. This is repeated throughout Church history. 

God is doing something new right now to draw in people who have been rejected by Christianity. I have been encouraging people everywhere to embrace anyone who needs God and not judge them.

Before we can help others, we must ask God to look at our own hearts and see if there is any judgment against others.

I've been praying a prayer for a while, "God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see about myself." 

And also, "God, reveal to me anything I might have in my heart towards others." 

As we get rid of judgment, we are better able to embrace people who are different than us.

Let's pray together that God would help us be more persistent so we can "stay in it." And we would have judgment-free eyes to see clearly and find new ways to hear how to use our new authority to touch many.


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.

From the desk of Steve Shultz

Doug Addison's word is very much needed for the Body in this hour. I know some of you have been dealing with great struggles and storms...and this word will really help and encourage you.

What an encouragement from Doug as he shares: If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month. 

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Be greatly blessed!


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Friday, February 7, 2014

God is Raising Up Pioneers - Who Live In the Breaker Anointing - Michael Krysty

Michael Krysty:
God is Raising Up Pioneers - 
Who Live In the Breaker Anointing
The Elijah List

Michael Krysty
It's Breakthrough Time

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are followers, then leaders, and then there are pioneers. Lately, God has been speaking to me about a forerunner authority. Some would call it a pioneer, some would say apostolic, yet even others would say a breaker anointing.

Jesus Christ, as the supreme Apostle ("...Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess," Hebrews 3:1), was the One who broke through the temple and made a new and living way for us to follow into the presence of God.

...Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us... Hebrews 10:19-20

I believe that is exactly what the pioneer, apostolic, or breaker anointing does. It opens up new and living ways.

Roads that were totally unknown and unfamiliar to a community of people are now available, and this community is equipped in strength to travel the new road. I believe it is important to understand that when a forerunner interprets his findings from this new arena, it can generate far reaching effects for the rest of the community – both positive and negative. The anointing of a pioneer is powerful!

Jesus: A new and living wayJesus, our chief Apostle, broke through and opened a new and living way. I believe, in order to truly be effective in the Great Commission, the forerunner must do the same in their efforts to establish the Kingdom of God. I want to say this: You have access to a great breaker anointing within you.

It is Jesus inside of you. I praise God that Jesus opened up a new and living way for us into the Kingdom of God through salvation.

Yet now, with Christ in us, we can take His power into the earth and open up new roads of opportunities for His Kingdom to expand on the earth.

Right now, in this season, God is opening up the nations, ministry opportunities, and business opportunities for His children, His pioneers! Get ready for new's breakthrough time!

(Photo via icanthrugod.tumblr)

A Brand New Way

The pioneer is the first to enter into new atmospheres. Because they tread on new roads, the message is not always well received. In Numbers 13, we read about pioneers that are given the responsibility of exploring Canaan. They go and find great assets and potential.

Frankly, they are mesmerized by what they discover. They want the land. They come back and give the description to Moses, Aaron, and the rest of the Israelite community. They say, "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit" (Numbers13:27).

The testimony of the spiesYet, just as they were giving the awesome testimony of what they saw, what God had promised to them, they then switched into another testimony of impossibilities and danger. The testimony of why it could never work.

"But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there" (Numbers 13:28). A spirit of fear was released to a whole community of people even though there was visible fruit of what could be accomplished.

(Photo via Garden of Praise/by Gospel Services, Inc.)

Yet, in the midst of doubt, one spoke up: Caleb. Caleb believed they could take the land – Caleb did not see through the eyes of a normal person, nor did he have the same spirit as the other forerunners. There was something different about him in comparison to the other pioneers; he saw a super reality.

In fact, he was rewarded. The Lord said of him that he had a different spirit and that he followed Him wholeheartedly. With Caleb, Joshua also stood, believing they could take the land.
Caleb and JoshuaIt was a new way for the all of the Israelites, and they could not believe the message of Caleb and Joshua. There were other forerunners with Caleb and Joshua, yet it was only Caleb and Joshua who carried the breaker anointing.

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are many people that are walking in a new way and obeying directions to explore this new land, but there are few that see in super reality.

In fact, there are many that have had experiences and have seen life from many angles, but when it comes to taking the land and establishing the Kingdom, their actions and words communicate that there is no hope. They release doubt and fear, and operate out of a natural reality.

A true pioneer is one that stands even in the midst of everyone affected by disbelief.

For them, there is a brand new way, yet it is a possible one. The authority of a pioneer is many times challenged; but their authority is weighty and can shift societies, cultures, and nations.

(Photo via Distant Shores Media/Open Bible Stories)

Also, a true pioneer is one that breaks through not only the blocks to create a new path, but also breaks down the walls that would keep them from dwelling in the destination continually as a culture. Caleb and Joshua were these types of men. They not only opened a new way and went into the promised land, their heart was to establish a living way. God wants to establish not just an experience where we taste fruit and see the great land or experience Heaven on earth as an event or service.

He wants us to know it as a continual dwelling place as a culture.

A Living Way

Abundant lifeGod is not interested in merely a good time or an event by itself. In fact, He is not interested in a new way alone. He is interested in abundant life; life that is ongoing. He is interested in a new and living way; a revival torch that will not only spark, but ultimately grow into an ongoing fire. That is the Kingdom. God is interested in a lifestyle of revival and outpouring.

(Photo via

If we never take revival out of the service or make it a dwelling place, we become like the pioneers that give a report of the impossibilities. They believed they couldn't dwell in the fullness of the riches because of the giants.

But, there is a voice saying, "We can take the land, we can live in an ongoing outpouring because it is a living way."

It is not just a way that is new and never seen; it is a way that is alive and unending – a living way. The path that Christ torched for us to come into the Kingdom was completely new and could not be opened by any besides Himself. Yet the path is still open today, and it is living – Kingdom living.

The Kingdom of God is 24/7. It is continually in season and out. It must become a dwelling place, a place that is inhabited. If it isn't, the normal Christian life will be seen as just a series of intermittent events. It will be seen only through an earthly reality when, all the while, we have available for us a super reality...Heaven on earth.

God has made available for the Body of Christ open Heavens that will not shut, and we can dwell in these places. A living way is a breathing path that has limitless fruitful encounters.
Heaven openedStephen carried this type of anointing. The Bible describes him as one that was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was the first person in the New Testament who was martyred for following the ways of Jesus.

As he was being stoned, Stephen was literally brought into an open vision as he saw physically what was happening in the spiritual realm. He shouted out, "Look...I see Heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56).

Yet, even though Stephen literally saw this open Heaven over his life, I believe he had it over his life even before then. I believe that Stephen was one that saw in a higher level, a super reality.

(Photo via Wallpapers Wide)

Stephen was truly a forerunner. His death caused the Church to grow and spread in a new and living way. We read right after his death in Acts 8:1-4 that when the persecution of the Church broke out, the whole Church scattered. But they were not just scattered; rather, the Church was being relocated and the Kingdom advanced.

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4

Those that were scattered spread the fire outside and beyond their normal living quarters. Stephen's act birthed a community of missionaries! It was as if a boulder had been dropped from one-hundred feet in the air into a lake of lava, causing lava to splash out into many other areas. The breaker anointing – it stays open for others to dwell in and operate out of!

Lions Traveling Unfamiliar Paths

Like lionsCaleb, Joshua, and Stephen were not followers, nor were they just leaders – they were pioneers. Yet these were not pioneers merely out to make a new discovery; they were men dedicated to bringing an entire nation into this discovery with them. They took the initiative and did not wait for others – they were courageous lions. 

(Photo via DesertUSA)

The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind. The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest... Micah 5:7-8

I believe God is raising up super-breakers or super-pioneers to not only make a new way, but to make it both a new and living way. They are the ones that take initiative and do not wait for others to do it for them. They are young, old, and middle-aged. They are learned, unlearned, and of all classes.

God is taking people in this hour and turning them into a generation who sees through eyes of faith a super reality to destroy the works of darkness.

Not only do they want to taste the fruit of the land, they want the whole land! This is the call of the revivalist in this hour, this is the call of the teacher in this hour, this is the call of the entire five-fold ministry in this hour. To pioneer what God is commanding us to move into, and bring entire nations into it to dwell!

We must not wait for others; we must not see like others, we must be like lions!

What will you see?God is not just raising up forerunners.

God is asking the forerunners: What type of report will you give? What type of reality will you see? What type of kingdom will you release?

God is calling the forerunner to carry a breaker anointing and be led on unfamiliar paths to take an entire nation into a living way – birthing a supernatural community! NEW AND LIVING.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Lord, lead Your family into a super reality. Take us into Your breaker anointing. Teach us to decipher the many voices we hear and cancel out every voice that isn't Yours. May we hear Your whispers and know them from the rest. Release boldness into Your people.

I pray for the eyes of their hearts to be opened, that they may carry Your presence into the world. They are world changers. Thank You, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Michael Krysty
Inhabit Fire Ministries


Michael Krysty is a unique, emerging radical revivalist with an uncompromising message of the supernatural power of Jesus. He is the founder of Inhabit Fire Ministries, and walks in a powerful and accurate realm of the word of knowledge and gifts of healing.

He was introduced to the Gospel while in drug rehab and had a dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ, and he has never been the same. Now, Michael and his wife, Amanda, travel the world preaching and demonstrating the message of the raw power and love of the Kingdom of Heaven. They reside just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, and attend MorningStar Church when home.

Source: The Elijah List

Monday, January 27, 2014

God is Releasing New Levels of Anointing For 2014 - Robin McMillan (The Elijah List)

Robin McMillan:
God is Releasing New Levels 
of Anointing For 2014
(The Elijah List)

A Dream of Joseph's Coat

In a recent dream I found myself in an expensive clothing store filled with the most marvelous garments – rack after rack of amazing colorful coats filled the fine establishment. I thought, "Who wouldn't want one of these fine garments?"

As I gazed over the racks of coats, one in particular caught my attention. I carefully pulled it from the racks and tried it on. The coat had a 'Carolina' sky blue front, a colorful wide striped back with a delicate expensive amber colored leather collar. 

I looked at myself in a full-length mirror admiring the fit. It had unusual ¾ length sleeves and was made to fit as a waist length jacket. It fit perfectly. It was as if it were tailor made for me.

I stepped outside to see how it looked in natural light. I was delighted with such a colorful and fine fitting coat. I turned to go back into the store to pay for it, only to discover that the store was nowhere to be found. It had disappeared – but the coat remained. I could not pay for it.


God is ready to clothe many with a 'tailor made' new anointing in 2014 typified by the coat of many colors that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 

This new anointing will release a new level of prophetic revelation represented by the heavenly sky blue color that covered the front of the garment.

In the dream I could not pay for the coat. It had already been paid for. We could never pay enough to obtain something that only God can provide. It is not something we can earn. 

It must be given and we must deeply appreciate that truth to wear it and use it with humility and wisdom.

The fact that the back was striped speaks of a new level of healing anointing.  

Isaiah 53:5 records: "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."

The expensive leather collar speaks of how everything of value must be paid for with shed blood just as the Lord shed the blood of animals to cover Adam and Eve with leather garments after their fall. Collars can speak of identity. This collar was amber speaking of the color of the glory of God. This coat will be attended by the glory of God.

We find other significance of this anointing from the life of Joseph and his colorful garment:

"Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors." Genesis 37:3

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Bible scholars have differing understandings of this coat's appearance. Aryeh Kaplan in the Living Torah explains it this way: "It was a royal garment. The word passim can be translated as colorful, embroidered, striped, or with pictures. 

It can also denote a long garment, coming down to the palms of the hands and the feet. Hence, it may be translated as a 'full sleeved robe', 'a coat of many colors', 'a coat reaching to his feet', 'an ornamented tunic', 'a silk robe', or 'a fine woolen cloak'."

The coat represents the favor Joseph had from his father and spoke of the primary leadership of his family he would one day obtain. His coat was one of great promise, giftedness and authority.

Ministry Gifts and Anointing

The coat was a gift. We could never pay for something so precious. But as many of us have discovered, some gifts become very expensive. This next new anointing will be that way too.

In Joseph's case the coat focused Joseph's brothers' jealousy and hatred. We will discover that this new coat may generate just such responses from those who don't understand why God anoints those He does. Ultimately his brothers stripped Joseph of his coat, sold him into slavery, dipped the coat in blood, and lied to their father about him having been killed by wild animals.

It was necessary for Joseph to lose the outward sign of the anointing and be severely tested in order to function at the highest level the robe initially promised. The jealousy and hatred of his brothers were part of the price Joseph paid to live out the gift he was given. The garment being soaked in blood reveals that every anointing must be sanctified for it to be ultimately successful.

When Moses anointed Aaron and his sons for service he stripped them, washed them, clothed them, then anointed them. Afterward he sanctified them with blood: "Also he took some of its blood and put it on the tip of Aaron's right ear, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. Then he brought Aaron's sons. And Moses put some of the blood on the tips of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet" (Leviticus 8:23-24).

How many men and women have been destroyed because they did not submit to the entire process meant to insure the success of the ministry gifts and anointing God gave them? Many. We must be men and women who have submitted to the processes of the Lord if we are to "wear" his anointing successfully. We must never submit to jealousy and selfish ambition if we are to function effectively. 

Such selfish ambition releases much evil: "But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there." James 3:14-16

God is releasing new levels of anointing, colorful mantles He freely gives, but with each one comes a price. 

Joseph graduated from God's school of the anointing and ruled in Egypt with dignity, mercy, and kindness. His understanding of the redemptive ways of God and his lack of self-centeredness enabled him to revive his father's household and preserve the lineage of the Messiah. 

That is the purpose of the anointing. It is not primarily to make your ministry a success, although it can.

Joseph used his anointing to empower and enrich many who had lost their inheritances. It is to restore households, free prisoners, reclaim legacies, and declare the glory of God through the lives of redeemed people.

"That we might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified." Isaiah 61:3

Prepare your hearts. A new precious and dangerous anointing is being released even now. Use yours with wisdom, humility, and dignity.

Robin McMillan
Senior Pastor, Queen City Church

Robin McMillan is the Senior Pastor of Queen City Church in downtown Charlotte, North Carolina, planted on Father's Day of 2010. He previously served MorningStar Fellowship Church as director of the Fellowship of Ministries and Fellowship of Churches for three years, then as Senior Pastor of the Fort Mill, South Carolina, congregation for more than a decade.

He believes our nation is on the verge of the next great spiritual awakening. His passion is to awaken the Church to the power of the Spirit and enable Believers to discover how they can access the realm of the Heavens, enjoy the presence and power of God, and be empowered to live a supernatural life. 

Outpourings of the Holy Spirit, outbreaks of joy, and demonstrations of power and healing often accompany his ministry. Many are being impacted by Robin's unique preaching style and prophetic gifts. He is the author of Mystic MooseTales: Redefining Wildlife, a supernatural allegory written to inspire love for Jesus and the supernatural God of the Bible. He and his wife Donna have been married 35 years and have four children and four grandchildren.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Spirit of Truth by Barbie Breathitt (Identity Network)

The Spirit of Truth by Barbie Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt
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*What Next God? Discouraged After Your Prophetic Word.
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The Holy Spirit is the Paraclete or Comforter who dwells inside of us, to lead us into all truth. He brings all things to our remembrance and empowers us with grace and heavenly authority. Holy Spirit although a still small voice, must become the strongest, loudest, clarion voice directing our lives. 

There is an art to listen to God's voice. Practicing His presence enables us to receive from God; entering into peace, trusting and resting in His arms knowing He has all things under control. Bold faith opens our eyes to see, enabling God to show us, the right paths to take and the open doors that are waiting for us to walk through. 

As we learn to discern the Holy Spirit's voice Isaiah 45:3, says "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name." There are many hidden secrets and treasures that will be revealed to those who seek after God's face with their whole heart. God shares His secrets with His friends.

God is omniscient (all knowing) and omnipotent (all powerful) there is nothing impossible for Him. In God's mercy He has reserved treasures and stored up opportunities for believers. These resources, ideas and provision have been hidden from the world because they do not know the ways of God. 

Dreams, Visions, Prophecy and Miracles 

In Acts 2:16-21, the prophet Joel declared that in the last days, "God says, 'that I will pour forth of my spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my bond slaves, both men and women, I will in those days pour forth of my Spirit And they shall prophesy. 

And I will grant wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" 

The last days began during the outpouring of Pentecost in the book of Acts. Through the centuries God has continually poured out an increased measure of His Spirit on all flesh, both the saved and the unsaved. The revelatory realm has increased the level of visions, dreams, prophecy, and miracles taking place today. 

God's anointing is on the rise. "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Isaiah 60:1-3, tells us, "Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." 

Moving in the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit makes it more fun than ever to fulfill the Great Commission that was given to us in Matthew 28:18-20 "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 

Separate from Detractors 

Some people are givers of themselves and their possessions while others are selfish hoarders and takers. The detractors in our lives won't leave on their own. They will continue to take, destroy, and drag us down as long as we allow them to. The wrong people in our lives will encourage us to make erroneous decisions. God's plan is always abundance, to exceedingly bless and prosper us. 

To obtain the innovative increased levels of prosperity, we must be willing to let go of the old comfortable ways and familiar relationships in order to add the new. Encouragement and hope comes from God and following His plans and purposes. Hearing God's voice clearly, knowing the Word and then walking in obedience will bring a greater wisdom and ability to discern the thoughts, intent and motives of people's hearts. 

Favor Brings Promotion 

God's favor will catapult us into the next level of blessing. Remember to keep your eyes focused on God not on your situation. Get into position to listen to God's still small voice because promotion is knocking at the door. By removing the portion of the populace that resists and fights against God and the negative situations that detract from our lives we make room for new relationships and strategic people to enter our lives. 

Their godly influence will sharpen us. We can't allow fear to keep us from acting in faith. Fear will cause many to miss greater opportunities for increase. A true covenant relationship with God removes lack and removes a victim mentality of poverty. Realize God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory if we continue to sow into His kingdom. If we allow fear to close up our giving or stop our sowing; God will also shut up the windows of heavens that provides us with wisdom and wealth. 

God Wins Battles 

In life we will continue to learn, grow, and gather wisdom through life experiences. The difficulties we overcame in the past have made us stronger and prepared us for more success. God is the answer! He is more than able to handle the major struggles we face with our associations, assets, hindrances, loss of jobs and sickness. 

If we will trust the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer, God will fight our battles for us and silence our enemies. Vindication will come for the false accusations that came against us, restoring some broken relationships. God knows how to right every wrong and turn every situation to our advantage. God has a plan and divine strategy for our present and future success. 

Seeds of Faith 

God said, in Genesis 8:22, "While the earth remains there will be seedtime and harvest." The Apostle Paul said, Galatians 6:7-10, "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  

We are told to be good to everyone, even our enemies. It is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. 

Jesus taught His followers about the power of fasting, prayer, and faith enabling them to cast out demons even if their faith was the size of a mustard seed. 

Matthew 17:19-21, "Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not drive it out?' And He said to them, 'Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.'"  

But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.  Fasting and prayer not only benefits others but it is health to our body and spirit too! 

Godly authority has given us the power to speak to any physical mountain or spiritual opposition in our life. If we exercise our faith and believe God's Word that mountain will be removed and cast into the sea. The sea often represents humanity. 

When the right sea of people come and surround us, they will help us remove the mountain that has barred us from moving forward. If we have sown doubt and unbelief in the past, it is time to repent. Ask God to uproot and destroy that negative harvest. Now sow seeds of faith and believe God for an abundant harvest. 

Barbie Breathitt