Showing posts with label discouragement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discouragement. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

Joni Ames: "To Infinity and Beyond!" - The Elijah List

Joni Ames: "To Infinity and Beyond!"

The Elijah List Dec 1, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This latest article by Joni Ames is full of prophetic nuggets for now and for the new year. I'm really enjoying reading some of the words for the new year coming in...they are highly encouraging to the Body of Christ and what God has in store for us.
In Joni Ames word she shared this empowering message:
As we are now in 5778 on the Jewish calendar and going into 2018 on the Gregorian calendar, I heard, "The 8s will be great." Eight is the number of new beginnings. In a vision, I saw the 8 flop on its side, becoming a pair of glasses that the Lord handed to me to put on. As I did, I had a amazingly exceptional sight of both natural and spiritual activity. I heard, "Heightened 20/20 vision and power to see, declare, and release now that which will flow forth into 2020 and beyond." 
Folks...this is an excellent read. Please make sure to forward on to all you know and please tell them to subscribe to the Elijah List for themselves right here.
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


We are in a time of awakening, even on the Jewish Calendar. We're in the 5770s, which are called Ayin. It means eyes opened (awake), and seeing more clearly than before. In order to be able to handle it all, we must understand some things so we can properly posture ourselves. As ministers of the Gospel, not only do we have to make it through, but we must be equipped and able to help the rest of the Body to do so without giving up.
We are experiencing what Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24. Jesus warned us within those verses that because of lawlessness the hearts of many would grow cold (see Matthew 24:12). Webster's dictionary describes cold-hearted as marked by lack of sympathy or sensitivity, and some synonyms are: callous and heartless, as opposed to: being charitable, compassionate, merciful and warmhearted.
It's easy for those who deal with the public every day to become cold. We need to face the day and people with the love of God, looking for ways to spread His encouragement and hope. On Veterans Day, I went to the post office to get my mail, and of course the business side where they sell stamps was closed. A lady was coming in with two envelopes in hand and was very disappointed that it wasn't open. As I went to my car the Lord said, "You have stamps in your wallet. Make her day. Go give her what she needs." 
As I did, she lit up and even said, "You've made my day!" That may seem small, but our random acts of kindness become ripples on the pond. God is love. The Word says that they'll know we are Christians by our love (see John 13:35). Also it's His kindness that leads to repentance (see Romans 2:4). Simply holding a door for someone, smiling and speaking kind words, or doing some random act of kindness, can help rebuke and destroy that opposite spirit trying to raise its ugly self in someone's life.
Defining the Battle
"Those who have been passed over in times past shall now see a table set before them in the presence of their enemies."
What we are witnessing in the world is the spirit of antichrist beginning to appear more blatantly than ever before. It is not only anti-Christian, it is "anti-all" that Christ or the term Christian stands for. So there is great warning to us here that we, as Christians, not get caught up in its web.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, and able to remove the enemy's strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4). It's war. It's what they call a Cold War. The major weapons being used aren't bullets and bombs (although those are strategically being used as well). But some of the main weapons being used are discouragement, division, hopelessness, fear, distrust and discord.
Going back to Webster's dictionary, a Cold War is defined as: a conflict over ideological differences carried on by methods short of sustained overt military action, and usually without breaking off diplomatic relations; a condition of rivalry, mistrust, and often open hostility short of violence especially between power groups.
Let's war by teaching the truth in love to our congregations. Knowledge is power. We can't effectively battle against an unknown enemy. That's boxing with the air. Let's attain wisdom and understanding about the enemy in order to become a united front against it. God does not want us to be ignorant of the enemy's devices (see 2 Corinthians 2:11). The Church needs to quit being so silent in speaking about government issues from the pulpit. It is from the churches in America that men gathered together to put together our Declaration of Independence. 
New Reformation 
This year, we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation of the Church through Martin Luther's 95 thesis. Prior to that, the Church simply believed what they were told by the church leaders and did not read the Word of God for themselves. That is what has happened with people regarding government. (Photo via Flickr)
But in this time of awakening, we need to call for a true Reformation and Declaration of Independence to occur within our minds, hearts, and mouths regarding government. Just as back then, it is time to quit simply believing what we are told and to get the truth for ourselves.
Let's declare ourselves independent of the oppressive antichrist spirit of government and political correctness that has arisen throughout our nation and the world. Let's not simply stand by and let the Church and our nation be taken captive. We must do what we were born for and speak God's truth that sets captives free. 
Let's unashamedly and without fear declare God's Declaration of Independence – the Word of God – over our families and this nation.Let's teach our congregations about what is really going on. Stand for the truth and inform our people! If you lose an expensive building because you stand for righteousness, so what. We are in this to save souls, not buildings.
The Church in America is to take a stand against the tyranny of the worldwide antichrist system!
Praying Women
Praying women: you in particular have been called from the beginning of time to crush the enemy (see Genesis 3:15). "Rise! Shine! For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you" (Isaiah 60:1-2).
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Recent Dream of Turtles
I had a dream recently about turtles. They were slow, but all of a sudden, they all gathered together and began emerging out of their shells. They came forth in the shape of people, and then suddenly became dressed as warrior ninja turtles, like in the cartoon.
I felt that the Lord interpreted this as: there have been many who have been slow to come to the forefront, who are now going to break out of their shells and become very powerful in the Kingdom. They will become God's ninja warriors. They may be late bloomers, but they are right on time for God's Kingdom purposes to come forth through them.
The 8s Will Be Great and to Infinity and Beyond!
As we are now in 5778 on the Jewish calendar and going into 2018 on the Gregorian calendar, I heard, "The 8s will be great." Eight is the number of new beginnings. In a vision, I saw the 8 flop on its side, becoming a pair of glasses that the Lord handed to me to put on. As I did, I had a amazingly exceptional sight of both natural and spiritual activity. I heard, "Heightened 20/20 vision and power to see, declare, and release now that which will flow forth into 2020 and beyond." 
The 8 then became the infinity symbol and I heard, "To infinity and beyond!" I had a knowing that things of eternal significance are occurring right before our eyes in the White House and throughout America.
Increased Healing Power
"Let's war by teaching truth in love to our congregations. "
Several years ago, I had a dream about huge "circus tents" being used for healing revivals that would rival what occurred in the days of the great healing evangelists.
Earlier this year the Ringling Brothers Circus shut down. As soon as that came on the news, I knew the Lord was speaking what I saw with "those tents" was about to occur. The time has come. I don't know what they want to do with those tents, but I do know what God wants to do. It will truly be the greatest show on earth, as we see people's legs grow out where there weren't any, wheelchairs disposed of, crutches hung on walls, as well as blind eyes opened and deaf ears unstopped.
Hamans Will Be Hung 
The more the enemy tries to stomp on President Trump, the stronger he gets. The Lord told me back in the spring that we would see the Hamans get hung on their own gallows! The same thing will happen with other leaders whom God has designated to come forth for such a time to lead our nation. The more that comes against these leaders God has designated, the stronger they will get too.
The revival that has begun in Hollywood is only going to get stronger. Because there are those who are praying and seeking God's face there, things are being exposed and captives are being released. God is taking captivity captive there!
The Best IS Yet to Come
In this year of Chet on the Jewish calendar, the swords have formed a doorway that is covered with the Blood of the Lamb. The Chet is yoking them together for safe passage for God's people to move forward in victory, which is protected by Him and His heavenly angelic team. 
Those who have been passed over in times past shall now see a table set before them in the presence of their enemies. 
Although gross darkness will continue to try to cover the earth, God's light and glory will continue to shine upon His people. There will be a holy fear that comes upon those who try to get in their way. You will even hear the media say something like, "It is uncanny how the more that comes against this president and these people, the stronger they seem to get." (Photo via Pixabay)
We will continue to see greater unity come forth among the people of our nation as tragedies unfold. We are a family and when families fight, they put down their swords and help one another.
Strange weather patterns and systems will continue to be seen. The greatest threat being earthquakes. The reason being is that everything that can be shaken is being shaken. Therefore, there will be visible manifestations of that.
The Trumpet Call
God has set His plumbline in our nation once again. The Church must arise and speak with clarity the uncompromised Word of God now. There needs to be a clarion call to return to the basics of the Word of God and holiness.
The Church needs to speak up and call an end to the bitterness, strife, hatred and division that the enemy has stirred up in our country. We must not relax because a battle has been won in the presidency, as we are still very much at war. We must keep and even increase our momentum into the next election.
Be aware that much new information and distractions will occur almost daily. Let's keep our focus on the Lord and the fact that He is love, and thus love one another as He has loved us. Love is our ultimate weapon. Love wins. 
Joni Ames
The Ministry of Joni Faith Ames 

Joni Ames is an itinerant prophetic minister, writer, teacher, encourager, mentor, mother and grandma. Joni has taught in churches of many varied denominations including: conferences, government offices, Christian businesses, Women's Aglow groups, Full Gospel Businessmen groups, house groups, prisons, and wherever the Lord leads. Joni believes that the Lord wants to encourage and activate the Laborers as we continue to move into the harvest and does share specific types of teachings (activating others in personal prophetic ministry, intercession, etc.). 
Joni believes that the job of the five-fold ministry is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry," (Eph. 4:11) and that "...the whole Body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love." (Eph. 4:16)
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Acceleration is Falling in Unexpected Places and Upon the Rivers of Rest by Lana Vawser Identity Network

Acceleration is Falling in Unexpected Places and Upon the Rivers of Rest by Lana Vawser

Identity Network  Nov. 15, 2017

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Acceleration is falling in unexpected places. The Lord is changing things suddenly. The Lord is rearranging and there are divine interruptions happening in the lives of God's people at such a pace, unlike anything I have ever seen. The suddenlies of God are truly upon us.
The enemy knows these suddenlies are upon us and they are being birthed right now and he is attempting to bring confusion upon the promise, but he will not succeed for the Lord has decreed that acceleration is falling in unexpected places.
A sudden unveiling has been happening as the Lord unveils next steps and what He has been planning and the increase that is upon God's people. God truly is releasing the double portion right now. God's people have walked through so much trouble and trial, but the Lord is now releasing double blessing. He is increasing expectancy in His people as they draw close to Him for what He is doing. Discouragement and confusion is attempting to steal the promise, but I decree over you tonight in Jesus name, that as you continue to hold His hand, trust and obey, your promise will not be aborted. The enemy is fighting significant promises right now and one way is through confusion and discouragement, but another way I saw him attempting to abort the promise is by whispering to God's people "That's not really God. That's your heart's desire" leaving many discouraged and despondent.
I heard the Lord say "DOUBLE BLESSING! DOUBLE BLESSING! DOUBLE BLESSING!"  You are going to move not only into hearts desires and promises fulfilled but there will be double blessing and there will be double confirmation. The Lord is confirming and will keep confirming His way, His plan, and this is a time where double portions of joy will be restored to you.
"When hope's dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing, but when at last your dream comes true, life's sweetness will satisfy your soul" Proverbs 13:12  (The Passion Translation)
Many of you have felt that dream drag on and on and the delay has been depressing, but God is taking your depression and sadness and He will satisfy your soul with the sweetness of the dream come true. The sweetness of the suddenly!!!!
Don't be afraid to throw yourself "all in" to the "unexpected places" that God is leading you into. Don't be afraid to trust Him. He is leading you into a place of greater sweetness and joy in the double portion. Many are surprised that the Lord is now saying, "Step in" to a dream they have been waiting for, for a long time, and I saw a waterfall of the revelation of His goodness being released upon them.
But the wonderful thing is, not only are you going to step into a dream fulfilled, but you are going to carry more, double!!!!
Winds of Acceleration Falling Upon the Rivers of Rest
The winds of acceleration are falling upon the rivers of rest. The Lord is bringing a deeper rest to many believers right now, as many are weary, discouraged and feeling empty. The Lord is shifting and moving things and He is making more room for His people to come into rest; heart rest, emotional and mental rest and physical rest. The Lord is "making room" and in that place of rest, the Lord is adding increase. Out of the place of rest, from the 'lying down in the rivers of rest', there will be greater fruitfulness, favor, increase and positioning. Don't fight the plan of God and the moving and shifting of God bringing rest. Don't fight the plan of God if He moves you from more "doing" to "being". The enemy is working hard in this season of acceleration to burn many out in busyness, anxiety, fear and discouragement, but the Lord is bringing rest. Friends, lean in. Rest your head upon His chest and continue to listen to His heart and you will hear His whisper that, "All is well" and you are not being delayed, you are actually moving into more than you ever imagined possible. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
May I Have this Dance?
I heard the Lord speaking over many "May I have this dance?" and it was an invitation into a level of intimacy, a deeper rhythm of His heart, a new song that they had never experienced before. The joy that bubbled up in the hearts of those who accepted His invitation was like the joy of the first moment they met Him, the moment of salvation. I saw Him recapturing hearts. Hearts that are weary, have lost passion, have lost hunger, where intimacy has been hindered, where the foxes of fear have come in and wrecked havoc upon the vineyard of intimacy with Him, there's a whole new world of intimacy with Him now opening up. A new invitation to know Him, move with Him, and encounter His heart, unlike anything they had ever seen. The fire of the first love was burning brighter than ever.
I saw specifically where disappointment had created a wall between them and Jesus, He was melting those walls away, and He was placing in their hearts as they danced a scroll of destiny. Upon this scroll were His words of truth and destiny. Where there had been great pain of disappointment, He was now releasing greater revelation of destiny and reconnection was taking place.
The Lord is extending His hand...
He is whispering, "May I have this dance?"
I encourage you to accept His invitation, and a whole new world of intimacy, a new song, a new dance, a new rhythm is about to open up before you. You will burn with love for Him stronger and deeper than you have ever experienced and the fire of His love that burns in His eyes for you will baptize you afresh.
Lana Vawser

Monday, October 30, 2017

Joey LeTourneau: "The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Joey LeTourneau: "The Meek and Mighty Are Coming!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Oct 30, 2017

Steve Shultz     From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This might seem like an oxymoron statement: "The meek and mighty are coming." But that is exactly who God is releasing in this day...and I'd say this word by Joey LeTourneau is spot on!
So many of you will be able to relate to this article and I can just hear you saying even now, "That's me! He's talking about me!" AND yes, he is as Joey shares here:
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Amen to that. To all you meek AND mighty's your time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5)
There are so many kings who have sat at the Lord's table, that much of the world and even the Church would not recognize them as kings. Just like Samuel called for David from the fields, God is calling a company of the meek and mighty to come forth now to take their inheritance of the earth, and release the Kingdom they've been humbly and powerfully trained in from the inside out. These kings are needed to arise and walk in their humble authority. The inheritance of these meek and mighty gives them access in the world to give it the best foot-washing creation has ever known outside of Jesus Himself!
Meek is not weakness. It is humility, dependence on a greater power, self-discipline, and a kind and controlled strength that has been reserved until now. Creation is waiting to recognize the voice of these meek and mighty ones asking, "When will they arise?"
"We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood."
These meek and mighty ones have not built of their own strength, but they have persevered, trusting God, to establish and finish promises that only He can—all the while living in humble dependence upon His Word, both written and fresh. It is literally what they have lived off of in the fields and caves while waiting for now.
Zerubbabel's Testimony
"This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6)
"Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace, grace to it!'"(Zechariah 4:7)
"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands shall also finish it." (Zechariah 4:9)
Zerubbabel was worn and weary. He had laid the foundation of his calling with the temple, but was about to give in to discouragement. In my Bible's notes, it highlights how Zerubbabel was to finish his calling without putting trust in the resources, ways, strength or numbers of man. Rather, God encourages him, and us, that the Spirit of God will accomplish this and that it will not go unfinished. Every mountain will be moved and divine grace is declared over it, all the grace necessary for completion. God was saying, "I will complete this through you not by your strength, but because you have learned to depend on Mine."
These meek and mighty are ones who have learned to be led by the Spirit, even when it's hard and doesn't make sense, and trusting God rather than results or man's ways. These tested ones are meek and mighty because they have learned to rejoice in their weakness, knowing that only His grace is sufficient enough to perfect what concerns them, because His strength is made most perfect in their weakness, and they are okay with that (2 Cor. 12:9). (Photo via freeimages)
Prophetic exhortation: Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation! God and all creation offer you this invitation. The world needs the uncompromising, humble authority of your voice, your heart and your service! Pastor Bill Johnson says it best: "Rule with the heart of a servant, serve with the heart of a king." Now is not the time to retreat because of opposition or discouragement. Now is the time to let the meekness in you, which the world has called weakness, become a most timely, redemptive strength.
Fathering Small Beginnings: The "Other" Joseph
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings." (Zechariah 4:10)
There are so many new beginnings that are like a shoot springing forth, out of the ground, across the earth. They are now small, but they are what you and all of creation have been waiting for.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
The Son was born in Bethlehem, in a manger nonetheless. For the Father, this huge, hidden event was the moment His family's eternal hope had finally come to life. Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem was truly the smallest of beginnings, a modest family house to be born into to say the least. Yet it is also what God's whole house—and family—was built upon.
The Messiah had to be born in a manger before the government could be seen upon His shoulders, and it took a faithful few who trusted God's voice, beyond their own ways or understanding, to birth such to life. As you know, it's incredibly challenging to trust through the unseen, let alone when the unseen might not make a lot of earthly sense. When the unseen and misunderstood beginning God directs you toward is birthed in such a small way, well, it requires a lot of faith and patience for all involved to see it through.
"Come forward you meek and mighty ones, and be who God has made you to be without reservation!"
The manger brings the Father, and all of Heaven for that matter, so much joy! He has always worked through manger strategies. It's just that few that recognize the packaging that so many of God's greatest moves come hidden within. Most want to move into a fully renovated home rather than trust the Father through every step of His building process. Most don't want to start with a baby swaddled and surrounded in hay. The smells around Him didn't say "Christ" in human language, but all of creation knew that the Son they were waiting for had been born!
The "Other" Joseph
Can you imagine the responsibility of "fathering" Jesus during those early, intense years and decisions? We so often talk about Joseph of the Old Testament, and for good reason. But it's not often enough that we recognize the inner depths of surrender and strength it took to navigate the narrow path Joseph had to while "fathering" Jesus.
Joseph stepped beyond the fear of man to steward the unlikely and the misunderstood. Joseph led his young, uncommon family through the smallest beginning of impossible conception, through the most hidden baby shower or launch party the world has ever known—which happened in a manger.
He led them from one land to another, meeting with angels and listening to the Lord amid the pressures of murderous threats and the judgments of man. Joseph as a father to Yeshua was perhaps the greatest steward the world has ever known—not just through his faithful protection of Mary and Jesus, but the forward path he pioneered through his dependence on God. Joseph was a man, a husband, and a father who didn't feel the need to prove anything to the world. He was meek, mighty and surrendered to the vision of the tiniest seed that would one day become the Tree of Life for us all. Joseph is a "father" we must learn from and lead like in the season and path before us.
Your Small Beginning
Right now, many, many people have these manger-like situations being used to birth new, small beginnings that all of Heaven is hopeful for. Most of those small beginnings that those like you are carrying don't have fanfare or a big following, just a few shepherds and wise men sent your way occasionally for encouragement to help see it through. (Photo via Pixabay)
We can't despise these moments in each step we are following the Spirit which may feel so small and misunderstood. Like Joseph and Mary, we are merely stewarding through absolute surrender, faithful obedience, and a passion for the Lord that won't be compromised. What looks like a baby surrounded by hay in the wilderness might actually be a hope that carries the government of the Father's Kingdom family to the world.
"...And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries 

Joey LeTourneau, his wife Destiny, and their six children are based in the hills of central California. They have lived and traveled all over the world looking to unearth the treasures God has hidden in people, places and new possibilities. Joey is the author of seven books and together they speak, train and empower others to see God's worldwide family restored—one heart at a time.
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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lana Vawser: "Weary Ones, You Will See the Seeds of Promise Faster Than You Realize" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Lana Vawser: "Weary Ones, You Will See the Seeds of Promise Faster Than You Realize"

THE ELIJAH LIST Oct 28, 2017
Steve Shultz     From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a "wow" word for the weary ones out there...for sure. I think many have dealt with great weariness in seasons past, and are so ready for a breakthrough from God. This latest word by Lana Vawser is like living waters...that will bring refreshing where needed.
See if you relate to this word of the Lord by Lana:
"Many of these weary ones have been battered. They have been bruised. They have been beaten around in this season; but they have remained faithful... I say unto you today, My beautiful ones: You WILL see the seeds of promise, the seeds of obedience, the seeds of praise and the seeds of declaration, come to fruition—faster than you realize."
Now that's good. Please forward this on to as many people as you can...know that, "God will do what He said He would do"...and that word is a now word for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

The Lord is releasing wisdom to the weary right now. He showed me many in the Body of Christ that are still SO WEARY and feeling discouraged because of circumstances surrounding their promise(s).
These "out of left field" events that have come and challenged the promise and shaken the promises have left many in such a deep place of weariness. Yet there's another fight for hope, yet another fight to continue to stand, yet another fight to continue to keep believing and keep hopes up. The Lord showed me many feeling disorientated again, like their heads are spinning and questions are bubbling up again.
Wisdom for the Weary
"In the fire you have found His heart more than ever. In the fire you have found Him in a whole new way. He is increasing your eyes to see and ears to hear—to carry the wisdom of Heaven for your own life and to encourage and edify others."
I felt the Lord's heart so strongly for these weary, disorientated ones. I heard Him say, "WISDOM is coming to the WEARY." He is releasing divine wisdom, insight, clarity, discernment and encouragement for what is going on right now.
There is a deeper level of revelation coming to the weary ones regarding where the Lord is leading them, what the Lord is saying and what is before them, that is going to heal their hearts. It is going to heal the weariness.
I heard the Lord say:
"Many of these weary ones have been battered. They have been bruised. They have been beaten around in this season; but they have remained faithful. They have remained in the place of intimacy with Me, where their hearts are continually leaning into Me and open to Me. They have not turned their hearts to another, but they have continued to seek Me in purity, and worship Me in the mystery, and continue to lay themselves before Me again with their hearts crying out to Me, 'Lord, I don't understand, but I love You! Your will be done, Your will be done. My life is Yours.'
"I have heard these cries. I have heard the sacrifice of praise. I have seen the obedience and My heart is moved by the weary ones that have continued to remain faithful to Me in the discouragement, in the ferocious battle and in the pain. I say unto you today My beautiful ones: Come to Me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. There is a rest coming upon you, My beautiful ones, that is going to rejuvenate you, refresh you and fill you afresh with joy, expectation and vision for the future.
"Disappointment, weariness and discouragement in the battle has stolen so much of your joy, so much of your passion, and so much of your vision for the future. Many of you have been targeted with an assignment from the enemy to steal the promises and the seed of breakthrough that I am releasing to you and you have been unaware. (Photo via Pixabay)
"The weariness has caused an exhaustion to not be able to fight much more. But today I declare to you, My beautiful ones, the truth: YOUR HARVEST TIME IS UPON YOU and the adversary is attempting to take you out through exhaustion and weariness before you enter your HARVEST season.
"I say unto you today, My beautiful ones: You WILL see the seeds of promise, the seeds of obedience, the seeds of praise and the seeds of declaration, come to fruition—faster than you realize."
Where There Has Been Great Weariness, You Shall Now Carry Greater Wisdom of My Heart
"Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. Don't think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore Him with awe and wonder and avoid everything that's wrong. For then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for." (Proverbs 3:6-7 The Passion Translation)
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
My heart was full of the pleasure of the Lord for how many of these weary ones have become intimate with Him in the weariness, in the waiting, in the discouragement and in the pain. They have laid down their lives recognizing more and more that they do not know it all, and have simply adored Him with awe and wonder in the darkness; walking with integrity, following His voice.
"Healing and refreshment is upon you!" I heard the Lord say. "Where there has been great weariness, you shall now carry greater wisdom of My heart."
"He is releasing divine wisdom, insight, clarity, discernment and encouragement for what is going on right now."
Through the battle and through the journey you have continued to seek His heart and cry out for His wisdom—even in the places where you didn't understand. The Lord has heard your cries, and you shall now carry greater wisdom and insight of His heart concerning your circumstances, your present situation and future.
In the fire you have found His heart more than ever. In the fire you have found Him in a whole new way. He is increasing your eyes to see and ears to hear—to carry the wisdom of Heaven for your own life and to encourage and edify others.
"As wisdom increases, a greater treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold or gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her." (Proverbs 3:14-15 The Passion Translation)
Heaven's Kiss
I saw many of the weary ones. They were nervous, anxious and almost fearful about what is coming next or whether they are moving in the right direction—whether what they heard was God or not—because the battle and the "out of left field" hits of the past have left them feeling so disorientated and unsure. The Lord's heart sees your anxiety; He sees your fear. He sees your nervousness and He sees your heart crying out, "Lord I want Your way!"
I heard the words, "Receive Heaven's kiss"and instantly I saw the seal of the Lord's FAVOR upon directions and hearts' desires. (Photo via Max Pixel)
You are about to see Heaven's kiss of favor upon the pathway! God is about to confirm to you in such a beautiful, deep way—with great favor—that you are moving in His direction. He will confirm you have heard His heart, you have seen correctly and He is watching over His word of promise to you to perform it and fulfill it. There will be great joy in the increase!
A deeper bubbling of praise and adoration for our beautiful Jesus is going to explode out of you. He is taking you into depths of the revelation of His heart and Word that will leave you undone, and you will know weariness no more. You will see the springs of refreshment from His heart bring those weary places of your heart back to life again.
He whispered, "Weary ones, you are about to see with your eyes, the reward for your faithfulness to Me."
Get ready to dance with Him in the rivers of wisdom's refreshment! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries 

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Only the Beginning - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Only the Beginning

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“The end of something is better than its beginning, so the patient are better than the proud.” (Ecclesiastes 7:8, Complete Jewish Bible)

There are times the Lord will give me a word that I “hear” in my head, and I know He has something for me to share in writing. At other times I will ask Him for a word, and then He tells me. This time He gave me the words, “Only the beginning.”

Now I know that that is in the lyrics of the song Beginnings, sung by the band Chicago in the 1970’s. But I don’t think it has anything to do with that. I believe there is something else the Lord wants to speak at this time.

My sense is that there are some of us, myself included at times, who may think our “assignment”, whether it be on a job, in a particular situation we have been in for a period, or even near the completion of this life, is done. We get the feeling that it is over, the season has passed, and now it is time to move on. For some it may be we are wanting it over, out of discouragement or disappointment. We may really hope it is.

That may be true. That aspect of your life, or mine, may be done. But it does not mean that our long term purpose and plan of the Lord is over. It may be it is only the beginning of something new; the next challenge we are to face and be as a conqueror in and through it. We may be close to finishing the one assignment. We have gone through it in preparation for the next.

When I meditate on the ways of the Lord, and read of His actions in the many lives of the biblical characters, I find peace and hope that He fully knows the beginning and the end for each of us. As we put our trust in Him, we can be certain that what may have been seen as bad will prove in the end to be good.

The Word does say clearly, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” (Romans 8:28-30, NASU)

When I consider the works of His hands, such as how a mountain stream begins as a small trickle and gathers momentum as it works its way down the slope, I am confident of this. Those things which may seem unimportant at first, due to lack of size or notice, will one day be the full, finished product the Maker had in mind all along.

Look at how many times a large corporation “started off in the garage” of its founder.

Whether you are hoping to finish something now in your life, and glad it is almost over, or just beginning something new, be reassured that the Lord has promised to be with you every step along the way. In good and in bad, in sickness and in health, our Bridegroom will remain steadfast to see us through. He has promised to be there, from the beginning to the end.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

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Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the Year of our Lord 04.22.17 - #280 – “Only the Beginning” – Saturday, 1:40 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve