Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2016



(c) Morris E. Ruddick
Throughout the business world, people are seeking the formula for the creative. Smart people are trying to discern the steps and advantages to success. Yet for centuries the greatest creative exploits consistently have been from the Jews.
Jews are a culture that thinks differently. It all began with Abraham, who risked shaping his destiny based on God's guidance. Abraham's son Isaac astounded surrounding societies because he grew a harvest of crops when famine prevailed for everyone else. The advantage came from hearing and obeying God.
Joseph, with no status or position, influenced his host culture by means of his prophetic gift. He accurately interpreted Pharaoh's dreams, anticipated and prepared for a time of crisis and in so doing, averted disaster. Moses then outlined the principles and practices that set the stage and advantage for the future. The books of Moses have defined the culture and determined how a people whose identity is entwined with God, think and then act.
Jesus came and raised the bar. Jesus released the fullness of the advantage entrusted to the descendants of Abraham. It was as if he had turned the mix of an emerging motorbike economy laced with a top-heavy, floundering accelerator system of high-stakes investments into a cultural advantage that would change everything in its path.
The advantage begins with mind-sets. Thinking like Jews begins with their identity being in God. Jews hold to the belief of being a prophetic people of God whose ways reflect the pattern of their forefather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. For the most part, they have resisted assimilation and from age to age they have maintained their unique identity culturally.
Jewish beliefs nurture the dynamic of community as much or more than any other culture; but with the approach of being a trust society. They foster entrepreneurship and creativity from within and build incisively from the bottom-up.
Within this context, community-wise, when adhering to their standards, the Jewish people operate in a self-regulated, self-sufficiency within their communities. They nurture the type of stewardship that serves and reflects excellence.
The Jewish brand of leadership has the distinction of operating best through influence and service. Having frequently been a conquered people, Jews have learned the secrets of being a culture within a culture. Yet, as a people, they uphold the ways to not only survive, but to thrive.
Their influence has established middle classes in societies without a middle class. Jews have shaped the positive aspects governmentally, socially, judicially, economically and morally of what has become known as Western civilization. Yet, they are at their root, an Eastern culture.
Jews are disciplined and are willing to pay the cost to live for this higher standard, to sacrifice for the future of their people. Jews nurture and develop the next generation to hold to the secrets and standards that have been distinctive to them as a people.
Jews are a moral society. Their distinctive identity upholds and passes on high standards of community, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence and industriousness that are also central to many Asian cultures.
So, each of these unique cultural standards have blended together to form a people who both train their children and operate in community, as a people who think differently. This different way of thinking releases creativity. This different way of thinking, this advantage has resulted over the centuries in Jews being known as "the people of business."
Then Jesus came and released steroids into the Jewish advantage.
The Jewish Mind-Set
The Jewish mind-set begins with vision. When God called Abraham, He told him to look up at the stars of the heavens. He then told him that his descendents would be more than he could see in terms of those stars. God was releasing vision in Abraham.
Then there is a factor of looking closely at the steps to be taken. This has special bearing in business dealings and when evaluating opportunity. It is an investigative way of evaluating matters. It involves asking a lot of questions and doing good research. There is a proverb that says that the na've believe anything, but the prudent is cautious and considers well his steps. That means doing your homework. It means giving careful consideration to whatever you're about to get involved in.
Then there comes the imagination. Jesus had a lot to say about the power of our imaginations. He indicated that if we got really angry, to be careful that that anger doesn't entertain murder in our minds. Jesus was pointing to the connection between the seen world and the unseen world.
Jesus was continually showing His followers how to close the gap between the natural and the spiritual. The imagination and faith work hand in hand. One of my favorite stories of how creative thinking and faith should work together involves a company today known as the Williams Companies.
During their early years this firm was producing $10 million annually in revenues. At its helm were two brothers, Joe and John Williams. The Williams brothers decided to grow their company by acquisition. In doing so, they put in a bid to purchase Great Lakes Pipeline, a company that had more than ten times their own annual revenues. Not only did they acquire this company, they made the new operation successful. But at the time they made the acquisition, the Wall Street Journal had a front-page article titled: "The Minnow Swallows the Whale."
A minnow, one of the smallest of all fish, swallowing a whale is a good portrayal of this different way of thinking. It is out-of-the-box. It is faith in operation. It is good Jewish thinking.
These three factors: vision and research combined with using your imagination with faith, then become the foundation for good planning. Planning is mapping out steps for the future. It involves setting goals, but then developing short-term strategies in order to accomplish those goals.
Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Steve Jobs created a company with a culture of creativity. Steve Jobs wasn't Jewish, but entrepreneurially, he thought like a Jew. It is the reason Jews are known as a people of business. Jews are entrepreneurial in their way of thinking.
Genuine entrepreneurs have a different way of viewing things than those whose mind-sets are institutional. Jewish business thinking is more bottom-up in its focus. For years, Western university business programs have approached their training from a top-down stance, preparing students for the world of the accelerator programs of the venture capital world and fast growth startups. It has had its focus on large institutions while unfortunately overlooking the entrepreneurial approach to startups, which most of the big companies have grown from. Today, there is a shift within many universities as they discover the creative benefits of entrepreneurial thinking.
The focus of the entrepreneur is on the customer and employee versus the focus of the institutional thinker that tends to be on the organization. Entrepreneurial structure is more flexible compared to the tighter, more controlling ways of the institution. Innovation for the entrepreneur is to apply faith in managing risk versus the institutional thinker's approach of attempting to minimize risk. The ability of the entrepreneur is to embrace change rather than that of the institutional person who is inclined to maintain the status quo.
The output sought by the entrepreneur is market creation. For the institutional thinker it is market share. The entrepreneurial leadership style nurtures and motivates rather than the institutional person's tendency to micro-manage. The real product sought by the entrepreneur is a dream versus simply the products or services offered by the institutional thinker. Finally, the motivation of the one who thinks like an entrepreneur is to make history compared to the motivation of the institutional thinker which is to make money.
Steve Jobs established an entrepreneurial culture. The entrepreneurial culture fosters creativity.
GE had become a lumbering giant and very institutional. Profits were down and their stock prices were way down. The board brought in a new CEO who thought differently. Jack Welch thought like an entrepreneur. He began changing policy and establishing the motivation for an entrepreneurial culture. He removed those whose thinking stymied opportunity. GE was revived with its vitality restored.
The Struggle for the Advantage
The destiny of Abraham's descendants of being a blessing to all the peoples of the earth hit a hurdle within a generation following Jesus' time on earth. Jesus taught his followers to apply righteous power in corrupt settings. Jesus groomed his inner-circle with the creative advantage of the Jews. But this incredible Jewish advantage was culturally stymied. Infiltrators in this new sect called Christianity lost the identity factor that came with the advantage and with it they lost the power.
In the centuries that followed, the advantage was perverted and divided. The source of the advantage, the Jews, began being ostracized by those seeking the advantage and the divide widened. Today however, this advantage is being rebuilt as the identity factor is being restored to both Jews and the followers of Jesus. The crescendo will evolve around the restoration and opportunity that will be found in crisis. The fullness of this advantage will manifest as the crisis builds.
Opportunity in Crisis
On January 15, 2009 a US Airways flight took off from LaGuardia Airport in New York. A flock of geese they encountered stalled the engines. However, because of the cool-headed response of the pilot to this crisis, they successfully made an unprecedented unpowered emergency landing on the Hudson River. The New York newspapers called it "the miracle on the Hudson," as all 155 passengers survived.
The response to a crisis requires immediate reactions based on experienced, decisive creative thinking. Similarly, preparing for a crisis calls for creative, preparatory thinking.
More than two decades ago, an Israeli businesswoman had just sold her business and was looking for the next steps in her journey of life. In a series of unusual encounters she began realizing that Israel had world-class scientists sweeping streets, inventors of technologies who were on unemployment. She designed what has become the world's most respected technology incubator program.
Operating under Israel's Office of the Chief Scientist, her program began providing the offices, the support and funding for two year programs to develop technologies for commercialization. Not only is Israel now at the top of creating new technologies, but the success ratios and the ratios of startups going public from Rina Pridor's response to crisis outdistances any other incubator program of its kind. It is written that God will send rain for the seed you sow and the food in the land will be rich and plentiful.
God's nature is to create and to bring increase. Abiding in His ways provides a path for His people to spot opportunity, to map out solutions circumventing disasters and to bring restoration. It is the spiritual DNA of God's people as one generation has passed on this creative advantage to the next. It is written that the secret things belong to the Lord, but those revealed belong to us and to our children. The simple things confound the wise. The simplicity of obedience is in the ways outlined by Moses.
Jews have a long history of both anticipatory responses to crises and what some have referred to as destructive strategies to restore imbalanced economies. The birth of middle classes in societies without them illustrates. These dynamics have begun and been leveraged when the cultural identity of the Jews, as a people of God is being demonstrated.
So in talking about Jewish business secrets, putting into action the dynamic of this cultural identity in God during a crisis will produce opportunity.
It represents the catalyst to the creativity needed for the response. Creativity maps out a strategy that brings an unexpected and positive result. It is in acting with the heart and priorities of God. This is the catalyst the prophet Isaiah saw to release God's people to serve a critical role in days of crisis as repairers of the breach, a time when the gap is closed.
This portends the advantage, being applied in closing the gap between the seen world and the unseen world. The story of Joseph demonstrates how against a backdrop of incredible adversity, with Joseph's identity in God at the forefront, that God created an unusual alliance between Joseph's culture and the culture of Pharaoh. Through this alliance opportunity was advanced as the impact of the disaster was sidestepped.
The words of Isaiah are pertinent in the swirl of the dislocations, reversals and uncertainty taking place around the world today: He said: Then you will be called the repairers of the breach, restorers of the paths and the dwellings.
As a people whose destiny is being blessed by God to extend that blessing to the other peoples in the earth, Jews are the ones destined with the advantage to repair the breach and fix the brokenness. It is during such times that Jews have performed most remarkably.
The Age-Old Challenge
However, there is a caveat. It relates to when these extraordinary people have lost their grip on this identity thing. It represents the other side of the struggle for the advantage that has warred against the Jews over the ages. It is the desire of Jews to be like everyone else. It takes place when the blessings of God are misinterpreted as success from their own making.
God made Saul to be king because the people wanted a king like everyone else. Saul's downfall was because instead of truly leading the people according to their mantle as a people of God, he was more intent on wanting the people's approval. He sought the approval of men rather than God and the people wanted to be like everyone else.
This has marked the dividing line of the advantage against being consumed by the destruction raging in the world. Even today, among Jewish believers there are those whose quest is to pattern their behavior as closely to the gentile believers as they can, rather than being the example.
Serving as a people of God in crisis is both an awesome and humbling task. The destiny to be blessed to be a blessing is not a retreat or a monastic setup. Pharaoh's discernment of Joseph's mantle represents the prophetic crux for the times at hand. As the crises build, so will be opportunity marked by the alliances between the modern-day Pharaohs and Josephs. Then will come the amazing restoration as alliances such as this provide safe-places in a turbulent, chaotic world.
There will be wealth transfers facilitated by these alliances, but not for the goal of wealth, but as a by-product. Success will be defined by the creative advantage, which will be the result of the mind-set and the cultural identity factor. The naive seek for a quick fix with get-rich quick schemes. It is a myopia, a short-sighted approach that gambles on the seduction of wealth. Short-cuts in this pathway will lead people astray. 
David very wisely said that what has cost him nothing would have no value before the Lord. There is a cost for this creative advantage. Jesus pointed out that the one who loses his life will find it. He was pointing to the advantage, the identity in God. The creative advantage is in the identity and in the response then generated by the identity.
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. They are available in print and e-versions from
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 organization
Global Initiatives Foundation, PO Box 370291, Denver, CO 80237

Monday, April 25, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Lessons on Leadership: Moses, Passover and the Call of God. (Thoughts on Exodus 3 & 4.)


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Lessons on Leadership: Moses, Passover and the Call of God. (Thoughts on Exodus 3 & 4.)

by joelcrosenberg
In late March, as readers of this blog know, Lynn and I had the joy of visiting the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the invitation of King Abdullah II. On our second day, we went up to Mount Nebo. This was Lynn's first trip to Jordan, so what a special thing to do. But this was my seventh, and yet I had never gone up to the mountain where the Lord took Moses to show him the Promised Land.
Wow! What a view. It was a beautiful, clear, crisp Spring day. Lynn and I could see the entire range of the Jordan River Valley. We could see Jericho, and Bethlehem, and -- in the distance -- the Judean Hills, the eastern sides of the Mount of Olives and Mount Scopus, and the lights of the holy city of Jerusalem.
In the weeks that followed, I found myself thinking a great deal about Moses -- about the tremendous miracles the Lord accomplished through him, to be sure; about his great courage before Pharoah, the evil tyrant of the Middle East at that time; and about the powerful prophecies that Moses both proclaimed as God directed him, and those that he fulfilled, as well. At the same time, I also found myself reflecting on the sadness Moses must have felt at not being allowed by God to enter the Promised Land with his people, the nation of Israel. This was Moses' own fault. He had been unable to control his anger, and there were consequences, even for such a great Biblical leader.
Fortunately, of course, Moses eventually made it to Israel. In Matthew 17, we read the remarkable account of Moses standing on the Mount of Transfiguration, talking with the Lord Jesus Christ and the prophet Elijah. Amazing. Talk about an exciting first visit to the Holy Land!
That said, I also found myself meditating a great deal on the man Moses was when the Lord first called him to this important mission to set His people free. I began studying Exodus chapters three and four day after day, trying to understand God's call on Moses' life, and why Moses resisted it so intensely.
Last Friday night, Lynn and the boys and I gathered with dear Israeli friends and celebrated our second Passover here in the Land of Israel since moving to the Land in August 2014. Yet again, like every year, we spent an evening thinking about what God did to rescue and save His people. The following morning, I preached at a congregation not far from Tel Aviv. The message the Lord put on my heart came from Exodus three and four. Here are my sermon notes. Hope you find them helpful and take some time to answer the questions below. God bless you, and Happy Passover from Israel!
WHEN GOD CALLED MOSES: Lessons on Leadership from Exodus 3:1-22 and 4:1-17
Today, we think of Moses as a great hero of the faith, and the Passover story as his most dramatic accomplishment. That’s true. But let’s step back and see the man God called into His service.
To begin, please read Exodus 3:1-22 and 4:1-17 in full.
Then, let's look at a series of excuses Moses made, telling the Lord why he couldn't possibly respond to God's divine call.
1.) Moses asked God, “Who Am I?”
Exodus 3:11 – “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”
  • I am nothing.
  • I am no one special.
  • I have failed many times.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
2.) Then Moses asked God, “What Shall I Say?”
Exodus 3:13 – “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?”
  • I don’t know what to say.
  • I don’t know God well enough to speak for Him.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
3.) Then Moses asked God, “What if they won’t believe me?”
Exodus 4:1 – “What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say?”
  • No one is going to listen to me.
  • No one is going to believe me.
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses? Read here.
4.) Then Moses told God, “I’m not eloquent.”
Exodus 4:10 – “Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.”
  • I’m not a good public speaker.
  • I’m slow to form my words. (Note: it is widely believed that Moses stuttered.)
  • I get “tongue-tied.”
  • I’m not the right one to do this.
So, how did God answer Moses?
5.) Finally, Moses essentially told God, “No.”
Exodus 4:13 – “Please, Lord, now send the message by whomever You will.”
  • I’ve heard everything you’ve told me, but it doesn’t persuade me.
  • I don’t know what to say.
  • I don’t know how to say it.
  • I can’t do this,
  • I won’t do this.
  • I’m not the right person.
  • Find someone else.
How did God respond? Read here.
In Exodus 4:14, we read: "Then the anger of the Lord burned against Moses..."
Still, the Lord showed tremendous grace and mercy to Moses. He provided Aaron, the older brother of Moses (by three years), to assist Moses in this vital mission. And despite Moses' lack of faith -- his sinful obsession with his own flaws and faults rather than trusting in the Lord's love and power and greatness -- the Lord redeemed him and used him in spite of himself to save the nation of Israel and bring them out of terror and tyranny and into freedom.
God’s Grace
Have you ever stopped to consider that all of Moses' excuses were essentially true? He didn't really know the Lord well. He didn't know what to say? Pharoah didn't listen to him or believe him. And after forty years on the backside of the desert, tending sheep, thinking about his worst failure -- murdering an Egyptian and having to flee for his life -- perhaps it's no wonder Moses was not eloquent, and perhaps even someone who stuttered.
But have you also ever stopped to consider that maybe all of Moses' weaknesses and failures were precisely why the Lord chose him to be His servant and His spokesman? By choosing a weak and sinful and desperately self-conscious person, the Lord showed Himself great and powerful, loving and wise. This way the Lord -- not Moses -- could receive all the praise and glory and honor, because it wasn't possible for Moses to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt on his own. He wasn't capable. And he knew it.
What does the Bible say about the man that Moses eventually became?
  1. “Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3)
  2. “Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, for all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, all his servants, and all his land, and for all the mighty power and for all the great terror which Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.” (Deuteronomy 34:10-12)
  3. Moses was included in the “Faith Hall of Fame” in Hebrews chapter 11.
Questions For Us Today
I was deeply moved by these passages. They contain some tremendous lessons on leadership for all of us.
  1. What is God calling you to say?
  2. Where is God calling you to go?
  3. What excuses are you giving to the Lord?
  4. What promises has the Lord made in His Word to those who love Him and want to obey Him?
The Bible is clear: the Lord is calling you to serve Him and take His Word -- the special message of the Scriptures -- to people who need rescue and salvation, freedom and redemption. He is calling you and I to "go and make disciples of all nations" and to be His "witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth." Will we be faithful to this high calling? Or will we give God a list of excuses why we're the wrong people for the job?
May you study Moses carefully, and learn from the lessons he learned the hard way.
joelcrosenberg | April 25, 2016 at 12:09 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Faithful - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“He was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was in all His house.
(Hebrews 3:2-3, NASU)

Faithful. Now that is a word we don’t hear enough of these days when describing another, or when someone describes ourselves.

How often have you heard it being said of one, “He was faithful to his wife.” Or, “She kept her promises. If she said it, you can be sure she would do it. She was faithful to the end.”

So often we hear of the politician who said one thing before the election day, but once in office they seemed to have forgotten what they had spoken, and instead bend to the peer pressure surrounding them. Or the sad stories reported of school teachers taking advantage of their students, having sex with them, unfaithful both to their student and their commitment to teach truth.

It has been far too often that leadership has failed us. Out of their mouth has come one thing, but behind the scene it is discovered that unfaithfulness to their God and the people they were called to serve was the opposite of what picture was painted for the world to see. Disappointment may then come upon their followers, which then cause them to give up believing in anyone trustworthy. A cynical spirit is thus given a place to lodge in people’s hearts.

We have been called to be a witness of the Lord Jesus. He Who was faithful to the end, during His time on earth, and for all eternity, has too chosen and appointed us to be as He is – faithful and true.

“Thus says the Lord,
The Redeemer of Israel, their Holy One,
To Him whom man despises,
To Him whom the nation abhors,
To the Servant of rulers:
"Kings shall see and arise,
Princes also shall worship,
Because of the Lord who is faithful,
The Holy One of Israel;
And He has chosen You." Isaiah 49:7 NKJV

Our lives, demonstrated before the world, are to be ones proving the faithfulness of the One we serve. If we say we are going to do something, we must do it. If we commit to be there when we say we will, then we must be there. On time and ready for action.

The desire of the Lord’s child must be to someday hear Him speak to them the word He spoke in parable, “His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'” (Matthew 25:21-22 NKJV)

May it be said of us in our days that we are faithful, that we do what we will say we will do; that we keep our promises, no matter what the cost is to ourselves. May others say of us today, “They are faithful.”  And may our God say of us when we stand before Him on that day, “You are a good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to support the families that we do, primarily in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 04.17.16 - #255 –“Faithful” – Sunday at 7:15 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: "Seniors Arise!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ


From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzBeing barely 60 myself, I really appreciated this word from my good friend, Patricia King. What I really appreciate about Patricia's prophetic insight and ministry is that she ministers to the masses...and ALL are included!

This is a very short word, yet it is ever so powerful...and if you are a senior this is EXACTLY the word you needed to hear from Patricia. For those who are a part of the more "experienced" generation, get excited...for God is far from being done with you yet!

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"Prophetic Word Through Patricia King: Seniors Arise!"by Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ

Prophetic Word for Seniors:

Are you 60 years of age or older? If so, this word is for you! I am launching Seniors on the Frontlines this July, and as I was seeking the heart of God for this event, I received this prophetic word for the Senior Generation. It is awesome!

I see a company of radical Believers in their 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond arising in these days.This generation will experience personal revival that will re-ignite their passion and their purpose. They are full of wisdom, zeal, and they carry dreams yet to be fulfilled. Their latter glory will be greater than the former.

I see them walking with the younger generations and empowering them with encouragement.

They are gathering together and redefining the term "senior". They will be a sought after generation. They will be honored and respected by the younger generation. Many will rise into places of predominance and leadership. They will produce more fruit in their latter days with less effort.

Financial increase and sudden provisional surprises will come to them. Favor will rest upon this generation and a wave of healing, health, and rejuvenation will visit them. Their "latter glory" will be greater than the former and they will be filled with joy that overflows!

Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC

Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the Gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of XP Ministries and co-founder of

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Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?:

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Elijah List Publications
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Albany, OR 97321

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rick Joyner: The Year of Demarcation - CHARISMA MAGAZINE

We need leaders who will be a strong biblical and moral compass for America.
We need leaders who will be a strong biblical and moral compass for America. (Flickr )

Rick Joyner: The Year of Demarcation

charisma magazine

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
2016 will undoubtedly be a remarkable year. If I could describe what I see in one word, it would be "demarcation."
We are entering the "Valley of Decision." Nations and individuals will be making choices on ultimate issues that determine their ultimate fate. We will have great crises to help illuminate the choices, and their consequences. These crises will have a near equal opportunity for good or evil.
To navigate this time we must have a strong moral and biblical compass, to know what is good and what is evil. We must know what we believe, resolve to live it, and stand for it without compromise.
The more clearly we see this compass, the better it will be for us. Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom can be helpful, but this moral and spiritual compass by which we know where we are going, and how to stay on course, will be far more important.
This great time of decision is coming at a time when there is a great vacuum of wise, competent leadership. This should compel us to faithfully pray for our leaders as we are commanded.
It should also compel us to take leadership whenever and wherever it is thrust upon us, always keeping in mind that the ultimate wisdom is to know that the Way is not just a formula but a Person we are called to follow. That Person is also the Truth and the Life, and He will always lead us to truth and life.
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than 40 books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be.
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

"And the angel said" - A prophecy for America - THE ELIJAH LIST

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The year was 2006, it was during the season of the mid-term elections, during George W. Bush's second term in office.

And It came out all over the news that a major Christian leader, the pastor of a 8,000+ member congregation in Colorado Springs had fallen.

A couple of days later I was on my knees in my living room and I was visited by an Angel from Yahweh.

And the Angel said...

"...this marks the beginning of the GREATEST REVIVAL America has ever seen."

Instantly I was thrown into a vision...

I saw a SHAKING of the Household of God!

I saw men and women who had NOT been good stewards of their mantles.

And when the shaking came, I saw the mantles of these men and women vibrate up off of their shoulders and fall to the ground.

And I saw Angels flying down out of Heaven from God, thousands of them... and they were picking these mantles up off of the ground.

And they were placing these mantles on a NEW Leadership!

And the Angel said...

"...this event represents a

And I saw the YOUNG and the OLD.

And I saw MEN and WOMEN.

And I saw the Angels placing the mantles on young Davids and old Deborahs.

And I saw the Angels placing the mantles on middle aged Moses' and teenage Joshuas.

Those who had been trained in obscurity, having learned how to defeat BOTH the LION and the BEAR like David did.

And the Angels were taking the mantles of those who had NOT been stewarding them, and they began to mantle this NEW LEADERHIP!

And the Angels said...

"...It will be a 40 YEAR Revival...and AMERICA will be SAVED!"

And I saw this NEW Leadership begin to emerge.

And I saw that this revival had nothing to do with people shaking or falling down.

These NEW Leaders could not care less about conferences or church attendance.

This NEW Leadership.

Operating through a NEW WINESKIN.

Had ONE goal in mind:


And the Angel said...

"...So no matter what ANY prophet says, and no matter what's being shown on the Television and in the News, You just KEEP DECLARING that AMERICA IS IN THE MIDST OF THE GREATEST REVIVAL IT HAS EVER SEEN!"

And I saw this NEW LEADERSHIP emerging over the course of time.

And they had to learn how to operate with these NEW MANTLES.

And I saw the WISDOM of the AGED come together with the ZEAL of the YOUTH.

And I saw the Bride of Christ in America being delivered from the spirit of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION.

And the Angel said...

"...Many prophets are prophesying that judgments are coming to America...but judgment begins with the Household of God"

And there was a war in HEAVEN, and Michael and his angels waged war with the dragon.

And the ancient serpent, the same who was with Adam in the garden, waged war with the American people.

And I saw this NEW LEADERSHIP, operating together as ECHAD (One), driving that Ancient Serpent out of America.

And the Angel said...

"...judgments will come to America, but they will be Yahweh's RIGHTEOUS judgments."

And I saw the Sons and Daughters of Yah.

And they were driving the "Rulers and Powers and Principalities" out of the land.

And I saw the Earth begin to tremble as these Demonic forces were dislodged from their dominion.

And the Angel said...

"...there WILL be earthquakes and floods and terrorist attacks, but they will be THE RESULT of the RIGHTEOUS ONES judging the Serpent out of the land."

And I saw Jezebel doing everything in her power to TEAR DOWN America on her way out.

And I saw the American people devastated by disasters.

And I saw the saints of the Most High God saving the day with the LIGHT OF THE GOSPEL!

And the Angel said...

"...The United States of America will be like Ninevah...the ENTIRE NATION will be saved!"

And I saw Sons and Daughters of God taking over every facet of America.

And I saw the GOVERNMENT of the US being transformed by the GOVERNMENT of YAH.


And I saw HEALING HOUSES that use to be called HOSPITALS, and the nations were bringing their sick ones from afar .

And I saw the ENDING OF ABORTION in America.

And I SAW and I SAW and I SAW! SHABBA!!!

For More Information:



End of Days - The Awakened Church 


by the Holy Spirit

Paperback $5.95  Kindle $1.99

My heart yearns for the glory of the Lord Jesus to be revealed in the earth, touching the hearts and souls of men, women and children in each and every nation. As we see the days become darker, we believe that the Lord God of Israel will show Himself strong, and prove that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, as He says He is. 

I wrote this book for you who also long to walk in strong faith, courage and commitment to the end, for whatever the Lord has planned and purposed for you and I. Together, as the Body of Christ, and the glorious Bride that we will become, we will one day see His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The Gospel, the Good News of salvation, will be declared, and that which is just and good will for all eternity overcome the evil one. 

I sincerely believe we are living in the end of days, as prophetic words have been rapidly fulfilled since the re-birth of Israel in 1948. Jesus Himself had said that when we see the fig tree budding, we know that the time is near. This book, my 10th published in the last three years (all between 2013-2015) and before my 61st birthday, is very special to me. I sense it is something the Lord put on my heart to do several months ago, giving it that “urgency of getting it done and out there” feel as I wrote. 

Originally these chapters were Now Think On This messages. It was amazing to me how many were done in September and October of 2015 alone, as the Holy Spirit would speak a word or sentence to me, and I would write soon after. I am truly grateful for His impartation, and acknowledge Jesus (Yeshua), my Lord and Savior, above all. The photos I have included in the book are primarily ones I took (exceptions noted), both to document history and to share another way the Lord also speaks to His Body. 

Capturing moments of the Holy Spirit action, especially in the two “fire” photos, were exciting. In both cases I wasn’t even aware of it until they were “developed”. I trust this book will both encourage you and cause you to re-commit yourself - to know the Lord’s will for your life, do all you can to allow Him to direct your steps, and be the light in these dark days we desperately need and have been called upon by the Lord to be. I am with you, arm in arm! 

Ahava (love in Hebrew) and shalom (peace), 

Steve Martin
Love For His People