Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What does the Bible really say about taking in Syrian Refugees? Herman Cain

Published by: Dan Calabrese on Monday January 30th, 2017

It's always problematic when you look to the mainstream media and other left-wingers for an understanding of what Scripture says. To listen to them, you'd think Jesus was concerned with little more than sending checks to the poor, installing solar panels on roofs and surrendering to any and all foreign enemies.
That's why it's been easy for those who only crack a Bible when they're looking for something to justify an agenda to claim that "Christian compassion" demands we take in Syrian refugees without regard for the potential threat of ISIS terrorists who slip in among the crowd.
Is that what the Bible actually says? Of course not, and David French does a nice job of getting the conversation started over at National Review:
Indeed, Scripture draws a clear line between the responsibility of the individual and the role of the state. Individuals are to forswear vengeance, leaving justice to earthly rulers as God’s “agents of wrath” who bring “punishment on the wrongdoer.” The state has an affirmative responsibility to protect its citizens, even to the point of bringing a sense of “terror” to those “who do wrong.” There is no contradiction between personally welcoming the “strangers” among us while our leaders endeavor to protect us from a genocidal terrorist force that uses refugee status as a shield and disguise to perpetrate brutal attacks against innocent civilians.
This is not to say that Scripture creates a paradigm of compassionate individuals and heartless governments. Throughout the Bible, entire nations — not just individuals — are condemned for injustice, including unjust treatment of the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. But to say that the only way to meet that standard is to open our doors to migrants when we know our enemy intends to plant terrorists within their ranks is once again to read far too much into Scripture.
French is quoting Romans 13, which lays out clear lines of responsibility for governments - particularly the imperative to protect the innocent from wrongdoers. Now that might seem to contradict Luke 10, in which Jesus teaches the importance of being a neighbor to someone in need, even if that someone comes from an enemy camp.
But there is actually no contradiction. As liberals often do, they take directives aimed at individuals in the Bible and try to make them the responsibility of the state. More than that, they insist that the only way the directive can be fulfilled is in the manner they prefer.
What was extraordinary about the actions of the Samaritan in Jesus' parable is that Samaritans and Jews typically would not associate with each other, yet in this case the Samaritan who found the Jew beaten alongside the road picked him up, tended to his wounds and brought him to an inn - where he instructed the innkeeper to look after him and even paid the bill. And yes, that is absolutely the sort of love and compassion to which we are called as Christians, even when we're talking about someone we typically regard as an enemy.
But it's important to recognize a couple of things. First, the Samaritan did not take the man into his own home. He paid the bill, but he did not in any way put himself at risk of harm from the man. Even more importantly, the Samaritan made a free choice of his own will to help the man.
What the left wants to do in the case of the Syrian refugees is use the power of the state to force an entire nation to welcome people into their midst without any effort to ensure that members of ISIS with evil intentions were filtered out. That's not compassion. That's national suicide. And if you think God wants nations to commit suicide, just skim through the Old Testament and consider the many instructions He gave to Israelite kings to attack foreign armies - even killing and plundering those they conquered. When it came to warfare, God instructed the kings of Israel to be pretty ruthless in dealing with their enemies.
The Syrian refugee situation is a tricky conundrum because there surely are many among the group who have no evil intentions and genuninely need help. America should want to help. But there are ways to do that without risking our own security. It would make more sense for them to be resettled in majority Muslim countries anyway, and we can do a lot of things to support that process.
But the responsibility of government is to protect its people from harm, and the government is well aware of the fact that previous terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by people who slipped in as refugees or asylum-seekers. Knowing full well that this one of the enemy's tactics, and doing absolutely nothing to prevent them from succeeding at it, is not "Christian compassion." It's a dereliction of duty.
We can help and we should. But not by putting ourselves in jeopardy. If individuals are called by the Lord to take a risk and help a potentially dangerous person, then those individuals should trust the Lord. But for the leaders of our nation to decide that we all have to take that risk is neither scriptural nor moral. It's just plain wrong.

Court Clears 112 Suspected of Torching Christian Homes - MUBASHER BUKHARI/REUTERS

Police beat and detain a Pakistani Christian protester during a demonstration against Saturday's burning of Christian houses and belongings in Badami Bagh, Lahore, March 10, 2013. (Reuters (File Photo))

Court Clears 112 Suspected of Torching Christian Homes

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

A Pakistani court acquitted 112 suspects in the 2013 torching of hundreds of Christian homes in the eastern city of Lahore over a rumor that one of the residents there had blasphemed, a lawyer said on Sunday.
In March 2013, more than 125 homes in Lahore's Josep Colony were burned by a mob of more than 3,000 Muslims responding to rumors that a local Christian man, Sawan Masih, had made derogatory remarks about the Prophet Mohammad.
No one was killed in the incident but there was widespread damage to the property of the mostly destitute Christians living in the neighborhood. Two churches and dozens of Bibles were also desecrated in the attack.
Defense lawyer Ghulam Murtaza Chaudhry said an anti-terrorism court in Lahore had acquitted 112 people accused of torching and ransacking hundreds of houses.
"They were acquitted by the court because of lack of evidences against them," Murtaza told Reuters. "The state witnesses could not identify the accused and their statements were also contradictory."
All 112 suspects were already out on bail.
A road sweeper in his late twenties, Sawan Masih told police after his arrest on blasphemy charges that the real reason for the blasphemy allegation was a property dispute between him and a friend who spread the rumor.
In Pakistan, conviction under the blasphemy laws can carry a mandatory death sentence.
Masih was sentenced to death in 2014, a decision he has appealed.
Critics of Pakistan's blasphemy laws say they have long been used by individuals and religious groups to settle disputes.
This month, the Pakistani Senate's human rights panel said it would debate how to prevent the country's blasphemy laws being applied unfairly, the first time in decades that any parliamentary body had considered a formal proposal to stop the abuse of the blasphemy laws.
Many conservatives in Pakistan consider even criticizing the laws as blasphemy, and in 2011 a Pakistani governor, Salman Taseer, was assassinated by his bodyguard after calling for reform of the laws.
His killer, Mumtaz Qadri, was hailed as a hero by religious hard-liners. Tens of thousands of supporters attended his funeral after he was executed last year and a shrine was built over his grave soon after his burial.
Hundreds of Pakistanis are on death row for blasphemy convictions. 
© 2017 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
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How You Can Provoke Jewish People to Jealousy - GRANT BERRY CHARISMA NEWS

Here are ways you can more effectively evangelize to Jewish people. (Getty Images )

How You Can Provoke Jewish People to Jealousy

Standing With Israel

When thinking of how I can become more effective in bringing the gospel to the Jewish people, I am often reminded of the Apostle Paul's writings in Romans to stir the rest of us into Jewish witness and evangelism.
"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Rom. 10:14).
One of my dear good friends and brothers in Yeshua/Jesus, J.B. Bernstein, is a Messianic evangelist whose belly is filled with the fire of the Lord to bring the good news back to the Jewish people and of course anyone else who will listen.
He has written a new ebook on this subject to help enlighten and equip the rest of us, which can really help to make a difference in our Jewish witness and evangelism.
Here are some of his thoughts and a link below to his website to access the free ebook.
More next month from the land of Israel ... Grant Berry
Evangelist J.B. Bernstein
"I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid! But through their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous" (Rom. 11:11).
Romans 11:11 is a verse of Scripture that has not yet fully come into its fulfillment. On the contrary, up to this point; instead of loving the Jews, the ancient church persecuted them in its place and greatly misunderstood the plight of the Jewish people, ultimately misleading the rest of us. So, for the past 1,800 years, we have not yet come close to this calling.
However, as we draw closer to the Lord's return, all of this is about to change; as God re-focuses His heart and plans to restore His first-born, there is a new love for Israel in the air, and our Gentile family has a huge role to play out in their salvation. Now we must re-learn how to rebuild these bridges between Jew and Gentile in the family of God.
Can You See Yourself in a New Light?
Firstly, we need to remind ourselves that our Jesus is Jewish, as well as all of the apostles and prophets; that our Savior is the Son of David, the lion of the tribe of Judah and the King of the Jews. We need to begin to lay a Jewish foundation for the gospel that Jewish people may more readily receive.
I believe the time has come for Christians to finally be the catalysts God intends them to be and provoke Jewish people to such jealousy that they will run to and embrace their Messiah. What an amazing thought.
The question is: How can this get done? What does it look like? What will make Jewish people jealous of Christians?
How Can This Happen?
I believe the Lord has revealed how this can happen, and I am very excited at the prospect of the entire body of Messiah/Christ embracing, understanding and fulfilling their purpose to bring salvation back to the people who first brought it to them.
To make anyone jealous of what you have, it must be so great it's beyond belief. That means Jewish people need to see what you have is something so fantastic and appealing that they must have it themselves.
However, in order for Christians to truly provoke Israel to jealousy, there needs to be a change in the way we see ourselves. This calls for a paradigm shift in the Christian mindset. We do not want to change who we are as new creations in Messiah/Christ, but we need to see ourselves as wild olive branches that have been grafted on to the cultivated olive tree which is their tree ("their tree" meaning the olive tree is figuratively Israel).
This change of mindset will make our message so much more powerful in that our appeal to Jewish people will not be that they need to "become one of us" but rather that we have "become one of them!" This will open many Jewish hearts and is part of the truth that will set multitudes of Jewish people free.
If you desire to read more and become equipped to be the generation of Christians to fulfill Rom. 11:11 and to receive a free download of the e-book, Five Steps to Provoke Israel (the Jewish people) to Jealousy. Please click on this link. Once there, click on ebook. 
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile, yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit reconnectingministries.org. 
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Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Host D.C. Bigwigs for First Shabbat Dinner at Home - Abra Forman BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Host D.C. Bigwigs for First Shabbat Dinner at Home

“And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it He rested from all His work which God in creating had made.” Genesis 2:3 (The Israel Bible™)
On Friday, Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner hosted several of President Trump’s Cabinet members at the couple’s first Shabbat dinner in their new Washington, D.C. home.
Last Friday, the couple was busy celebrating Trump’s inauguration, making January 27 the first Shabbat evening the family spent at home. They marked the occasion by inviting an impressive group of advisors and cabinet members, including Trump’s Department of the Treasury pick Steve Mnuchin, Department of Commerce nominee Wilbur Ross, Strategic Communications Director Hope Hicks, and advisors Gary Cohn and Dina Habibi Powell.
All of the D.C. dinner guests were sighted and photographed entering the Kushner home on Friday night by the Daily Mail, which published the photos on Saturday. Jared Kushner is visible greeting his guests at the door.

Have Millennials Abandoned Their Faith? - HAMILTON STRATEGIES CHARISMA NEWS

Are millennials leaving the church? (Unsplash/Stefan Kunze)

Have Millennials Abandoned Their Faith?

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

What's one of the fastest-growing religious identifications among millennials?
It's actually not a religion at all. It's "none."
Roughly a quarter of all Americans (23 percent), according to the Pew Research Center, call themselves "nones" or are not affiliated with any religion or faith. Just 10 years ago, a similar survey found that 16 percent said their religion was "nothing in particular"—a significant jump. And of these "nones," a large number are millennials, with more than a third of this young generation saying they do not identify with a faith.
To religion and culture expert, national radio host and author Dr. Alex McFarland (alexmcfarland.com), this is alarming. And he's addressing the crisis in his new book, Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home, co-authored with apologist and evangelist Jason Jimenez. "Abandoned Faith" is available for pre-order now at alexmcfarland.com, with an official release date from Tyndale Publishing and Focus on the Family of March 1 (in stores March 7).
"There are many reasons why young people may become disillusioned with church, religious organizations or faith in general, such as mistrust, skepticism, rebelling against a negative experience, pressure from atheist or agnostic friends, or a variety of other influences," McFarland says. "But regardless of why they leave their faith behind, the real tragedy is that many millennials are heading into life without Christ. And we must find a way to bring them back into the fold. That's why this new book, Abandoned Faith, is so important for anyone who loves a millennial."
Millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, constitute a group of more than 80 million individuals who are technologically astute, ethnically diverse, and culturally and vibrantly engaged. Yet they face high unemployment and massive debt. These characteristics, coupled with the fact that they comprise the largest number of religiously unaffiliated Americans, should be concerning to every parent, grandparent, pastor and potential employer.
Moved by these and other hard-hitting facts, McFarland and Jimenez interview in Abandoned Faith top Christian leaders who work with millennials and families. Their research and conversations shed new light on what Christian parents must do to reach their young adult children. Abandoned Faith also offers a strong voice of hope for parents, church leaders and others who serve the millennial generation.
McFarland, who speaks to more than 30,000 young people every year, says that teens, especially, tend to look to their parents, spiritual leaders at their church and teachers when it comes to life's biggest decisions. The media and their peers come in at the bottom of the list.
"From speaking with tens of thousands of young people over the years, I have learned that if they have just a few adults who will come alongside them and encourage them to grow in their faith, there's a much better chance they will remain in the church and rooted in Jesus long into adulthood," he said. "So one or two positive influences can make a world of difference in the faith—and life—of a young person."
Another part of Pew's Religious Landscape Study looked as reasons why "nones" were disconnected to a particular faith. Survey respondents provided hundreds of different answers, but many shared a few common themes, according to Pew.
About half of current religious "nones" who were raised in a religion (49 percent) indicate that a lack of belief led them to move away from religion. Others reference science, logic, common sense, lack of evidence or simply say they do not believe in God.
Another 20 percent express an opposition to organized religion in general, citing a dislike to the hierarchical nature of religious groups, the thought that religion is too much like a business and clergy sexual abuse scandals as reasons for their stance. A similar share (18 percent) say they are religiously unsure. A tenth say they were raised with a religious affiliation, and may hold certain beliefs, but they are not currently taking part in religious practices.
"Most of them simply say they don't go to church or engage in other religious rituals," Pew reported, "while others say they are too busy for religion."
McFarland's new blog at alexmcfarland.com features posts such as "It's the End of Celebrities Fawning over the White House as We Knew It, and I Feel Fine," "5 Strategies for Reaching Skeptics," "Pitch These 9 Fallacies Before Making Moral Choices" and "Don't Let Our Kids Be Eaten by Lions." Read more here.
Also serving as Director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University (ngu.edu) in Greenville, South Carolina, McFarland is the author of Stand Strong AmericaThe God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer10 Issues That Divide Christians10 Answers for Skeptics and the Stand series of devotions for teens. McFarland is an expert in the field of apologetics—the practice of defending the Christian faith in a world where faith in Christ is plummeting at alarming rates.
McFarland has spent years working with young people and takes their questions to heart. He has preached in more than 1,300 churches and has been featured at conferences such as the Billy Graham School of Evangelism, Focus on the Family's "Big Dig" and California's "Spirit West Coast," sharing the platform with Chuck Colson, Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell and others.
Part evangelist, part apologist, part educator and part broadcaster, McFarland focuses on communicating the message of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He co-hosts the daily, live radio program "Exploring the Word" on American Family Radio's Talk Network, heard on more than 125 stations across the country, and the weekly television show "Viral Truth," airing on the National Religious Broadcasters Network, which he co-hosts with Jimenez.
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Pro-Israel Christians Line Up to Support Trump Moving Jerusalem Embassy - JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Pro-Israel Christians Line Up to Support Trump Moving Jerusalem Embassy

“Thus saith Hashem: I return unto Tzion and will dwell in the midst of Yerushalayim; and Yerushalayim shall be called the city of truth; and the mountain of Hashem of hosts the holy mountain.” Zechariah 8:3 (The Israel Bible™)
By: Sean Savage
Aside from its centrality to Jewish peoplehood as the home of the ancient Jewish Temples and now the modern state of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem is also synonymous with Judaism for many Bible-reading Christians. As such, prominent pro-Israel Christian organizations are lining up to express their support for President Donald Trump’s promise to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and to hold the president accountable for his words.
Susan Michael, U.S. director for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), said Christians already understand that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and would like to see the American government follow suit. In fact, ICEJ has had its own “unofficial” embassy in Jerusalem since 1980, a point that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted in his 2016 Christmas address.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Prophecy: Let God's Enemies Be Shattered - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

President Donald Trump's inauguration will cause God's enemies to be shattered, Faith Marie Baczko wrote for The Elijah List. (Reuters photo)

Prophecy: Let God's Enemies Be Shattered

Faith Marie Baczko, pastor of Yahweh's House Fellowship and president of Headstone Ministries International and Schools of The Last Wine, shared a new word from the Lord about the year ahead, which she says will be a tremendous year for the U.S. that will "affect all nations and all peoples for the better."
In the prophetic writing, which she shared with readers of The Elijah List, she wrote, in part:
When I sought the Lord for His word for 2017, He gave me Psalm 68 with an emphasis on verse one: "Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered..." An unprecedented, momentous and extraordinary year has now shifted into full throttle with the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. As the anointing of the Presidency has now fallen upon him, a REPRIEVE has begun, and God is moving to restrain and push back the powers of darkness.
In this time, God will thrust a prepared people in the Body of Christ and in the secular world, into an hour of history prepared by God for a fresh Outpouring of His Life; this will come with a fresh release of divine strategies and breakthroughs in innovation, medicine, technology, industry and for clean air and energy—deception will be exposed and hidden truth revealed!
Doors will open for many Christians who have known the call on their lives and have been perplexed by the wait to see its fulfillment. Many have not understood that the coming forth of their ministries was timed for the great REPRIEVE now coming on the earth—a time set to offer the world an opportunity to recognize and receive the Living God—our King, Jesus Christ, and to gather in a great Harvest of souls as His reward. For countless souls, this will be a great opportunity, hence an urgency for an army of harvesters—laid down lovers of God—to run the race of strength set before them.
As I contemplated the words, "Let God Arise," the Lord began to highlight some points related to this Arising! I sensed both His question and His answer of, "How does God arise!"
God showed me that He can ARISE spontaneously in the earth, but more often than not He arises IN HIS PEOPLE! God highlighted the need right now for His people to be preparing themselves for His Arising! I recently had an encounter in the middle of the night through which God began to address many issues to take note of in this new season.
The first was that as He moved to take His people to higher heights, with a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, the enemy would also increase his offensive! However, He reminded me that this is the Year of Victory ordained by God and showed me that the roar of satan might be loud, as he intends to make a lot of noise and stir a lot of trouble, but that ultimately he is restrained and bound in his attempts to steal, kill and destroy!
Yes, there will be great battles, but we have been given the VICTORY to accomplish the purposes and the will of God! God says that we are to stir up our faith to believe, and stir the gifts given to us to accomplish our mandate! We are to fan into flames the passion He has deposited inside of us and begin to move out at His Command without fear!
And also:
This will be a tremendous year for the United States of America that will affect all nations and all peoples for the better, if we so choose! God is about to ARISE over the Land of America in extraordinary ways! This year on August 21st, the Great American Solar Eclipse will occur! This will be the first total eclipse in four decades and will be visible only over continental United States—it will be the first time in ninety-nine years an American Eclipse is visible from coast to coast. The Eclipse will cross 10 States beginning in Oregon and ending in North Carolina, crossing a stretch of 70 miles; the next one will be in 7 years.
In a year characterized by a multitude of sevens, God is marking this incredible year of the Trump Presidency with the Great American Eclipse, a time where HE WILL ARISE within and through this nation to do great and marvelous things for all!
That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:6
So shall they fear the Name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19
Click here to read the entire article.
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John Casey, Upheaval: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes May Soon Strike the US - Rick Wiles TRUNEWS

Listen here: John Casey, Upheaval: Why Catastrophic Earthquakes May Soon Strike the US - Rick Wiles  TRUNEWS

Jan. 26, 2017

Will global cooling bring devastating earthquakes to America’s lands? Today on TRUNEWS, Rick Wiles discusses this looming threat with John Casey, a former senior field engineer for NASA and the current CEO of the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center. 

Mr. Casey expands on his eerie prediction, that a looming mini Ice Age could bring an exponential increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity, and also details how this looming global crisis could cause upwards of $600 billion in damages, and kill tens of thousands inside the United States over the next twenty years. 

Prophetic Word: Expect Great Shakings and Breakthrough in 2017 - CINDY JACOBS AND THE ACPE CHARISMA NEWS

Cindy Jacobs

Prophetic Word: Expect Great Shakings and Breakthrough in 2017

For Part I of this prophetic word, click here.
The greatest harvest of souls the earth has known is upon us. Hundreds of thousands will be saved. The Middle East will experience a revival and this will extend into the evangelization of both the Arab and the non-Arabic-speaking Muslims. Look to Egypt to be a leader in this revival and awakening.
The glory of God is going to be poured out across the United States, and these areas were specifically given as revival centers:
Los Angeles, California; Silicon Valley, Redding, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; a new spring coming out of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Oklahoma; Austin, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Madison, Wisconsin; Indianapolis, Indiana; Nashville, Tennessee; Orlando, Florida; Fort Mill, South Carolina; Virginia; Annapolis, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; New York City; Boston, Massachusetts; as well as other cities and regions.
The inner cities of America and the areas in which Satan has built is greatest strongholds will begin to rebuild, and the revivals in such cities as Detroit and Chicago will astound the news! God says, "I will not forget the inner cities!"
This harvest time will result in the salvation of high-profile leaders both in the media, government, and education spheres of society. They will be vocal and unashamed. Their bold presence on social media will cause a huge stir in the news services. God is going to shake pop culture! He is going to use it for His glory. 
Look to the reserves and reservations and tribal lands of the nations of the earth. The indigenous peoples of the earth are about to be touched by God's power. Where they were oppressed through colonization, they are going to experience great healing and receive the power and grace to forgive the terrible atrocities committed against them. As a result, they will be used to touch many nations with the truth of God's saving power.
The historic wells of revival are going to flow again as bold evangelism takes place on the streets and on the campuses of schools where progressivism and Marxism have taken root. Latin America will be a leader in this move of God.
A New Renaissance
New songs and new sounds will flow from emerging worship leaders. The Tabernacle of David will see the release of many, many new psalmists who will sing the song of the nations. A new, even more passionate generation of abandoned worshipers is emerging.
Songs will be written that influence not only the church but also society at large. These songs will disciple nations in the way that the Beatles and the Summer of Love released a "free love sexual revolution" in a negative way as well as rebellion and sin. We will be singing the sounds of awakening in society. The bells of true liberty will ring in song once again.
Andrew Fletcher, a politician from Scotland, said, "Let me sing the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." In other words, the power of the voice singing creates movements for societal change.
Power worshipers will arise as a new generation moves into cities and regions and breaks open the heavens in a massive way. Through praise and worship, they will "pierce the darkness" created by principalities and powers over regions. These worshipers will become "sent ones" who will go into unreached parts of cities and nations to prepare the way for the evangelists who will come after them.
This worship movement will see an even greater rebuilding of the tabernacle of David, with many more 24/7 Houses of Prayer being established. They will have an understanding of the connection that God has given between the Church and Israel, and many will call this new move a "Davidic Messianic" movement of believers.
A Movement of Reformers
2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Many, many people will talk about the need for societal reformation and desire to be reformers. Young people will band together to form movements that display a passion to go into each area of their culture and see reformation.
This will set the stage for the greatest outpouring of the Spirit and awakening the world has even known. Nations that were never impacted by the reformation will begin to experience one now. This will happen in all the continents. "Africa, Africa, Africa, you are moving into your greatest hour," says the Lord.
Germany and France will be deeply impacted by this move of God. The Calvins and the Luthers are arising. Books will be written and the history of past moves of God will be studied. It will also go into the Catholic churches, the Coptics from Egypt, the Orthodox churches in Russian and Eastern Asia. It will affect both the Eastern and Western Orthodox churches. While many of the older leaders in these denominations and church movements will rejoice, some will rise up and persecute this new movement of God.
Social media will be the Gutenberg press in this reformation. The news will be amazed as very liberal owners of social media begin to announce that they are now believers. This will impact the Silicon Valley community in California in a big way. The Holy Spirit is calling for massive intercession for influencers in these sectors of society.
The youth who have seemingly crashed in the past season into being part of the "hard left" with liberal, humanistic agendas will suffer great disillusionment. But if the church will reach out to them in this time of lost dreams, they will be saved and become part of the most powerful move of evangelism and discipling that their nations have ever known.
The Effects of the United States' Election
Several of our prophets received words that Donald Trump would become the next president and will become a 21st-century Cyrus. He is called to break the mold of political correctness. We received the word that if we pray for him, he will heal, rather than divide, the nation.
Intercession must be made, or this will not happen in the way God intends. Racial division must be healed and the people of all ethnicities must come together as part of this John 17 movement. This cannot be a "whites only" movement, but the church must work to fight for unity and be a massive voice against racism that still exists in the nation.
There will be many civil rights reformers who will not embrace this need of healing of the nation. We received a serious admonition that the church must pray to see the nation healed or the breaches will only grow.
Native Americans will be part of this civil reformation and antiquated laws, and even the Bureau of Indian Affairs will be reformed.
There is coming such scientific proof concerning the science of the pre-born child that this will result in reformations in the medical field's stance and thinking as a whole. The pre-born child will be declared a human being. Some that have held this stance all along will break their silence and become strong advocates for the pre-born.
We prophesied a conservative revolt, and now we prophesy a "social media revolt" in which many use this form of communication, and it will result in the crippling networks and newspapers that persecute the truth of God. God is about to arise in a way to release the anointing of truth. There are media revolutionaries who will change the way everything is being done concerning communications. This will result in financial shakings will cause long-standing news media to begin to lose millions of dollars, even causing some to go under. This will be a shock to many who relied upon them to be their voice.
As a backlash against this conservative social media revolt, the liberal press will even accuse God's people of lying, giving the biblical analogy of the sons of Belial who lied in court to get Naboth's vineyard. However, accusations of the liberal press will not prevail. Intercession must be done for the church to be protected.
Corruption will be exposed in the media as well, and the disillusionment will deepen in people in general with traditional media sources. Out of this season, new, anointed news anchors will come to the forefront who will be unashamedly Believers and they will experience great favor.
Washington, D.C., will be "ground zero" for the exposure of corruption. Some who are exposed will shock the nation as God continues to move to cleanse both political parties. Corrupt judges will also be exposed in the circuit courts. We were told to use Ezekiel 22 as a model to decree against corruption.
The whistle blowers will come out in droves. Aides and interns will speak and tell what they have both seen and heard.
Collusion between the Federal Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical companies will be exposed in surprising ways.
The lobbyists are going to be removed from their places of influence in a significant way, and the influence of corporate giants over Congress will also be reformed.
Term limits will be put in place for Congress in the future. Reformation is coming to every aspect of society.
Major trade deals are going to be rewritten, and old enemies will become trading partners. God is aligning the nations for His purposes. The global elite will find that they are not able to move freely as they did on the international scene. Corruption and collusion will be exposed and many will be shocked.
A new season of mercy has been given, even though for some it does not appear to be so at this moment of time. God wants to reboot the nation and get it back on track.
The Lord wants to release both protection for the nation as well as wisdom for compassionate immigration reform while dealing with the criminal influence. This needs serious prayer. The body of Christ is forerunning racial reconciliation, and this will display a unity and synergy that the world is looking for.
A call for continued concerted prayer to continue to bring both peace, protection and stability to the nation went out. God wants to give a path to establish what could be called "thrones of glory" all the way through the year 2020. If the intercessors continue to pray for 2020 vision, God will release His glory on a scale none of us can imagine.
The Economy
The U.S. will be the safe refuge for investment around the globe. Family economies will be blessed if they seek the Lord on how to get out of debt and save so they can invest in new financial opportunities that will arise.
Significant investments in new innovations and inventions; some even given through dreams, will be released. The Midwest and what has been known as the rust belt of the United States will begin to blossom. New investments in inner cities will open up as they are set free from historic violence and drug abuse.
The churches of the nation will begin to rise up and systematically work to eliminate poverty. This will impact the inner cities greatly as they will be considered both a mission field and a treasure field. The people of the inner cities are treasures to God.
Economic Shakings Are Coming to Europe
Italy, Spain, and Portugal will be tested: God's people will be taken care of in the midst of the crisis. Alignments with Israel are critical in this season.
North America and Alaska: The wealth of North America will be unlocked and resources will be opened. There will be a new gas pipeline in Alaska. It will be in the news as "hidden riches" of gold and rare minerals are found.
The U.S. Military—Terrorism and ISIS:There will be a rebuilding of the United States' military. Religious freedom will be restored, and the chaplains will once again be able to freely preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit pointed out the necessity of this happening in order to see God's favor poured out on the military.
Reformers are going to be put in place in the military. The power of God is going to visit entire military bases around the world.
New strategies to defeat ISIS will be given by new leadership put in place and fear will fall upon those who are "rogue" terrorists. The mainstream media and social media voices who are favorable to allowing refugees with terrorist backgrounds are going to suffer major blows.
Those nations who are promoting and hiding terrorists will be ostracized both politically and economically. Rogue nations such as North Korea are going to be put in check.

New Alliances Between Nations

There will be a tightened alliance between the U.S. and the UK. Trade agreements will be made between these two nations that will shift the balance of trade.
God is dealing internally with the Parliament of the UK and strong voices will arise to speak out for alliances with Israel. Brexit and Amerix! The exiting from one wineskin to another. (Note: This by no means that God is not moving within the people of the EU.)
United Nations
The extreme political and social agenda behind the U.N. is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for social engineering through International Planned Parenthood and eugenics. Reformers will arise from the midst with godly philosophies who will be strong voices for a realignment away from this perverted agenda to one that gives compassion aid without "strings" attached to unrighteous organizations. Ambassadors who are evangelists will rise up, unashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Funding will be withheld as righteous nations in the U.N. demand they stop supporting radicalized social agendas that promote homosexuality as a life-style and the abortion of babies.
Signs and wonders will break out in many places. Nazareth and Haifa will see the power of God in great demonstration. The Russian Jews are going to experience a harvest of souls in a large way and become powerful evangelists to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
The nations who align against Israel will find themselves becoming more economically challenged in the coming days. Nations will withdraw their funding from the U.N. initiatives and countries that persecute Israel.
Israel will become a flash point among the nations. There is a confusion of the nations that will take place and an accelerated polarization of light and darkness.
This will start a process where the Temple Mount will once again be brought up as a central issue among the nations.
More shakings will take place in the nation but God will release a youth movement between the Jews and Arabs that will become voices of unity in the land.
More corruption will be exposed and the shake-up of the government will continue all the way from the national to the local levels. There will be new government leaders run for office from the church, and whereas they were not successful in the past, some will see a breakthrough when they run again.
There is a growing underground movement that is strong although not yet seen. There will be much trouble brewing from Iran in this season; however, God wants to encourage the church that He is hearing their prayers and has a plan to liberate His people from radical ideologies.
Revival fires are burning. The move of God has started and will not be quenched. It is time for the prayers of the generations must be answered. The John 17 movement from France will affect the other nations in Europe.
The prophets are going to rise up from France and speak very accurately.
Vietnam is preparing to be the "Star of Asia" as far as the numbers of people being saved. This will even have a great impact on the Communist government. Hanoi will become a beacon of light to the nations.
There will be some continued shakings. However, look to Inner Mongolia for the greatest moves of God yet.
Australia is a reformer nation and will produce great shifts as well as some clashes on a governmental level. However, the Daniels and Josephs are arising in this land.
Egypt and the Middle East
There is a massive awakening coming to the Egypt as well as the whole Middle East. It is the time for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled. Reformers will arise in these nations as well. The blood of the martyrs is crying out from the ground where ISIS has beheaded so many believers in Jesus Christ. Their sacrifice is going to result in many Sauls who have become radicalized becoming Pauls.
We see in part and know in part. We are to test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Some words have immediate fulfillment and impact. Other words have conditions that must be met in order for them to be fulfilled. But this is a year of the breakthrough. This is a historical time when another Great Reformation shall take place!  
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike—her husband of 41 years—co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. She travels each year, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands.
For the original article, visit elijahlist.com.
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