Friday, January 16, 2015

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Duke University Cancels Plans for Muslim Call to Prayer

Duke University Cancels Plans for Muslim Call to Prayer

Duke University has canceled plans to use the school's famous chapel bell tower for a weekly, amplified Muslim call to prayer.
The university was set to broadcast a weekly call to prayer, also known as adhan, on its campus starting Jan. 16, but said Thursday they reconsidered the plan.
"Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students," Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations, said. "However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect."
Duke, which was founded in the late 19th century, was founded by Methodists and Quakers and its divinity school has historically been connected to the United Methodist Church. The possibility of the call to prayer broadcast outraged some in the Christian community.
Evangelist Franklin Graham took to social media to blast the school over the Muslim call to prayer.
"As Christianity is being excluded from the public square and followers of Islam are raping, butchering, and beheading Christians, Jews, and anyone who doesn't submit to their Sharia Islamic law, Duke is promoting this in the name of religious pluralism," Graham wrote on his Facebook page Wednesday.
Graham urged Duke alumni to withhold support because of Muslim violence against Christians.
Under the canceled plan, members of the school's Muslim Students Association would have recited the call lasting about three minutes from the bell tower.
Meanwhile, various Christian denominations hold prayer and worship services in the chapel. The school also allows Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists to hold services on campus.

Word for 2015 - The Spirit of Elijah by Elaine Tavolacci

Word for 2015 - The Spirit of Elijah 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network
The Holy Spirit gave me a word for the coming year of 2015 as it relates to the Spirit of Elijah. There is a story in the Old Testament about the prophet Elijah and his successor the prophet Elisha. Elisha's ministry first began as a servant to Elijah in the book of 1 Kings 19:19 as he completed his earthly occupation of plowing twelve yolk of oxen. Elijah approached Elisha and threw his mantle upon him. This is symbolic for those who are clothed with the prophetic mantle which is the spirit of Elijah, as well as an allegory of the father's mantle being passed to the son. Each day Elisha followed Elijah closely and would not leave him for a moment. In the same way, we should have mentors who walk as Jesus walked and could disciple us in love as well as spiritual realities.
Elijah was a prophet with a ministry of miracles, signs and wonders. After a season in which Elisha had served Elijah, the Lord was coming to take Elijah. He obviously knew this because he asked Elisha; what may I do for you before I am taken away? Elisha responded; I want a double portion of your Spirit (anointing). This word for spirit in the original Hebrew context is ruwach which is breath, wind, spirit. It is referring to the living breath of God, a living mantle. Elijah replied, if you see me when I am taken from you it shall be so. Soon after, a chariot of fire with horses of fire appeared, separated them and took Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. His mantle fell upon Elisha and he received a double portion of Elijah's anointing. Elisha's ministry did not begin until Elijah's ministry ended. We are going to see the ministries of the prophetic sons and daughters succeed the ministries of their spiritual fathers in the coming year.
Prophetic Voices Being Raised
The Lord says; I am raising up prophetic voices to declare My glory to this generation. They will be those who will trumpet My words with clarity and precision as they minister in the Spirit and power of Elijah. They will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. They will prepare the people's hearts for the days ahead. They will be men and women who will walk in the anointing as in days of old. There will be miracles, signs and wonders performed through their hands as My anointing rests upon them and abides within them. They will show others how to be fed supernaturally in the times of famine. 

They shall decree a thing and it shall be established because I will confirm the words that I give them to speak. They are men and women of valor who follow in the steps of My prophets who went before them. They are those who have put their hand to the plow and have not looked back. They are those who have never deviated from My plan, but have followed Me through difficult times and persecution. They will bring reconciliation to My body and balance to the five fold ministry bringing every joint and ligament to function in unison. I am raising up men and women who know how to take back their land. They will take a stand against unrighteousness, sin and injustice, and they will be steadfast in their convictions says the Lord.
2 Kings 2:9-14 And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, "Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?" Elisha said, "Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me." So he said, "You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so." Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 

And Elisha saw it, and he cried out, "My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!" So he saw him no more. And he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces. He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over
There Will Be Unbelievers
In the book of 2 Kings 2:13 after Elisha received the double portion of Elijah's anointing he went and stood on the bank of the Jordan River and struck the water and asked, Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" The Lord responded by dividing the water and Elisha crossed over. This is the second time a mantle from Elijah was placed upon Elisha. The first mantle was in the book of 1 Kings 19:19 as Elisha began serving Elijah, and the second time was in the book of 2 Kings 2:13 as he began to serve the Lord. The sons of the prophets recognized that the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha. 

Shortly after, in the book of 2 Kings 2:23 Elisha was now walking in a double portion anointing when some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, "Go up, you bald head."  They were not mocking his physical appearance, but they were mocking his anointing. They were insinuating that he "Go up" in the same way that Elijah went up in a horse and Chariot. 1 Chronicles 16:22 and 2 Chronicles 36:16 refers to those who mocked and rose up against the prophets of God in the Old Testament.
Psalm 105:15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
The Lord says; there will be unbelievers in the days ahead who will not understand the call on the lives of My prophets. They will be mocked and ridiculed as My servants but they will not retreat. Those who I have called, I will also equip with strength and endurance. I will give them divine wisdom with spiritual strategies. They will understand the times and the seasons, and walk accordingly. I will give them keen discernment concerning their ministry and the sword of My word will be in their mouths. They will bring truth to the body and bring unity in places of division. They will walk in righteousness but not submit to the religious traditions of man because they are led by My Spirit. Supernatural encounters and signs will follow those who believe as I am raising up mighty men and women in the spirit of Elijah says the Lord.
Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.
Elaine Tavolacci

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Nazi Nightmare Ends for War Criminal's Son

Nazi Nightmare Ends for War Criminal's Son

Thursday, January 15, 2015 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
Being brought up as the son of a Nazi was a burden hard to bear for Werner Oder, an Austrian born in the aftermath of the Holocaust. His father Wilhelm had presided over the murder of many Jews as he trained men in the art of killing at a camp in Poland during World War II.
But in spite of all attempts at denial and covering up the truth, his complicity in the massacre of defenseless men, women and children came to haunt his son – quite literally.
As a small boy, Werner, now 64, regularly woke up screaming from horrific nightmares – a demonic entity actually rising up from a hole in the floor to frighten the life out of him – and he developed into a sickly child as a result.
His father had somehow escaped immediate post-war punishment on account of apparent lack of sufficient evidence, but Werner saw little of him anyway as he was a serial adulterer. Eventually the legendary Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal uncovered the truth of his wicked crimes, but he died of a heart attack just before his trial.
Werner, meanwhile, whose two half-brothers had served in the Hitler Youth, was growing into an angry young man bent on destruction as the psychological damage caused by his family’s involvement with the Nazi death cult manifested itself in aggressive, drunken behavior and self-harm.
“I wanted to be accepted and loved, but the more I tried to be acceptable, the more rejection I felt,” he recalls in his book Battling with Nazi Demons.
He tried to kill himself by swallowing an entire box of tranquilizers his mother kept for her own peace of mind. But he desperately wanted help nevertheless. He remembered how, as a small boy in the throes of his recurring nightmares, he somehow prayed to God for help – even though he knew nothing about God, having been brought up in a completely pagan environment.
His mother was so touched on hearing him that she wrote it down on a slip of paper: “Dear God, look upon me your little child and have mercy on my tears. I do not want to die. If you let me live I will serve you.”
And God did not forget him as the answer finally came many years later in the form of a Christian missionary from over the mountains with whom he came into contact.
He heard that Jesus offered release from the “visitors from hell” that had plagued him all those years. He could hardly believe it was true, but when he invited Christ into his life, he was suddenly and miraculously freed from all the demons that had strangled his mind, spirit and body for so long.
“Kneeling to confess my sin and my need of forgiveness and deliverance, it seemed as if the weight of the whole world rolled off my shoulders," said Werner. "With tears, I sensed the light of God flooding my mind, driving out the darkness of despair and fear. Like chains, the troubles of my soul fell off; my sanity returned and I knew from that moment that God’s only Son Jesus Christ had come to set this prisoner free. From that day, all demons left and my nightmares stopped.”
For the past 30 years Werner has been pastor of the Tuckton Christian Centre in Dorset, England. Not only has he made friends with a Polish Jew who had witnessed and given evidence of his father’s cruelty in court, but he is now a passionate supporter of Israel and the Jews.
And he believes the Church itself was complicit in the Holocaust, which resulted in the death of six million Jews.
Martin Luther, for all his positive contribution to the Reformation in restoring the place of faith in Christ rather than religious observances as the key to salvation, had unfortunately ended his life by publishing terrible anti-Semitic rants, which later served as clerical endorsement for Hitler.
Werner sees a direct correlation between anti-Semitism and denial of the Holy Spirit’s work and relates how, shortly after the modern-day Pentecostal movement emerged on the scene at the turn of the 20th century, a group of 56 German evangelicals (those who believe in the Bible’s absolute authority) met to discuss whether or not it was of divine origin and decided, in what is known as the Berlin Declaration, that it was “of the devil”.
As Werner told a conference in York, this amounted to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, which even Jesus said was unforgivable.
“They turned out the light in Europe, and we’re still paying the price for it,” he said. “The Holy Spirit was knocking on the door of the church in Europe and saying, ‘The darkness is coming. I want to empower you to resist the Nazis and protect my people’.”
Battling with Nazi Demons is published by Onwards & Upwards, with a foreword by author and international speaker David Pawson, and is available from and
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Is Pro-Life Activism Really Making a Difference?

Is Pro-Life Activism Really Making a Difference?

WASHINGTON -- The March for Life comes to Washington, D.C., Thursday, January 22. Some years have seen hundreds of thousands in attendance. Still, activists say it would have much more impact if millions came and marched.

After 42 years of legalized abortion and some 56 million unborn babies dead, many abortion opponents doubt their activism will accomplish much.

Pro-life leaders say the opposite is true.

"By coming together, by making our presence known, we are saving lives," Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, told CBN News. "Incremental legislation is being passed. People's minds and hearts are reached."

In fact, this leading pro-life priest was one whose mind and heart was reached when he came to Washington as a young man to join an early March for Life event.

"I received my own start in the pro-life movement from the inspiration I got from coming to this March for Life in 1976 as a teenager," Pavone said.

Another leader is Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. Her group works to elect pro-life candidates and promote laws that will reduce and someday end abortion.

Activism Pays

"If there were a year where you would have hope in activism, it would have been election year 2014," Dannenfelser told CBN News.

Throughout 2014, the SBA List sponsored groups in various states to fight for pro-life candidates. And in state after state, those candidates beat opponents who favored abortion rights.

"This was the year that showed that activism pays, and it pays in lives," she said.

Dannenfelser said the pro-life majority in the House appears ready to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act as early as January 22, the same day as this year's March for Life. That, she says, is evidence that activism pays.

She also expects the new pro-life majority in the Senate to pass its version of the bill, which would ban abortion of unborn babies 20 weeks old or older.

Dannenfelser told CBN News without the kind of activism thousands of pro-lifers displayed leading up to the election, passage of this bill wouldn't be possible.

When Enough Fight

And she believes when everyday folks battle those wrongs together, they can be defeated.

"It's what ended slavery. It's what ended child labor. It's what ended all sorts of things," Dannenfelser explained. "And we're beginning to see the end of abortion in the Congress right now with the Pain-Capable bill. And it will save 18,000 children a year."

Of course, the ultimate pro-life goal is to make abortion unthinkable and illegal again, because if it's legal, that suggests it's okay.

Janet Morana co-founded Silent No More, a group of post-abortive women and others wounded by abortion who've decided to speak out about the pain it causes.

"You can listen to the voices of the women, and they'll say making it legal was giving permission," she said. "Just think of how many things you don't do because it's illegal."

Georgette Forney co-founded Silent No More alongside Morana. Forney told CBN News just three years before, the Supreme Court had legalized the procedure nationwide, which made a huge difference in her teenage mind when she aborted her first child.

Legalizing Abortion Made it Okay

"There I was in 1976 -- I remember driving down the road," Forney said, as she recalled thinking of her upcoming abortion, "This feels wrong, but it's legal, so it's got to be okay.'"

Lifelong civil rights activist Alveda King fights alongside Silent No More. She said activism can convince others abortion's not okay.

"Get out there," King encouraged. "Hold your sign, do your prayer, sing your song, ask people to keep their children. I know for a fact that lives are saved when we do that."

Your Time in Exile is a Set Up for Promotion by John Meyer

Your Time in Exile is a Set Up for Promotion 

by John Meyer

Identity Network

There is no doubt that many people are going through tremendous difficulty, trial and excruciating processing. In fact, the last decade has been more than difficult for many of Gods children than all of the previous years combined. Over the last ten years I have heard stories of adversity that would make the hair on the back of your neck curl. I can relate with the stories of many of these wonderful people, and feel for them deeply. The challenges my wife and I have faced have been more mentally than physically, nevertheless they are real and they are not without purpose.
Although there is so much bad news coming at us 100 mph, I am a firm believer that there is so much more in the way of good news that we either don't hear about or we may not be seeing as good news.  In other words, we all have spiritual lenses that we look through every single moment of the day and depending on what we are seeing, will determine the outcome of what we truly believe.  We can listen to the bad news of the world and let it take us out or we can challenge that bad news and let it forge us in the fire by turning something adverse into something good.
Growing Pains
Our insight will certainly determine our eyesight as it pertains to our training and development in Christ. Many times we think that just because we have said yes to Jesus that everything is going to change overnight and we won't have to experience further difficulty in life. While on certain levels this may be true, other levels it is not.  Ever heard of growing pains? The decision to look at the "pain" in the growing in a positive manner can make all the difference in the world.
The Apostle John had an interesting journey and a rather optimistic take on his processing through the adverse conditions he found himself in while living as an exile on the Island of Patmos.
Rev. 1:9-11 (Living Bible) It is I, your brother John, a fellow sufferer for the Lord's sake, who am writing this letter to you. I, too, have shared the patience Jesus gives, and we shall share his Kingdom!
I was on the island of Patmos, exiled there for preaching the Word of God and for telling what I knew about Jesus Christ. 10 It was the Lord's Day and I was worshiping, when suddenly I heard a loud voice behind me, a voice that sounded like a trumpet blast, 11 saying, "I am A and Z, the First and Last!" And then I heard him say, "Write down everything you see, and send your letter to the seven churches in Turkey:[f] to the church in Ephesus, the one in Smyrna, and those in Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea."
How many of us make the decision to patiently worship in the midst of persecution, pain and exile? I don't know about you, but if we are honest, sometimes it can be the hardest thing we will ever do while clinging on to dear life in the midst of a storm. Everything within us wants to either run or shutdown in the middle of a battle; especially if that battle has been raging for a decade or more.
Fighting the Good Fight
But there is something interesting and powerful about the way John carries himself in the middle of his storm. We don't see him complaining about his plight so much as he is revelating about his fight. He is fighting the good fight of faith right in the middle of adversity. He understands something about the nature of his Father, because he had been down this road before, only in smaller doses. He was living in a time of immense persecution, and he knew it well because it ultimately wound up landing him on Patmos. John discovered something supernatural in the middle of his processing. He was beginning to have a deeper understanding of what faith and patience could do in the center of loneliness, pain and trial. He was found worshipping his God, regardless of what happened to him and where he found himself.
Sometimes we don't believe or we just can't see the plan in the midst of our own time of exile, where we feel like we are all alone and abandoned.  The pain can be so great sometimes that we just can't seem to find anything good or purposeful in our circumstance.
The name Patmos actually means "My killing." The island where John was living was also a sterile island where living plants couldn't be found, as the conditions of the soil were not conducive for vegetation to grow. So in other words, this place of exile is supposed to kill something off and sterilize the way one has been thinking. John had been processed and developed enough in his own walk to understand and embrace the "killing off" of his own way of thinking. He knew that the only way to survive and thrive in that place was to go high in worship and adoration.
Notice that when John went into worship a few important things took place.
Rev. 1:10-11 It was the Lord's Day (Rest) and I was worshiping, when suddenly I heard a loud voice behind me, a voice that sounded like a trumpet blast, 11 saying, "I am A and Z, the First and Last!" And then I heard him say, "Write down everything you see, and send your letter to the seven churches in Turkey: to the church in Ephesus, the one in Smyrna, and those in Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea."
John worshipped, then had a SUDDEN encounter with a loud voice telling him to write a message for the churches. He got lost worshipping his Love in the middle of his exile, and because of the relationship he was caught up and heard a familiar voice giving him another commission.
Encounters and Suddenlies
You see, for many of us it has felt like we were going to die in the place of "My Killing," and we may not have understood that it is to be a time of intimacy between us and our Father, as well as a place of development. It's a time of getting lost in His Presence and it's also the time where we begin to here his voice loudly commissioning us to go.
"The journey has definitely been long and the training brutal for many of God's people, but it's important to understand that although it may feel like an Island called Patmos, there is an encounter awaiting us and one that will launch us even deeper into our life's work."
Moses, David, Elijah, Joseph and many others understood the power of processing as well, in their own places of exile. It wasn't as if they were worshipping as a transaction hoping to get out of their pain. No, I believe they had such intimacy with their King that it caused them to go into another dimension to hear from Him and experience His touch. In doing so, the power of relationship began to release the freedom and call of either a life's calling or another assignment in The Kingdom. They were actually receiving promotions in the Spirit.
"Where adversity and exile are present, presence and promotion are known and released."
I believe I heard strongly in my spirit "Many of my children have gone through the pain of adversity's training and I am about ready to perform a suddenly and set them in places they have not even dreamed of."
This is not the time to check out my friends. This is the time to worship and fall in love again. I know you want out of the fiery furnace, but your Father has need of you in the secret place so He can give you a revelation and commission that far exceeds the pain of the processing.
May encounters and suddenlies be yours.
John Meyer
The Flight Center

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Israel to Europe: We Warned You

Israel to Europe: We Warned You

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel’s outspoken embassy in Ireland this week again stirred the pot with a post to its Twitter feed reminding Europe that the Jewish state had warned it about failing to take seriously enough the threat of radical Islam.
The post, which featured the Mona Lisa in Muslim head garb and holding what appears to be a missile, came just days after Muslim terrorists killed 17 in three separate attacks in Paris.
Under the title “Israel Now - Paris Next,” the image was a repeat of an earlier Israeli PR campaign at the height of the ISIS conquest in Iraq and Syria, warning Western nations that if they didn’t halt the jihadists in the Middle East, a new wave of terror would soon reach European shores.

The embassy later posted a tweet linking to an op-ed on the Ynet news portal that insisted the West’s anti-Israel propaganda is a major motivator of Islamic terrorism both against the Jewish state and increasingly vulnerable European nations.
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Seriously? Israel, Jews Said Behind Paris Attacks

Seriously? Israel, Jews Said Behind Paris Attacks

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
It’s inevitable. Any time there is a high profile terrorist attack, someone, somewhere will say the Jews did it. And that is precisely what is starting to happen following last week’s string of shootings that took the lives of 17 innocent people in Paris.
I’m not talking about the BBC reporter who told a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors, of all people, that in the eyes of some, the Paris attacks could appear justified in light of what he called Israel’s maltreatment of the Palestinians.
I’m not even talking about former US President Jimmy Carter, who more explicitly blamed Israel not only for the Paris attacks, but for Muslim agitation and aggression across Europe.
I’m talking about people who believe that Jews directly planned, financed and personally carried out the Paris attacks.
Sadly, or perhaps tellingly, these people are not some fringe lunatics or conspiracy theorists, but rather are normal French Muslims and government officials in the Muslim world.
A reporter for the online news magazine The Daily Beast said that French Algerian Muslims she interviewed in Paris were largely of the opinion that the attacks were a Jewish plot to make Islam look bad.
Dana Kennedy told MSNBC that one interviewee went so far as to claim the perpetrators “weren’t just regular Jews…but a race of magical shape-shifting Jews that were master manipulators that could be everywhere at the same time.”
As outlandish as it might sound, these are the types of libelous fairytales many Muslims across the Middle East are taught about Israel and the Jews at large.
If average French Muslims aren’t a serious enough source, the mayor of the Turkish capital of Ankara, Melih Gokcek, also got in on the act.
Gokcek told a political rally following the Paris attacks that “it is certain that [Israel’s] Mossad is behind these kinds of incidents. Mossad enflames Islamophobia by causing such incidents.”
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