Sunday, July 16, 2017

Is a New Cultural Agenda Possible Under Trump? - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Evangelical leaders pray for President Donald Trump. (Mike Segar / Reuters )
Is a New Cultural Agenda Possible Under Trump? 
Strang Report, by Steve Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
Americans who grew up in the 1950s—or whose early lives were shaped by people from that era—tend to look back on that decade as not only a wonderful season of American prosperity but as a time of moral righteousness on a national level.
Many Americans remember it as a time when there were no disputes about right and wrong, good and evil. Everybody tended to agree on such things. Some individuals had a more liberal perspective, but no one was preaching rebellion against the overall moral code.
Respected journalist David Aikman articulated this very well in an op-ed published recently on I've known Aikman, now retired, since the 1970s when he was a senior foreign correspondent for Time magazine. He says America had a civic religion in those days—a basic Christian morality reinforced by the preaching of evangelists like Billy Graham.
Donald Trump was a product of that era. He grew up a nominal Christian with traditional moral values. It was only later that he became more libertarian on matters such as homosexuality.
"After the campus upheavals and the anti-war movement of the 1960s," Aikman says, "the entire culture began to experience a shift that introduced new worldviews, in Hollywood, academia and the media." Constant pressure from the left as well as the explosion of hedonism and self-gratification in the 1970s and 1980s escalated the pace of moral change.
In 2017, Aikman said, "America has undergone seven decades during which the existence of God has been repeatedly mocked or utterly dismissed on college campuses and in public schools." While Donald Trump has never said anything about wanting to change American culture, his numerous attacks on political correctness endeared him to evangelical voters. After the election, many Christians began to think President Trump might be favorable to any grassroots movement seeking to make America morally great once again.
Part of Trump's appeal to Christians, of course, was simply that he wasn't Hillary. Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer, told me, "When it came down to Trump or Hillary, there was no question." Even though Trump was saying outrageous things that would have destroyed any other candidate, the people loved him.
Aikman says if Hillary had been elected, it would have been not only a continuation of America's lurch to the left but the doorway to a new era of corruption like nothing we have ever seen. It would have made the hope of renewal and restoration many Christians were praying for much harder to achieve.
Evangelist James Robison told me in a recent telephone interview, "A lot of Christians were praying that we wouldn't lose freedom, that we would not lose the opportunities this nation offers." Robison, who serves on the president's faith advisory board, has become Trump's friend and confidant and now believes his election was an answer to prayer.
Meanwhile, the secular pundits saw Trump's victory as only a battle between Democrat and Republican or left and right. But Robison saw it as a supernatural spiritual battle.
"What happened," Robison told me, "is that God overpowered the foolishness of political correctness and the liberal (not just deceived but possessed) left, which is far too often deadset against a biblical worldview. ... But they were being totally pushed back."
The secular left in this country, Robison said, are being manipulated by powers Jesus was talking about when He said of those who crucified Him, "They don't know what they're doing" (see Luke 23:34). The left knew what they were doing, but "they were deceived by the deceiver," Robison said.
Christians were praying, "God, we've got to let you be God. We've got to stop this nonsense." Robison added, "Christians were praying for this to be stopped, but they never dreamed it would be some person totally disconnected with politics, totally unable to even express himself like a politician and someone who was best known as a shrewd maneuverer."
Trump may not have handled things in the most diplomatic way, Robison said, but he spoke with conviction about what's wrong in this country.
"He was totally open about everything that was wrong. Most of us would agree that he didn't address those problems in the most diplomatic terms, but everything he was saying was right on track. He was saying that many things in this country are bad, and they needed to be dealt with—and he was 100 percent correct." 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

People like free stuff. So here you go...with a donation to help us give free books to foreign pastors. Will you?

With your donation to help us give these books (and others) free to pastors 
in other nations, you'll get one too.

Pastors in Nigeria received our books.

Will you help us help them?
(And then I will give you one too.)

Aug. 26, 2017

Greetings current friends and soon-to-be new friends.

Love For His People, Inc, now in its 8th year, is beginning a new program to give our books (currently 15 titles) free of charge to pastors in Nigeria, the USA, and soon in Pakistan with the Urdu language publication of my book Arms of Love - English version.

You want to help? Will you help?

In order to pay for the printed books and the costly postage (it cost us $52.00 to send 7 books to Nigeria on July 10, 2017 from Charlotte to Africa), we need your help. They received them July 22, 2017. Pastor Abel is going to translate them into his people's language, and then we can print them there.

And as a side note, we do not have any paid staff or overhead costs, so don't be concerned about us using your contributed money to pay our power bill. My wife and I take care of that.

So much for my fund raising letter!

Info below.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. And being we want you to know that we aren't sending a small pamphlet in a letter envelope to them, I will send you my latest book, Basic Life Principles. Or you can click on that link and buy the paperback for $11.95. Kindle e-book is $2.95.

Deal? That's if you send a contribution of $25 or more. Just let me know in the memo line that you would like one. (USA addresses only please.)

Hey, and I will autograph it too!

Please send checks to:

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Each check will receive our USA tax-receipt. 501(c) 3 Fed. ID #27-1633858

Nigerian pastors received our book. July 22, 2017

Books we will provide free of charge 
to pastors in other nations.

Michael Snyder’s New Book Entitled ‘Living A Life That Really Matters’ Has Just Been Released - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 15 Jul 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Have you ever reached a point in life where things have gotten so bad that it seems impossible to ever turn things around?  In my new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters”, I begin by sharing such a point in my own life about 20 years ago.  If someone would have told me at the time what my life would be like today, I would have laughed at them.  But God took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the exact same thing for anyone else.

This is the most personal book that I have written, and it is quite a departure from my normal work.  If you follow my work on a regular basis, then you know that I like to write about politics, economics and the hard issues of our day in a way that the average person on the street can understand.  And I heavily document the points I make with facts, figures and statistics, and there are still lots of facts, figures and statistics in my new book.

But in this new book I hope to inspire people to reach for something more.  Instead of focusing so much on the problems, this book is absolutely packed with solutions.  In many ways, it is patterned after the Book of Proverbs.  There are literally hundreds of secrets that I have learned over the course of my 47 years embedded throughout the chapters of this book, and I wish that someone had shared all of these secrets with me when I was a young man.

So it is not a book that you will want to speed through.  There are literally life changing truths on every single page, and you may find yourself going back over some portions of the book time and time again.

This book is not written on a theoretical level.  I know that the secrets contained in this book work, because they have absolutely revolutionized my life.  But of course I didn’t invent these secrets.  Ultimately, every bit of wisdom that any of us have been given comes from the One that created us all.  Without God nothing is possible, but with Him all things are possible.

As I was writing this book, I often struggled to find the words to describe what it was about.  Sometimes my wife would even look at me with a puzzled look when I tried to explain it to her.  It is not a “self-help book” that will help you to become wealthy, famous or successful.  Neither is it an “inspirational” book that will give you warm fuzzies.  Rather, it is a book that is absolutely packed with life lessons that nobody else seems to want to talk about.  The following is the description of the book that is on Amazon
Deep inside all of us is a yearning to live a life that is filled with meaning and purpose. We all want to feel good about our lives, and we all want something to look forward to when we get out of bed in the morning. As little children we were filled with hopes and dreams for the future, but for so many of us those dreams have long since faded. Instead, many of us drag ourselves through life feeling down, depressed and defeated. In this book Michael Snyder is going to share with you what he has learned about living an overflowing life. We were designed to love, to laugh, to discover, to create and to live lives that are filled with passion. Unfortunately, so many of us have bought into lies that have enabled the enemy to steal all of that from us. No matter how bad things may seem right now, God can take the broken pieces of your life and turn them into a beautiful thing. But you have got to be willing to break your old patterns and start doing things that will produce good fruit in your life. This book will help you to do that.
In order for our lives to function the way that they should, God must be at the center of our lives.  And He has given us instructions for how we are to live, but most of the population is completely disregarding those instructions.

Following His instructions will lead to life, love, blessing and peace, but so many people have been living another way for so long that they don’t even know that such a life is possible.

This book is going to be extremely controversial, and it is going to deeply challenge you as you read it.  But for those that embrace what I am sharing, it will be a completely life-changing experience.  In fact, I believe that this book is going to change more lives than anything else I have ever written.

After you have read the book, I hope that many of you will write to me and share how it has affected you.  Writing this book was an emotional experience for me, and I believe that it will help a lot of you wrestle with things that you have been dealing with for a very long time.
Near the end of the book I also share about why I am running for Congress, although in the future I hope to do an entire book about why we desperately need to try to get this nation to change course.

But this book is primarily about matters of the heart.  Most people I encounter in life are not living victorious lives.  Instead, most people out there seem to have had the life completely sucked out of them by all of the pain, heartache and trials that they have been through.
It doesn’t have to be that way.

You can live an overflowing life, and the greatest chapters of your life can still be ahead of you.

But if you keep falling into the same patterns that you have been following all along, you will keep getting the exact same results.

God has a better plan for you, and it starts with doing things His way.

So I very, very much encourage you to get my new book and to read it all the way through.  If you embrace what I share in this book and apply these principles to your own life, they will turn your life completely upside down.

Now that the book is finally out, you can find it in paperback and for the Kindle on  It will also be available from many other online retailers, but if you want to get it right away Amazon will be the place to go.

No matter what you have been through, God still has a plan for you.  And if He can turn my life completely around and use me to touch millions of people all over the world, then He can do it for anyone.

Thank you again for being such faithful readers.  Without all of you, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do, and I can’t wait to hear what you all think of this new book…

Christy Johnston: "A Season of Replenishment and Repositioning" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Christy Johnston: "A Season of Replenishment and Repositioning"

Jul 16, 2017
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I think we ALL need replenishment and refreshing along our journey...if you are in need of that RIGHT NOW, you have got to read this awesome word and vision from Christy Johnston of Australia.
In this word Christy shares a vision about weary and wounded warriors:
I saw these warriors were not only restored and refreshed but RE-ENERGIZED with GREATER RESOLVE to fulfill the call of God upon their lives – they had a fire in their eyes unlike any I have seen before. The enemy's attempts to scream his lies and threats to them fell on deaf ears as their once weary bodies and spirits were REVIVED with the TRUTH. I watched as they marched back onto the path God had prepared for them and I saw MANY following behind them.
Whatever challenges you may be facing...let God strengthen and replenish you right in the middle of your path! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


A Whisper About a Juniper Tree
A number of weeks ago, I woke up after literally hearing the Holy Spirit whispering to me all night long in my sleep. It was bizarre because although it is quite normal for me to dream almost nightly, this was no dream. I can only describe it as though the Holy Spirit was right up in my ear with His soothing voice and whispering into my spirit just two words repetitively as I slept. He simply whispered, "Juniper Tree."
I woke up somewhat perplexed and immediately wrote it down and then did not think much else of it, until I was sitting with my daughters later that morning watching one of their favorite shows with them. One of the characters on this children's "horse" show suddenly mentioned out of nowhere how he had made for himself a saddle, out guessed it...A JUNIPER TREE! I almost fell off the couch and said out loud, "Okay Holy Spirit, You have my attention!"
The last few weeks have been a treasure hunt of sorts and I believe Holy Spirit's message relating to this tree is a word to the Body of Christ – particularly to those who have been "battle weary" and exhausted.
"I am Replenishing Your Strength"
"I saw these warriors were not only restored and refreshed but RE-ENERGIZED with GREATER RESOLVE to fulfill the call of God upon their lives – they had a fire in their eyes unlike any I have seen before."
Immediately, I was drawn to the story of Elijah, where the showdown with the false prophets of Baal had just taken place (See 1 Kings 19). In a time where Elijah should have been celebrating the victory God delivered through him, he was instead weary and susceptible to the lies and threats of the enemy. Rather than finding solace in the Father, whom moments ago He was entirely dependent upon, he suddenly found himself running from an empty and powerless threat. He wandered into the wilderness and found refuge under a Juniper tree and asked God to take his life.
Here, I saw a vision of many of God's children that have found themselves in recent weeks in this same position. I saw a picture of sons and daughters alike who were covered in dirt, blood and scars. They had seen many ongoing days of warfare and were contending for victory. Some were on the other side of their victory while others were still in the thick of the battle, but both looked utterly fatigued.
The fight had brought them to a place of weariness and exhaustion and they were dragging their feet, barely able to stand up as they wandered around aimlessly. Like Elijah, I saw that they felt as though they could not fight anymore and just wanted to give up entirely.
I felt the Father's compassion and love for these soldiers – His beloved ones. I then saw that these weary warriors were susceptible to the lies and empty threats of the enemy. I could hear the enemy as he began taunting and his lies rung out through the atmosphere and it sounded powerful and daunting.
I was drawn closer to the enemy himself and I saw he was holding a megaphone. His feeble voice sounded intimidating and it was causing these warriors to run and hide from his threats. In actuality, his words were bluff and they carried NO weight or credibility – it was merely projected in a tone that appeared loud and frightening but he had no power to do anything. I then saw these warriors scattering and running to evade the apparent danger. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
"Find Rest Under My Covering"
As they ran, the fear of the enemy's empty intimidation had misguided them into a wilderness and they were crying out to God, "Where are You? Have You forgotten me?" They were beyond depleted, both physically and spiritually. Again, I felt the Father's compassion for them. They were searching for cover and shade, susceptible to mirages and lies and they were feeling as though God had abandoned them. When suddenly, I saw Juniper trees begin to sprout up alongside streams of gushing water that came forth in the MIDDLE of the desert.
The Father had NOT forgotten them nor had He abandoned them. He made a way for them in the MIDDLE of their exhaustion and weariness. Knowing they could not take another step, He provided REST, COVERING and REPLENISHMENT to them in the middle of the desert heat and hid them under the umbrella of His protection.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Juniper trees are a fascinating prophetic image. They are known to grow in deserts alongside streams of water and they are used as a shelter and a covering from scorching conditions. They are a part of the evergreen family – which means their leaves are always green, no matter the season, and they can grow in harsh environments. Ironically, the Juniper is shaped like an umbrella.
Just recently, a beautiful friend gave me Juniper Essential Oil and in researching about it, I found that it carries many healing properties – essentially it helps to protect wounds from infection and it helps to improve blood circulation, which aids in removing toxins from the body.
"In a time where Elijah should have been celebrating the victory God delivered through him, he was instead weary and susceptible to the lies and threats of the enemy."
I believe the Juniper is a picture of the Father's wings, covering and protecting His beloved ones, providing rest, replenishment and healing. He removes toxins and prevents our wounds from becoming "infected" when we hide under His shadow.
As this vision continued, I heard the Father say to His warriors hiding under His shelter, "Beloved, arise and EAT!" I then saw them pick up a loaf of bread that had the word TRUTH engraved onto it. It had been laid before them and they literally devoured it. They were eating of His Word in their weariness and I watched as the countenance upon their faces was REPLENISHED and miraculously strengthened.
A Time of Repositioning
When Elijah too, ate the food prepared for him a second time, this food then strengthened him to go on a journey for forty days to the mountain of God. It was at this very mountain that God came to him in a still small voice and repositioned him on the path he needed to go.
I then saw in the vision a picture of these warriors also being REPOSITIONED. Where they had lost the strength to fight, God was not only RESTORING the strength that was lost in the previous battle, He was equipping them with SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH by guiding them back into the heart of His presence.
It was in this place of surrender and quiet stillness that the Father REPOSITIONED their hearts with a RESOLVE of a new purpose for their heavenly assignments. I saw that NO ground had been lost and that this season of refreshing was needed to RE-EQUIP them with tools and supernatural strength to raise up others like them to bring the manifest Kingdom of God to the earth (see 1 Kings 19:19).
I saw these warriors were not only restored and refreshed but RE-ENERGIZED with GREATER RESOLVE to fulfill the call of God upon their lives – they had a fire in their eyes unlike any I have seen before.The enemy's attempts to scream his lies and threats to them fell on deaf ears as their once weary bodies and spirits were REVIVED with the TRUTH. I watched as they marched back onto the path God had prepared for them and I saw MANY following behind them. (Photo via Pixabay)
The trail behind them was blazing with FIRE as their heavenly assignment became a light in the darkness, calling others back to where they belonged and equipping them to also fulfill the call of God on their lives. The strength that was restored to them under the Juniper tree became the very strength they rode upon as a saddle. These trailblazing warriors burned with FRESH purpose and unquenchable fire in their eyes.
Everlasting Strength in Place of Weariness
I prophesy and declare over those who have been battle weary:
Your season of replenishment is upon you. Just as the Juniper is an evergreen, I see that your STRENGTH will supernaturally EVER-LAST. It will be an ongoing strength in every season as a testimony for others of the Lord's goodness over your life. The Father is restoring and repositioning you for greater days ahead. Arise and eat, warrior! Your days of exhaustion and weariness are behind you.
"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the Juniper, and instead of briers the Myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever." (Isaiah 55:12-13)

Nate and Christy Johnston
Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God's sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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Prophetic Word: Major Construction Is Coming to the White House - BILL YOUNT CHARISMA NEWS

Get ready for some construction in the White House. (Pexels)

Prophetic Word: Major Construction Is Coming to the White House

I heard this Jewish carpenter declaring, "The day of trying to force square pegs into round holes is over. I'm carving out a new place for My so-called 'misfits' to influence the government of this nation. Since My foolishness is wiser than man's wisdom, many will wonder what I'm up to in Washington, D.C.
"I'm digging up the foundation of a nation until it hits rock bottom. I will then hew it out of My rock of ages. Many will witness My explosive power like dynamite, interrupting and shaking this nation, releasing a tsunami effect worldwide with the fear of the Lord. The fuse has been lit. Stay focused on Me and don't get addicted to the news of this world. Up until now they have blocked Me out, but the media will soon give way as I blow the hinges off of newsrooms." 

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser-at-large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. Humility and humor characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar, or ram's horn, is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill's website at
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Justin Bieber Not Ashamed of His Savior, Tells 89 Million Followers: 'His name is JESUS!!' - CBN News

Justin Bieber Not Ashamed of His Savior, Tells 89 Million Followers: 'His name is JESUS!!'
CBN News  July 12, 2017
Pop star Justin Bieber is unashamed of Jesus. 
"Let the devil know NOT TODAY!" Bieber said, quoting Hillsong United's song "Not Today" in an Instagram post to his 89.5 million followers on Monday. "The devil has no power when you know the LIVING God! His name is JESUS!! Why worry when you can worship," he also wrote.  
In past years, Bieber has gotten himself into trouble for his behavior - vandalism, drag racing, and smoking marijuana to name a few of his acts. 
But his change in word and deed, and his openness about sharing his faith, is welcomed by many.
"I look back at a lot of things in my life, mistakes, insecurities, and although I have felt I've wasted a lot of time it also makes me want to be better faster! For me personally I want to work every day to be BETTER AT 70," he said about a new tattoo in an Instagram post this past June.  
In 2015 May, he told Complex Magazine "I just wanna honestly live like Jesus."
That same year, Bieber was baptized in a bathtub after falling to his knees and saying he wanted to better understand Christ, according to Carl Lentz.
Lentz, the pastor of Hillsong Church NYC, says Bieber is progressing well.  
"His relationship with Jesus is changing his life daily. It is one of those things where you never really get it, it takes a while to keep growing as a person," Lentz told Sunrise. "Every day he is getting older, and with each chapter comes new growth."
This is Bieber's latest Insta post with Lentz.
Pastor Judah Smith of The City Church praises Bieber for giving himself to Jesus.  
"What I witnessed last night as I watched my friend and brother for life @justinbieber completely give himself to the gift God has given him and lift people's souls was nothing short of astounding," wrote Smith in a recent Instagram Post. "Justin I love you, thank you for fighting for your faith and taking the risk of relationship! Let's get better every day and when we are 70 years old let's be kind, sweet, devoted men who look like Jesus."
Just last month, Bieber talked about faith in God to an audience in Manchester, England, where a bomb killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande Concert in city May.

"God is good in the midst of the darkness, God is good in the midst of the evil, God is in the midst no matter what is happening in the world God is in the midst, and he loves you and he's here for you," Bieber told the crowd.
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"We're On An Accelerated Course! Dreams Will Be Brought Forth and Restored!" - Phyllis Ford THE ELIJAH LIST

Phyllis Ford: "We're On An Accelerated Course! Dreams Will Be Brought Forth and Restored!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Jul 15, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
God has NOT forgotten about you or the dreams He's given to you.
On the contrary...much has been about preparation and getting you ready to fulfill them.
Just read this awesome word from Phyllis Ford as she shares:
I hear the Lord saying, "What was a mark of death to your dreams will become the very thing that seals its manifestation." If God can do that for Joseph, what will He do for us, who now have the Blood of Jesus?
The Lord told me we are on an accelerated course. Sometimes we might feel as if we are coming out of one situation to enter into another, but the Blood of Jesus speaks of a new and better covenant in our lives if we hear what He is saying and trust His direction.
Amen! Let this word by Phyllis breathe HOPE and LIFE into your calling! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:


The Redemptive Plan to Your Destiny
I have observed while walking through this year of 2017, there are patterns of duality and paradoxes. There have been a series of paradoxes (along with duality) in the pursuit of "singleness in purpose and reversals in circumstances" where God's intervention swiftly changed things. If we look closely throughout God's Word many scenarios that started off with these complexities resulted in "God Moments." These moments carried deep principles that revealed more of who the Lord is, where we truly are, and how much we need His grace (and His strength) to get through tough times.
"In this season, dreams will be brought forth and restored."
Recently, I was talking to a friend about some revelations I have observed about this passing month of Sivan/June. We discussed the subject of Joseph. Later in prayer, God further revealed some things to me concerning this season and Joseph. Now we all know about Joseph when he was thrown into the PIT by his brothers and left for dead, and how the story ends and progresses. How the Lord, even in the midst of a conspiracy, can shift and even reverse hidden works. Though it was set up to destroy one's life in the face of everything, God allowed His redemptive plan and His destiny to be set in motion.
Genesis 37:31-32"So they took Joseph's tunic, and slaughtered a male goat and dipped the tunic in the blood; and they sent the varicolored tunic and brought it to their father and said, "We found this; please examine it to see whether it is your son's tunic or not."
Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Wage a Good Warfare
In prayer, I addressed the enemy working against our lives through raising conspiracies. As I prayed I began to think about the blood on Joseph's coat and its significance. I heard the Lord begin to confirm in my spirit about this month as well as this year. The enemy sets up conspiracies by working through others around us and waging war within the minds of God's people. The attack on one's mind can come from those operating under lies and deception delivered to them due to the tainting of previous experiences. (Photo via Pixabay)
There have been times where the enemy worked through others to set up scenarios to get us to walk away from the dreams and visions the Lord has placed in us. Either way, I believe this is a season to "war a good warfare" concerning the promises of God, and at the same time see with our own eyes what is being presented to us. We must begin to make choices and to deal with the issues that are dealing with us.
Everything we go through is not a set-up for disaster, but out of hardships we can build an unending trust with the Lord. We can enjoy Him and be brought into the fullness of what God intended for us originally – fellowship with Him.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
The blood on that coat spoke volumes. It was a type and shadow of the Blood of Jesus. Here is a garment that represented Joseph's favor with God and it now had been covered in blood (the blood of a goat which could have been used to symbolize an old testament sacrifice to the Lord). A sacrifice that later is replaced with Jesus who is the last sacrifice. Yet long before then, Joseph's favor was covered in the Blood and by his enemies.
We Are on an Accelerated Course!
"...the Lord, even in the midst of a conspiracy, can shift and even reverse hidden works."
I hear the Lord saying, "What was a mark of death to your dreams will become the very thing that seals its manifestation." If God can do that for Joseph, what will He do for us, who now have the Blood of Jesus? Now that the Blood of the true sacrifice is here what more can be done for us than was done for Joseph? (see Hebrews 9:11-12). Does it not carry the power within it to change, reverse, and bring forth the fullness of maturation that is so needed in our lives?
The Lord told me we are on an accelerated course. Sometimes we might feel as if we are coming out of one situation to enter into another, but the Blood of Jesus speaks of a new and better covenant in our lives if we hear what He is saying and trust His direction.
Joseph transitioned from the PIT (Process Initiating Transition) to Potiphar's house, to the prison and finally to the palace. One thing was sure – God was able to complete what He began in Joseph and great restoration was His portion. As we go through various stages of life's journey, we can't allow the hard things that happen to be the end. Yet we must continue to walk through whatever we are going through to see how God is going to skillfully work out all things.
This is a time where we must not just teach deep revelation, but also make ourselves accountable to what He is revealing...that we may walk in godly integrity with God, leadership and others. If we fail to understand that even when Joseph dealt with his brothers, his love was an active factor. If we don't understand the manner by which he saw his brothers, despite their sins, we miss the beauty of the experience and continue on walking bitter and not better.
The veil has been rent in two and it is time that we see things like the Messiah, who is forever bringing us back to a place of restoration. In this season, dreams will be brought forth and restored. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Phyllis Ford
Phyllis Ford Ministries

Phyllis Ford has been called by God's grace to be a prophetic vessel. For the last 30 years she has been active in women's ministry and carries a strong emphasis toward prayer and intercession. She travels internationally and has released the Word of the Lord on the Internet for the past 10 years. She has conducted training in spiritual warfare, prophetic schools, and deliverance workshops, and also worked with abused and addicted women in secular settings for the State of Illinois. Phyllis lives in the DFW area in Texas and has three sons and one daughter.
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