Monday, July 17, 2017

CBN Announces Launch of Live, Social Media-Driven Political Talk Show - CBN News

CBN Announces Launch of Live, Social Media-Driven Political Talk Show


Christian Broadcast Network is launching a new, live social media-driven political talk show.
It's entitled "Faith Nation" and will debut on Facebook Live Wednesday, July 19 at 12:30 p.m. ET and be broadcast every Wednesday thereafter. 
Featuring CBN's David Brody and Jenna Browder, "Faith Nation" will focus on today's political topics that are significant to Christians, featuring significant audience engagement as viewers will have the opportunity to comment in real time during the live broadcast.
Each weekly show will feature "The District," with David Brody interviewing leading political figures and news makers in Washington, D.C.
It will also include regular segments from CBN News' Amber Strong and Ben Kennedy discussing today's top news stories and their significance to the faith community, man-on-the street interviews with CBN's Juan Garcia, and additional relevant news content from other CBN News reporters, including Caitlin Burke, Abigail Robertson and Jennifer Wishon. 
"There are millions of Christians in America whose values are not being echoed by much of the media. CBN's 'Faith Nation' will provide these viewers with a platform to be informed about important stories that are relevant to them, as well as to give them a real voice in the national discussion of those issues," said Gordon Robertson, CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network. 
"Faith Nation is designed to tackle two topics we are told to not bring up at the dinner table: faith and politics," said Dana Ritter, CBN News Washington D.C. bureau chief.  
"The show concept was hatched out of the idea that people still want to talk about it but are more comfortable discussing those issues on social media," she explained. "We see the need to engage the audience where they already are and Facebook allows us to do that while also giving the audience a voice." 
"Faith Nation" is produced by Shoshannah Nunez in the CBN News bureau in Washington DC.
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Hillsong, Lecrae Celebrate 2 Corinthians 5:17 Freedom in Powerful Anthem - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS

Hillsong, Lecrae Celebrate 2 Corinthians 5:17 Freedom in Powerful Anthem

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Paul wrote, "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. Look, all things have become new" (2 Cor. 5:17). Hillsong Young & Free and Lecrae rejoice in that verse with this EDM-fueled worship song. 
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Jews Pray Freely on Temple Mount as Islamic Waqf Officials, Arabs Boycott - Breaking Israel News

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07.17.17Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Jews Pray on Temple Mount as Islamic Waqf, Arabs Boycott Holy Site Over Metal Detectors [PHOTOS]

IDF Shooter of Hebron Terrorist Released to House Arrest After Serving 5 of 18-Month Sentence

Experience the Healing Powers of the Dead Sea

The black mud of the Dead Sea will leave your skin and body as white as snow, like the ancient verses state. Today, Israeli experts are reviving ways to use the natural resources of the Land of Israel for health and beauty.
Save 15%- Shop Now! »

WATCH: ‘Torah From Zion’ Connects Diaspora Jews to Zionist Ideals

ICYMI: Is Germany Actually Israel’s Biblical Nemesis Amalek?

To Be a Jew for a Day

By Jonathan Feldstein
Are you ready to wear the Star or a kippah to identify as a Jew, even for a day?
Israel Victory Project
By Steve Kramer
By Louis Rene Beres
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V'ahavta (...and you shall love...") Hadassah from Jerusalem - “Lessons Learned from the Front Lines in Israel”


וְאָהַבְתָּ    ‘…And you shall love…’ 

V'ahavta (...and you shall love...")
Hadassah from Jerusalem
July 17, 2017

“Lessons Learned from the Front Lines in Israel”

If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10

Looking at the world headlines (or on Facebook) we read of so much suffering and disaster and wars. It seems that there is no shortage of sad and depressing news. The timetable to the ‘End’ seems to be pressing in on us at breakneck speed. How, as Believers in Y’shua, do we keep our heads up and maintain some semblance of sanity never mind joy? What are some keys to allowing these situations to strengthen us and not faint?
Having lived in Israel a combined 19 years - through several wars, terror attacks, sirens- surrounded by enemies both inside and outside the borders - the Lord has been strengthening me so as not to ‘faint’. It has been - and still is- a long difficult process. It is made more difficult by my independent attitude in thinking I can ‘handle’ what is going on around me. Rather than run to Him immediately, I would listen to all the news… and opinions about that news… bemoan the state of things, get angry or fearful or ‘super spiritual’ (Oh it’s OK- the Lord is coming soon) wax eloquent in solutions… everything BUT sit still and listen and receive instruction.
Other countries are also going thru their tribulations and trials as we come to the close of this era before the return of our Messiah and King.  Please let me (humbly) share the lessons I have – and am - learning from our front lines here in Israel. May these words encourage you and strengthen you for your own battles. Please share the things you have learned from your ‘front lines’ of battle. Let us embolden one another.
Battling the spiritual warfare
 * Wait on the Lord. The first and most important lesson - the place from which all else springs. Sit in His presence. Renew. Refresh. Let the time be all about Him… not everything going on. He will restore perspective. He will lift your eyes and spirit upwards. He will carry you on eagles wings and renew your strength.
* Carry ONLY what He gives you. DO NOT PRAY THE NEWS! Give a short season to read what’s happening - get educated - and then TURN IT OFF! Read the Word MORE than you read the news! Ask the Lord for Scriptures to pray. There are hundreds and He will show you which ones and how to pray them. The Word is the powerful weapon of our warfare.
* There is only ONE Messiah and it’s not me. I do not need to carry ALL the burdens that I see around me - all the things that are breaking my heart. I need to sit quietly in His presence and wait. Let Him give me HIS burden at the moment that is MINE to carry. It will hurt. It will be difficult BUT He said HIS BURDEN IS LIGHT… which means He will carry it WITH me… with a resolution in the Spirit.
* Allow your heart to be burdened with those things that burden the Lord’s heart. Don’t run from pain.
* Know and guard against the dangers of being a Burden Bearer:
-Losing your joy and sense of humor
-Becoming rigid and inflexible
-Judgmental (‘They’ just don’t get it!)
-Physically tired and worn down
-Self-centered, self-pity (no one really understands the burden I’m carrying)
* As a watchman - know your ‘Wall’. What is your ‘post’? Ask the Lord for your specific area of prayer and intercession. Your duty station cannot be manned by anyone else…. Nor can you man anyone else’s.
We are truly in the End of Days. We each have an assignment from Heaven to fulfill. Be encouraged as the birth pangs increase. Be busy about the Father’s work. Redeem the time. Pray. Praise. Share. Soon… it will be over!
“Do not pray for easy lives!
Pray to be stronger men.
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers,
Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle,
But YOU shall be a miracle.

~Phillip Brooks~

Nissim & Hadassah
Jerusalem, Israel

Hadassah and Nissim, her accountant husband, live in a settlement just outside Jerusalem with their dog Molly. After making Aliyah (immigrating) from the U.S. with their five children in 1989, they are now semi-retired and open their home to guests and those wishing to make Aliyah. When not busy with their 16 'GrandWonders', they enjoy a quiet life of study, prayer and learning to serve the LORD.

07.17.17 #4

Our Disneyland Economy - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 16 Jul 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Disneyland is known as a place “where dreams come true” and where every story always has a happy ending.  But there is going to be no happy ending for the U.S. economy.  Wishful thinking has resulted in one of the greatest stock market rallies in history in recent months, but like all childhood fantasies, it won’t last.

The real economy continues to deteriorate, and we can see this even right outside of the gates of Disneyland.  Every night growing numbers of homeless people sleep on the pavement just steps away from “the happiest place on Earth”.  It can be fun to “play make believe” for a while, but eventually reality always catches up with us.

Without a doubt, the stock market has been on a tremendous run.  Since Donald Trump’s stunning election victory in November, the market has been setting record high after record high, and it is now up a total of 17 percent
The Dow Jones Industrial Average recorded its 23rd all time high of 2017 yesterday closing at 21,532.  There have been a total of 120 days where the markets have closed since President Trump’s inauguration on January 20th.  The ‘DOW’ has closed at all time highs 23 of those days for nearly 20% or one-fifth of the days the market has been open.  The market is up 9% since the inauguration. 
Since the election on November 8th the DOW has closed at record highs an amazing 40 times!   Nearly one-fourth or 24% of the 168 days the markets have closed have been record highs since the November 8th election.  The market is up 17% since the election!
If this surge was supported by hard economic data, that would be something to greatly celebrate, but that has not been the case at all.

Instead, stock prices have become completely disconnected from economic reality, and now we are facing one of the greatest stock bubbles of all time.  As Graham Summers has pointed out, stocks are now trading at price to sales ratios that we haven’t seen since the very height of the dotcom bubble…
Earnings, cash flow, and book value are all financial data points that can be massaged via a variety of gimmicks. As a result of this, valuing stocks based on Price to Earnings, Price to Cash Flow, and Price to Book Value can often lead to inaccurate valuations.
Sales on the other hand are all but impossible to gimmick. Either money came in the door, or it didn’t And, if a company is caught faking its sales numbers, someone is going to jail.
So the fact that stocks are now trading at a P/S ratio that matches the Tech Bubble (the single largest stock bubble in history) tells us that we’re truly trading at astronomical levels: levels associated with staggering levels of excess.
There is no possible way that this is sustainable, and just like before the 2008 crisis a whole host of experts are warning that disaster is imminent.  One of them is John Mauldin
Looking with fresh eyes at the economic numbers and central bankers’ statements convinced me that we will soon be in deep trouble. I now feel that it’s highly likely we will face a major financial crisis, if not later this year, then by the end of 2018 at the latest. Just a few months ago, I thought we could avoid a crisis and muddle through. Now I think we’re past that point. The key decision-makers have (1) done nothing, (2) done the wrong thing, or (3) done the right thing too late.
Having realized this, I’m adjusting my research efforts. I believe a major crisis is coming. The questions now are, how severe will it be, and how will we get through it?
And even though the stock market has been surging deeper and deeper into bubble territory in recent months, the middle class has continued to shrink and poverty has continued to grow all over the country.  In fact, because so many homeless people have been sleeping at bus shelters across from Disneyland lately authorities decided to completely remove the benches that they had been sleeping on
The vanishing benches were Anaheim’s response to complaints about the homeless population around Disneyland. Public work crews removed 20 benches from bus shelters after callers alerted City Hall to reports of vagrants drinking, defecating or smoking pot in the neighborhood near the amusement park’s entrance, officials said.
The situation is part of a larger struggle by Orange County to deal with a rising homeless population. A survey last year placed the number of those without shelter at 15,300 people, compared with 12,700 two years earlier.
But simply removing benches will not make the problem go away.

Homelessness has been growing so rapidly in Los Angeles that the the L.A. City Council actually asked Governor Jerry Brown to formally declare a state of emergency.

And in New York City, street homelessness is up 39 percent over the past year.

This is where the real economy is heading, but a rising stock market makes for much happier headlines.

Many major cities around the nation are passing laws to essentially make it illegal to be homeless.  Forcing homeless people to go somewhere else may mask the problem for a while, but it certainly doesn’t do anything to solve it.  In my new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters”, I talk about how real love is not just about loving those that are just like us.  Rather, real love is about caring for people no matter what they look like and no matter what they are going through.

Unfortunately, the economic suffering that we are seeing right now is just the beginning.
Just like in 2008, the major financial crisis that is coming is going to greatly accelerate our economic problems.  And just like last time, millions of people are going to lose their jobs, and millions of people are going to lose their homes.

Homelessness is already worse in many parts of the nation that it was during the depths of the last recession, and what we are going to see during the next economic downturn is going to be absolutely unprecedented.

So don’t look down on those that need a helping hand, because in the not too distant future you may find yourself needing some help.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

"I live in the heart of Gaza, but I'm starting to believe in Yeshua" - ONE FOR ISRAEL

July 17, 2017

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

We are experiencing severe heat here in the Middle East, and while we have air conditioning and refrigeration whenever we need it, there are almost two million people suffering in the same heat in Gaza, with only three hours of electricity per day. Hamas is not paying the bills and the Palestinian Authority is refusing to help them out any longer, but the result is that many innocent people are suffering unbearable conditions.

However, in this horrific situation, God is at work among a people who are desperately seeking hope and answers. The gospel is penetrating deep into the darkness, and people are responding to the offer of new life in Yeshua. 

Here is a letter we recently received from someone in Gaza:

Greetings, It's been my honor to get to know you my brother! 

I have a personal request... that you would teach me more about Yeshua the Messiah.

I started to read the New Testament, and every day I set aside time to read it! 

I found peace in my heart, love and forgiveness in it! I am drawn to the Messiah and I'm starting to love him. 

I live within a very dark and messed up culture. 

If by some accident the organization [Hamas] discovers that I believe in the Messiah, or even if they suspect that I do, they will take me out and also kill my family because of me.

I live in the heart of Gaza, and I'm trying to get out of here, even by sea... so that I can learn more and more and walk with the Messiah, and make sure that I believe and belong to him! But I won't be able to get out.

Despite this I feel that the Messiah is my savior and he himself has given me patience for his sake.
Your blessed page has helped me to find strength... please Carlos my brother, help me to get out of this crazy hell here! 

Please do pray for this man and the many thousands of others who are living in such desperate conditions. Pray for resolution to this crisis, for freedom for the people in Gaza, and especially for the Gospel to spread like wildfire - that many thousands would be saved eternally.

"Some sat in darkness and deep gloom,
prisoners in misery and iron chains,
for they had defied God's words,
and spurned the counsel of the Most High.
So He humbled their heart with trouble.
They stumbled, and no one was helping.
So they cried out to Adonai in their distress,
    and He delivered them out of their troubles.
He brought them out of darkness
and deep gloom, breaking their chains.
Let them praise Adonai for His mercy,
and His wonders for the children of men,
for He shattered bronze gates,
and broke into pieces iron bars."
(Psalm 107:10-16)


The three weeks between the dates of 17th Tammuz and 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar (11th July-1st Augustthis year) are known as the time "בין המצרים" which means "between the straits" or in "dire straits". The phrase "between the straits" means to be forced to thread your way between grave dangers on both sides - like a ship trying to squeeze through a perilously narrow path and trying to avoid the almost inevitable shipwreck. What hope does God's word offer in perilous times? Continue reading...


Here's an amazing story of how an Arab man and his Jewish boss were led to faith in Yeshua together by an Arab Israeli believer... in Texas! It's a pretty crazy story - buckle up!

About a year ago, Erez and Eitan had a successful trip to Texas, and returned to Israel, thinking that was the end of that. Continue reading...

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