Friday, May 24, 2013

A Jewish Family's Exodus from Egypt

A Jewish Family's Emotional and Harrowing Exodus from Egypt

Friday, May 24, 2013 |  Yossi Aloni  
Dina Ovadia, today a soldier in the IDF Spokesperson Unit, was born in Egypt not knowing she was Jewish until the age of 15. In an emotional interview published on the IDF website, Ovadia spoke about her childhood in Alexandria, the earthshaking event that changed her life, the discovery of her Jewish identity, and her immigration to Israel and integration into local society.
Going by the name Roulin Abdullah throughout her childhood, Dina always felt that she belonged somewhere and to something else, but wasn't quite sure what that was. "I attended a Muslim school, and we were made to study the Koran, but I was constantly asking myself, 'Why am I learning this?'"
Nevertheless, Dina dedicated herself to her studies and began to excel. "They they told me to start wearing a veil during Koran lessons," she recalled. "I wasn't crazy about the idea. As a child, I felt it would make me look ugly." When Dina refused to wear the veil, her parents moved her to a Christian school where she felt much more comfortable, but still not quite at home.
Dina went on to talk about her constant struggles to fit in, and secret visits to local mosques and churches, which her parents had forbidden her to enter, though without explaining the reason.
"I never imagined that I was Jewish."
The discovery of her true identity will forever be with Dina as the most traumatic event of her childhood. On what was turning out to be a normal day at home studying while her brother and cousin played on the computer, suddenly the silence was shattered by the sound of gunfire and breaking glass. "I became frantic, fearing that someone was coming for us because we were somehow different from everyone else," said Dina. "I went outside and saw five masked men, Islamic activists." Armed with clubs and rifles, the men demanded to see the master of the house, whom they labeled "a Jew," an assertion that, at the time, was incomprehensible to Dina.
"I thought to myself, 'What the hell!,'" Dina remembered. "I did not understand why they were calling us Jews."
As the men entered the house, they threw Dina's mother into the hallway, causing her to faint. "They began to shout, and I was sure they had killed [my mother]," said Dina. "Then they went upstairs and I heard shots. I was sure my brother and cousin had been murdered."
Following their rampage, the Islamists informed the family that it had several days to leave Egypt, and in the meantime could not be seen outside the house. If the children were seen going to school, they would be abducted. "Islamic activists surrounded the house and began shooting into the air, cursing us as Jews."
A few days later, Dina's grandfather assembled the whole family and revealed the shocking truth. "He explained why he had kept us from getting too close to other religions, told us that we really were Jews, and informed us that we had a very short time to get out of Egypt," she said. "He told us that we were going to Israel."
Dina had a difficult time accepting this news, especially the part about moving to Israel, a country she had been taught was the enemy.
"At school we were always taught to hate Jews and Israelis," she said. "For example, one of my Koran tests included a poem calling for the murder of Jews. My grandfather did his best to offset this by telling us Israelis were not so bad. But at school we were taught the opposite. I even once participated in a demonstration where I waved a Palestinian flag, completely unaware that I was Jewish."
The day of Dina's immigration to Israel symbolized the start of a new life. Finding herself on the airport in Tel Aviv, Dina and her family were greeted by an aunt who had fled to France with her family many years earlier. "It was weird. I did not understand the language, but I felt at peace," recalled Dina.
The family settled in Jerusalem and adopted Hebrew names. "I wanted so badly to fit in, but the first time I read the Jewish prayer book I held it upside down," she laughed. Dina's new beginning was far from easy. "One day at school I passed a girl who shouted, 'Hey, Arab girl!' And she and her friend started fighting with me and my cousin. The reception was not always pleasant."
After high school, Dina began her military service, passing between several positions before finding herself in the Spokespersons Unit, where today she manages the IDF's Arabic language accounts on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
"It's great to be able to show a positive side of the IDF to the Arab world," she said. "The best example was during the [last Gaza war] when our activities had a very big impact. Many in the Arab world were able to connect with us and come to realize that the IDF does not want to harm Arab civilians."
One day Dina hopes to return to Egypt, this time in her IDF uniform and tell the truth about Israel, especially to old friends who turned their backs on her after discovering she was Jewish. "I am Jewish, and I am proud of it."

British FM Denounces Terrorism, 'Settlements'

British FM Denounces Terrorism, 'Settlements'

Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu & British Foreign Minister William Hague

CBNNews May 24, 2013

JERUSALEM, Israel -- British Foreign Minister William Hague said Wednesday's horrific murder in London by Islamists in his country reminded him of what Israelis have lived with for decades.

"We know the importance of defeating terror, something that is well understood here in Israel as well," Hague told reporters in Jerusalem Thursday, standing alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hague referred to the Jewish state as "an important friend and strategic partner for the United Kingdom," later telling Sky News that his country condemns "settlements on occupied land," and Israel is losing support in England and other European countries over the issue.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Palestinian Authority leaders in Ramallah Thursday, reportedly offering to meet their demands for a construction freeze in all parts of Israel outside the 1949 armistice lines.

Dozens of anti-Israel and anti-U.S. protesters greeted Kerry as he arrived at the P.A.'s Mukata compound, waving placards denouncing perceived U.S. bias toward the Jewish state.

According to some sources, Netanyahu may have reneged on his promise not to impose another building moratorium after a 10-month freeze imposed by his government in 2010 failed to bring the P.A. back to negotiations, instead spawning more demands.

Mission Of Praise (1996) - Scott Wesley Brown - Hosanna! Music

Scott's Journey to Becoming a Musician

My first attraction to music was my grandmother’s piano. It was one of those old Sundayschool uprights and barely in tune. 

But to me it was the door that opened up into a world of endless possibilities, 
especially for a three year old.

I received my first guitar for my seventh birthday and despite the fact that I had 
no idea of how to tune it, I spent hours making up songs. But the real epiphany 
came in sixth grade.

I was failing English grammar and my teacher was concerned that I just couldn’t 
catch on. But then we launched into studying poetry. Our assignment was to 
write a poem, which I accepted with great enthusiasm. I went home that night 
with one single mission: to write a great poem!

The next morning I arrived at school so excited to turn my poem in to the teacher 
and my heart leapt as she selected mine to read to the whole class. Before I caught
 the bus home Mrs. Brewer asked me to write another poem and to bring it 
back the following day, which I continued to do until the last day of school that year. 
Each afternoon she would sit down with me and read through my poems helping 
me steer through the grammar, the tense and the flow.

By the end of my sixth grade year I was starting to add music to those poems 
and thus a career was born. My first band, The Surfers, was formed. 
Remember, The Beach Boys were one of the top groups then. Well, all 
musical journeys need to start somewhere!

Little did I know in the sixth grade that I would end up in LA and Nashville 
recording songs I’d written! Little did I know that I would discover what it
 meant to follow Jesus! But the Lord captured my heart, and my music, and 
has taken me on a journey around the world to over fifty countries and 
every state in America.

Being a part of the early days of contemporary Christian music or “Jesus Music” 
as we called it in the 70’s was as exciting as blazing the new frontiers 
of the wild west!

This was radical music for its time and just to see a drum set in a church 
sanctuary was a marvel unto itself!

Times have certainly changed since the days when Larry Norman cried out, 
“Why Should The Devil Have All The Good Music?” Hundreds and hundreds 
of music and worship CDs by so many talented Christian musicians have proven 
that the music of the Kingdom marches on with each generation as they express
 their adoration of our Redeemer.

My songs are all a part of my journey. I once said that they are my confessions. 
They are also my profession: a profession of faith in the excellency of God! 
To declare the supremacy of Christ through music, worship and mission is the 
heart of all I do and all I sing. Soli Deo Gloria!

PS: And by the way, I got to meet The Beach Boys!

Paul Wilbur - "Holy Fire" CD - Hosanna! Music

Paul Wilbur is an Integrity Music recording artist and the founder of Wilbur Ministries. Paul and his team travel throughout the United States and the world sharing the love of God through Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. 

In 1990 Paul recorded his first release with Integrity entitled "Up To Zion." Since then he has recorded five more solo albums including three performed live in Jerusalem: "Shalom Jerusalem," "Jerusalem Arise," and "Lion Of Judah." "Holy Fire" (1997) and "The Watchman" (2006) were recorded in Houston and San Antonio respectively. 

Two more special release collections entitled "Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem" and "Praise Adonai" were released in 2007 and 2008 to honor the 60th birthday of Israel and the 40th anniversary of the re-unification of Jerusalem. 

Paul has also recorded seven projects in Spanish and two in Portuguese. These award-winning discs enable the team to minister to more than one third of the world's population in their own language! 

Wilbur Ministries is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, where Paul makes his home with his wife Luanne, their two sons Nathan and Joel, and their daughter-in-law Sharon Chernoff Wilbur. 

Wilbur Ministries is an international music ministry that focuses in 5 areas: 1. Practicing the presence of God in times of personal and corporate praise and worship 2. Preaching the Gospel through music and the spoken word to all peoples 3. Training and instructing in the Word of God to bring believers into a better understanding of who they serve 4. Demonstrating the prophetic fulfilling of the "One New Man" principle 5. Bringing the revelation of Israel, its people, and its roots in the believer's life as a primary foundation to his/her identity.

Paul Wilbur speaks at El Shaddai Ministries

Paul Wilbur is an Integrity Music recording artist and the founder of Wilbur Ministries. Paul and his team travel throughout the United States and the world sharing the love of God through Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. 

In 1990 Paul recorded his first release with Integrity entitled "Up To Zion." Since then he has recorded five more solo albums including three performed live in Jerusalem: "Shalom Jerusalem," "Jerusalem Arise," and "Lion Of Judah." "Holy Fire" (1997) and "The Watchman" (2006) were recorded in Houston and San Antonio respectively. 

Two more special release collections entitled "Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem" and "Praise Adonai" were released in 2007 and 2008 to honor the 60th birthday of Israel and the 40th anniversary of the re-unification of Jerusalem. 

His latest is "Desert Rain" in 2012.

Paul has also recorded seven projects in Spanish and two in Portuguese. These award-winning discs enable the team to minister to more than one third of the world's population in their own language! 

Wilbur Ministries is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, where Paul makes his home with his wife Luanne, their two sons Nathan and Joel, and their daughter-in-law Sharon Chernoff Wilbur. 

Wilbur Ministries is an international music ministry that focuses in 5 areas: 1. Practicing the presence of God in times of personal and corporate praise and worship 2. Preaching the Gospel through music and the spoken word to all peoples 3. Training and instructing in the Word of God to bring believers into a better understanding of who they serve 4. Demonstrating the prophetic fulfilling of the "One New Man" principle 5. 

Bringing the revelation of Israel, its people, and its roots in the believer's life as a primary foundation to his/her identity. 

Paul Wilbur A Night Of Extravagant Worship

Shalom Jerusalem ( Paul Wilbur ) - full CD

Paul Wilbur - Jerusalem Arise (full CD)

Israel Ministry of Tourism Newsletter - June 2013



The 52nd annual Israel Festival is now underway in Jerusalem 
-- featuring dance, music and theater performances by
international and Israeli artists. The festival runs May 23
 through June 22, 2013 in various venues throughout Jerusalem.
 Performances are scheduled to include a collaborative dance
performance of Goldlandbergs, featuring the Emmanuel Gat
Dance Company in conjunction with Tel Aviv's Suzanne Dellal
Center for Dance and Theater at the Jerusalem Theater, a concert
celebrating the 100th anniversary of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring
performed by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra at the
Henry Crown Concert Hall, and Dressed to Dance -- a unique
dance performance featuring flamenco costumes from Madrid,
several of which were designed by Dali and Picasso, to the
accompaniment of live music at the Tower of David.


For travelers ready to experience life in Israel as a local,
a unique experience awaits. Servas offers home hospitality
 for independent travelers in Israel.

Servas is geared towards travelers who want to understand
how other people live, work and think, and who want to find out
about the places they visit from the people who live there. Hosts
and travelers reflect all ages and from all backgrounds.

The association - a member of the United Nations-recognized
global organization -- is run by volunteers in over 100 countries,
working to build understanding, tolerance and world peace.


The new "Teddy Park" is scheduled to open this summer in
Mitchell Park beneath the Old City walls near Jerusalem's
Jaffa Gate. Teddy Park commemorates the life and vision of
Jerusalem's legendary Mayor Teddy Kollek. The Hassenfeld
Family Fountain is the focal point of the park. The colorful
display features computerized floodlit water performances
accompanied by specially composed music created by the
New Jerusalem Orchestra. The multimedia fountain will feature
 free nightly sound, light and water performances. Teddy Park
will also include a visitor's center with a 3D film depicting the
development of Jerusalem during Kollek's tenure as mayor,
a sun dial designed by Israeli artist Maty Grunberg, an eight-foot
globe sculpture designed by British artist David Breur-Weil,
and a family wishing-well made of Jerusalem stone.


The 9th annual White Night celebrations is scheduled to take
place on Thursday June 27, 2013, with numerous events
throughout the city from 8:00 p.m. till sunrise the following morning.
 The White Night celebrations commemorate the July 2003
UNESCO designation of the White City of Tel Aviv as a
World Heritage site -- given its exceptional collection of
International Style (Bauhaus) architecture, and the city's
well-deserved reputation as a "city that never sleeps".
 As part of White Night events, cultural and art centers,
commercial establishments and clubs citywide will stay
open late and outdoor performances will be held until twilight.
 The events are open to the general public and are free-of-charge
or a nominal fee. Tourists, visitors and locals are invited to
enjoy a wide variety of special events.


A summer program filled with sporting activities, and cultural
and musical events is currently underway in the coastal resort
town of Herzliya, located a short distance from Tel Aviv. Herzliya
boasts seven kilometers of stunning beaches including a beach
boardwalk, elevator and disabled access, the largest marina
in the Mediterranean basin, hotels, three shopping malls, restaurants,
bars and cafes and a vibrant entertainment area. Summer events
include a Women's Triathalon, a beach festival featuring
volleyball competitions, watersports, live DJs, and skate board
and biking events. Other events include a beer festival, paddle
board competition, a jet ski competition, and classical sunset
music performances every Saturdayevening, and an
End of Summer Beach party.


The Israel Ministry of Tourism has
launched a new Facebook contest offering winners two
 non-stop roundtrip tickets to Israel on El Al Israel Airlines,
and a seven nights' stay at the luxury Dan Hotel Chain.

To enter the "Israel: Beyond Belief" contest, participants
 must post their original videos (not more than 2 minutes long)
showing why Israel is beyond belief.

The contest runs through July 28, 2013.


The Israel Ministry of Tourism has recently launched a dedicated website
aimed at the decision-makers and tourism specialists working in the c
onference and incentive market. "Israel. One place. Endless Possibilities",
is available in English and Russian, and includes videos, images, and
detailed user-friendly information including contact details of relevant
service providers and Israel Government Tourist Offices around the world.
 Israel can accommodate conferences from 50 - 10,000 participants in
hotels and universities with state-of-the-art convention facilities, through
the depth and breadth of Israel's rich and varied landscape. Hotel
accommodations are suited to all tastes and budgets - from luxury hotel
chains in the main cities to spa resorts in Eilat, the Galilee and Dead Sea
 and pastoral settings such as kibbutz guest houses and hotels.

For more information on travel to Israel, visit or call us at 404-541-2770.

Joe Diaz, Director Dana Shemesh Iriel Aloni, Office Manager

Southern Region Marketing Director & Marketing assist.

Messianic Believers in Israel

Jewish anti-missionaries take on Messianic believers

Thursday, May 23, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
The ultra-Orthodox organization Yad L'Achim has long been a thorn in the side of Israel's Messianic Jewish community. Sometimes more than a thorn - Jack Teitel, the Jewish terrorist who almost killed Messianic youth Ami Ortiz, is believed to have strong ties to the group.
Now Yad L'Achim is targeting a blossoming Messianic community in the coastal city of Bat Yam. The local edition of the Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot reported earlier this month that Yad L'Achim had received many complaints from residents upset about receiving "missionary material."
According to the article, local Messianic believers had visited homes in the area to share their faith. Yad L'Achim backers quoted in the piece also took offense at the reported recent founding of a new Messianic congregation, which they tried to paint as a "cult-ish" and "secretive" enterprise.
"We have a problem dealing with this issue, because the meetings take place in a private residential home in one of the apartment buildings so that naturally the activity there is very hidden and secretive," said one rabbi.
Oded Raban, a local Messianic Jew, refuted such nonsense, telling the paper that “there is nothing inappropriate in the [Messianic community's] activities ... [there is] no truth in the claims that we behave in an underhand manner. And if it comes across that way, the only reason is that we face such extreme antagonism, that it doesn’t leave us with many options.”
Raban reiterated what many other Messianic Israelis have stressed before:
"We have tens of thousands of believers in this country, and we are all citizens of this state. We are loyal to it, serve in the army, give to it, but our worldview is slightly different from other Jews’, and for that reason, other Jews see us as an anomaly. We, as our Jewish brothers, believe in God and see Him as the center of everything in this world."