Friday, October 11, 2013

Hannah & Jonathan's Rehearsal Night - Heritage Intl. Ministries

The Crossover Project - with Mitch & Rozalie Jerome

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Israel trip on Sukkot: We prayed, we filmed we touched lives and we were touched...
Thank you so much to those of you who prayed and paid for this trip ...
More reports and pictures will be forthcoming...

Shekinah Glory Captured over a Sukkah in Jerusalem 

We just returned from an exciting and challenging trip to Israel hosted by two of our March of Remembrance leaders, Janice Sturkie and Pastors Ivan and Gladys Seahorn. 

Five of our own Healing Room members, Susan DeBose, Terry Ryder, Sue Peterson, Carmen Mauldin as well as myself, Rozalie, we're joined with 45 other leaders to traverse Israel with directive from Abba to pray and decree across the land wherever we traveled. 

We visited areas that are off limits to regular tourists due to the high security risks. Cities and settlements such as Shiloh, Hebron, the Golan Heights and up along the Syrian borders. At one point we had to be transported in an armored bus!

We were blessed to meet and fellowship with key ministers in Eretz Israel as well as sow into the kingdom. We spend time with Jody and Alyosha Rybanov in Zichron Yaakov where we were able to pray at the Mediterranean Sea for the Lord's protection of the coastland. 

At Shiloh we met with David Ruben and took a tour of a children's care center dedicated to treating children who are victims of terrorist attacks. At the Galilee, praise and worship coupled with dance by the City of Refuge dancers, drew a crowd of Jews to watch and ask questions about our love for Israel and its people. 

The banners were flying high as our worship soared into the heaven lies. At Hebron the Lord had us intercede and perform prophetic acts and declare His holiness. Hebron is key to Jerusalem, the first capital of Israel under King David's reign.

Of course we visited Jerusalem, prayed at the Wall and prayed along her walls. The nightly praise and worship in celebration of SUKKOT took place outdoors and drew the attention of the people as well. A highlight of our trip was participating in the Jerusalem March. 

It was a very moving experience to see the Israelis lined along the march route with signs thanking us for our love and support. Some of them were handing us flowers and candies as we marched passed. Truly we received more than we could ever give!

As a result of our trip we will be producing the following programs:

Susan's song in Galilee and promotion of the new CD

A Jewish Heart

Shiloh and the Presence of God

Hebron....the Key to Jerusalem

Feast of Tabernacles and His Kingdom Restored

Grapes of love in the Promised Land ( sons of foreigners will be your vinedressers) Har Bracha Mt of Blessing

Biblical Arts

Our first music CD, with our lead Healing Room worship leader, artist, and dancer: Susan DeBose! This will be out by Chanukkah. Go to the website and place your orders!

Here's a video of one of the songs performed at The Sea of Galilee on our trip!

Sea of Galilee: Arise in the Morn song

Three of the songs are from Downloads From Dad Devotionals - a book of prophetic psalms by Rozalie, and illustrated by Susan .


Become a monthly partner with us and impact millions of people through our weekly broadcasts in English, Spanish, and Russian, and help fight anti-Semitism in the world, the church, and our local communities.

Presently, we are in need of 13 programs to to air on Cornerstone Network throughout the entire state of Pennsylvania on BROADCAST TV. We need to pay for closed caption fees and airtime. $500 will cover one 30 minute show of your choice.

Also, upon receipt of your finances and choice of show, you will receive a commemorative certificate of Executive Sponsorship mentioning the TV program of your choice to display in the home or office.

Select which show you'd like to underwrite below:


Raoul Wallenberg: Rescuing the Rescuer 

Dance and the Spirit of Israel 

A Daughter of Jerusalem 

Choose the amount you can give below:

Dance and the Spirit of Israel

Raoul Wallenburg: Rescuing the Rescuer

A Daughter of Jerusalem

Watch Our Videos

Contact Information

The Crossover Project Watch our TV series online!
Visit our Kingwood Healing Room every Tuesday anytime between 7 and 9pm
Tel. 832.287.5057
Toll Free: 877.898.1277 Like us on facebook!

Editor's Note: We highly support Mitch and Rozalie Jerome! I have stayed at their home many times in Kingwood, TX. 

I hope you support their work for the Lord Yeshua! 

Steve Martin

Artwork to share on Friday, and Shabbat, and through the week...

Lorraine Unzicker's 92nd birthday...with her great grandson Jack Blade

Great Grandma Lorraine Unzicker on her 92nd birthday
with great grandson Jack Blade
Mazel Tov!

On Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013, we celebrated Lorraine Unzicker's 92nd birthday. My good wife Laurie, her daughter, hosted the kids, grandkids, great grandkids and her sister Linda Baker-Skaggs (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois) for the celebration at our house.

Lorraine lives in Peru, Illinois, in the same house for the last 54+ years. (Same house Laurie grew up in.) Her husband, Otto Unzicker, our father/father-in-law, is rejoicing in heaven, as she gets closer to that time when she will be there herself. 

Lorraine enjoyed the evening very much! Blessings on ye head Lorraine!

With our ahava love,

Steve Martin

Lorraine and Jack Blade 
(son of Christen Lorraine Martin Blade and Andrew Blade)

92 and counting...

Laurie cutting the cake. 
Our grandson Logan Martin looking on.

Lorraine with great-grandson Jack, 
with great-granddaughter Dylan Joy Martin
watching in amazement. 

Lorraine's oldest daughter Linda Baker-Skaggs

Lorraine's granddaughter (our daughter) Hannah Martin (on the right) is getting married Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013. Her longtime good friend Tabitha Lafferty, from Minneapolis (by way of Florida) flew down to be in the wedding party.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Morris Ruddick - Report from Vietnam

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

So, here we are back in Vietnam. What we've been doing 
to this point reflects major ripples of change. However, 
the Lord always has something more. This mission is 
proving to be no exception.

This mission has been marked by unusual spiritual turbulence; 
much more than in any previous treks we've made to 
this nation. This spiritual static has paralleled things 
taken place among those we've been working with. 
In it all, there has been a mix of subtleties and complexities 
that play into the challenges comprising the groundwork 
that has been laid to this point.

So let me begin with a snapshot of our first few days.

Vietnam has a history of conflict, long before it became a 
part of news reports of the sixties. Centuries ago, 
forces of darkness infiltrated this land. Those hidden 
forces of darkness have been at the core of its conflicts 
ever since.

So it has been that upon arriving, we realized that 
something different has been operating. These ancient 
spiritual dynamics have been manifesting.

The pastor hosting our first workshop has a scar across 
his face from being beaten for his faith. His home has 
been stoned. Not long before our arrival, he again was 
subjected to being knocked down and kicked. His home 
had been watched and his wife knocked off her motorbike 
by a kick from a plain clothes official.

Yet boldly and undercover, this couple arranged a 
meeting of regional church leaders, pastors and business 
people, some of whom traveled 2.5 hours to attend. 
The miracle was more than the fact that our activities 
were unseen. The real miracle was the unity that came 
from the diversity of both registered churches and 
unregistered, underground churches coming together 
to reach for something more in God, from our God's 
economy program, that would release them from the 
bondage that has held this culture in its grip 
for centuries.

Under the Radar

Despite still being jet-lagged, we arose in the middle 
of the night to arrive under the cover of darkness. 
Our departure also was surreptitious and after dark. 
But what took place during our time together reflected 
a turning in the bondage that has gripped these dear 
brethren, as our time together was in the very heart 
of where this stronghold has first came to this land.

Light displaces darkness. Light doesn't just push 
against the darkness, when it truly shines, it 
displaces it. This event, with the representation it 
had, was prophetically a stake in the ground.
Something more, a great deal more than just our
economic community development effort took place
among these leaders. Spiritually, these leaders stood
up in the inside and took authority and responsibility
for their nation and their people. Spiritually, there
was a turning that took place. God even gave us
a bonus that as we concluded our time, one who
Carol and I prayed for was healed of a deaf ear.

Adding to the meaningful nature of what had
taken place, as we arrived at the domestic
airport to leave, the hosting pastor showed up
unexpected to again say thank you and to repeat
his request for our prayers and yours; and to again
ask us to come back with "more."

Upon arriving at our second stop, another unexpected
happened. Our host, who is the leader of a network of
believers across this nation, only two days prior, had
been confronted and disciplined by officials for his
activities. For the first time, since we have been
putting on our program, it was prudent to cancel the
plans for a workshop, but we didn't do so without
making alternative plans next year. Likewise, the bond
and trust established with this key leader is one that
portends opportunity far beyond the plans for the
cancelled meeting.

So, despite the challenges, we've been looking beyond
our current activities and have already had very fruitful
meetings involving our plans for a business school with
values. Roots have already begun sinking in turning
these plans into reality.

With that, we have had discussions on strategically
and prudently bringing media strategies into the
equation. Relationships have supernaturally come
to the forefront with players who hold keys in making
both of these initiatives into reality.

Our time here on this trip, although less than a week,
seems like it has been several weeks because of the
magnitude of what has been unfolding. We still have
more than two weeks before us; with many more
important meetings before us; including more of
our workshops.

So, thank you again for your prayers.
Global Initiatives Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt ministry

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Global Initiatives Foundation | PO Box 370291 | Denver | CO | 80237