Sunday, October 13, 2013

Daughter Hannah and husband Jonathan Avalos Wedding!

Hannah and Jonathan!

Heritage International Ministries
(home of MorningStar)

Laurie (middle) with Mom and sister Linda

Laurie and Mom 
- Lorraine Unzicker

Cake by Mary Ann Blade!

Beautiful setting for all weddings!

Unity candle and Bible

Laurie's father Otto Unzicker's Bible
- opened to 1 Cor. 13.

Oldest son Josh Martin with his three sons
- (L-R) Logan, Jensen, Daniel 

Our good friends Michael & Mary Ann Blade
(Cakes by Mary Ann!!)

Married couple with son Payton
and Jonathan's Mom Grace Avalos

Jonathan and new grandson Payton

Our family - Mom & Bill Parker, 
and our four children - Josh & Chelsie and 4 kids, 
Ben, Hannah and Christen

Our four children with new son-in-law Jonathan

Our children: Christen, Josh, Hannah, Jonathan and Ben

Chelsie Martin and her four kids (Josh)

Father of the Bride.. .and more!

Newlywed with Dad and Moms

Wedding party

Newly weds with Grandmas (Martin side)

The ladies!

The gentlemen!

Yeah! Yeah!

Hannah and her beautiful bridal court.

The reception area

Trevor Tiessen and Ben Martin


Rob the DJ, Ben Martin and Neal Knapp (nephew)

After formal photos

My oldest sister Sue Johnson 
and husband of 40 years Dave

Father-Daughter dance

Ben Martin sharing a good word.

Daughter Christen Martin Blade
with husband Andrew and son Jack Blade!

My brother Rob Martin and I

Hannah wore the same dress Laurie did (36 years ago.)
Beautiful then and now!

Daughter Christen and son Jack Blade

Honeymoon car

My sister Janet Rovenstine and husband Nate

Oldest son Josh with family

Youngest sister Lynn Cowell, husband Greg, 
Madison and Zach

Sister Mary Smith with husband of 36 years Bob, 
son Jesse and wife Ali, 
daughter Julia and 
grandkids Chase and Peyton

Sister Colleen Baker with son Neil
and daughter Kari, along with her husband Ron Barnes
and twin kids

Lord Jesus (Yeshua) is the
Light of the World 

Thank you Lord!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - Antique Photos Uncovered - 100+ years old

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 09 Oct 2013 01:37 PM PDT

Prayers at the Western Wall (Stereograph photos courtesy of the Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of 
Theology,  Emory University, circa 1900).  Note the lack of chairs, benches or dividers because of the 
Muslim/Turkish restrictions. Yet men and women generally maintained separate prayer areas.

19th century stereo camera
Anyone who has used a "View-Master" toy will recognize the 3D illusion created by the "stereo" camera.  Already in the 19th century photographers were taking stereo pictures which were viewed on a special device. In effect, the two camera lenses captured the view, and the slight angle differences of the right eye and the left eye created a 3D illusion.

A stereoscopic collection
The photography company of Underwood & Underwood specialized in publishing stereoscope collections, such as Palestine through the Stereoscope which was sold with a stereoscope, and 200 stereoscopic slides. The photos were taken in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the River Jordan, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea between 1895 and 1904, and the accompanying tour book was published in 1914.

We found the digitalized photos from the Underwood collection in the Emory University's Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology.  We are thankful to M. Patrick Graham, Ph.D., Professor of Theological Bibliography and Director of the  Pitts Theology Library, for permission to reproduce the photos.

"Inside a Jewish synagogue," almost certainly the Instanbouli Synagogue in Jerusalem's Old City (courtesy of
 the Pitts Theology Library, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, circa 1900). Compare this
picture to the American Colony photograph with its caption, "One of the oldest in Jerusalem." Almost all of
the Old City's synagogues were razed when the Jordan army captured the Jewish Quarter.
This publication has featured several pictures of Jewish money changers in Jerusalem.  But the stereograph of this Old City money changer is unique.  The sign above the door is in Hebrew/Yiddish and presumably gives the names of the proprietors.  But in clearer print are the words בהכשר הרב קוק -- "with the [kosher] approval of Rabbi Kook." 

The sign helps us date the picture.  Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook arrived in the Holy Land in 1904, so the picture was taken after his arrival and prior to his 1914 departure. During World War I he was in exile in England and Switzerland and returned after the war.

Money changer inside Jerusalem's Old City Jaffa Gate (circa 1905)
Many of the Underwood photos are identical or similar to the pictures from the Library of Congress' American Colony collection that appear on this site.  But some have never been published as part of a history of Jewish life in Palestine in the 19th century.  

Over the next weeks we will be publishing more of the Emory University collection. 

David's Citadel - Jerusalem365

By David, a psalm: God's is the 

earth and its fullness, the inhabited 

Land and those who dwell in it.

PSALMS (24:1)

לְדָוִד מִזְמוֹר לַי-הוָה הָאָרֶץ 

וּמְלוֹאָהּ תֵּבֵל וְיֹשְׁבֵי בָה

תהילים כ’’ד:א

le-da-VEED meez-MORE la-doe-NIE ha-ah-RETZ
oo-me-loe-AH tay-VEL ve-yoe-she-VEY vah

Jerusalem Inspiration

Year after year, one of the most popular boys 
names is ‘David.’  You might rightly presume that
 the name’s origin goes back to King David, but do 
you know what ‘David’ means in Hebrew? David 
comes from the most ancient Hebrew word for 
"beloved" - dode - as it says, "I am to my beloved 
and my beloved is to me” - ah-NEE le-doh-DEE 
ve-doh-DEE lee, אני לדודי ודודי לי (Song of Songs 6:3). 
David, the humble shepherd and poet who rose 
to become King of Israel, was beloved by God for 
his piety and devotion.
Discover the Meaning of your Name in Hebrew »

Meaning of the Lord's Name

Do you know the Lord's name in Hebrew and its significance? What does it mean and how one should pronounce it? Watch here and find out!

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Christians Repair Bomb Shelters in Nahariya

Instead of surfing in the Pacific Ocean, a group of young Californians decided to spend their free time visiting Israel on a humanitarian and spiritual journey.

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Personalized Name Jewelry

These stunning custom made pieces are both beautiful and meaningful. Any of them would make a perfect gift for a wedding, birthday, or any special occasion. Hand crafted in Jerusalem, it will be an unforgettable thing of beauty to last a lifetime!

Check out this Amazing Deal »

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspirations is sponsored by Leland Salas of Visalia, California.

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Jerusalem Daily Photo

Did you know that despite being called the “Tower of David”, this famous Jerusalem landmark has no connection to King David? Located near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate, the citadel is actually a medieval fortress with archaeological artifacts from nearly every period of the Holy City’s rich history.

More Jerusalem Photos »

“Keep Posting the Pictures So I Can At Least Dream”

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I love the beautiful pictures you post. I have never been to the Precious Land I love, I vision it in my mind and I would love to go one day , I don't think it will ever be possible so please keep posting the pictures so I can at least dream! Juanita S.

Blessing from Jerusalem,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

I AM the Light of the World

Father of the Bride!

Steve Martin (x2)

The bride - Hannah Martin
Oct. 12, 2013