Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Joy of Israel with Jamie Geller Episode #3 - Holy Hebron and Sweet Hebron Hills!

We at 12Tribe Films are excited to introduce to you the 3rd episode 
of our newest production - the Joy of Israel with Jamie Geller 
Episode #3 - Holy Hebron and Sweet Hebron Hills!
Click here to watch this fascinating new Holy and surprising 
episode! Don't miss it!
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The Jews of Palestine 1850-1948

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 01:53 PM PST

E-zine #1 of the "Jews of Palestine" series  

Editor's note: Israel Daily Picture now contains more than one thousand pictures and 350 photo essays on the Holy Land.  We will continue to add more vintage photographs as more and more historic pictures are digitalized in the libraries and archives around the world.  

We present today an "E-zine" experiment, an electronic magazine "Jews of Palestine" in which we group the publication around specific topics. 

Today's topic focuses on America's role in the life of the Jews of Palestine.  Future E-zines will focus on World War I in Palestine, the synagogues of Jerusalem, Yemenite immigrants of the 19th century, the Gates of Jerusalem, Jewish holidays and festivals, Jewish industry, the building of the Jewish state, and more.  The series will show the Jewish life inEretz Yisrael years before Theodore Herzl's Zionist manifesto and well before the founding of the State of Israel. 

Here is our first edition.  Please let us know your opinion in the comment section below.

America and Palestine's Jews

Photographic History of American Involvement in the Holy Land 1850-1948

The secret identity of American preacher Mendenhall John Dennis (Mendel Diness of Jerusalem)

In 1988, John Barnier visited a garage sale in St. Paul, Minnesota.  There he found and purchased eight boxes of old photographic glass plates.  Fortunately, Barnier is an expert in the history of photographic printing.

He had little idea that he had uncovered a historic treasure. Later, he viewed the plates and saw that they included old pictures of Jerusalem.  He contacted the Harvard Semitic Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts, known for its large collection of old photographs from the Middle East.

On some of the plates they found the initials MJD. Until then the name Mendel Diness was barely known by scholars.  It was assumed that with the exception of one or two photos his collection was lost. 


The history of the Jewish Legion that fought in Palestine in World War I is relatively unknown.

Many of the soldiers were recruited from the ranks of the disbanded Zion Mule Corps, Palestinian Jews exiled by the Turks in April 1917 who were recruited in Egypt, or from Diaspora Jewry recruited in Canada and the United States.

As many as 500 Jewish Legion soldiers came from North America; many of them were originally from Poland or Russia. One Legionnaire was Pvt. Click to see more

Who knew Calvin Coolidge met the Chief Rabbi of Palestine in the White House?

Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) was a renowned Talmud scholar, Kabbalist and philosopher.  He is considered today as the spiritual father of religious Zionism, breaking away from his ultra-Orthodox colleagues who were often opposed to the largely secular Zionist movement. Born in what is today Latvia, Rabbi Kook moved to Palestine in 1904 to take the post of the Chief Rabbi of  Click to read more

 Click on pictures to enlarge

Mark Twain in the Holy Land, 1867, and the Innocents Abroad

Are these Photographs of Mark Twain's Companions from The Innocents Abroad? 
"The Pilgrims and the Sinners" in the Holy Land

Mark Twain was a relatively unknown writer in 1867 when he visited Palestine in the company of 64 "pilgrims and sinners" and wrote these words:

Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies....Click to read more


 Celebrating July 4th in the Holy Land 1918

The founders of the American Colony in Jerusalem in  1881 were proud of their American roots. The group of utopian, millennialist Christians were later joined by Swedish-American and Swedish believers. 

The American Colony set up clinics, orphanages, cottage industries and soup kitchens for the poor of Jerusalem, earning favor with the Turkish rulers of Palestine. Click to read more


Why was an American flag flying on a Jerusalem steamroller 100 years ago?

The Library of Congress archives includes  two photographs of a steam roller on the streets of Jerusalem.
No explanation was given for the American flag; nor was a definitive date provided. Click to read more


Click picture to enlarge
During the first years of the 20th Century the Jewish population of Eretz Yisrael -- Palestine -- suffered terribly. A massive plague of locusts, famine and disease hit the community hard.  Ottoman officials harassed, tortured, imprisoned and expelled Jews, especially "Zionist" activists.

An account of life in Palestine during the first world war was presented to the World Zionist Congress in 1921 by the London Zionist  Click to read more

 Congressional Visits to Israel Are Not New. Pictures of a Senate Delegation in 1936, a Critical Year

April 1936 was the start of a vicious anti-Semitic and violent "Arab Revolt" in Palestine that would last through 1939.

The murderous attacks against Jews, Jewish communities and Jewish property were widespread throughout Palestine.  British government offices, banks and railroads were also attacked.

Coming so soon after the 1929 massacres of Jews in Palestine and under the looming shadow of the Nazi threat, the attacks against Palestine's Jews alarmed friends of the Zionist Click to read more

What Lincoln Would Have Seen in Jerusalem

Abraham Lincoln "said he wanted to visit the Holy Land and see those places hallowed by the footprints of the Saviour. He was saying there was no city he so much desired to see as Jerusalem," Mary Todd Lincoln told the Springfield, Ill. pastor who presided at Abraham Lincoln's funeral.  She explained that the 16th president told her of his desire before he was fatally shot in Ford's Theater on April 14, 1865.

Truth or Mary Todd Lincoln's imagination?  We can only Click to read more

Click to see Jews of Palestine

Five Wagons Part 2 - Robin McMillan and Rick Joyner

Robin McMillan & Rick Joyner

Five Wagons Part 2 - Robin McMillan and Rick Joyner

Five Wagons Part 2
Rick Joyner
Robin McMillan
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Robin McMillan continues sharing revelation for our time that he received about Five Wagons. In this program, he talks about wagon number three—Hope. The Lord wants you to have hope where you have been hopeless. 

Thank you Lord!

With Thanksgiving Day coming, 
why not start today; 
and tomorrow; 
and each day thereafter 
to thank the Lord Jesus (Yeshua!)

More wagons coming...

Steve & Laurie Martin

Dear readers of our Love For His People Blog:

This word was shared with us this past Saturday by a good friend in the Dallas, Texas area. Encouragement comes for all of us, and so I share it with you too. May it speak to your heart, if you have been waiting, wondering, and wanting to see Him move even more on your behalf too! 

True and good leadership is coming to His people. He is the Good Shepherd, and puts in place those with His pure shepherding heart. 

And if there are  "wrongs" that happened along your path, He will take care of those too, for they need to be righted in certain areas of your life.

Steve Martin

P.S. My third book, "Leadership Through Love" will be out in February 2014. I am so grateful for the many who have already endorsed it, knowing that it can bring healing and light into the leadership vacuum that exists in many areas in business and church leadership realms.

Nov. 16, 2013

I saw you and Laurie driving a covered wagon.  The kind we would see on the very old westerns like "Wagon-Train".   This wagon was pulled by 12 horses, teamed up two by two. There were "treasures" inside the covered wagon area, and resources that were very esteemed by the Lord and very valuable also to people. 

It seems there are some things He has kept 'under cover' / hidden...until the right time, which may be now / soon since He is speaking about it now.   I did see a "wagon-train" behind you.  Your leading the others. 

Holy Spirit highlighted the word "train"....."training".....you guys mentoring/teaching /training others in areas of personal obedience, stewardship, nuggets of wisdom, etc.

He is highlighting this also: "self-restraint"...that you two teach the truths of how a believer lays aside His "self" desires for the desire of our Father...and that you have a special gift and anointing somehow to teach important truths about self-restraint.   I am understanding this to be in short supply, even in  church leadership. 

Okay.....and FYI…

I prayed for His justice / restitution on your behalf....for His blessing to manifest upon you two, your family, the books you've just published, etc.   I believe He is very happy to make the enemy pay-back what was stolen...and I am standing in agreement for it to manifest in all areas, not only spiritually, but pragmatically. 

I am seeing Jacob, and Laban dealing with him in a dishonest and ungodly manner....but God did a supernatural thing and caused Jacob / Israel....to increase and increase and finally set him completely free. 
I remember I shared that with you years ago...He brought that back to my remembrance just now.  Not only 7 fold must the thief repay, but also 100 fold....according to Mark 10:29....which I believe you all qualify for.   

Yes, yes and Y-E-S!!!   yes and amen!!   And we will celebrate much as your flocks and herds increase and as He opens doors for you two that no man can close!!

(The following was added on 11.19.13 in a subsequent e-mail)

Another part of this the word for you and Laurie that I overlooked mentioning the other day.....obviously that is a classic picture of "pioneers & pioneering".....As you two looked just like they must have looked 150 - 200 years ago traveling across America.   Discovering new lands and horizons and being forerunners of 'the new'.    Yes and amen. That is you and Laurie. 

After listening to the word that Robin McMillan shared on the MorningStar Prophetic Perspective episode on Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, I am further encouraged by these words above! (You can see that video link also on this blog, entitled "The Five Wagons - Robin McMillan." Please use the Search box in the top right hand corner of this blog if needed to find it.)

Steve Martin

Five Wagons Part 1 - Robin McMillan

Click here to watch: 

5 Wagons Part 1

Rick Joyner
Robin McMillan
MorningStar Prophetic Perspective

Monday, November 18, 2013

Robin McMillan was commissioned to bring the word of Five Wagons of Revelation. In this program, he is sharing revelation number one: Deliverance from Deserved Circumstances; and revelation number two: Deliverance from Criticism and the Critical Spirit.
Robin McMillan with Rick Joyner

Key Resources for Understanding Israel - The Elijah List

Love For His People Blog Editor's Note: We receive no "commission" or any other benefit from sharing this ad, or any other ad from ministries we appreciate, that we place on our blog (except the sales of my two books, which is from our own inventory. Hope you get them soon!)

Here are several books that I have in my library. I hope you will get them too for yours.


Steve Martin

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The Key to the Middle East by Derek Prince book coverA Rabbi Looks at the Last Days by Jonathan Bernis book cover
Have you been asking all the wrong questions about Israel? In this urgent and updated book, American-Israeli Jewish believer Sandra Teplinsky unravels the mystery and controversy surrounding this important nation.
Why Still Care about Israel?
by Sandra Teplinsky
Internationally renowned teacher Derek Prince goes beyond today’s headlines and immerses you in what the Bible has to say about Israel, offering insights into her long, astonishing history and the mounting tension in this war-torn land.
The Key to the Middle East
by Derek Prince
With a startling yet hopeful
perspective, prominent Messianic rabbi Jonathan Bernis reveals how biblical prophecies of the end times are being fulfilled right now in Israel—and what you can do to help usher in God’s Kingdom.
A Rabbi Looks at
the Last Days

by Jonathan Bernis

60 Questions Christians Ask About Jewish Beliefs and Practices by Michael L. Brown book coverThis comprehensive guide from trusted expert 
Dr. Michael Brown answers the 60 questions Christians ask most frequently 
about Jewish people and culture, and addresses if and how the Old Testament 
Law applies to you.

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November 19, 2013
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Monday, November 18, 2013

Hebrew worship song - "Kadosh" - Joshua Aaron at Succat Hallel

Joshua Aaron

Leading worship at the Succat Hallel dedication 
in Jerusalem Nov. 4, 2013
"Bo Yeshua" (Live Messianic Worship) 2009 © WorshipinIsrael.com songs
"You Are Holy" 2012 © WorshipinIsrael.com songs

Available on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/joshua-aaron/id369109846

Hoshiana: www.Hoshiana.org

Gadol Elohai (How Great is Our God in Hebrew): www.GadolElohai.org

New Covenant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhHGzTCouQA

Salvation is Your Name: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7b99vEDLjk

Kadosh Ata: www.KadoshAta.org

Ministry Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEyGl7CVhhk

Joshua Aaron Manarchuck is an international Messianic worship leader, minister and director of Hallel Ministries International. He maintains citizenship with both the nation of Israel & the United States of America... more info can be found at: www.Joshua-Aaron.org
HOSHIANA (save, please) A Lament for the Nations | "The Lord is My Light"
HOSHIANA (save, please) A Lament for the Nations | "The Lord is My Light"

Worship in Israel

Established by Messianic Worship Leader Joshua Aaron in 2010, WorshipinIsrael.com exists to build a bridge between the global church and the Hebraic roots of Christianity through: Annual Pilgrimages to Israel, Hebraic Worship, Educational materials, Teaching, Media, Merchandise and more. Worship in Israel LLC is a proud sponsor of Hallel Ministries International.

Music Director

Millersburg AG Church
Director of Youth and Worship

Editor's Note: Joshua led worship at the Succat Hallel 24/7 new prayer room location in Jerusalem on Nov. 4, 2013. You can see several of the videos I recorded of that time. YouTube channel: Love For His People Steve Martin

You Are Holy

Joshua Aaron

To preview a song, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to buy and download music.

NameArtistTimePrice 1

Shema (feat. Don Heist) Joshua Aaron 0:50 $0.99 View In iTunes
Gadol Elohai / How Great Is Our God Joshua Aaron 4:49 $0.99 View In iTunes
You Are Holy Joshua Aaron 5:36 $0.99 View In iTunes
Kadosh Ata Joshua Aaron 5:23 $0.99 View In iTunes
Hoshiana Joshua Aaron 6:01 $0.99 View In iTunes
New Covenant Joshua Aaron 3:16 $0.99 View In iTunes
Salvation Is Your Name Joshua Aaron 5:23 $0.99 View In iTunes
Salvation Is Your Name Reprise Joshua Aaron 3:18 $0.99 View In iTunes
Oh, The Blood / Ho Damo Joshua Aaron 3:12 $0.99 View In iTunes
At the Altar Joshua Aaron 4:59 $0.99 View In iTunes
There Is No One Else Like You Joshua Aaron 2:27 $0.99 View In iTunes
Aaronic Benediction (Misha Goetz) Joshua Aaron 3:37 $0.99 View In iTunes

12 Songs

Customer Reviews

by 6kids4god

I love the unison of the two languages and you can just feel his love for God and the music in his voice and notes. Great leader in worship and it helps bring me out of that slum of everyday life as a mom of 6 to know that God is really there and the importance to worship him through it all!!!! Thank you Joshua for your faithfullness to present and share such an awesome gift!!!!!...More

Nothing like it!
by He's Coming Soon

I bought the first one and have been anticipating this new release for quite some time! It is powerful!! If you like to worship to songs with depth this is it. Hoshiana makes me cry every time!!!

Beautiful, reverent, modern indulgent worship!
by singinsongNYC

I guess you could call this shameless praise, but I am sitting here listening to You are Holy, and I am having such a moment. This is excellent in every way. First of all it's amazing worship. It's written well, and the instrumentals are awesome! It's not surprising, but it is definitely worth mentioning because it really does matter. I guess I'm beginning to babble, but you took me there! I LOVE IT!!!!!...More

Top Albums and Songs By Joshua Aaron

Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship)
View In iTunes

You Are Holy
View In iTunes

NameAlbumTimePrice 1
Shofar (Don Heist) Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 0:23 $0.99 View In iTunes
Bo Yeshua (Come Jesus) Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 6:13 $0.99 View In iTunes
Gadol Elohai / How Great Is Our God You Are Holy 4:49 $0.99 View In iTunes
Kadosh Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 7:36 $0.99 View In iTunes
I Exalt Thee Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 3:57 $0.99 View In iTunes
Hatikva (Israeli National Anthem) Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 2:01 $0.99 View In iTunes
Hoshiana You Are Holy 6:01 $0.99 View In iTunes
The Sacrifice Lamb Bo Yeshua (Live Messianic Worship) 6:28 $0.99 View In iTunes
Shema (feat. Don Heist) You Are Holy 0:50 $0.99 View In iTunes
You Are Holy You Are Holy 5:36 $0.99 View In iTunes