Sunday, November 24, 2013

Amy Grant - Saved By Love [live]

    • Over 30 million albums sold worldwide, including 1 Quintuple Platinum album, 1 Triple Platinum, and 1 Double Platinum album, as well as additional 4 Platinum and 6 Gold albums.
      • (2013) How Mercy Looks From Here
      • (2010) Somewhere Down The Road
      • (2008) The Christmas Collection
      • (2008) Lead Me On 20th Anniversary Edition
      • (2007) Greatest Hits
      • (2006) Time Again…Amy Grant Live
      • (2005) Rock of Ages…Hymns & Faith
      • (2004) Greatest Hits 1986 — 2004
      • (2003) Simple Things
      • (2002) (GOLD) Legacy…Hymns & Faith
      • (1999) (GOLD) A Christmas To Remember
      • (1997) (GOLD) Behind the Eyes
      • (1994) (2xs PLATINUM) House of Love
      • (1992) (3xs PLATINUM) Home For Christmas
      • (1991) (5xs PLATINUM) Heart In Motion
      • (1988) (GOLD) Lead Me On
      • (1986) (PLATINUM) The Collection
      • (1985) (PLATINUM) Unguarded
      • (1984) (GOLD) Straight Ahead
      • (1983) (PLATINUM) A Christmas Album
      • (1982) (PLATINUM) Age To Age
      • (1981) Amy Grant “In Concert. Vol. II”
      • (1981) Amy Grant “In Concert”
      • (198O) Never Alone
      • (1979) (GOLD)  Father’s Eyes
      • (1977) (GOLD) Amy Grant

    • “Simple Things” (2003)
    • “Takes a Little Time” (1997)
    • “Things We Do For Love” (1996)
    • “Say You’ll Be Mine” (1994)
    • “House of Love” (1994)
    • “House of Love” (With footage from the motion picture, Speechless) (1994)
    • “Big Yellow Taxi” (1994)
    • “Lucky One” (1994)
    • “Grown-Up Christmas List” (1992)
    • “I Will Remember You” (1992)
    • “Good For Me” (1992)
    • “That’s What Love Is For” (1991)
    • “Every Heartbeat” (1991)
    • “Baby Baby” (1991)
    • “Lead Me On” (1989)
    • “Stay For Awhile” (1989)
    • “Next Time I Fall” (1988)
    • “Wise Up” (1986)
    • “Find A Way” (1986)
    • “It’s Not A Song” (1985)
    • “Angels” (1985)

    TELEVISION APPEARANCES: (partial list only)
    • Three Wishes on NBC (Host)
    • Oprah
    • Good Morning America
    • The Today Show
    • CBS This Morning
    • The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
    • Late Night with David Letterman
    • Late Night with Bob Costas
    • Larry King Live
    • Live With Regis and Kathie Lee
    • The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson
    • The Phil Donahue Show
    • Arsenio Hall
    • The Grammy Awards
    • The American Music Awards
    • Entertainment Tonight
    • Christmas In Washington
    • The Patti LaBelle Special
    • The Prince’s Trust Concert
    • Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • Amy Grant: Headin’ Home for the Holidays
    • CBS: A Christmas To Remember
    • ABC: Christmas with the Stars
    • Lifetime Television Special
    • “Women Rock!: Girls & Guitars”

    • Time Again…Amy Grant Live DVD (2006)
    • Building the House of Love (1994)
    • Amy Grant’s Old Fashioned Christmas (1992) (GOLD)
    • Heart In Motion (1992) (GOLD)
    • Find A Way Video (1986)
    • “In Concert” The Age to Age Tour (1983)
    • A Song From the Heart (1999) CBS “Movie of the Week” (Starring Amy Grant, Keith Carradine, and D.W. Moffett)

    • 1994 — Nomination — Children Spoken Word — Lion & the Lamb
    • 1992 — Nomination — Album of the Year — Heart in Motion
    • 1992 — Nomination — Song of the Year — Baby Baby
    • 1992 — Nomination — Record of the Year — Baby Baby
    • 1992 — Nomination — Pop Performance Female — Baby Baby
    • 2006 — Award — Best Southern, Country, or Bluegrass Gospel Album — Rock of Ages…Hymns & Faith
    • 1988 — Award — Best Contemporary Album — Lead Me On
    • 1986 — Award — Best Gospel Performance – Unguarded
    • 1985 — Award — Best Gospel Performance – Angels
    • 1984 — Award — Best Gospel Performance — Ageless Medley
    • 1983 — Award — Best Contemporary Album — Age to Age

    • 26 Dove Awards — Including 4 Time Artist of the Year
    • 2007    Authored and published the book Mosaic: Pieces of My Life So Far (Random House)
    • 2006    Inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame — Hollywood, CA
    • 2003    Inducted into the Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame
    • 2003    Seminar in the Rockies Summit Award
    • 2001    ”Nashvillian of the Year”
    • 1999    The Nashville Chamber of Commerce, Nashville Symphony and Tennessee Performing Arts Center: “An Evening with the Arts” Honoring Grant’s Contributions to the Nashville Performing Arts Community
    • 1999    The Target House — The Amy Grant Rose
    • 1996    TNN Awards — Sarah Cannon Humanitarian Award
    • 1996    Columbia Hospital — Minnie Pearl Humanitarian Award
    • 1996 ASCAP Award — Voice of America
    • 1996    Academy of Achievement — Golden Plate Award
    • 1994    St. John University — Pax Christi Award
    • 1994    Nashville Symphony — Harmony Award
    • 1992    Junior Chamber of Commerce — Outstanding Tennessean
    • 1992    Nomination — American Music Awards — Best Rock/Pop Performance by a Female
    • 1992    Nomination — MTV Awards — “Baby Baby” Video

    • # 1 “Baby Baby”
    • # 1 “Every Heartbeat”
    • # 1 “That’s What Love Is For”
    • # 1 “I Will Remember You”
    • # 1 “Lucky One”
    • # 1 “Next Time I Fall”

    TOP 5
    • “Good For Me”
    • Top 5 “House of Love”
    • Top 5 “Takes A Little Time”
    • Top 5 “Like I Love You”
    • Top 10 “Big Yellow Taxi”
    • Top 10 “I Will Be Your Friend” On the
    • 1991 Year End

    Saturday, November 23, 2013

    A Blessed Man, 'Tis I

    I am a blessed man...

    To have two fathers in heaven who love me 
    - my heavenly Father and my Dad.

    To have a Savior who has forgiven me of my sins, 
    and loves all as no other can.

    For having my Mom for over 59 years now, 
    who cheers me on. And with Bill too.

    To have a good wife for 36 years, and counting.
    My helpmate through and through.

    For my four adult children, their spouses, 
    and our six grandchildren... 
    whom they are now raising
     in a godly manner.

    For having many brothers and sisters too. 
    One right after another!

    Giving thanks for Laurie's Mom Lorraine, 
    and good sister Linda.
    And remembering Otto, my father-in-law, 
    a godly man, what a wonder.

    I am a blessed man, 
    to have faithful friends 
    who stand with you, 
    while others have 
    come and gone.

    Such as these, Peter & Joy Wyns,
    who held us up in transition times, 
    when ministry desires seemed thin.

    For worldwide bonds 
    in Israel, 
    Canada, the UK; 
    and even far beyond.

    Daily I see His 
    purposes and plans 
    being worked out here. 
    Accomplished they are!

    For these I give thanks 
    to the Lord on High;
    A blessed man, 'tis I.


    Steve Martin
    Nov. 23, 2013

    And for our pet Dachshund Zoe, 
    who loves her daddy too!

    "“Expectations & Hope” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)

           “Expectations & Hope” 

     “It all accords with my earnest expectation and hope that I will have nothing to be ashamed of; but rather, now, as always, the Messiah will be honored by my body, whether it is alive or dead. For to me, life is the Messiah…” (Phil. 1:20-21, CJB Complete Jewish Bible)

    Dear family of friends,

    On the early morning during my time with the Lord, on my 59th birthday Nov. 23, 2013, I was again thinking of the enormous thanksgiving that was welling up in my heart the past few days. It was the same sense I get when the Lord is wanting to use me to express a prophetic word - that moment when my heart beats faster, my stomach starts to whirl, and I know His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew) is moving. Usually I just get a word or two, and know He wants me to step out in faith, trusting He will give me more as I obey His prompting.

    It is when He says to my spirit, “Speak, for I am giving you something to say right now.” Or in this case, to write now.

    This time He again just gave me two words - expectations and hope. And so I started to write this Ahava Love Letter, believing more would come as I wrote.

    Expectations can really give us hope, for something exciting to happen, or believing a turn is coming in the road ahead that will bring a better situation in our life. Expectations can last a day, or even a lifetime. They can give us something good to look forward to, as we walk through the daily life we have.

    Or they can result in a crash when the event or desire we are seeking to bring fulfillment doesn’t come about as we had hoped. That particular thing we were looking to falls below our anticipated expectation, and disappointment results. By God’s grace we can get over it quickly and move on. Other times it will cripple us and wound our spirit more than we even realize, even for the long term.

    You and I both know that there have been many times when we were expecting someone to do something on our behalf, or a big event was to occur, but the end result was far short of what we had thought it would be. We had “high hopes”, but then felt the sting of another “it happened again as I really thought it would” which we had secretly considered.

    I can look back at previous expectations and hopes, and believe I have learned a thing or two to share with you. When I stop and think about what my hope and expectation was founded on, there is indeed a lesson taught. I realized that when my hope was on something temporary, or in someone who really didn’t have the capacity to fulfill it, the glitter and glory was just a shadow. We experienced the failure, because the capacity to fulfill the hope wasn’t there to begin with. When that which we hope in is less then what it could be, then disappointment always happens.

    By this time you may know where I am going with this.

    It is great to dream, to expect, to hope for a better future. We are meant to be that type of people, who look forward to a better tomorrow. That is something the Lord puts in our hearts, to help in our motivations, to keep us pushing forward, to reach the mark set before us by our Father.

    I have come to the point now that I regularly declare, “My times are in Your hands.” (Psalm 31:15) Putting my trust in His purposes and plans has given me a strong foundation on which to place my expectations and hopes. He is strong. He is able. He is the One who will never fail us or lack in His ability to fulfill His promises. Because He is God, and because only He can.

    Days are ahead, and actually here now, when our need to depend on Him for all things will greatly be tested. If our hopes and expectations are put on that which can and will crumble, our faith will fail us and we will lose our way. IF we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus (Yeshua), the Author and Finisher of our faith, we will be able to stand, have our hopes fulfilled, and see desired expectations completed.

    My trust is in Him. I hope yours is today also, and grows stronger in each forth coming day.

    Ahava to my family of friends,

    Steve Martin
    Love For His People

    Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

    Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

    Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

    Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People

    If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

    Contribution checks can be sent to: 
    Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134
    Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
    Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon , plus other website book stores.
    You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for $14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
    Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


    Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People  
    Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

                Ahava Love Letters
    Full website: Love For His People

    Ahava Love Letter #88   “Expectations & Hope”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
    Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (11/23/13 Saturday at 7:30 am in Charlotte, NC). The day of my 59th birthday!!!

    All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

    Friday, November 22, 2013

    Jerusalem Old City streets at night...

    Published on Nov 16, 2013
    As part of our Love For His People "Ahava Adventrures" trip, my son Ben and I walked to the Western Wall on a Monday night on Nov. 4, 2013.Beautiful night! And safe!

    Come along, as we head to the Kotel (Western Wall) and record along the way.

    Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

    You can help Love For His People in a free, simple way.

    Make the holidays even more 

    special for Love For His People, Inc.

    Editor's Note: I use this free 
    way to earn donation money 
    for the ministry all the time. 
    It works and is real 
    simple to use! 
    Steve Martin


    Even people who don't shop often shop online this time of year.  
    Like you, they probably want to make sure Shopping = Giving at 
    stores like Amazon, jcpenney, Macys, Nordstrom, and lots, lots more.  
    Asking them to help is as simple as forwarding this email.  As always, 
    it's completely free, all costs are paid for by the stores. Over 1,000 of
     the greatest stores participate.

    Now is the moment for maximum help for Love For His People, Inc..  
    That's why we're giving Love For His People, Inc. an extra $5 for 
    every new member that tries the iGive Button, even if they don't 
    end up shopping.

    Share now by forwarding this email, posting on Facebook, 
    or even tweeting.  

    Here's the special link you must use: 

    $5 Free for evey new member who tries iGive before Cyber Monday

    The optional iGive Button makes it really, really simple

    It automatically makes sure that a portion of your purchases 
    at over 1,000 stores means a free donation to the cause of 
    your choice.  Shopping = Giving year 'round.  The Button makes 
    sure every purchase counts, even if you forget.  Use an iPad or 
    iPhone? It's very easy to help - just visit and start 
    your shopping there!

    Robert Grosshandler

    Hope you sign up to help 
    Love for His People, Inc.! 
    Click here to consider:

    Time to Accept Messianic Jews?

    Israelis Ask: Time to Accept Messianic Jews?

    Friday, November 22, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
    At least two Israeli news agencies on Thursday ran the same story wondering whether it was time for the mainstream Jewish community to finally accept Messianic Jews as a legitimate and vital part of the tribe.
    The article by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) highlighted former US President George W. Bush's recent keynote address at the annual conference of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute in Dallas.
    Mainstream American Jewish groups were incredulous that Bush would provide such legitimacy to a movement they view as a deceitful ploy to convert Jews away from Judaism.
    But Messianic Jewish leaders told the JTA that while the "gatekeepers" of mainstream Judaism are often "overzealous" in their approach to Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus), most average Jews are welcoming.
    Indeed, Israel Today has noticed much the same in our reporting from the Jewish state over the past decade. As mainstream Orthodox Jewish leaders become more vocal in their opposition to the Messianic community, mainstream Israeli society has actually become far more accepting.
    Two years ago, Israel's government-controlled Channel One News broadcast a special segment that harshly criticized anti-missionary Orthodox groups for harassing Messianic Jews.
    Want more news from Israel?
    Click Here to sign up for our FREE daily email updates