Friday, November 29, 2013

Century-Old Photos Revealed by Oregon State University, Part 1. The Collection Includes an Interesting Historical Commentary

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 27 Nov 2013 11:07 PM PST
Rachel's Tomb (circa 1910) Note the camels and carriages. (Oregon State University Archives)

Oregon State University has an unusual collection of 100+ year old photographs of Palestine --  not necessarily unusual because of the photographs, which are exceptional, but also because of the historic narration provided to most of the pictures. 

Tiberias (circa 1910, Oregon State University Archives)
The "historic lecture booklet" referenced in many of the captions, explains Trevor Sandgathe, the Public Services Coordinator of OSU's Special Collections & Archives Research Center, "is a 60-page document containing captions for each of the images in this particular set of lantern slides.  The booklet was for internal use and therefore unpublished."

We provide here a first set of OSU's pictures and the original captions (in blue).

"Tiberias ... is on the western shore of the lake of Galilee about seven miles from its southern end. The lake lies 627 feet below the level of the Mediterranean; the city is on a plain a few feet above the lake. 
After the destruction of Jerusalem, Tiberias became the seat of many Jewish schools. Here the Mishna was complied [sic] and published about A.D. 220, and the Palestinian Talmud about 420. Here the vowel points were added to the Hebrew Bible about 600 A.D. Of its present population of 4,000 two-thirds are Jews." 

The Jews' Wailing Place- Outer Wall of Temple  (circa 1910, 
Oregon State University Archives)
"Leaving the temple area by the Cotton Gate, a turn to the left will bring one to the wailing place of the Jews which is a portion of the western wall of the temple area. 

The figures leaning against the weather-beaten wall, shedding tears, present a touching scene. Some professionals come to mourn for others, whose business detains them, but one old woman was actually bathing the walls and flagstones below with hot tears. On a Friday afternoon or a Saturday morning, great throngs of Jews may be seen here all unconscious of the presence and clicking of cameras. 

This is as close to the temple area as the Jews ever go, for none of them wish to commit the enormous sin of treading upon the Holy of Hollies. As nearly as the Middle Ages, probably, the Jews came hither to wail. They are free to do so now, but in ages past they had to pay large sums for this privilege."

Jaffa Gate (prior to 1908 when a clock tower was built at the gate, post-1898
when the wall was breached to build this road  (circa 1910,
 Oregon State University Archives)  More pictures of Jaffa Gate here

"The Jaffa gate is the only gate on the western side of Jerusalem. It is so called because through it passes the road and the traffic to and from Jaffa.
 It is one of eight gates in the city wall, of which one, the golden Gate, had long been walled up. the Jaffa gate is called by the Moslem, Bab el-Khalil, that is Gate of the Friend (of God) - Abraham, because from this gate is the road to Hebron where Abraham lived.
The scene is liveliest on Sunday, and on Friday --- the holy day of the Mohammedans. Then the Jaffa road appears as the principal promenade of the natives." 


Responsible Archivists Preserve Their Photographic Treasures

Abraham's Well, Beer Sheba  (circa 1910, Oregon State University Archives)
The wells of Beer Sheba were a strategic location during the battles of
World War I. Read more here

A Christmas Song (with Lyrics) (+playlist)

A great christmas song by MercyMe
All credits for lyrics go to
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John G. Elliott - "The Divine Order"

John G. Elliott  
Weekly Devotional
  #261 | November 26, 2013|

Your attitude reveals your heart and your heart reveals you.

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The Divine Order 

“As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man” (Proverbs 27:19)

Attitude is a door opener. Attitude is a door closer. Attitude can clear a path through a host of obstacles or attitude can construct obstacles that shut down the ablest of souls. One noted Bible teacher actually said “Attitude is everything.”

People are drawn to a person who radiates a positive, healthy frame of mind. Opportunities seem to gravitate toward people who maintain a vibrant mind-set. Hopefulness is an attitude that springs from the well of faith. Disciples who maintain hopefulness have taken a firm grip on Scriptures such as“God causes all things to work together for good. . .” (Romans 8:28). They learn to anticipate “good” coming out of any situation. They are not afraid of the future because they “see” the good Lord God having gone on before them and working on the completion of an overall design.

What you believe determines what you see. Not the other way around. Faith is the “seeing-power” behind the “eyes of the heart” (Ephesians 1:18). The Apostle Thomas was awarded the infamous title of Doubting Thomas because he got it backwards. “Unless I see. . . I will not believe it” (John 20:25).Thomas did not yet understand that first you must “see” before you can see. This is the Divine Order. Our Master put it this way, “Believe and you will see” (John ). To believe is to see with the heart. Then, and only then, do we taste the delicious fruit that faith produces.

The Divine Order does not pose a problem for the student of science or the person who considers themselves “logical.” The “natural” eye, even when aided by all manner of devices and technology that increase the accuracy of observation, is still a very limited form of perception. The person who seeks to understand the vast spectrum of life in this universe solely or primarily through scientific observation, is uniquely myopic and seriously limited. Such an approach accumulates data but is ill-equipped to determine meaning and purpose.

The Word of God is the true optic nerve behind “sight”. The maturing pilgrim can enter into a situation where everything they see with the natural eye speaks of impossibility, defeat and hopelessness; yet they cling to the Word and thus are enabled to “see” what most people cannot. Some might call this “positive thinking” – and it is undoubtedly so – faith will always look for the God-side of things – the One Who is the most forward-thinking and positive Being in the universe.

2013 Galestorm Music Inc

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Editor's Note: John is a good friend. He led many of our conferences in Charlotte, NC back in the 1990's. We love his music too!  

Steve Martin, Love For His People

P.S. And he likes sushi too!

Yeshua Campaign Causes Buzz in Southern Israel

Yeshua Campaign Causes Buzz in Southern Israel

Friday, November 29, 2013 |  David Lazarus, Israel Today  
When an Israeli army general noticed the Yeshua placards along the highway on his way to base in Beersheva, he called his battalion to a special meeting and explained to his soldiers who these “Messianic Jews are and what they believe about Yeshua.”
While the gospel campaign by Jews for Jesus created a lot of buzz among local residents, not everyone was as sympathetic toward the Messianics as the general.
“May his name be cut off forever,” screamed Ofer Karadi, a member of the ultra-orthodox Shas party, when a Messianic Jew dared to mention the name of Yeshua (Jesus) on the Radio Darom morning program.
With all the commotion stirred up in the Negev by the campaign, the popular radio station was interviewing the local Shas representative together with the deputy mayor of Beersheva and a local Messianic Jew.
“Are you so degenerate as to allow this impious infidel to even speak on the radio,” shouted Karadi in reference to his Messianic co-guest. “It is unacceptable to allow these degenerates to speak about these things in our city.”
“These are all lies. Let them (Messianics) go to the Bedouins and tell them about Yesu. You should never give these infidels a microphone. You should hit him over the head with the microphone!” shouted the orthodox Shas representative.
Pleading to give others an opportunity to respond, the host asked Karadi to “please show some respect to others.”
“I respect everyone,” responded Karadi. “How degenerate can you people get. These people are criminals of humanity. They have nothing. No intelligence. Where do they get this stupidity. They should be sent out of the country.”
“What do you say about this campaign to tell people about Yeshua?” the host was finally able to ask his Messianic guest.
“Some within the Messianic community are opposed to think kind of public campaign. Although every believer is commanded to tell others about our faith. Everyone should at least have the opportunity to check for himself what the Hebrew Bible teaches about the Messiah,” said the local Jewish believer.
“How can you give a platform for these empty-headed people,” cut in Karadi. “They are extremists. They are causing a civil war here in Israel!” (what this really means is that if Messianic Jews keep preaching the gospel in Israel, the orthodox will rise up with violent resistance).
“Is Judaism so weak that you need to make these kind of threats to Jews who believe in Yeshua?” retored the host.
When Karadi continued shouting his anti- Messianic slogans, the announcer finally had enough and said “good-by” before turning off his microphone.
“What do you say to all this?” he asked the Messianic Jew, who responded:
“Yeshua is like Joseph in the Torah portion we read this week. He is still hidden to his own people. But the day is coming when he will be revealed. Everyone should be allowed to read for himself what the Scriptures teach about the Messiah and come to his or her own conclusion. We are Jews who believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah for Israel. We are here to give everyone at least an opportunity to decide for themselves if Yeshua is our Messiah.”
“What do you say about all this, Mr. Deputy Mayor?” asked the host.
“I represent all of the citizens of Beersheva,” he said with some trepidation. “I want to be friends with everyone on all sides.” Not an easy task given the religious fervor stirred up when Jews believe in Jesus.
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4HIM - The Season Of Love (+playlist)

First track from 4HIM's only Christmas CD, 
"Christmas: The Season Of Love".

Precious Promise - Steven Curtis Chapman

Great video to Steven Curtis Chapman's Christmas song "Precious Promise" from "The Nativity Story"

Hanukkah Hanukiyahs! and Shabbat Shalom!

Alex Levin's website: Alex Levin

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah!

Thanksgiving and Hanukkah occurred last on the same day in 1888 and it will not occur again for another 77,798 years. 

Let's celebrate these two "Feasts of Dedication" with great joy and thankfulness!

Messianic Jewish Candle Lighting Ceremony For Hanukah

Messianic Jewish Candle Lighting Ceremony For Hanukah


In seeking a practical expression for this holy day, believers in Messiah Yeshua can incorporate many beautiful traditions. The observance is centered on the hanukiyah (9 candle menorah) and what it represents. 

Each evening during  Hanukah family and friends gather to light the hanukiyah with the appropriate number of candles. The branches of the hanukiyah represent the eight days of Hanukah, plus one shamash candle used to light the others.

Note: the appropriate numbers of candles are placed in the hanukiyah from right to left, yet they are kindled by the shamash from left to right. 

On the first night of Hanukah, after sundown, the shamash (servant) candle is lit, which in turn is used to kindle the first candle in the Menorah. The second night, we light the shamash again and use it to light the two right candles. This continues through the eight nights of the Hanukah.

During the lighting of the shamash and the appropriate number of candles, the following blessings are chanted:


Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments, and commanded us to light Hanukah lights.

Baruch Ata Adonai Elohaynu Melech ha-olam, ah-sher kid-shah-nu b'mitz-voh-tayv v'tzee-vah-nu l'had-leek ner shel Hanukah.

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our fathers in those days at this season.

Baruch Ata Adonai Elohaynu Melech ha-olam, she-ah-sah ni-seem la-ah-vo-tay-nu ba-ya-meem ha-hem baz-man ha-zeh.

 (Messianic version)

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has given us holidays, customs, and times of happiness, to increase the knowledge of God and to build us up in our most holy faith.

Baruch Ata Adonai Elohaynu Melech ha-olam, ah-sher nah-tan lah-nu cha-gim, min-ha-gim, oo-mo-ah-dim l'sim-cha, l'hag-deel et da-at Adonai, v'liv-not oh-tah-nu b'emunah ki-do-shah v'na-ah-lah.

Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our fathers in those days at this season.

Baruch Ata Adonai Elohaynu Melech ha-olam, she-ah-sah ni-seem la-ah-vo-tay-nu ba-ya-meem ha-hem baz-man ha-zeh.
(On the first night you can add
Blessed are You O Lord our God, King of the universe, who granted us life, sustained us and permitted us to reach this season.

Baruch Ata Adonai Elohaynu Melech ha-olam, she-he-che-yanu v'kee-ma-nu v'hi-gee-ah-nu laz-man ha-zeh.

Note: Traditionally, the candles are lit from right to left. The first candle is placed on the right side of the Menorah, and the second one placed directly to the left. But lighting them starts from the left and moves to the right. Thus the first candle that is lit is the new candle added for that day. The Shammash candle (the tallest) is used to light the others.

Meaning of the Candles

Shamash (Servant) Candle

Messiah Yeshua stated in Mark 10:44-45:

    Whoever wishes to be first among you shall be the servant of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

First Candle

Genesis 1:3-4 describes the creation of the first light:

    God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.

Second Candle

Exodus 13:21-22 reveals that God is the source of Israel's light:

    And the Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way, and in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

Third Candle

King David reminds us in Psalm 27:1 and Psalm 18:28 that God Himself is the source of our own individual light:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? For You light my lamp; the Lord my God illumines my darkness.

Fourth Candle

Psalm 119:105 and Psalm 119:130 describe the light that comes from God's Word:

    Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. The unfolding of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.

Fifth Candle

Messiah Yeshua is the greatest light of all:

    In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it (John 1:4-5). As Messiah Yeshua was in the Temple in Jerusalem watching the illuminating lights, He declared: "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). 

Aged Simeon was promised by the Lord that he would not die until he saw Israel's Messiah. When he saw Yeshua as an infant in the Temple, he knew that this One was the light of Israel and the Nations. 

Simeon declared: "My eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation to the gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel" (Luke 2:30-32). For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Messiah (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Thanksgivukkah: When Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Collide

Thanksgivukkah: When Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Collide

Wednesday, November 27, 2013 |  Ariel Rudolph  
As most of us know, Hanukkah commemorates the miracle of the oil. Once the Maccabees restored the Temple to Jewish control, the Temple oil burned for eight days when there was only enough oil to burn for one.
One of the traditions of Hanukkah is to eat foods cooked in oil and to give thanks to God for the miracle He gave to His faithful servants.
The American holiday of Thanksgiving is all about fellowship. It is about spending time with others we care about, sharing all the blessings that God has bestowed upon us, and lets us show the others in our lives the good fortune we have through faith in God.
Let’s look at Leviticus 7:12. This is a passage about the Fellowship Offering and it says, If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer with the thanksgiving sacrifice unleavened loaves mixed with oil, unleavened wafers smeared with oil, and loaves of fine flour well mixed with oil.
As we can see in Leviticus 7, the Fellowship Offering of Thanksgiving involves food with oil! Wow. Not only that, but this type of offering was meant to be eaten in a fellowship meal, much like our Thanksgiving dinners today, The meat of their fellowship offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the day it is offered; they must leave none of it till morning(Leviticus 7:15).
This year as we cook the turkey and prepare the other family tradition favorites, you might want to consider adding some Hanukkah favorites as well. Latkes are potato pancakes cooked in oil; they would be the perfect addition to a Thanksgiving meal, and fulfill a biblical Thanksgiving offering of unleavened wafers with oil.
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Thanksgiving Time! Turkey Too!


The Yeshiva Boys Choir - "Those Were The Nights (of Chanukah)"

Here's a link to buy the Album (YBC 5 "Chanukah" - Available as a download or CD):

"Those Were The Nights (of Chanukah)"
The Yeshiva Boys Choir

Song Composed, Arranged & Produced By Eli Gerstner (EG Productions)
Lyrics By Yossi Toiv & Eli Gerstner
Video Edited & Directed By Mario Costabile
Music by The Yosis Orchestra
Choir Conducted By Yossi Newman
Vocals Recorded @ EG Studios By Yossi Newman & Eli Gerstner
Mastered By Larry Gates @ Gater Music
Mixed By Eli Gerstner @ EG Studios

Bubby burned the Latkes every Chanukah
Forgot them in the frying pan each year
While we were having fun playing Dreidle
Smoke alarms were wailing everywhere
Firemen were breaking all the windows
Zeidy closed his eyes, began to pray
Those Latkes had no luck
Our mouths bit down & stuck
But Bubby made us eat them anyway

Those were the nights of Chanukah
I remember long ago
When our family got together
Little eyes aglow
Multi-colored candles burning
As the joyous songs were sung
How I miss the Menorah lights
When we were all so young

Uncle Jake brought donuts by the dozen
He warned us that Aunt Bertha couldn't bake
But Uncle Hymie ate one singing Maoz Tzur
And that was Uncle Hymie's big mistake
Our parents stood there beaming as they called us
And handed us our presents one by one
Bathed in the light
The Menorah burning bright
Sweet memories as brilliant as the sun


Where are those nights? Full of fun, full of lights
I can still hear their laughter and songs
But though they are gone, their spirit still lives on
For Bubby's love is still alive and strong

Those were the nights of Chanukah
Spent with family and friends
Filled with dreams and laughter
That we thought would never end
So cherish your moments together
It's what Bubby would have done
And we wish a happy Chanukah
To everyone!

© Copyright Eli Gerstner 2010. All Rights Reserved.
For More Information About YBC:
Please Call EG Productions @ 718-853-9403
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